Classic eyelash extensions - “I wanted to rip off this natural effect of extensions on weak eyelashes. Why won't I make more "classics"? my experience with eyelash extensions at home"

Not all masters win competitions; there are also those who are not in danger of doing so. Before the vacation, I decided to get eyelash extensions so that I wouldn’t have to wear makeup on the trip. And as luck would have it, the girl who always extended them for me was on vacation herself, and I was forced to urgently look for another master. It ended sadly.

What I wanted. I was going on an excursion tour of Lake Baikal. The conditions on such tours do not always allow you to apply and remove makeup according to all the rules, so I would like to do without makeup at all. I have everything for this - a pretty good tan, just missing expressive eyelashes. And so, in order not to take mascara with me, I decided to build them up.

When I came to the specialist, I explained to her the task: natural classic extensions 1:1 of minimum length. That is, basically length 8, add length 10 on the outer corners.

This extension was supposed to look adequate, grow unnoticed, and only after a couple of weeks become really long, but then the vacation would end.

Extensions that were done for me. Opening my eyes and looking at myself in the mirror, I saw something hairy-eyed... For some reason, the master decided that length 12 would suit me just fine. Moreover, she decided it silently, did it silently, and I found out about it only after the extension was completed.

First of all, these are sabers, not eyelashes. And they already look uneven, because it is very difficult to lay exactly this length. In a couple of weeks they will look downright creepy and disheveled.

Secondly, the eyelash extension itself is done asymmetrically. The photo shows that on the right eye the eyelashes are laid flat, and on the left eye the rays point upward. That is, they gave me an arrow effect on the right, and an open look on the left, and these are two completely different effects.

Thirdly, their inappropriateness. I was planning to walk through the taiga for 2 weeks in jeans and sneakers, and these eyelashes are more suitable for... new year party, podium or theater. And who will I be? Volochkova in the open air?

A little experimentation.

There is only one advantage in all this - you can experiment! And now I will demonstrate everything that you can try to do with eyelash extensions.

  1. Can eyelash extensions be cut?

I take nail scissors and cut off the ends. This is what happens.

  1. Thinning.

Now they need to be made of different lengths so that they don’t look so doll-like. Although this doesn't help either.

  1. Is it possible to curl eyelash extensions?

I’ll say right away that I don’t even try to do this with curlers - this is obviously a bad idea, since it will damage both artificial and natural eyelashes. There will be creases.

Therefore, for the experiment, I take a special device - something like an eyelash curler.

This thing is for natural eyelashes completely useless, is even harmful, so I’ll try it on extensions. True, in this case it turned out to be just as useless.

  1. When all else fails, I just take a debonder and...

As a result, I had to make do with my own eyelashes on vacation, grown with the help of an eyelash growth activator and painted with regular paint.

What other mistakes can happen in eyelash extensions?

  • Glues. This happens when the artist does not finish drying the glue on the newly extended eyelash and proceeds to the next one. Then neighboring eyelashes, when they come into contact with the extension, stick to it. This may not be noticeable, but if the growth phases of the glued eyelashes are different, then over time this can begin to interfere greatly.
  • Bonding area too short. This is when the master saved on glue and applied it only at the base of the artificial eyelash. You won’t notice it immediately after the procedure, but this build-up won’t last long.
  • Incorrectly chosen curve of eyelashes. If your eyelashes are long and straight, and the artist is trying to extend curled ones, then most likely as a result you will get 2 rows of eyelashes that seem to be peeling off from each other: some will look with their tips up (artificial), and from under them the ends of your eyelashes will stick down natural.
  • Incorrect distance of eyelash extensions from the root of natural eyelashes. It may be too big or too small. If they are large, the artificial eyelashes will be too far from the roots, and it will be very, very difficult to grow them exactly at this distance, that is, they will bend in different directions and look sloppy. If the indentation is too small, that is, when the eyelashes are literally stuck to the roots and skin, it is harmful to your own eyelashes.
  • Asymmetry. In general, extensions are often done to hide the natural asymmetry of the eyes, but there are masters (like the one I wrote about above) who manage to create asymmetrical eyelashes even on symmetrical eyes. This is the result of incorrect extension technique. The master did not extend eyelashes for me on both eyes at once, alternating them and constantly comparing them with each other, but first extended eyelashes on one, and then on the other. It’s no wonder that having completely completed one, she simply could not exactly repeat the same extension on the other.
  • Lack of taste. If the artist believes that the longer the eyelashes, the more beautiful they are, then you risk getting eyes that look like an unshaven armpit. Everything needs moderation.

Dear girls, I wish you that you only go to good masters who know what they are doing! Then you won’t have to conduct such stupid experiments and write bad reviews, because the extension procedure itself, done by a talented master, is a great thing!

If you are interested in the eyelash extension procedure, then you have probably read many reviews on the Internet and asked famous people about their experiences. And you were probably surprised that they can be radically opposite. Some enthusiastically praise the procedure, showing photos of their luxurious eyelashes, while others do their best to dissuade you from getting extensions. Why do people have such different opinions? Why does someone have such a negative experience that the person never wants to repeat the extension procedure again?

Like most cosmetic procedures, it is completely harmless to healthy eyes and is done to add length, beauty and volume to natural eyelashes. BUT. It will be safe only if all the nuances of the technology are observed. Agree, even an ordinary manicure can turn into a potentially dangerous procedure if it is done by an inexperienced master with unsterile instruments.

Therefore, the negative experience that people get, they only get if the procedure was performed incorrectly. And then, unfortunately, such people scare other girls by talking about horrors: red eyes, tangled eyelashes, unpleasant sensations, etc. Remember, all this can be avoided by contacting a professional.

Why do girls find themselves in this situation? They just have no luck with the master. However, often the cause of the problem is the desire to save money. Just before you sign up with a lash maker whose price for services is lower than the market average, think about why such a price is offered. Let's look at the situation as honestly as possible: for a master who uses high-quality expensive materials, who has experience, does his job well and, accordingly, has his own grateful clientele, there is simply no point in reducing the price (and sometimes there is no particular opportunity due to the high cost materials).

Who is ready to reduce the price to attract customers?

  • someone who does not have enough experience, but somehow needs to get it,
  • someone who cannot attract attention with the quality of his work and has to take something else,
  • someone who uses cheap materials for extensions, which can result in eye allergies and other unpleasant consequences for clients.

Incorrect extension and its consequences

I have already described the procedure for eyelash extensions several times on my blog, but now I want to dwell only on some important points.

    So, the most important thing is one artificial eyelash is attached to one natural eyelash. (In some cases, two or three artificial ones can be attached to a natural one, but not vice versa). If the artist glued an artificial eyelash to several natural ones, then when the natural eyelash falls out, it will simply hang and pull the neighboring eyelashes along with it. Gluing eyelashes is the most common and most undesirable mistake made by inexperienced eyelash technicians.

    Here it is very important to understand that gluing eyelashes (when more than one natural one is glued to one artificial one) will certainly lead to undesirable consequences: deterioration of the condition of natural eyelashes, pulling out young eyelashes, damage to their structure, etc. Therefore, if you notice gluing, go to a specialist or salon and use a special product to remove all the “beauty”.

    How to check if there are glues? After completing the extension procedure, carefully examine your eyelashes in front of a magnifying mirror and go over them with an eyelash brush. Are your eyelashes not combing? Is your comb getting stuck? Then the poor quality work needs to be corrected. If the master convinces you that everything is fine and it won’t harm your socks, it is advisable for you to have the work redone by another master.

    Remember, it’s not worth wearing such extensions, regretting wasted money on the procedure. Glued eyelashes must be removed, otherwise, instead of luxurious fluffy eyelashes, you will end up with sparse and broken ones. And it will take months to recover.

    Another problem encountered during eyelash extensions is incorrect gluing of an artificial eyelash onto a natural one. It happens that the master does not completely glue the artificial eyelash to the natural eyelash; the base remains unattached. This mistake may not seem so scary to you. But that's not true. For a few days, the girl will even be able to walk around with such eyelashes and enjoy the expressive look and brightness of her eyes. But, any mechanical impact on such eyelashes is fraught with complete loss. appearance.

    With quality eyelash extensions, you can wash and style them with a brush. Incorrect gluing leads to the fact that the eyelashes begin to twist, get tangled, and stick out in different directions. The girl, naturally, tries to straighten them, twitches her hands and finally “finishes off” the appearance of her extensions.

    What else? Incorrect selection of materials for extensions initially. The lack of knowledge and experience of a novice master can also turn into a problem. Before the procedure, the lash maker must carefully study the client’s natural eyelashes in order to choose the best option. Many factors are important here: length, thickness and structure. If you stick a thick and long artificial eyelash onto a thin, weak natural eyelash, this can lead to damage to the natural one.

    Negative consequences The use of cheap materials by the craftsman can also result in problems for the client. This error does not apply to extension technology, but can lead to irritation and redness of the eyes, and provoke the development of an allergic reaction. It is easier for an inexperienced craftsman to work with inexpensive glue, because it hardens slowly and, accordingly, there is time to correct something. Expensive adhesive resin hardens almost instantly, but it is the one that is safe for the eyes.

What should you be wary of?

If after the extension procedure:

  • eyelashes do not comb
  • eyelashes make you uncomfortable
  • eyelids are itchy or red
  • you cannot get rid of the feeling of a foreign object in your eyes, your eyelashes are bothering you
  • you constantly have the desire to tug, adjust, scratch your eyelashes
  • experience from touching your eyelashes discomfort
  • feel lumps and roughness under your fingers

In general, if any signs are present and do not go away, you need to remove the extensions. You shouldn't endure it. Fluffy long eyelash extensions are beauty that does not require such sacrifices from you. The only thing you really need is to choose good master working with quality materials. Then your eyelashes will always be completely safe.

Tags: [ horrors of eyelash extensions, eyelash extensions horror, bad eyelash extensions, eyelash extensions horrors, terrible eyelash extensions, horrors of eyelash extensions ]

When creating markings for eyelash extensions, you need to understand that there is no one size of bristles that would suit everyone.

The extension scheme allows you to determine which part of the eyelash line and what length of artificial hairs should be used. The marking process itself is simple, but it will take some practice before you can create unique schemes to suit the most sophisticated needs of clients.

How to make markings for eyelash extensions

Refine markings to achieve better results

  1. Understand that every girl is unique. In the case of eyelashes, there is no single scheme that would ideally suit everyone. For example, it will be perfect for those with close-set eyes, because... With this extension, longer eyelashes on the outer corners of the eyes will visually hide this feature. In the case of wide-set eyes, it will look more advantageous if the eyelashes are extended when the longest eyelashes are located closer to the center of the eye. However, there are always exceptions and this must be taken into account.
  2. Use different combinations of eyelash lengths to your advantage. When creating markings for eyelash extensions, you need to understand that there is no one size of bristles that would suit everyone. Although most designs will often contain longer lashes in the middle segments, sometimes it will be necessary to make the lashes longer in the outer segments in order to satisfy the wishes of the client or to hide any features of the eye structure. For example:
    • Adding more long eyelashes towards the outer corners will create a cat-like look and help widen close-set eyes;
    • Adding longer lashes in the middle will create a doll-like effect and help visually bring wide-set eyes closer together;
    • Combination more short lengths and cat eye effect will help round or prominent eyes look less noticeable.
  3. Don't be afraid to experiment with different segment widths. For some girls, segments of the same size along the entire length of the gel strip are better suited, for others it is preferable to use segments that differ in width. For example, narrow segments - on the outer corners of the eyes, segments medium length- on the inner ones, and wide ones - in the middle.
  4. Avoid eyelashes that are too long. The sets of eyelashes in the first and last segments should be close to the natural length of the client’s natural hairs. This approach will make your eyelashes look fuller and more voluminous. For most people, 11mm is the longest bristle size, but some girls can go 12mm or 13mm.

Use 12mm and 13mm lashes only if your client's natural hairs can handle the weight.

Beautiful and lush eyelashes are the key to that very look that strikes men to the very heart, and makes some women jealous deep down. Unfortunately, nature has not endowed all representatives of the fair sex with such a gift, and they have to resort to various tricks to become irresistible. Eyelash extensions, the pros and cons of which will be discussed in the article, are one of the ways to achieve that very charming look.

Features of eyelash extensions

Nowadays, lush and thick eyelashes can be called a must-have element. perfect makeup, especially if by nature a woman does not have a rich frame of her eyes. To make them so, you can go in several ways:

  • use a special lengthening and volumizing mascara;
  • glue false eyelashes;
  • use different traditional methods, improving the speed of eyelash growth and their quality.

However, all these methods are those that need to be repeated day after day in order to always have beautiful eyes. And the method associated with folk remedies, and will give a delayed effect, if it gives it at all. Beauty experts were constantly looking for options that would help women be beautiful around the clock without unnecessary hassle. As a result, not so long ago a new service appeared in beauty salons - eyelash extensions. Now she is wildly popular.

Technology has come a long way and at the moment the most different types eyelash extensions, which differ in the shape of the bend of the material used or the result obtained. There are also different categories of extensions based on the thickness and volume of eyelashes.

Note! Only an experienced and qualified extension specialist can perform the procedure efficiently. If you fall into the hands of an inexperienced specialist without the proper knowledge, then there is a risk that all the beauty will quickly disappear or the desired effect simply will not be achieved.

Table. Types of extensions depending on volume.

TypeBrief description

In this case, individual eyelashes are glued through one eyelash, or extensions are carried out only along the outer corner of the eye.

This classic version. In this case, single eyelashes are glued to each natural eyelash in the amount of one piece.

These types of extensions will allow you to achieve more voluminous eyelashes than in previous cases. Here, 2 or 3 artificial hairs are attached to each natural eyelash.

The most lush option, which is practically unsuitable for constant wear. In this case, from 5 to 10 hairs are attached to each natural eyelash. This extension can also be called the velvet effect.

How does the procedure work?

The extension procedure itself is not as complicated as it seems. But it requires attentiveness and accuracy from the master who performs it. If the eyelashes are attached incorrectly or anyhow, then you will not be able to get the desired effect - such a “frame” will look terrible.

In general, during the procedure, the master glues artificial eyelashes to natural ones using special glue. Depending on the chosen technique and the desired effect, you can glue up to 10 units. The procedure is long and requires patience from both the master and the client. Artificial eyelashes do not stick to eyelids and this is the main difficulty. It is unlikely that you will be able to carry out the procedure carefully on your own.

Note! To achieve the desired effect, you should carefully choose a specialist and it is best to contact an eyelash extension studio or beauty salon.


Of course, if this technology for improving appearance did not have a lot of advantages, it would not be so popular now. Among them are:

  • beautiful final effect– the eyes immediately seem large and beautiful, the curve of the eyelashes is spectacular;
  • significant duration of the effect obtained– for a long period of time (up to 1 month), a woman will not have to dye or curl her eyelashes; they will be lush and beautiful at any time of the day. Of course, the duration of wearing eyelash extensions is greatly influenced by the skill of the specialist who performed the procedure;

Note! Women who have oily skin, as a rule, turn to extension specialists more often than ladies with dry or normal skin.

  • significant time savings– There is no need to apply eye makeup every morning. Even early in the morning after sleep, a woman with such eyelashes looks beautiful;
  • there is no danger of getting black circles under the eyes– mascara will not run because there is no need to use it. You can swim in the pool without fear;
  • Eyelash extensions sometimes allow you to correct the shape of your eyes– for example, give them an almond shape or visually reduce them.


However, in reality it turns out that eyelash extensions are not an ideal procedure. It has a number of disadvantages, which are why not all ladies like it. Cons of using eyelash extensions:

  • Glue is used to attach eyelashes. It can become, and your own eyelashes sometimes become fragile due to its action;
  • The recovery period after removing eyelash extensions is long– sometimes it takes about 6 months for natural eyelashes to recover;
  • women with dry skin often experience discomfort when wearing such eyelashes;
  • Don't scratch or rub your eyes, you need to wash your face carefully, which means that proper personal hygiene may be in question;
  • They don't like eyelash extensions high temperatures , which means that solariums, saunas, baths will not be best place for eyelashes;

Is it possible to go to the bathhouse with eyelash extensions?

  • salty sea ​​water also dangerous for eyelash extensions, therefore, while relaxing on the beach, you should not dive headlong into the water. Also, water with a high chlorine content is contraindicated for eyelashes;
  • You will have to sleep exclusively on your back or side;
  • correction must be regular, otherwise the eyelashes will be untidy;
  • row cosmetics will have to be excluded from life– under the influence of the fats contained in them, the glue that holds the eyelashes is destroyed. Suitable cosmetics must be removed very carefully and carefully.

Note! Many who tried wearing artificial eyelashes complained of inconvenience and restriction of freedom. Still, such decoration requires attention and care, without which it looks very untidy.

Video – Eyelash extensions: pros and cons

Table. Contraindications for eyelash extensions.

ContraindicationWhy can't you wear

A number of women experience an allergic reaction after extensions, which is characterized by symptoms such as itching and burning, lacrimation. For those who are prone to allergies, it is better to conduct an allergy test before the extension and find out whether an allergy to the glue used during the procedure will develop.

For chronic conjunctivitis you need great attention pay attention to eye care. This is a low-grade inflammation that can worsen due to additional stress on the eyes.

If natural eyelashes are weak and fragile, then artificial eyelashes should not be extended. Glue already destroys eyelashes, but it will completely destroy such naturally frail ones. The recovery period will be long and treatment will be difficult.

During colds and flu, you should not apply eyelash extensions. At this time, it’s already hard for the eyes, but there will be an additional burden and the inability to carry out a full eye wash if necessary.

Those who constantly wear contact lenses increase the risk of developing allergic reactions. And the need to remove and put on lenses constantly will negatively affect eyelash extensions.

Fats destroy the glue that holds artificial eyelashes. Thus, the build-up will become ineffective in this case. The person will simply throw money away.

Eyelash care

In order for your eyelashes to last as long as possible, you need to take proper care of them. Otherwise, all the beauty will end pretty quickly. Basic rules for caring for such jewelry include:

  • careful cleaning of hairs;
  • prohibition on the use of products containing fats or alcohols;
  • cleansing the face only with tampons or cotton pads soaked in low-fat products;
  • prohibition on rubbing the eyes and eyelids;
  • removal of eyelash extensions in a beauty salon or studio.

How to remove eyelashes yourself

However, a number of rules for caring for eyelashes can be broken if you know how to do this so as not to spoil your appearance or harm your health. Let's look at how you can remove eyelash extensions yourself in several ways.

Using oil and steam

Step 1. You will need to first remove makeup from your eyes, if any - shadows and eyeliner.

Step 2. Next, you need to heat it in the microwave or get hot water from the tap. The water must be at such a temperature that steam comes from it. Next, you need to bend over a container with liquid and cover your head with a towel so that a closed space filled with steam is formed around your face. You need to sit like this for about 10 minutes.

Step 3. A cotton swab or cotton pad must be thoroughly soaked olive oil and gently rub the eyelashes until they come off.

Step 4. To remove any remaining oil that has settled on your eyelashes, you need to wash your face with soap.

Using anti-glue agent

Step 1. You can also remove eyelashes with a special glue remover. You can buy it in the store.

Step 2. You should sit in front of a mirror and in a room where it is very light. Eye makeup is removed.

Step 3. The purchased adhesive remover must be applied to a cotton swab, soaking it well. Next, you need to pull down the outer corner of the eyelid, cover the eye being treated and apply anti-glue agent to the eyelashes with a cotton swab. In this case, it is recommended to move from the outer corner of the eye to the inner one. You need to go through the eyelashes about 15 times.

Step 4. Once the glue has dissolved, you can just use your fingers.

Step 5. You can easily wipe off glue residue from your eyelashes using the same product.

Step 6. The procedure must be completed by washing with clean water.

Eyelash extensions are a great way to change your appearance beyond recognition and give your look charm and charm. However, it is important to remember the contraindications and disadvantages of this method. Otherwise, wanting to improve your appearance, in the presence of a number of aspects, you can develop problems with your eyes.