How to properly develop your intelligence. The role of music in the development of human intelligence

Who among us has not dreamed of possessing high level erudition and show off your intelligence? And in various life situations, most of us, oh, how it would help to have additional knowledge that would allow us to get away with it, help a colleague, a friend, do the right thing, make the right choice, etc. In all areas of our lives, it is important to be a person not just smart, but also wise. Therefore, it is very important to know how to develop your intelligence and study best exercises and advice from experienced psychologists.

Is it possible to develop your intelligence?

Some people mistakenly believe that intelligence is an innate component of a person. And it is impossible to develop it. This is not entirely true. Yes, there are people who simply have a certain mental development barrier and simply cannot jump above it. But these include those who have a congenital brain defect, mental retardation, dementia and other diseases associated with intelligence. In the case of innate intelligence, it can be developed using various mathematical puzzles, puzzles and other techniques.

Sometimes, it is not necessary to do anything at all, since genius itself finds ways to manifest itself. Let us at least remember the great physicists - Einstein, Curie, Ioffe and others. It cannot be said that in those years the physical and mathematical sciences were widespread. But it’s worth noting right away that these are isolated cases that you shouldn’t rely on too much. That is, based on the above, one can understand that innateness is not always the main way to achieve high intelligence.

Myths about intelligence

There is an opinion that if you have innate intelligence, there is no point in doing anything else for its growth and development. As we already know, there have been and are cases of genius, but they are very rare. Therefore, you cannot rely only on a natural gift; it is important to work on your mental abilities and train them. But even in cases with geniuses, one cannot completely discard the factor of upbringing, development in a certain environment, conditions that developed in a unique tandem with the human genome and became the reason for his genius in the future. But that's not all.

We hasten to dispel the myths that it is impossible to increase the level of intelligence in a mature person if you did not work on his abilities in childhood and adolescence. We categorically object, because in this life everything is possible! Each of us, including our dear readers, can grow to the level of, if not a genius, then an intelligent and erudite person, no matter in what environment he was previously brought up.

Remember Bernard Shaw's "My Fair Lady". Young Miss Eliza Doolittle was an ordinary flower seller in a poor neighborhood, and accordingly, she behaved like her surroundings. She spoke rudely, swore, and was unkempt. In short, a banal lumpen.

The brilliant language specialist Henry Higgins, when he met her, was simply dumbfounded. And he argued with his friend that he could turn a slob and rude woman into a high-society lady with all the appropriate manners in a few weeks. And guess what, he succeeded. He simply created all the conditions for the girl’s inner potential to find a way out and manifest itself in all its glory.

We can all achieve success in any field. To do this, you need to work, communicate with those who stimulate mental development, show your own willpower, and scrupulousness.

The next misconception is that being a genius does not mean being smart in everything. That is, unlike those who must educate and develop their abilities, there is a type of people who are already confident in their mental perfection. They believe that if they have achieved success, for example, in mathematics, physics, then there is no need to improve other branches of science and there is no need to even gain wisdom when communicating with people.

This is the danger that few “smart people” know about. Here's a simple example: a person who has an excellent understanding of mathematical theories. Able to mentally calculate division or multiplication of multi-digit numbers. But he may become confused when meeting a new person, with difficulty assessing his actions.

Or vice versa, an excellent philologist, a philosopher capable of giving wise advice for different occasions. May get confused when counting change in a store. All these are extremes that interfere with the quality of life. Agree, it is much better to be harmonious, develop abilities in all areas and do not forget to gain new knowledge in terms of general development.

What does unbalanced intelligence look like? The process can be easily considered using the example of pumping muscles. If a bodybuilder pays attention to some and does not pay attention to others, then his figure will turn into something ridiculous. Therefore, to achieve a beautiful body contour, you need to work out all muscle groups, regularly, without stopping. And our intelligence also needs to be developed constantly, without taking breaks. An inquisitive mind cannot “live” without another dose of interesting, fascinating information.

Revealing the secrets of developing intelligence

We often come across books and online articles about how to quickly become a genius and, having completed a “unique” course, we understand that nothing comes of this idea. That is, someone’s advertised work simply turned out to be empty. Why are we surprised? All those who are looking for easy ways will get nothing. In order to achieve something, you need to make an effort, will, try, and concentrate your attention on it. After all, we don’t believe in the power of one pill that can cure all ailments at once.

If you want to develop the activity of your brain, work on it constantly. Load him with mental tasks, and they should be complex and versatile. It's like a health issue. If you want to have it, play sports, load your body with active activities. And what usually prevents us from getting rid of bad habits and playing sports?

Yes, it is directly related to our thinking process. We are lazy to think, read, study, watch. It is easier for us to feel in the body of a single-celled ciliate, which simply grinds everything that gets into it. But she doesn't get any benefit from it. So we too - if we do not continually replenish our knowledge, we will stop at the level of a primitive person, a first-grader with an insignificant amount of knowledge.

When we make an effort, use our will to regularly search for interesting information, read, watch, study, then we strengthen our character and cultivate a sense of discipline.

What types of intelligence are there?

In question mental abilities It should be noted that everyone has their own intelligence, since there are a number of its varieties. By the way, they can be identified from childhood by the manner of communication, the interests of the child, his hobbies, thoughts, and reasoning.

  1. Analytical. The ability to analyze, compare, compare information, divide it into logical blocks, and identify relationships.
  2. Logical. A person is capable of reasoning, thinking and analysis without violating formal logic. This type has the ability to make logical, correct conclusions in the appropriate sequence.
  3. Critical. Receiving information, a person criticizes it, evaluates it, and easily weeds out everything superfluous, unnecessary, and incorrect. This is how a natural, pure opinion develops.
  4. Deductive. A person extracts individual, necessary information from the general volume, flow, and can formulate it perfectly. This type is able to generalize, find patterns in the interconnection of different information and group it into one single thing.
  5. Prognostic. The talent to plan, prevent, formulate future events in thoughts and at the same time keep in mind various options solving this or that problem.
  6. Abstract thinking. A person can delve into the most complex abstract processes, most often this concerns mathematical and philosophical problems. These are brilliant individuals who are able to hold the most complex mathematical formulas and processes in their heads. They can quickly count addition, multiplication, and division of billions in seconds.
  7. Imaginative thinking. A person knows how to compare things of different importance from different sciences and quickly bring them to a common denominator. People are able to create, formulate various kinds of metaphors, decipher complex ideas and reduce them to a simplified level for easier understanding.
  8. Ability to concentrate. This point most likely applies to those who have great will and discipline, although without intelligence this would hardly be possible.

The human mind also has certain properties:

  1. Logic of architecture: everyone has a different degree of orderliness in their thinking. Someone thinks soberly, all thoughts are in “order,” while others have a chaotic, incoherent, chaotic mind.
  2. Breadth, depth of the human mind: from at this moment The level of “smartness” of a person depends. If he is able to grasp a question, task, or object of thought more broadly and deeply, then he is smarter.
  3. Speed ​​of performing mental operations. Here, perhaps, everything is clear. The faster a person thinks, the higher his thinking speed.
  4. Autonomy of thinking. Some people can think perfectly, regardless of the influence of external interference and factors. They are always calm, especially at the moment when they need to make the right decision, create an idea and bring it to life.
  5. Excellent RAM: we're talking about about our memory. The better it is, the more information we can keep in our heads and in right time take advantage of it. People with a good memory can recite poems by heart, retell books, multiply billions in their heads, divide them, formulate formulas.

So, we have studied the main components of the human mind that can be developed and increased. There are a lot of techniques for this, among which are the most common ones in accordance with their effectiveness.

The best methods for developing intelligence at any age

We all understand that intelligence is a very important quality for the quality life of every person. Without it, it is impossible to graduate from school or university, get a profitable job and climb the career ladder. If you have intellectual problems, come to your senses. Increase your level using the methods we offer.

Start playing chess

Many people consider this sport (generally recognized) to be a boring pastime, but this is a big mistake. You try it first, and then it will talk. The fact is that initially, until a person has the skills, the process is indeed monotonous and boring. But once the skills develop, it will be impossible to tear yourself away from the chessboard by the ears.

The game develops all the qualities of the human mind:

  • logic;
  • ability to predict;
  • abstract;
  • give an assessment;
  • analyze every move;
  • think deductively, figuratively.

During rounds, players fully analyze and evaluate the actions of their opponent, think pointwise and generally. In short, all aspects of our thinking are involved in the process.

If you don't know how to compete in chess, it doesn't matter. Unlike previous years, when only boring textbooks and books were available as aids, now you can use chess simulators, video courses, online games at various sites. This will not only be educational, but also exciting and interesting.

Over time, you will have to get involved in the game and create combinations and build moves. The moment will come when, having learned to play with a robot, you can easily cope with a friend who considered himself a chess ace. And of course, your logic, autonomy of thinking, ability to abstract and other points will help in other areas of life.

Poker – a mathematical card game

We look down on those who indulge in online poker. But don't rush to conclusions. The card game of poker is a chain of logical reasoning, the construction of moves, the ability to predict the opponent’s move and other nuances that stimulate the development of human intelligence.

Moreover, rounds force a person to “pull himself together” and not show his nervousness and self-doubt. It is necessary to judge soberly, with restraint and learn to wait, not act on impulse, and not show your emotions.

Puzzles, rebuses, crosswords

We often spend our leisure time in various kinds of deciphering, puzzles, guessing words in crossword puzzles, are fond of reading puzzles and other entertaining tasks. All this is work for our mind.

Firstly, we improve our memory by guessing words in crossword puzzles. Secondly, deciphering puzzles develops our logic, the ability to think abstractly and autonomously, and learn to predict. There are a huge number of portals on the Internet, where there are millions of rebuses, puzzles and other educational tasks to choose from.

Breaking the mold

The life of almost all of us consists of the same actions. We get up at the same time, wash ourselves, drink coffee and set off along the same road to work and school. This way our brain stops working, we don’t need to think about how to find the way to the office, which tram to take. Everything has been brought to the point of automatic execution of actions. And as we know, if you don’t use something for a long time, then this thing deteriorates, and a moment of stagnation arises.

It's the same with our mental abilities. They must constantly “work”, otherwise we risk degrading prematurely. And if we break these patterns, our brain immediately joins the active process. New strong connections appear between neurons, on which our intelligence depends.

How to fix this - add something new to your usual routine and actions during the day. For example, do not go to work on a proven path. Change the route, go around through other courtyards. Or, instead of starting your workday with your usual cup of coffee, buy juice. For lunch, instead of sausages, eat steamed vegetables. In the morning, instead of lounging in bed longer, go for a run. You will not have time to capture the moment when your mental abilities begin to manifest themselves again.

Sign up for dancing, become more active

You shouldn’t immediately be indignant and believe that nothing depends on dancing. You are wrong. Brain function directly depends on the degree of blood circulation. If it is low, then oxygen starvation occurs, not only cells die, but also neurons, their ligaments atrophy.

If you don’t want to just run, jump, or jog boringly, sign up for a dance course. Latin American styles are especially suitable: tango, baccarat, cha-cha-cha and others. Some experts, on the contrary, recommend practicing dance sports. In any case, everything is useful.

Movements will allow the body to receive a colossal amount of energy, and mental abilities will grow and grow due to the excellent supply of oxygen to the brain tissue. But that's not all. Active dance movements, whether we like it or not, make us constantly think. This means that the brain is in an active state and intelligence develops.


Creative activities will definitely “shake up” your brain and your intellect will be replenished with new knowledge. While drawing, the most distant areas are activated, they are involved in the process of thinking, and if you continue studying and don’t stop, the degree of intelligence will increase. Of course, no one says that you need to create like Bryullov or Savrasov. But, as you know, almost everyone loves to draw, but most are embarrassed by their “doodles”. And this is in vain! Draw for your own health and don’t be afraid of criticism.


This is one of the best methods for developing your own intelligence - learning new things, not stopping there. You graduated from school or university, but this does not mean that you can relax. Absorb information every day. Open sites with interesting publications, news, take an interest in life famous people, new types of hobbies, books. Read before bed. Even if you are tired and want to quickly fall asleep with a well-deserved sleep, a couple of pages of a book before bed will increase your intelligence and relax your nervous system.


There is a great way to “kill” two birds with one stone - to develop intellectual abilities and at the same time make good money. It's called copyright, rewriting. Remote work, allowing you to build a schedule at your own discretion, no management. What could be better for those who do not have the opportunity to devote more time to new knowledge?

Work on the largest exchanges and select topics that will help you learn new things. Working with texts requires a number of things to ensure that your mind never relaxes. Reading, analysis of the proposed topic, search for information, work, re-reading, choice best option, removing excess and fixing.

Copywriting and rewriting must be done in such a way that there is no identical text on the Internet, that is, uniqueness is important. But you shouldn’t be afraid of it, it will happen if you write the work with interest and desire. At the same time, this is a great way to improve your literacy, because all text programs indicate grammatical, punctuation and other types of errors.

Play sports, move

It cannot be said that physical activity directly affects our intellectual abilities. But with active movements, pull-ups, push-ups, the production of neutrotropes occurs in our brain - proteins responsible for the growth and development of neurons of key cells in the human brain. Classes should be carried out as an additional method of improving your intelligence.

Have a rest

Everyone needs rest, our brain is no exception. Take a break from unnecessary information, because moderation is needed in absorbing it. We're not talking about being lazy - that's completely different. Just don't think about anything sometimes. Listen to music, look at the sunset, waves, fire and clear your thoughts of all negativity.


Engage in eastern practices; yoga especially helps to cleanse your spirit and body of all unnecessary things and gain new knowledge. The complex contains exercises for cleansing blood vessels. This is a special breathing technique, thanks to which all corners of our body will be freed from toxins and waste. During this time, our body receives a lot of positive emotions, complete relaxation and knowledge.

The classes consist of 7 chakras, each of which is intended for a specific part of the body. In addition to the fact that the philosophy of yoga is an amazing complex that allows you to become the center of the Universe, be wiser and more restrained, your health also improves.

So, we have studied a number of ways to increase the level of our intelligence. As you can see, there is nothing complicated about this. We need only one thing - the desire to be wise, intellectually developed and healthy. And as we understand, these three components are not able to manifest themselves in a person without each other. Everything works together. So learn, improve and be healthy!

Stories that brain activity decreases over time and the brain gradually dies sound very scary. Just imagine that after 60 it will be very difficult for you to enjoy everyday joys, not to mention more responsible and creative tasks. But scientists and psychologists have proven that this is not so. Our brain is plastic, and you can train it endlessly; you just need to develop your intelligence. We decided to tell you about 9 main types of thinking and how to train them to prevent brain aging.

1. Verbal thinking

Verbal education is strengthened in reading, speaking and the ability to conduct a conversation. You can train your verbal thinking by reading a book that interests you, playing word games, or listening to recordings of conversations, interviews, and public speaking. Since foreign languages ​​always have words or phrases that have no equivalent in Russian, it will be easier for you to understand exactly how your brain works when it expands its capabilities.

2. Logical thinking

Logic is all about numbers, computer skills, recognizing cause and effect relationships, time periods, directions, and the ability to solve any problem using only your thinking. Such skills are trained through classification and distribution exercises, logic games and puzzles. Buy yourself a Sudoku book and solve one a day.

3. Spatial thinking

Spatial thinking refers to how you perceive the visual reality around you and how well you can create and manipulate mental images. You can develop spatial intelligence by drawing with a pencil or paints, honing observation skills and training your imagination.

Another good way developing spatial thinking means learning to navigate labyrinths and other spatial puzzles. One of the most aesthetic ways to develop spatial awareness is Japanese calligraphy.

4. Physical thinking

Dexterity, coordination and motor skills are the domain of physical thinking. It is necessary to develop physical thinking with the help physical activity, exercise and sports. Physical thinking is much easier to develop than any other, because there are a number of active activities that can suit you: dancing, sports games like football and volleyball, swimming, martial arts and yoga.

5. Musical thinking

Musical thinking means that you have a good sense of sounds, rhythm and melody, that you can dance, compose music, or simply have good hearing. Practicing musical thinking is very nice - you need to listen to more music, try to learn notation, sing, try to compose something on your own and learn to play instruments.

6. Social thinking

Communication and trying to understand other people is not an art, but social thinking. It is what helps you communicate and collaborate with others. You can develop your social skills in team building games, collective projects, role playing games And theatrical productions. On this topic, you can read a good book by Daniel Goleman called “Social Intelligence”.

7. Emotional thinking

How you understand your inner world, emotions, thoughts and feelings depends on the development of your emotional thinking. We have already talked about why it is important to work on its development, and now we will tell you how to develop it. Reading deep philosophical books, journaling, games and exercises for imagination and association, consulting with a specialist and silent reflection.

8. Spiritual thinking

Each of us at least once thought about who he is and for what purpose he lives. Many people are concerned with the mystical, supernatural side of life, faith, or a deeper and more meaningful motivation in life than simply achieving material goals. You can develop a spiritual mindset through meditation, prayer, reading spiritual books, studying cultures and ancient customs, as well as reflecting and managing your emotions.

9. Creative thinking

Creative or creative thinking aims to create or invent something new. The process of generating ideas occurs in our minds, so creative thinking needs to be developed. Challenge yourself with everyday challenges, solve old problems in a new way, try yourself in writing creative texts, design, decor, handicrafts, as well as cooking and other areas of interest to you that require imagination and a non-standard approach to the problem.

Music is a rather specific art form. When art was syncretic, i.e. single and indivisible, like, for example, the action performed by primitive people around a fire, it already contained the rudiments of music. But people began to create the simplest musical instruments and extract sounds from them only when they began to lead a sedentary lifestyle and had leisure time.

The formation of an aesthetic sense and the formation of intelligence are parallel processes. They do not always intersect and presuppose each other. There is an aesthetics of the low and ugly, which, nevertheless, a person with a fairly high intellectual level can revel in - only because he passionately wants the complete opposite of the way of life that he leads - correct, measured, predictable. And the intellect itself may not be directed towards good deeds. “Genius and villainy” turn out to be quite compatible concepts - just remember the charismatic personalities of the past.

What is meant by intelligence? There is a temptation to look into some dictionary, reference book, encyclopedia, but why not formulate it in your own words? This is a set of mental abilities that determine both a person’s social status and his professional affiliation. The formation of intelligence depends on many factors: origin, social environment, immediate environment, degree of sensitivity, etc.

To put it simply, intelligence presupposes being well-read, erudite, and broad-minded. In our audio-visual age, one can get an idea of ​​intelligence from the songs and films that are listened to and watched. Although such intelligence is too one-sided.

Is there still room for music here? Quite! Even the ancient Greeks rightly believed that if we were to teach, it should be done so that the personality would develop comprehensively, so that a person could read, write and count, as well as take care of bodily health and develop aesthetically - and this is where music can help him!

In the surviving fragments of Aristotle's treatise “Poetics” there is a mention of catharsis. Most scientists agree that this term can be interpreted as follows: moral shock under the influence of some external stimulus. And such an irritant can be the performance of the performer or the piece of music itself.

An experienced musician will say: knowledge of musical notation and solfeggio is only half the battle; it is not the most difficult thing to master. In the end, they are trying to teach us musical notation in school lessons music, albeit with varying degrees of success. But to ensure that the instrument in your hands, be it a guitar or a flute, sings or cries is an indicator of the highest skill and professionalism. And not “cold” professionalism, but the most reverent attitude towards your favorite activity. So there is nothing to do with bare intellect, with knowledge of notes or fingerings in music. You will sing correctly, but your singing will not touch anyone, you will learn to play scales, but you will remain a craftsman who has not grown to become a Master.

It is an axiom that a person should develop in many ways. Unfortunately, not for everyone. Socialization can be one-sided - when a person is extremely strong in his chosen field, capable of achieving outstanding success, even doing it on his own, but dig deeper - blatant ignorance. That is why the laws of attraction and repulsion will operate simultaneously in relation to such a person.

Let me turn to a specific case. Fate brought me together with one wonderful girl. Her name is Elena Fleyman. The surname is surprisingly consonant with the name of the musical instrument with which she almost never parts - the flute. Lena is a very nice, bright and pure person, a wonderful friend. She only attracts good people. And everything would be wonderful, but... There are problems in my personal life. Sometimes in despair she believes that she has been cursed by someone. When I got to know her better, three months later, I realized: there is no curse. All the problems are in herself.

She is obsessed, sick with music. Can practice flute or guitar all day long. But this is a form of sublimation, an escape from oneself, from the collapse of first love, from the divorce of parents, which forever remained a painful memory. Her goal is to become a professional musician. Everything else is on the side. What else? Study, books, general development. I soon realized: besides music, there was nothing to talk about with her, she was uninteresting. Including uninteresting and opposite sex. The guys fly into the light, spend time with her, and then quietly move away. They are afraid of smart women, but they won’t fall for a fool either. What happens? Intelligence is zero, but the technical, performing side is super! The gap is obvious. And, unfortunately, Lena is not going to change anything. She's happy with the situation. I decided that I would be alone. And if he doesn’t see the light, he will. It's a shame if that's the case. She is not touchy, and yet I’m afraid to tell her about all of the above. Creative people vulnerable. But I am convinced: man does not live by music alone. When intelligence is not applied to it, harmony will not arise.

It is impossible not to raise the question of the nature of music itself, along with the nature of its effect on the human intellect. From the words of my parents, I know that once upon a time, during music lessons at school, they were put on a record player with classical music and forced to listen to almost the entire lesson - sit, they say, imbued with harmony. And no one explained why this particular work is a masterpiece. By what laws is harmony created? What kind of formation of intelligence is this!.. Many have endured from school a persistent rejection, and even aversion, to the classics. There is no question of experiencing catharsis while listening to Tchaikovsky or Mozart. And it should!

In their teenage years, many people are “sick” of rock. shy away from this music, although he admits that the lyrics of some songs are very strong lyrics. The “Church Fathers” are not too happy with the way the material is presented – thunder, roar, raging crowds of fans. The masses live by emotions, not by intellect. Nobody really listens to the text.

In this sense, the bard's song is in a more advantageous position. Here - eye to eye, complete trust and relaxedness, not very skillful use of the guitar, but piercing verses, the impression of which the simplest guitar chords can enhance.

In any musical and near-musical movement there are fans and there is an elite. It is the elite that includes intellectuals from music. They keep a musical chronicle, collect an archive of recordings, and analyze the work of a group or performer. Such people are jokingly, but with a great deal of respect, called “walking encyclopedias.”

What exactly does music help? Developing a sense of rhythm and harmony. The ability to pause. Breathe living soul into instrumental sounds. Of course, if you don’t limit yourself to one musical style, your horizons will expand significantly.

And yet the main problem remains the contradiction between intellect and sensuality. Young people strive to “show off” - who plays better, who plays the chords correctly. Those who are older will smile and say: a final concert is one thing, hanging out around a campfire is quite another. In one case, the tension of the intellect is required, in the other - the tension of the soul. And the return is not the same - applause, flowers, smiles, enthusiastic eyes or the “thank you” that is read in these eyes, silent adoration. What's more expensive?

Pavel Nikolaevich Malofeev

Musical intelligence is needed to do the most ordinary things: listen to music; play a musical instrument (any); sing (in a choir or just sing along while listening to the radio); write songs; play in your own group or musical ensemble; humming to yourself, tapping a rhythm with your foot while you do something or think about something.

Test yourself

  • Do you like to sing?
  • What about listening to music?
  • Do you play a musical instrument?
  • Can you read music?
  • Do you easily remember melodies and songs?
  • Can you immediately recognize a song and distinguish it from another?
  • Can you identify by ear the sound of individual musical instruments in an orchestra?
  • Do you hum to yourself when you think or do business?
  • Do you detect rhythm in the sounds around you?
  • Do you like to make different sounds (humming, clapping your hands, snapping your fingers, tapping your feet)?
  • Do you write your own songs and raps?
  • Do you remember facts by making up songs about them?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, then you are endowed with musical intelligence.

How to develop musical intelligence

The tips below will help you develop your musical abilities. Try to complete any task that you like.

1. Listen to a variety of styles of music. Make it a habit to listen to the radio (blues, jazz, classical, country, pop, rap, gospel). Don’t rush to switch waves if you think that you don’t like one of the styles at all. Listen to one or two compositions, and you may find that even the music you don’t usually listen to will be to your liking.

2. Listen to music different countries and peoples. Irish, Mexican, Indian, Chinese - any that interests you. There are radio stations broadcasting ethnic music. On the Internet you can find and listen to music from all over the world.

3. Sing with friends and family. Sing your favorite songs and learn new ones. Singing together is so much fun! Get your family together to sing regularly! Another option: find a set of simple percussion instruments (drum, castanets, cymbals, tambourine) and play along to the beat of your favorite music.

4. Play with friends and family music games. For example, in “Guess the Tune”: one player hums the first few bars, and the rest must guess what song he wished for.

5. Go to live music concerts. Free concerts and performances are often held at fairs, parks, and festivals. You can go to an afternoon concert, audition, or orchestra rehearsal.

6. Visit music lessons at school. Join your school choir, band or orchestra. This way you will master musical notation, be able to play different instruments and meet people who, like you, are interested in music.

7. Invent and create musical instruments from scrap materials. Everything suitable for making musical instruments can be found in the kitchen: pots, pans, glasses, wooden spoons, silverware. Maracas at home can be made from plastic container, filling it with dry beans, buttons, paper clips or small pebbles.

8. Study musical notation. To do this, you can use a training program on your computer.

9. Help organize music classes at school and in your community. If your school doesn't offer music classes or clubs, talk to your teachers and principal. Discuss with them how you can organize music lessons. Be the one who opens the world of music to the students of your school!

10. Listen carefully to a song or musical composition with a friend. Try to distinguish the melody, rhythm, tonality, sound of instruments and their timbre. It turns out? Do you catch the musical pattern? Do you like the performance? What else about this composition resonates with you? Discuss what you heard with a friend. Did he hear the same thing as you?

11. Start taking lessons on your favorite instrument. Music lessons are sometimes held at cultural and educational centers. If you don’t have the opportunity to study with a teacher, try to learn to play the piano, guitar or harmonica on your own - using a tutorial, a computer program or an instructional video on the Internet.

12. Pay attention to the music sounding around you. To begin with, listen for a few minutes to the sounds of nature and the surrounding world - cars, people, city life. Then compose your own musical composition for any instrument - piano, guitar (you can just drum on the table).

13. Write a song or piece of music. Use special computer programs. There are inexpensive programs that can be used to imitate the sound of the most different instruments and print out the invented melody in the form of notes.

14. Gather your group. Organize a rock band, rap team, choir and anything else with your friends! Play a concert for your classmates or neighbors. Who knows, maybe you will become famous! (Even if you don't make it to the top of the charts, you'll still have a great time!)

Use your musical abilities to develop other areas of intelligence

Even if you already use your musical intelligence, it can be developed and revealed further. For example, if you like listening to music, try learning to play a musical instrument or master musical notation. Already know how to play? Take a few lessons from a professional or try learning to play a different instrument - you might enjoy it just as much as the one you currently play, if not more! Write songs and play them to people. If you have performed alone so far, try playing in a group, school or local orchestra. Can't find it? Organize it yourself!

Using your musical abilities, you can develop other areas of intelligence. Here are some tips on how to do this.

To develop verbal intelligence: come up with a song that will help you learn spelling words and new words. You probably learned a song about the alphabet in early childhood? The same can be done now - only instead of letters of the alphabet there will be new words, historical dates or names of countries. As you read a book or story, imagine the sounds. For example, if a book describes a thunderstorm, close your eyes for a minute and try to hear the rumble of thunder with your inner ear.

To develop logical intelligence: memorize math objects with music. Have you heard the song Multiplication Rock?* It explains how to multiply numbers and helps you remember the multiplication tables. Try putting any mathematical data to music. The multiplication table, the table of weights and measures - it is much easier to learn and memorize facts with music!

To develop imaginative thinking: listen to different styles of music and notice what images, emotions and ideas come to your mind. These could be faces of familiar people, buildings, simple shapes, colors. Listen to one of your favorite songs and try to make a collage of images.

To develop bodily intelligence: move to the music. The movements can be absolutely anything - not necessarily dance! (You can do this where no one can see you.) If you want, fool around, and if you want, be serious. What movements does your body make? Are you tapping a rhythm with your foot? Are you nodding your head? Swaying your hips to the music?

To develop social intelligence: use music as a means to communicate with people. If you usually play music alone, try playing in an ensemble or group. Go to concerts and see how others listen to music. Offer your help at music events - for example, you can hand out programs.

To develop inner intelligence: listen to music that you liked before. How have your musical tastes, perception of songs, and their meaning changed? Notice what emotions arise when you listen to music. Make a playlist of your favorite songs that can affect your mood - help you cheer up or relax.

To develop natural intelligence: listen to music in nature. Leave the house, try to hear the melody in the singing of birds, the rhythm in the hum of cars. The sound of which musical instruments remind you of the sounds of animals, insects, nature? What about the noise of the city? Can you hear music in it?

To develop philosophical intelligence: write a song that reflects your feelings and thoughts about life. Sing in front of the mirror or to friends. Gather friends who are interested in music to compose a composition on a philosophical topic (life and death, God, soul, truth, beauty, free will, justice). Perform it at school or for neighbors.

What if music is “not your thing”?

Let's say you doubt your musical abilities and it seems to you that my advice on developing musical intelligence is not for you. You can assume that your singing makes the neighbor's dogs howl, and as soon as you pick up musical instrument, then you will certainly break it, but believe me, you are mistaken. You have musical intelligence and it can be developed.

Eight Ways to Develop Musical Intelligence

For those endowed with verbal intelligence: listen to the words of the songs, pay attention to how the words fit into the music. Does the song tell a story? If so, how is the plot embodied - in words, in music, or through a combination of both? Does the music contribute to the development of the plot?

For those endowed with logical intelligence: try to find mathematical sequences in music. Sequence and counting are an important element of musical composition. Look for repeating patterns and motifs, and note how they help the musical composition gain rhythm. Most compositions have a meter. Learn to count bars and you can determine the time signature of the pieces you listen to.

For those endowed with imaginative intelligence: draw or sculpt music. It could be the images that music evokes in your mind, or the flow of colors and shapes. Create a model of a new musical instrument, imagine what sound it could make - what if you want to design it?

For those endowed with bodily intelligence: move to the music. You can do anything to music! Dancing, doing aerobics, yoga, tai chi, bead weaving, designing models. If you like to make things with your own hands, try making your own musical instrument from scrap materials.

For those endowed with social intelligence: play in a group and sing with friends or family. Organize a jam (improvised concert) using simple objects - spoons, boxes, glasses - as musical instruments.

For those endowed with inner intelligence: listen to a few musical compositions in different styles. What thoughts and emotions do they evoke in you? Why do you think? Is the melody happy or sad? Is the pace fast or slow? Do the sounds of different instruments affect your mood? Write down or sketch your emotions and mood.

For those endowed with natural intelligence: think about the sounds of which instruments remind you of the sounds of nature - the singing of birds, the murmur of water, the roar of the wind. Listen to music about nature and animals. For example, Prokofiev’s musical fairy tale “Peter and the Wolf” is based on Russian folk tale. There are many animal characters in it, and each one corresponds to a specific musical instrument. There are works where music is combined with the sounds of nature - the splashing of water, the singing of whales, the noise of the forest. Perhaps you will like them.

For those endowed with philosophical intelligence: make a list of popular songs that touch on philosophical topics. Make a selection of compositions that make you think about the spiritual, sublime, and religious. Listen to religious chants. What feelings do you have? What do you think is the meaning of religious singing? How is it similar to regular singing? What's the difference?

How singing promotes development personal qualities baby

It is known that the two hemispheres of the human brain function united and at the same time quite isolated from each other. Each hemisphere performs its own function. For example: the left hemisphere controls the right half of the body, and the right hemisphere controls the left.

Scope of activity of the right hemisphere– imaginative thinking, subject vision. This hemisphere is, to varying degrees, associated with the understanding of speech intonation, with emotions and the perception of beauty, including music.

Left hemisphere is responsible for logical thinking and promotes mastery of the exact sciences.

The harmony and balance of the work of the cerebral hemispheres makes it possible to achieve better results in all areas of human activity.

If we talk about children, then a decrease in the activity of any of the hemispheres invariably leads to significant losses both in the child’s intellectual and physical development. Keeping both hemispheres busy contributes to the child’s psychological health. Overload of one of them often provokes the emergence of neuroses.

Parents and teachers need to build relationships with the child in such a way that there is more joy in his life, positive emotions. They contribute to the successful development of children.

Singing is a kind of “trainer” for the brain. That is, during singing the whole brain is involved, the activity of its hemispheres is combined. When singing, the speech, language and visual components of intellectual development work actively and jointly.

During active singing- emotional, with inspiration, with penetration into the content of what is being performed, - there is a strong stimulation of the speech centers of the cerebral cortex, which spreads to neighboring areas of the brain, increasing their tone and performance.

While learning a song, the literary text is repeated many times, the voice reproduces the vocal line. This largely forms the preconditions for good speech in children. Thus, with the help of vocal activity not only singing skills are formed, but also speech skills are improved every child.

Vocal work is also beneficial for memory training. By mastering a large volume of musical material, it opens up new, additional storehouses of memory, contributing to its deepening and enrichment.

When singing, phonemic hearing also develops, the ability to capture the smallest features of the pronunciation of vowels and consonants. At the same time, singing trains the work of all organs of internal and external speech articulation, increases speech intelligibility and speech technique.

Speaking about the impact of singing on the development of the intellect of singers, it is necessary to mention its influence on increasing children's abilities.

The natural inclinations of a child are the seeds of future abilities. These seeds need favorable soil for their germination and development. Singing stimulates this process in the most beneficial way and actively influences development of abilities, including creative– artistic, musical, graphic, literary and others.

When singing, imaginative thinking and imagination are enriched, cognitive processes develop, encouraging active creativity.

Subsequently, it is from children who successfully combined school studies and activities in a developmental choir that often grow up to be highly organized and hardworking people with strong character, a sense of purpose, interesting and versatile personalities.

Chorus – a great place to develop all these skills.

If a child loves to sing, then there is hope that he will grow up to be a smart, intellectually developed person.

Children deprived of the opportunity to sing in a choir suffer losses not only in their intellectual but also in their emotional development.

Singing develops aesthetic and moral ideas and activates mental abilities.

Expressive performance of songs helps to experience their content more vividly and deeply, to evoke an aesthetic attitude towards music and the surrounding reality.

In singing, the entire complex of musical abilities is successfully formed: emotional responsiveness to music, modal sense, musical-auditory perception, sense of rhythm. In addition, children receive various information about music, acquire skills and abilities. Singing fulfills the child’s musical needs, since he can perform familiar and favorite songs at will at any time.

The effect of singing on physical development children: blood circulation and breathing improve, vocal cords are strengthened, a pleasant timbre of voice develops, coordination of voice and hearing develops, and children's speech improves. Singing with movements forms good posture and coordinates walking.

The ancient Greeks said: “If you want to be smart, run, healthy, run, beautiful, run!” All this can be fully attributed to singing: “If you want to be smart - sing, healthy - sing, beautiful - sing!”

Correction of development of children with speech disorders in music classes

Art therapy based on various types artistic and playful activities (such as music, dance, theater, drawing, modeling, etc.) have long won recognition among teachers and defectologists. Indeed, art, which affects primarily the emotional sphere of a person, helps in the most important thing - to find the way to one’s “I”, to understand loved ones, to see and accept the world around us.

Our ancestors, much more boldly than we (civilized humanity), used music, dance and other forms of art to treat people from various ailments, to prepare a person’s emotional state for various actions that required strength, courage, and energy. And in the second half of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st centuries, there was clearly an increase in attention to art as a therapeutic means that allows the soul and body of a person to be treated most generously, without special material costs and harmful side effects.

In kindergartens today, the most pressing topic is the correction of speech disorders (since this pathology is most common at this age, and can also be most effectively corrected with timely treatment). Prevention and correction of speech defects requires complex influence from different specialists: doctors, speech therapists, teachers, musicians.

Special logorhythmic exercises, which are based on a complex combination of words, music and movement, have an important and effective influence.

Scientists have proven a direct and natural connection between the movements of the hands (fingers, hands) and the pronunciation of words (the work of the larynx) due to the fact that in the cerebral cortex the speech zone and the motor zone of the hand are located nearby. Thus, the development of motor skills affects the development of speech.

In practice, it has long been noted that any skills are learned faster and easier in the presence of a speech motor complex.

Logorhythmic exercises and singing songs with movements have a beneficial effect on the development of musical abilities and singing skills in children, as they develop a sense of rhythm, intonation hearing, coordination between hearing and voice, etc., as well as attention, memory, thinking, imagination and fantasy, that is, a whole complex of problems is solved.