How to cover up the smell of cat urine. How to Remove Cat Urine Smell

If your pet makes a puddle outside the litter box, you need to start fixing the problem as soon as possible. The longer cat urine remains uncleaned, the stronger and more unpleasant the smell becomes. The situation is aggravated by the fact that the dried stain may not be visible, but the smell will be unbearable. In addition, traces of an old puddle can provoke a cat to repeat the experiment.

To effectively combat odor, you need to at least general view imagine the composition cat urine. Its main ingredients are urea and urochrome, which are easily washed off with water, as well as colorless crystals of uric acid. It is the latter that pose a problem, since they do not dissolve well in water, but when the humidity level increases, they begin to emit a smell with renewed vigor.

Clean up the puddle

Wipe the puddle dry with paper towels or a rag. If the carpet is damaged, firmly press a dry cloth onto the stain several times. Do not rub or smear the urine. If the stain is already dry, spray it with water and blot. Your goal is to remove as much cat urine as possible without increasing the area of ​​the stain.

Apply an enzyme solution to the stain

You can use it like special compounds, sold in pet stores, and general purpose detergents. It is very important not to try to cope with the smell with the help of others. chemicals before you treat the stain with a product containing enzymes: it may react with the remnants of the previous composition and not work.

Apply the substance according to the instructions on the package and leave until completely dry. Most likely, this measure will be enough to completely eliminate the smell.

Use vinegar, baking soda and hydrogen peroxide

If it is not possible to quickly obtain a product with enzymes, you can make do with improvised means. To begin, mix 1 ½ cups of water with ½ cup and pour this solution over the stain. After 3-5 minutes, blot the stain with paper towels and sprinkle generously baking soda.

Then dilute 1 teaspoon of dishwashing liquid in 100 ml of 3 percent hydrogen peroxide. Try rubbing the resulting solution onto an inconspicuous area of ​​the floor or carpet to make sure that the solution does not discolor the coating. If everything is in order, apply the mixture over the soda and rub thoroughly with a brush.

After this, all you have to do is wait a few hours until the mixture dries and vacuum it up. If the urine has already become ingrained, you may have to repeat the entire procedure again.

Or potassium permanganate

Another proven remedy for combating the smell of cat urine is a weak solution of potassium permanganate. However, this method can not only solve the problem, but also create a new one: stains from potassium permanganate may remain on fabric and carpet surfaces, especially if there are undissolved crystals in the solution.

Forget about bleach and ammonia

Do not use products with ammonia under any circumstances: its smell will provoke the animal to repeat the feat in the same place. For the same reason, you should not grab products with chlorine. In addition, they can ruin the damaged coating.

Getting rid of the most unpleasant, pungent smell of cat feces in an apartment is not always easy - this “aroma” seems to eat into furniture, clothes and other things. In an apartment, the smell occurs for only two reasons: a member of the family ignores his litter box or the owners do not clean the pet’s toilet well.

A pet’s refusal to visit the litter box can be caused by anything: from emotional stress to the animal’s lack of perception of the litter box itself, its location and filling.

Smell from the litter box: what to do?

The root cause of the appearance of a cat scent in the apartment may be poor quality or untimely cleaning pet potty. To prevent your pet's toilet from emitting miasma, it should be washed regularly under running water, and you can additionally apply detergents that do not have a pungent odor.

It is also important to choose a suitable filler - if your pet doesn’t like it, then it is likely that the cat will begin to shit in the wrong place. The filler for the tray should not be excessively hard and should not have a pronounced odor. Most pussies prefer to go in a litter box filled with wood or clumping litter. In addition to being convenient for cats, the litter absorbs the specific odor of urine and feces.

Myself the tray must be deep enough- it’s convenient for both the owner and the pet:

  • the filler does not spill out onto the floor;
  • you can put a thick layer of filler so that your pet can dig a hole;
  • You can buy a tray with a grid, then the problem with scattered filler will be solved.

How to get rid of the smell of cat marks on the carpet and floor?

Sexually mature felines can mark their territory. The odor from the marks is stronger and more persistent than that of urine or feces, so it's harder to get rid of it. However, with some effort, you can return the air in your apartment to its former freshness.

First of all, if you do not plan to breed animals, then spay or neuter your pet. After the operation, the problem with the marks will resolve on its own. If this is not possible, then you will have to wean the animal from damaging property: stick double-sided tape in the cat’s “favorite” place - the pet is unlikely to like sticking to the surface, and it is also possible after treating the marked area spread it with onions and put half the onion there.

It is not possible to wash off cat urine, especially marks, using conventional means. To eliminate the smell forever need to:

  • Blot the area of ​​the “crime” with dry wipes or cover it with the smallest litter for the tray. When everything is absorbed, sweep or vacuum. Do not wash the marked area with water to avoid spreading urine around the room.
  • Pour table vinegar mixed with water in a ratio of 1:3 over the dirty area. Wait for it to dry completely.
  • Cover the area with baking soda. It is important to make sure that the vinegar dries thoroughly, otherwise it will simply neutralize the soda.
  • Using a spray bottle, spray a special solution made from 100 ml of hydrogen peroxide (3%), a teaspoon of soap (optionally, dishwashing detergent) and water (100 ml) onto the scattered soda. The product is shaken until foam is obtained and applied to the soda.
  • After drying, the floor is washed and the upholstered furniture or carpet is cleaned.

Such cleaning will completely eliminate the smell of cat marks - even the cat will not be able to smell and renew them. If the animal again encroaches on the treated area, it means that the last time not the entire area, stained with urine, was treated and everything will have to be done again.

The smell of urine and feces: folk methods of getting rid of it

If the pussy constantly or periodically ignores its litter box and does “business” in the wrong place, then you will have to thoroughly deal with the smell in your home.

Should not be used for cleaning products containing ammonia- the animal’s urine also contains this component, so the pet can perceive the smell of the product as someone else’s mark and again shit in a forbidden place.

By effective means To remove the smell of cat urine and feces in a living space, the following are considered:

  • Potassium permanganate. Ordinary potassium permanganate will help remove the smell of a cat and at the same time wean your pet from shitting. A pale pink, weak solution is prepared from it, which is used to wash the soiled area after cleaning up a puddle or pile.
  • Hydrogen peroxide will help remove the persistent smell of cat urine from any surface. The product decomposes the protein contained in the animal’s urine, as a result of which the “aroma” goes away.
  • Mouthwash. The product should be used after washing the dirty area of ​​the apartment. For convenience, you can pour the liquid into a container with a spray bottle. The smell is removed almost instantly, leaving a pleasant and long-lasting aroma.
  • In particularly advanced cases, when the cat ignores any means and continues to shit in a certain place, you can put a cotton pad soaked in camphor oil there. This product itself has a very specific smell, copes with nasty odors and repels cats.

I will help eliminate the stench products containing bleach- they are applied to a surface cleared of feces, rubbed vigorously with a sponge and rinsed thoroughly with water. Before using such products, you should make sure that they will not harm the surface or fabric, so it is advisable to apply them in the absence of a pet and only on linoleum or uncoated floors.

With elimination cat smell A mixture of lemon or orange juice and water works well. Because cats don't like citrus scents, fruit juice (as well as the addition of aromatic oils with citrus aromas) will not only freshen the air in your home, but will also discourage the animal from crapping past the tray.

An excellent remedy for quickly eliminating animal odor is iodine: dissolve 15 drops of it in a liter of water and wash the area where the cat has acted with the mixture.

If the owner notices a foul-smelling puddle immediately, then in order to avoid the spread of odor from feces, the area of ​​“sabotage” should be immediately treated - dry with napkins or filler, and washed:

  • alcohol or vodka;
  • a strong solution of laundry soap;
  • warm water with soda;
  • Strongly brewed fresh, unbagged tea.

Pet stores offer a large selection of various products for training pets to use the tray, for weaning them from the habit of shitting anywhere, and for eliminating odors. It is worth noting that they are not always effective- some cats simply don’t notice them and continue to shit wherever they have to, so the smell doesn’t go away.

If your cat has chosen a specific place to go to the toilet, you can try placing a litter tray there, if possible. And to wean yourself from going to the toilet in the wrong place, foil is useful - lay it down and attach it to the wall (if the cat marks). During cat urination, the foil makes a fairly loud rustling noise, which frightens the animal and it will no longer want to approach a potentially dangerous place.

You can get rid of the smell of cat feces and urine in your apartment using cheap improvised means, but the process should be approached competently, taking precautions so that the animal is not harmed, the owner is not injured, and things and the flooring remain intact.

Cat urine emits an extremely suffocating, fetid odor, which seems impossible to get rid of in an apartment. Animal marks can eat into the most various surfaces and remind you of yourself for the longest time. In fact, there are many effective cat urine odor neutralizers. Many of them can be found in your own bathroom or kitchen, or can also be purchased at your local store. household chemicals. How to remove cat odor? We will look for an answer to this question in our publication.

Why do cats get dirty in the apartment?

Among the most common causes of the problem, it is worth noting the following:

  • The owner’s choice of an inappropriate place to place the tray, which the pet does not like.
  • There is no litter in the cat litter or it is not replaced often enough.
  • The animal's dissatisfaction with the conditions of its detention, rude attitude on the part of the owner, which causes resentment and stress in the pet.
  • The presence of other pets in the apartment, which are considered by cats as rivals.

How to find the source of an unpleasant odor in the house

There is often a persistent smell of cat urine in the room. However, the puddles are nowhere to be seen. To find cat marks, you should arm yourself with an ultraviolet lamp. You can purchase a special flashlight that will allow you to understand where the cat smell is coming from in your apartment at your nearest pet supply store.

It is recommended to search for dried puddles using an ultraviolet lamp in complete darkness. You should start examining surfaces from the place where the unpleasant aroma is most noticeable. Then other, less suspicious areas should be illuminated.

You need to understand that the animal is capable of leaving marks not only on the carpet, but also in the most incredible places. Therefore, it is recommended to walk with an ultraviolet lamp wherever the cat could potentially climb. In this specific light, traces of your pet’s urine appear as spots of a greenish tint. Fresh tags will have a bright yellow tint.

How to remove cat smell from shoes

Shoes are often abused by cats. Why do pets show increased interest in such things? The fact is that along with our shoes we bring a whole host of foreign odors into our homes. The latter are often perceived by animals as threatening, dangerous and suspicious. Such odors, “in the opinion” of cats, must be overcome by the smell of urine.

How to fix the problem if the animal decides to mark shoes? In such situations, you should resort to the following solutions:

  1. Machine washable- acts as the simplest, most obvious option for removing the unpleasant aroma of cat urine from shoes. It is recommended to use this method if sneakers, slippers, or sneakers have been damaged. Machine wash shoes made from thick materials, such as leather boots, not recommended. Indeed, in this case, a hard sole can damage the glass or drum of household appliances.
  2. Hydrogen peroxide is ideal for treating the inside of shoes to remove the smell of cat urine. To restore a neutral aroma to a damaged item, it is enough to carefully treat all surfaces with the composition, paying special attention to seams and folds. The only drawback of the method is that hydrogen peroxide can discolor fabrics. Therefore, you should use the solution only when it is necessary to get rid of the unpleasant odor of leather shoes.
  3. The product "Formidron" is designed specifically for people who suffer from the problem of severe sweating of the feet. However, the drug is also suitable as a cat urine odor neutralizer. This chemical composition is quite rich and concentrated. For this reason, it is recommended to perform shoe processing using a respirator and gloves. Otherwise, you can be poisoned by formaldehyde vapors, the main active ingredient of the drug.

In order not to have to resort to removing the smell of cat urine from shoes, it is worth performing a little prevention. It's about about the use of citrus essential oils. Concentrated formulations with a pronounced aroma of tangerine, orange or lemon will discourage the cat from any desire to approach the shoes. The solution can also save clothes from damage.

Nature's Miracle Stain & Odor Remover

Nature's Miracle brand product allows you to quickly remove cat urine stains from upholstered furniture, carpets, clothing, floor coverings, mattresses, and more. The product copes well with old dirt left in the house by animals. The result of using the composition is the appearance of a pleasant citrus aroma, which scares cats away from places where they prefer to shit.

How to get rid of cat odor using Nature's Miracle Stain & Odor Remover? The composition is applied to a previously washed surface. The substance is left to eat off the stain for 5-10 minutes. Then the dirt is removed using a regular napkin.


How to get rid of cat smell in short time? In order to quickly eliminate the problem, you should use the effective BioVax product. The drug is available in the form of a spray, which has an intense deodorizing effect. It contains plant extracts, natural enzymes and essential oils. The product not only hides the foul odor, but also destroys the structure of substances in dried cat urine. The use of BioVax spray will serve as an excellent solution when you need to eliminate the unpleasant cat smell in the apartment just before the arrival of guests.

Enzyme Nutri-Vet

The product contains deodorizing components and active substances that dry out, destroy the structure and change the aroma of persistent animal urine stains. Chemical composition Suitable for treating carpets, furniture, floor coverings, surfaces near the cat litter.

Nutri-Vet is applied directly to urine stains. Then they wait about 15-20 minutes. Dirt is removed using a well-absorbing sponge or cloth.


Oddly enough, alcohol perfectly eliminates all kinds of stench. It is recommended to use vodka, first of all, in the fight against fresh traces of cat urine. To achieve the desired effect, it is enough to treat fresh marks left by the animal with undiluted alcohol. Vodka will remove the cat smell. However, a faint aroma of the alcohol itself will remain. Treating surfaces with water and household cleaning products dissolved in it will completely eliminate the smell.

Lemon juice

How to remove cat odor with lemon? To do this, you need to take a glass of water, diluting citrus juice in it. The marks left by the animal need to be treated with this composition. The substance will dissolve cat urine. In addition, an aroma will remain on the cleaned surfaces, which will discourage the pet from committing a new “crime.”

Potassium permangantsovka

Forms a compound enriched with oxygen. When applied to surfaces, such a composition acts like enzymes that change the structure of biologically active substances. For this reason, the product has a destructive effect on the elements in animal urine.

How to get rid of cat odor using potassium permanganate? It is enough to use about 20 drops of the substance per liter of water. The product can be used to treat carpets made from dense, non-delicate fabrics. The composition can also be applied to hard surfaces.


Another way to get rid of cat smell? Verified folk method is to use regular table vinegar. The substance is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3. The acid composition is used to treat hard coatings. To remove the aroma of cat urine from upholstered furniture using this method, you need to spray the solution with a spray bottle.

In conclusion

So we found out how to remove the cat smell in the apartment. Finally, it must be said that in most cases animals do not try to crap in the house, but only mark their own territory. In such situations, it becomes quite difficult to remove a persistent, fetid odor without effective agents that have a destructive effect on the structure of biological substances.

To avoid trouble, you need to determine the reasons why the pet does not want to adhere to the rules of behavior established by the owner. It is recommended to teach your cat to relieve itself in the litter box without using violent methods. Under no circumstances should you poke an animal into a puddle of urine left in the wrong place. After all, as a rule, this makes the cat want to commit even more dirty tricks.

What could be worse than the smell of cat urine in the house, haunting you day and night. The owners of tailed, mustachioed and striped pets are very familiar with this problem. But not everyone is familiar with her decision.

How to remove the “cat” smell, and how to prevent its occurrence in the future? The most effective means for your attention!

10 ways to remove cat odor from the floor or furniture - smart cleaning

Today there are a lot of means to eliminate this smell - every store that sells products for pets can offer at least several options to choose from.

But for the product to be effective, it must be used correctly. First, remember that the source of the smell is uric acid , which can only be eliminated with the help of enzymes. By wiping away the puddle with a rag and eliminating the urochrome and urea, you only masked the smell.

Remove the acid itself , which crystallizes upon drying, can only be done with glycerin or alkali.

Did your “kisun” mark himself on the floor or on the sofa?

Choose one of the most popular remedies among the people!

  1. Enzymatic cleaner. Wipe the puddle dry and use an enzymatic cleaner. It contains biological enzymes that promote the rapid breakdown of proteins in cat urine and instantly eliminate odor. We are looking for a cleaner in a pet store. This product can even be used for clothes and linen if your pet suddenly “takes revenge” right on the bed or your favorite jeans. Note: if you have previously tried to use a different cleaner in the same place, the product may not work.
  2. White vinegar. Prepare a vinegar solution. To do this, always mix water with white vinegar in equal proportions. We remove the puddle with a rag and pour a little solution onto the “vengeance” site. Wipe thoroughly, or better yet, rub the solution directly into the stain. With the help of this product, the smell of ammonia in the urine is completely neutralized. Be sure to wipe the area dry. This product is recognized as the most effective of all existing ones - it even eliminates odors from old cat (and dog) puddles and marks.
  3. Bleach. We wash the place of “revenge” with a regular household cleaner (note – WITHOUT AMMONIA!), then with the usual clean water. Afterwards, wipe the area dry, mix water and bleach in a ratio of 10 to 1 and pour the solution into a spray bottle. Spray the product onto the area damaged by the cat and after 30 seconds, wash off with a damp cloth. Note: products containing bleach can damage the color or structure of the material - be careful when choosing this cleaning option.
  4. Apple cider vinegar. Mix this product with washing powder(60 ml/60 g), apply to the stain, rub in, then carefully remove with a damp cloth. If after drying the stain is still present bad smell, then we also add an enzymatic cleaner to this proportion.
  5. Soda. Sprinkle the “revenge” area with classic baking soda. This natural cleaner also perfectly absorbs everything unpleasant odors. If the damaged area is not too noticeable, you can rub this product in with a brush or sponge, leave it for 2-3 hours, and then remove it with a vacuum cleaner and treat it with a regular floor or furniture product.
  6. Peroxide + Fairy + soda. We make this solution in the following proportion: dish soap - no more than 5 ml (1 tsp is enough), 3% hydrogen peroxide - half a glass. Pour the solution into a spray bottle and spray the product on top of the soda that has already been poured (and left for a couple of hours). Thoroughly rub the solution into the soda with a brush. After it has foamed, dry the stain, vacuum it and remove any cleaning residue with a regular cleaning product.
  7. Iodine. We make the product as follows: add 15 drops of aqueous iodine solution to 1 liter of water and treat the stain with the resulting solution. Leave for a short time and dry. The product copes well with uric acid crystals.
  8. Lemon juice. This product is easy to prepare: squeeze the juice from half a lemon, apply it to a sponge and treat the damaged areas of the upholstery.
  9. Potassium permanganate. A powerful oxidizing agent and an excellent deodorizing agent. We treat the stained area with a weak solution and wait for it to dry. We repeat the procedure until the smell completely disappears.
  10. For a fresh stain, use mouthwash. The scheme is the same: remove the puddle dry, apply the product to the sponge and treat the stain. Waiting for it to dry. Repeat if necessary.

Among the effective folk remedies can also be noted vodka and drinking tea, Vanish stain remover and Lenore mouthwash.

7 Ways to Remove Cat Urine Smell from Carpet or Shoes

Your husband was not very affectionate with your mustachioed pet early in the morning, but for some reason the offended cat left the “gift” in your shoes. And you still haven’t gotten the smell out of his puddle on the carpet yesterday.

For carpet:

  • Glycerol. This product is ideal for splitting urinary stone. It can be used on carpets and other surfaces.
  • Laundry soap (note: it also contains glycerin). Thoroughly soap the damaged area of ​​the carpet with a sponge, wait until it dries and rinse the area well with clean water.
  • Vinegar + soda. Having noticed a fresh puddle, quickly and dryly absorb it with napkins (you can toilet paper), fill the stain with vinegar solution (1 to 3) and after drying, cover it with soda. The next day we simply clean it with a vacuum cleaner.
  • Peroxide + soap. In a spray bottle, mix hydrogen peroxide (100 ml), 1 tsp of regular liquid soap and half a glass of water. We fill the “revenge” area with soda for a couple of hours, after which we spray the prepared product directly on top of the soda and rub it into the surface with a brush until foam appears. After complete drying, remove everything with a vacuum cleaner.

For shoes:

It is extremely difficult to remove the smell from these products. If high-quality sneakers or fabric slippers can still be washed 2-3 times, then leather shoes it is almost impossible to process - upon contact with the feet, it will still “gift” the owner and those around him with cat amber.

Therefore there are not many options...

  • Potassium permanganate. We thoroughly wash the shoes in cold water, then wash it with a solution of potassium permanganate and wash it in a washing machine. We dry exclusively in the open air.
  • Vinegar. We wash the shoes, wash the insoles separately, and then thoroughly rinse the inside with a vinegar solution. We air dry it again.
  • Liquid glycerin. The product is suitable for shoes made of leatherette or smooth leather. We carefully treat it from the inside with glycerin and leave it in the room until the product is completely absorbed.

What should you not do when removing odor?

  • Use various products containing ammonia . In particular, glass cleaners or stove cleaning products. Why? Products containing ammonia will only provoke the pet into repeated “acts of revenge.” As long as the cat smells this scent, he will mark it again and again.
  • Use perfumes and deodorants. They won't even mask the smell. On the contrary, when mixed with a cat’s scent, the aroma of perfume will become simply unbearable.

Special “store” products

There are actually few quality products among the offered “odor eliminaters”. But effective ones still come across.

Just in case, study the composition . And remember that the best means- those that contain, in addition to oxidizing agents and alkali, also special enzymes for the rapid breakdown of uric acid.

What does the market offer?

  1. OdorGone. The product is in aerosol form. The composition is natural, safe for people and animals. Consumers approve almost unanimously. Effective!
  2. Zoosan. Also a good option, according to consumer reviews - not the most expensive, effective, practically odorless (not strong, compared to analogues).
  3. Urine Off. Biological and, according to the manufacturer, safe. As for the opinion of consumers, they were equally divided. Some are delighted, others are completely disappointed.
  4. DesoSan. A very high quality and easy to use product. Destroys any odors. Cat and dog owners approve.
  5. Bio-GM. There are not many reviews about this product, but the manufacturer promises high efficiency and complete elimination of the cause of the odor, and not masking it. The composition is not chemical, but very natural - 100% biological.

How to get rid of cat smell in an apartment forever - preventive measures

First of all - useful advice about how to detect the source of the smell if the “act of revenge” was carried out by the pet on the sly. For this you will need wood lamp . Under its light, all damaged areas on surfaces, including splashes, clearly appear (fluoresce).

  • Place the litter box where your pet will use it. Mustache-striped people do not like publicity - they prefer to do their dark deeds on the sly. Give your pet a secluded place for the toilet.
  • Treat all areas of potential "acts of revenge" with special spray products.
  • Place in flower pots orange peels or pine cones to discourage your pet from marking plants.
  • Change the litter in the tray regularly. Cats are too clean to go twice or thrice into already used litter.
  • Never punish your “kissuns”. Cats are touchy animals and will take revenge.
  • Neutered cats (note - as well as sterilized cats) do not mark their territory. But the decision is yours to make.
  • Have your pet checked by a veterinarian. You may have kidney problems or a urinary tract infection.

Be prepared for anything. But remember that we are responsible for those whom...

How do you solve this delicate problem for your pets? Share yours effective recipes in the comments below!


Many people believe that it is impossible to eliminate the smell of cats. But this is not true. The composition of feline urine is similar to that of other mammals. Often, odors appear due to improper cat care, insufficient cleaning and treatment.

The cat doesn't want to go to the litter box. Reasons

First, it’s worth considering the reasons why cats don’t want to “do business” in the litter box or ignore it from time to time:

the animal does not like the toilet. It may be the wrong size, its location may be incorrect, or it may not have been washed enough;
a new object or scent. Cats understand new things as an attempt to seize territory;
stress and anxiety;
problems in the body. If a cat poops in the wrong place, it may be a sign of illness.

Cats are clean, they will not spoil for no reason. First, find out what this behavior is based on.

territory mark. This is a feature of animal behavior during the “walking” period. One of the solutions is castration and sterilization.

Regardless of the reason why your pet leaves surprises in the wrong places, it is always important to know how to remove cat urine odor. Cleaning must be done immediately. Which method will help in the battle with the “aroma” depends on certain circumstances:

surface type;
how long ago the puddle was made.

If the cat just made a puddle, then first blot it with paper. The more moisture remains, the sooner the smell will disappear. In order to understand how to get rid of the “aroma”, you need to know the composition of urine:

urea (removable with water);
urochrome (gives color);
acid (crystals that are almost not removed by ethyl alcohol and water, but are removed by acid, glycerin and alkali).

Often the compositions affect two elements from the beginning of the list; they remove color and “aroma”. The crystals go unnoticed. But when liquid or urine gets on them, the amber is activated.

Home remedy for cat odor

It is important to note that homemade remedies for cat odor often do not work; they require some labor, but are attractive because they are cost-effective. By visiting forums, you will find a lot of advice. We will look at some of them below.

Remember that the most unsuitable option for odor control is a product with chlorine. Despite the fact that it is a powerful oxidizing agent, it remains toxic. The use of ammonia, which contains ammonia, is also not credible. The smell may also worsen if you apply perfume to the puddle.

Powerful oxidizing agents are considered more effective:

manganese. It has a deodorizing effect;
vinegar. Be sure to dilute with water;
lemon juice;
iodine. The composition is made from 10-20 drops per 1 liter of water.

Remember to treat stains and wash the tray, then you will forget about this problem.

If the puddle is just made, then bactericidal agents become effective: laundry soap, ethanol, tea leaves, high concentration soda solution, mouth rinses.

Aromatic substances will not eliminate the cause. Methods to combat the “aroma” such as: fresh coffee, dried parsley, aromatic salts, oils, etc. They will only kill the “aroma” temporarily.

Home remedies usually contain several effective ingredients. Often you have to experiment to find the right one. Here is a recipe for one of them:

Vinegar is diluted with water: 1 part to 4 parts water. And applied to contamination;
soak thoroughly with paper;
cover with soda;

1 spoon of dish soap is diluted in 100 g of peroxide. First, test on an invisible area, and then scrub the puddle area with a brush;
the remainder is removed with a sponge. If necessary, repeat the manipulations.

Professional remedies for cat odor

There are many ready-made anti-cat odor products on the market now. Although not all of them work, and often only mask aromas. The most effective products contain enzymes/enzymes that break up urine crystals.

Among the popular products, it is worth noting foreign-made products. The quality of these products allows them to be used on. But the skin almost does not tolerate the influence of water, so carry out the treatment in stages.

Upon purchase similar product pay attention to whether enzymes are included in the composition. They really fight the crystals. There are even products for shag floors and fabrics that help remove unpleasant cat odors.

Not all products and home remedies are effective, so it is important to know the rules for combating odor.

When using these products to combat cat odor, remember that it is important to follow the manufacturer's instructions, as some products may not work immediately due to the presence of enzymes. These products are also suitable for cleaning a cat's litter box.

And if you want to be 100% sure that there is no trace of cat urine in the house, then use a black light lamp, also called a Wood’s lamp. With it you will find dirty places, because... Ultraviolet light causes urine crystals to glow. Such a tool is not very cheap, but it lasts for many years.

The arsenal of means to combat cat odor is considerable. Regular cleaning of the toilet, treating areas with marks and puddles will help you forget about the problem forever.

January 3, 2014, 11:39