Economical diet for a week. Economical menu for a week for a family

Exquisite expensive dishes, tropical fruits, an abundance of seafood - this is exactly how many people imagine proper nutrition. However, in reality the situation is much simpler and anyone, if desired, can choose a budget pp menu that will help you lose weight or simply maintain your existing weight.

Economy pp menu is a balanced diet that includes everything necessary for the body nutrients and vitamins, but does not require the purchase of expensive products. We offer you an approximate budget pp menu for the week, which will help you lose extra pounds and save finances.

Inexpensive healthy nutrition menu for a week for weight loss


The Economy PP menu for the week is a ton of delicious and inexpensive breakfasts. These options are not only budget-friendly, but also easy to prepare, so you won't waste time on morning cooking. Here are 7 simple and useful options budget menu!

  1. Oatmeal, tea or coffee, any fruit. This breakfast is ideal if you don't have time, but need to have a healthy and nutritious breakfast.
  2. Omelette made from 3 whites and 1 yolk. Tea or coffee, one piece of toast with peanut butter. This breakfast is especially useful for those who closely monitor their protein count.
  3. Granola with low-fat milk, tea or coffee, any fruit. Take this breakfast option as a special note, it is ideal for those who hate porridge in the morning, but want to include more slow carbohydrates in their diet.
  4. Two whole grain toasts with cottage cheese and fruit, tea or coffee. A great breakfast if you want to boost your energy and include protein in your diet. Don't forget to decorate your toast with fruits or berries.
  5. Oatmeal, boiled in water or low-fat milk with honey. Toast with peanut butter, tea or coffee. This budget menu option is good to use if you need to recharge your batteries.
  6. Cottage cheese seasoned with natural yogurt. One toast with honey, tea or coffee. If desired, you can add a little agave syrup or honey to the curd.
  7. Diet smoothie with fruit, two whole grain toasts, bread or tea. An excellent option for those who do not like to waste time in the morning. A couple of seconds in the blender - and breakfast is ready


If your imagination cannot come up with the perfect lunch that will fit into the budget menu, we will be happy to help you. You can adapt any lunch option to your taste

  1. Vegetable soup with beans, a slice of whole grain bread, any vegetable salad, seasoned olive oil. A budget menu cannot be complete without bean soup. Source of proteins and many nutrients.
  2. Buckwheat, steamed chicken cutlets, boiled beets, cut into slices and seasoned with low-fat sour cream.
  3. Boiled brown rice, a portion of dietary chicken soufflé, cabbage salad, seasoned with any vegetable oil. Don't forget about brown rice - a source of fiber and slow carbohydrates.
  4. Stewed chickpeas with vegetables (onions, carrots, green beans), a piece of whole grain bread, any vegetable salad. Don't forget about another source of protein among legumes - chickpeas.
  5. A serving of dietary borscht with one slice of whole grain bread, 100 grams of boiled lean beef or veal. You can also prepare dietary borscht using chicken breast.
  6. Lentil and veal soup, a slice of whole grain bread, cabbage salad, seasoned with any vegetable oil
  7. Durum wheat pasta with vegetables, cabbage and carrot salad. The diet allows the consumption of pasta, the main thing is that it is made from durum wheat.

Photo: instagam/polakova.kalorii


The budget pp menu also includes a variety of dinners.

Don't forget that skipping dinners is highly discouraged, even if you eat dinner late and after a workout.

  1. 200 grams low-fat cottage cheese with natural yogurt and pieces of fruit. This pp dinner is ideal for those who adhere to pp and exercise physical activity. You can safely consume this dinner after your workout.
  2. Boiled beet salad seasoned with natural yogurt or low-fat sour cream, stewed cabbage with chicken using a minimal amount of oil.
  3. A piece of boiled lean meat, vegetables, baked in the oven with any olive oil. You can use turkey or veal.
  4. Chicken souffle, a portion of bulgur, cabbage and carrot salad, dressed with olive oil. If you have dinner after training, then bulgur can be omitted.
  5. Omelette of 3 whites and 1 yolk with chicken fillet, vegetable salad dressed with olive oil. Another ideal option for those who have dinner after training.
  6. Steamed or oven-cooked fish, stewed vegetables, a glass of kefir. Great option after a workout.
  7. Green beans stewed with vegetables, steamed turkey or veal cutlets.


Proper nutrition necessarily involves snacks; there should be at least two of them per day. Ideally, this is a second breakfast and afternoon snack. What is the best snack if you stick to the economy menu? Here is a list of budget options:

  • 2 boiled eggs
  • 100 grams of cottage cheese, fruit
  • A handful of granola (no more than 50 grams)
  • Handful of nuts
  • Homemade muesli bar
  • Handful of dried fruits
  • Smoothie with low-fat yogurt

Inexpensive PP recipes

There are many inexpensive pp recipes that you can include in your diet while losing weight.

Dietary chicken soufflé

One of the most popular and favorite recipes on the budget pp menu is chicken soufflé. Chicken is rich in protein, which is so necessary for proper nutrition, but it is inexpensive.

To prepare a dietary soufflé you will need:

  • 2 chicken fillets. You can also use minced chicken, but make sure it is fat-free and made entirely from sirloin. If you have breasts, then cut them into pieces and pass them through a meat grinder.
  • 2 eggs. Separate the whites from the yolks.
  • 200 grams of milk. Use skim milk.

Add half the milk, two yolks, salt and pepper to the minced chicken. Stir everything thoroughly. Now beat the whites to white peaks. Add the remaining milk to the minced meat and only then gradually add the proteins. Transfer the soufflé into a mold and cook in a slow cooker or double boiler for 40-50 minutes.

Dietary PP borscht

It’s hard to imagine an economy menu without dietary borscht. This dish perfectly satisfies hunger and is an ideal lunch.

  • 300 grams of white cabbage. Finely chop
  • 150 grams of beets and 100 grams of carrots. Cut into thin strips or grate.
  • 1 small onion. Finely chop.
  • 50 grams of tomato paste. Use natural, without adding various additives.
  • 1 chicken fillet.
  • Salt and pepper to taste

Pour vegetable oil into the bottom of the pan, add onions, carrots and beets. Fry a little, then add a little water and simmer for a couple of minutes. After that, add tomato paste and let it simmer for another couple of minutes. Then pour in 1 liter of boiling water and add cabbage and diced chicken fillet. Salt, pepper, cook until fully cooked.

Diet stewed cabbage with chicken

The ideal dish for the economy menu is cabbage. This vegetable is available at any time of the year and is inexpensive.

  • 500 grams of white cabbage. Wash the cabbage and chop it
  • 1 carrot. Grate
  • 1 onion. Shred
  • 1 chicken fillet. Wash and cut into small cubes
  • 2 tablespoons of natural tomato paste.
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil

It is better to cook cabbage in a slow cooker. Set the “Baking” mode, pour out the oil and add chicken fillet. Fry, then add onions and carrots to it. Cook for a couple more minutes. Add tomato paste, mix everything and simmer for a couple of minutes. At the very end, add the cabbage, salt and pepper, and switch the multicooker to the “Stew” mode.

Oatmeal pancake

One of best options breakfast on the economy menu is oatmeal pancake. The ingredients for such a dish are always at hand, and the cooking process takes only a couple of minutes.

  1. 3 tablespoons oatmeal. Avoid using instant cereal.
  2. 1 egg
  3. 40 ml milk. You can use 1% skim milk.

Mix all the ingredients and bake the pancake in a non-stick frying pan. If desired, you can add vegetables or chicken.

Products for PP for a month economy list

Now that you already know that a budget pp menu is a reality, it’s time to familiarize yourself with the list of products. We have collected the most important and necessary products, which you should definitely include in your diet.

  • Eggs

With this product you can prepare excellent breakfasts, such as omelettes and oatmeal pancakes. Various options Diet omelettes can also be eaten for lunch. Average cost 10 eggs are 60 rubles.

You will need about 5 dozen eggs per month - 300 rubles.

  • Chicken

Ideal meat for a budget pp menu. Chicken dishes are low in calories but rich in protein. Chicken can be included in your diet for both lunch and dinner. You can take either chicken fillet, which will cost you 200 rubles per 1 kg, or a whole chicken - 80 rubles per 1 kg.

You will need approximately 4 kg of meat per month - 800 rubles.

  • Cereals

Now let's move on to the cereals. They are a must on the economy menu list, as they are the main source of slow carbohydrates.

Buckwheat is an ideal grain for the pp menu. The average cost is 80 rubles per 1 kg.

Coarsely ground oat flakes. Contain large number fiber and retained all the beneficial substances. The average price is 45 rubles per 800 grams.

Rice. The average price for 1 kg is 51 rubles.

Wheat porridge. This is crushed grain of durum wheat, so it can be safely included in your diet. Preference should be given to large or medium wheat groats. The average price for 1 kg is 45 rubles.

You will need about 2 packs of buckwheat per month, 2 packs oatmeal, a pack of rice and wheat porridge. It will cost you approximately 345 rubles.

  • Dairy products

Cottage cheese. Source of protein, ideal for breakfast, snack and dinner. The average cost per 1 kg is 300 rubles. You will need about 2.5 - 3 kg per month, this will be 750−900 rubles.

Kefir. The average cost for 1 liter is 63 rubles. Approximately 4-5 bottles per month and will cost approximately 252−315 rubles.

Milk. The average cost for 1 liter is 58 rubles. You will need approximately 3 liters. This will amount to 174 rubles.

  • Vegetables

Cabbage. Available at any time of the year, it contains a lot of fiber and vitamins. The average price is 30 rubles per 1 kg. If you actively use cabbage when preparing salads, first and second courses, then you will need 5-6 kg of cabbage per month, and this is about 150-180 rubles.

Beet. An ideal vegetable for preparing the “Brush” diet salad. The average price is 22 rubles per 1 kg. Approximately you will need about 4 kg, which will be 88 rubles.

Carrot. Another important and inexpensive ingredient in vegetable salads. The average price is 30 rubles per 1 kg. 2-3 kilograms of carrots per month will cost you approximately 60-90 rubles.

  • Fruits

Apples. One of the most inexpensive options for an economy menu at any time of the year. The average cost for 1 kg is 85 rubles. You will need about 4 kg per month, which is 340 rubles.

Bananas. Ideal snack and breakfast. Available at any time of the year. The average cost is 85 rubles per 1 kg, for 4 kg of bananas you will pay 340 rubles.

Depending on the season, you can include other fruits in your diet.

  • Vegetable oil

1 liter of vegetable oil costs about 80 - 100 rubles . One bottle of oil will be enough for a month.

In addition to sunflower oil, also add to your diet linseed oil- a source of Omega 3. There is a huge selection of this oil in different price categories; on average, you can purchase 500 ml of oil for 150−200 rubles.

  • Nuts

A source of healthy fats that you should definitely include in your diet. One kg of unshelled peanuts will cost you about 200 rubles.

An economy menu should definitely include some natural sweetener. Let's focus on honey. It can be eaten and used in the preparation of dietary breakfasts and desserts. Prices for 1 liter of honey start from 150-200 rubles. For this money you can buy flower honey.

  • Flax seeds

We will replace fashionable chia and quinoa seeds with flax seeds, this will significantly reduce our costs for the budget pp menu. 100 grams of flax seeds cost about 44 rubles . Two packs should last you a whole month.

The total amount of the basic basket of the economy pp menu will be approximately 4,590 rubles.

Of course, you will have some other related expenses, but you have already collected the necessary basic basket, and therefore the expenses will be insignificant.

As you can see, proper nutrition is not such an expensive pleasure, and you can always think of a budget menu. The main rule is to plan your menu in advance so that you know exactly which products you need and which ones you shouldn’t spend extra money on. Do you practice proper nutrition and stick to a budget-friendly menu? Be sure to share your secrets and recipes!

Stereo, more for yourself

Save 30 days: menu for a month

Food is an important expense item for the family budget and a kind of test for the housewife how economical and skillful she is. After all, in order to save on food and at the same time feed your family fully, you must agree, you need skill.

You and I already know how to eat economically. I have written about this more than once on the blog. You need to create a menu for the week, monitor leftover food in the refrigerator, and stock up for the winter.

We make the biggest and most unnecessary waste during spontaneous visits to shops, markets and supermarkets. To avoid them you need to follow certain rules.

Two rules for thrifty housewives

1. The rule for buying food is to buy what you need, and not what they want to sell us.

  • We make a list of products and buy strictly according to the list
  • We monitor nearby supermarkets on the Internet for ongoing promotions on products that interest us.
  • We don’t fall for any “temptations” such as “buy two for the price of three and get the third for free”
  • Let's go grocery shopping, having thoroughly refreshed ourselves at home.
  • We choose slowly, compare prices and check the expiration date
  • We make the main purchases once a week, according to the prepared menu, and during the week we buy only bread and dairy products.
  • We do not buy semi-finished products.

2. To eat economically, you need to cook yourself, creating a menu.

Since wasting money on food is directly proportional to the number of visits to supermarkets and markets, we can reduce it to a minimum

To do this, we’ll choose a time (preferably right after payday), draw up a menu for the month and buy all the basic products once.

Menu for the month

This is, of course, not a very easy job. Need to:

  1. Think about the variety of dishes and calculate how much food you will need.
  2. Make a list of products and make purchases
  3. Prepare semi-finished products yourself
  4. Divide into portions and freeze what is to be frozen.

Calculation of the number of dishes per month

Let's count:

One week is 7 breakfasts, 7 lunches and 7 dinners.

Therefore, in a month we have 28 breakfasts, lunches and dinners.

Ideally, breakfast consists of a salad, a main course and a drink, lunch - a salad, a main course, a second course and a drink, and dinner - a salad, a main course and a drink.

In addition, we usually prepare desserts or sweet pastries for tea, coffee,

If you prepare a fresh dish every time, then in a month you need to prepare - ATTENTION YOU-MELON... - 84 salads, 84 main courses and 28 first courses!!!

But don't be alarmed. Everyone knows that in practice this is not the case; each family has its own preferences. For some, a hearty breakfast is important, while others have breakfast after drinking coffee and a sandwich. Many families only dine together on weekends. Therefore, one way or another, your own menu for the month should correspond to your habits and preferences.

Besides this:

-First course we cook for two to three days. We get 28:3 = 9-10 (first courses), and if no one dines at home during the week, even less (only four on weekends)

-Second course, if it is “substantial”, for example, such as pilaf, cabbage rolls, roast or dishes that require side dishes (cutlets, chops, meatballs) - we also cook for 2-3 days. Therefore 84:2 = 42 (second courses). Again with dinners at home (without lunches there are 5 * 4 = 20 dishes less, 42-20 = 22)

-Garnishes: if it is porridge, cook it for two days.

-Salads: The situation with them is a little different - salad is different from salad. “Olivier”, “Lakomiy”, salads with chicken or meat do not lose their taste for 24 hours, that is, if you prepared such a salad in the evening, then the next day in the morning or evening it is still very edible. These are full meals “two in one” and a salad and a main course.

Simple or seasonal salads (cucumbers and tomatoes in summer, radishes in spring, radishes, beets, cabbage and sauerkraut - all year round), are prepared quickly and do not require any special wisdom. They must always be fresh.

-Baking a: if there are children in the family, you cannot do without it. Firstly, children need snacks for school, and it is much better to give your child yogurt and a cupcake or pie prepared by you personally than to risk his stomach by buying the same thing in the store.

This was a prelude to the main work. Having reasoned in this way, we take in hand list of economical dishes(if you don’t have one, make one, I insist - it will make your life much easier), we select the appropriate ones and write out those that we will prepare.

Before creating a menu, check all your “bins” in the refrigerator (freezer), cabinets, and pantry. Control your “strategic reserves”; use what you have and don’t buy too much.

Prepare semi-finished products

If we buy food for a month, some of it needs to be quickly processed into semi-finished products. It is cooked and frozen semi-finished products that will allow you to no longer spend money on groceries next month and will reduce the time for preparing dishes.

If you want to save money and eat meat, you need to spend it sparingly. From the same piece of meat, you can fry chops and eat them at one time, or you can grind it into minced meat to make cutlets, cabbage rolls, or make dumplings.

Homemade liver is very profitable. It is easy to prepare, inexpensive and, as needed, you can use it for pies, pancakes, dumplings or navy-style pasta.

Therefore, if you want to save money, listen to my tips and your own “voice of reason,” include dishes using minced meat or liver in your menu for the month.

You can also make stock of broths for first courses. Boil the chicken or meat (boil the meat for broths for two weeks, and freeze it fresh for another 2 weeks). Boil rich broths, 5-6 liters in a large saucepan, and divide the finished broth into 5 portions and freeze. As needed, take one portion, defrost and add the required amount of water. Do the same with the next portion of preparations for the first courses when these run out.

Use meat cooked in broth for salads, casseroles, or, like liver, for filling dumplings, pies, and pancakes.

The semi-finished products you have prepared are also good because if they are not used, they will be perfectly preserved until the next month (the main thing is not to forget about them)

We choose, write it down on a sign, and next to it we note what we will need to buy.

Menu dishes for the month and their composition

If you, following my example, filled out such a plate, then it will not be difficult to count the number of products and write a list with which you will go grocery shopping. You can buy everything at once, except for dairy, bread and some vegetables and fruits.

Or you can shop once a week or every two weeks.

Don't forget to check what you have available at home. For example, you prepared jam, pickled cucumbers and greens for the winter, and buckwheat, semolina and cocoa were purchased recently and are enough for the planned number of dishes. We will not include them in our list. And so on for all positions.

Our task is to optimize food costs. Now thanks to the fact that we have compiled a menu for the month with full list products - it's easy. If the amount received is too large, we change one or more dishes to more economical ones.

Well, then we go shopping and, at our own discretion: we buy everything at once, leaving a small amount for the purchase of bread, dairy products and fruits, or we write a menu for the week and buy groceries for the week plus, partially, for semi-finished products.

In any case, you will benefit - either money for food has been set aside, or food has been purchased for the month. And the question that some careless housewives ask, “The money has run out, what should I cook?” will not arise.

Creating a menu and purchasing groceries for a week or a month will protect you from such problems and help you save on food. Saving is easy

The transition to proper nutrition is associated with huge financial costs - this is what most people mistakenly believe. It seems that it is more economical to stick to your usual diet. But healthy products don’t have to be expensive, the main thing is to do it right.

Basic principles of proper nutrition

  1. Eating right means eating food 4-5 times a day ().
  2. As a source of proteins, fats and carbohydrates (BJU), select the most natural products that do not contain preservatives, flavor enhancers and other harmful components.
  3. On daily norm calories for breakfast should account for 35%, snack about 5%. As much as 30% for lunch, afternoon tea from 5 to 10%, and energy value dinner almost 20%.
  4. Limit as much as possible or eliminate from the diet completely fast carbohydrates- sugar, pastries, confectionery, etc.

About seasonings and dressings:

P I'm looking for the best way to season it not with mayonnaise, but with lemon juice or vegetable oil. It is advisable to use flaxseed or camelina. These types of oil will replenish Omega-3 and -6 acids so that a person remains physically and mentally active, does not complain about memory and general well-being.

We use spices that enhance metabolism:

  • Basil;
  • Dill;
  • Paprika;
  • Oregano;
  • Caraway.

Reduce salt to a minimum, or completely eliminate it from the diet, because... it promotes the retention of excess fluid in the body. Seasoning in large quantities provokes the appearance of “bags” under the eyes and swelling. Sodium, which the body needs to maintain water-salt balance, is found in sufficient quantities in foods, especially vegetables.

List of products for healthy budget nutrition

1. CEREALS. It is useful to start the day with porridge, which is a source of fiber and gives you a feeling of fullness for at least 3 hours. You should not buy cereal because of attractive packaging and loud advertising. When choosing cereals, you must carefully study the composition. There should be nothing in it except the cereal itself.

Example: A standard package of oatmeal (1 kg), unlike “fast porridge”, will cost an average of 25 Russian rubles. One package is enough for almost a week of hearty breakfasts.

2. EGGS. Regular chicken ones, which will cost from 40 to 100 rubles per pack. It is recommended to consume 1–2 per day, so a dozen will be enough for about a week.

3. DRIED FRUITS AND NUTS. This category of snacks can seriously empty your wallet. But there are several recommendations to help you save:

  • Do not purchase packaged or on a backing. You will have to pay not only for the product, but for the packaging, double or even triple the cost!
  • It is better to buy from wholesale stores offering loose cashews, dried apricots, etc.
  • Pay attention appearance: Dried fruits should not be too bright or shiny. A rich color indicates that the product has been treated with chemicals, dyes or oil.
  • Dried fruits and nuts, as fairly high-calorie snacks, are not allowed to be consumed in kilograms. 30–40 g of both together is enough per day. Otherwise goodbye slim figure, hello, size 50.

The approximate cost of loose dried apricots varies from 120 to 200 rubles, and 100 g of cashews from 130 to 300 rubles.

4. MEAT. Dietary varieties such as chicken, turkey, rabbit or veal are recommended, but chicken will cost several times less.

Savings when purchasing meat:

  • It’s cheaper to buy in large wholesale stores, dry freezing is better, no ice, which only increases the weight of the product.
  • You can buy a couple of whole chickens and cut them into portions. Divide into several parts and pack in plastic bags.
  • Make cutlets or dietary meatballs, freeze them, and then all you have to do is take them out and cook them, so that proper nutrition does not take much time.

Example: A whole chicken carcass will cost 85-90 rubles. per kg, thighs - from 125, and fillets - from 215: the benefits of cutting yourself are obvious.

5. VEGETABLES. Locally grown varieties are recommended: eggplants, zucchini, bell peppers, carrots, beets, cabbage (all types).

How to save money on vegetables:

  • It is better to buy vegetables in large quantities during the season of their ripeness, when store shelves and food markets are literally bursting with fresh produce.
  • You shouldn’t get carried away with canning, but thanks to modern refrigerators, you can treat yourself to a stew of fresh vegetables even in the middle of winter. Cut zucchini or eggplant into small pieces, pack into bags and place in the freezer. Homemade frozen vegetables retain maximum vitamins and taste.
  • It is recommended to take broccoli, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower by weight, frozen - this is much cheaper than buying 400 grams in a package at the same price as per kilogram.

6. FRUITS. Buy and prepare in the summer. Pack in bags and freeze like vegetables, or dry in the oven and use for making compotes, soak in boiling water, and add to porridge and baked goods.

7. FISH. Sea and river varieties supply the body with Omega-6 amino acids. There is no need to strive to buy expensive red fish. The taste of pink salmon, if cooked correctly, is not too different from the taste of salmon, but the price of the former is not as high as the latter.

You can eat canned tuna or saury, but when purchasing, carefully study the composition.

8. CHEESE. To save money, try to take low-fat cheeses from domestic producers, for example, “Rossiysky”. It, of course, does not live up to Mozzarella, but contains no less nutritious and healthy components. A kilogram from 260 rubles.

9. COTTAGE CHEESE. It's better to take dairy product directly from the manufacturer. It will cost 2-3 times less than store-bought, and will be much tastier and more natural. 60 – 110 rub. per kg.

A week will devastate the household budget by 1000 - 1200 rubles. The cost varies depending on the number of people in the family and diet. The main thing that people who are planning to change their lifestyle and switch to proper nutrition should understand is that healthy foods mean good health. No doctors or expensive medications. Feeling great and looking great.

Many women have long been familiar with planning the diet of their household. This event is not easy, because it is necessary to take into account many nuances: the tastes of each family member, income and range of products. However, drawing up a menu for a week for the family helps in solving many problems: the diet loses monotony, the housewife gets rid of daily stress, and the whole family is happy!

Why do we need a menu for the week?

With the right approach, planning your family’s diet for a week is not difficult. It is necessary to write down the composition of daily meals on a piece of paper. After this, the necessary products that should be included in the purchase list are assessed. This approach is considered the main one for rational housekeeping. It provides a lot of advantages, including saving time, money, and the ability to change your diet healthy eating.

Save time

  • eggs;
  • bird;
  • meat;
  • dairy, fermented milk products;
  • seafood, fish;
  • cereals;
  • greens, vegetables;
  • spices;
  • berries and fruits;
  • vegetable oils;
  • apple marmalade, marshmallows or dried fruits if you want something sweet;
  • whole grain or yeast-free rye bread.

Selecting a convenient menu form

The weekly family menu form can be printed, electronic, or hand-written. Through trial and error, you will independently understand what is more convenient for you. It’s easy to create a menu for your family using special programs that save effort and time. You can create a universal template on your computer, filling it out every week at your discretion. The most convenient form is the one that combines the menu with the ingredients for each recipe.

Sample menu and recipes for the week for the whole family

Below we provide an approximate menu for the week for the whole family, as well as. This may go against your culinary preferences and habits. But having a template in front of you, it’s easy to make changes to it in your own way.


  • Breakfast - .
  • Lunch – chicken soup with noodles.
  • Afternoon snack – salad of dried apricots and carrots.
  • Dinner – vegetable salad, noodles.
  • Breakfast – scrambled eggs with sausages.
  • Lunch – noodle soup.
  • Afternoon snack – fruit salad or whole fruits.
  • Dinner – vegetable salad, .
  • Breakfast – semolina porridge with raisins.
  • Lunch – goulash.
  • Afternoon snack – with the addition of rice.
  • Dinner – radish and herb salad, potato zrazy stuffed with mushrooms.

Adequate nutrition is an important budget item for every family. In fact, this is a kind of test of the young housewife regarding her economy, foresight and rationality. Saving on food without compromising your health and tastes is a whole science, which this publication will help you understand.

A few rules for true housewives

Initially, you will have to learn how to independently create an economical menu for the week, keep food leftovers in the refrigerator under control, stock up on food for the winter, and avoid unplanned visits to the supermarket and market.

The following is added to this:

  • Every month an exact list of products is compiled, and purchases are made strictly according to it;
  • on the Internet you need to monitor all promotions and discounts taking place in supermarkets in your city;
  • when going for provisions, eat well first;
  • make your choice without haste, compare and analyze the cost and expiration dates;
  • Having created an economical menu for the week for your family, make all purchases only according to the list. It is permissible to purchase additional milk and bakery products separately;
  • do not waste money on semi-finished products.

When developing an economical menu for the entire coming month, you need to do the following:

  • calculate the volume of the main ingredients and come up with a variety of dishes;
  • write down a list of products and purchase them;
  • prepare semi-finished products on your own;
  • Divide into parts and freeze what you purchased for future use.

Calculating the number of dishes for the coming month

If you sit down and really figure it out, it turns out that in one week there are 7 lunches, morning meals and dinners.

In an ideal situation, the first meal involves the presence of a side dish, a drink and a salad, lunch - the first and second course, salad and drink, the evening saturation - only a side dish and a drink. In addition, you have to periodically prepare baked goods.

It is important here not to be afraid ahead of time, and to remember the eating habits of your family. Agree, not everyone prefers to have a hearty breakfast or dinner; for some, baking is not held in high esteem, while others neglect afternoon tea because they constantly eat lunch at work.

In addition, when putting together a holiday or economical menu with recipes for the whole week or for the whole month, consider the following points:

  • The first courses are prepared for a couple of days;
  • Porridge and other side dishes are also for 2 days;
  • Even the most economical menu includes salads. They, by the way, can be “long-lasting” and fresh. The first includes “Olivier” and the like, and the second includes vegetables, which are made at a time;
  • Baking doesn't have to be on the table every day. But you can’t do without it if there are children in the family. You can give a homemade muffin or bun to school, and offer cookies and natural yogurt for an afternoon snack.

Semi-finished products

When developing an economical menu for each new day, it is important to provide for the opportunity to prepare food for future use, that is, stock up on semi-finished products. For example, one piece of meat can either be eaten at one time, making chops out of it, or divided into minced meat. You can use it to make dumplings and cabbage rolls, enough for a week. From the same cut of meat it is possible to prepare homemade liver for pancakes, navy-style pasta or fried pies.

To eat the first dishes in meat broth every day, you can boil the chicken in one large container, about 5-6 liters, to achieve a rich base. It is divided into portions, frozen and stored in a refrigerator.

Cooked meat can be added to the same first courses, used for hearty salads, as a filling for pancakes, and so on.

Semi-finished products are convenient because if you couldn’t use them this week/this month, they will be perfectly preserved in the freezer until the need for them arises.

Once you've decided on your recipes, take inventory of the contents of your kitchen cabinets, pantry, and refrigerator. See how much and what is in stock, and what needs to be purchased urgently.

The main task is to optimize food costs, without compromising the health and preferences of the family. If the amount of expected purchases is still high, replace the most expensive dishes with simpler ones, add more vegetables to the list, and so on.

Once a responsible family member has compiled a grocery list, you can go shopping. You can immediately purchase everything you need there, or you can leave some money to buy more dairy products, fruits, perishable ingredients, etc. over the course of a week or month.