The following nuclear reaction occurred: 18 8 o. Nuclear reactions (problems)

1. List several nuclear reactions in which the 8Be isotope can be formed.

2. What minimum kinetic energy in the laboratory system Tmin must a neutron have in order for the reaction 16 O(n,α) 13 C to become possible?

3. Is the reaction 6 Li(d,α) 4 He endothermic or exothermic? The specific binding energies of nuclei in MeV are given: ε(d) = 1.11; ε() = 7.08; ε(6 Li) = 5.33.

4. Determine the T pore thresholds for 12 C photocleavage reactions.

  1. γ + 12 C → 11 C + n
  2. γ + 12 C → 11 V + r
  3. γ + 14 C → 12 C + n + n

5. Determine the reaction thresholds: 7 Li(p,α) 4 He and 7 Li(p,γ) 8 Be.

6. Determine what minimum energy a proton must have in order for the reaction p + d → p + p + n to become possible. Excess masses are given. Δ(1 H) = 7.289 MeV, Δ(2 H) = 13.136 MeV,
Δ(n) = 8.071 MeV.

7. Are reactions possible:

  1. α + 7 Li → 10 B + n;
  2. α + 12 C → 14 N + d

under the influence of α-particles with kinetic energy T = 10 MeV?

8. Identify particle X and calculate reaction energies Q in the following cases:

1. 35 Cl + X→ 32 S + α; 4. 23 Na + p→ 20 Ne + X;
2. 10 B + X→ 7 Li + α; 5. 23 Na + d→ 24 Mg + X;
3. 7 Li + X → 7 Be + n; 6. 23 Na + d→ 24 Na + X.

9. What minimum energy Tmin must a deuteron have in order to excite a state with energy E exc = 1.75 MeV as a result of inelastic scattering on a 10 B nucleus?

10. Calculate the reaction threshold: 14 N + α→ 17 O + p, in two cases, if the incident particle is:
1) α-particle,
2) 14 N nucleus. Reaction energy Q = 1.18 MeV. Explain the result.

1. d(p,γ) 3 He; 5. 32 S(γ,p) 31 P;
2. d(d, 3 He)n; 6. 32 (γ,n) 31 S;
3. 7 Li(p,n) 7 Be; 7. 32 S(γ,α) 28 Si;
4. 3 He(α,γ) 7 Be; 8. 4 He(α,p) 7 Li;

12. What nuclei can be formed as a result of reactions under the influence of: 1) protons with an energy of 10 MeV on a target of 7 Li; 2) 7 Li nuclei with an energy of 10 MeV on a hydrogen target?

13. The 7 LI nucleus captures a slow neutron and emits a γ-quantum. What is the energy of a γ-quantum?

14. Determine in a laboratory system the kinetic energy of the 9 Be nucleus formed at a threshold value of neutron energy in the reaction 12 C(n,α) 9 Be.

15. When a natural boron target was irradiated, the appearance of radioactive isotopes with half-lives of 20.4 min and 0.024 s was observed. What isotopes were formed? What reactions led to the formation of these isotopes?

16. A natural boron target is bombarded with protons. After the end of irradiation, the particle detector registered an activity of 100 Bq. After 40 min, the activity of the sample decreased to ~25 Bq. What is the source of activity? What nuclear reaction is happening?

17. An α-particle with kinetic energy T = 10 MeV experiences an elastic head-on collision with a 12 C nucleus. Determine the kinetic energy in hp. 12 C T C nuclei after collision.

18. Determine the maximum and minimum energies of 7 Be nuclei formed in the reaction
7 Li(p,n) 7 Be (Q = -1.65 MeV) under the influence of accelerated protons with energy T p = 5 MeV.

19. -Particles emitted at an angle θ inelastic = 30 0 as a result of the inelastic scattering reaction with excitation of the state of the 12 C nucleus with energy E exc = 4.44 MeV, have the same energy in hp as those elastically scattered on the same nucleus α- particles at an angle θ control = 45 0. Determine the energy of α-particles incident on the target.

20. α-Particles with energy T = 5 MeV interact with the stationary 7 Li nucleus. Determine the magnitude of the pulses in the S.C.I. generated as a result of the reaction 7 Li(α,n) 10 B neutron p α and 10 B p Be nucleus.

21. Using the reaction 32 S(α,p) 35 Cl, low-lying excited states of 35 Cl (1.219; 1.763; 2.646; 2.694; 3.003; 3.163 MeV) are studied. Which of these states will be excited by a beam of α-particles with an energy of 5.0 MeV? Determine the energies of protons observed in this reaction at angles 0 0 and 90 0 at E = 5.0 MeV.

22. Using the impulse diagram, obtain the relationship between the angles in hp. and s.c.i.

23. A proton with kinetic energy T a = 5 MeV strikes a 1 H nucleus and is elastically scattered on it. Determine the energy T B and scattering angle θ B of the recoil nucleus 1 N, if the proton scattering angle θ b = 30 0.

24. The t(d,n)α reaction is widely used to produce neutrons. Determine the energy of neutrons T n emitted at an angle of 90 0 in a neutron generator using deuterons accelerated to an energy T d = 0.2 MeV.

25. To produce neutrons, the reaction 7 Li(p,n) 7 Be is used. Proton energy T p = 5 MeV. The experiment requires neutrons with energy T n = 1.75 MeV. At what angle θ n relative to the direction of the proton beam will neutrons with such energy be emitted? What will be the spread of neutron energies ΔT if they are isolated using a 1 cm collimator located at a distance of 10 cm from the target.

26. Determine the orbital moment of tritium l t formed in the reaction 27 Al(,t) 28 Si, if the orbital moment of the incident α particle l α = 0.

27. At what relative orbital angular momentum of a proton is the nuclear reaction p + 7 Li → 8 Be * → α + α possible?

28. With what orbital momenta l p can protons be emitted in the reaction 12 C(,p) 11 B, if: 1) the final nucleus is formed in the ground state, and an E2 photon is absorbed; 2) the final nucleus is formed in the 1/2 + state, and the M1 photon is absorbed; 3) the final nucleus is formed in the ground state, and the E1 photon is absorbed?

29. As a result of the absorption of an -quantum by the nucleus, a neutron with orbital momentum l n = 2 is emitted. Determine the multipoleity of the -quantum if the final nucleus is formed in the ground state.

30. The 12 C nucleus absorbs a γ-quantum, as a result of which a proton with orbital momentum l = 1 is emitted. Determine the multipoleity of the absorbed γ-quantum if the final nucleus is formed in the ground state?

31. Determine the orbital momentum of the deuteron l d in the pickup reaction 15 N(n,d) 14 C, if the orbital momentum of the neutron l n = 0.

33. The 40 Ca nucleus absorbs the E1 γ-quantum. What single-particle transitions are possible?

34. The 12 C nucleus absorbs the E1 γ-quantum. What single-particle transitions are possible?

35. Is it possible to excite a state with characteristics J P = 2 + , I = 1 in the reaction of inelastic scattering of deuterons on a 10 V nucleus?

36. Calculate the scattering cross section of a particle with an energy of 3 MeV in the Coulomb field of the 238 U nucleus in the angle range from 150 0 to 170 0.

37. A gold plate with a thickness of d = 0.1 mm is irradiated by a beam of α-particles with an intensity of N 0 = 10 3 particles/s. Kinetic energy of -particles T = 5 MeV. How many α-particles per unit solid angle fall per second onto a detector located at an angle = 170 0? Density of gold ρ = 19.3 g/cm3.

38. A collimated beam of α-particles with energy T = 10 MeV falls perpendicularly onto copper foil with a thickness of δ = 1 mg/cm 2. Particles scattered at an angle = 30 are detected by a detector with an area S = 1 cm 2 located at a distance l = 20 cm from the target. What fraction of the total number of scattered α particles will be recorded by the detector?

39. When studying the reaction 27 Al(p,d) 26 Al under the influence of protons with energy T p = 62 MeV in the deuteron spectrum measured at an angle θ d = 90 using a solid angle detector
dΩ = 2·10 -4 sr, peaks with energies T d = 45.3 were observed; 44.32; 40.91 MeV. With a total charge of protons q = 2.19 mC incident on a target with a thickness of δ = 5 mg/cm2, the number of counts N in these peaks was 5180, 1100, and 4570, respectively. Determine the energies of the levels of the 26 Al nucleus, the excitation of which was observed in this reaction. Calculate the differential cross sections dσ/dΩ of these processes.

40. The integral cross section for the reaction 32 S(γ,p) 31 P with the formation of the final 31 P nucleus in the ground state at an energy of incident γ quanta equal to 18 MeV is 4 mb. Estimate the value of the integral cross section of the reverse reaction 31 P(p,γ) 32 S, corresponding to the same excitation energy of the 32 S nucleus as in the reaction 32 S(γ,p) 31 P. Take into account that this excitation is removed due to the γ transition to the ground state.

41. Calculate the intensity of the neutron beam J with which a 55 Mn plate of thickness d = 0.1 cm was irradiated for t act = 15 min, if t cool = 150 min after the end of irradiation, its activity I was 2100 Bq. The half-life of 56 Mn is 2.58 hours, the activation cross section is σ = 0.48 b, the density of the plate substance is ρ = 7.42 g/cm3.

42. The differential reaction cross section dσ/dΩ at an angle of 90 0 is 10 mb/sr. Calculate the value of the integral cross section if the angular dependence of the differential cross section has the form 1+2sinθ.

43. The scattering of slow (T n 1 keV) neutrons on the nucleus is isotropic. How can this fact be explained?

44. Determine the excitation energy of a compound nucleus formed when an α-particle with energy T = 7 MeV is captured by a stationary 10 V nucleus.

45. In the cross section of the reaction 27 Al (α,р) 30 Si, maxima are observed at α-particle energies T 3.95; 4.84 and 6.57 MeV. Determine the excitation energies of the compound nucleus corresponding to the maxima in the cross section.

46. With what orbital momentum can protons with Тр = 2 MeV be scattered on the 112 Sn nucleus?

47. Estimate the cross section for the formation of a compound nucleus during the interaction of neutrons with kinetic energy T n = 1 eV with gold nuclei 197 Au.

48. Estimate the cross section for the formation of a compound nucleus during the interaction of neutrons with kinetic energy T n = 30 MeV with gold nuclei 197 Au.

Theory: Nuclear reactions obey the laws of conservation of mass and charge.
The total mass before the reaction is equal to the total mass after the reaction, the total charge before the reaction is equal to the total charge after the reaction.
For example:
Isotopes are varieties of a given chemical element that differ in the mass of their atomic nuclei. those. The mass numbers are different, but the charge numbers are the same.

The figure shows the chain of transformations of uranium-238 into lead-206. Using the data in the figure, select two correct ones from the proposed list of statements. Indicate their numbers.

1) In the chain of transformations of uranium-238 into stable lead-206, six helium nuclei are released.
2) Polonium-214 has the shortest half-life in the presented chain of radioactive transformations.
3) Lead with atomic mass 206 undergoes spontaneous alpha decay.
4) Uranium-234, unlike uranium-238, is a stable element.
5) The spontaneous transformation of bismuth-210 into polonium-210 is accompanied by the emission of an electron.
Solution: 1) In the chain of transformations of uranium-238 into stable lead-206, not six, but eight helium nuclei are released.
2) Polonium-214 has the shortest half-life in the presented chain of radioactive transformations. The diagram shows that the time is the shortest for polonium-214
3) Lead with atomic mass 206 does not undergo spontaneous alpha decay, it is stable.
4) Uranium-234, unlike uranium-238, is not a stable element.
5) The spontaneous transformation of bismuth-210 into polonium-210 is accompanied by the emission of an electron. Because a beta particle was released.
Answer: 25
OGE assignment in physics (fipi): What particle X was released as a result of the reaction?

Solution: mass before the reaction 14 + 4 = 18 amu, charge 7e + 2e = 9e, in order for the law of conservation of mass and charge to be satisfied, particle X must have 18 - 17 = 1 amu. and 9e - 8e = 1e, therefore particle X is a proton.
Answer: 4
OGE assignment in physics (fipi): The thorium nucleus became a radium nucleus. What particle was emitted by the thorium nucleus?

3) alpha particle
4) β-particle  
Solution: The mass changed by 4 and the charge by 2, therefore, the thorium nucleus emitted an alpha particle.
Answer: 3
OGE assignment in physics (fipi):

1) alpha particle
2) electron

Solution: Using the law of conservation of mass and charge, we see that the mass of the element is 4, and the charge is 2, therefore, it is an alpha particle.
Answer: 1
OGE assignment in physics (fipi):

1) alpha particle
2) electron

Solution: Using the law of conservation of mass and charge, we see that the mass of the element is 1, and the charge is 0, therefore, it is a neutron.
Answer: 4
OGE assignment in physics (fipi):

3) electron
4) alpha particle
Solution: A gamma particle has neither mass nor charge, therefore the unknown particle has mass and charge equal to 1, the unknown particle is a proton.
Answer: 1
When a neutron is captured by a nucleus, a radioactive isotope is formed. During this nuclear transformation, it emits

4) electron
Solution: Let's write down the capture reaction
+ -> + ? .
Using the law of conservation of mass and charge, we see that the mass of the unknown element is 4, and the charge is 2, therefore, it is an alpha particle.

Sections: Physics

Class: 11

Lesson Objectives: to familiarize students with nuclear reactions, with the processes of change in atomic nuclei, the transformation of some nuclei into others under the influence of microparticles. Emphasize that these are by no means chemical reactions of connecting and separating atoms of elements from each other, affecting only electronic shells, but a restructuring of nuclei as systems of nucleons, the transformation of some chemical elements into others.

The lesson is accompanied by a presentation of 21 slides (Appendix).

Lesson progress


1. What is the composition of atomic nuclei?

NUCLEUS (atomic)- this is the positively charged central part of the atom, in which 99.96% of its mass is concentrated. The radius of the nucleus is ~10–15 m, which is approximately one hundred thousand times less than the radius of the entire atom, determined by the size of its electron shell.

The atomic nucleus consists of protons and neutrons. Their total number in the nucleus is denoted by the letter A and is called the mass number. Number of protons in the nucleus Z determines the electric charge of the nucleus and coincides with the atomic number of the element in the periodic table of elements D.I. Mendeleev. The number of neutrons in a nucleus can be defined as the difference between the mass number of the nucleus and the number of protons in it. The mass number is the number of nucleons in the nucleus.

2. How to explain the stability of atomic nuclei?

NUCLEAR FORCES is a measure of the interaction of nucleons in an atomic nucleus. It is these forces that hold similarly charged protons in the nucleus, preventing them from scattering under the influence of electrical repulsive forces.

3. Name the properties of nuclear forces.

Nuclear forces have a number of specific properties:

4. What is the binding energy of a nucleus?

BINDING ENERGY OF THE ATOMIC NUCLEUS is the minimum energy required to completely split a nucleus into individual nucleons. The difference between the sum of the masses of nucleons (protons and neutrons) and the mass of the nucleus consisting of them, multiplied by the square of the speed of light in vacuum, is the binding energy of nucleons in the nucleus. The binding energy per nucleon is called specific binding energy.

5. Why is the mass of the nucleus not equal to the sum of the masses of the protons and neutrons included in it?

When a nucleus is formed from nucleons, the energy of the nucleus decreases, which is accompanied by a decrease in mass, i.e., the mass of the nucleus must be less than the sum of the masses of the individual nucleons that form this nucleus.

6. What is radioactivity?

Learning new material.

NUCLEAR REACTION is the process of interaction of an atomic nucleus with another nucleus or elementary particle, accompanied by a change in the composition and structure of A (a, b) B or A + a → B + b.

What are the similarities and differences between nuclear reactions and radioactive decay?

A common feature nuclear reaction and radioactive decay is the transformation of one atomic nucleus into another.

But radioactive decay is happening spontaneously, without external influence, and nuclear reaction called influence bombarding particle.

Types of nuclear reactions:

  • through the stage of formation of a compound nucleus;
  • direct nuclear reaction (energy greater than 10 MeV);
  • under the influence of various particles: protons, neutrons, ...;
  • nuclear synthesis;
  • nuclear fission;
  • with energy absorption and energy release.

The first nuclear reaction was carried out by E. Rutherford in 1919 in experiments to detect protons in nuclear decay products. Rutherford bombarded nitrogen atoms with alpha particles. When the particles collided, a nuclear reaction occurred, proceeding according to the following scheme:
14 7 N + 4 2 He → 17 8 O + 1 1 H

Conditions for nuclear reactions

To carry out a nuclear reaction under the influence of a positively charged particle, it is necessary that the particle have kinetic energy sufficient to overcome the action of Coulomb repulsion forces. Uncharged particles, such as neutrons, can penetrate atomic nuclei with arbitrarily low kinetic energy. Nuclear reactions can occur when atoms are bombarded with fast charged particles (protons, neutrons, α-particles, ions).

The first reaction of bombarding atoms with fast charged particles was carried out using high-energy protons produced at an accelerator in 1932:
7 3 Li + 1 1 H → 4 2 He + 4 2 He

However, the most interesting for practical use are the reactions that occur during the interaction of nuclei with neutrons. Since neutrons have no charge, they can easily penetrate atomic nuclei and cause their transformations. The outstanding Italian physicist E. Fermi was the first to study reactions caused by neutrons. He discovered that nuclear transformations are caused not only by fast, but also by slow neutrons moving at thermal speeds.

To carry out a nuclear reaction under the influence positively charged particles are necessary to the particle had kinetic energy, sufficient for overcoming the action of Coulomb repulsion forces. Uncharged particles, such as neutrons, can penetrate atomic nuclei with arbitrarily low kinetic energy.

Charged particle accelerators(student message)

To penetrate the secrets of the microcosm, man invented the microscope. Over time, it became clear that the capabilities of optical microscopes are very limited - they do not allow one to “look” into the depths of atoms. For these purposes, not light rays, but beams of charged particles turned out to be more suitable. Thus, in the famous experiments of E. Rutherford, a flow of α-particles emitted by radioactive drugs was used. However, natural sources of particles (radioactive substances) produce beams of very low intensity, the energy of the particles is relatively low, and moreover, these sources are uncontrollable. Therefore, the problem arose of creating artificial sources of accelerated charged particles. These include, in particular, electron microscopes, which use beams of electrons with energies of the order of 10 5 eV.

In the early 30s of the 20th century, the first charged particle accelerators appeared. In these installations, charged particles (electrons or protons), moving in a vacuum under the influence of electric and magnetic fields, acquire a large supply of energy (accelerate). The higher the energy of a particle, the shorter its wavelength, so such particles are more suitable for “probing” micro-objects. At the same time, as the energy of a particle increases, the number of interconversions of particles caused by it expands, leading to the birth of new elementary particles. It should be borne in mind that penetration into the world of atoms and elementary particles is not cheap. The higher the final energy of the accelerated particles, the more complex and large the accelerators are; their sizes can reach several kilometers. Existing accelerators make it possible to produce beams of charged particles with energies from several MeV to hundreds of GeV. The intensity of particle beams reaches 10 15 – 10 16 particles per second; in this case, the beam can be focused on a target with an area of ​​only a few square millimeters. Protons and electrons are most often used as accelerated particles.

The most powerful and expensive accelerators are built for purely scientific purposes - to obtain and study new particles, to study the interconversion of particles. Accelerators of relatively low energies are widely used in medicine and technology - for the treatment of cancer patients, for the production of radioactive isotopes, for improving the properties of polymer materials and for many other purposes.

The variety of existing types of accelerators can be divided into four groups: direct accelerators, linear accelerators, cyclic accelerators, colliding beam accelerators.

Where are the accelerators located? IN Dubna(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research) under the leadership of V.I. Veksler, a synchrophasotron was built in 1957. IN Serpukhov– synchrophasotron, the length of its annular vacuum chamber located in a magnetic field is 1.5 km; proton energy 76 GeV. IN Novosibirsk(Institute of Nuclear Physics), under the leadership of G.I. Budker, accelerators using colliding electron-electron and electron-positron beams (beams of 700 MeV and 7 GeV) were put into operation. IN Europe (CERN, Switzerland – France) accelerators operate with colliding proton beams of 30 GeV and with proton-antiproton beams of 270 GeV. Currently, during the construction of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) on the border of Switzerland and France, a key stage of construction work has been completed - the installation of superconducting magnets of the particle accelerator.

The collider is being built in a tunnel with a perimeter of 26,650 meters at a depth of about one hundred meters. The first test collisions in the collider were planned to be carried out in November 2007, but the breakdown of one of the magnets that occurred during the test work will lead to some delay in the schedule for commissioning the installation. The Large Hadron Collider is designed to search for and study elementary particles. Once launched, the LHC will be the most powerful particle accelerator in the world, surpassing its closest competitors by almost an order of magnitude. The construction of the scientific complex of the Large Hadron Collider has been going on for more than 15 years. More than 10 thousand people out of 500 are involved in this work scientific centers all over the world.

Nuclear reactions are accompanied by energy transformations. Energy output nuclear reaction is called the quantity:
Q = (M A+ M B – M C – M D) c 2 = Δ Mc 2 where M A and M B – masses of initial products, M C and M D – masses of final reaction products. Value Δ M called mass defect. Nuclear reactions can occur with the release of ( Q> 0) or with energy absorption ( Q < 0). Во втором случае первоначальная кинетическая энергия исходных продуктов должна превышать величину |Q|, which is called reaction threshold.

In order for a nuclear reaction to have a positive energy output, specific binding energy nucleons in the nuclei of the initial products must be less than the specific binding energy of nucleons in the nuclei of the final products. This means that the value Δ M must be positive.

Mechanism of nuclear reactions

Two stages of a nuclear reaction:

  • absorption of a particle by a nucleus and formation of an excited nucleus. The energy is distributed among all the nucleons of the nucleus; each of them accounts for an energy less than the specific binding energy, and they cannot penetrate the nucleus. Nucleons exchange energy with each other, and one of them or a group of nucleons can concentrate energy sufficient to overcome the forces of nuclear binding and be released from the nucleus.
  • The emission of a particle by a nucleus occurs similar to the evaporation of a molecule from the surface of a drop of liquid. The time interval from the moment of absorption of the primary particle by the nucleus to the moment of emission of the secondary particle is approximately 10 -12 s.

Conservation laws for nuclear reactions

During nuclear reactions several conservation laws: impulse, energy, angular momentum, charge. In addition to these classical laws, in nuclear reactions the law of conservation of the so-called baryon charge(i.e. the number of nucleons - protons and neutrons). A number of other conservation laws specific to nuclear and particle physics also hold.

  1. What is a nuclear reaction?
  2. What is the difference between a nuclear reaction and a chemical reaction?
  3. Why do the formed helium nuclei fly apart in opposite directions?
    7 3 Li + 1 1 H → 4 2 He + 4 2 He
  4. Is the reaction of emission of an α particle a nuclear reaction?
  5. Complete the nuclear reactions:
    • 9 4 Be + 1 1 H → 10 5 B + ?
    • 14 7 N + ? → 14 6 C + 1 1 p
    • 14 7 N + 4 2 He → ? + 1 1 H
    • 27 13 Al + 4 2 He → 30 15 P + ? (1934 Irene Curie and Frederic Joliot-Curie obtained a radioactive isotope of phosphorus)
    • ? + 4 2 He → 30 14 Si + 1 1 p
  6. Determine the energy output of the nuclear reaction.
    14 7 N + 4 2 He → 17 8 O + 1 1 H
    The mass of a nitrogen atom is 14.003074 amu, an oxygen atom is 16.999133 amu, a helium atom is 4.002603 amu, a hydrogen atom is 1.007825 amu.

Independent work

Option 1


  1. aluminum (27 13 Al) captures a neutron and emits an alpha particle;
  2. nitrogen (14 7 N) is bombarded by α particles and emits a proton.


  1. 35 17 Cl + 1 0 n → 1 1 p +
  2. 13 6 C + 1 1 p →
  3. 7 3 Li + 1 1 p → 2
  4. 10 5 B + 4 2 He → 1 0 n +
  5. 24 12 Mg + 4 2 He → 27 14 Si +
  6. 56 26 Fe + 1 0 n → 56 25 Mn +

Answers: a) 13 7 N; b) 1 1 p; c) 1 0 n; d) 14 7 N; e) 4 2 He; e) 35 16 S


  1. 7 3 Li + 1 0 n → 4 2 He + 13H;
  2. 9 4 Be + 4 2 He → 1 0 n + 13 6 C.

Option 2

1. Write the equations for the following nuclear reactions:

  1. phosphorus (31 15 R) captures a neutron and emits a proton;
  2. aluminum (27 13 Al) is bombarded by protons and emits an α particle.

2. Complete the nuclear reaction equation:

  1. 18 8 O + 1 1 p → 1 0 n +
  2. 11 5 B + 4 2 He → 1 0 n +
  3. 14 7 N + 4 2 He → 17 8 O +
  4. 12 6 C + 1 0 n → 9 4 Be +
  5. 27 13 Al + 4 2 He → 30 15 R +
  6. 24 11 Na → 24 12 Mg + 0 -1 e +

Answers: a) 4 2 He; b) 18 9 F; c) 14 7 N; d) 1 0 n; e) γ; e) 1 1 p

3. Determine the energy yield of the reactions:

  1. 6 3 Li + 1 1 p → 4 2 He + 3 2 He;
  2. 19 9 F + 1 1 p → 4 2 He + 16 8 O.

After completing independent work, a self-test is carried out.

Homework: No. 1235 – 1238. (A.P. Rymkevich)