Do you know why women get fat? The "big woman" phenomenon. Why do women get fat after marriage? Pregnant women and happy mothers: where does the fat come from?

Contrary to misconceptions, behind every gram of fat that is deposited for future use by our body, there is the work of the entire metabolic system. He didn’t just take it and decide to stay the winter on his stomach or thigh, he was carefully placed there by a complex mechanism that ensures the viability of the whole body. Consequently, in an unexpected jump in mass, with the same food attachments and physical activity, is there some kind of secret? The reasons for sudden weight gain in women can be quite deep roots. It wouldn't hurt to look into this in more detail.

The problem of obesity has become a scourge of humanity, especially when we're talking about about women. Many, at first not paying attention to their slightly heavy sides and legs, then begin to ring all the bells. But dealing with fat that has already grown is not easy. You will have to strictly limit yourself in food, play sports, and check your health. It is much easier to prepare in advance for negative consequences so as not to give lipids a single chance to become your constant companions.

A sharp and rapid increase can be considered an increase in lipid tissue, which most often occurs as a result of an increase in the calorie content of food over a certain period. In fact, the body's energy resources, formed by incoming food, cannot be spent on everyday tasks. Therefore, the body saves energy for a “rainy day” by storing fat in places convenient for it.

However, it is not only an increase in the calorie content of food or an increase in its quantity that can cause excess kilograms to begin to cause you inconvenience.

  • Excess weight is caused not only by formal obesity, that is, the build-up of the lipid layer, but also by difficult fluid removal. Puffiness will also have an unfavorable effect on the scales. Here you need to be extremely careful.
  • After the body has completely completed development and growth, it begins to slowly and smoothly collapse. This is the cycle of any protein life on the planet. In humans, and not only in women, metabolic processes begin to slow down after thirty years. This can lead to excess weight.
  • Due to constant stress, some women look for a way out by eating something tasty and eating away at troubles. This inevitably leads to the body processing excess food into fatty tissue.
  • Taking various medications, especially uncontrolled or even unauthorized, leads to hormonal imbalances. This is sometimes the cause of obesity.
  • Many girls and women have noticed that, having gained weight while carrying a child, they subsequently cannot get rid of it.

All this indicates that any sudden jump in weight cannot be without reason. Most likely, it is based on some kind of disorder in the body, which needs to be tracked, identified, brought to light and eliminated in time in order to always remain in good shape.

1. Medical reasons for weight gain

Excess weight does not bring anything good to its owner. It only causes suffering and discomfort. However, it can signal to us that there are objective reasons such sudden changes that could be dangerous. After all, any disease whose early symptoms fit within the framework of weight gain is better to be cured earlier, long before the critical stage. If you have such symptoms, you need to immediately run to the doctor; no one else can make the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Cushing's syndrome

This disease is also called Itsenko-Cushing syndrome or hypercortisolism. It combines diseases in which the production of corticosteroid hormones is disrupted. The adrenal cortex begins to actively release them into the blood, causing obesity.

With it, accumulations of fat are concentrated in the upper part of the body, signs may be observed, and the face becomes round. In this case, the menstrual cycle is often disrupted and the level of immunity is abnormally reduced.

Diabetes mellitus

One of the most common diseases that occurs during weight gain is impaired glucose absorption. A person with diabetes often has a constant desire to eat something, an inexplicable feeling of hunger even immediately after eating. Due to the lack of control, it may well occur, which only aggravates the situation.


This disease is caused by disorders of the frontal lobe of the pituitary gland and is directly related to excessively increased synthesis of another important hormone - somatotropic. Weight gain is observed in different parts of the body, soft fabrics grow, facial features become rougher and puffier. In later stages, constant sweating, hypertension, pain, aching joints, and osteoarthritis may appear.

Kidney and liver diseases

Some diseases of these organs and disturbances in their functioning can cause an increase in body weight by two or even three times. For example, what is popularly called fatty liver disease also causes an increase in extra pounds on the outside.


The most common cause of excess weight in women can be considered a persistent lack of hormones produced by the thyroid gland. It is these substances that regulate (accelerate) metabolism to the level we need. This disease occurs not only in women or men, it can cause pain, which is so difficult to combat. With it, the voice becomes rougher, weight grows by leaps and bounds, a person constantly feels wild hunger, freezes, and headaches do not go away.

Heart failure

Most often, heart problems lead to sudden weight loss, but in rare cases they can cause obesity. Excess kilograms appear due to the inability to remove fluid. The disease causes edema and weight gain in women.

2. Medicines: obesity from drugs

Many women do not understand that fluctuations in body weight can be directly related to the medications they take at one time or another in their lives. But what exactly means can be “involved” in such unpleasant consequences as excess kilograms on the sides, stomach or thighs.

  • According to scientific research, many types of antidepressant drugs cause obesity in patients. The mechanism of this phenomenon is not yet fully understood. After all, some were literally tormented constant feeling hunger, while others recovered with the same diet and stable diet. In any case, if you notice something like this, you need to immediately change the drug. It is possible to solve psychological problems in other ways that do not include drug treatment.
  • Many pregnancy prevention pills contain female hormones. Moreover, these estrogens are in most cases synthetic. An excess of them in the body can cause a set of extra pounds. They constantly make women want to eat, and the calories that are not converted into energy inevitably accumulate on the stomach and sides.
  • Anti-allergy medications often cause peace and tranquility, you want to sleep or at least lie on the sofa, looking at color pictures on TV. As a result, after quite a long period of use, physical activity drops significantly, a person loses the desire to exercise, which leads to obesity even with a normal diet and eating regimen.
  • Taking steroids in most patients is fraught with weight gain, dry medical statistics persistently testify to this. They retain fluid in the body, cause unpleasant swelling, and cause frantic hunger.
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are another scourge modern woman, causing excess fluid in the body. As a result, the weight increases. However, having noticed the symptoms in time, they can be immediately stopped with the help of exercise, exercise and the right daily routine.

3. In adulthood: why do women gain weight after 40?

The unreasonable gain of excess kilograms frightens women who have crossed the threshold of 35-40 years, but have not yet reached menopause. This is primarily due to a slowdown in overall metabolism, as well as a restructuring of almost all hormonal areas and systems of the body.

  • Age-related changes inevitably affect your figure, even with the same diet. Calories received from food are processed more slowly, so the body has to save them for later.
  • Menopause or - too common reason obesity. For some it occurs earlier, for others later, but the prerequisites for it arise long before everything happens.
  • Already from the age of thirty, the ovaries begin to work less actively, and estrogen is produced more slowly.
  • Do not forget about the male hormone testosterone, which is also present in any female body. Usually it is quite small, but it affects fundamentally important processes. It is mainly responsible for growth muscle mass and burning lipids, converting one into another. However, with age, its amount generally disappears, metabolic processes slow down, and a woman builds up the same fat that she successfully got rid of earlier without any problems.
  • The accumulation of male hormones androgens, which are produced more strongly with a lack of testosterone, also leads to an increase in the mass of lipid tissue in the most problematic areas: on the back, hips, and abdomen.

If in mature age If you take care of yourself, monitor your diet, sleep patterns, and physical activity, then weight gain can not only be minimized, but also completely eliminated.

4. Pregnant women and happy mothers: where does the fat come from?

While expecting a baby, many girls gain weight, which is a completely normal, natural process. Adipose tissue grows in order to protect the fetus from external factors, which is very important for the viability of the baby. However, a cardinal role is played by how many kg a woman gains during pregnancy, because the excess will then have to be lost for a long time and painfully with the help of sports, diets and other tricks. A slight weight gain, somewhere around 8-14 kilograms is considered normal. If the number is higher, it’s time to board.

Another question is why a woman gains weight after childbirth, how to deal with it, and whether she should worry at all. There are definitely reasons to worry. Immediately with the birth of the child, the weight drops exactly as much as the baby weighs, and also amniotic fluid. The remaining lipid supply must be depleted during breastfeeding. It will take a long time to normalize hormonal levels. However, this may also indicate Sheehan syndrome in pregnant women or postpartum neuroendocrine syndrome - disorders of the pituitary gland. To make a diagnosis, you need to see a doctor who will confirm or refute the diagnosis.

5. Alternative reasons

The main factor causing weight gain may be constant stress. Nerves at work and at home, problems in the family, inability to find common language with others, all this can become fatal. Emotional experiences and psychological shocks often cause a desire to “eat up problems. Of course, especially in such difficult moments, you want something tasty, sweet, preferably with whipped cream and powdered sugar, drizzled with tons of melted milk chocolate. The result is obesity, which you have neither the strength nor the desire to fight.

Some people are concerned about why a woman gains weight before her period. This is normal and caused by normal cyclical hormonal changes. Usually the “appendage” disappears as easily as it appeared. If this does not happen, and with the same diet and diet, the kilograms continue to come, you should go to the doctor.

Conclusions: how to resist rapid weight gain

To summarize, you need to make a few conclusions for yourself that will help you stay young longer and beautiful anyone girl.

  • To avoid health problems, you need to regularly visit a doctor, undergo examinations and take tests.
  • An active lifestyle helps to regulate your own weight. If you can't exercise, just walk more, dance, swim, and do whatever you enjoy or can do. The main thing is not to sit still.
  • With age, even those who previously had no tendency to be overweight can become obese. Therefore, eat properly and balanced.
  • Thoughtless taking of medications is far from best solution. Even if your doctor prescribed the pills to you, but you notice unpleasant symptoms, you should stop taking them and consult a specialist to adjust your treatment.
  • Pregnant women often gain excessive weight due to unusual desires due to hormonal levels. Get carried away with absorption junk food during this period it is impossible, except for deterioration appearance, it is also harmful to the child’s health.

I would like to add that stress, depression, shocks, breakdowns, and other psychological problems, which also cause excess kilograms, can be overcome if desired. Moreover, the methods of struggle are often identical to the fight against excess weight - sports, an active lifestyle, a positive attitude, communication with loved ones and like-minded people.

A woman gets fat not necessarily from age-related changes, and not at all because she gave birth to children, one or two, and not even because she eats a lot - a woman gets fat from laziness. Laziness knocks out motivation - a woman is lazy to look for a partner who can be seduced and persuaded into a relationship, so she puts on herself, like a mantra, the feminist formula “let him love me as I am - deep and thinking me” - and lies down on the sofa. In the same position, she receives visiting suitors who climb on her reluctantly and just as reluctantly get off. Isn't it sad?

The love of a married lady looks even sadder. Pregnancy and the birth of children cultivate in a woman not just laziness, but the confidence that now she doesn’t need to conquer a man - he’ll get by for now while she’s breastfeeding, and then on his own he will regularly put her in the knee-elbow position or simply put her down on the kitchen table - one or two and that's it: the marital duty is fulfilled.

In these fussy intercourse, female laziness always dominates.

We are very lazy.

And we become very lazy when we lose the image of a lover, in front of whom we want to show off, because in marriage we seem to lose all our rivals. Laziness makes a woman fat. Any woman
getting fat, that is, quietly floating with fat, even without a husband, takes weight gain as a given. Offers to lose weight sound like a challenge to her, like aggression. Wishes for health and beauty turn into negativity aimed at women’s rich spiritual world (a woman has so many responsibilities and important things to do herself). The Lazy Woman's Manifesto: I'm fat because I have a right. I have the right not to move, not to play sports, I have the right to eat as I want - take me like that.

In fact, you can lose weight if you stop being lazy. If you hug yourself for your big and swollen body and love it, you always have time for sex, even a passive way, so why not combine business with pleasure?

If it is very difficult and painful for you to change your daily routine and spend money on a gym, but you really want to lose weight, start somehow, get in with the flow, you can do it. At home. I'll tell you how now.

Sex is almost a sport. You rarely refuse sex - at a minimum, you need to repay your marital debt, or remind yourself that there are few erogenous zones in your body, without refusing your lover. Right?

And now the most important thing: sex can become not just a passive source of losing a piece of calories. Sex can become active gymnastics, thereby stimulating the body and soul to a new body.

Many people have sex in the dark, and you won’t be afraid that you have a couple of extra folds on your stomach or cellulite on your hips and butt.

I already feel like some people are starting to resent me, but I'm actually telling my story. That's how it was for me. I was just embarrassed to admit it.

I don’t like the cowgirl position just because it involves physical effort, no need to lie - this is what prevents me from being on top and feeling like a winner.

Previously, when I was a teenager, I was very comfortable and had fun, it seemed to me that I was just the Goddess of this relationship, but now it’s hard for me, even hard. It’s easier for me to be passive, BUT this takes away real desire. The more passive sex, the more fat, the more laziness, the more aversion to sex, the joy of sex is lost and there is no motivation, no desire to conquer a partner.

It’s in my spirit to say to my husband: “Are you used to me putting on shows for you before, dancing on a pole and crawling on my belly? and now I want you to conquer me.” I’m ashamed now, but it’s true. And no matter how much I communicate with my friends, who are married, some with children and some without children, I am too lazy to have sex, because there is no activity during sex - I don’t care about myself. In the fitting room you want to cry, but laziness doesn’t go away, because for some reason the more fat, the more we think that we have the right to both fat and laziness. God forbid your husband says that you are fat, it’s an insult! and this dialogue will go on forever: “darling, am I fat?” - “No, dear, how can you assume such a thing? This dress just doesn’t suit you!”

In fact, you can have sex and lose weight, the main thing is to just try to be active, and then simply start building muscles.

The two main pillars of losing weight are nutritional correction and physical activity. start with sex! This is cool, it will bring attention back to you.

You can fall in love with physical activity when you understand exactly where you can apply it. I have problems with sex, I stopped having active sex, and I have something to think about, despite the fact that I’ve been jumping around the gym for a long time, but recently during a leg workout, I realized that I couldn’t do plie squats with a 4 kg weight. So this is the reason why I can no longer ride a man like an Amazon.

And I want it that way. Just like before! and I will. What about you?

Nature dictates that a woman has a more rounded body structure than a man. But many women categorically disagree with this state of affairs and try to adhere to a variety of diets so as not to gain weight. But excessive weight does not only come from overeating; there are other reasons for weight gain.


Depression is a common disorder mental state humans and more often women are susceptible to this disease. Of course, not everyone reaches clinical disorders. But how often do you feel depressed? Unmotivated attacks of bad mood? Feeling of apathy and reluctance to do usual things?

These are signs of a depressed state of the body, in which there is a lack of neurotransmitters: serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine and others. Some foods stimulate the formation of serotonin and dopamine, so the most easy way cheer yourself up - go to the kitchen and eat something tasty. And what will this lead to? To increase body fat. Depressive state needs to be treated with medications, and not with increased portions of carbohydrates.


Another condition that causes weight gain is stress. This condition is familiar to almost every city dweller: the daily “run” to work, the fear of being late and missing deadlines, things planned and postponed due to lack of time lead to chronic stress.

What is its harm? The body under stress produces an increased amount of cortisol, which promotes the deposition of fat in case of an “unforeseen situation.” Chronic stress suppresses the formation of estradiol, which leads to sleep disturbances, appetite disturbances, and deterioration of mood. Hormonal changes lead to a slower metabolism. And a low metabolic rate leads to unwanted weight gain.


Some medicines may indirectly affect weight gain in women. The effect of medications can provoke fluid retention in the body, increase appetite, and change insulin levels.

When taking hormonal medications, painkillers, antidepressants, be sure to read the instructions, if any side effects For possible weight gain, consult your doctor. An increase in body weight due to fluid accumulation during treatment is a temporary phenomenon; after completion of the course, the weight will stabilize.


Hypothyroidism is characterized by a lack of thyroid hormones. One of the main causes of hypothyroidism is a lack of iodine in the body, which leads to a decrease in the mass of the thyroid gland and a decrease in the production of thyroxine hormones.

The reason for the accumulation of fats in hypothyroidism is a slowdown in speed metabolic processes. The result is that the carbohydrates eaten are not completely absorbed by the body and go into fat reserves. Often this disease is accompanied by a rapid set of excess weight. If you notice weight gain, you are worried about feeling constantly cold, brittle nails, hair loss - check your thyroid gland.

Insufficient sleep

An unexpected reason for weight gain is chronic lack of sleep. The body and brain rest and recover during sleep; insufficient night rest interferes with this process. If a person sleeps little, then he eats a lot. In this way, the missing energy for a “tired”, not fully rested body is replenished.

When you don't get enough sleep, the hormone cortisol is produced, which makes you feel hungry. A hungry person eats more food than he needs. Lack of sleep slows down your metabolism, which leads to additional fat storage.

During sleep, growth hormone - somatropin - is produced. It is he who is responsible for burning fat. Serotonin (the happy hormone) is also produced during sleep. If you don’t sleep enough, you don’t get enough somatropin and serotonin. The lack of serotonin is compensated by fast carbohydrates, but they also provoke rapid weight gain. Sleeping for seven to eight hours will help you avoid extra pounds.

Being overweight is harmful to a woman's health. And if the diet does not help you lose weight, analyze the reasons indicated; perhaps if you sleep more, avoid stressful situations, increase the amount of iodine consumed, replace medications with safer ones, your weight will noticeably decrease.

Those who dream of not gaining weight should understand well how a particular product affects weight. Therefore, today on the weight loss portal “Lose Weight Without Problems” we are talking about what foods make you fat.

Of course, we understand that every person has individual characteristics. Therefore, there cannot be a definite answer. One product different people perceived differently. But today we’ll talk about what food makes you gain weight quickly in any case. We’ll tell you separately about what foods make women fatter and what foods make men fatter.

What product will definitely make you gain weight?

Let's look at a list of the main foods that promote weight gain:

  • fats, of various origins,
  • sausages, cold cuts, bacon, fatty meats,
  • – cedar, as well as peanuts,
  • oat flakes, buckwheat porridge,
  • sweet cottage cheese and curd mass and all hard cheeses,
  • olives,
  • fish roe,
  • bakery,
  • sweets,
  • cakes,
  • smoked meats,
  • chips,
  • products for a quick snack in eateries.

If you think that next we will tell you what foods you can eat and not gain weight, then, alas, you will be disappointed. You can't overeat anything. If you don’t know in moderation, then any food can make you feel better, but it can also worsen your health if, for example, you lean on one thing and exclude another.

If, on the contrary, you want to gain weight, for example, you suffer from lack of weight, then you should not rely on the products listed above. In this case, the diet should also be adjusted with a nutritionist.

What causes legs to get fat?

Sometimes everything seems to be normal, but on the beach you feel uncomfortable because your legs have become fuller. To prevent this from happening, you need to understand what foods make your legs fat. It's all fried and meaty. Instead, replace the product with fish, not fried and with a crust, but boiled or cooked in a double boiler.

It’s worth talking separately about when your hips get fat. Women naturally gain weight in this area. Cells that accumulate and neutralize toxic substances appear here. When the body is seriously slagged, a lot of fat deposits, the so-called, appear on the hips.

Now the site will tell you in more detail which foods make women gain weight quickly.

Women's nutrition

All women dream of being slim and beautiful, regardless of age. But the number on the scale and the reflection in the mirror can disappoint and lead to simply giving up.

What happens because I don’t eat anything particularly harmful? This is a question that women often ask themselves, although they do not understand what foods make women fat. And we will talk about this now.

Before talking about nutrition, I would like to focus on this. You should not eat in spurts and alternate all this with exhausting diets. Don’t think that you can overeat for several days in a row, and then sit for a day on water and bread - and it will be great. This is harmful, including to health, it significantly disrupts work internal organs, worsens metabolism.

Therefore, for many it will sound paradoxical, but you shouldn’t limit yourself so much in some products. You need to eat a balanced diet.

But there is still an answer to which foods make you fat the most. Every woman knows this, but probably tries to think the opposite. The sooner I eat a cake or a piece of pie, the less harmful it will be for my figure. But this, alas, is completely wrong. You should avoid cake, but for desserts, give preference to fruits.