Psychology of how to make a man miss texting. How to make a man miss you and want to be near you


The magician has it a black conspiracy for melancholy, after reading which you can quickly make anyone feel melancholy about themselves. The conspiracy will make the person bored and sad and unable to sleep until he calls or writes. In general, make a person, with the help of a black magic conspiracy, remember about himself and become sad, losing all peace until he is the first to contact you. This a strong and long-term plot that induces lovesickness and longing can be read at night in the photo of a guy or man who, with the help of magic, urgently needs to evoke this strong feeling and desire to talk.

Induce a very strong melancholy with the help of a conspiracy

A spell for melancholy and love will help you feel melancholy for yourself and very quickly evoke a feeling of true love in a guy or man located at any distance from you - even in another city or another country!

You can read this conspiracy on the husband with whom you are married or your ex-hubby, instilling in him a strong and real feeling of love and a desire for communication. To feel sad while at a distance from a person, in the evening, place a piece of any food opposite the photo of the person who is feeling melancholy and read the plot. Words of a spell for sadness:

Like a dog running and chasing after a bitch,
The stars howl at frequent intervals,
So that the servant of God (name)
He followed me everywhere, howling in anguish.
The dog barks, the door is closed, the bone is buried.
So am I, God’s servant (name),
Heart of God's servant (name)
I lock and lock, I bury and I bury.

Teeth, lips, key in the ocean-sea.


After you finish reading the spell that makes you sad, feed the charmed food to any dog. As soon as the dog eats the enchanted food, anxiety and longing for love will enter the person’s heart and he will not be able to endure for long and experience the feeling of longing for love and anxiety and will definitely get in touch with you: he will call, write or come to your home. The magician has prepared the top 5 proven rituals that make a person sad, use them if necessary.

The most powerful and fastest-acting conspiracies for melancholy that you need to read yourself - tested by people and 100% working:

  1. Conspiracy for melancholy. A strong plot to quickly catch up with love's melancholy read on your own

I myself often have to read conspiracies for the melancholy of my beloved husband, a man I know or a guy I know. A strong conspiracy that brings melancholy to any person: man or woman, works instantly. Those who have tried this spell in practice at least once write in reviews that this is the best spell that induces an ardent and very strong melancholy with instant action and acting at any distance! In practice, at home, I have verified that even while in another city on a business trip or simply living several hundred kilometers away, a person immediately after reading the conspiracy did not find a place for himself until he himself talked or saw the one who pointed it at him a strong feeling of melancholy. A quick conspiracy to make you miss a photo at home works and it really is!

© Copyright: Magician


Love spells of various directions are one of the most popular magical trends. And this is not surprising, because cases when the object of adoration does not reciprocate the love of a girl in love or does not pay enough attention to her are not uncommon.

To rectify the situation and make you constantly think about yourself, you can resort to simple conspiracies that do not carry negative consequences.

In order for this conspiracy to work as quickly and clearly as possible, it should be pronounce at noon, wearing loose clothes without ties or straps, with her hair down.

The text is spoken clearly and clearly, a number of times a multiple of seven (7, 14, 21):

“I’ll go out early. All people look at me, admire me, admire me - there is no one more beautiful than me (name) in the whole world. I’ll go to the gate, then to the pole-field, and walk around in the open space.

I will find in the field 77 stoves made of stones, folding and elegant. On the stones, in the ovens there is languor, and longing for the beloved (name), sighs of love, and sighs lie, waiting for the slave (name of the guy).

Get up, sigh, groan, take off. Dig into the heart and body of the slave (name). Torture him, twist him, tell him about me. Let him suffers without me, does not know rest and rest. Let him run and hurry, think about me and always talk.

Let him exist, but he doesn’t miss me, he drinks, but he doesn’t wash down his love, he spins, he suffers. Let (name) cry, be bored, lament, but when (name) meets me, he (name) never lets go. Amen".

When speaking, you should imagine your loved one. You need to read for at least a week in a row while the moon is waxing.

How to read a plot to make a man miss?

The ritual is carried out without props, but to carry it out you'll need a great imagination. So, you should make yourself comfortable, your legs and arms should not be crossed.

Having relaxed, you should imagine the object of divination right in front of you, look into its eyes, while simultaneously imagining how strong threads connect you to it.

Then you need bite your tongue and say out loud 33 times:

“I bite myself - (guy’s name) I tie myself.
As my tongue hurts, so you feel bad without me.
Feel my sadness
Feel the flame of fire love.
Know no peace from melancholy even in daylight,
Not in the darkness of the night,
Imagine me with you.
How does a child suffer without milk?
So you too are bound by melancholy
For me.
How true I said the words,
So she gave strength to the conspiracy.
So be it. Amen".

Witchcraft on playing cards

If you have it on hand deck of playing cards, you can make your loved one miss you at a specific moment in time. To do this you should:

  • retire;
  • imagine the object of enchantment;
  • take the deck and shuffle;
  • “remove” the cards with your left little finger towards you, saying loudly enough, chanting: “36 cards, 36 devils, four suits, help bring melancholy to (name)”;
  • Now in absolute silence lay out the cards in a row, and if two cards of the same suit lie next to each other, remove the second one to the side, if after one, remove the first one;
  • the procedure for “removing” cards and the layout is repeated a total of 3 times;
  • The ritual is considered successful if there are only 4 cards left in front of the magician;
  • in this case, you need to remain silent for the time that you want your loved one to think about you - when the silence is broken, the built connection will be interrupted.

Is it possible to quickly make a guy feel sad?

On Saturday You can create a spell like this:

“I, slave (name), will get up early.
From my hut I will go through the doors,
From the courtyard to the street,
I’ll go out into a purely huge pole,
Yes, towards the sun, eastern.
There is an old hut here,
There lies a creaky board,
An old woman sits under her, melancholy.
Roars, longing, cries, waits for light,
And the light is the bright sun, have fun and greet it.
So (name) would be waiting for me,
As soon as he sees, he had fun, admired and rejoiced,
And without me you will be bored and suffer.
Let (name) yearn for me at dawn,
Let sad about me and dreams.
Let him not be able to live without me
not under frequent stars,
Not with the blowing winds,
Neither by light nor by moon.
Eat up, evil melancholy,
In the sternum, in the stomach of slave (name),
grow and be born along each of its veins,
for each dry bone, one for me.

An effective spell for melancholy is spoken 9 days in a row when the moon is waxing. Reading is required every morning and every evening, three times each time.

Lights up before starting candle from church, you need to look at her without taking your eyes off and imagining your loved one:

“Fly, my words, with candle smoke, at the dawn of the morning, into the foggy distance, at the dawn of the evening, into the dark distance.

Hurry, little one, into the field, find an old hut there, and in it - a heavy cast-iron board.

Fires are burning under that cast iron, the flames are not extinguished. Whirlwinds and brawling winds, drag my longing for (boyfriend’s name), Light it up with fire, give him dryness for me. Place melancholy and dryness in his veins and his heart.

So that he eats, but does not overeat, so that if he drinks, he does not drink, so that he does not forget me for a moment. My words are stronger than cast iron, sharper than damask knives. In my opinion it always will be! (boyfriend’s name) won’t forget about me!”

A reprimand of a conspiracy but a photo of a loved one

The ritual is performed in the evening, before going to bed:

  • they look at the photo of their loved one, imagine how good the couple is together;
  • They say three times: “As I see the dear image, my heart beats often and often. I will give myself to my beloved and he will respond with love. Let (the guy’s name) not sleep, let his soul languish and strive for me. Let his body suffer, and know no rest from melancholy. Amen.";
  • put the photo under your pillow and fall asleep without talking to anyone.

The ritual will gain maximum effectiveness if it held every evening. If you wish, you can light a red or church candle while reading the hex.

When the moon wanes, you can perform a ritual that will make you miss you a guy having a relationship with another girl.

This method has the effect of turning on the lady with whom your beloved is now, and a slight love spell on the one who is bewitching. This conspiracy is very strong, it can turn your loved one away from everyone.

The text must be spoken three times at a pedestrian crossing three nights in a row. You cannot take anyone with you “for company” and generally talk about the magical effect performed.

So, they say, slowly turning around themselves, through all sides of the selected intersection:

“On the golden sea the oak tree stands green,
there are 12 jars on it,
they have the same number of windows.
There are a dozen devils on each window.
Hey bros, look
help my heart -
hurry across the sea,
you will find a field there,
where no living creatures run by,
there are no bird voices,
no trace of cattle is visible.
There are no mice there, no worm crawls.
In the pole there is a board-board,
Beneath it there is heavy melancholy and melancholy.
You are 12 devils, my glorious brothers,
tighten up, tighten up,
Yes, lift the board.

Remove from under it:
tears for love,
tears of obedience,
tears of worship.
Take the tears to slave (name),
so that he grieves and yearns,
so that he only takes me into his thoughts.
So as not to sit at the table,
I haven’t tried the food
I didn’t lie down on the bed.
So that (guy's name) doesn't go out alone,
spent time with me.
Evil spirits, brothers, help me out,
lure slave (name).
From children, and wives, and friends,
From different girls and girlfriends,
tear it off and scrape it off, don’t give it free rein.
With words and deeds, tame, wash it,
Rip through it with sharp horns and tenacious claws.

Daily a ransom is left- raw, fresh, bloody meat, an open bottle of good alcohol and 13 gold coins.

How to turn a man's head and make him fall madly in love with you? Surely every woman has asked this question at least once in her life.

But the surest way is to make a man miss you madly. This is exactly what psychologists say.

How to turn his head

“Absence makes the heart grow fonder,” says the old saying. And it's true. If you want the man you like to go crazy over you, first of all, make him really bored. Let him feel that you are terribly missed.

He may be your husband or a friend whom you are madly in love with; he could be an ex-boyfriend you want to get back together with; or he is your new acquaintance with whom you want to build a strong relationship - in other words, if your goal is to be with this man, let him miss you thoroughly.

How to make a man miss you

There are several ways to do this. First of all, remember that you need to do this playfully, easily and beautifully.

So, no matter who the object of your affection is, follow these fifteen correct steps. Make him miss you!

1. Stop communicating with him

When you miss someone, you will agree that it is difficult to voluntarily refuse to communicate with this person.

It is quite natural that you have a need for daily communication, sometimes even spending hours on the phone or chatting.

But if you want a man to really start missing you, you have to “move on.” Don’t call him, don’t write messages, and even more so, don’t flood him with these messages on social networks.

Just disappear!

If you constantly appear in his life, it is quite reasonable and natural that he simply does not have time to miss you. Let the man understand that he misses you, let him feel that he feels bad without you.

Most likely, when you stop contacting him, calling or writing, the object of your affection will wonder where you are, and what’s wrong with you, and why you suddenly disappeared.

So, rule one - evaporate, stop contacting, disappear from his life. This is a very difficult task for women because they like to constantly communicate with men who are not indifferent to them.

It is much easier for a man to endure separation, but even despite this, most likely, if he is not indifferent to a woman, very soon he will begin to miss her. Therefore, if you want to hook a man, be sure to try this tactic!

2. Make him wait

If you are like most women, then you have an irresistible desire to answer his calls and texts with lightning speed.

When your crush calls or texts you, your first reaction is to respond immediately, especially if you've been waiting a long time for him to show up. This is the main mistake of most representatives of the fair sex.

Do you really think that if you make him wait too long, he will disappear or lose interest in you? This is definitely not the case. So what's the result? You respond to his message or call with lightning speed.

But at this moment a man may get the feeling that you are just sitting by your phone, waiting for him to deign to remember you. And he guesses correctly!

Remember that men are hunters at their core; they like to pursue a woman. By answering him at the speed of light, you simplify this very hunt. He simply becomes uninterested. After all, you are an easy prey for him.

Therefore, wait a pause, take a walk, go to the store, meet your friends, or just watch your favorite movie, and only after that answer a call or message.

To some, these little games will seem too stupid, funny and ridiculous, but such simple tricks really work, they make a man think about you and get bored. Therefore, patience will help you when it comes to answering a call or message as quickly as possible.

How to interest a man

3. Always end the conversation first

So, the man of your dreams called you, and you, after waiting for some time (see the second point above), finally answered him.

This is where rule #2 comes into play: you should always be the first to end a conversation. Try to be the first to write “see you tomorrow,” “good night,” or other phrases that mean goodbye.

Make sure you hang up first or send a goodnight text. The purpose of this trick is to make him want more.

As a rule, it is a woman’s inaccessibility that plays a key role in a man’s desire to possess her. Remember that by nature men are hunters, and everything that is difficult for them to reach automatically arouses their interest.

And although it is always very difficult to end a conversation first, because if you like a man and want to communicate with him for as long as possible, be sure to do this.

Believe me, this is how you ignite his desire and make him want you more.

Most likely, the man will soon want to contact you again, and you will have another chance to communicate, but the communication will already take place on the initiative of the man himself.

There may be many different reasons for the desire to make your beloved man miss you. For example, he goes on a trip without his fiancée or the girl needs to go somewhere for a long time.

In this topic:

Or maybe the betrothed just got busy with his everyday affairs and forgot about his beloved. There can be a lot of situations, but there is only one solution. With the help of a longing spell, you can awaken in your lover longing for your chosen one. Then, without realizing it, he will begin to get bored and look for a meeting.

What is this for?

Below is an example of a strong and effective conspiracy that is worth reading whenever you need to make your loved one miss you.

“My beloved person (name), I want, servant of God (name), for you to miss and yearn for me alone, and white metal and spring water will help bring sadness and melancholy. Let you follow me on my heels, And I would visit you in my dreams, and never leave you in my thoughts. I appeal to the heavenly powers, the earthly powers, I ask for help, I repent and submit! Amen!"

When you really need it

Is it worth reading the plot every time you want? Of course not. Any love rituals should be performed only when there is a very compelling reason. It is not wise to waste magical power for all sorts of little things. It is very important to be sure that the person in the name of whose love the ritual is being started is really needed.

Under no circumstances should you try to talk to a bored man for whom you have no feelings. Using magic just for fun is strictly prohibited. You should not use love rituals towards someone else's man. After all, any action can be met with opposition. In white magic everything is natural.

If you harm someone with a spell, you can receive double punishment for this. The following plot is designed for quick results. To perform the ritual you will need a fresh ripe apple. The fruit must be chosen beautiful, without flaws. It is desirable that the apple is sweet.

“As the apple dries, so will the servant of God (name) be bored!”

After saying the above words to the apple, you need to put it on the window. Let the fruit dry, and in the meantime the guy will begin to yearn and grieve for his beloved.

General principles of love magic

Magic is a very serious thing. The use of love magic should be responsible and reasonable. Before you decide to perform rituals aimed at a man’s love, you need to decide for yourself how important this man is.

Conspiracies for boredom or melancholy are very powerful. The person on whom such spells are cast begins to experience corresponding feelings. The power of magic will act on the selected object until he meets his woman, and some magical rituals may have a longer effect.

All love rituals should be performed on the waxing moon or on the full moon. The only exception is a ritual designed to eliminate unwanted feelings. Additional attributes for performing a ritual for boredom can be clean water, an apple, candles, paper, etc. The basis of such rituals is conspiracy and spells, which, using the power of words, evoke the desired feelings in a certain person.

The following magic words are said for a gift or souvenir that you need to give to your lover. After a man accepts this thing, longing and boredom for the woman who gave him this small amulet will settle in his heart.

“I give you a thing, and you take it, but at the same time you give me your peace. And you will not have peace and strength either day or night without the slave (proper name). Amen".

There is no need to choose anything symbolic as a gift. This can be an ordinary souvenir in the form of a pen, handkerchief, notepad, lighter, etc. It is worth noting that if a guy loses or throws away an item given to him, the conspiracy will disappear along with this gift. The following slander is also very strong and causes incredible melancholy in the one for whom it is intended.

“I cast a magic spell on the servant of God (name). So that he yearns and misses me, So that he doesn’t see his life without me! I bring upon him great melancholy, sad sadness! Let him walk around and around me, Let him only make me happy, Let him only see happiness with me! Amen!"

Another very powerful ritual with a spell for boredom is given below. It is worth noting that the power of this ritual does not dry out for six months. Therefore, you need to think carefully before performing it.

“I pronounce magic words and direct their magical power to the servant of God (name of my beloved). I wish that he languishes without me and always misses me greatly, that he constantly yearns and cannot imagine his life without me! I bring sadness and intense melancholy to him with these magical words. So that he always walks around me and pleases only me. His happiness is only next to me and that he always remembers this. Amen!"

Any conspiracy to make a loved one yearn is not a strong influence and is one of the means of white magic. In this regard, it can be used quite often, as it is easily removed naturally. The consequences of a spell on melancholy are rarely negative.

White rites

Often this magical effect is used by one of the partners before a long separation. A correctly performed ritual gives confidence that a loved one will yearn and dream of meeting, which means he will call often and will not disappear from sight. The plot to make a guy yearn is read in complete solitude in a separate room. During the ritual, a window or window should be open in the room and it is desirable that the Moon be visible in the sky at this time.

Let's make you sad with a conspiracy

A conspiracy that calls upon all the elements to help make a guy feel sad. His words must be pronounced directly into the open window. They sound like this:

“I, (proper name), will get up, cross myself and go out of the hut to the gate. I’ll head east into an open field and find a place where there is a hut, in the middle of which lies a board, under which there is melancholy. Melancholy cries and sobs bitterly, waits for the white light, but can’t wait for the clear sun to rejoice and have fun! So he (his own name) can’t wait for me (the name of his beloved), he constantly thinks, rejoices at the thoughts of me. He (the name of the beloved) cannot eat, drink, or live without me, neither in the early morning, nor at dawn, nor at lunchtime or midday, nor under the night stars, nor during violent winds, nor under the sun, nor under the moon. . He (beloved’s name) cannot live without me, like a fish without water, like a baby without mother’s milk.”

It is very important after this conspiracy to be patient and wait for the result that will definitely come. It should be remembered that after this magical effect, you cannot be the first to look for a meeting or call your lover on the phone.

A short-term plot to make a loved one grieve, as a rule, does not have negative consequences. It is removed immediately after the meeting. But if you use long-term melancholy spells, you need to be careful. This is due to the fact that their action is similar to damage and can seriously damage a person’s energy shell and cause irreparable harm. Strong, long-lasting conspiracies can be used in cases where people love each other and live together for a long time, but the feelings have already subsided. Using magic, you can awaken your partner’s melancholy and refresh the cooled love desire. One of these conspiracies involves the following actions:
    During the waxing Moon at midnight, you need to retire to a room and light a candle; On a white sheet of paper, you should clearly and beautifully write the name of your lover and his date of birth; Visualize the image of your beloved man and think only about him for at least ten minutes; Set fire to a piece of paper from a lit candle and say the following magic words three times:

    “I am the servant of God (my own name) and pronounce this magical spell directed at the servant of God (the name of my beloved). I wish that he misses me greatly and yearns for me constantly, and cannot imagine his life without me. I bring sadness to him and I want him to walk around me and be always next to me. So that he brings joy only to me, and imagines his own happiness only with me. Amen!"

    The ashes from the burnt paper are collected in the palm and thrown out the window, while words are spoken expressively.