Why do you dream about a big nose? Big nose

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing your own nose in a dream means that you will show strength of character and realize that you can complete any task you choose. If in a dream your nose seems too small to you, you will face failure in business. Hair growing on the nose signifies extraordinary undertakings made possible by the strength of your character or will. A bleeding nose seen in a dream is a sign of misfortune for anyone seeing this dream.

Why do you dream about your nose?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

large - patronage and wealth; small - injustice; to lose - divorce, death; to grab the nose - success in love; swollen - evil wealth; stuffy nose - deception, gossip, theft of loved ones (it’s not for nothing that they say, they say, they’ve lost their sense of smell...); politics - to betrayal of subordinates.

I dreamed about a face

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing a beautiful open face with an ingenuous look in a dream means that you can, without any fear, participate in the entertainment that will befall you in the near future. But seeing an ugly, gloomy and angry face portends undesirable events. If you dream that you are admiring the beautiful color of your face, this promises good luck and unexpected but pleasant events. A poor complexion foretells disappointment. Seeing thick, ugly lips on someone’s face in a dream means hasty and rash decisions. Pleasant smiling full lips- portends harmony in relationships, abundance in the home. For those who love, such a dream promises reciprocity. Thin lips mean that you will easily master the upcoming difficult situation. Inflamed, swollen - a sign of future unhealthy desires, deprivation and illness of someone you know. Happy faces around you in a dream are a very favorable dream, but being surrounded by gloomy faces is a sign of future anxiety. An unfavorable dream in which you see your face or the face of a stranger - it promises you sorrow. Seeing the reflection of your face in the mirror is a sign of imminent dissatisfaction with yourself due to your inability to organize yourself and finish what you planned.

Why do you dream about a face?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

position, status; no face - to humiliation or loss (it’s not for nothing that they say “losing face”); without a body, to see through a window or around you - very big changes with a good outcome; washing your face is a regret; obscure - bad news; to see in water is death; in glass - malaise, dead end in business; looking at your face means personal thoughts, leading to divorce; an ugly face means a quarrel with a loved one; to see the aged face of your beloved - to a breakup, separation, regret; or someone from the past; old own face - means the past, the former in life; see Old age, Growing old and Young; big, close up your face - bad reputation, conceit; covered with something - to the death of the one whose face; see Mirror; your big face floats in the air - changes due to the sleeping person, divorce; wounds, ulcers on the face - slander, danger to reputation; if you see in the mirror (with wounds) - an illegitimate child; to receive wounds (especially with blood) is a benefit from the one who caused it.

Anyone who saw a long nose in a dream should be prepared for favorable changes in the financial sector and career growth. Why do you dream about this part of the face? It all depends on the plot of the dream. Often the dream book predicts that you will have powerful patrons, or you will make useful contacts.

Family connections

One of the interpretations is an opportunity to find out about the fate of the son. In this case, the nose represents a male child. A long nose means that there is nothing to worry about, everything is going well for your child in the best possible way. Did a huge nose grow up in a dream? The dream book advises waiting for an addition to the family: the baby will be male.

Miller says that...

...this is a sign indicating extraordinary willpower, character and the ability to achieve success in any undertaking.

Caution won't hurt!

If in a dream you noticed a long nose (yours or someone else’s), the dream book advises you to remain vigilant. They will try to deceive you or drag you into some kind of scam.

When in a dream this part of the face is large, but you perceive it as small, be prepared for delays in business. In addition, the dream may indicate the dreamer's reserves of energy and personal strength. From this point of view, the more impressive the nose looks, the better.

Other interpretations

The dream book believes that the accuracy of the prediction also depends on appearance spout An unusual shape in a dream predicts an extraordinary flight of fancy for the dreamer, as a result of which he will have an extremely successful thought or idea.

A long nose “like an eagle’s” indicates temperament and the inability to restrain emotions. “Like Pinocchio” - means that you like to weave intrigues and are overly interested in the affairs of others.

But a fracture threatens trouble. Why do you dream that your nose is broken? In reality you will be upset by an unpleasant incident. The dream book interprets red skin color as an indication of poor health.

Is your nose wrong?

Seeing your nose bleeding means unpleasant events await you that will bring worries and worries. If a long nose bleeds little by little, this indicates excessive nervousness and anxiety of the dreamer. Treat everything more simply and calmly.

A runny nose in a dream indicates poorly developed intuition. It would do you good to learn to trust your inner voice.

Growing in the nose long hair the dream book explains it as a sign to get ready and not get carried away over trifles. If there is an event ahead, concentrate completely on it. Sometimes such a dream can mean suspiciousness and biased judgment.

What does fate have in store for you?

This vision is quite ambiguous. A large nose is an undoubted sign of wealth and stability. But any injuries to this part of the face indicate financial difficulties, troubles in business and life.

There's no need to rush!

Such a symbol is directly related to dexterity, curiosity and good intuition, so the dream book often interprets it as a harbinger of future problems.

A big-nosed man with whom you were angry in a dream speaks of haste. This will not lead to anything good. It's better to be patient and wait.

Sanity in everything

The dream book gives another explanation for why a man with a huge nose dreams - expect quarrels with strangers. But if you notice some kind of decoration in his nostril, it means a serious conversation with higher management. And quite negative.

The nose is a part of the body that we cannot fully see except in the reflection in the mirror. As for dreams, we only see arms and legs in them, and even then rarely. And if you dreamed about a nose – your own or someone else’s, then it makes sense to look through our compiled dream book - there is probably some meaning in this vision. In addition, you can dream about any nose, which only increases the range of interpretations.

Miller's Dream Book

Let's start right away with the most popular and most accurate dream book, which answers the questions of a modern person.

  • Dream Interpretation: why do you dream about your nose - you show strength of character, you understand the importance of the business you have chosen.
  • Dream Interpretation: I dreamed that my nose was very small - this is a failure in business. After all, it’s common to stick your nose into things, and the bigger your nose, the more you will be noticed! This means that they will take you into account.
  • in the nose: thanks to your will, you were able to give birth to unusual and successful enterprises.
  • Dream Interpretation: from the nose - a sign of trouble.
  • Dream Interpretation: losing your nose in a dream means a loss or other harm will come.
  • Dream Interpretation: double nose - you will be in need or go to some extreme.
  • Dream Interpretation: blowing your nose in a dream means receiving a present.
  • on the nose: you may be ahead of the competition. But you shouldn’t be upset, because there will always be a person bigger, stronger, smarter, more cunning than you.
  • The dream “you don’t have a nose” says that you will change your good opinion about someone to the opposite.
  • The dream “people have no nose” prophesies that they will deceive you by the nose.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Denise’s interpretation of dreams “nose” comes from the position of your increased interest in the destinies and concerns of other people. You should “follow your nose” and not stick it everywhere.

The nose is the most prominent part of the face. It speaks about the level of your self-confidence, so don’t turn your nose up. If you dreamed about your nose, then perhaps you are proud of your achievements or are lying outright, like Pinocchio.

Mayan Dream Interpretation

As usual, we present two meanings of one dream.

  • Bad meaning: what does a nosebleed/swollen nose mean in a dream – heart problems are looming. To avoid this, you need to sleep without a pillow for 5 days.
  • Good value: the dream book calls a broken nose a sign of calm. To make it last as long as possible, you need to drip aloe juice into your nose.

Noble dream book by Grishina N.

  • Dream Interpretation: why you dream about your nose is an identification of your abilities to express feelings.
  • A big nose in a dream means wisdom, health, family well-being.
  • Dream Interpretation: another person has a big nose in a dream - you may get a reprimand.
  • I dreamed of a small nose: your honor will suffer, and unfairly; You will worry about the inability to express yourself to others.
  • Dream Interpretation: crooked, snub nose - you are too naive.
  • Interpretation of dreams: the nose is lost or is not there at all - harm and loss; you may not be able to fully exercise your rights.
  • Losing your nose in a dream means severe illness, slander.
  • I dreamed about someone else's nose: other people will actively interfere in your affairs.
  • Why do you dream: if you hit your nose hard, but without blood, your loyalty will be deceived.
  • Why do you dream of two noses: these are obstacles.
  • Dream Interpretation: rubbing your nose in a dream means freeing yourself from hassle and finding good luck.
  • Blowing your nose in a dream: receive a gift.
  • Why do you dream of a pimple on your nose: you may be surpassed.
  • The dream of "nose hair" tells you that there will be happiness.

New family dream book

  • Seeing your own nose in a dream: your character is very strong and you tend to complete things you start.
  • Seeing a small nose in a dream means failure in business.
  • Dream Interpretation: nose hair means a strong character.
  • Dream Interpretation: blood from the nose in a dream is an unkind omen.

Eastern women's dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: seeing your nose in a dream means you will overcome any difficulties. If the nose is small, then failure will occur in business.
  • Dream Interpretation: hair grows on your nose - you will start an unusual business and bring it to the end.

Aesop's Dream Book

The nose has always been associated with various troubles among the common people, which is why dreams have different meanings.

  • Dream Interpretation: your nose itches - danger is creeping towards you, so you should avoid obviously difficult situations, casual acquaintances, and especially people with criminal tendencies.
  • Talking to a person in a dream, standing so close that his nose makes it difficult to concentrate on the subject of the conversation: the dream warns against hasty decisions, since soon there will be an opportunity to find out all the necessary details of the case, which will allow you to make the most winning decision.

Persian dream book Taflisi

  • The “big nose” dream states that you will achieve wealth, status, live a long time and there will be many children in the family.
  • The dream “small nose” prophesies exactly the opposite.

Dream book of esotericist Tsvetkov

  • A large nose symbolizes wealth and patronage, while a small nose symbolizes unfair treatment.
  • Losing your nose in a dream means you will lose your face in front of people and get divorced.
  • Your nose is swollen in a dream: your wallet will “swell” with money.

Modern dream book

  • Why do you dream about your own nose: this is evidence of the success that awaits you when participating in any enterprise.
  • Why do you dream of a small nose: failures await you in business.
  • Why do you dream of nose hair: this is an unusual undertaking in which you will also be successful.
  • Dream Interpretation: bleeding from the nose is a symbol of misfortune and illness.

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

  • If you dream of a big nose, you will make a big profit.
  • If you dream of losing your nose, you will suffer a loss.
  • Treating your nose in a dream means danger is never asleep.

Esoteric dream book

  • If in a dream you have a crooked, large nose, or a broken nose in a dream: you should be careful with alcohol - there is a risk of poisoning or causing damage due to intoxication.
  • If the nose falls off, then this symbolizes illness, mostly due to one’s own promiscuity and frivolity.
  • Seeing a person without a nose in a dream: a threat of death.
  • Seeing an animal's nose in a dream: You may be allergic to the animals that live in your home. (cm. )

Islamic dream book of Ibn Sirin

Seeing yourself without a nose in a dream means that you will receive something that has been taken away from you. Moreover, you will receive it from the hands of a person who has just deprived you of a certain thing.

Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor

  • Elements: metal and earth.
  • Elements: dryness, humidity.
  • Emotions: sadness and thoughtfulness.
  • Organs: colon, stomach, lungs, spleen, pancreas.
  • Planets: Venus and Saturn.

The surface of the nose is dotted with points that are responsible for organs, which is why Eastern medicine diagnoses health conditions by the nose. A little more about them:

  • thin nose – tendency to heartburn, fever of the lungs;
  • thick nose - your lungs are full of energy;
  • rashes on the nose - heat in the lungs.

The nose mostly reflects the condition of the lungs, but there is also a connection with the spinal column, which can be seen in the vertical line dividing the nose into two halves. Just as body parts are collected around the spine, projections of these body parts are also collected around the nose. But even fate can be predicted by the nose! If at the same time the dream appears in a different form than what you actually have, then you need to listen to this dream. And now the interpretations!

  • Looking at your nose, paying close attention to it, breaking your nose in a dream, blowing your nose is a reflection of your yin organs.
  • Dream Interpretation: a pimple on the nose is called a stagnant phenomenon that develops in the lungs in the fall, and in the digestive system in the summer and spring.
  • Powdering your nose in a dream: you are not paying attention to the state of your soul. This is fraught with the fact that depression and illness may develop. nervous soil, and all sorts of things will fall out of hand.
  • Dream Interpretation: why do you dream of nosebleeds - you can catch an illness that will be preceded by a fever. The spleen no longer controls the movement of blood, so you need to pay attention to it.
  • Dream Interpretation: stuffy nose/nose can’t breathe – such sensations arise when you literally can’t breathe, your nose is stuffy. During the day, of course, these symptoms do not appear in any way, but at night, when all the senses are relaxed, you will begin to experience suffocation. You will feel either hot or cold. What could be the reason: your inability to keep emotions to yourself manifests itself in the fact that the intestines begin to become clogged, immunity drops, and at the first draft you will catch a cold.
  • Why do you dream of a broken nose/crooked nose: any deformations in a dream indicate ill health of the spinal column, which may soon appear if you do not take care of its health. Swimming, standing with a weight on your head, warming up after sitting/standing work will help improve your condition.
  • Why do you dream of a broken nose: if someone’s nose is broken, then this is a real violent intervention in the affairs and fate of a person - specifically you.
  • A broken nose in a dream: let’s say you fell, bumped, or had an accident - these will all be interferences and troubles, and their cause will be your inability to adequately assess events.
  • Nose color: this separate item for disputes. The Chinese knew how to determine many factors in your life and the color of your nose spoke of violations in human body:
  • Yellow/blue/dark/red – colors that are very unnatural for the skin indicate obvious disorders within the body;
  • Dark and pale colors - your body lacks energy;
  • Bright and, on the contrary, faded colors - bad energy inside you maintains heat, inflammation and therefore treatment is required.
  • To see an absolutely straight, correct nose in a dream: you adequately consider the life around you.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse

  • Why do you dream about a big nose: you will be rich and many will patronize you.
  • If you dreamed about a small nose, you will be surrounded by injustice.
  • Why do you dream about a red nose: your well-being may be in danger.
  • Dream interpretation: a broken nose - you can fall into a trap.
  • Why do you dream about a stuffy nose: you can catch a cold.
  • “Being led by the nose” in a dream: you intervened in some process completely thoughtlessly.
  • Losing your nose in a dream means a divorce is brewing.

Dream book of health

  • Why do you dream about your own nose: with lungs and upper respiratory tract there may be problems.
  • Why do you dream of someone else’s nose: a certain situation may take an unfavorable turn.
  • Why do you dream of a broken nose with blood: this is a sign of danger. You should be on guard and not let anyone close to you or your business.

Idiomatic dream book

  • This dream book interprets dreams from the point of view of idioms that are most applicable to your dream.
  • “Putting up your nose”: you put on a lot of airs. You can easily be thrown on your face, and for this you only need the opinion of the majority.
  • “Prying your nose into other people’s business”: you are so curious about other people’s concerns that your own have grown to sizes that simply no longer fit into your field of vision.
  • “Keep your nose to the wind”: you are always up to date. Nothing bad.
  • “Take away from under your very nose”: suddenly some opportunity disappeared, although it was within reach.
  • “Bleeding from the nose”: usually used in conditions when deadlines are running out, but blood from the nose, this must be done in time.
  • “Hang your nose”: despondency. And this is a sin! Look at your situation from the outside: is it as difficult and complex as you think?
  • “Hack on the nose”: understand once and for all.
  • “Leading by the nose”: not just confusing thoughts and deeds, but making a person look like a fool, but he does not suspect anything.
  • “On the nose”: “we have an event on the nose” - that is, it will take place very soon.
  • “Flare the nostrils”: to put on airs, and in an extremely theatrical manner, with undisguised dissatisfaction.
  • “Smell evil”: the outcome of the business/enterprise/expectations will not please anyone.
  • “Punch on the nose”: teach a lesson, inflict defeat.
  • “Wipe your nose”: win in an equal, competitive fight.
  • “Dig the ground with your nose”: make every effort.
  • “Lose your sense of smell”: someone began to become very arrogant and pretend to be someone who they are not.
  • “Blue nose”: a sign of a drunkard.
  • “Left with nothing” - that is, with nothing.

Maly Velesov dream book

  • A nose in a dream is a refusal in reality.
  • A big nose is a big shame in dreams, but the profit can also be considerable.
  • To be left without a nose, to lose it in a dream: you can be, as they say, “divorced.”
  • Rubbing your nose in a dream: you will soon be left without hassle and obligations.
  • Grab someone by the nose: expect success in love, since the object of your desire is literally hooked.
  • Your nose is swollen in a dream: your pocket will also swell with money.
  • Why dream of a broken nose: an unpleasant quarrel may occur at home.

Russian folk dream book

The dream book associates exclusively different troubles with the nose. It is impossible to interpret this or that dream specifically. Why?! Think about in what dreams and in what form the nose may appear. Red, blue, whole, male, female, childish, broken, pierced, get hit in the nose, get hit in the nose, lose your nose - whatever you can dream of. In any case, this dream book does not bode well. But we can understand purely empirically that there will still be a difference in scale. So, a broken nose may be the result of a quarrel, a fight, which means that in reality some kind of quarrel or skirmish may await you. So try to build a cause-and-effect relationship and you will almost hit the mark!

Gypsy dream book

  • Nasal congestion in a dream is explained by oppression from the outside strong man. This oppression can be described as if one is not allowed to breathe. That's why my nose gets stuffy.
  • Meaning of the dream: your nose is larger than usual - your finances will grow, feel the first taste of power.
  • I dreamed that there was no nose: everything would go awry.
  • I dreamed of two noses on my face: you can get into a fight or start a quarrel at home.

Ukrainian dream book

A big nose comes in a dream to wealth, a small nose comes to long-awaited peace, and a broken nose comes to blood - to discord in the field of family relationships.

Wanderer's Dream Book

This dream book for spiritual seekers speaks more about the field of human emotions and sensations.

  • The nose is generally a human dignity, which is visible to the naked eye. It consists of gait, appearance, manner of speech. If a person has a big nose, then he can become your patron.
  • Seeing someone else’s nose in a dream or a person trying to “sniff out” something means interfering in the affairs of the one who is dozing.
  • Why dream of squeezing a pimple on your nose: you will fail in business.
  • Dream Interpretation: a nose with a hump is the influence of bad forces.

Muslim dream book

If someone dreams that his nose has become big, then this promises wealth, an honorable position, and longevity. And if, on the contrary, the nose has become even smaller, then the result will be exactly the opposite.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite

  • A big nose portends patronage and wealth to its owner. And the fellow promises only unfair treatment.
  • The dream “red nose” is a danger signal. Health may suffer.


It would seem like a nose. The organ of smell and nothing more. But no! The range of interpretations from A to Z, from the most cheerful to the fatal - how can you choose the interpretation that best suits your situation? There is an algorithm: read the entire dream book, select all the interpretations that are most suitable for your situation, evaluate the current stage of life and the preconditions for good/bad events, make a selection of interpretations based on your expectations. Ready! If the interpretations are more similar to each other, then they should be examined closely. But remember that this is still a dream, and you are unlikely to be a real seer.

The dream about noses is our premonitions. Looking at your nose in a dream means that you should pay attention to something that has confused you before. Hair growing on the nose portends good luck in a cunning plan that you yourself have been hatching for a long time. See interpretation: hair.

The larger your nose is in a dream, the more you will learn about what interests you, and the more correctly you will behave in a certain situation. This will help you avoid dangerous mistakes and avoid losses.

A big nose in a dream is also a symbol of wisdom. Sometimes a dream about an enlarged nose predicts promotion and wealth. To be left without a nose in a dream is a sign of losses, damages, and annoying mistakes. The same will mean a dream in which you see that you have many noses or a forked nose.

Seeing people with long noses in a dream warns you that certain people are watching you and trying to find out more about your affairs. Sometimes such a dream predicts that someone will try to poke their nose into your business. In addition, such a dream foreshadows that your ill-wishers will spread bad rumors about you in order to discredit you. If you recognize a person with a long nose in a dream, then you should be careful with him.

An ugly nose in a dream means that your instincts will let you down and you may get into an unpleasant mess. To be noseless in a dream means that you will act rashly, and this will ultimately backfire on you. Seeing noseless people in a dream is a sign of deception. Literally - you are being led by the nose.

If you dream that your nose is stuffy and you can’t breathe, then beware of deception or a cunning trap. See interpretation: suffocate. Wiping your nose in a dream is a sign that you recognize something unpleasant. Bleeding from the nose in a dream is a sign of great distress due to the failures or illness of a loved one.

Grabbing someone by the nose in a dream means that success in love awaits you. Whatever you say to the object of your passion, they will believe you unconditionally. An enlarged nose in a dream portends wealth and receiving money.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Seeing a Nose in a dream

A big nose is wisdom and mercy; a well-thought-out business will bring income.

Losing your nose in a dream means loss or harm.

Wiping your nose means freedom from hassle.

A small nose is detrimental.

Split nose - you can go to extremes or need.

If you blow your nose in a dream, you will receive a gift.

A pimple on the nose means being surpassed by someone, as well as a son's illness.

Having a hairy nose is lucky.

The noseless ones dreamed of losing a good opinion of someone.

To see people without noses is to make sure that they will lead you by the nose.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 21st century

What does the dream Nose mean?

Seeing your own nose - you will show strength of character and realize that you can complete any task you choose;
your nose seems too small - failure in business;
hair growing on the nose is an extraordinary undertaking that became possible thanks to the strength of your character or will;
a bleeding nose is a misfortune.
Also see Blood.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Book

Seeing a Nose in a dream

Large - patronage and wealth;
small - injustice;
to lose - divorce, death;
to grab the nose - success in love;
swollen - wealth.

Interpretation of dreams from Tsvetkov's Dream Book

What do dreams mean Nose

This image may mean that you like to "poke your nose" into other people's business.

Mind your own business, “follow your own nose.”

The nose is the most prominent part of your face: it can be a sign of self-confidence.

Are you “turning up your nose”? Pinocchio's nose grew when he told lies: are you always honest with yourself?

Interpretation of dreams from the American Dream Book

Dream about Nose

Interpretation of dreams from Kananita's Dream Book

What does Nose mean in a dream?

Seeing your own nose in a dream means that you will show strength of character and will complete any task you choose. The exception is that your nose is too small, in which case you will face failure in business. Hair growing on the nose signifies extraordinary undertakings that will be made possible by the strength of your character or will. A bleeding nose is a very unkind sign for the dreamer.

Interpretation of dreams from the Modern Dream Book

What does Nose mean in a dream?

Lying down portends oppression from the strongest, infidelity and betrayal on the part of family friends or acquaintances.

Having a larger nose than usual means an increase in wealth, power and the conclusion of friendship with a nobleman.

Having no nose at all means the opposite of what was said above.

To lose your nose means to lead a dissolute life.

Having two noses means discord and fighting.

Interpretation of dreams from the Nameless Dream Book

Meaning of sleep Nose

Large - patronage and wealth; small - you will recognize injustice; red - your health is in danger; broken - ambush, trap; shut up - misfortune; being led by the nose is a thoughtless process; losing your nose is a scam

Interpretation of dreams from Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Interpretation of sleep Nose

If someone sees that his nose has become great, it means achieving an honorable position and wealth, longevity and abundance of children, but seeing one’s nose shrink in a dream means the opposite.

Interpretation of dreams from the Muslim dream book

What does the Nose predict in a dream?

Has wide range values.

If the nose is beautiful, this can emphasize the importance and health of the person seen in the dream.

Sometimes a large nose hints at a penis, at male sexuality.

Interpretation of dreams from the Self-Teacher on Dream Interpretation

What does it mean to see a Nose in a dream?

To see a big nose means wisdom and mercy, i.e.

A well-thought-out deed will be fulfilled in your favor.

Lose your nose -

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychotherapeutic Dream Book

What does the Nose dream predict?

Nose - son and what happens to him / something related to the male organ of love; what happens to the nose may concern the life of feelings and the ability to express them.

Having a big nose means honor, wealth, power, wisdom / health and well-being of sons / a son is born.

To see another’s big nose is a reprimand to receive/feel artistic talent in oneself.

Having a small nose is a detriment to honor; it is unfair to suffer/suffer from the inability to express oneself and be understood by others.

To have a snub nose is to behave naively, to show naivety.

Not having a nose, losing a nose is harm, loss / not being able to exercise your rights // feeling that you don’t have your own self.

To lose your nose, to have it cut off, etc. is a disgrace to honor, a great illness, slander.

Having someone else's nose in a dream means others interfere in your affairs and confuse everything.

It hurts to bump your nose (without blood) - deceived loyalty.

In a dream, having two noses means obstacles.

Wiping your nose is good luck, freedom from troubles.

Blowing your nose is a gift to receive.

Having a pimple on the nose means being surpassed by someone / son’s illness.

Having a hairy nose is lucky.

Interpretation of dreams from the Noble Dream Book

Dream meaning Nose

Your own big nose in a dream predicts wealth, successful completion of a business, and patronage that is important to you.

A too small nose portends failure, injustice towards you.

Swollen - ill-gotten wealth.

Red - sadness and melancholy.

Bleeding from the nose is unlucky.

Grabbing your nose means success in love.

Losing your nose in a dream or simply seeing yourself without a nose is a very bad dream.

It means illness, divorce, death.

Interpretation of dreams from Rommel's Dream Book

Seeing the Nose in a dream

Seeing your nose beautiful means prosperity, and seeing it ugly means trouble.

If blood flows from the nose, it means trouble.

If a wart grows on the nose, it means a promotion.

Seeing a person with a big nose means losses in business and a quarrel with friends.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Feng Shui

Why do you dream about the Nose?

Seeing your own nose in a dream means that you will show strength of character and realize that you can complete any business you choose.

If in a dream your nose seems too small to you, you will face failure in business. Hair growing on the nose signifies extraordinary undertakings made possible by the strength of your character or will.

A bleeding nose seen in a dream is a sign of misfortune for anyone seeing this dream.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Book

Seeing a Nose in a dream

Nose - “Looking into the glass” - to drink (regardless of whose nose, the dream concerns you). Crooked, big, unusual - be careful with alcohol. You can get poisoned or cause trouble. Falls off - to a disease, the cause of which is promiscuity. Someone without a nose faces death. Animal - allergy, possibly to an animal living in your home.

Interpretation of dreams from the Esoteric Dream Book

Seeing a Nose in a dream

If in a dream you saw an unnaturally large nose, this portends that you will achieve favorability in your business through patronage. A small nose with a button means you will be treated unfairly and meanly.

Seeing a red nose on your face is awesome drinking man- a threat to your health. A broken nose means a trap set by enemies. A broken and bleeding nose means failure in business and trouble with your lover.

A cold nose means an accident. Wiping your nose - free yourself from a troublesome task or an obsessive person. A nose with tufts of hair sticking out of the nostrils - commit a rash act that will bring misfortune to your family. To see a man with a ring through his nose or a punk with a pin in his nostrils - you will become a victim of the unbridled anger of your boss.

Seeing a noseless face in a dream threatens serious complications in marital relationships, which can lead to divorce. If in a dream you are led by the nose with endless promises, your trust will be cruelly betrayed.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

What do dreams mean Nose

“to turn up one’s nose” (to put on airs), “to stick one’s nose into someone else’s business” (curiosity). “Keep your nose to the wind” and keep abreast of events.

“taken away from under your very nose” (suddenly, imperceptibly), “nosebleed” (obligation, obligation), “hang your nose” (despondency). “Hack on your nose” is good to remember.

"to lead by the nose" to deceive.

"on the nose" very soon.

“to flare your nostrils” to put on airs, “to sense evil” (foresight, intuition). “Punch on the nose” is a vulnerable blow, defeat. “To wipe someone’s nose” is to surpass that person in something. Try hard to dig the ground with your nose. “Lose your sense of smell”, “frost-red nose”, “blue nose” (like a drunkard’s), “stay with your nose” (i.e. with nothing). “Don’t stick your nose into other people’s affairs, they might tear you off!” See add. sniff.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Idioms

Dream about Nose

If you see in a dream that you have a snub nose, you are behaving naively.

If the nose is completely missing, it’s a loss.

If you have a long nose, you are determined.

Determination? In truth, a “long nose” is a completely different character trait. Listen to this poem:

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book for girls

What does Nose mean in a dream?

Refusal; big - shame, profit, help, for good, wealth, glory, be patient - it will be good; losing a nose means loss, divorce, death; small nose - damage, injustice, calm; mortgaged - deception; wipe - freedom from hassle; to grab the nose - success in love; swollen nose - wealth; broken - quarrel in the family, illness; Having two noses means a fight, a quarrel.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation Veles

Meaning of sleep Nose

The nose is a symbol with which people usually associate various troubles, surprises, and teachings. Dreams with this symbol have very different meanings.

To dream that your nose is very itchy means you are in danger; avoid difficult situations, casual acquaintances and criminals.

To dream that you are talking to a person, standing so close that his nose prevents you from concentrating - this dream warns you against hasty decisions, because soon you will have the opportunity to find out the necessary details about the matter that will help you make a win-win decision.

Interpretation of dreams from Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Some kind of wisdom and mercy.

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Pregnancy: one of the most common dreams. This is a very interesting dream. If in a dream you see yourself pregnant: for a person without income, it promises wealth or financial profit for a rich person, on the contrary, bankruptcy for married man dreaming of pregnancy: may mean a quarrel or separation...

Sleep online - Big

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A large and tall door means wealth and nobility. A large and tall door, gate - portends wealth and nobility. Big river with clean and clear water- is a harbinger of great happiness. A big fish fights, jumps - portends fame, glory. Big tree...

Dream meaning - Nose

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

For the sleeper. Big - patronage and wealth. Small - injustice. Losing means divorce, death. Grabbing your nose means success in love. Swollen - evil wealth.

How to interpret the dream “Handkerchief”

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A love scarf in a dream promises love adventures, as well as unforeseen circumstances that may arise in your life. Losing a handkerchief in a dream is a sign that, through no fault of yours, what you planned will not come true. A torn scarf means violent quarrels...

How to interpret the dream “Nose”

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Large - patronage and wealth; small - injustice, grabbing the nose - success in love, swollen nose - wealth

I had a dream “Nose”

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A big nose is wisdom and mercy; a well-thought-out business will bring income. Losing your nose in a dream means loss or harm. Wiping your nose means freedom from hassle. A small nose is detrimental. Split nose - you can go to extremes or need. ...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about the Nose?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A large nose can dream of wealth and patronage, and a small nose can mean injustice that will be shown to a person. Seeing the nose of any animal in a dream means empty troubles or a minor illness. Seeing your nose in a dream is a good...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Pregnancy, childbirth?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

For a young girl, seeing herself pregnant promises many gentlemen and an unexpected marriage proposal, but this may negatively affect her reputation in the future. For a young girl to see herself in a position - the dream foreshadows successful and strong love. Don't be scared when you see...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Big Someone?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A big fish that a man or a child saw in a dream means that they will achieve what they want, and they will be accompanied by success in all matters. A big fish dreamed by a woman who wants to get pregnant promises her a quick fulfillment of her desire, easy pregnancy

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Pregnancy?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A pregnant woman means future troubles and worries over trifles. A pregnant woman who is having labor pains dreams of anxiety. For a pregnant married woman, seeing herself pregnant in a dream foretells the birth of twins. A pregnancy dreamed by a girl who has not had a close relationship with a man is a sign of...

Surprise - to see in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If something unexpected happens in your dream, it means that you need to behave more carefully. If you saw this dream on the night of Tuesday or Thursday, then you should pay more attention to your family, home, and personal life. If …

I have a dream about a handkerchief

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A visionary handkerchief promises you a love interest, as well as the occurrence of unforeseen circumstances. Lost a scarf - your plan will not come true, but not through your fault. A torn scarf - dreams of violent quarrels with a loved one. A dirty handkerchief is a warning against...

I have a dream about Jewels

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Dream about pleasure and wealth. Seeing them on yourself means promotion and satisfaction of ambition. Seeing others wearing them is a sign of fame. You inherited them - your well-being will increase enormously. If they were given to you -...

Nose - dream interpretation

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

The dream about noses is our premonitions. Looking at your nose in a dream means that you should pay attention to something that has confused you before; hair growing on your nose portends good luck in a cunning plan that you yourself have been hatching for a long time. Hair. ...

Dream - Jewels

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

More precisely about jewelry by their names and the names of the stones that decorate them. Seeing jewelry in a dream means pleasant news from loved ones (or receiving a gift from a loved one). Buying them in a dream means suffering through your own fault. Receive them...