More equal than equal. Salaries of men and women: myths and reality

The issue of finding a job is most acute among women mature age. Most employers give preference to young professionals. This is due to biased attitudes towards more experienced employees. It is believed that they are less interested in career growth, but due to their extensive experience they can qualify for a high salary.

Why are people denied employment after 40 years of age?

When looking for a new job, a woman must mentally prepare for possible refusals. Don't take unsuccessful interviews personally. Women over 40 years of age may be denied employment for the following reasons:

  1. Having a family means the need for unplanned days off. Not every employer is ready to allow their subordinates to take sick leave or vacation at their own expense more often than usual.
  2. There is an opinion that in adulthood women’s performance decreases significantly
  3. Experienced specialists claim higher wages. Therefore, many employers seek to hire university graduates in order to teach them the necessary skills in the future.
  4. A mature woman may not fit into a young team. This can affect working relationships.

How to find a job in your specialty

Those women over 40 who have education and work experience in their specialty are in a more advantageous position. Their main task is to reveal their advantages to a potential employer. The main conditions for a successful interview include:

  • confidence in your knowledge;
  • focusing on positive qualities;
  • positive attitude;
  • willingness to develop and adapt to the principles of the company.

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Skirts for women over 40 are an attribute of grace and charm. They are definitely worth purchasing, even if from a young age...

Alternative options

There is an opinion that the most successful job is a highly paid hobby. Therefore, the best option for women after 40 years of age may be their favorite hobby. Nowadays, it is possible to monetize almost any hobby. In some cases, initial capital may be required. The most common professions that require self-study include:

In this case, they are of great importance basic knowledge and entrepreneurial spirit. In the initial stages, you will have to work with enthusiasm to build a client base. In the future, this can result in a profitable business.

That the salary of Russian women is on average 28% lower than that of men. The smallest income gap is observed in the education sector, but there are also gender imbalances: among candidates of sciences, women make up 41%, and among doctors of sciences - 25%. The Village asked experts why women are offered lower wages and why they accept them.

Natalya Storozheva

General Director of the business and career development center "Perspective"

The significant difference in wages largely depends on the internal psychological attitudes of women during the job search. By nature, women are more compliant, prone to compromise and prefer to “agree on 50 than not agree on 70.” Experienced managers are aware of this gender characteristic and, when it comes to discussing financial issues during the hiring process, they offer representatives of the fair sex wages 10-15% lower than what they would offer male applicants.

Also, managers like to put pressure on pity, counting on such feminine qualities as sympathy, willingness to take part and provide assistance to a project, company or manager and agree to less favorable conditions. The employer’s persuasive message is often the following: “We are very interested in you as a specialist, we value your experience and merits, and we want you to work in our team. But, you see, we are in difficult times now, the company is going through a crisis period, now we can only pay (the amount is stated), but as soon as the situation changes, we will be ready to return to discussing wages.”

Sometimes female job seekers deliberately agree to a lower salary, planning to further encourage the employer to raise them. This may include price comparisons with offers from other companies, persistent demands for payment for overtime and additional work, squeezing out bonuses and bonuses. But such construction of long-term strategies is not typical for all applicants. The majority simply agrees to a tit that is handed to them, hoping that in the future the manager will appreciate the diligence and hard work and the treasured financial crane will still please with its wide wingspan.

Stanislav Zlobin

Head of the selection group of the recruitment agency "Unity"

There is indeed a trend where women are offered lower wages than men. However, this is primarily due to the fact that there are traditionally male-dominated industries where employers want to see only the stronger half of humanity as employees. These are areas such as production, construction, IT, military service, security. The customer most often explains this by a specific male corporate culture, where it will be more difficult for a woman to gain the authority of subordinates, and also by the fact that clients from this industry simply will not take a woman seriously as a partner. Also, such salary differences are due to the fact that women are still more focused on children and family, and men are more focused on their careers.

Recent examples where our customers were willing to pay higher salaries to men than to women:

A manufacturing and trading company asked us for help in selecting five top vacancies. The company was ready to consider both men and women. But under equal conditions, she was ready to offer men a salary 30% higher. The reason is the owner’s desire to dilute the female team.

Seven vacancies for an investment analyst at a consulting company were filled. Men received salaries of 120–150 thousand rubles, women – 90–100 thousand rubles. Women with requests above were simply rejected, as preference was given in favor of men. The reason is that men’s productivity and loyalty to overwork are objectively higher. But upon successful completion of the probationary period, if a woman worked equally with a man, she could count on financial growth, and this was agreed upon in advance.

Some companies have attitudes that men are more reliable, they go on sick leave less often and there is practically no risk of going on maternity leave. Women themselves understand the employer’s risks and are much more likely than men to voluntarily dump their employees based on financial requests. But there are always pleasant exceptions to the rules, and there is a clear tendency that successful women gets taller. More often, women are offered leadership positions in female-dominated areas such as the beauty industry. Among traditional office positions, women are more likely to obtain senior positions in accounting, marketing, administration and human resources.

Alexey Bannikov

General Director of the group of companies

The situation on the labor market is very sad in this regard. Rather, this can be attributed to the fact that women are worse at selling themselves in an interview. Men, often without even having skills, can sell themselves well. You can often hear from many business owners: “The best leader is a man.” By the way, in Russia, according to statistics, the situation is better than in Western countries. It is a common situation that representatives of one of the sexes are more willing to take on a certain position. By the way, gender inequality also works in reverse side. For example, girls are usually sought for the position of secretary. And a woman’s chances of growing into a manager are higher in HoReCa, retail, the beauty industry and education. Statistics also confirm this. Although this includes the factor that these areas are less paid, men are not so willing to go there.

Also, the employer is often confident that a man can better tolerate overwork, stress, conflicts at work and is less likely to go on sick leave. We must not forget that men practically never go on maternity leave. Unfortunately, for many employers in Russia this is a decisive factor. But let us emphasize that the key factor is that women ask for less. This is confirmed by both HeadHunter statistics and our own experience. Different candidates come to us, and with equal competencies, women ask for less.

In our company “” the situation is not at all the same as in Russia, in the world. In this sense, we have complete equality. Firstly, we have no gender differences in salaries, and the same specialists of both sexes earn the same. Secondly, career growth is possible with us. Moreover, we have many female top managers.

Anna Kudryavtseva

Head of Online Marketing Department at Intouch Insurance

The main reason for the disparity in salaries between men and women, in my opinion, is that successful women are disliked and treated with skepticism. Women's leadership continues to be underestimated and mistrusted. There are widespread stereotypes in society about male exclusivity, higher qualifications and a stable psyche. Women face sexism and mansplaining at work. The situation is aggravated by the fact that women themselves rarely support each other. Women who have achieved success prefer to work with men because they feel competition with their female colleagues. All this does not increase self-confidence; many believe that they simply have no choice.

However, women must fight for decent pay, career advancement, not settle for less, fight impostor syndrome and not condone gender discrimination. Self-confidence and high professionalism are the key to success, which you need to work on and not wait for someone to notice you and lead you by the hand. I too often hit barriers and struggle with my own insecurities, but I feel that this makes me stronger and inspires my fellow women to be more confident in themselves. The main thing is not to be afraid to act and not to think that we are supposedly incapable of achievements.

cover: Daria Dolgopolova

Russian women receive 26% salary fewer men for a similar labor activity. The largest gap in income between the sexes is observed in management positions, while in education, men and women earn approximately the same. About the causes and methods of combating gender inequality in income - in the material “360”

Women's wages in Russia are a quarter lower than the average wages of men, Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets calculated at a meeting of the Coordination Council under the Government of the Russian Federation for the implementation of the national strategy of action in the interests of women for 2017-2022.

The wages of Russian women are 26% lower than those of men. In comparison with the indicators of a number of countries, this is also often not in favor of Russia. Average salary at the end of 2015 for men in Russian Federation was 38.6 thousand rubles, for women - 28 thousand rubles

Olga Golodets.

According to the Deputy Prime Minister, the situation with gender equality is improving every year - in 2005, women's salaries were only 60% of men's, while today this figure has reached 72%. In turn, the smallest difference in the salaries of men and women is observed in the spheres of education and health care: in these sectors, women receive about 80% of the salary of men in related positions. In education, there is the highest gender parity - among candidates of science, 41% are women, while 25% of Russian women become doctors of science.

According to the latest Global Gender Gap 2016 ranking from experts at the World Economic Forum (WEF), income equality between men and women in Russia lags behind developed economies by an average of four to five years. A woman’s salary throughout her working age is 25-30% less than a man’s salary. According to WEF estimates, for every dollar a man earns, a woman receives only 61 cents. In addition, among senior managers in Russia, only 15% are representatives of the fair sex; according to this indicator, the country in 2016 took only 75th place out of 144 possible. The leaders in the WEF ranking were Iceland, Finland and Norway.

Such a significant gap in monetary compensation between the sexes is explained by a number of reasons, Viktor Lyashok, a researcher at the Institute of Social Analysis and Forecasting of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, said in a conversation with the editors of 360.

Despite the fact that women have more high level education and experience, they are more likely than men to leave the labor market due to maternity leave or marriage. When women decide to return to work, their “value” among employers falls, since it is believed that during the years of maternity leave, professional skills are lost and require advanced training

Victor Lyashok.

According to Rosstat, in a managerial position the average monthly salary of a woman is about 24 thousand rubles. A man in a similar position with the same responsibilities receives more than 43 thousand rubles. In the field of education, the gap in salaries is not so significant: mathematics teachers in schools earn only five thousand rubles less - approximately 23 thousand rubles versus 28 thousand.

Russian authorities are taking a number of measures to reduce the gender income gap in Russia. Thus, on March 8, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev approved the national strategy of action in the interests of women for 2017–2022. The main priorities of the strategy were to reduce the gender pay gap, encourage female entrepreneurship, reduce female occupational segregation, ensure a better balance between work and family life, increasing employment and increasing the competitiveness of women.

Despite the fact that in Russia women are represented in all sectors of the economy, their share in government remains extremely low compared to indicators in European countries. For example, in the State Duma the share of women is only 15% of the total number of deputies, in the Federation Council about 17%, and only three women out of 31 people work in the government of the Russian Federation.

MOSCOW, January 31 – RIA Novosti. The average wage of women in Russia almost everywhere lags behind the wage of men - it is 72% of men's, said Vice-Speaker of the Federation Council Galina Karelova on Tuesday during a discussion of the draft national Action Strategy in the interests of women for 2017-2022.

The senator noted that the draft national Strategy was prepared as part of the implementation of the instructions of the President of the Russian Federation and the instructions of the government of the Ministry of Labor together with interested departments. “There are topics that require special attention and which must be taken into account in the Strategy. One of these topics is employment and remuneration for working women,” says Karelova.

The report “Analysis of the degree of participation and role of women in the development of Russian industry” (conducted on the basis of Rosstat data), presented to the Federation Council by the Ministry of Industry and Trade, notes that the share of women in industrial organizations falling within the scope of the ministry’s activities is 37.4%.

Most women are employed in textile and clothing production: the share of women in them is 68.5% (about 73 thousand people). According to quantitative indicators, the maximum number of women is employed in production vehicles and electrical equipment production (about 321 thousand people), although their share of the total number of workers in these industries remains 36.1%.

Popular professions

The most popular professions among women are those belonging to the category “specialists in the field of science and technology” - 33% of women employed in industrial organizations have them. Working professions in metalworking and engineering production, the professions of mechanics and repairmen are purely male: here the share of women is 9.1% of the total number of workers.

As the analysis shows, women workers are more stable than men and change jobs less often. The average length of service of women at their last place of work exceeds the average length of service of men in all groups of occupations (professions), and among workers in the field of electrical engineering and electronics this ratio reaches the maximum gap (1.4 times) and is 13.2 years for women and 9. 4 years for men.

Salary indicators

The highest accrued wages for female employees of organizations falling within the scope of activity of the Ministry of Industry and Trade are in the Central Federal District - 36,589 rubles (72.3% of men's). The Crimean Federal District is distinguished by the fact that here the salaries of men and women industrial workers are almost the same (96.7% of men's).

Ministry of Labor: labor restrictions for women in the Russian Federation are not discriminationA representative of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation stated that, in accordance with international legal acts, restrictive measures on certain types of work were taken to protect women, taking into account physiological characteristics their body and cannot be considered discriminatory.

In general, the average salary of women almost everywhere lags behind the salary of men: it is 72% of men’s in almost all groups of occupations in all analyzed lengths of work. At the same time, women's wages in 2011 amounted to 67.9% of the average men's wages, in 2013 - 74.2%.

A professional cross-section shows that salaries are almost equal for men and women in the production of leather, leather goods and footwear production (92-94%). The highest paid professions among women are those belonging to the category “specialists in the field of science and technology”: the average salary is 40,649 rubles (81% of men’s). At the same time, the largest percentage in relation to men’s is the wages of women in the group “workers in the field of electrical engineering and electronics” - 82% (26,957 rubles).

According to statistics, in only one type of activity women’s wages exceed the wages of the stronger sex: the heads of organizations and their structural divisions in the field of wood processing and the production of wood and cork products (except furniture) receive 118% of men’s wages.

“The topic of women’s wages requires elaboration and study of the conditions and factors influencing its value. We hope that the developers of the Strategy will take this into account accordingly,” Karelova noted.

According to a recent study by the recruitment agency Hays, 81% of senior employees in Russian companies are men. There are more women among line managers (53%).

More than a third of respondents - and the study involved employees of the largest Russian companies (61%), medium-sized (20%) and small businesses (17%), as well as state-owned companies (2%) - believe that the work of men and women with the same The same level of qualification is not paid equally.

However, men think about equal pay for “M” and “F” less often than women. According to the survey, 81% of the stronger sex are confident that men's and women's salaries in the same positions are the same; women only partly agree with this statement (65%), although the number of “agreers” has increased by 5% over the past year.

They pay the same

“Gender differences for similar positions among large employers have not been observed for a long time,” says Anastasia Khrisanfova, HR Director at SPSR Express. “Sometimes employees tend to think that career advancement or decisions on salary revision depend on gender. In most companies, especially federal , this has not been the case for a long time." According to her, behind such myths it is often easier for people to see the reasons for their failures.

Shamil Ismailov, director of the St. Petersburg representative office of the recruiting company Brainpower, agrees with her: “None of our clients varied their salaries based on gender criteria. For vacancies for which the employer is willing to consider both women and men, the level of the offered salary is the same for everyone. And the crisis didn't have any impact on it."

The expert explains: the employer is forced to take into account the risk of going on maternity leave or sick leave to care for a child, and this may influence his gender preferences, but if the decision to hire a woman is made, she is offered the same salary as a man.

But not always

Only 2% of Hays survey respondents agree with the statement that women are paid more. For comparison: the opposite statement is supported by 22% of respondents. At the same time, 26% are in favor of gender equality.

Alexandra Kosinova, head of personnel selection and adaptation at ZAO 3M Russia, confirms the statistics and says that in her company the level of salaries for men and women in equal roles is approximately the same and depends primarily on the level of professional competencies of the employee.

However, she does not exclude that Hays data reflects the real picture of the Russian labor market.

“I think this difference between salaries may exist because there is a social stereotype that the man is the main breadwinner in the family, and sometimes men can be more ambitious and demanding in terms of salary levels and their career prospects than women,” explains she.

Ekaterina Kalianidi, head of the professional recruitment department of the personnel company ManpowerGroup Russia&CIS, agrees with her colleague: “I believe that the difference in salaries still exists between men and women, but it is dictated by objective reasons.”

According to her, women, when choosing a profession or field of activity of a company, think in advance about being able to combine career and family.

In addition, says the expert, work experience women in the same company are often significantly higher than men.

Men, on the other hand, are more likely to change jobs and positions in order to achieve a higher salary.

Such different vacancies

Anna Mikheeva, head of the Legal, HR, Office support and Financial Institutions departments of the recruiting company Hays in Russia, believes that it is incorrect to categorically answer the question about the equality of salaries between men and women, since there are a number of objective factors that can affect this difference.

“There are still a number of industries in which there are, in principle, few women and for positions in which they prefer to hire men,” she says. “According to our research, these are construction, IT, oil and gas sector, heavy industry and mechanical engineering, security and defense, metallurgy , surgery, navigation, mining."

One of the reasons for the difference in men's and women's salaries, psychologists note, may be the fact that the employer focuses on the needs of the candidates themselves on the open labor market. Practice shows that female candidates often request a smaller salary increase when moving to a new position than men.

According to the job portal, about 60% of recruiters note a difference when hiring men and women. respondents admitted that in the same position, representatives of the stronger sex often expect to receive greater remuneration for their work than women. At the same time, 17% of recruiters note a gender feature: for specialists of the fair sex, the social package is often more important. For example: the average expected salary for a top manager position in St. Petersburg for women in 2017 was 60 thousand rubles versus 100 thousand rubles for men applying for the same vacancy.

Who "grows" faster?

According to the data, women compete equally with men for the position of middle management, but further advancement to top positions is better achieved by representatives of the stronger sex. But women often sit in director’s chairs earlier. Men are the fastest to occupy middle positions in the customer department: on average, they reach the position of head of the customer service department within 5 years from the start of work (women - within 7). Men reach the post of head of the sales department, head of the advertising and PR department a little earlier - in 6 years, women - in 7. They also quickly become managers of call centers (also in 6 years, ladies - in 10 years), heads of HR departments (8 and 9 years, respectively) and chief accountants (9 and 11 years).

At approximately the same speed, men and women achieve leadership positions in the marketing department (7 years), logistics (8 years), legal and economic planning departments (also 8 years).

Women are the fastest to head the design and personnel training departments: they need 6 years to do this versus 8 for men. Women are quicker to occupy the positions of Internet project managers and secretariats (8 years versus 10 years). Women get the position of head of the HR department on average 10 years later, men - 3 years later.

Who has it higher?

“Most often, salaries are raised for key and effective employees, since the company’s performance depends on their work,” recalls Shamil Ismailov. In most cases, psychologists remind, these are men: women are more tied to home and family, therefore, in quantitative terms, there are more ambitious, stress-resistant men who can devote a large amount of time to work than women.

Thus, according to data, if we talk about the growth of salaries in professional areas, in February of this year compared to February 2016, the largest increase was noted in the areas of “Sports clubs, fitness, beauty industry” (+57% year-on-year), “ Arts, entertainment, mass media" (+55%), "Automotive business" (+50%). With the exception of the last area, these are areas that have traditionally been dominated by women.

It turns out that on average in the labor market, women earn less than men.

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