Chocolate candies - origin and types; selection and storage of sweets; benefit and harm; the secret of cooking at home. Where do our sweets have such strange names (11 photos) Cooking at home

05/17/2017 at 01:38 pm · Pavlofox · 59 880

The most delicious sweets in Russia

Residents of any country can boast of delicious delicacies. In Japan, chestnut quintons are considered the best dessert, in Turkey - baklava, in Britain - pudding, in Italy - tiramisu.

In Russia, sweets occupy the first place among delicacies. One can only be amazed at their diversity: each region produces countless delicious sweets with a wide variety of fillings. It is incredibly difficult to choose the best examples from them. Our Top 10 includes the most delicious candies in Russia (photos and names), which consumers most often buy not only for themselves, but also as a delicious gift friends and family. The list is compiled based on reviews from users of major Internet resources and is subjective.

10. Bars with chocolate and creamy flavor

They open a list of the most delicious Russian sweets from the Rot Front factory. The bars are made from praline with the addition of grated peanuts and crispy crushed wafers. The harmonious nutty, chocolate and creamy taste is well felt. The bar is quite sweet, but not at all cloying.

The estimated cost of 1 kg of sweets is 319 rubles.

9. Delicate dessert with cream filling

One of the most delicious Russian candies - a delicate dessert with a creamy filling. "Roulade" from the Akkond factory. The manufacturer has been pleasing consumers with excellent products for many years. The most famous candies of the factory are “Rulada”. They are three times the size of regular candies. The sweetness is covered with chocolate glaze, under which there is a delicate cream filling, dressed in a wafer layer.

“Rulada” is a delicious, aromatic, crispy dessert with a melting filling. Because of large size It’s difficult to eat more than 2-3 candies at a time. Moderately sweet, this dessert has a harmonious taste, despite the abundance of ingredients in its composition.

The approximate price of dessert is from 300 to 450 rubles per kilogram.

8. Set of milk chocolate with whole hazelnuts and light nut filling

Among the most delicious sweets Russia includes the trademark “A. Korkunov."

Candies have beautiful shape, they are made of milk chocolate, inside there is a whole hazelnut, and a light creamy nut filling. The dessert is not cloying and has a delicate chocolate taste.

Stylish, elegant packaging allows you to use the set of chocolates as a delicious gift.

The approximate cost of a set weighing 190 grams is from 300 to 380 rubles.


From the Rot Front factory - some of the most famous and delicious sweets in Russia. They have been produced for sixty years and are loved by more than one generation.

The candies are rectangular in shape. Delicious praline covered with chocolate glaze. The candy has a pleasant chocolate-nut taste without any sweet cloying. “Mask” is available in bags, by weight and in gift box. Last option The good thing is that you can buy your favorite sweets not only for tea, but also as a tasty gift.

Among the disadvantages of the dessert, one can note that the composition is not the best: the sweets contain palm oil.

The average cost of sweets for 250 grams is 120 rubles.


The Red October factories are familiar to more than one generation and are among the most delicious Russian sweets. Their taste has remained virtually unchanged since Soviet times. The classic wrapper of the delicacy has remained almost unchanged - it still depicts camels wandering through the desert. The wrapper is high quality and thick.

The inner layer of the dessert is a soft praline with pieces of waffles and nuts. The delicious filling is covered with delicate chocolate glaze. The candies are not cloying, there is nothing extra or artificial in the taste.

One of the advantages of the dessert is that it is made according to GOST.

The estimated cost of sweets is 600 rubles per 1 kg.


Among the most delicious Russian sweets is one from the Yashkino factory. They have amazing taste. Externally, the dessert looks like an ordinary candy bar. The filling is combined and consists of chocolate, cookies and caramel. It is covered with chocolate glaze. The candies have an unusual, refined taste. Separately, it is worth noting the design of the dessert wrapper, inspired by Japanese motifs.

The advantages of these incredibly tasty sweets include their low price - 47 rubles per package weighing 180 g.


Sweets from the Red October factory are a taste familiar to many from childhood. The delicacy is rightfully one of the most delicious and popular Russian sweets.

The candies are delicious - chocolate glaze, filling and waffles create a harmonious combination.

The only disadvantages of the delicacy are the excessively thick layer of chocolate glaze and the rather high price of the candy.

The average cost of sweets is 640-700 rubles per 1 kg.


It is one of the most delicious sweets in Russia. This is a set that includes 15 candies with three fillings: milk chocolate, creamy caramel, hazelnuts and almonds. Miniature chocolate bars are wrapped in foil. Inside there is a small message with pleasant words.

Advantages of the treat:

  • natural milk chocolate;
  • sweets do not contain vegetable fats;
  • delicate rich taste.

The cost of a set weighing 118 grams is from 219 to 326 rubles.


From the Red October factory - not only some of the most delicious, but also the oldest candies in Russia. The composition of the delicacy, as well as the packaging, have reached our time practically unchanged. They began producing sweets even before the revolution (presumably in the 1880-1890s) in the Einem workshop, which is now called Red October. The candy wrapper was created by the artist Emmanuil Andreev, who took Shishkin’s painting “Morning in a Pine Forest” as a basis.

The composition of the oldest candies from the Red October factory has remained virtually unchanged: a delicate praline between two wafers is covered with chocolate glaze.

The price of the legendary delicacy ranges from 700 to 800 rubles per kg.


With delicate almond cream and whole almonds - one of the most delicious sweets in Russia.

The almond kernel is encased in a nut cream, topped with a crispy wafer and dipped in a fresh chocolate glaze. The waffle is sprinkled with pleasantly crunchy small nuts. Almond cream is extremely delicate. The manufacturer managed to achieve a harmonious combination of delicate filling, crispy whole nuts and hard chocolate glaze.

The average price of sweets is 257 rubles per package weighing 240 g.

Readers' Choice:

There is probably not a single person who, at least once in his life, has not wondered who comes up with the names of candies and what guides this someone? Even simply because some names surprise us, others seem funny, funny, and some even strange and ridiculous.

Experts from one of the Volgograd confectionery factories told a correspondent of the online newspaper “Crooked Mirror” how new candies and new names are born.

Previously, in Soviet era, when all the names of candies were in the public domain, any factory could use, well, for example, a name like “Bear in the North.” However, after the United Confectioners holding company patented all the names, all other candy manufacturers had to either buy out licenses from it, or stop producing “Soviet” confectionery products, or rename them. Now every factory, if it wants to produce candy, for example, even with a recipe similar to “Mishka in the North,” it does not have the right to do this. Only one factory has the right to produce “Mishka in the North,” so everyone else has to come up with similar names for a well-known product, because the buyer knows and loves this candy. This is how the names “Bear on the Ice” appeared, and the “Tuzik” candies became Polkanchik,” says Tatyana Dementieva, senior process engineer of the factory’s production department.

This all concerns the names of sweets that factories have been making for many years throughout the country.

New names for candies are, as a rule, the creativity of the entire team of the enterprise, the technological service. Employees can present all their ideas and names of sweets during competitions held in factories.

According to the head of the marketing department, Maria Pimkina, the main thing in this process is a person’s imagination.

“Everyone who participates in competitions comes up with, based on their own worldview, some life moments and creativity. If, for example, the competition did not give the desired result, then we turn to

agencies involved in naming, that is, developing names,” said Maria.

Next, the favorite names of confectionery products are reviewed by the artistic council of the production, and then checked for patent purity. If the name passes patent clearance, then a decision is made to patent it.

“It happens very rarely when we make a name for a product, most often it’s the other way around. The patenting process continues more than a year, and if we come up with a product and then patent its name, then it will take a very long time, but when there is good idea some candy, I don’t want to wait that long. We try to patent names that can be suitable for any type of candy,” explains Tatyana.

Manufacturers also use unusual, beautiful names in the names of sweets. female names, names of rivers, fruits, animals, birds, flowers, seasons, some events, etc. Characters from fairy tales and famous animated films are also used.

Coming up with the name of a candy, its shape and packaging can be quite simple, as, for example, in the case of the well-known Lemonchiki caramel. It is made according to the shape, color and sour taste of the fruit of the same name. Hence the logical name, and the yellow candy wrapper with green letters.

Everything about the Snowball caramel is also harmonious: the name, the color, and the taste. The candy is white, it crunches like snow, and its wrapper is made in white and blue “frosty” tones with painted snowflakes.

The popularity or success of a candy, according to experts, depends on many factors, including the packaging, although, as those with a sweet tooth say, if you like a candy, it doesn’t matter what kind of clothing it is sold in, however, it is doubly nice when your favorite delicacy is wrapped in a beautiful wrapper.

By the way, for many, candy wrappers are a collectible and there are unique collections of candy wrappers that have been collected for generations. Candy wrappers can tell a lot. They reflect the spirit of the time, people's tastes, the artist's talent, and historical events. Many works can even be called works of art.

If previously, when wrapping sweets, paper wrappers and boxes were mainly used, now the manufacturer has other types of packaging material - various types cling film, foil. In the confectionery industry, there is even such a thing as fashion - fashion in design, in packaging of candies, in terms of convenience for the buyer, in how to arrange candies on a shelf, display case, etc.

To summarize, we can note the following that there are no secrets, in particular, how and who comes up with the names of sweets, as well as in the packaging of sweets. The secret is only the recipe of the product, and if you season it with quality, you will get delicious candies.

Alena Romanova

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We all, young and old, love candy, everyone has a favorite variety. The first sweets appeared a long time ago, and since then they have only become tastier.

The word “candy” itself came into Russian from the Latin language, which meant “prepared drug”. Pharmacists were the first to use it in the 16th century for medicinal purposes. Subsequently, the term came to mean more wide circle confectionery products from different ingredients.

Rarely does a tea party go without sweets. They are a wonderful treat, add warmth and joy to any holiday, are tasty and beautiful.

When we eat candy, we throw away the candy wrappers, which, in turn, turn into garbage. Looking at the bright shiny candy wrappers, I suggested that if we used the names of the candies, we could make Russian language lessons more interesting. My project provides examples of what learned rules can be found on candy wrappers.

Purpose of the work: Analyze the names of sweets from the point of view of the Russian language.


1. In order to broaden your horizons and replenish your vocabulary, get acquainted with the history of the origin of sweets.

2. Consider the names of the candies and divide them into thematic groups.

3. Parse the names of candies according to their lexical meaning and morphological characteristics.

Hypothesis: The names of sweets, like other words in the Russian language, must have a lexical meaning and morphological characteristics.

1. The history of the appearance of sweets

From the very early childhood We all fall in love with this miracle, invented by man many centuries ago. It’s hard to believe, but the first sweets appeared in Egypt more than 3 thousand years ago. During excavations, pictures and notes were found that contained information about what the sweets looked like and how they were prepared. In those days, sugar was unknown to people, so honey was consumed as a sweet. And the main component of sweets in Egypt were dates. This is how the world's first candies were accidentally mixed together with dates, nuts and honey.

They also learned how to make candy in Ancient Rus'; they were made from maple syrup, molasses and honey. Many people know lollipops, but few people thought about the origin of these legendary sweets. The birthplace of candy was precisely Ancient Rus'. In Russia, candy has been around for over 500 years. We can assume that they were the very first sweets in our country. The first Russian confectioners made lollipops from molasses and honey, and they were intended for kings, boyars and nobles. Our first confectionery factory appeared in the 19th century. Today, sweets from the Red October, Rot-Front, and the factory named after are in constant demand. Babaeva, "Korkunov". In our city, candy is produced by the Yuzhuralkonditer factory.

Currently, there are many types of candies, here are some of them: caramel, toffee, chocolate, truffles, pralines, etc.

This is how long the journey is and how many different delicacies were invented before the candy acquired its familiar shape in a beautiful wrapper.

2. Candy wrapper

Wrapper - a candy wrapper that is used to wrap candy.

Nowadays it is difficult to imagine candy without a candy wrapper. Candy wrappers are like clothes for people: they protect and decorate the candy. The beauty of the candy wrapper depends on the artist who created the sketch. Every year, artists come up with bright and interesting packaging for sweets.

It seems like something interesting can be found in a candy wrapper. It turns out that he can tell us a lot, for example, he can remind us of the rules of the Russian language.

3 . Subjecttic groups of names of candies

After studying the names of the candies, I came to the conclusion that they can be divided into thematic groups.

I made six thematic groups: fairy tale, animal world, flora, natural phenomena, names of fruits, geographical names.

Below, I have drawn a diagram of these groups.

Scheme of thematic groups of candy names.

1.Flora. This group includes the names of plants and flowers: “Barberry”, “Cornflower”, “Chamomile”, “Red Poppy”, “Nuts in Chocolate”, “Mint”.

2. Titles fruit also used in names. By these names we can determine the taste of our candies: “Pineapple”, “Lemon”, “Apricot”, “Prunes in chocolate”, “Orange”.

3. Animal world. This group is represented by the names of animals and birds: “Teddy Bear”, “Swallow”, “Bear in the North”, “Squirrel”, “Cow”. vocabulary candy lexical

4. Candies, the names of which include different geographical names. By some of the names, we can easily determine the place where this candy was made: “Chelyabinskie”, “Native Spaces”, “Kuibyshevskie”, “Karakum”, “Moskvichka”.

5.SkazkA. This group is one of the most common names among Russian candies. Since candies are mainly aimed at children, the names of this group use fairy-tale heroes: “Golden Cock Cockerel”, “Little Red Riding Hood”, “Gulliver”, “Golden Key”, “Masha and the Bear”, etc.

6.Natural phenomena, seasons.“Spring”, “Taste of Summer”, “Meteor”, “Sea”, “Blizzard”, “Snowball”, “Sun”.

4. Russian language on candy wrappers

All the names of sweets (candy wrappers) we have considered can be classified according to the following criteria:

1. composition

2. by lexical meaning

3. according to morphological characteristics

I noticed that the names of the candies consist of one or more words. Having examined monosyllabic names, I found out that they are divided into nouns and adjectives, both singular and plural. And also, they are masculine, feminine and neuter.

Cornflower - noun, singular. h., husband r

Daisies - noun, plural. h

Mint - adjective, singular, f.r.

Lemon - adjective, plural.

Sunshine - noun, singular, s.r.

It's more fun to study vocabulary using candy wrappers. Each name contains its own meaning.

Cornflower - meadow flower

Spring is the time of year,

Meteorite - cosmic body,

There are also phrases in the names of sweets.

Most often it is a noun and an adjective:

“Golden Cockerel”, “Little Red Riding Hood”, “Golden Key” and others.

Less common are phrases where a noun and a noun are in the genitive case: “Taste of Summer.”


All the names of candies that I have studied are essentially parts of speech that we have already studied in Russian lessons.

The names are extremely varied: it can be a word or phrases.

The names of candies can be combined into thematic groups.

Each name has its own meaning.

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Types of candies

Depending on the composition of the candy masses and the filling (case), candies are divided into fondant, fruit, liqueur, nut, cream, roasted, whipped, etc.

Uncoated sweets Depending on the filling (body), the following types are produced.

Fudge candies obtained by churning boiled sugar-treacle syrup, adding flavoring and aromatic substances (coffee, cocoa, nuts, acids, vanillin, etc.). Sugar and milk-cream fondant are used.

Types of sugar fudge: Tender, Fruit, Kiev (sprinkled with sugar, comes in different shapes and colors).

Varieties of fudge: Milk, Creamy, Herringbone, Cow, School, Theater fudge, Start, etc.

Nut candies obtained from roasted nuts, ground with powdered sugar, cocoa, wine, nuts, vanillin, etc.

Varieties of nut candies: Carnival with cashew nibs and cinnamon, Rebus (with corn), Little Humpbacked Horse, etc. They are released wrapped.

Marzipan candies produced from unroasted nuts, ground with sugar or sugar-treacle syrup, flavoring and aromatic substances are added. Fruits, vegetables and marzipan figures are on sale.

Puff candies consist of two or three layers of candy masses, most often these are fondant, milk, fondant-fruit masses.

Varieties of two-layer candies: Moth, Sport and three-layer - Arctic, Pioneer, Doll, Golden autumn etc.

Chocolate coated candies consist of a filling (body) and a chocolate shell. They are produced with different fillings (body).

Sweets with fondant fillings prepared by churning boiled sugar-treacle syrup with flavoring and aromatic substances (wine, nuts, cocoa, coffee, vanillin, etc.).

Varieties of sweets made from sugar fudge: Muse, Medok, Natalka-Poltavka, Citron, etc.; from fruit fondant - Fragrant, Autumn garden etc. Fudge candies - Podmoskovnye, Mocha, Mir, Gvozdika, Fantasy, Aelita. This group also includes candies Romashka, Cornflower, Vesna, Lastochka, etc.

Sweets with fruit fillings obtained by boiling fruit and berry puree with sugar-treacle syrup; gelling agents can be added. For these sweets, wine, acids, pre-cookings, etc. are used.

Varieties: Round Dance, Michurinskie, Northern Lights, Summer, Circus, Southern Night, Nizhny Novgorod.

Candies with marzipan fillings made from raw nuts, which are ground with powdered sugar or sugar-treacle syrup, and flavoring agents are added. Varieties: Elbrus (with condensed milk), Almond (with coconut oil).

Candies with nut fillings made from roasted nuts, grinding them with powdered sugar; flavoring agents include wine, cocoa powder, nuts, butter, vanillin, corn, etc.

Varieties of these candies: Well, take it away (with cocoa butter), Zolotaya Niva (with wine and cocoa powder, top sprinkled with wafer crumbs), Chudesnitsa (with cocoa powder, butter, corn, cognac), Enchantress (with cocoa powder, milk powder and cinnamon), Moscow (made from nut-chocolate mass, corn, honey and milk), Belochka (from nut mass and chopped nuts). This group of sweets also includes: Kara-Kum, Baltika, Maska, Ladoga, Salyut, etc.

Candies with nut fillings in wafers: Mishka in the North (nut filling is located between two layers of wafers), Mishka clubfoot (contains more cocoa butter and chocolate glaze), Melody (consists of chocolate-milk mass located between two layers of wafers), Gift (three layers of wafers with two nut-chocolate layers). This group also includes candies - Sadko, Chocolate-coffee, etc.

Candies with whipped fillings obtained by churning sugar with egg whites or other foaming agents, adding fruit puree, wine, milk, nuts and other flavorings. Varieties: Goldfish (with nuts and milk), Jubilee (with milk, cognac), Stratosphere (with apricot puree and nuts), Bird's milk (consists of a creamy mass, the filling includes protein, butter, milk and flavorings). Depending on the additions, these candies come with creamy, chocolate, raspberry, plum, strawberry, lemon and blackcurrant filling. The churned candies also include Zoological, Souffle and Vesenny.

Sweets with liqueur fillings prepared from sugar-treacle syrup, which is boiled down, wine, cognac, alcohol, fruit puree, etc. are added. The boiled mass is poured into starch molds and cooled. In this case, the top layer hardens, a crust forms, inside which the mass remains liquid, then the body is glazed with chocolate.

Types of candies: Chocolate bottles, Bronze Horseman, Ruslan and Lyudmila, Cherry liqueur. These candies are placed in capsules or wrapped.

Candies with cream fillings obtained from chocolate, chocolate-nut or fondant mass. It is ground by adding cocoa mass, coconut or butter, nuts, wine, vanillin, etc. .

Varieties: Truffles (chocolate mass ground with coconut oil, wine and vanillin), Russian Souvenir (consists of milk chocolate cream and cognac), Coffee aroma (made of milk chocolate cream and coffee). This group includes Strela, Red Moscow, Extra, Kolos, Krylov's Fables, etc.

Candies with grilled fillings obtained by boiling sugar-treacle syrup, crushed kernels of nuts or oil seeds and other flavoring substances.

Varieties: Chocolate roasted roast, Honey roasted roast, Fantasia (with corn and butter), Amateur (with puffed corn).

Candies with combined fillings There are two and three layers. Most often they consist of fruit and milk fudge, liqueur and fruit-marmalade mass. These include the following varieties: Raspberry (top and bottom layers of fondant, middle fruity), Lakomka (made of two layers of milk fudge and sugar liqueur), Rassvet (has fondant and jelly layers), Queen of Spades (made of a layer of fondant and liqueur ).

Caramel-based candies made from caramel mass with filling or adding nuts. These include candies Cinderella, Chaika, etc.

Candies filled with preserved berries and chocolate-covered fruits. These are Plum, Cherry, Rowan in chocolate, etc.

Chocolate candies with filling are produced in the form of assortments, or they are part of various sets - chocolate, fondant and chocolate-fondant.

Fondant sets consist of candies with different fillings coated with fondant, such as Theater, Dessert and Fondant.

Cipollino's chocolate and fondant set consists of five types of sweets of various shapes. Glaze them with chocolate or fondant. The sets are placed in artistically designed boxes.

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Quite recently we were figuring out how it could happen that . But many people know that this is not the strangest name. You can also recall “Crow’s Feet”, “Cancer Cervix”, “Kara-Kum” and “Bird’s Milk” for example. Well, how could people have enough imagination to call sweet products like candy?

Ekaterina Bushmarinova will tell us about this now:

You don’t need to be a naming specialist to understand what a potential buyer expects from a name and appearance candies. Ideally, they should non-verbally convey to the buyer at least some information about the product. At the same time, the wrapper should attract attention, and the name should be positive and memorable.

Unfortunately, the last two characteristics (positivity and memorability) sometimes come into serious conflict. For example, “Kara-Kum” is literally translated as “black sand” (Turkic) and reminds of the harsh and joyless climate of the desert, while the petrel, as we all know from the work of the same name by M. Gorky, foreshadows a storm (perhaps in the stomach). “Paws”, “necks” and “bird’s milk” are too physiological, and it is not very clear what they do in candies.

Almost all of these names appeared a long time ago and are overgrown with legends.

With “Bird's Milk” everything is most obvious: the candies of the same name (filled with marshmallows, an analogue of our marshmallows, but without eggs) in the 1930s. were popular in Poland. Thirty years later, our confectioners created their own version of “Bird's Milk”, subsequently starting to use agar-agar as a gelling agent. The name was retained. For some reason, it is believed that it is connected with Aristophanes’ play “The Birds,” in which happiness is promised in the form of “milk,” “not heifers, but birds.” I read the play and had doubts. This is actually a satirical work; it is unlikely that the Poles wanted to name their candies “Supposedly Happiness.” I think that everything is simple here: the phrase “bird's milk” is a synonym for something magical, beautiful, unattainable, there is a Russian proverb: “Everything is there, except for bird’s milk.” Probably, the authors of the name of the candy wanted it to be associated with a fairy tale, with abundance, a “full cup”, the acquisition of a certain wonder, the final touch that was not enough for the fullness of life.

The Kara-Kum sweets contain wafer crumbs, they crunch on your teeth (like sand). On all the Kara-Kum wrappers you can see camels and the desert, but for some reason there are also palm trees on some, and before, they say, there were pyramids.

The version about the Ukrainian origin of the name of the candies “Radiy” (“happy”) does not stand up to criticism, the atom is drawn there! So, most likely, this name is from the conventional series “Scientific and Technological Progress,” which also includes the “Cosmic” and “Stratosphere” candies.

“Crow’s feet” and “Cancer necks” began to be produced back in the days of the “Partnership A.I. Abrikosov and Sons”, established in 1880, and in 1899 awarded the honorary title “Supplier of the Court of His Imperial Majesty” (since 1922 - Babaev Confectionery Factory, since 1998 - Babaevsky Confectionery Concern). They say that both names were invented by Alexey Abrikosov himself. The cephalothorax is the most delicious and fleshy part of the crayfish, a delicacy. Sometimes it is called the neck, sometimes the tail. Abrikosov discovered the external resemblance of the new candy to boiled crayfish neck and suggested this name. As for Houndstooth, opinions differ. There is a version that when making this delicacy, confectioners used goose fat as a thickener. But, even if this is so, the desire to immortalize this experiment in such an unusual name is questionable. Moreover, at first this same caramel was not called “Crow’s Feet” at all, but “Duck Noses”.

It is known that Alexey Abrikosov, the head of the confectionery dynasty, paid a lot of attention to promoting products, often using non-standard methods for this. Let's say, one day a newspaper "duck" appeared - a message that in one of the stores of the Abrikosov Partnership, only blondes worked as sellers, and in another - only brunettes. Everyone went to watch! And, of course, we bought a lot of sweets. Abrikosov also attached great importance to product packaging. To create candy wrappers, Abrikosov invited professional painters; the packaging workshop, where 30 people worked, was headed by the famous artist Fyodor Shemyakin. It was Abrikosov’s candy wrappers and advertising posters that were among the first to be designed in the Art Nouveau style, using floral and animalistic motifs. For example, an advertisement for Liliput marmalade (also not a very pleasant name, by the way) used an image of white hares, and a poster advertising Tsarsky marmalade featured three herons standing “knee-deep” in the water and carefully examining river water lilies.

Abrikosov came up with a way to make caramel with filling - a tube of caramel was blown out, filled with filling and cut into small pieces with a hot knife, which were sealed on both sides. Maybe the first caramels produced in this way seemed to Abrikosov to look like duck noses? Or maybe he gave the candies such a name to continue the animalistic theme in advertising and packaging.

Still, mostly sweet products are aimed at children, and children are more interested in looking at candy wrappers with images of animals and birds than with historical subjects (for which Abrikosov’s candy wrappers were also famous).

There is an intuitive design for candy packaging. For example, caramel “Limonchiki” (confectionery factory “Rot-Front”) resembles the fruit of the same name in shape, color and intensity; it contains a citrus preserve and a flavoring identical to natural “Lemon”. Logical name, yellow candy wrapper with green letters (yellow and green colors, combined together, evoke associations with sour taste). Caramel “Snowball” from the same manufacturer is white, crunches on the teeth, the wrapper is in white and blue “frosty” tones with painted snowflakes. Or caramel “Dream”, also from the Rot-Front. Of course, “dream” is an abstract concept, but it is clear that the creator of the name is simply not saying enough, but wanted to say: “Not candy, but a dream!” The image of a dream candy is successfully complemented by a pink and white “girly” candy wrapper. From chocolates You might remember “Golden Domes”, dome-shaped candies in gold foil.

But, alas, “Truffle” sweets are also made in the shape of a dome (or mushroom), while the first real French truffle sweets from a creamy “ganache” mass, consisting of chocolate and cream, were made in the shape of a not ideal ball - and so named precisely because of their external resemblance to the most expensive mushroom - the truffle, which for a long time was considered a dish available only to very rich people. The cap of the truffle mushroom is not at all similar to the cap of our Truffle candies!

The emergence of a number of strange and sometimes simply curious names for candies resulted from the adoption of amendments to the trademark law in 2008, as a result of which the right to use the “old” names remained only with the capital’s United Confectioners holding company. All other candy manufacturers had to either buy out licenses from the United Confectioners, or stop producing “Soviet” confectionery products, or rename them. You can read about this in the article “Naming in Russian”.

And now “Uralkonditer” produces “Umelochka” candies in the familiar “Belochka” candy wrapper.

The Kazan factory "Zarya" renames "Bird's milk" to "Bird-warbler-warbler". JSC "Primorsky Confectioner" now produces "Vasyok" sweets instead of "Vasilyok" sweets, and "Krasny Mag" instead of "Red Poppy". And “Bear Clubfoot”, performed by the Novosibirsk confectionery factory “Lyubava”, turned into candies “Brother has arrived from the North”, and on a wrapper created at one time for “Einem” by industrial artist Emmanuil Manuylov based on Ivan Shishkin’s painting “Morning in a Pine Forest” , next to the brown bears there is now a white bear...

Moreover, the “United Confectioners” apparently also divided the “old names” among themselves, otherwise it is difficult to explain why “Cockerel - the Golden Comb” “remained” with “Red October”, and the “Babaevsky” concern (Penza Confectionery Factory) produces candies of a similar recipe with a frightening pseudo-folklore name “Cockerel - butter head”.

The confectionery factory “AtAg” (IP Yu. A. Atomyan) (Sheksna, Vologda region) amazes with the variety of candy packaging and the unbridled imagination of the authors of their names. For example, this company produces candies in chocolate glaze with a creamy filling with the addition of halva and sunflower seeds in a cute pale yellow and brown wrapper with sunflowers on it. And these candies are called “Light of the Soul”! The name personally gives me an ambivalent feeling. On the one hand, it is sunny, of course. On the other hand, it seems to me that it should be avoided in the names of food products, i.e. objects of potential internal use, words such as “soul”, “God”, “Universe”, etc.

However, the same AtAg factory also has completely unexpected names for candies - “Mama Zhenya”, “Stoker Petya” (in shiny candy wrappers that vary in color depending on the taste of the candy, and they come in coconut, sesame, orange flavors, etc.) chocolate, etc.) and the shocking “Bite of a Woman.” Of course, it is difficult to consider the word “Force Majeure” to be a good name for sweets (force majeure means force majeure circumstances, for example, natural disasters that prevent the parties from fulfilling contractual obligations). However, AtAg produces a line of such sweets. What does it sound like: “Force majeure with the taste of “Custard”!”

What other strange candy names do you remember?

Here's what else I found:

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Photo 7.

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Photo 9.

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Photo 13.

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Photo 30.

Bushmarinova Ekaterina, Author of Unipack.Ru