How to knit men's hats. A simple men's hat with knitting needles

With the approach of cold weather, everyone wants to protect themselves from adverse weather conditions. A warm, reliable, knitted hat can serve as a good helper for this. Men are very fond of wearing products made by caring female hands. Men's knitted hat is knitted from various threads according to different schemes. In this case, various knitting techniques can be used. Schemes and descriptions of patterns for men's hats when knitting should be considered in more detail.

Preparation for work

Many are wondering where you can find instructions explaining how to make men's hats with knitting needles with diagrams and descriptions. If you are going to start knitting a men's hat, you need to stock up in advance with all the necessary tools and materials. Careful preparation for work will allow you not to be interrupted due to a lack of yarn or incorrectly selected knitting needles.

Selection of tools

Before you start knitting a hat, you need to stock up on knitting tools. Both straight stocking and circular knitting needles can be used as them. The number of knitting needles, as a rule, is selected depending on the thickness of the thread used. For an elastic and soft, pleasant to the touch fabric, you should choose knitting needles with a diameter larger than the yarn slightly twisted into two threads from which the product will be made. If it is necessary to make a hat from a dense, windproof fabric, then knitting needles of a smaller diameter should be used.

Necessary materials

In order to select the necessary yarn in order to knit a men's hat, one should study the variety of the market for the materials offered. Today there is a wide range to choose from both natural, and synthetic threads for knitting. Speaking of natural materials, we should mention:

  • wool (alpaca, angoras, merino, as well as mohair, cashmere);
  • cotton;
  • hemp;
  • silk;
  • bamboo etc.

Synthetic fibers include:

  • microfiber;
  • metallic;
  • nylon;
  • acrylic, etc.

It should be noted, what for knitting original products mixtures of fibers can also be used, among which the most common are:

  • wool mixture;
  • mixed fibers (chenille, pile yarn, etc.).

When buying yarn in order to knit a product, you need to decide how many threads you need to make a hat. It is better to buy a little more yarn in advance than is recommended for the selected headdress model. The rest of the yarn can be used if necessary to decorate or repair the product. Usually for a man's hat it is spent, depending on head size and style, 100-200 grams of yarn.

If you like a knitted hat pattern that you saw on someone or in a fashion magazine, this does not mean that it is perfect for your man. The choice of product model often depends on the shape and type of the face of the owner of the headgear, as well as on the style of his clothing and preferred colors.

Depending on the shape of the face

Often, with the help of one or another style of a knitted hat, you can both emphasize the dignity of the face and hide its flaws. Yes, for individuals. round shape Asymmetric models are best suited, as well as hats with a pom-pom or earflaps, which visually hide the roundness of the face. For rectangular faces with a high forehead, beanie hats, stocking-shaped hats that can be lowered closer to the eyebrows, are great. A beanie hat is also perfect for owners of a perfect head shape, as it can be worn on the very top of the head, opening the ears, which is dictated by modern fashion.

Owners of such a feature of appearance as a long nose, it is recommended to choose knitted hats with a visor or lapel, which allow you to smooth out the proportions of the face. . Helmets also well suited for this type of appearance.

Influence of clothing style

For men who prefer a classic style of clothing, knitted hats with a similar style are suitable. In combination with a scarf, these hats will complement the image of their owners well.

For those who prefer casual style, knitted hats are perfect, allowing you to create volume and asymmetry. . These include:

  • hats-socks;
  • beanie hats;
  • beanie hats.

For men who use a sporty style even in everyday life, tight-fitting hats with a simple style are well suited. In addition, the sporty style suggests the absence of knitted hanging elements and frilly patterns.

Among non-formals, large-knit hats are very popular, as well as models of non-standard styles (with pleats, pompoms, lapels and ears). Non-standard images allow you to create in the shape of the ears of various animals.

Suitable color

The color scheme when choosing a headdress may depend on the color of outerwear, accessories, hair and eye color, etc. So , brunettes are more suitable black and dark hats. And also hats of bright colors will look contrasting. Blondes are suitable for hats in pastel colors, combined with the color of the skin and eyes. Owners of red hair fit knitted hats, emphasizing their fiery temperament and cheerful disposition.

It is good to have hats of different colors in your arsenal, which will allow you to select the right items depending on the type of activity, leisure or events attended. In addition, a hat of a bright shade can always cheer up not only its owner, but also those around him.

Step by step instructions for making

After choosing a style headdress, yarn and knitting needles of the right size, you can start making the product with your own hands.

Stocking hat

The scheme of a men's hat with knitting needles with a description is quite simple. The model of this knitted hat is suitable for both children and adults. It is good because, thanks to the free fit, it creates a feeling of comfort. The pattern for knitting a hat-stocking with knitting needles is as follows:

Product is ready. But before using it, you should wash the head unit and slightly steam it.

Helmet with ears

This model is knitted with a garter stitch pattern, knitting all rows with facial loops. The manufacturing steps are:

The finished product must be washed, put wet on an inverted three-liter bottle (for shaping) and allowed to dry.

Beanie with a checkerboard pattern

This model of headgear fits well to the head. It is knitted on straight needles, so at the end of the work you will need to sew the edges of the cap from the crown to the bottom of the product. So the manufacturing steps are:

To make the product warmer, you need to choose patterns of a double canvas. And you can decorate the finished headdress with a badge, embroidery of initials using the satin stitch technique, a pompom - at your discretion. The main thing - remember that making your own hands knitted hat for a man it will not take much time, but he will feel the warmth of the hands and the care of a loving craftswoman.

Attention, only TODAY!

The cold season means the time to choose a headdress. Women have options for every taste, from scarves to fur headphones, but what about men? You can diversify the wardrobe of your brother, dad or other half with your own hands by tying a men's hat. To do this, just take knitting needles with threads, select a model and follow the description under the diagram.

In order for a man to like a hat, the following must be considered:

  • Natural material is suitable for a hat, especially if the scalp is sensitive. angora, cashmere, soft wool.
  • The optimum knitting density should be determined. Correctly knitted hat dense, but does not cause discomfort and looks neat.
  • The model must match the time of year. A pom pom hat is good for winter, in spring or autumn it is better to choose a beanie hat.
  • Color should be combined with colors and style of men's outerwear.

Knitting a simple men's hat with front stitch with an elastic band

For beginners, it is better to choose a simple model in order to master the knitting steps and not be disappointed in the process.

Yarn selection

It must be remembered that the hat will be worn by a man who may not like the thread with a pile or sparkles. In the description of most knitting patterns, the threads recommended for use and their thickness are indicated. If the store does not have the yarn you need, you can pick up a similar one in terms of characteristics. The composition is also important.

Threads with a predominant content of natural fibers last longer original view products. Often natural and artificial threads are mixed, obtaining a favorable combination of qualities. The choice of material also depends on the season. In winter, you should give preference to angora, goat down, mohair.

Needle selection

The main thing that they pay attention to is the size, shape and material of the knitting needles. The choice is also determined by the style of knitting. Paired closed knitting knit fabric, circular - and fabric, and products without a seam. A set of double knitting needles is used for seamless circular knitting of small items.

The size of the tools determines the density of knitting and depends on the thickness of the yarn and knitting characteristics. specific person. Recommendations for selection are indicated on the packaging of threads. It should be borne in mind that thick knitting needles will make the loops larger and looser, while thin knitting needles will be denser and tighter. The material and texture of the needles depends on the yarn. For sliding threads, you should choose rough, for fleecy - smoother.

Required measurements

Hat measurements must be taken directly from the head. You should not measure an existing headgear, the elasticity of the material may vary. You will need 2 main measurements: girth and height. The girth line is drawn above the eyebrows and a convex point on the back of the head. Height - the distance from the lobe to the parietal part.

The measuring tape should fit snugly around the head. Based on the characteristics of the model, other measurements may be needed. For a tight-fitting hat - from the crown to the end point of the future product from all sides, for a cap or earflaps - face circumference.

Set of loops

To calculate the loops for the side, you need to tie the sample, stretch it a little, count the number per 1 cm and multiply by the head volume obtained during the measurements. For patterns that tend to stretch, you can remove 2 cm. The amount for the main type of knitting is also calculated, without subtracting the length for stretching.

There will be more loops. Extra loops are added immediately after the elastic, knitting 2 loops from one through the same gap. The method of casting loops determines the appearance of the edge of the fabric and its elasticity. It depends on the chosen pattern and model.


The main part of the hat

The front surface is a simple type of knitting, the fabric is even and dense. The essence of the process is the alternation of rows of facial and purl loops. When knitting facial loops, the thread is located behind the canvas. The thread is picked up and pulled out through the loop. For the purl loop, the thread is located in front of the product and is captured from right to left. The first loop is not knitted, the last one is knitted.

Knit to the crown, 16 - 18 cm, then begin to decrease the loops.

The final stage of knitting

The number of loops is halved, knitting in pairs. It is possible to decrease through the row according to the pattern 5 stitch, 2 together, reducing the number of stitches. When there are no more than 12 loops left, the thread is cut off, pulled through them and a bartack is made from the inside.

Knitting fashionable men's hats - description and diagrams

For lovers of the original, knitting hats for men with descriptions and patterns can be a way to test your abilities. However, it should be remembered that an unusual Viking or knight's hat consists of several elements.

In some cases, it is necessary to divide the fabric into parts and knit them according to different patterns., increasing or decreasing loops, knit slits for the eyes or mouth, use yarn of various colors or textures.

Unusual fantasy threads will also help to make the product funny and eye-catching. A thread with knots, pompoms, curly, boucle, grass, thanks to its texture, will add individuality even to an ordinary model. You can pick up sectional dyeing threads. For those who prefer materials with traditional appearance, you may like bulky yarn, interspersed tweed, lace yarn.

Hat with ear flaps

The original hat with earflaps is suitable for men of any age.

To link such a model, you will need:

You can knit with a garter stitch:

  1. Cast on 12 stitches
  2. Knit 8 rows, adding a loop.
  3. Run 14 rows.
  4. Add 8 loops to the beginning, knit 20 rows. Knit the second piece in the same way.
  5. For a visor, 22 loops knit 4 rows, in each gaining 2 loops. Knit another 24 rows.
  6. Connect on circular needles, tie the number of rows in height.
  7. Evenly reduce the number of loops to 10, tighten.

With lapels

Combined with a scarf, the lapel hat looks stylish and will complement any look. Knitted with stocking needles.


  1. Calculate the initial number of loops, evenly distribute on the knitting needles.
  2. Elastic band 2 by 2 tie 25 cm.
  3. Knit a row of purl loops together, follow the pattern for 2 rows.
  4. Work a row with facial loops together, 2 of the following in the figure.
  5. Knit the remaining rows in pairs until 8 stitches remain.
  6. Pass the thread through the last loops, fasten off.
  7. Turn up the edge of the hat.

beanie hat

A simple and fashionable beanie or stocking cap is worn close to the head, while the baggy top is tucked in or left hanging down. Can be used garter stitch or make patterns. The beanie is easy to knit on knitting needles in a circle.


  1. Take measurements and calculate the loops.
  2. Knit 5 cm with an elastic band 1 on 1.
  3. Dec 30 sts evenly in one row.
  4. Knit the front surface for another 15 cm.
  5. Dec 8 sts evenly per round until less than 25 sts remain.
  6. Knit all loops in pairs.
  7. Cut yarn and pull through the last loops. Pin.

good luck zigzag

A knitted hat for a man with a zigzag pattern is more difficult, you must carefully study the description and diagram. The pattern is more embossed on the inside. Materials: 100 g yarn, circular needles.


  1. Loops are calculated so that the number is a multiple of six. Before counting, the sample should be washed, the pattern is stretched.
  2. Cast on loops with any elastic set.
  3. Knitting first patent rubber band. 1 row alternate crochet, untied loop and purl.
  4. Connect the front loop and yarn over, then the removed loop and yarn over.
  5. Do not knit a loop, yarn over, next purl with yarn over.
  6. Repeat alternating rows 2 and 3 until a height of 4 cm.
  7. To create a “zigzag of luck” pattern, knit 7 rows according to the scheme: yarn over, knitted front yarn over and loop, purl.
  8. In the transition row, yarn over before purl.
  9. The next 7 rows do not knit a loop, yarn over, knit slipped loop double crochet, double crochet and purl.
  10. Transition: yarn over, remove the loop, knit the yarn over with the front one, pull the removed loop through the yarn over, knit the wrong one.
  11. Repeat the steps of the zigzag pattern.
  12. The remaining height is knitted with an elastic band 1 on 1 of the crossed loops. The front loop is knitted behind the front wall, throwing a working thread over the knitting needle. In the same sector, products are decreasing. To do this, knitting is divided into 6 parts, at the beginning of each, 3 loops are knitted together through a row.
  13. When there are 24 stitches left, knit them in pairs.
  14. Knit another row of knit stitches and complete the hat.

Patterns for men's hats

Zigzag pattern

A simple and original, geometric zigzag pattern will allow a plain hat to stand out among the abundance of models that fit tightly on the head.

Knitting hats for men with descriptions and patterns is easy to do, having at hand step by step instructions.

The pattern is created by yarn overs and alternating knitting patterns.

Rhombus pattern

Relief is achieved by cross loops. A multiple of 10 is dialed, 2 is added. The beginning of the row is 4 front loops. Next, cross 3 loops to the left: transfer 2 to different additional knitting needles, place the knitting needles on different sides of the work, knit the third, second, then the first loops in order. Run 7 facial, repeat.

From 3 rows, at the beginning, reduce the number of front ones by 1 to cross loops, then increase. After the front to the right, cross 2 loops, knitting the front loop around the first, the knitting needle in front of the first, then the first in the same way, without removing the second. Remove both. Front, then 2 crossed to the right in the same way, only the knitting needle behind the first loop. Repeat the pattern, reducing the number of faces between the diamonds by 2.

Alternate rows with purl rows. It turns out a stylish drawing without frills.

pearl pattern

Similar to pebbles, the pattern is also called "rice". A voluminous, rich, but at the same time simple drawing can be created even by a beginner. To do this, you need to knit facial and purl, changing the sequence of the previous row.

Checkerboard pattern

Knitted a chess pattern can be schematically described as an alternation of squares. A man will like a set of a hat with a scarf. To achieve the pattern, alternate the sequence of front and back loops.
For example, with a 6x6 elastic band, work 6 rows, starting with the front ones, then change the order. The size of the squares can be changed by choosing the required number of loops and rows.


You can knit a hat for a man not only with knitting needles, but also with a crochet. The process may seem more complicated, however, following the description and understanding the scheme, you can create a beautiful product with a soul.

Hook selection

The right tool is the key to beautiful work. Hooks are long and short, depending on the type of knitting. You can find hooks made of metal, plastic, combined. The most versatile and most comfortable hooks are made of steel. They do not smear the yarn, do not break, are presented in any size. The hook should be matched to the threads so that the product is neat and even.

Thin tools make knitting tighter and vice versa. The sharp head can cling and separate the fibers of the yarn.

One of the selection methods is according to the table according to the length of the yarn. The shorter the thread per 100 g, the larger the hook size. You can pick up the hook manually: you need to pull the thread in the recess of the tool head. The thread should fit in the beard, leaving no space and not protruding.

Yarn selection

Crochet threads are selected based on the type of product and pattern. It is better to knit a sweater from combined thin and elastic threads to avoid an allergic reaction, and for accessories you can choose bright synthetic threads. Yarn should be uniform in thickness and strong.

Simple crochet hat patterns

A simple crochet pattern for a men's hat is an elastic band knitted in a circle. The pattern is obtained by alternating convex and simple relief columns with a crochet. First you need to connect several rows and determine the number of columns. Then make a ring and knit a hat in a circle.

You can crochet a beanie hat. In this case, the width of the canvas is calculated by the height of the product, and the length by the volume of the head. The fabric is sewn. Such a hat should be knitted from thin threads, the pattern should be made dense so that it does not lose its shape.

Half column

The number of loops is calculated from the sample. The set for the canvas is made with air loops.
First sliding loop it is necessary to stretch the thread from the ball, get a new loop. For a half-column without a crochet, the thread is captured through 2 loops at once.


Single crochet is also knitted on the basis of air loops. Crochet to grab 3 loops. The thread is first passed through the 2 extreme, and then again through the remaining 2 loops.

Double crochet

For a double crochet, throw a working thread on the hook, insert the hook into the fourth loop.
Pull out to make 3 loops. Knit the resulting loops in stages of 2.

Final stage

To reduce the volume of the cap, it is necessary to determine the side and the pattern along which the reduction is made. A simple option is to knit 2 loops at a time anywhere in the row. You can also increase or decrease the height by changing the types of columns. For example, from half-columns to half-columns with crochets and so on.

When the canvas is ready, the first and last row must be connected, collect the loops of the hole formed on top of the thread and pull it off. Knitting a hat with knitting needles or crocheting will bring a lot of pleasure if you understand the pattern and clearly follow the description. All difficulties will pay off when the man, for whom the craftswoman tried, accepts the gift and wears it with pleasure.

Video: knitting hats for men with descriptions and patterns

How to knit a men's hat, see the video clip:

Knitting a men's hat, master class:

Men's hat with original patterns

In our harsh climatic conditions, when the cold lasts for almost nine months a year, it's time to think about how to keep your head warm not only in winter, but also in the off-season.

Why a knitted hat

It is no secret that recently hand knitting has again become an increasingly popular hobby. In this regard, the question of how to knit a men's hat with knitting needles is very common among girls.

Fortunately, from the presented variety, the greatest preference modern men they give it to a simple and concise model, not burdened with excessive decor.

Therefore, knitting a simple men's hat with knitting needles for beginners will not be difficult, and it will take only a couple of evenings.

Now, to help lovers of needlework on the Internet, there are many videos on the basics of knitting with a description of the work. In addition, they will help to knit a men's hat with knitting needles and photos, which you will also find below.

A knitted men's hat will warm its owner not only with warmth, but also with the care shown, and therefore will serve great gift for men not only New Year but also for any other holiday.

Variety of material colors

To create a simple model of a double men's hat with knitting needles, you only need one skein of yarn, five knitting needles and a tailor's ribbon.

The choice of material for a winter hat

It's better to prioritize natural materials such as wool, merino, angora, mohair. It is also acceptable to contain a small amount of acrylic in the composition of such yarn.

For an autumn-spring hat, synthetic yarn is well suited, it is soft, fluffy and washable.

yarn color

Choose based on the preferences of the future owner of a man-made masterpiece, giving preference to natural colors - black, gray, brown.

When choosing a knitting tool, pay attention to the fact that they should be almost twice as thick as the thread you have chosen, otherwise the knitted fabric will turn out to be too stiff, not elastic.

Beginning of work

Before starting work, it is necessary to calculate the number of loops. To do this, you first need to define two parameters:

firstly, the size of the head circumference (minus 2-3 cm) - this will be the width of your future product;

secondly, the distance from the crown to the earlobe - this will be the height of the finished product.

The number of loops that will be required for knitting men's hats with knitting needles is determined by the following formula: (head circumference in centimeters minus 2-3 cm) * 2. Thus, with a head circumference of 58 cm, you will need to dial 112 loops.

The set of loops is carried out on two folded knitting needles or on one thicker knitting needle. Next, the dialed loops are distributed on four knitting needles, and the fifth - the circle closes.

Lapel knitting

From the 1st to the 40th row, a double lapel of the future cap is knitted. To do this, it is necessary to knit, alternately alternating, 2 facial and 2 purl loops. A diagram of a simple 2 * 2 elastic band will look like this:

Knitting pattern for a simple elastic band

Keep in mind that the double lapel of a knitted hat makes it not only warmer, but also more voluminous. Therefore, if such a model does not suit you and you, for example, knit a hat for the off-season, the lapel can be made single, for this double rubber band it will be necessary to knit from the 1st to the 20th row.

Knitting the main fabric

An example of a thing knitted with “Stocking” knitting

Having finished knitting a lapel or an elastic band, depending on the hat model you have chosen, you can continue knitting the body of the cap with a double elastic band.

You can also continue knitting with the front stitch. Such a knitted pattern is also called “stocking stitch”. To do this, you need to knit all the loops of each row with facial loops.

More experienced knitters can try knitting the main fabric with a pigtail pattern. Such a pattern on the finished product will look like this:

Knitted men's hat with a pattern - "Scythe"

Please note that in this case you will need one auxiliary knitting needle. To create a similar ornament, use the knitting pattern below:

Knitting pattern for the “Scythe” pattern

Features of the pattern pattern "Scythe"

Attention! The knitting patterns contain only odd rows. All even rows are knit according to the existing pattern.

That is, in the rows performed, the front loops are knitted over the front loops, and the wrong ones are knitted over the wrong ones.

Regardless of which pattern you choose, continue knitting it 15 cm in height from the lapel.

Reducing loops and finishing work

When the product reaches 25 cm in height, start decreasing, for which, at the beginning and at the end of each knitting needle, two loops are tied together, adhering to the pattern of the product. When one loop remains in the work, it will need to be tied and secured.

At the end, you need to carefully remove the protruding threads and wrap in accordance with your idea in one or two turns.

Knitting finished! This hat is ideal for energetic and self-confident men.

Video knitting men's hats

In this video you will learn how to knit a simple men's hat with an elastic band with knitting needles without a lapel.

Enjoy your knitting and long socks!

DIY knitted hats are at the peak of popularity today. They not only look stylish and original, but also perform their main function - they warm in extreme cold. A men's hat with knitting needles can be made in both a business style and a sporty one, be fancy or overly formal, but it will always be special, unusual.

In the Middle Ages, a knight's head on the battlefield was protected by a helmet, and now a young man's head is protected by a warm hat in winter. And no matter how our men assure that they do not freeze at all in the winter cold - you can’t let them out of the house without a hat! And so that the husband had nothing to object to - we knit him stylish hat and a handmade scarf. If you want to make a surprise - the dimensions of the head can be carefully removed while he is sleeping: you will need a circumference and height. Our article will help you choose a pattern and style, and MK and a training video will help you tie it.

DIY knitted hats are at the peak of popularity today.

The most simple model headgear for men, of course, a beanie hat. It is also often referred to as a stocking cap. It is knitted with the usual front stitch, it looks democratic, unofficial. It can be called both sports and classic.

  • 100 g of yarn;
  • knitting needles No. 2.5;
  • centimeter;
  • needle.

We knit, guided by the following description:

  1. Cast on 140 stitches, add a couple of hem stitches, after which you can start knitting with an elastic band.
  2. Alternate a pair of front loops with a pair of purl loops.
  3. Thus knit a total of six rows.
  4. After that, continue knitting with the front stitch. The length of the product made according to this scheme should be only seventeen centimeters.
  5. Then start decreasing, knitting a pair of loops at once in every third row.
  6. Pull off the remaining loops, tighten tightly.

Carefully sew the finished product.

Knitted hat (video)

Double knitted hat with earflaps

An original, warm hat with ears will look great not only on boys. For young guys and even mature men, such a headdress will become the most favorite, because it looks good, and winter frosts they are not terrible with him, which is the main advantage of earflaps.

Required materials and tools:

  • 200 g of wool yarn;
  • 200 g of acrylic;
  • circular needles.

An original, warm hat with ears will look great not only on boys

How to knit a fashionable hat:

  1. Dial 120 loops acrylic threads, then knit just one row.
  2. Immediately switch to wool yarn and knit another 80 rows following the pattern.
  3. Exactly the same number of lines knit on the bottom.
  4. After that, the loops need to be reduced, dividing all the loops into 26 parts, five loops each.
  5. Move the even parts to one knitting needle, immediately move the non-black ones to the other.
  6. First of all, start decreasing loops from the bottom bottom by knitting a pair of extreme facial ones together.
  7. The remaining six loops are simply pulled off.
  8. By analogy with the bottom bottom, make a decrease on the top.
  9. Tighten both bottoms, as a result of which a crease should form.
  10. Divide the circle into six parts, four of which will go to the back of the head and ears, and the remaining pair to the visor.
  11. Immediately knit the back of the head and start knitting the ears.
  12. Leave 25 loops on the ears, and thirty on the back of the head.
  13. Cut off the auxiliary thread and insert the knitting needles into the loops that have appeared, knit only twenty lines of the ears, without knitting the back of the head and constantly not knitting a pair of loops in each row.
  14. Knit until there are only four working loops left.
  15. After that, add a couple of loops in each row.
  16. Pick up thirty occipital loops and knit eighty stitches.
  17. The visor is knitted by analogy with the ears, decreasing a couple of loops in each row.
  18. When there are only 14 loops left, you need to add a pair of loops in each line.
  19. Pick up all the loops of the inner part and knit 72 rows of the inner part, after which the loops close.

Cool hat for a guy for the winter with knitting needles

New, modern models of knitted hats will suit bold, self-confident guys. The most unusual youth hat is knitted according to a simple pattern. To connect it, no special knowledge and skills are simply needed.

Necessary tools and materials:

  • 200 g of yarn;
  • knitting needles number 5 on the fishing line.

How to knit:

  1. First of all, dial 90 loops.
  2. Raise eight centimeters by knitting with an elastic band, alternating a pair of facial and a pair of purl.
  3. Then just knit about ten centimeters with front stitch.
  4. After that, remove fifteen loops evenly in a circle.
  5. Knit another ten centimeters in satin stitch.
  6. Again reduce the number of loops by fifteen.
  7. Each time, after knitting ten centimeters with a stitch, repeat the decrease.
  8. Only when there are only thirty loops left, they need to be threaded and tightened.

At the end of the headdress, attach a pompom or make a brush.

Patterns for men's hats for beginners

Knitting men's hats is most often preferred with front stitch. Nevertheless, craftsmen are increasingly trying to make this wardrobe item more refined and original. A hat decorated with braids or geometric shapes looks beautiful.

To knit a pigtail pattern, do the following:

  1. Knit all odd rows with 6 knit rows.
  2. Even - purl.
  3. Only on the seventh row, remove three loops on an additional knitting needle, knit three facial ones and also three facial ones from the auxiliary one.
  4. The scheme includes only ten rows, which must be repeated until the desired length is reached.

A hat decorated with braids or geometric shapes looks beautiful

The classic checkerboard pattern is knitted according to the following pattern:

  1. Cast on loops, the number of which should be a multiple of four and an additional two more for the edge.
  2. Knit the first row with four knit and the same number of purl rows.
  3. The second and all even rows are knitted in accordance with the pattern of the canvas.
  4. In the third row, again make four facial and purl.
  5. Fifth row - first four purl, and then the same number of front ones.

The seventh row is knitted according to the same principle.

Knitting a men's cap: a master class

For many years, the cap has been considered the most popular among both men and women. It is quite difficult to buy the perfect thing in the store, but to tie it is a matter of several hours.

Necessary tools and materials:

  • 100 g of yarn;
  • 60 g of hat gum;
  • five knitting needles No. 6.5;
  • hook number 6.5;
  • needle.

For many years, the cap has been considered the most popular among both men and women.

Working process:

  1. Crochet into a slip loop and pull eight loops out of it.
  2. Transfer a pair of loops to the knitting needles. It is these loops that will always be front, leading.
  3. Knit a circular line by adding loops in front of the leading ones.
  4. The next row is also facial, but the loops are added after the leading ones.
  5. After that, knit the even rows with the wrong ones, the odd ones with the front ones.
  6. You need to add loops on the seventh, thirteenth, seventeenth, as well as the twenty-third and twenty-seventh lines.
  7. After that, you need to make a decrease. In total, five loops must be removed from each knitting needle for seventeen rows.
  8. Then take the hook and knit three lines of semi-columns behind the back wall of the loops.
  9. Raise the loops for the future visor from the half-loops of the band (39 in total).
  10. Alternate rows of purl and facial, adding loops only in the second case.

Connect the visor with the remaining open loops with a hook.

The most original models of men's hats

Classical headdresses have not surprised any man for a long time. But funny, unusual hats will cause them great delight. Even if they don’t wear such a product in everyday life, it will cheer you up and become an excellent addition to a carnival costume.

A knitted winter hat for men is not just a comfortable thing, but a fashionable detail that emphasizes individuality. From a large number of models - a stocking, a bag, a helmet, a sock, options with a visor, with ears, youth with a pompom - each of the men can choose the option that suits him. All models listed in this article are given with detailed description, diagrams and master class. A knitted men's hat does not require a lot of time; it is available for beginner craftswomen. If desired, you can knit a scarf with your own hands to complete the hat.

The pattern for knitting must be chosen, taking into account the type of yarn, the qualifications of the knitter and - of course - the opinion of the men for whom it is knitted! Particular attention should be paid to patterns that stretch during wear. It will be correct to knit a sample before starting work, wet it and pull it. Then let it dry in a free position. And only after that determine the density of knitting and make the necessary calculations on the number of loops.

Hat - stocking

The description is given for two sizes: the volume of the head is 54/56 and 56/58cm and the height of the finished product is 27/28cm.

We will need:

  • semi-woolen yarn -50g;
  • circular knitting needles No. 2.5 and No. 3.

Knitting density 24p. for 32r. correspond to 10cm by 10cm.

Master class and description

Knitting a men's hat is very simple. We collect 158/170 loops on knitting needles No. 2.5. Next, we knit using a pattern with an elastic band 1l.x1 out. approximately 5cm. In order for the stocking cap for men to fit the head beautifully, in the next row you need to evenly reduce 30 / 34p. It remains 128/136p. Let's go to sp. No. 3 and continue to facial in a circle. This pattern is knitted about 18cm, every 17/18p. we make an allowance. To do this, we knit two stitches with one. We continue to decrease in the next 14 rows. In the last row, we knit all the loops in two. Remaining 8/12p. pull on a thread, bring to wrong side and fix. If desired, the hat can be decorated with a pompom, but only a small size.

Classic men's hat: video master class

beanie sock

Plain stockinette hat with elastic band

beanie helmet

For young men, a model is suitable - a helmet with ears, made in a jacquard pattern.

Basic calculations are similar to the previous description, and see how to make a pattern according to the diagram in the photo.

Such a hat with ears can be made with a pompom. A jacquard scarf will also look very nice with it.

Hat Zigzag good luck: video master class

Beanie - bag

The men's hat with knitting needles of the "bag" model is a simple, tight-fitting head. It is concise, even classic, does not need to be decorated with a pompom. In principle, it can be considered as a variant of the stocking cap model. Only the “bag” is shorter.

Our master class for a hat is a bag for men with a length of 28cm and a volume of 57cm.

For her you need:

  • yarn -100g, for knitting with a double thread;
  • knitting needles No. 2.5.

Description of knitting hats - bag

Cast on 142p. and knit a pattern gum 2lh2izn. 7 rows. From the 8th p. go to pattern facial surface. Having connected 17 cm, we proceed to decrease. The scheme is as follows: in every 3rd p. all loops - two together. The remaining loops - tighten on a thread. Sew the side seam neatly. Headdress, knitted with your own hands - ready. Such a master class can be used not only for beginners, but also for more experienced knitters. As an option, for models of a bag and a stocking - a circular, seamless pattern of work. A product without a seam is more accurate.

Using patterns and a master class of bag and stocking hats, you can knit a fun, youthful hat with a pompom. And if you also knit a scarf, then such a set will be indispensable for winter walks. To do this, it is better to use multi-colored threads.

We offer several ideas for knitting a men's scarf.