How to treat a bruise under your thumbnail. How to remove a hematoma under a nail

The general condition of the body is often reflected in the condition of the nails. Therefore, changes in the appearance of the nail plates should be a reason to consult a doctor.

Hemorrhage is a condition in which spontaneous bleeding occurs. If we are talking about subungual hemorrhage, then bleeding will occur in the tissues of the nail bed.

There are two types of subungual hemorrhages. In the first case, spots of different sizes, having shades of red, form under the nails. The second type of subungual hemorrhage is strip-like formations located along the nail bed.

Reasons for development

Most often, the formation of subungual hemorrhages is associated with chronic dermatoses, most often with. Quite often, it is the changes on the nails that are.

Therefore, one of the likely causes of subungual hemorrhages is non-standard reactions of the immune system, that is, an autoimmune factor. In addition, a hereditary factor cannot be ruled out. The tendency to develop autoimmune dermatoses is often inherited.

Predisposing factors that can lead to the formation of hemorrhages under the nails include:

  • Prolonged and severe stress. Depression and severe nervous tension can trigger the development of autoimmune reactions, leading to the development of changes in the nail plates.
  • Nail injuries.
  • Taking certain medications. In particular, non-steroidal drugs that have an anti-inflammatory effect, drugs for the treatment of hypertension, hormonal drugs, etc.

Clinical picture

Externally, strip-like hemorrhages under the nails appear as thin longitudinal stripes under the nail. The color of the stripes can be brown, brown or black. Hemorrhages form due to the rupture of dilated capillaries located in the subungual bed.

The appearance of hemorrhages may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • The appearance of irregularities on the surface of the nail plate - pinpoint impressions or longitudinal stripes.
  • General. The plate becomes dull and acquires a yellowish or gray tint.
  • Dryness of the nails themselves and the skin on the nail folds.


The appearance of hemorrhages under the nails should prompt a full examination of the patient. The patient may be referred for a consultation with an endocrinologist to identify or rule out hormonal disorders.

It is important to distinguish subungual hemorrhages from. Hematomas are formed as a result of trauma - a blow to the nail, a pinched finger, etc. The formation of hematomas is accompanied by severe, twitching pain, so it cannot go unnoticed.

An important point in the diagnosis of nail hemorrhages is to exclude the infectious nature of the disease. An examination for fungal nail diseases is also required, since the manifestations are very diverse. To carry out the analysis, a scraping is taken from the surface of the diseased nail or a piece of the nail is cut off. The material is sent to the laboratory, where it is inoculated on nutrient media. Such an analysis allows not only to detect the presence of a fungal infection, but also to determine the type of fungi that provoked the disease.


In the event that subungual hemorrhages are a consequence of another chronic dermatosis of an autoimmune nature, then the treatment will be long-term. Moreover, therapy should be carried out in combination.

The treatment regimen is drawn up by the doctor individually for each patient, depending on the severity of the manifestations, the presence of other symptoms of dermatosis, and general health.

At the initial stage of the disease, when nail hemorrhages are the main manifestation, mainly local drugs are used:

  1. First of all, ointments or creams containing corticosteroids are prescribed. This is the main group of drugs used for psoriatic nail lesions. In the first stages of the disease, ointments such as triacort, prednisolone ointment, and triamcinolone are prescribed.
  2. Preparations that contain vitamin D. These are products such as Calcitriene, Maxacalcinol, Daivonex, etc. The drugs help strengthen blood vessels and reduce the manifestations of nail psoriasis.
  3. Dermatotropic agents - Dithranol, Anthralin, etc. The use of these agents in combination with vitamin therapy often leads to stable remission and a noticeable improvement in the condition of the nail plates.
  4. Topical retinoids have a good effect when used in the early stages of the disease.

In addition to local treatment, vitamin and mineral complexes are prescribed. It is especially important to receive elements such as calcium, zinc, selenium, and vitamins B, E, A, and PP into the body.

Traditional methods of treatment

Bay bay decoction baths are used to treat the disease.

If hemorrhages appear under the nails caused by the development of psoriasis, you can also use traditional methods. May help improve the condition of your nails.

Baths using bay decoction. Prepare a composition for the bath at the rate of 10 grams of dry leaves per glass of species. Boil the composition for 10 minutes. Use the cooled broth for nail baths.

Place cornstarch and oatmeal in a bowl. Add water to form a semi-liquid “dough”. Dip your fingers into the dough so that “thimbles” of dough form on your nails. Keep for 15 minutes.

For oral administration, you can prepare a remedy from celandine. Squeeze juice from fresh herbs. Mix 50 ml of the resulting juice with 500 mo of dry red wine. Take 20 ml twice a day. At night, lubricate your nails with the resulting composition and let the liquid dry without rinsing off.

To apply to sore nails, you can use a tincture prepared from the golden mustache plant.

Prognosis and prevention

Primary prevention of nail hemorrhages caused by chronic dermatoses has not been developed. Secondary prevention measures aimed at preventing relapses include:

  1. Nail care using vitamin creams.
  2. Baths with sea salt, if possible, annual spa treatment, including thalassotherapy, mud therapy.
  3. Exception .
  4. Regular intake of vitamins.
  5. A diet based on the principles of healthy eating.

The prognosis for subungual hemorrhages depends on the course of the underlying disease. With timely treatment, long-term and stable remissions are possible.

There are other pathologies that provoke the appearance of damage. Why hematomas are dangerous, how to get rid of them faster, and how to prevent their occurrence, we will tell you in this article.


A bruise is a blood clot that flows from broken blood vessels. Appears both on the fingers and on other parts of the body.

The reasons for their formation are different:

  • Mechanical impact. If you hit your finger sharply on a hard object or drop something heavy on it, a bruise will appear. Such damage occurs frequently. Hematoma also appears during finger fractures if a strong blow falls on the nail.
  • Wearing narrow and hard shoes. If a person plays sports in uncomfortable sneakers that squeeze the big toe, hematomas occur. Such disciplines include football, skiing and skating.
  • Taking medications that regulate blood clotting. It happens rarely, but if the problem occurs, consult a doctor.
  • Cardiovascular failure. Due to the lack of oxygen caused by the pathology, all the nails on the toes and fingers often darken.
  • Other serious illnesses. Diabetes mellitus, oncology, thrombocytopenic purpura or melanoma. The doctor will make an accurate diagnosis.
  • Fungal infection. In addition to dark spots, there will also be symptoms such as itching, peeling of the nail and changes in its color.

In each of these cases of bruising on the nails of the big toes (regardless of the cause), consultation with a specialist is required.

What does a bruise under a nail look like?

Immediately after a finger injury, a purple spot appears, which gradually becomes purple-black in color. It is clearly visible through the nail plate. Often the hematoma is round, less often it is elongated. In addition to the unaesthetic appearance, a person experiences sharp pain and a sensation of pulsation in the affected area.

If the bruise appeared as a result of wearing tight shoes, then the pain is not so severe, but for a long period it does not go away, even if you take off your shoes or shoes. Swelling often appears on the finger. As the nail heals, it turns greenish and yellow.

Bruises under the toenails appear as a result of hemorrhage from burst blood vessels. If the injury was severe, it leads to partial or complete peeling of the nail. To prevent this from happening, it is advisable to consult a doctor as soon as possible. If you couldn't avoid losing your nail, don't worry. This phenomenon is temporary: it gradually grows back, although it becomes uneven or thickened.

Methods for treating bruises under the nails

Before starting therapy for a hematoma, you need to understand the reason why it formed. If this is an injury, then the treatment will be mainly local. If it appears as a result of diabetes, cardiovascular failure or other diseases, then it is necessary to eliminate the cause, and not just its consequences. When medications are to blame, they should be discontinued and another treatment method prescribed.

Do you need a doctor?

Medical help is not needed if the bruise is small and the pain is not intense. This happens with minor injuries or wearing tight shoes. You should change it, and as the nail grows, the hematoma will go away. In case of mechanical damage, contacting a doctor will help relieve pain faster. The doctor will also identify a more serious cause of bruises, which are present not only on the legs, but also in other places.

First aid

To quickly improve your condition after limb injury, you need to be able to provide emergency assistance to yourself or another person.

  1. Immediately apply ice or a heating pad with cold water to your finger: this will significantly reduce the risk of subungual hematoma formation. To make the blood vessels shrink and the sharp pain subsides, apply ice to your finger every half hour for five minutes.
  2. If a nail is damaged, it must be urgently treated with an antiseptic. This will prevent the wound from becoming infected and developing an infection.
  3. Then apply a tight bandage to the area where the bruise occurred. This technique will reduce swelling and significantly reduce the risk of nail plate rejection.
  4. Make sure the knuckles are not broken. To do this, move them, and if these movements cause severe pain, then immediately visit the nearest trauma center for assistance.

If there is no fracture in the leg, then a consultation with a doctor will still not be superfluous. Severe pain from a hematoma will not go away quickly, but the doctor will quickly remove it with the help of surgical manipulation. Using a sharp, thin, sterile instrument, he will make a small hole in the nail through which the accumulated blood will come out. This procedure helps protect the nail from rejection and speeds up the treatment process.

If for any reason the doctor is unavailable, then this manipulation is carried out independently. But if complete sterility is not maintained, the consequences can be severe (blood poisoning, loss of limb).

Drug therapy

If your nail is damaged due to injury, quickly wash the area with antibacterial soap and apply antibiotic ointment. Drug options:

Apply a sterile dressing. To prevent inflammation from occurring and spreading, take Ibuprofen. To quickly get rid of a hematoma, use Venitan, Troxevasin, Venoruton gels or ointments of similar action.

The pharmaceutical industry is growing rapidly, offering patients new drugs to treat bumps and bruises. But before starting therapy, it is necessary to find out the reason for their appearance.

Traditional methods of treatment

If the injury is small and not advanced, then you can use traditional methods of alleviating the condition and further therapy. In mild cases, a few days are enough for the bruise to go away. There are many recipes for how to cure hematoma. Let's describe some of them:

  1. Sagebrush. It will reduce pain and help the blood clot dissolve faster. Fresh grass is kneaded until the juice appears and applied to the bruised area. After drying, it is replaced.
  2. Plantain. An analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent. The leaves, crushed into pulp, are applied to the bruise.
  3. St. John's wort. It is taken orally 3-4 times a day or a compress is made from the decoction (pour boiling water over 1 tablespoon of the herb and let stand).
  4. Hop. The cones of this plant relieve pain well. They are boiled for a long time, and then 4 parts of Vaseline are added to 1 part of the broth. This ointment is applied to the hematoma until relief occurs.
  5. Onions. The vegetable pulp is applied to the bruised area.
  6. Melissa. An infusion is made from the herb (4 tablespoons pour 2 cups of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes). A compress is applied with this liquid.

If medicinal herbs are not available, then take any dark green plant, rub it with your hands until juice forms and apply it to the hematoma. The chlorophyll pigment contained in the leaves heals wounds and bruises.

What is the danger?

Most often, hematomas on the extremities do not pose a threat to life. They are quite easy to treat or go away on their own. But in some cases you need to consult a doctor urgently:

  • the hematoma is large and occupies almost the entire nail;
  • the patient experiences unbearable pain, which may be a consequence of a fracture;
  • when the color of the nail has changed without injury.

To find out whether the joint is damaged, the traumatologist will prescribe an X-ray examination. If the bruise is not due to injury, additional diagnostic methods will be carried out.

Preventing bruises under the nails

You can protect yourself from minor injuries and bruised fingers if you are careful when handling heavy objects at home and in the workplace. There are other measures that will help avoid bruises under the nails caused by other reasons. Wear comfortable shoes and do not put excessive stress on your feet. If the problem is a result of wearing high-heeled shoes, stop wearing them.

It's important to eat right. Include the required amount of vitamin C in your diet, which helps strengthen blood vessels. If bruises appear on your body that are not related to injury, immediately visit a doctor. These may be symptoms of diseases of the circulatory system or other pathologies that need to be treated immediately. Be careful and take care of your health!

Why bruises appear on the legs without impacts, diagnosis, prognosis

From this article you will learn: what diseases may indicate bruises on the legs for no reason in women and men. What to do if you start to get bruises (or, in other words, hematomas) without blows. Which doctor to contact, how diagnosis and treatment will be carried out.

Bruises without injuries on the legs and other parts of the body appear due to weakness of the vascular walls, increased permeability or excessive blood thinning and impaired blood clotting.

The causes of hematomas without impacts are the same in both women and men. However, more often they can appear in women who are fond of wearing high-heeled shoes, as this provokes excessive tension in the legs, stagnation of blood in them and the associated weakening of blood vessels and varicose veins. Also, the strength of blood vessels may decrease during menopause.

If there are problems with blood vessels and blood, bruises often appear on the legs, since these parts of the body are most subject to stress in everyday life. Microtraumas, which manifest as bruises due to pathologies of blood vessels and blood, can occur from long walking, from jumping, and so on.

Hematomas without strokes are a very alarming symptom. If you start to experience bruises on your legs or other parts of your body for no reason, immediately consult a therapist. Depending on the test results, he may refer you to a hematologist, angiologist, phlebologist, hepatologist or gynecologist for further diagnosis and treatment.

Causes of bruises on legs

Hematomas can appear for one of two reasons:

  1. Problems with blood vessels (increased permeability of vascular walls, weakening and decreased elasticity of vascular walls).
  2. Problems with the blood (pathological decrease in the level of platelets in the blood, clotting disorders, leukemia).

In such cases, bruises arise from moderate pressure on the skin or from clothing pressing on it, or for no apparent reason at all.

The initial stage of vascular weakness manifests itself in the fact that a light blow causes a large bruise that does not go away for a long time.

The causes of such problems with blood vessels and blood can be very diverse. Sometimes this indicates a lack of certain substances in the body, and sometimes it indicates serious diseases of the cardiovascular system or blood.

What can provoke the unreasonable appearance of bruises on the legs and other parts of the body:

  • Lack of vitamin C or vitamin P - with their deficiency, the strength and elasticity of vascular walls decreases, and capillary fragility increases.
  • Thrombocytopenia is a decreased level of platelets, which leads to impaired blood clotting and the spontaneous appearance of hematomas. Thrombocytopenia can be a side effect of medications, a symptom of infectious mononucleosis, hepatitis, herpes, HIV, and even a complication of the flu.
  • Liver failure – severe liver dysfunction causes thrombocytopenia.
  • Alcoholism. Alcohol abuse causes thrombocytopenia.
  • Varicose veins. This is a very common reason why bruises appear on the legs. With this disease, the superficial veins weaken and become brittle, which can cause bruising.
  • Menopause. With insufficient estrogen levels, the strength of blood vessels decreases.
  • Leukemia.
  • Congenital bleeding disorders (hemophilia, von Willebrand disease, etc.) - in this case, symptoms begin to appear in childhood.

Even if the fragility of blood vessels is caused by a lack of vitamins, the risk of internal bleeding and hemorrhages in the brain increases, especially in hypertensive patients. Therefore, take the problem seriously.

Varicose veins can cause bruises on the legs

Accompanying symptoms

With increased vascular permeability and blood clotting disorders, not only bruises on the body are observed, but also:

  • frequent nosebleeds;
  • bleeding from the mucous membranes of the mouth, bleeding gums;
  • long cessation of bleeding even with minor cuts;
  • in some diseases - blood in the urine, spotting from the vagina outside of menstrual periods.

These symptoms are not observed with bruises on the legs caused by varicose veins. With this disease, hematomas can appear only on the legs. Vascular “networks” and “stars”, swelling of the legs, discomfort and pain in the lower extremities are also characteristic.


First of all, a general blood test is taken from a patient who comes with such a problem. The platelet level has the greatest clinical significance in this case.

Bruises appear on the legs

A bruise, or a hematoma called by official medicine, is the accumulation of blood from a cavity or its saturation of soft tissues. Typically, hematomas appear after the damaging action of some agent (physical, mechanical, chemical). When there is a traumatic effect on tissue, blood vessels rupture and blood flows out of them.

Physiological features of bruises on the leg

The most common cause of bruises on the legs is bruises, tissue compression or increased fragility of blood vessels. When a bruise occurs, pain, redness, swelling and dysfunction of the injured limb occur (the victim spares the limb due to an increase in pain). Increased fragility of blood vessels can be observed with hypovitaminosis (especially vitamins A and C), then even minor injuries can lead to the appearance of extensive hematomas. The appearance of bruises on the leg may be the first symptom of varicose veins. A bruise on the leg (as on any part of the body) is characterized by blooming (associated with hemoglobin metabolism). At first, the hematoma has a red-purple color because the blood of the hematoma is still rich in oxygen. Then oxyhemoglobin loses oxygen and becomes reduced, and the color of the bruise changes to bluish-purple with a reddish tint. Over the next 6–7 days, hemoglobin breaks down: first it turns into methemoglobin and verdochromogen, so the bruise turns green. Then verdochromogen is converted into biliverdinibilirubin and the hematoma becomes yellow. Depending on the amount of accumulated blood, the processes of flowering of the hematoma may differ along its length (for example, on days 6–9, the edges of the hematoma may already be yellow, and its central part may still remain bluish-violet).

Bruises on the legs due to an autoimmune disease

It also happens that bruises on the body begin to form without injury, then you should think about such an autoimmune disease as autoimmune systemic vasculitis (Henoch-Schönlein disease or hemorrhagic vasculitis). The pathogenetic factor is that the wall of blood vessels is mistakenly recognized by the cells of the immune system as foreign and autoantibodies begin to be produced against it, which try to destroy it. As a result, it thins (increases its fragility), as well as increases the permeability of the vascular wall with the release of the liquid part of the blood and formed elements into the surrounding tissues. This terrible disease can be distinguished from ordinary hypovitaminosis by the following signs:

Hematomas with autoimmune vasculitis appear not only on the legs, but also on other parts of the body;

The bruise has a regular shape, rises above healthy tissue, can be quite large in size and does not disappear with pressure;

Bruising occurs symmetrically (in the areas of the knees, legs and ankle joints);

After the appearance of the rash, the patient develops pain in large joints, which persists for several days and is of a volatile nature;

In 30% of cases, before the appearance of hematomas, the so-called abdominal syndrome may occur, which manifests itself in the form of constant or cramping pain in the abdomen, which is associated with hemorrhage into the intestinal wall and its mesentery. Abdominal pain may be accompanied by vomiting “coffee grounds” (under the influence of hydrochloric acid, the blood turns brown), melena (blood in the stool). After a few days, these symptoms may disappear, which plays an important role in the differential diagnosis of hemorrhagic vasculitis with acute surgical pathology;

The onset or exacerbation of the described symptoms can be caused by increased insolation (during a holiday at sea).

Bruises on the legs as a result of hereditary diseases

This section of causes includes diseases such as hemophilia and thrombocytopenia (von Willebrand disease). Hemophilia is a hereditary disease that is passed on from parents. The hemophilia gene is sex-linked (with the X chromosome) and is a recessive trait (if the second X chromosome does not contain the pathological gene, the disease will not manifest itself). Mostly boys suffer from it, since their genetic makeup contains only one X chromosome, and if a boy receives it, he will definitely develop hemophilia. In hemophilia, blood coagulation factor VIII is reduced, so hemostasis processes are disrupted. There are three degrees of severity of these manifestations: mild, moderate and severe. With mild severity, hematomas form at sites of injury and in the area of ​​large joints; with moderate and severe severity, hemorrhages into internal organs are possible.

Thrombocytopenia, or von Willebrand disease, is an autoimmune disease in which the bone marrow produces defective platelets. The patient's body recognizes its platelets as foreign and produces antibodies against them. For this reason, the level of platelets in the blood is sharply reduced (up to 30 - 50 thousand when the norm is 180 - 270 thousand), and therefore the appearance of hematomas is possible.

Bruises on the legs as a result of disruption of the internal organs

Increased bleeding may be associated with liver dysfunction. As you know, vitamin K and most coagulation factors are produced in the liver. Diseases such as hepatitis and cirrhosis disrupt the production of these essential components that ensure reliable hemostasis in the body.

Increased formation of hematomas on the body can occur with hypertension, kidney disease, rheumatism and chronic tonsillitis.

Treatment of bruises on the legs

Treatment for a hematoma depends on its cause and size. For extensive hematomas with massive hemorrhages, surgical treatment with opening of the hematoma cavity and evacuation of its contents is indicated. In such cases, the patient must be treated with antibiotics and daily change of aseptic dressing.

Small hematomas can be treated conservatively. The surface of the bruise can be lubricated with troxevasin and heparin ointment, which will facilitate its rapid resorption and reduce swelling. In case of severe pain, you can take painkillers. A folk remedy for bruises and contusions is popular for this disease.

If the cause of the bruise is increased capillary fragility, then you should think about treating hypovitaminosis. First of all, you need a good diet rich in vitamin C (greens, citrus fruits, rose hips, gooseberries, tomatoes). Synthetic vitamins can be purchased at any pharmacy in the form of vitamins or as part of multivitamin complexes.

If hematomas on the body are formed as a result of disruption of the endocrine and nervous systems, then it is recommended to include foods rich in vitamin P (rutin) in your diet. Sufficient consumption of these vitamins leads to normalization of calcium levels in the body, which helps strengthen blood vessels and normal permeability.

Thus, there can be many reasons for the appearance of bruises on the legs, and if such a tendency is noticed, it is better to immediately consult a doctor so as not to miss the golden time that may be missed. The causeless appearance of hematomas on the legs is especially dangerous in children, because this may be the first manifestation of a hereditary disease.

Bruise under the toenail - quick and affordable ways to solve the problem

A bruise under a toenail is scientifically called a hematoma. It is formed due to the accumulation of blood. Most often, the problem appears due to external influences, but other causes are also possible.

1 Why does a bruise appear under the nails?

The formation of hematomas is a normal physiological process. When struck, the blood vessels are damaged and blood is released from them. It remains under the nail plate, as it cannot flow beyond it due to the high strength of the nail. Over time, the blood clot may turn black and the finger may become slightly swollen. Then the hematoma changes color, the plate separates from the bed, and the nail becomes slightly convex.

A bruise that appears on the big toe nail can cause negative complications. Firstly, infections can penetrate into the space that forms between the plate and the nail bed. Secondly, the nail remains very fragile until it is completely renewed. If pressure occurs as it grows, it may become deformed.

A characteristic symptom of the formation of a hematoma is severe throbbing pain, which subsides over time. If the injury is severe enough, it may be permanent. When the plate fuses, the patient may feel discomfort, and pain appears only as a result of pressure.

2 Causes of hematoma formation

The main factors that provoke the appearance of bruises on the fingers:

  1. Mechanical shock - occurs as a result of a heavy object falling on the leg or a finger being pinched. This type of damage occurs most often. In addition, bruising may occur with fractures.
  2. Uncomfortable shoes. If constant pressure occurs, a hematoma appears. Discomfort occurs when a person puts on boots. People who engage in winter sports often suffer from bruises - due to the special structure of the shoes, the fingers experience constant pressure.
  3. Use of medications that affect blood clotting. Bruises rarely form for this reason. To solve the problem, you should consult your doctor.
  4. Cardiovascular failure. With this disease, all organs, including the skin, suffer from a lack of oxygen. As a result, the body weakens and is unable to resist diseases. Typically, with this pathology, all fingernails and toenails turn black.
  5. Serious diseases - diabetes, melanoma, oncology. Only a qualified specialist can determine the exact cause.
  6. Fungal infection - if the nail is infected with a fungus, its peeling is accompanied by itching and other symptoms.

If the hematoma is not a consequence of external influences or wearing uncomfortable shoes, you should definitely go to the doctor.

Only a specialist can conduct the necessary research and detect the disease at the first stage of its development.

3 How to treat a hematoma

You can treat a bruise under the big toe nail yourself or under the guidance of a doctor. First of all, the damaged area must be placed under cold water to stop the bleeding, reduce the amount of blood under the plate and the risk of subsequent detachment. Alternatively, you can use ice cubes. Regular iodine is suitable for disinfection. This first aid is suitable for all hematomas under the nails. Further therapy is selected depending on the characteristics of the injury.

  • Treatment with traditional methods

Drug therapy will help remove the bruise that has formed under the nails. There are several options:

  1. Drainage - the site of the bruise is punctured so that the blood comes out. Then apply a bandage - it will prevent the spread of infection. Thanks to the elimination of blood, a bruise does not appear.
  2. Surgical intervention - the nail is completely removed, as a result of which the plate begins to grow again and takes on the correct shape.

Blood can only be removed if little time has passed since it was released. Later, you can get rid of the clot only by removing the nail plate. In some cases, you can do without a doctor and complex treatment. The nail will begin to grow and it will be enough to cut it off. But this is a long process that can take a long time - from three to six months.

The following methods are suitable for self-treatment of hematomas:

  • compress - after a blow, you need to apply ice to the injury site or immerse your finger in cold water;
  • means for active nail growth - all kinds of baths with essential oils, sea salt and other useful elements.
  • potassium permanganate solution - lower your finger and steam it for twenty minutes;
  • compresses from wormwood - grind the herb to a paste and apply to the injured area;
  • plantain leaves – relieve inflammation;
  • onion – chop and apply to the problem area, wear for several hours.

It is impossible to completely remove a bruise using these methods, but folk recipes will reduce inflammation and accelerate the growth of the nail plate. Hematoma is a serious problem, so it is better to see a doctor so that your nails do not remain deformed. It is recommended to use any medications and folk remedies only after a visit to the doctor.

4 Prevention

Basic preventive measures are aimed at preventing possible injuries. To do this, you need to follow safety rules at work.

At home, you should be careful when performing any activities.

Injury to the nails due to tight shoes can be avoided if you choose such products wisely. It is better to buy comfortable shoes or boots than to chase fashion.

It is very important to maintain good hygiene and ensure you have a balanced diet.

And a little about secrets.

Have you ever had problems with Itching and irritation? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article, you have a lot of experience. And of course you know firsthand what it is:

  • scratch irritation
  • wake up in the morning with another itchy plaque in a new place
  • constant unbearable itching
  • severe dietary restrictions, diets
  • inflamed, bumpy skin, spots.

Now answer the question: Are you satisfied with this? Is it possible to endure? How much money have you already wasted on ineffective treatment? That's right - it's time to end them! Do you agree? That is why we decided to publish an interview with Elena Malysheva, in which she reveals in detail the secret of why the skin itches and how to deal with it. Read the article.

Bruise under the big toe nail

If a bruise occurs under the big toe nail, you should seek help from a doctor, because injury to the plate is dangerous and has serious consequences. Common causes of the disease are mechanical shocks and fungal infections. If a hematoma occurs, you need to give yourself first aid, drink painkillers and take measures to eliminate the pathological condition.

What is a bruise under the nail

After mechanical impact, hitting furniture or a door, a bruise may appear on the nail of the big toe. This formation is characterized by burst vessels under the plate, the appearance of hemorrhage, and blood stagnation. The blood first turns bluish, then purple, and finally turns black. Over time, redness and swelling decrease and become less pronounced.

What does a bruise look like under the big toe nail?

Externally, a bruise under the toenail is characterized by blackening of the plate, and throbbing pain is felt under the nail. As a result, the blood does not come out from under the nail, so it stagnates, the finger swells, and most of it turns red. Over time, these symptoms subside, but the hematoma cannot resolve on its own and disappears only after the healthy plate has completely grown back. Rarely, a bruise appears on the finger itself.

How does a hematoma form?

About 1-2 hours pass from the moment of injury, after which a hematoma begins to form under the big toe nail. Swelling and redness of the foot immediately appear, but the bruise itself appears after blood is released from the burst vessels and accumulates under the plate. Stages of hematoma development:

  1. A small pink spot appears, the nail bed turns crimson, and the nail turns blue. The person feels numbness and pain.
  2. Formation of a large purple spot, pain reduction.
  3. After a few days, the hematoma turns blue, its edges become sharp, the area decreases, pain is present only when pressed, there is no discomfort.
  4. After a week, the bruise turns black and decreases to 3-5 mm in diameter. The edges remain clear and there is no pain. Within a week, the hematoma can resolve on its own.


Subungual hematoma on the big toe occurs for various reasons. Common factors causing the disease are:

  • mechanical shock - an object fell on the leg, the finger was pinched by the door;
  • fracture;
  • constantly wearing uncomfortable shoes - if the pressure of the sock is on the big toe;
  • professional deformation - wearing specific winter shoes by skiers and skaters, which exerts strong pressure;
  • taking medications that affect blood clotting can damage blood vessels;
  • cardiovascular failure - all organs, including the skin, receive less oxygen, the body weakens, and pathology begins;
  • melanoma, skin cancer, diabetes;
  • fungus – combined with nail peeling, itching, discoloration.

What is the danger of a hematoma?

If a bruise occurs under the thumbnail, treatment should be started immediately, otherwise the lack of therapy will lead to serious consequences and problems:

  • when a void forms between the cornea and the nail bed, bacteria and infection can enter there;
  • the dead part is attached to the finger until it is completely renewed, but it becomes fragile; during the process of fusion, shoes press on the hole, and it happens that because of this the new plate is deformed.

How to treat a bruise under a toenail

First aid for a hematoma is to cool the bruised area to relieve pain. Wrap your finger in gauze, place it under running cold water, or apply a plastic bag with pieces of ice to the bump. Leave for 3-6 minutes, remove for 15 minutes and repeat the procedure. Apply until the pain goes away. You can speed up the healing process by opening the nail (if the hematoma is small). You can do this with a doctor or on your own:

  • prepare the nail: disinfect the plate with iodine, potassium permanganate or hydrogen peroxide;
  • use antibacterial agents to treat the needle, heat its tip until it turns red;
  • pierce the central part of the hematoma through the nail so that blood flows out of the hole;
  • fix a sterile plaster on the wound;
  • For three days, do not leave the house or wear open shoes so that your feet do not suffer.

Why do bruises appear on the legs for no apparent reason?

Do bruises appear on your legs for no reason? Run to the doctor immediately. Such manifestations often indicate serious pathologies that can affect both the central nervous system and the cardiovascular system.

Why do bruises appear on the legs?

Typically, bruises on the legs appear as a result of mechanical damage to the skin of the lower extremities, for example, due to a blow or bruise. The appearance of a bluish color of the skin is caused by compression and rupture of blood vessels at the site of the impact, resulting in the formation of a subcutaneous hematoma, which appears on the skin in the form of a bruise.

Bruises on the legs cannot occur without a reason. The reason for this may lie in the internal processes occurring in the body. Most often, such symptoms occur when there is poor circulation, depletion of arterial walls, or internal hemorrhages.

This can happen due to a lack or excess of substances such as selenium, cobalt or calcium in the blood. In some cases, bruises can form as a result of sepsis, asphyxia, or frostbite of the skin.

In addition, the formation of blue spots on the legs can be caused by taking certain medications that contain substances that slow down blood clotting. And if the walls of the capillaries are too thin, when they rupture, internal hemorrhages occur, which lead to bruising. These substances include acetylsalicylic acid, ibuprofen and naproxen.

It is also worth noting that bruises on the legs can occur due to a deficiency of vitamin C in the body. Since it is he who is involved in the process of strengthening the walls of blood vessels and small capillaries. You can replenish its reserves very easily. To do this, you need to drink a little lemon juice diluted with water after each meal.

But for people who suffer from inflammatory diseases of the stomach and duodenum, this method of replenishing vitamin C in the body is not suitable, as it can lead to an exacerbation of the disease. In this case, you need to take vitamin complexes, which will also help replenish vitamin K reserves, the deficiency of which can also lead to bruises on the legs and other parts of the body. This chemical element, like vitamin C, is responsible for blood clotting.

Pathological causes of bruises on the legs

If you have bruises on your legs for no reason, then you may have some disease that contributes to the destruction of capillaries and worsening blood clotting.

All these diseases are quite serious and should only be treated by a qualified doctor. This requires taking special medications that help strengthen the walls of the arteries and resolve blood clots, if any. In some cases, physical therapy may also be required.

Common causes of bruises on legs

The appearance of bruises on the legs cannot just happen. Quite often the reason for this is poor nutrition or vitamin deficiency. Sudden changes in body weight, frequent stress, overwork - all this can lead to disruptions in the functioning of the nervous system, which also affects blood circulation. Therefore, this can also cause bruising on the legs.

In addition, this disease is quite often noticed in nursing mothers and people suffering from liver pathologies.

In some cases, the “culprit” for the appearance of bruises on the legs may be thin skin and the close location of capillaries to it. Moreover, even minor impacts can lead to the formation of blue spots on the lower extremities.

Preventing bruises on the legs

If bruises appear on your legs, and you have not received any injuries before, then in this way your body gives you a signal that some disturbances are occurring in it. Therefore, the best preventative method in this case is timely diagnosis of diseases. And since most pathologies do not manifest themselves in any way at the initial stages of their development, you should periodically (every 6-12 months) undergo examinations in medical centers.

In addition, do not forget about your diet. After all, a lot depends on him. Your diet must include fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as meat and fish products.

Don't forget about sports. It helps not only strengthen muscles, but also increase vascular tone. It is not at all necessary to start playing professional sports.

It's enough to just walk more and use the stairs instead of the elevator.

Foot massage also helps strengthen blood vessels. They should be carried out regularly. It is also advisable to take vitamin complexes.

How to eliminate bruises on legs?

If you already have bruises on your legs and you want to get rid of them quickly, then modern topical pharmaceuticals can come to your aid, which promote the resorption of bruises. They are applied to the skin, usually 2-3 times a day.

You can also use traditional medicine. A compress made from raw potatoes has a resolving effect. Take one small potato, wash it under running water and grate it on a fine grater along with the peel. After which it is applied to the bruise, wrapped in film and secured with a bandage.

Remember that bruises on your legs cannot appear without a reason. If they occur frequently, you should contact a specialist, since in some cases this symptom can also manifest itself as cancer.

Hematoma on the leg

A hematoma on the leg is a very common phenomenon, occurring mainly when a limb is injured - as a result of bruises, blows or falls.

However, such formations can also occur in the presence of any internal diseases, as well as as a result of taking certain medications. The location of the hematoma on the leg can be the surface of the thigh, lower leg, foot or knee area.

The main symptoms of hematoma formation are pain at the site of injury, swelling and discoloration of the skin. The size of hematomas can vary from small to very large.

Treatment methods for hematomas on the leg are in most cases conservative; surgical intervention is required only if suppuration or other complications develop.

Causes of hematoma on the leg

The causes of a hematoma on the leg are often associated with injury in this area, for example, from a bruise, a fall, etc. As a result of injury to the soft tissues of the leg, blood vessels are damaged and a hematoma is formed, the size of which can vary from small to very large.

A hematoma on the leg is a type of bruise, and, therefore, the cause of its appearance is the rupture of blood vessels (arterial, venous, etc.) and the accumulation of liquid or thickened blood, which forms in both open and closed injuries of the lower limb.

The cause of a hematoma on the leg may be the presence of any internal diseases or the use of certain medications.

Hematoma on the leg after a fall

A hematoma on the leg after a fall is a fairly common phenomenon that occurs due to damage to the soft tissues on the leg and rupture of blood vessels. A hematoma on the leg after a fall, depending on the location of the impact, can be localized in the thigh or lower leg. A hematoma appears immediately after injury and, depending on the degree of damage, can rapidly increase in size. In the first day after a fall and injury to the leg, the hematoma causes pain; upon palpation, a jelly-like consistency is felt.

Pain syndrome during the formation of a hematoma occurs due to compression and injury to the tissues surrounding it. If the hematoma is large, you should seek help from a surgeon in order to promptly take the necessary measures to prevent the development of a purulent process and other complications, especially if symptoms such as pulsation at the site of injury, severe swelling, increased body temperature, and rapid progression of the hematoma occur. .

Body temperature may also increase slightly when the hematoma resolves; pain syndrome is usually absent.

Hematoma on the leg after a bruise

A hematoma on the leg after a bruise is a fairly common phenomenon, the methods for eliminating it depend on the size of the formation and the degree of damage.

A hematoma on the leg after a minor bruise is accompanied by mild pain, small in size and, as a rule, goes away on its own within a few days. To eliminate such a hematoma, it is often only necessary to treat the affected area with cold in the first few hours after its formation. On the second day, the hematoma can be lubricated with absorbable ointment; this procedure can be done for several days, until the symptoms are completely eliminated.

A hematoma on the leg after a moderate bruise, accompanied by damage to muscle tissue, causes more severe pain than in the first case and has a larger affected area. In this case, swelling may be expressed at the site of the bruise, and the size of the hematoma may increase. To treat such injuries, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

With severe leg bruises, the formation of a hematoma can be accompanied not only by damage to muscle tissue and tendons, but also by more serious symptoms, including impairment of the functioning of the limb. In such cases, medical intervention must be urgent in order to promptly take the necessary measures to eliminate the hematoma and restore the functions of the damaged organ.

Hematoma on the leg after a blow

If a hematoma on the leg has formed after a blow, the first thing you should do is apply ice to the damaged area to reduce swelling and prevent the hematoma from spreading. Further actions will depend on the severity of the injury and the severity of accompanying symptoms.

So, for minor injuries, for treatment it may be enough to lubricate the damaged area daily with ointment to resolve the hematoma until its traces are completely eliminated.

If a hematoma on the leg after an impact causes severe pain, an increase in temperature, hardens, pulsates or increases in size, it is necessary to urgently seek help from a doctor in order to prevent suppuration and impairment of motor activity of the lower limb.

Hematomas on the legs for no reason

The appearance of a hematoma on the legs for no reason, that is, in the absence of any trauma or mechanical damage, may indicate disorders within the body. Such formations can appear both when the body’s protective functions decrease and in the presence of serious diseases.

These include, for example, hemorrhagic vasculitis, in which an aseptic inflammatory process develops in the walls of microvessels, microthrombi form, which has a negative effect on the vessels of the skin and internal organs. The impetus for the development of this pathology in most patients is infection of the upper respiratory tract.

Hematomas on the legs without external damage can occur under the influence of a disease such as varicose veins of the lower extremities.

Reduced levels of blood clotting can also lead to hematomas. Taking blood thinners, antidepressants, anti-inflammatory drugs, and asthma medications can lead to the development of such conditions.

Hematomas on the legs for no apparent reason can occur as a result of a lack of vitamins C, P and K in the body, as a result of which the walls of blood vessels are weakened and damaged.

Internal causes of the formation of hematomas on the legs also include liver diseases, oncological pathologies of the blood, insufficient strength of connective tissue, vitamin deficiency, and the presence of allergic reactions.

Symptoms of a hematoma on the leg

After a leg injury - as a result of a bruise, blow or fall - a hematoma may form on it. Symptoms of a hematoma on the leg include discoloration of the skin in the area of ​​the bruise, pain, severe swelling or slight swelling, and increased body temperature. In case of severe damage to the leg, the hematoma can pulsate, rapidly increase in size, and the pain syndrome is usually very pronounced. In very severe cases, disruption of the functioning of the damaged limb may occur. In such a situation, emergency medical attention is required to restore the functions of the injured limb and prevent the development of further complications.

Hematoma on the toe

A hematoma on the toe is formed due to injury and damage to blood vessels. The severity of injuries can be mild, moderate or severe. Depending on this, the hematoma can be either small in size or spread over the entire surface of the finger.

A hematoma on the toe is accompanied by pain in the damaged area and a change in the color of the skin on the toe, which can change from purple to dark blue over the course of several days. On the fifth or sixth day after the formation of a hematoma, the finger may acquire a green-yellow color.

In case of severe injury, the appearance of a hematoma may be accompanied by impaired functioning of the finger. The patient experiences pain when trying to move a finger or step on the foot.

To provide first aid for the formation of a hematoma on the toe, ice or any cold object should be applied to the sore spot for fifteen to twenty minutes as soon as possible. After some time, the procedure can be repeated. This will stop further spread of the hematoma and reduce pain. It is strictly forbidden to carry out thermal procedures when a hematoma forms.

When a hematoma forms on the toe, concomitant injury to the nail is also possible. In this case, the damaged nail should be carefully treated so that it does not affect the hematoma. Such manipulations should only be carried out by a qualified specialist to prevent the development of complications. When a subungual hematoma forms, depending on the severity of the damage, the nail may be removed. After this, the damaged area is treated with an antibacterial agent and a sterile bandage is applied.

In the first days after the formation of a hematoma on the toe, it is recommended to reduce the load on the sore leg as much as possible. Subsequently, until complete healing, the finger must be treated with absorbable ointments as prescribed by the doctor; shoes should be as loose and comfortable as possible.

To treat a hematoma on the toe, you can use such products as lyoton-gel, dolobene-gel, rescuer, etc.

If you injure your toe and form a hematoma, you should seek help from a doctor to make sure there is no fracture and choose the right treatment methods.

Internal hematoma on the leg

An internal hematoma on the leg, unlike a subcutaneous hematoma, is localized inside the muscle. Moreover, the symptoms of these two types of hematomas are almost the same. When an injury occurs, blood vessels rupture, and a swelling forms at the site of the injury, accompanied by a change in skin color and pain.

In the first hours after the formation of a hematoma, to reduce swelling and pain, ice should be applied to the sore spot for fifteen to twenty minutes. Further, it is recommended to do this procedure every hour.

If complications develop, such as increased temperature, pulsation inside the formation, an increase in the size of the hematoma and swelling, impaired motor activity of the lower limb, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor to prevent the development of a purulent process and other complications.

Subcutaneous hematoma on the leg

A subcutaneous hematoma on the leg can be localized on the surface of the thigh, lower leg, knee or foot. The most common cause of a subcutaneous hematoma on the leg is injury to the limb, for example, from a fall, blow, etc. As a result of damage to the blood vessels, blood flows under the skin, resulting in the formation of a hematoma.

A subcutaneous hematoma on the leg can be either minor or very large. Depending on the extent of the damage and the severity of symptoms, the patient may be advised to undergo temporary bed rest in order to limit the load on the affected leg. As a rule, such measures are necessary in case of moderate to severe injuries and the formation of very large hematomas.

At the time of hematoma formation, pain often occurs at the site of injury, the severity of which also depends on the severity of the injury.

To provide first aid, the patient should treat the sore area as soon as possible, for example, using ice. It is applied to the resulting hematoma for fifteen to twenty minutes, after which they take a short break and repeat the procedure every hour. Such measures lead to a narrowing of blood vessels and make it possible to block the further spread of the hematoma, as well as reduce swelling and pain.

Small hematomas usually resolve on their own within a few days. To speed up the process, the sore spot can be lubricated with ointment with bodyaga, rescuer, troxevasin or other means for resolving hematomas.

If a large subcutaneous hematoma forms on the leg, the injured limb should be shown to a doctor to exclude concomitant injuries and prevent negative consequences.

In cases of accumulation of thickened blood under the skin, the contents of the hematoma can be removed using a puncture.

A bruise under the nail is a blood clot that forms after a bruise. Blood from damaged vessels begins to accumulate under the nail plate. After the blow, the person feels pain in the injured finger. The bruise under the nail quickly increases in size.

  1. If you accidentally hit your foot on furniture, the capillaries on your toes burst. Blood from damaged vessels instantly collects in the tissues under the nail plate.
  2. A bruise under the nail may appear after accidentally pinching a limb.
  3. Football and basketball players are at risk of getting this injury.
  4. The reason for the formation of a bruise under the big toe nail can be the use of shoes that are too narrow.
  5. A heavy object falling on your leg.
  6. Hemorrhage may be a consequence of increased vascular fragility.
  7. Dislocations and fractures of the limbs are often accompanied by the formation of hematomas under the nails.
  8. Blackening of the plate may be due to a fungal infection.


The formation of a hematoma is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • damaged tissues swell;
  • in the area of ​​the injured nail, the skin quickly turns red;
  • any attempt to change the position of the bruised finger leads to severe pain;
  • the patient feels pulsation in the sore finger.

Symptoms persist for 2-3 days. After this, the nail plate begins to darken. With strong impacts, not only blood vessels are damaged. The nail itself cannot withstand mechanical stress. As a result of injury, it peels off.

How does a hematoma form?

There are several stages in the formation of bruises:

  1. Immediately after a bruise, blood from damaged capillaries flows under the nail plate. The victim sees a small red spot. Gradually, the damaged area begins to darken. The patient complains of severe pain and numbness of the finger. The area of ​​the blood stain under the nail increases. It takes on a purple hue.
  2. Subsequently, the hematoma becomes dark blue.
  3. During the restoration process, the stain decreases. The victim feels virtually no pain.
  4. After about 3-4 weeks, the bruise under the nail will completely resolve.
  5. The length of the recovery period depends on the degree of damage and the characteristics of the person.

What should you do first?

Apply a cold object to the bruised nail. This will reduce pain and help stop the development of the hematoma. After a strong blow, the nail can easily peel off. The injured area under the nail plate should be immediately lubricated with an antibacterial agent. Be sure to apply a bandage to prevent infection. In case of severe damage, you cannot do without the help of a qualified specialist.

Treatment methods

After the blow, the patient feels severe pain, since there are quite a lot of nerve endings in this place. To reduce pain, the victim is prescribed painkillers (Analgin, Ketorolac). If the nail plate peels off, it is necessary to wash the wound. After disinfection, you can apply an ointment with a wound healing effect (Troxevasin, Venoruton) to the damaged area. Important! The damaged nail must be secured to avoid accidental snagging. To do this, you can use a sterile bandage or patch.

In what cases is medical help needed?

The formation of a large hematoma that occupies the entire area of ​​the nail is a reason to contact a specialist. To treat such patients, doctors resort to emergency treatment. To remove accumulated blood, the specialist performs drainage. With a special instrument, he pierces the nail plate in the center of the hemorrhage. After this, a sterile bandage is applied to the sore finger. In particularly difficult cases, it is necessary to remove the nail plate. The procedure ends with suturing. Intense pain may indicate a broken finger.

What is the danger of a hematoma under the nail?

The risk of nail detachment after receiving a strong blow is quite high. The damaged area is not protected from various microbes. Fungal infections are especially difficult to treat. Sometimes the new nail that grows after peeling becomes deformed. Even the most professional pedicurist cannot hide such a defect. When a hematoma appears, it is necessary to immediately begin to prevent mycosis.

How to avoid hematoma formation

  1. When choosing winter shoes, keep in mind that you will be wearing them with insulated socks. Don't buy boots (or any other shoes) that make you feel uncomfortable.
  2. People often get a bruised toe by hitting their foot on the corner of a piece of furniture. You need to be careful when moving around the house.
  3. Don't skimp on sports shoes. This is especially true for people who play professional football or basketball.
  4. Don't forget to trim your nails regularly. When wearing tight shoes, you can damage the nail plate.
  5. Poor nutrition can cause poor nail condition. They begin to crumble and can be damaged even from a slight mechanical impact.

Traditional methods

There are several effective methods that can help with damage to the nail plate:

  1. Fresh wormwood leaves need to be crushed until the juice appears. Apply the mixture to the bruise and secure it with an elastic bandage. After drying, change the compress.
  2. St. John's wort decoction can be used not only as compresses. To speed up the healing process, you need to take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day.
  3. Thanks to plantain, you can stop the inflammatory process in the wound under the nail. The leaves of the plant must first be crushed and applied to the sore finger. Plantain helps relieve swelling and reduce pain.
  4. To prepare the infusion 4 tbsp. Pour 2 cups of boiling water over spoons of chopped lemon balm herb. The decoction will be ready within 30 minutes. Soak a piece of cloth in the infusion and apply it to the sore finger. The compress should be applied 3-4 times a day.

Bruise under the big toe nail. VIDEO

Bruises are the result of internal hemorrhageand saturation of surrounding tissues. When struck, small subcutaneous vessels rupture, which leads to local bleeding. Damage to blood vessels deep in the tissue is called a hematoma; it is accompanied by greater aching pain compared to a mild bruise and has a larger volume.

Causes of bruises under the nail plates

There are many known reasons why bruises appear under the nails. The main ones are listed below.

  1. A hematoma can form on any part of the body that is exposed to an external blow. No one is immune from such a phenomenon as a bruise on the nail. It is possible to injure your nails by closing a door, hammering nails, dropping a tool on the floor, or moving furniture. You can get injured both at home and at the workplace when dealing with heavy objects, tools, and machines. A subungual hematoma causes severe physical pain, but at the same time spoils the appearance of the nails. When struck, not only can a hematoma form under the nail, but the nail plate itself can burst, causing the nail to become deformed.
  2. Bruises under the nails sometimes also appear with a severe bruise, dislocation, fracture of the hand, or injury to the foot. In these cases, bruising may extend over a large radius, including the nails of the extremities.
  3. The appearance of subungual hematomas is sometimes provoked by wearing tight and uncomfortable shoes.
  4. The appearance of a bruise sometimes also indicates weak walls of blood vessels, which can rupture in any part of the body, forming painful hematomas, including under the nail.
  5. The cause of hematomas under the nails is angiopathy, which appears in diabetes mellitus and leads to weakness of the vessel wall.
  6. Bruises under the fingernails or toenails may also appear after taking medications that directly affect the blood clotting rate.
  7. Bruising under the nails is the result of professional artistic activity; ballerinas and dancers often encounter this phenomenon.

Most often the bruise occurs on the big toe. It also suffers when wearing tight shoes. A hematoma on the nail of the big toe causes discomfort when moving and does not allow you to put on shoes without pain.

What does a bruise under a nail look like?

At the moment of impact, blood leaking from damaged vessels collects under the nail. Since it cannot flow out due to the high density of the nail plate, it remains under it. The blood coagulates, changing its color over time until it completely resolves.

In the first minutes after a nail injury, it turns red, after a few hours it turns blue, and after the blood clots, it turns completely black.

The returning blood clot takes a very long time to dissolve, the old nail plate slides off and is replaced by a new one. Often, in order to remove it from under the nail plate, you need to wait until the damaged nail has grown completely, gradually trimming and cleaning it.

An accumulated blood clot under the nail plate is not a favorable environment, especially if the nail burst during the bruise. If no measures are taken, infections may develop under the plate, leading to tissue destruction and rotting.

The hands and feet, as well as nails, may become covered with black spots due to fungus or cutaneous melanoma. They are very similar to nail hematomas, but in comparison with them they do not disappear as the nails grow, but continue to destroy and deform it.

Methods for treating bruises under the nails

How to treat a hematoma on the big toe? If a limb is damaged and the radius of the bruise includes the nail plate, then the entire hematoma should be treated, not the nail individually.

Immediately after injury, cold is applied to the injury site through a towel or cloth. The duration of the procedure is about twenty minutes, after which a break is required. This procedure will reduce pain and the size of the hemorrhage. The doctor prescribes painkillers. Pain-relieving gels can be used locally; during the resorption stage, after a few days, heparin ointment can be used. In some cases, traditional methods can be used as a supplement to the main treatment after consulting a doctor.

Traditional methods of treatment

Treatment with traditional recipes allows you to speed up the process of bruise resorption at home. You can use the following methods:

  • the greatest effect in the treatment of subungual hematomas on the legs was noticed by traditional healers when using compresses with onion pulp;
  • plantain has a cooling effect; compresses with chopped leaves of this plant can relieve swelling around the nail and reduce inflammation;
  • Fresh wormwood has an analgesic effect on subungual bruises; its juice, absorbed into the nail, penetrates deep into the tissue and inhibits the inflammatory process;
  • St. John's wort tincture (1 tbsp flowers + 1 tbsp boiled water) helps fight subungual bruises from the inside. It is taken three times a day until the pain subsides;
  • baths with sea salt and essential oils help relieve inflammation and growth of the nail plate, which allows you to speed up the process of cutting off a deformed nail with blood clotted underneath it;
  • lotions with a strong solution of potassium permanganate make it possible to relieve pain.

Drug therapy

If bruises form under your toenails, you can seek help from a medical facility. Doctor's help will be appropriate only until the blood under the nail has clotted.

A bruise that forms under the big toe nail is removed by opening the nail plate to extract uncongealed blood. To do this, perforate the nail using a medical drill or surgically remove the entire nail plate. A medical needle or wire heated over a burner flame is also suitable. The hot metal easily melts the tissue without causing pain, and the blood comes out from under the plate. A sterile bandage is applied to the site of the perforation; over time, the nail slips off. These procedures allow you to accelerate the growth of healthy, smooth nails. Additionally, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed as long as there is a need.

Preventing bruises under the nails

Preventive measures will help prevent the appearance of bruises on the nails, in particular the big toes. These include:

  • a balanced diet containing foods rich in vitamin C (it helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels);
  • wearing comfortable shoes of your size;
  • extreme caution when lifting heavy objects;
  • compliance with safety regulations in the workplace;
  • refusal to wear high-heeled shoes;
  • It is mandatory to visit a doctor if bruises appear in any part of the body, because this may be a symptom of a disease of the circulatory system.

Attentiveness in everyday life and a responsible attitude towards your well-being will protect you from such troubles as bruises under your nails.

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1 Why does a bruise appear under the nails?

The formation of hematomas is a normal physiological process. When struck, the blood vessels are damaged and blood is released from them. It remains under the nail plate, as it cannot flow beyond it due to the high strength of the nail. Over time, the blood clot may turn black and the finger may become slightly swollen. Then the hematoma changes color, the plate separates from the bed, and the nail becomes slightly convex.

A bruise that appears on the big toe nail can cause negative complications. Firstly, infections can penetrate into the space that forms between the plate and the nail bed. Secondly, the nail remains very fragile until it is completely renewed. If pressure occurs as it grows, it may become deformed.

A characteristic symptom of the formation of a hematoma is severe throbbing pain, which subsides over time. If the injury is severe enough, it may be permanent. When the plate fuses, the patient may feel discomfort, and pain appears only as a result of pressure.

2 Causes of hematoma formation

The main factors that provoke the appearance of bruises on the fingers:

  1. Mechanical shock - occurs as a result of a heavy object falling on the leg or a finger being pinched. This type of damage occurs most often. In addition, bruising may occur with fractures.
  2. Uncomfortable shoes. If constant pressure occurs, a hematoma appears. Discomfort occurs when a person puts on boots. People who engage in winter sports often suffer from bruises - due to the special structure of the shoes, the fingers experience constant pressure.
  3. Use of medications that affect blood clotting. Bruises rarely form for this reason. To solve the problem, you should consult your doctor.
  4. Cardiovascular failure. With this disease, all organs, including the skin, suffer from a lack of oxygen. As a result, the body weakens and is unable to resist diseases. Typically, with this pathology, all fingernails and toenails turn black.
  5. Serious diseases - diabetes, melanoma, oncology. Only a qualified specialist can determine the exact cause.
  6. Fungal infection - if the nail is infected with a fungus, its peeling is accompanied by itching and other symptoms.
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If the hematoma is not a consequence of external influences or wearing uncomfortable shoes, you should definitely go to the doctor.

Only a specialist can conduct the necessary research and detect the disease at the first stage of its development.

3 How to treat a hematoma

You can treat a bruise under the big toe nail yourself or under the guidance of a doctor. First of all, the damaged area must be placed under cold water to stop the bleeding, reduce the amount of blood under the plate and the risk of subsequent detachment. Alternatively, you can use ice cubes. Regular iodine is suitable for disinfection. This first aid is suitable for all hematomas under the nails. Further therapy is selected depending on the characteristics of the injury.

  • Treatment with traditional methods

Drug therapy will help remove the bruise that has formed under the nails. There are several options:

  1. Drainage - the site of the bruise is punctured so that the blood comes out. Then apply a bandage - it will prevent the spread of infection. Thanks to the elimination of blood, a bruise does not appear.
  2. Surgical intervention - the nail is completely removed, as a result of which the plate begins to grow again and takes on the correct shape.

Blood can only be removed if little time has passed since it was released. Later, you can get rid of the clot only by removing the nail plate. In some cases, you can do without a doctor and complex treatment. The nail will begin to grow and it will be enough to cut it off. But this is a long process that can take a long time - from three to six months.

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  • Unconventional methods of treatment

The following methods are suitable for self-treatment of hematomas:

  • compress - after a blow, you need to apply ice to the injury site or immerse your finger in cold water;
  • means for active nail growth - all kinds of baths with essential oils, sea salt and other useful elements.
  • potassium permanganate solution - lower your finger and steam it for twenty minutes;
  • compresses from wormwood - grind the herb to a paste and apply to the injured area;
  • plantain leaves – relieve inflammation;
  • onion – chop and apply to the problem area, wear for several hours.

It is impossible to completely remove a bruise using these methods, but folk recipes will reduce inflammation and accelerate the growth of the nail plate. Hematoma is a serious problem, so it is better to see a doctor so that your nails do not remain deformed. It is recommended to use any medications and folk remedies only after a visit to the doctor.

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4 Prevention

Basic preventive measures are aimed at preventing possible injuries. To do this, you need to follow safety rules at work.

At home, you should be careful when performing any activities.

Injury to the nails due to tight shoes can be avoided if you choose such products wisely. It is better to buy comfortable shoes or boots than to chase fashion.

It is very important to maintain good hygiene and ensure you have a balanced diet.

A bruise under the big toe nail is a consequence of internal hemorrhage with blood soaking into nearby tissue structures. Subungual hematoma occurs due to impact, which ruptures small subcutaneous vessels. In the area of ​​​​damaged vessels on the nail of the big toe, a hematoma formation causes pain to a person, bruises under the nails can reach large volumes.

Why do they arise?

A hematoma under the nail plate can form due to numerous reasons.

Some of the few causes of bruising on the nails are:

  • On the human body, subcutaneous hemorrhage can occur in any area that has been subjected to external shock. It is impossible to insure against a bruise under a fingernail or toenail. You can get injured in any way: when closing doors, hammering nails, falling tools, dragging heavy objects. A bruise under a toenail due to an injury is very painful, and such a nail is unpleasant to look at. Due to injury and the formation of a hematoma under the nail of the big toe, the nail may become deformed.
  • A bruise on the nail appears when a person is seriously injured or has a dislocated limb. With this option, hematomas spread to large areas of the body and can even form under the toenails.
  • Hemorrhage on the big toe can occur due to wearing shoes that are not the right size.
  • Hemorrhages of the big toes appear due to weakened vascular walls. Such hemorrhages also occur in any area of ​​the body and cause pain.
  • Angiopathy due to diabetes mellitus causes bruising of the subungual area.
  • If a person practices ballet or dancing for a long time, this will also cause hematomas of the subungual area.
  • Sometimes bruises under the nail area are formed due to taking medications that increase blood clotting.
  • Heart and vascular failure, oncological processes, mycoses and other pathologies also provoke the appearance of bruises in the subungual area.

How does a hematoma appear under the nail?

Why did the bruise appear under the nail plate? When an impact occurs, blood accumulates under the nail plate from damaged vascular tissues. This blood does not flow beyond the nail area because it is too dense, so the blood is trapped under the nail. Blood clotting occurs, after a certain period its color changes until it is completely absorbed.

A few minutes after a person is injured, the nail area becomes red, after a certain period it turns blue. When the blood has clotted, the nail plate will turn black.

The process of resorption of the blood clot is long, the nail slips and is replaced by a new nail plate. Accumulated hemorrhage under a burst nail, if the injury is not treated, is the cause of the addition of an infectious process, which will lead to the destruction of tissue structures.

The soles of the feet and hands with nail plates become covered with black spotted formations due to mycoses and skin melanoma. They are similar to hemorrhages, but as the nails grow, they do not disappear, but destroy the nail plate.

About treatment

How to treat hemorrhages on the nail plate of the thumb? If the leg is damaged and the hematoma covers the entire nail area, the entire hematoma is treated, and not just the damaged nail. At the moment when the finger was injured, cold is applied to it through the tissue surface.

The duration of such exposure should not exceed 20 minutes, then a pause is necessary. This manipulation will reduce pain and the area of ​​the hematoma.

The doctor prescribes medications to relieve pain.

You can apply gels locally to relieve pain. After a few days, an ointment containing a heparin component is used. Non-traditional methods of treatment can also complement basic treatment measures, which should be used after consulting with a doctor.

About traditional methods of treating bruises

How to remove a bruise? The following methods will help you do this:

  • Using a compress with finely grated onion in the form of a paste will help cure a bruise.
  • A plantain compress will cool the injured area. Finely chopped leaves will relieve swelling and inflammatory processes.
  • St. John's wort tincture is used. The proportion of its preparation is as follows: one tablespoon of flowers to the same volume of boiled water. Take 3 times a day until pain disappears.
  • If you use baths that contain essential oils and sea salt, the blood clots under the nail will resolve faster.

When the nail is opened

If an extensive bruise in the subungual area has formed, you can get help at a medical facility. Such help is appropriate only until blood clotting occurs under the nail. The nail plate is perforated with a special drill or surgically removed.

For this purpose, a medical needle or wire heated by a burner is also used. A hot needle melts tissue structures without pain or blood loss from under the nail. The operated finger is bandaged with a sterile bandage; after a certain period, the nail plate will slide off.

Thanks to this manipulation, a healthy nail will grow faster. If necessary, use agents that destroy bacteria and relieve inflammation.

About prevention

It is better to prevent hemorrhages from appearing under the nail plates, and the following measures can help prevent these hemorrhages:

  • You need to eat a balanced diet rich in ascorbic acid. Vitamin C will strengthen vascular tissues.
  • Shoes should be worn in the correct size so that your toes are not pinched.
  • Strong overloads on the legs are unacceptable.
  • Be sure to follow safety precautions at work.
  • Be careful when lifting heavy objects.
  • High heels are not allowed.
  • If hemorrhages appear in any area of ​​the body, you should consult a doctor.

Preventive measures will always help prevent bruises. But if an injury occurs and a bruise forms on the nail area of ​​the thumb, or simply the person’s body is covered with bruises for no apparent reason, then it is better to consult a specialist and receive appropriate treatment.

A hematoma under the nail of the big toe is a bruise that appears for various reasons: due to mechanical trauma, from wearing uncomfortable narrow shoes made of hard material for a long time. There are other pathologies that provoke the appearance of damage. Why hematomas are dangerous, how to get rid of them faster, and how to prevent their occurrence, we will tell you in this article.


A bruise is a blood clot that flows from broken blood vessels. Appears both on the fingers and on other parts of the body.

The reasons for their formation are different:

  • Mechanical impact. If you hit your finger sharply on a hard object or drop something heavy on it, a bruise will appear. Such damage occurs frequently. Hematoma also appears during finger fractures if a strong blow falls on the nail.
  • Wearing narrow and hard shoes. If a person plays sports in uncomfortable sneakers that squeeze the big toe, hematomas occur. Such disciplines include football, skiing and skating.
  • Taking medications that regulate blood clotting. It happens rarely, but if the problem occurs, consult a doctor.
  • Cardiovascular failure. Due to the lack of oxygen caused by the pathology, all the nails on the toes and fingers often darken.
  • Other serious illnesses. Diabetes mellitus, oncology, thrombocytopenic purpura or melanoma. The doctor will make an accurate diagnosis.
  • Fungal infection. In addition to dark spots, there will also be symptoms such as itching, peeling of the nail and changes in its color.

In each of these cases of bruising on the nails of the big toes (regardless of the cause), consultation with a specialist is required.

What does a bruise under a nail look like?

Immediately after a finger injury, a purple spot appears, which gradually becomes purple-black in color. It is clearly visible through the nail plate. Often the hematoma is round, less often it is elongated. In addition to the unaesthetic appearance, a person experiences sharp pain and a sensation of pulsation in the affected area.

If the bruise appeared as a result of wearing tight shoes, then the pain is not so severe, but for a long period it does not go away, even if you take off your shoes or shoes. Swelling often appears on the finger. As the nail heals, it turns greenish and yellow.

How does a hematoma form?

Bruises under the toenails appear as a result of hemorrhage from burst blood vessels. If the injury was severe, it leads to partial or complete peeling of the nail. To prevent this from happening, it is advisable to consult a doctor as soon as possible. If you couldn't avoid losing your nail, don't worry. This phenomenon is temporary: it gradually grows back, although it becomes uneven or thickened.

Methods for treating bruises under the nails

Before starting therapy for a hematoma, you need to understand the reason why it formed. If this is an injury, then the treatment will be mainly local. If it appears as a result of diabetes, cardiovascular failure or other diseases, then it is necessary to eliminate the cause, and not just its consequences. When medications are to blame, they should be discontinued and another treatment method prescribed.

Do you need a doctor?

Medical help is not needed if the bruise is small and the pain is not intense. This happens with minor injuries or wearing tight shoes. You should change it, and as the nail grows, the hematoma will go away. In case of mechanical damage, contacting a doctor will help relieve pain faster. The doctor will also identify a more serious cause of bruises, which are present not only on the legs, but also in other places.

First aid

To quickly improve your condition after limb injury, you need to be able to provide emergency assistance to yourself or another person.

  1. Immediately apply ice or a heating pad with cold water to your finger: this will significantly reduce the risk of subungual hematoma formation. To make the blood vessels shrink and the sharp pain subsides, apply ice to your finger every half hour for five minutes.
  2. If a nail is damaged, it must be urgently treated with an antiseptic. This will prevent the wound from becoming infected and developing an infection.
  3. Then apply a tight bandage to the area where the bruise occurred. This technique will reduce swelling and significantly reduce the risk of nail plate rejection.
  4. Make sure the knuckles are not broken. To do this, move them, and if these movements cause severe pain, then immediately visit the nearest trauma center for assistance.

If there is no fracture in the leg, then a consultation with a doctor will still not be superfluous. Severe pain from a hematoma will not go away quickly, but the doctor will quickly remove it with the help of surgical manipulation. Using a sharp, thin, sterile instrument, he will make a small hole in the nail through which the accumulated blood will come out. This procedure helps protect the nail from rejection and speeds up the treatment process.

If for any reason the doctor is unavailable, then this manipulation is carried out independently. But if complete sterility is not maintained, the consequences can be severe (blood poisoning, loss of limb).

Drug therapy

If your nail is damaged due to injury, quickly wash the area with antibacterial soap and apply antibiotic ointment. Drug options:

  • tetracycline;
  • synthomycin;
  • erythromycin.

Apply a sterile dressing. To prevent inflammation from occurring and spreading, take Ibuprofen. To quickly get rid of a hematoma, use Venitan, Troxevasin, Venoruton gels or ointments of similar action.

The pharmaceutical industry is growing rapidly, offering patients new drugs to treat bumps and bruises. But before starting therapy, it is necessary to find out the reason for their appearance.

Traditional methods of treatment

If the injury is small and not advanced, then you can use traditional methods of alleviating the condition and further therapy. In mild cases, a few days are enough for the bruise to go away. There are many recipes for how to cure hematoma. Let's describe some of them:

  1. Sagebrush. It will reduce pain and help the blood clot dissolve faster. Fresh grass is kneaded until the juice appears and applied to the bruised area. After drying, it is replaced.
  2. Plantain. An analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent. The leaves, crushed into pulp, are applied to the bruise.
  3. St. John's wort. It is taken orally 3-4 times a day or a compress is made from the decoction (pour boiling water over 1 tablespoon of the herb and let stand).
  4. Hop. The cones of this plant relieve pain well. They are boiled for a long time, and then 4 parts of Vaseline are added to 1 part of the broth. This ointment is applied to the hematoma until relief occurs.
  5. Onions. The vegetable pulp is applied to the bruised area.
  6. Melissa. An infusion is made from the herb (4 tablespoons pour 2 cups of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes). A compress is applied with this liquid.

If medicinal herbs are not available, then take any dark green plant, rub it with your hands until juice forms and apply it to the hematoma. The chlorophyll pigment contained in the leaves heals wounds and bruises.

What is the danger?

Most often, hematomas on the extremities do not pose a threat to life. They are quite easy to treat or go away on their own. But in some cases you need to consult a doctor urgently:

  • the hematoma is large and occupies almost the entire nail;
  • the patient experiences unbearable pain, which may be a consequence of a fracture;
  • when the color of the nail has changed without injury.

To find out whether the joint is damaged, the traumatologist will prescribe an X-ray examination. If the bruise is not due to injury, additional diagnostic methods will be carried out.

Preventing bruises under the nails

You can protect yourself from minor injuries and bruised fingers if you are careful when handling heavy objects at home and in the workplace. There are other measures that will help avoid bruises under the nails caused by other reasons. Wear comfortable shoes and do not put excessive stress on your feet. If the problem is a result of wearing high-heeled shoes, stop wearing them.

It's important to eat right. Include the required amount of vitamin C in your diet, which helps strengthen blood vessels. If bruises appear on your body that are not related to injury, immediately visit a doctor. These may be symptoms of diseases of the circulatory system or other pathologies that need to be treated immediately. Be careful and take care of your health!

Every person has injured their fingers or toes at least once in their life. Often with such an injury a bruise forms, causing a lot of suffering and inconvenience. Most often, such injuries appear on the lower extremities.

How is a hematoma under the nail treated? We will talk about this in detail in this article.


There are many reasons why hematomas occur directly under the nails. Most often this happens due to:

  • a strong blow (a person hits a piece of furniture or a doorway with his foot);
  • falling of a heavy object;
  • pinching;
  • wearing tight or simply uncomfortable shoes (the big toe nail usually suffers).

The mechanism of hematoma formation here is the same as in all other cases - as a result of physical impact, vascular damage occurs. They leak blood and bruise because the fluid has nowhere to go.


It is worth pointing out that the hematoma itself under no circumstances is the only consequence of tissue damage. As a rule, it is accompanied by swelling and redness of the injured finger.

The collected blood, having no outflow, coagulates and a hematoma is formed. Fresh is red. Then it acquires a crimson hue and gradually turns blue. During this period, the finger often goes numb. If the blow was very strong, then often the entire foot or hand loses sensitivity.

The injury - both in a child and an adult - is accompanied by severe pain of a pulsating nature. A bruised finger loses normal mobility. After a few days, the hematoma becomes black. The color change is associated with the process of blood clotting and the oxidation of the iron contained in it.

How to help

In any serious case, the injured finger should be seen by a doctor. But first, it is worth providing first aid to the patient at home. Hematomas in children require the most attention, since their bones are not yet fully formed and they are more likely to fracture.

First of all, you need to apply a cold compress to your finger - the best solution is:

  • ice pack;
  • packaging of frozen vegetables or other products;

At worst, a cool compress will do.

You will also need to relieve pain. To do this, use any anti-inflammatory drugs available at home:

  • Paracetamol;
  • Ibuprofen;
  • Ketorol;
  • Analgin.

If we are talking about a child, make sure that the medicine can be given to him. Such information is provided in the instructions.

Nail peeling

The fact that the nail has separated indicates a violation of the blood supply. Here you should act promptly, since a focus of inflammation very quickly forms on the injured finger and suppuration often appears. It is advisable, as first aid, to treat the injury with an antiseptic drug, apply antibiotic ointment and bandage the finger.

A partially detached nail should not be cut or torn off - this often results in severe bleeding. In addition, the procedure itself is very painful. Place a cotton swab on it and cover it with an adhesive plaster, and then go to the emergency room - the doctors there will carry out all the manipulations if necessary.


To remove blood, you need to pierce the nail. This procedure must be performed by a doctor. You can’t do this at home - you can get an infection. In addition, unprofessional actions can only make the patient’s condition worse.

If drainage is not done, a deformed nail will grow. This happens because the accumulated liquid lifts the damaged plate upward, and this prevents the normal growth of a new one.

After completing the procedure, apply a bandage using antiseptic solutions. This will protect the injured area from infection.

As practice shows, timely removal of accumulated blood significantly speeds up the treatment process. In addition, this method often prevents bruising.

In some cases, when the damage is quite extensive, the specialist decides to remove the nail completely.

It is advisable to do drainage only immediately after injury, that is, until the blood clots. Later it can only be removed along with the nail plate.

If the bruise is small, then it is not necessary to contact a specialist. You just need to make sure that the damaged tissues do not become infected. Nail restoration usually takes from 3 months to six months.

Among the folk remedies, onions ground into a paste, placed on gauze and attached to a finger, will help relieve swelling. Baths with the addition of sea salt and essential oils will also be useful.

Formation of hematomas as an alarming symptom

The biggest concern should be the appearance of a bruise without a clear reason, that is, not as a result of a bruise. In this situation, you must definitely visit a doctor and consult with him.

Often, bruises under the nails appear while taking prescribed anticoagulants (drugs that prevent blood from clotting). Bruises under the nails also indicate the presence of heart failure. This happens because the body experiences a lack of oxygen.

In addition, this symptom may indicate the appearance of:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • melanoma;
  • fungal infection.

In the latter case, the fingers usually begin to itch and become inflamed.


  • increase the proportion of foods containing vitamin C in your diet - it strengthens blood vessels;
  • wear comfortable shoes of your size and without high heels;
  • do not overload your legs;
  • When doing physical labor, do not forget about safety precautions;
  • Make sure that children do not run around the apartment and walk carefully.