The main mistakes when dyeing hair. What you need to know about hair coloring Why hair is hot when dyeing

Despite the more than 5 thousand-year history of the hair coloring tradition, we still ask ourselves the question: isn’t it dangerous? Moreover, myth-making around this procedure has deep historical roots.

Frequent dyeing can lead to hair loss

You can wear makeup for the rest of your life. The main thing is to do it competently. Select high-quality paints from well-known manufacturers. Pre-test the dye on strands of hair and an area of ​​skin (most often behind the ears). Carry out coloring strictly in accordance with the instructions. Carefully care for colored hair using special products that strengthen and nourish the hair roots.

You should not dye your hair during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

This is not prohibited, however, due to physiological changes in a woman’s body during this period, in particular, hormonal fluctuations, the coloring result may not coincide with your expectations. A similar effect can occur during coloring during menstruation. Contraindications for the procedure are: asthma, eczema, organic kidney damage, hair diseases, for example, fungal ones.

The hair coloring procedure should start from the roots

Not always. When first dyeing, you need to start applying dye from the ends of the hair. A few minutes after finishing work with the tips, you can begin painting the main part of the head. This is due to the fact that the ends of the hair contain natural pigments in much lower concentrations, as a result, this part of the hair will change color much longer. At the roots, the hair is healthier, the temperature is higher due to its proximity to the body, so coloring occurs more intensely.

When repeating dyeing, the dye is first applied to the regrown parts of the hair at the roots, and then to the remaining hair to refresh the color.

Masks for colored hair wash out dye pigments

On the contrary, conditioners and special masks used immediately after hair coloring not only do not wash out the pigment, but also allow the resulting color to be preserved for a longer time. In addition, they nourish and care for the hair after the procedure. But washing your hair with shampoo after coloring is not recommended for at least 2-3 days. This time is necessary for all hair scales that have absorbed the pigment to close and prevent the dye from being “washed out.”

After repeated dyeing and bleaching, natural hair becomes darker

This visual effect does not occur as a result of regular bleaching of your own hair, but is a complex of several phenomena.

  1. Firstly, at the roots the hair is always darker than its main mass, and in combination with light shade hair, this external effect only intensifies.
  2. Secondly, over time, the hair does darken, but this is not due to the effect of the dye, but to age-related changes. To restore them and make your hair bloom healthy looking requires care using special products.

Hair starts to fall out after dyeing

There is no scientific explanation for the sudden onset of hair loss after coloring. It’s just that most often women resort to coloring procedures at the appropriate age - to hide the beginning gray hair. But age-related changes are not only gray hair, it is also a gradually increasing intensity of hair loss, a natural process in advanced age. However, it is possible to provoke sudden hair loss if you use cheap dyes with aggressive, unadapted bleaching agents.

The process of hair coloring according to the instructions can be adjusted to suit you

This is a big and gross mistake. Applying paint in less volume (or time) than required, according to the principle of “less chemicals”, will not lead to the expected effect, but rather will force you to resort to painting again, which is obviously due to such short term Nothing good hair won't bring it. Likewise, overexposure to hair dye is harmful. Violation of coloring technology can cause disruption of the structure of the hair shaft and its physical and chemical characteristics, which is fraught with problems for the hair.

That is why experts advise having your hair dyed in salons, with the help of specialists.

The modern beauty industry produces quite a lot of products for self-care, so it is quite possible to change your hair color at home. Fortunately, the paint package includes gloves, paint that does not smear, balm, and other devices. Beautiful women's faces from cardboard packages of hair dye, as if they are telling us: there is nothing complicated, do it yourself. And we do... However, in some cases, afterward we mourn the result. How to prevent the most typical mistakes when dyeing hair?

Mistake #1 The color was wrong

Choosing your future hair color is a matter of no fuss. Think, consult. Have you decided on the main color? Choose a shade. When considering the desired paint, pay attention to the back of the pack, where an intermediate color is usually indicated, depending on your original tone. In specialized stores, the choice is easier: ask for a panel with curls painted in one color or another. This makes it easier to understand the shades. What experts advise: when dyeing your hair yourself, do not change the color by more than two tones. There is no need to take risks; entrust a radical change of hair color to a specialist. Do not forget that it is impossible to turn a burning brunette into a blonde with one coloring, and vice versa.

Mistake No. 2 The dye “burned” the hair

Modern high-quality dyes provide a certain degree of hair protection. For this purpose, the paint is enriched with natural healing ingredients or oils, and a conditioner is also included, which must be used after dyeing. Despite attempts to secure the dyeing process, this procedure can hardly be called beneficial for hair. In order to somehow reduce the harmful effects and not burn your hair, you must adhere to the following simple rules. Choose high-quality, “proven” paint. Apply it to unwashed hair. Do not use metal tools when applying paint. The metal reacts with the components of the dye, which harms the hair. Do not overexpose the paint in pursuit of color. If you are not satisfied with the tone, it is better to repeat the coloring after a while. Remember that the effect on your hair is more aggressive, the lighter the tone you choose.

Mistake #3: Hair is colored unevenly

In order to avoid this trouble, follow the sequence of applying the paint and distribute the paint well among the strands. Keep in mind that thin hair They perceive the dye more readily and, accordingly, acquire the desired shade faster. Taking this into account, it is recommended to first apply the dye to the hair in the occipital region, and lastly to the curls in the forehead and temples. Do you want to become a fiery red-haired beauty? In this case, apply dye to the curls along the entire length, departing 2-3 cm from the roots: the root area of ​​​​the hair is painted last. The paint application process should take no more than 15 minutes.

Error No. 4 Skin in the forehead and temples is colored

Paint that gets on the skin leaves marks. The main difficulty is that “traces of staining” are poorly washed off with running water. In order to avoid this trouble, immediately before applying the paint, lubricate the skin in the forehead and temples with Vaseline or fatty cream. For home use, choose paint that does not bleed. Just in case, buy special napkins that can be used to wash off traces of hair dye.

Attention, gray hair!

In coloring gray hair has its own subtleties. Gray hair is hair completely devoid of pigment. Such hair is reluctant to accept dye and quickly loses color. In most cases, gray hair develops unevenly. Most often, an admixture of gray hair is found in the total mass of hair. After dyeing such hair, the color may end up uneven: darker at the ends and lighter at the roots. The best option is to entrust your hair to a specialist.

Depending on the proportion of gray hair on the head, hairdressers carry out a series of preliminary procedures, the so-called hair repigmentation. Gray hair is saturated with a pigment that is close in tone to the desired color, and only then the main coloring is carried out. If there is not a lot of gray hair on the head, then dyeing can be done independently, but taking into account certain nuances. For example, ammonia-free paint does not cover gray hair well. First of all, you should apply the dye to gray hair.

You should not overexpose synthetic dyes to your hair. And natural ones (henna, basma) can be kept for 1-2 hours.

Don't forget about the health of your hair. After coloring, use a balm or conditioner, apply regularly nourishing masks.

  1. Napkins for removing dye from skin L "Oreal Professionnel Efassor Spesial Colorist. Napkins make it easy to remove stains of hair dye from the skin of the face and scalp.
  2. Lotion for removing paint from skin SKIN COLOR REMOVER Estel Professional. Gently and delicately removes traces of hair dye. It is necessary to moisten a cotton pad in the product and wipe the skin.
  3. Stabilizing mask for colored hair Color Radiance Stabilizer Mask Londa. A mask from the Londa brand protects hair and preserves its color after dyeing for a long time. It is recommended to use immediately after coloring.

An extremely useful and practical, comprehensive article on how to properly dye your hair at home and avoid common mistakes. Recommended reading for all ages.

Let's be honest: we all paint ourselves at home from time to time. And then we get angry that the color is wrong, the hair is ruined and everything is washed off within a week. Meanwhile, a lot of unpleasant moments can be avoided!

Mistake #1: You choose the color based on the picture on the package

Sorry, but dye manufacturers don’t know what kind of hair you have: fine, porous or hard and “glassy.” The coloring result depends not only on your natural color, but also on the condition of your hair, previous dyeing and other factors.

Use the shade chart, which is usually on the back of the box, to get an idea of ​​what the color will look like on your hair. But don’t rely on it completely either!

Mistake #2: You don't do a color test

Yes, it’s a shame to spend money on a whole package, use only a few drops of paint, and throw away the rest. But the hair is a pity!

If you paint everything at once and get a radical black color with green tint instead of the promised golden nut, the correction will obviously cost more. Choose a small curl from the side of the neck and check on it what the result will be.

Mistake #3: You don't do an allergy test

All manufacturers, without exception, ask you to first test the reaction to the paint on a small area of ​​skin. But of course you rely on luck. In vain! An allergy to dye can manifest itself in the forms of irritation, itching, inflammation and even hair loss!

So, at the same time as testing on a small strand, check the skin’s reaction to the dye. The area should be chosen on the back of the neck or behind the ear: the skin there is sensitive and the place is inconspicuous.

Mistake #4: You're not protecting your skin

You dyed your hair, and then spend three days scrubbing paint stains from your neck and ears? Before coloring, apply greasy cream or Vaseline to exposed areas of skin that may be affected. And no stains!

Mistake #5: You use hair conditioner before coloring.

The day before dyeing, it is better not to wash your hair at all. But if you really can’t go a day without washing your hair, don’t use conditioner: it closes small pores on the surface of the hair, and the dye will color the strands unevenly.

Mistake #6: You don’t wash off the styling

Yes, you shouldn’t wash your hair immediately before dyeing, but don’t take this too literally: if the day before you did complex styling When using foam, mousse, varnish and gel, be sure to wash them off! Otherwise, coloring is simply pointless.

Mistake #7: You use hair dye on your eyebrows and eyelashes

Never paint your eyebrows or eyelashes with hair dye - your eyelashes may fall off! But this is not the worst thing: the paint can get into your eyes, which can have serious medical consequences for your vision.

There are special ones for eyebrows and eyelashes professional paints, and coloring is recommended to be done in a salon.

Mistake #8: You leave the paint on longer than expected to make the color more intense

Under no circumstances should you leave the dye on your hair too long - this can seriously damage your hair. The dye, remaining on the hair longer than it should, damages the structure of the hair shaft to a greater or lesser extent, and the dye's action time is still limited: after 30 minutes (in some cases - 40, read the instructions) it simply stops working. You'll burn your hair, but the color won't get any better.

Mistake #9: You wash your colored hair with anti-dandruff shampoos

Special anti-dandruff shampoos have the strongest cleansing properties. And they will simply wash away the artificial pigments! If you have a problem with dandruff, use special products labeled “for colored hair.”

Mistake #10: You dye your hair more than two shades darker or lighter than your natural shade.

Your hair color should be in harmony with your natural color type. If you want radical changes, go to the salon and consult with a colorist: he will select the optimal range (warm or cool), create the right mix of shades so that the hair tone is in harmony with the color of your skin and eyes, and will carry out the procedure safely and professionally. Home dyeing is not the answer in this case.

Mistake #11: You lighten your hair with a powerful oxidizer

Often, when they lighten their hair at home, girls buy a professional 9-12 percent oxidizer and sit with the applied solution for up to an hour! This is very harmful. A skin burn can cause a severe allergic reaction - so that even more gentle dyes will cause allergies in the future. And the hair turns into tow.

Moreover, the color always turns out yellow. And then... ash paint is applied on top!!! And it necessarily contains a blue pigment, which, in combination with yellow, produces a clear greenish tint. We hope all this is not about you.

Mistake #12: You don't paint your roots

Keep in mind: the ends of the hair are more porous, and the roots are denser, so if you immediately apply the dye to the entire length, you will get the effect of regrown hair, when the shade seems to be the same, but the roots look lighter.

Mistake #13: The ends of your hair are too dark

The opposite effect of the previous point: when hair color is applied to the entire head at once, not only do the roots turn out too bright, but the ends usually turn out darker than you intended. Moreover, this is a cumulative phenomenon: with each subsequent coloring, the ends will become darker and darker.

Always apply the dye first to the roots over the entire surface of the head, and only then distribute it to the ends.

Mistake No. 14: You color your strands unevenly

Well, you don’t have eyes in the back of your head, no! If you don't have a boyish haircut, ask a friend to help you.

Mistake #15: You apply dye to wet hair

And some of the pigments immediately flow down onto your shoulders. Permanent dyes are applied only to dry strands, and, remember, unwashed for about a day.

Mistake #16: You wash your hair the day after coloring

After dyeing your hair, you should refrain from washing your hair for at least a day to allow the dye to set better. And also do not use hair styling products so that the aggressive components in their composition do not interfere with the absorption of paint pigments.

Since the dye itself contains degreasing components, after dyeing your hair is clean and there is no problem waiting 24 hours.

Mistake #17: You leave the finished mixture to sit

After mixing the paint with the developer cream, you should immediately begin coloring. The fact is that chemical processes begin immediately after mixing the components, and if you let the prepared mixture sit, the color may turn out dull.

Mistake #18: You dilute the dye with shampoo or conditioner

If, when dyeing your hair, it seems to you that there is not enough dye, do not dilute it with regular shampoo or conditioner! You will lose in quality. Try to use the mass sparingly, since you are sure that it will not be enough, and in the future, buy 2 packages instead of one.

Life hack: with average hair thickness, you won’t be able to get by with just one bottle if your hair is longer than your shoulders.

Mistake #19: You use a metal comb

The metal oxidizes and reacts with the paint, affecting the paint result in unpredictable ways. Use neutral plastic, wooden or ceramic combs.

Mistake #20: You paint yourself blue (green, red, purple) for fun.

Scientists have found that radical hair coloring can lead to serious skin diseases. Particularly dangerous are crimson, violet, green, bright red and blue colors: These paints contain the substance para-phenylenediamine, which causes inflammation of the skin.

The result of home coloring is often unexpected: some are lucky, others not so much - few people know all the rules.

MISTAKE #1: Choose paint color based on the photo on the box.

Correction: Each brand has its own hair color on the packaging - even colors with the same numbers are different. Refer to the picture on the side or bottom of the box for the “before” and “after” shade. Choose from a palette of artificial hair samples. The result largely depends on the original color and characteristics of the paint.

MISTAKE #2: Not doing a test stain.

Correction: There will be no unpleasant surprises if you first dye a small strand from the side of the neck and evaluate the resulting result. If you like the shade, continue.

MISTAKE #3: Significantly increase paint exposure time.

Correction: By increasing the time by more than 5 minutes, you violate the dyeing technology. Dye remaining on the hair for a long time damages its structure, dries out the skin, and irritates the hair follicle. Such losses are difficult to recover. It is more prudent to carry out the procedure correctly.

MISTAKE #4: After dyeing, use active shampoos, for example, anti-dandruff. Correction: For a week after visiting the salon, use shampoos for colored hair. They control the ongoing process of coloring and oxidation. Then, to maintain the color, use special care products.

MISTAKE #5: Dye your hair more than 2 shades darker or lighter.

Correction: Already a week after dyeing, regrown roots will become noticeable - you will need to tint them. Choose a paint shade that is close to natural color hair.

MISTAKE #6: Selecting the wrong oxidizing agent for the paint.

Correction: Oxidizing agents in the form of a creamy emulsion contain lanolin alcohols, which have a softening, protective and moisturizing effect. Their choice depends on desired result staining. The first 10–40 minutes of action of the oxidizer are spent on lightening the hair. The next 15–20 minutes are for fixing the color. A 3% oxidizing agent will lighten your hair slightly - use it for tone-on-tone coloring. Use a 12% oxidizing agent with high brightening power to lighten dark hair, but know that it “eats” the final color. Follow the recommended exposure time for paint with oxidizer. When using clemazone, you can reduce the lightening time by 2 times, but leave the color deposition period unchanged - 15–20 minutes.

MISTAKE #7: Choosing the wrong type of paint.

Correction: Each type of paint has its own tasks. Light tints, marked on the packaging as group/type 1, impart a tint that gradually washes off after the 3–8th wash. Semi-permanent, or tinting, dyes of the 2nd group/type slightly change color, refresh hair that has become dull from the sun, do not lighten dark hair, do not completely cover gray hair, and last about a month and a half. Permanent, or permanent, dyes of the 3rd group/type provide rich colors and completely cover gray hair. They can lighten hair by 1-2 tones, and especially strong ones by 2-4, they don’t wash off for a long time, but they make hair lose its shine.

MISTAKE #8: Not protecting the face and neck area.

Correction: The paint leaves stains on the skin, the oxidizing agent causes a burn. Therefore, before dyeing, wear clothes that you don’t mind ruining. Be sure to use gloves. Apply a rich cream to your neck and ears. If paint gets on any areas of the skin, wipe them with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol lotion.

MISTAKE #9: Not doing an allergy test.

Correction: Check the skin's reaction to the paint in a small area: for example, behind the ear or on the inner bend of the elbow. Allergies manifest themselves in the form of severe irritation, redness, and inflammation. If you feel discomfort when applying the dye, wash it off and take antihistamines. If you have bronchial asthma or kidney disease, it is not recommended to dye your hair.

MISTAKE #10: Covering your gray hair incorrectly.

Correction: Gray hair is easily covered with dark shades and difficult with light shades. A thicker layer of paint will be required and the procedure will take longer. Dual action anti-aging coloring is recommended - consult your colorist. You don’t have to get your makeup done at the salon every time; pay once for the selection of paint and color - and you can maintain the shade at home, but it will definitely suit you.

MISTAKE #11: Trimming ends before coloring.

Correction: When dyeing with permanent dye, the structure of the hair is disrupted. Afterwards it is recommended to trim the ends. Toning, on the contrary, creates a protective film on them - the haircut is done before the procedure.

MISTAKE #12: Fading incorrectly.

Correction: Hair lends itself well to bleaching, but some girls want to speed up the lightening process even more. The use of too strong an oxidizing agent is an extreme measure, which is only used when dyeing gray hair in light colors so that the shade is uniform.

Correction: All paints are mixed, applied and act differently. Read the attached instructions carefully and do not throw them away until the end of coloring, so that, for example, you do not forget the percentage of the oxidizing agent.

MISTAKE #14: Reduce dyeing time.

Correction: This is permissible for light hair and when dyeing dark hair with a non-aggressive dye in a similar tone. Rinse off 5 minutes early. In other options, carefully follow the instructions. If you wash off the paint earlier, this does not mean that the color will be lighter or darker; the pigment may simply not adhere well.

MISTAKE #15: Dyeing clean hair.

Correction: Permanent dye gives an aggressive reaction, splits the hair shafts and burns the skin. Apply protective lotion to your scalp. When blonding clean hair, you can burn the ends - first lubricate them with special oil.

MISTAKE #16: Toning on dirty hair.

Correction: Unlike permanent dyeing, tinting is done on clean hair. Due to the dense structure of the oil or styling product, the tinting dye will not penetrate into the hair structure. After the procedure, use special shampoo.

MISTAKE #17: Using conditioner before painting.

Correction: The use of conditioners before the procedure is not in the best possible way affects the quality of coloring due to the free radicals that they contain to soften, moisturize and remove static electricity. Conditioner will prevent the dye from working evenly.

You know how it happens: girls with curls always want straight hair, and brunettes always dream of dyeing their hair blonde, or vice versa. If a styler or straightener can always help solve the first problem, then in the second case, hair coloring is simply inevitable. We decided to find out everything about coloring from the leading stylist of Londa Professional Russia Andrey Varivoda.

1. Truth: Dyeing is a chemical process.

Before dyeing your hair, as a rule, the dye is first mixed with an oxidizing emulsion. Then the mixture is applied to the hair. As a result of the mixture getting on the hair, it swells under the influence of a chemical reaction. The ammonia contained in the dye combines with hydrogen peroxide and a reaction occurs, releasing heat and releasing an oxygen atom, which lightens (oxidizes) the natural pigment, revealing (forms) the artificial pigment.


2. Truth: Coloring ruins your hair.

Any impact harms the hair, but there is no escape from it. Not only coloring spoils the structure of the hair, but also environment, ultraviolet rays, hot styling using a hair dryer, iron, etc. Dyes, to a greater or lesser extent, affect the structure of the hair shaft, and, consequently, its physicochemical characteristics. Therefore, it is more prudent to carry out the staining procedure correctly, observing all technologies. Those girls who are trying to become blondes on their own are especially at risk. Transforming into a “bright diva” is a doubly important moment. In fact, it is better to leave it to a professional.

3. False: It’s impossible to turn from a hot brunette to a blonde.

If you are a burning brunette or a red-haired diva with natural hair color, you will not have any particular difficulties in becoming a blonde. Of course, this process will involve lightening the hair and we are not talking about the brightest possible result. But if your hair is colored black or bright copper, the lightening process may take place in several stages. The most important thing is to consult with a professional who will evaluate the “quality” of your hair and choose a more suitable lightening option. But, still, it’s better to be a bright brunette or a red-haired fox than to have “cotton candy” on your head.


4. Truth: Ombre is the most harmless type of coloring

The innovative technique of coloring ombre curls, which came to us from Hollywood stars, from red carpets and fashion catwalks, has now gained popularity among women. A soft, smooth transition of color from one tone to another or outstanding color contrast will achieve a natural effect. It is believed that this dyeing method is the most gentle, since the hair roots do not need to be dyed.

5. Truth: You shouldn't dye your hair very often.

You can dye your hair no more than once a month, otherwise you can damage its structure. If you want to maintain your hair color in perfect condition, you should not dye it completely, but only the regrown roots.

6. False: Anyone can wear makeup.

Coloring has a number of contraindications. For example, it is strictly not recommended for pregnant girls to dye their hair, since substances that penetrate the scalp through the hair can cause a number of serious diseases and negatively affect the development of the fetus. Also, you should not dye your hair after using henna or basma. Otherwise, an approximate version of your future shade: orange-green, which is formed as a result of a reaction between chemical and plant components. Also, you should not wear makeup if your scalp is damaged. Well, it’s worth taking into account individual intolerance to substances included in the paint.


7. Truth: There is paint without ammonia

Today there is an alternative to permanent permanent dyes that contain ammonia. These are semi-permanent tinting dyes and direct dyes (tinting gels, balms, tonics, etc.). These dyes, as a rule, have a gentler effect on the hair, enveloping it with a protective film during the dyeing process. Their durability is of course inferior to permanent dye, but still, it depends on how often you wash your hair and what hair care products you use. And, in addition, the absence of ammonia in such dyes prevents them from dyeing hair lighter. Conclusion: if you want to dye your hair tone-on-tone or darker, give preference to semi-permanent and direct dyes, but if it’s lighter, you can’t do without a permanent dye.

8. Truth: You need to think carefully before deciding to dye

If you dream of being a bright blonde, a sizzling brunette or a flaming red-haired lady, think carefully. Perhaps these are just your fleeting fantasies. You understand that the dye won’t wash off from your curls so easily. Once you have made a decision, take action. And it’s better if you turn to a professional Russian hair stylist who will “bring you beauty.”