How to choose a nanny: the most important tips. Tell me, nanny: how to choose “Arina Rodionovna” for your baby How to write instructions for a nanny

Children, without a doubt, are the most precious thing a person has, and every mother wants her child from birth to be surrounded by care, love and attention from all sides, so that he receives proper upbringing and developed harmoniously in accordance with his age. But it often happens that a mother has to go to work when the child is still very small and not independent. In such cases, women turn to relatives for help or hire a nanny. Choosing a nanny– an extremely responsible task that needs to be approached wisely. After all, this person will become a second mother for the child, who will spend time with him large number time.

How to look for a nanny for a child

Now there are many ways to find a person who will take care of the child during the absence of the mother. It is necessary to look through more than one candidate before finding an honest, decent woman, for whom working as a nanny is not just an opportunity to earn money, but a dictate of the soul. Today, many agencies offer nannies to suit every taste and requirement, with the possibility of replacement if the nanny is not suitable for some reason. Not many women can afford to find a nanny through an agency, and some representatives of the fair sex decide to independently find a nanny for their child through advertisements. In this case, the woman herself is responsible for choosing a nanny. The advantage of agencies is that they are responsible for the quality of the selected personnel, so they conduct a thorough check. One of the best options is to choose a nanny on the recommendations of relatives, acquaintances, friends who know the person, know about his professional and personal qualities. But even in this case, there is a risk of being disappointed in the choice. After all, someone who pleases one person may not like another, despite brilliant recommendations. Much depends on the requirements and working conditions.

Must be observed rules for choosing a nanny for a child so as not to regret later. The main condition is that the child must see the potential nanny before a contract is concluded with her. The mother will have the opportunity to monitor how the child will react to a stranger and how the nanny will communicate with him. The nanny and the child need to spend at least 1 hour together. During this time you can see whether contact between the child and the nanny. There is no need to be embarrassed to ask a potential nanny questions regarding her experience working with children, previous places of work, and her children. From the answers, you can draw some conclusions and understand a woman’s attitude towards children and working methods. It is also necessary to find out about the health status of the nanny, since stability is extremely important for a working mother, so that the child is constantly under supervision and the woman can work calmly. If the child has any health problems, limitations, or allergies, the nanny should find out about all this before concluding the contract. The mother herself is also interested in this, since she must make sure that her child will receive everything necessary (care, nutrition, treatment, education) during her absence.

What should a nanny be like?

  1. A nanny should always feel confident in her abilities. Children feel the self-doubt, fear, and doubts of an adult. If any unusual situations arise, the nanny's uncertainty can lead to disastrous consequences.
  2. Resistant nervous system, resistance to stress. With a small child, you must always be prepared for surprises, not always pleasant ones. He may cry, throw a tantrum, burp, spit out food, etc. The nanny must be able to keep emotions under control.

A good nanny must be able to resolve various conflict situations between children and parents; she must also be resourceful and patient, balanced, without mental illness, physically healthy, and, most importantly, love children.

Once again a program is shown on television about how a cruel nanny abuses a child while his parents work three jobs to hire such a monster. It makes my hair stand on end that such a situation could arise with own child. What to do? Refuse the services of a nanny? Not necessarily. But you need to learn to understand what kind of person came to work, what his psychological state is. Then it is much easier to determine which nanny has sadistic tendencies, and which, on the contrary, will make every effort to make the child feel comfortable with her.

As always, the purpose of such a television program is one - to intimidate a person and not give him any recommendations. Instill horror and leave you alone with the problem. Parents cannot avoid going to work, but after such a program they feel constant concern for their child, who remains there... at home... with... oh God!... a cruel and evil nanny.

Does the nanny beat the child? Look at the root - responsibility for selecting a nanny lies entirely with the parents!

Of course, one cannot deny the fact that a nanny can indeed be evil and cruel. And she really may not care about the child, but, for example, chat on the phone with friends. But in order to know exactly how a potential nanny will treat a child, it is enough basic knowledge in system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan. Knowing the basics of this science, is it easier to determine whether to hire this person or not? Is it possible to safely leave the child with her?

For a person who knows system-vector psychology, it will not be difficult to recognize in the applicant, for example, a tendency towards sadism.

Labor market situation

Today, unfortunately, many people are forced to go to work not at the behest of their hearts, but for some completely incredible reasons: at the behest of fashion, prestige, or simply because of money.

What can we say about work that is not considered highly intellectual. Who today becomes a nanny or governess for small child? Nanny from kindergarten who is not getting enough salary. Yes, as a rule, they have some pedagogical education, perhaps even a diploma with honors - but does this give us a guarantee that this person will develop correctly, teach well, and raise a child normally? Often women without any education who have their own children also become nannies. To earn a little extra money while their children are at school or college, they offer their services in raising other people’s children.

The situation is such that, as a rule, people who hire nannies and governesses are not poor. And applicants for this position are the opposite. After studying at the institute for 5 years, they work in a school or kindergarten for pennies. And when they find a job in a good family, they naturally value their place of work. Simply put, they are terribly afraid of losing their job.

Find a good nanny It's not that simple in our country. But every effort must be made to ensure that the person assigned to the child is truly responsible.

How should it be?

After birth, a child goes through several stages of personality development. Until the age of three, the child is defenseless and has a deep connection with his mother. And mom also has a similar connection.

After three years, he develops an active social interest - he wants not just to explore the outside world (taste pebbles and poke his fingers into sockets), but to meet other people. He begins to work on communications that he will use for the rest of his life. Therefore, from the age of 3, a child must be sent to kindergarten. Of course, at this time he must continue to communicate with his mother, explore the world with her.

It happens that parents need an assistant to help their child develop in early age. You need to understand that the mother and socialization in kindergarten are the basis for his development, and the nanny is just a person who provides partial assistance in caring for the child. Of course, the best nanny will not only look after the child, but also strive to cultivate some feelings, instill in him rules of behavior, show him life as she sees it, and instill good manners. In the process of close communication between the nanny and the child, this process is simply inevitable, moreover, it is very positive. But that's how side effect. The real upbringing of the child should not be included in the nanny's duties - this should be done by the parents. You should not hope that a stranger, not a mother, will be able to teach a child about life - this is not so. But at the same time, it is necessary to select a nanny with such qualities and properties, with such intellectual and psychological development, that in constant contact with her the child learns life, including.

For a child under 6 years of age, it is important that he is well taken care of so that he survives physically. I didn’t get sick, I didn’t kill myself on the swing, and I ate on time. Remember this when you select a nanny - the main thing is that she ensures the safety of the child.

The most important thing when choosing a nanny is to find a person with developed vectors. Such a person would never harm a child. But some people, even with the most developed vectors, have less ability to work as a nanny than others. For example, a skin-visual woman with very developed vision and developed skin will not be able to take very good care of the baby - she does not have a maternal instinct and such work will not bring her pleasure. The best candidate for the role of nanny in modern world is a woman whose vector set has two vectors - anal and visual. Of course, it can have other vectors. But it is this connection that will allow her to work as a nanny very efficiently and correctly.

A developed anal vector makes a person very responsible; he will do his job very well, regardless of personal relationships or monetary reward. Such people will never be distracted or talk on the phone, even if they know that no one can follow them.

An anal woman does not hesitate to change a diaper, wash her butt, she will definitely make sure that the child goes to the potty “in a big way”, she checks the temperature every minute, and in general strictly (obediently) follows the instructions of her parents, without violations or self-indulgence. The visual vector also plays a significant role - she subtly senses the mood and state of the child.

The anal vector will also serve very well when working with older children, when it is necessary not only to monitor the child, but also to transfer knowledge. By nature they have a very good memory, they know subjects well, especially those studied in children's school, and they really like to pass them on to next generations.

Choosing a nanny for a child is a difficult and responsible matter. This is the person with whom your child is left alone, who communicates with your child, cares for him and raises him. Therefore, it is very important not to make a mistake with your choice. How should you choose the right nanny, what are they, what should you pay attention to when choosing?

Types of nannies

Child psychologists and parents have long divided all nannies into several conventional types. This division helps parents figure out what kind of nanny they need to look after their child. Moreover, a nanny for an infant and for a 5-year-old child differ in many ways from one another. Not every nanny is capable of looking after both a baby and a fidgety five-year-old with equal success. So, about the types:

  • Nanny with medical education (doctor or nurse). Medical education– this is a very valuable quality. Especially when caring for a baby. A medical nanny is well versed in issues such as sterility, childhood diseases and their symptoms, proper care for the baby, feeding. They are particularly careful; if the baby becomes ill, they can provide competent primary care, massage, etc. Practice shows that medical nannies do not refuse to be with the baby not only during the day, but also at night. The main disadvantage of this category of nannies is that they care for the child more than raise him. In the case of a baby, this is quite acceptable, but when he grows up, parents will most likely have to think about finding another nanny;
  • Arina Rodionovna. This is the common name for older women, most often pensioners. Such nannies have many advantages. They raised their own children and most likely have grandchildren. Therefore, they have plenty of experience in dealing with children. Usually they are extremely patient with the baby, they can clean the room and feed the child tasty food. The “Arina Rodionovnas” love to take long walks with their children, taking them to zoos, museums and other places that are beneficial for the child. They willingly read books to their children and patiently answer children’s endless “whys.” Old nannies usually have plenty of free time, and therefore they can work all day and even overtime. Their main drawback is raising and treating a child “the old fashioned way,” as well as the desire to educate not only the child, but also his parents. Another disadvantage is that it is usually difficult for a “nanny-grandmother” to help a child with homework;
  • Female students. They are also commonly called “nannies for an hour.” They are young and therefore do not have the proper experience of caring for children. They usually have little free time, as they devote most of the day to studying. Therefore, student nannies work on a case-by-case basis, regarding caring for someone else’s baby as a casual part-time job. Hence the corresponding attitude to work. Typically, such nannies are hired when there are no other options;
  • Professional nanny. This is usually a middle-aged woman who has worked as a nanny for many years. This is her main profession. She has considerable experience, she has worked with many children, and can provide recommendations from the families where she previously worked. She knows how to find contacts with almost any child, as well as with his parents. A professional nanny can equally successfully communicate with children of any age - from infants to primary school students. She knows how to swaddle a baby, how to feed him or help him when he is sick. A professional nanny can accompany a child when he and his parents travel long distances, for example, on vacation or abroad. You can safely leave your child with her for a long time. A professional nanny is the best parental choice.

When choosing a nanny, you should consider how long she is needed. If for a few hours a day or 1-2 times a week, then a professional nanny is unlikely to agree to this. In this case, it is better to look for an old woman or a student.

Working hours

Nannies can work different schedules. In this sense they are divided:

  • For full-time nannies. Such nannies work from morning to evening. That is, until the child’s parents come home from work. Throughout the day, the nanny is with the child, feeds him, walks with him, puts him to bed, and teaches him;
  • For evening nannies. As the definition suggests, they work in the evenings. Evening nannies meet the child from school or pick him up from kindergarten, prepare dinner for the baby, feed him, and put him to bed. Their working hours end when their parents come home;
  • For live-in nannies. They usually live for the entire week with the family that hired them to care for the baby. In accordance with the agreement, the live-in nanny is given one or two days off. It happens that she is allocated separate room. In other cases, she spends the night in the same room with the baby. In addition to caring for the child, a live-in nanny can also perform other duties: helping with housework, preparing food for the baby and his parents;
  • For daily nannies. Daily nannies are usually needed in cases where a child needs supervision around the clock. Usually these are infants or sick children. For the most part, daily nannies work in shifts - every other day.

A separate category is accompanying nannies. They are usually hired when a mother and her baby (or several children) have to travel long distances. The responsibilities of the accompanying nanny include caring for the children during the trip, as well as looking after the kids in the new place until they return.

Nanny responsibilities

Before you start looking for a nanny, you need to decide what her responsibilities will be. It is clear that not all child care tasks can be assigned to the nanny. There are some things she doesn’t know how to do, and some things she doesn’t want to do for one reason or another. And in something else, no nanny, even the most qualified one, can replace a mother: for example, in breastfeeding a baby. Therefore, first of all, you need to determine a list of the most important responsibilities, and solve all other nuances as they arise.

So, the nanny should:

  • Provide full care for the baby;
  • Ensure his safety;
  • Bath the baby and fulfill other hygiene requirements;
  • Maintain a daily routine: put the child to bed on time, walk with him;
  • Prepare food for the baby and feed him;
  • Maintain sanitary order in the children's room;
  • Accompany him while visiting clubs and sports sections;
  • Visit exhibitions, museums, attractions with him;
  • Know the characteristics of a child’s age-related development and apply their knowledge in practice;
  • Help the child (if he is a preschooler) prepare for school;
  • Help a schoolchild in completing homework.

Additional Requirements

Many parents try to find a nanny for their child exclusively with a pedagogical education. Indeed, there are many advantages in a nanny-teacher. She knows the methods of child development, can understand music, be able to draw, know foreign languages, etc. She will teach the baby all this, as a result of which he will grow up to be a comprehensively developed personality. In addition, the nanny-teacher will be able to prepare the child for school, and then help him with his homework.

All these are advantages associated with a nanny with a pedagogical education. However, there are also disadvantages. Currently, some teachers (as well as psychologists) are trained in Western models of raising children, which in many ways do not coincide with our ideas and worldview. For example, many teachers now believe that a child cannot be limited in anything, he must be allowed everything, otherwise he will grow up to be a complex and inferior person. Therefore, before hiring a teacher educator, you should carefully understand his worldview and methods of education.

A nanny who does not have a pedagogical education. There are many more such nannies than those with a teaching diploma. They could be young girls, or they could be older women. They usually do not have any parenting methods of their own, and therefore it is much easier for them to explain the parent’s point of view on raising a child. The only significant disadvantage is that it will most likely be more difficult for a nanny without pedagogical education to prepare a child for school.

A woman who has children of her own. The main advantages of such nannies are their worldly experience and ability to communicate with children. They will look after the child properly, feed him correctly and on time, answer all his questions, etc. At the same time, some nannies in this category may not listen to the wishes of the baby’s parents, explaining this by the fact that, due to their experience, they are better they know how to raise a child.

However, all of the above nuances are completely solvable. Much more important is what kind of person the nanny is. If she has a bad character, bad habits, limited horizons and inappropriate vocabulary, then it is better to refuse her services. The reasons for the refusal are quite understandable: by communicating with a dubious nanny, your child, wittingly or unwittingly, will gain from her those human qualities that she possesses.

How to look for a nanny

  1. The first and most common method is advertisements in newspapers or the Internet. There is, in fact, only one plus here: this search method does not require large expenses, but there are plenty of minuses. Among those who submitted an advertisement there may be former nannies expelled from their previous places for serious misconduct, as well as nannies with no experience. Another category is the so-called “lovers of other people’s husbands” or thieves who are looking for ways to infiltrate someone else’s house in order to then rob it. Therefore, it is wiser to hold the first meeting with such applicants not at home, but somewhere on neutral territory.
  2. The second method is to search through recruitment agencies. There are many more advantages here: agencies can offer you an impressive list of candidates for every taste, along with characteristics, recommendations, and medical certificates. But at the same time, there are also a lot of disadvantages: you have to pay for the agency’s services, many candidates are nannies only in their own words, some may have false documents. In addition, you should not indiscriminately trust the recruitment agencies themselves. There have been cases where some agencies deliberately deceived clients, trying to connect them not with professionals in their field, but with random people.
  3. Most the right way searching for a nanny - recommendations from your acquaintances, colleagues, friends, relatives. Usually, none of them will recommend a bad candidate. You will know almost everything about such a nanny: her habits, abilities, marital status, place of residence, work experience. There is only one significant disadvantage here: if for some reason you refuse her, then you risk ruining your relationship with those who recommended her.

How to properly meet a nanny

When getting to know a nanny, you should carefully look at all the little things. This is understandable: you will entrust her with the most precious thing you have - your child. First of all, you need to pay attention to appearance candidates for nanny for your baby. If she looks untidy, this is a good reason to refuse her.

After a visual introduction, it is recommended to ask the candidate a few general questions. These can be questions on a variety of topics: can she cook, what dishes does she like best, does she like to go for walks, can she take her child to a section or clinic, what were her responsibilities in her previous place, how did she get along with the child there? and his parents, etc. Don’t be embarrassed to ask her for a passport and medical certificates. You should also carefully read the letters of recommendation and call the telephone numbers indicated in them.

If the meeting is taking place at your home, it is wise to invite other members of your family, as well as your child. Conclusions about what a candidate is like must be drawn from her very first step in your home. Did she come on time, did she greet you and the child, how sincere was she in the conversation, etc. When she leaves, you need to develop a generalized opinion and jointly decide whether this candidate is suitable as a nanny for your baby.

After general issues You need to get to know the future nanny better by asking her more specific questions.

1) Questions about previous work:

  • What responsibilities did you perform in your previous position?
  • Why didn't you start working there?
  • How easily do you adapt to your new family?
  • How long does it take for children to get used to you?
  • What's one thing you don't like to do as a nanny?

2) Personal questions:

  • How old are you?
  • Do you have any education?
  • What is your marital status?
  • Do you have children and what are their ages?
  • If the children are minors, who will stay with them while you are at work?
  • Do you have any hobbies, and what exactly?
  • Are you a believer, and what religion do you profess?
  • How do you spend your free time, and what is your social circle?

3) Health questions:

  • Do you have chronic diseases?
  • Can you lift a child in your arms?
  • Do you have any bad habits?
  • How long have you had fluorography?
  • Do you agree to undergo additional medical examination?

4) Discussion of future responsibilities:

  • Can you stay late if necessary?
  • Are you willing to work on weekends?
  • Do you agree to accompany your child if he travels with his parents to a dacha, to another city, to another country?

5) Discussion of payment terms:

  • What salary are you expecting?
  • How do you want to be paid - every day, once a week, monthly?
  • How do you feel about fines for absenteeism or lateness?

6) Discussion of behavior in emergency situations:

  • What do you intend to do if a child chokes, loses consciousness, cries and is capricious, behaves inappropriately, gets sick (the list of situations goes on)?

7) Questions with background:

  • What games can you play with a child at a given age?
  • For what reasons can children cry?
  • What do you do if your child makes you angry?
  • What is most important to you when caring for and communicating with your baby?

And, of course, one should not discount one’s own maternal intuition. It is she who should be the decisive condition for whether to accept a particular candidate as a nanny or refuse her.

How to introduce a nanny to a child

So, the future nanny made a positive impression on you. However, this is not a reason to immediately hire her. You need to make sure how your child reacts to the candidate. This should be the last argument in your decision about whether your child needs or does not need such a nanny.

Watch your child's reaction carefully. If he has a sociable character, then how long will it take for him to try to get to know the nanny better? If, on the contrary, the baby is uncommunicative, then how will the nanny behave in this case in order to win him over? If at first the child is afraid of the nanny, but thanks to her efforts, he then begins to show interest in her, then this is an absolute plus for the nanny.

There is no need to leave your baby with a nanny for a long time at the very beginning. It would be wiser if the child gets used to it gradually. At the same time, you need to try to explain to the baby that the nanny is a very good aunt who will teach him to play, draw, will go for walks with him, ride on the carousel, etc. Having believed in your explanations, the child will be able to get used to her faster. And the last condition: when hiring a nanny, you must conclude an official employment contract with her.

How to control a nanny's work

There should be no objections to the fact that the nanny’s work needs to be supervised. The question is how to do it right. Firstly, with inept control it is difficult to achieve any specific results. Secondly, in this way you can offend the nanny.

The main method of control is careful observation of the child. If he sleeps restlessly at night, is not happy with the nanny or is afraid of her, then this is already a reason to think about it and strengthen his observations. If the baby, as soon as he sees you, begins to cry and tries to run away from the nanny, then this is another reason for parental thoughtfulness. Additional reasons may also be that your baby has not learned anything new for a long time, he has strange bruises and scratches, the nanny behaves ingratiatingly in front of you, etc. If such signs regularly appear, it is better to part with the nanny.

Your unexpected arrival home can give good results. Or - the same unexpected appearance in the house of your friends and relatives. It is also good to talk to your neighbors from time to time, who can see exactly how the nanny communicates with your child. Some parents even hire private detectives for such purposes.

There is another practice-tested way to determine how good or, conversely, how bad your baby’s nanny is. A good nanny is one whose baby returns from a walk dirty, but at home he is always clean and washed. Everything is simple here. When a child is out and about, he usually always gets dirty. And a child can take a full walk only when he feels comfortable with the nanny.

IN lately They are increasingly monitoring the work of nannies using video cameras. This is perhaps the most efficient look control. It is often reported in the press and on TV that it was thanks to video cameras that it was possible to expose fanatics disguised as nannies. It is better if video cameras are installed in several places. It is clear that the nanny herself should not know anything about video surveillance.

Don't be jealous of your baby

The baby gets used to a good nanny quickly. It happens that he starts calling her “mom.” This often leads to real mothers becoming jealous of the child’s nanny. And for this reason she is fired. Thus, such mothers make a big mistake.

In this case, the feelings and psychology of the child are not taken into account. Being attached to someone is very important to him. And when the nanny to whom the baby has become attached disappears from his life, and a new one appears in its place, this can cause serious stress for the baby. There is no need to be jealous of the child and be afraid that the nanny can really replace the real mother. If the nanny is a professional, and also a wonderful person, then she will always find a way to explain to your baby that the real mother is you, and no one else.

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How to find a good nanny for a child? 7 secrets from Nastya Zhuk

For a child it is a very difficult and responsible activity that requires special attention from parents. Having gone through this difficult path and found the right person for my child, I would like to talk about how to choose the right nanny.

Features of choosing a nanny

Each of us loves our child and wants to choose for him best option. Unable to constantly sit with my little son, I had to seek additional help. The main rules that I took into account were the following:

  • Middle age, having your own adult children and experience working with young children. Having experience in such a sensitive matter was simply a must.
  • Ability to find common language with people and, first of all, with children.
  • Love for pets.
  • Calm character. Aggression, short temper and small children simply cannot be compatible.
  • Well-read, ability to answer questions correctly and accurately.
  • Availability of pedagogical education.
  • Knowledge English language at least at the initial level.

The last points were not the most important for me in the task of choosing a nanny for a three-year-old child, but I wanted the girl to be literate and able to help the child get used to a foreign language from an early age.

These are the main requirements that I adhered to when choosing a second mother for my child. Unfortunately, not all of the above qualities can be tested during an interview. This is especially true for the emotional mood, which manifests itself directly upon contact with the child.

After several interviews and an unsuccessful first experience, my requirements for an employee expanded and included several more very important points:

  • The presence of such a social status, which eliminates the possibility of envy and theft.
  • Maintaining healthy image life, absence bad habits, especially smoking.
  • The ability not only to care for a child, but also to contribute to its development.
  • Ability to cook and operate modern household appliances.

All these qualities must be taken into account when selecting a candidate.

After the nanny has been chosen, do not rush to immediately load her with all the responsibilities and do not repeat my mistakes. Due to lack of time, I was not able to fully introduce the hired person to the situation and check her relationship with the baby, so I still could not avoid some disappointments.

First, leave the nanny alone with the child for a few hours and see how he accepts the new person. Children feel bad people much better than adults, so let your child participate too. Even a baby will be able to express his reaction, not to mention a three-year-old or older.

Remember the main thing, a lot of advice received on how to choose a nanny, her education and other merits will not mean anything if your child is not comfortable and uninteresting with her.

For young mothers who have just begun to think about how to choose a nanny for their child, I would like to give some important advice:

  1. You should not completely trust a person, even if it is your friend. People behave differently with children and with adults.
  2. Ask one of your relatives to randomly come to visit you while the nanny is in charge, or return unexpectedly from work early several times. This will catch the employee off guard and help highlight her shortcomings.
  3. Don’t be afraid to use surveillance equipment (video cameras) if you suspect bad attitude to your child.
  4. Make a list of all the work that the nanny must do, including writing a daily schedule, and provide it for review.

The question of how to choose a nanny for a child is a very complex one, and each parent approaches it differently. Do not hesitate to present your requirements to the person and monitor the fulfillment of the assigned obligations.

Before looking for a nanny for your child, decide who you actually need. The most affordable nannies are those without special education, who simply care for and look after the baby. A nanny-teacher who knows developmental techniques and is able to teach your child foreign languages, dance, and music will cost significantly more. An even higher paid category of household staff is the governess. The functionality of such a specialist, among other things, includes the duties of instilling good manners in the ward, teaching etiquette, broadening his horizons and developing his intellect.

Russian women, especially those with Moscow registration, are valued higher on the market than visitors. There are many vacancies for them, and they are willing to pay them more. This, by the way, often becomes the reason for the unreasonable whims of capital applicants. Potential employers prefer to deal with a local nanny not only for safety reasons: it is easier to check her background and professional reputation. Such a seemingly insignificant detail as the specific reprimand of visitors is also important. Few people want to pay for a speech therapist later to correct their child’s sound pronunciation.

How to find a nanny

This problem can be solved in three ways - find it through friends, through an agency, or on your own.

Nanny for acquaintance

The simplest, cheapest and relatively safe option is to contact the person you need through the recommendations of friends and acquaintances. But, alas, not the best. “Each employer has many different requirements, and what is welcome in one family is categorically unacceptable in another,” says Olga Dmitrieva, author of the bestseller “Caution, there’s a nanny in the house!”— In my experience, even personal acquaintance with past employers will not protect you from employee negligence, incompetence, or even theft. In addition, when choosing a nanny through friends, you will spend a lot of time searching not only for those who meet your requirements, but at least for available candidates. And the right one can be waited until the child reaches adulthood. By hiring an employee based on the recommendation of friends, you will be forced to make compromises, creating inconvenience and problems for yourself.”

Search through a recruitment agency

This is the most common and convenient way. The agency will be able to choose both expensive and budget options for you. For services you will have to pay a commission from 50 to 100% of the employee’s salary. What are the advantages and disadvantages of hiring a nanny through an intermediary?


* The potential candidate is being screened. Reputable agencies have their own channels through which information about unscrupulous employees is quickly disseminated.

* Agencies have regular clients - job seekers. Having raised one ward, many nannies often come to find work again. Of course, such employees enjoy great confidence. It is beneficial for the agency to select the most suitable candidate for you. The contract is for a year with an unlimited number of replacements. If the manager does not please you the first time, he will have to do all the work again and offer a new applicant.

* Domestic staff hired through an agency are rarely involved in bad stories. Firstly, many of them are really interested in permanent job and therefore they care about their own reputation. Secondly, a person with criminal intentions (for example, to rob his employers) is unlikely to “expose” his data to a recruitment agency.


* There is a chance that during an interview at an agency, you will form the wrong impression about a potential candidate. Before meeting with a potential employer, applicants receive professional recommendations: how to behave, what questions to ask, how to dress. So, even if you were pleased with the first meeting, there is no guarantee that you will not be unpleasantly surprised later.

* The agency cannot be trusted 100%. Therefore, you too will have to check the candidate for a “dark past”. Take the time to ask the potential nanny a few questions yourself. They should not be general. For example, it makes no sense to ask what developmental methods you know; it’s better to find out how one method differs from another. Be sure to ask the nanny for recommendations. It is up to the agencies to check them, but it is better to be on the safe side. After studying the recommendations of the candidate you like, don’t be too lazy to just scour the Internet - you can find a lot of interesting things there. “Check for debt on the website of the bailiff service, this is open information,” says Olga Dmitrieva. — Pay attention if the potential nanny is actively selling used branded items online. If you discover that the nanny is the director of a couple of dozen LLCs, this is also worth discussing.”

Independent search on special sites

You can independently post a vacancy on specialized websites for the selection of domestic staff, and also view the profiles of potential candidates. This path is quite troublesome, but in the end it turns out to be the most optimal. And here's why.

* You pay practically nothing, unlike an agency, for whose services you will have to pay a tidy sum equal to the employee’s monthly salary.

* You see applicants’ resumes in the original, and not edited by the manager of a recruitment agency, who often approach this issue too creatively. You can personally call a potential employee, ask questions you are interested in and find out how well he or she suits your requirements.

* It is possible to enter into correspondence with a potential nanny. This means that she will have to pass a test of literacy, politeness, seriousness of intentions, punctuality, ability to use modern gadgets and much more. You will understand what kind of person you are dealing with and whether it is worth spending time on an interview.

How to conduct an interview

When setting up a personal meeting with a potential nanny, it is important to be able to ask the right questions. Many people make mistakes at the very beginning of communication, after which difficulties arise in cooperation. We receive most of the information about a person non-verbally. However, during a conversation you are unlikely to be able to pick up such signals. Be attentive to your feelings, intuition is the best assistant in this case. During the interview, ask not only formal and personal questions, but provocative and situational ones.” For example, like this.

— How will your day be organized with your child?

— What is the most important thing for you when working with a child?

— What games will you play? Ask for some specific examples.

— What do children like about you?

- What will you do if: a child falls, chokes, gets hurt, etc.?

It is important to monitor the nanny's emotional reaction. Ask and be sure to check references. To make sure they are true, ask previous employers specific questions, such as your child's favorite game.

How to hire a nanny

Discipline with your domestic worker is influenced by your own hidden expectations. For example, it is normal for you that the nanny should read fairy tales to the baby. Actually this is not true. All your expectations should be discussed in detail. The contract should include a detailed list of what you expect from the employee. This way you will regulate the relationship, and the nanny will be sure that the boundaries of her responsibility are outlined.

How to write instructions for a nanny

It's not always easy to put your expectations in writing. You can take this example of instructions as a basis.

- Arrive at work no later than the appointed time. Report any circumstances that prevent you from going to work in advance.

— Report illness and ailments before the start of the working day to coordinate actions in this case.

- Walk with your child only in designated places and walk only along agreed routes.

— Immediately inform about all emergency situations that occur with the child, and also immediately take measures to provide first aid.

— Carry out developmental activities with the child every day, as well as exercises to develop memory, thinking, imagination, and fine motor skills.

— To teach the child to cleanliness, order, neatness, and good manners.

- Do not turn on the TV during the working day, except for pre-agreed programs at the agreed time.

However, you should not limit yourself to just a written document. It is advisable to spend several days with the nanny. So the baby will get used to her, and she will learn to do everything the way you want and like it. An indicator that the employee is right for you is the child’s attitude towards her. He happily meets the nanny and willingly stays with her. But at the same time, calmly parting with the nanny when she leaves - this means your assistant is aware of her place and does not claim special significance in the eyes of your child.