Competitions for a 1 year old boy. How to unforgettably celebrate your child's first year? Ready-made paper decorations

This question is quite sensitive and worries many mothers, because not everything is so simple here: children of this age do not yet know how to play with each other and get tired quickly. And celebrating a child’s birthday only with adults is somehow unfair to the child. Or does he not care? Maybe after all, the attention of mom and dad for the child - best gift?
By summarizing the practical experience of celebrating this important event, we have highlighted the most important points that are worth paying attention to.

Decorate the room colorfully, prepare the attributes of the “mood” of the holiday. You can use balloons, garlands, lanterns, caps for the birthday boy and guests, and pipes.
. Prepare an information poster containing the story of the baby growing up over the course of a year. For example, draw a chamomile or a sun with 12 rays (petals) - on each petal there is a photo of the corresponding month, from the 1st to the 12th. You can add the main achievements of the month (first smile, first tooth, etc.). In the center is a nice photo of the hero of the occasion.
Another option is a train, where on each trailer there is a photograph that corresponds to one of the months of the child’s life (from 1 to 12).
. If you decide to invite guests, let them be the closest people, a familiar but transformed environment, gifts, games, walks, impressions - brightly, but without excessiveness, with sensitivity to the baby’s condition. Try to “fit” the birthday celebration into the child’s usual routine, without changing the established time for sleeping and feeding the baby.
. Kids love soap bubbles very much! - this can be one of the entertainments for the birthday boy and his young guests.
. If you have a large box at home, you can arrange a surprise for the kids: Inflate the balloons with helium, tie the candies to the strings of the balloons and put them in the box. And when you open the box, balloon candies will fly out!
. If you decide to invite animators, then it should be some kind, recognizable image - Mouse, Bunny, Bee, Butterfly.
. It is advisable that the invited children be approximately the same age as the birthday boy.
. Remember! Everything dangerous must be removed from the children’s sight and not left unattended.
. The traditional end of the holiday is a cake! While taking out the cake, you can turn off the lights and play a children's song quietly. It will be safer if mom and dad blow out the candle. A cake recipe that you can offer to your baby as a treat: ready-made baby cookies and baby yogurt or cottage cheese, you can add a banana - put in layers, decorate on top as desired.
. To make the holiday memorable for a long time, you can make a disk from the archive home video from the time he was born until he was a year old.
oshsha: “I made such a film myself in Movie Maker. It’s in the “standard applications” on any computer, I chose the song and the photos that were my favorite - the guests really liked it.”
. So that the guests also have a memory of such an important event, you can give refrigerator magnets with a photo of the traitor, prepare certificates for loved ones.
. At the end of the holiday, you can see off your guests, go outside with them and launch balloons or sky lanterns into the sky. (The balloons can be trusted to be launched by the birthday boy and his young friends).

Examples of celebrating a baby's first year (authors: Sibmama)

“We celebrated separately with the kids, separately with relatives. We bought a lot of balloons, funny caps for their heads, and placed berries, fruits, and cookies in large plastic plates right on the floor. They ran, and some also crawled, around, played and fed each other.”

“There were no guests. But I really liked this calm home unifying BD. Gifts, cake, blowing out candles - everything is as it should be. My husband and I drank wine, took pictures with Artemka, and then spent a long time sorting out gifts and playing together. It was so nice... No fuss, fatigue, nerves"

“The plan is this: we go to the zoo (for a short time), then to the store for a gift, then to some children’s cafe”

“We celebrated our one-year anniversary with the same kids (from the forum, by the way). I ordered the decoration of the apartment with balloons, delicious cakes, they scattered a bunch of toys, in general, they created all the conditions for our little guests.”

“We had a purely children's holiday. We celebrated at the development school (we bought it for the day off). The leading girls wrote a script, although they didn’t really manage to stick to it. From what we got, we liked the round dances (although we rehearsed at home with the baby for a week), the presenters showed us the play-fairy tale Kolobok, the kids liked the trained dogs, and we also rented a soap bubble machine. And at the end, Japanese papyrus lanterns were launched on the street with wishes to the birthday boy. There were 5 children, including the birthday boy. The table was set for adults in the next room.”

“I have a year old child. We celebrated our one-year anniversary at our dacha. The adults enjoyed barbecue, but the children were happy to play in the sandbox, splash in the pool, lie on the grass. A photo session was arranged. A cake with a candle is a must"

“The apartment was decorated with balloons, my friend and I spent a whole week making 2 wall newspapers, which we then hung on the wall. On one of them they pasted photographs of Aliska from birth to one year, handprints and foot prints and left a place for wishes from guests! and the second newspaper was made in the shape of a tree, on which photographs of all my daughter’s relatives and friends were pasted!! It was fun! We prepared a bunch of food, which we then wrapped for the guests to take with them. Naturally, the candle was blown out, where would we be without it! It was fun!”

“We made “bright spots” at the dacha, let the children into the clearing and played with them all day: swinging on a swing, swimming in the pool, etc. Everyone really enjoyed releasing helium balloons into the air at the end of the holiday. Everyone got two or three pieces and the children let them go one at a time. It turned out to be a very interesting attraction. There were also daytime fireworks (with confetti) and a wall newspaper about the birthday girl and a group card: all the children left their handprints on the poster using finger paints.”

I love money
“I'll start from the beginning. Until 2 am, I drew posters with congratulations for my son, made a train with photographs from birth to one year, cut out letters for the inscription “Sasha is 1 year old” and, of course, decorated the house with balloons, bought more helium balloons. When my child woke up in the morning, he immediately understood - today is a special day! He spent a very long time studying what kind of posters were hanging on the walls, and he pointed his fingers at the train trailers on which his photos were pasted and said something. Then my dad and I started giving toys. I read on the Internet that you need a toy per hour, you don’t need to give everything at once. That's what we did. After dinner, guests came to us, before their arrival Sasha dressed in a gentleman’s suit: white shirt, bow tie, black shorts. In total there were 11 people with the birthday boy. I have prepared a festive program. That’s how our son’s first birthday passed!”

“We celebrated at home - 17 people came to a 1-room apartment. We organized a gorgeous buffet and a bunch of competitions for our daughter and guests. Everyone was especially fascinated by the long balls, of which all the guests left us dogs as a gift. horses and other animals, my husband and I baked some kind of super cake all night, everyone really liked it, but we were so creative that we completely forgot the recipe!!! My daughter was delighted with the holiday!”

“We made a train with 12 carriages, it would be faster and brighter if we cut it out of colored paper (we made slits for the photos and it looked like a frame). A flower made of colored paper was pasted onto a wall newspaper, everyone wrote wishes on the petals, and on one part they wrote successes and achievements.”

“On the first birthday, we decorated the apartment with garland and balloons (regular, not helium). Only relatives and friends come to us. There are no children of this age yet, so we always celebrate at home. I made the invitations myself. There were various competitions: I pasted a photo of the baby and a photo of mom and dad at the same age, and the guests voted whose ears, nose, mouth, etc. - i.e. Who does she look like? Then the traditional competition of eating baby puree from jars without labels and finding out the composition (when they ate fish puree, they spat and wondered how they could feed a child with this). As a gift, the guests received a newspaper about the first year of Milana’s life (A4 format) and a calendar for the next year with a photo of the baby.”

“We celebrated our one year anniversary in children's center Kids in Mega (opposite the Ikea exit). We filmed it for an hour, invited little friends (from 9 months to 1.5 years), our good fairy Zina Jost for a professional holiday photo shoot, and ball players. The children played, there were several interesting competitions for adults with children and for children separately (there are interesting competitions and for such kids), everyone wrote a wish for 16 years (sealed in an envelope, we’re waiting, sir), they congratulated and gave gifts in turn. We prepared invitations with the program in advance - there is a time for congratulations for everyone. So that the gifts are not a bunch. Treats included tea and cake (they made a special one so that the kids could eat), juice, and sweets. But they didn’t sit down at the table - they had a snack, when the candle was blown out - there were a lot of toys - the children wanted to play. And then they went outside and released balloons into the sky, making a wish. Maybe the children don’t care, because they are small and don’t remember, but I’m sure that this day was special for my daughter - she felt it for sure. It was real CHILDREN'S holiday(and not food and drink for adults), besides, we and all the guests were left with magnificent photos as a souvenir. And only then in the evening my husband, my grandparents and I gathered at the table at home for a couple of hours.”

“I prepared a program so that it wouldn’t be boring (Bunny came with toys, a slide, rocking chairs, tunnels, soap bubbles(from small to huge)). I ordered a Car cake (everyone was shocked by the cake), they invited more children home, 1 year old and 2 year old, there were 5 people in total (I didn’t want to see strangers), I ordered helium balloons (with long ribbons with “tails” of 2 meters each) with delivery to house"

Something to remember!

The more children you have, the more tired and overexcited your baby will be.
. You shouldn’t disrupt your child’s routine
. Be careful with balloons, children at that age get very scared when they burst
. Life-size dolls are not recommended for one year

What to give and how to entertain your baby

“We were given an inflatable pool with light multi-colored plastic balls inside (like on amusement rides) and all the children were very happy to play with them, both the smallest and the biggest had fun.”

“We were given a big, simply huge bear for a year, and my niece was given a huge Mickey Mouse. We don’t part with these toys and study anatomy with them, and in general she climbs on it, loves to lie on it, and in general it’s a good thing. We feed him and put him to bed."

“We were given two large soft toys for birth - a cat and a bear. They are still a success today. What Tyomych doesn’t do with him - he carries him, and wrestles, and tumbles, and feeds and drinks, and dresses him. If you don't have a big one soft toy- the coolest gift. There is also a large set of large plastic cubes (i.e. there are not only cubes, but all sorts of bricks, cones, cylinders...). A whole box had to be dedicated to them, but he played and plays with them very willingly. The main thing is that you can build tall castles, garages for cars, apartments for toys, and then it won’t hurt to drop them on yourself.”

“They gave us a big car that we could drive, that was such happiness! His feet didn’t even reach the floor, and we rolled him around the house by the rope in this machine.”

“A gift for my daughter for the future - jewelry”

“I bought a large foil balloon for a fellow one-year-old with the inscription “Happy Birthday!” - we love balloons very much, but this one had not deflated for a long time, and when it deflated, it rustled so wonderfully (Danya crumpled the half-deflated balloon with delight!). Among the gifts that have already been appreciated is a musical toy with scales and melodies (Dan’s godfather is raising a person who knows notes) - he learned how to switch melodies himself - he can enjoy it for hours.”

I love money
“I’ll tell you briefly about the competitions:
1. Congratulations to the birthday boy - there were not enough adjectives in the congratulations, the guests called them to me, and I wrote them down, then read them out, it turned out very funny!
2. All the guests wrote wishes on A3 sheet of paper about how they would like to see their son grow up. I sealed this sheet in an envelope, which we will open when my son turns 18.
3. Music competition, Sashunya also took part in it. Three people are given a musical instrument (tambourine, metallophone, rattle), and they need to use it to perform a children's melody. We laughed until we cried...
4. We found out what fate Alexander himself chooses for himself. Objects are laid out on the table if you choose:
- book (knowledge, mind),
- coin (prosperity),
- garlic (health),
- keys (welfare),
- ring - great love;
- threads - long life;
- ball - great achievements in sports;
Sashunya chose a book. He loves to read. I've been teaching him to read since he was 2 months old.
5. Quiz “Who knows the birthday boy best?” Questions:
- What weight were you born with?
- How tall?
- What was the weather like when Sasha was born?
- What color are his eyes?
- Favorite food?
- What time did your first tooth come out?
- When did he crawl?
- When did you go?
- What was the first word you said?
6. We found out who the son looks like. I prepared the voting protocol.
Questions: whose nose? whose mouth? whose ears? and so on. Answers: mom's or dad's. In the end, the votes were counted. It turned out he looked like dad, although I thought he looked like me.
7. Sang children's songs. And the most important song “Loaf-loaf”. To the sound of it, my dad and I brought in Sasha’s cake with the “1” candle, and all the guests had sparklers burning in their hands. True, they blew out the candle themselves, since Sasha was eager to eat the cake, and he was not interested in the candle.
8. I ordered Sasha’s photo to be framed in beautiful frames, which
then we solemnly presented it to those present with the following words:
- Baba Larisa for her love, kindness and endless care!
- grandfather Kolya for his active participation in raising the child.
- Aunt Katya, Aunt Sveta and brother Vadik for their patience and warmth, for passing the sessions and weekends for mom and dad.
- Aunt Nastya and Aunt Natasha for partying and education, etc.
9. And at the end of the holiday: launching balloons into the air! Everyone went outside and Sasha let go into the air balloons

Just recently you and your baby arrived from the maternity hospital, and his first birthday is already around the corner. Young parents treat this date very carefully, because this is the first big holiday in the life of their baby. How to celebrate your child’s one year anniversary so that the day is fun, easy and joyful, leaving behind vivid impressions? To do this, it is better to prepare in advance, thinking through all the details of the upcoming celebration.

We invite guests

First of all, decide who to call. It is better if these are close relatives and friends whom the little one knows well. You may want to invite several of the baby's peers and their mothers.

Please note that large number guests, especially those of a tender age, can overexcite the birthday boy and lead to unnecessary whims. It would be better to choose one option: either relatives or the little ones - playmates. Try not to have too many peers: 2-3 are enough. At this age, children do not yet know how to play together, so more small guests can ruin the holiday.

Choose a place and time

The best option would be to celebrate at home, in an atmosphere familiar to the child. This will allow you not to deviate from your usual routine. If funds allow, you can spend your birthday in a children's cafe, come up with original script, invite the presenter. But most likely, the baby will quickly get tired, and he will no longer have time for fun.

A good option, if the weather permits, is to celebrate outdoors. In this case, you can combine a holiday with a walk, and also come up with a lot of fun active entertainment for children and adults.

When thinking about how to celebrate a birthday, take into account the temperament, characteristics and preferences of your child. When inviting guests, focus on the baby’s daily routine. If he naps twice a day, choose a time between 12:00 and 16:00. If you switched to one daytime nap, then it is also better to schedule the holiday after a quiet hour. At this time, the child will be full of strength and energy and will be able to take an active part in the fun.

Preparing a treat

For your first birthday, you can set a buffet table with light snacks. In this case, you will not need to run after the children every time you leave the table. Even if you are setting a regular table, prepare light salads, cheese, tartlets, meat rolls, and cut up fruit. Sandwiches can be decorated in the form of animal figures. It is better not the abundance, but the variety of dishes.

Set a separate table for children. You can put sliced ​​fruits, curds, cookies, cakes, juices with straws. To avoid worrying about broken plates, buy holiday-themed disposable tableware.

If the baby is alone, you can prepare a mini-cake for him. Take baby cookies and place them in several layers, greasing each one with the same curd. Insert a beautiful candle into the cake.

Let the little one, with the help of his mother, blow out his first birthday candle, and after him you can invite other little guests to do the same. For adults, you can order a beautiful birthday cake decorated in children's style. And mom can make a cake for the kids. To do this, you need to take a simple recipe for sponge dough, bake a couple of cakes, grease them with baby curd cream, and decorate them with berries or fruits on top.

We decorate the room

To create festive mood, decorate the apartment with balloons, colorful garlands, flags, streamers. You can arrange a surprise for your little one and do it when he falls asleep, or, conversely, involve him in the decoration.

  1. Dedicate one wall to the birthday person. Design a train with carriages, in each of which place a photo of the baby with captions: 1 month, 2, 3, 4, 5... and finally, 1 year. Add your baby's achievements to each month.
  2. Another option is to design a wall newspaper with photographs on a piece of Whatman paper, accompanying them with funny comments. Place the most successful and latest photo in the center, accompanied, for example, with the inscription “That’s what I’m like (what)!”
  3. If you don’t want to bother with whatman paper, make a collage of photos on your computer and print it in a large format in a photo studio. Such an image will remain for a long time and will delight you years later. Or you can simply print out the best photos of your little one and attach them to the walls throughout the apartment.
  4. It's a good idea to display the results prominently. joint creativity mothers with baby: first watercolor and finger paints, hand or foot prints.

What to give for 1 year

Guests often ask what to give the baby for her first birthday. Don’t be modest, but rather tell them right away what the birthday boy needs. This will save relatives from painful thoughts, and you from a bunch of unnecessary things.

Good gift options for a 1 year birthday:

  • rocking horse
  • educational books
  • musical and interactive toys
  • sorters, inserts
  • cars
  • dolls
  • ball (large inflatable or small rubber)
  • pyramid
  • tumbler
  • playhouse tent
  • home puppet theater
  • large children's photo album
  • set of dishes for feeding.

How to spend a birthday

The apartment is decorated, the gift is prepared and finally the long-awaited day has arrived. This is your parents’ holiday too, so you should be in a birthday mood. Hug and kiss your child, tell him what event is happening in your family today.

After breakfast, you can give your baby a gift from mom and dad, with which he will enthusiastically play. For a walk, choose an interesting place, for example, a zoo, an amusement park. The main thing is not to overtire the child and put him to bed on time so that he gains strength before the guests arrive.

Entertaining guests

You can start the holiday with funny poems about the first year of life from the baby’s perspective. Tell him how great his life is in your wonderful family, with such caring and loving parents. Dedicate touching and funny lines to mom and dad, remember the moment of birth. Let dad talk about mom, and let mom talk about dad. Prepare in advance and show your guests a video or slide show dedicated to the birthday person. Photos and videos from birth to 12 months, superimposed on suitable music, will arouse interest and remain for a long time.

For 1 year of age, it is customary to play the fortune-telling game “Choice of Fate”. Objects are laid out in front of the child at some distance from each other, each of which symbolizes something (the first thing the child chooses awaits him in the future):

  • ball of wool (long life)
  • garlic (health)
  • coin (wealth)
  • book (knowledge and mind)
  • brush (creative tendencies)
  • ring (successful marriage)
  • keys (welfare)
  • chocolate (sweet life).

Be sure to tell me kind words, thank you for your help in raising your grandparents, godparents, aunts and uncles, if they are invited. It’s good to do all this in funny verses too. You can prepare medals, for example, “Mustachioed Nanny”, “For overloading a grandson with toys”, “Beloved Aunt”, “Caring Godfather” and further down the list.

“Chamomile” competition: who knows the birthday boy best? Prepare a flower, on the petals of which are questions about the hero of the occasion:

  • What weight were you born with? How tall?
  • Which maternity hospital?
  • When did the first tooth come out?
  • When did you sit down? went?
  • What color is the winter hat?
  • What time was he born?

And anything else that suits your imagination. There are prizes for correct answers. If there are still kids, think about entertainment for them too. Set aside a space in the room for a play area, cover it with a soft rug, and lay out bright, interesting toys. At the end of the holiday, sing “Loaf”. Give everyone gifts: you can give them to children balloons, and for adults - magnets or calendars with a picture of the birthday person.

How to celebrate your baby's first year is up to you. The main thing is that this day should be easy and joyful and give your family a pleasant experience. Even if the baby does not remember this date, he will definitely have a feeling of miracle with which he will celebrate his next birthdays.

“1 year old child’s birthday” and “How to celebrate a 1 year old child’s birthday” are among the most common and popular search queries on the Internet today. And this phenomenon is quite understandable. Every loving parent wants to make this day memorable and joyful for themselves and especially for their child. Some mothers and fathers believe that this holiday should not be celebrated, since the baby will not remember anything anyway. Others, on the contrary, oversaturate the baby’s first birthday with events and impressions.

As for the first category of parents, they are wrong. Yes, the baby really won’t remember the first celebration in his life in the usual sense, but he will “remember,” or rather, feel the love, affection and care that his mom, dad and other family members gave him. The second category, as you understand, also acts incorrectly. You can use the recommendations presented in this article, modifying them at your discretion in accordance with personal needs and your own vision of your baby’s very first holiday.

How to prepare for your child's first birthday?

To get started, get a special organizer or notebook where you will write down the holiday ideas you like or your own memories of the birthdays your parents gave you. Later, you will be able to select specific points from this list. They will help make your baby's first birthday a bright and unforgettable moment in your life. It is also worth writing down recipes for preparing children's dishes, competitions, addresses of stores and companies, by contacting which you can get help in organizing the holiday: decorations, costumes and other holiday accessories.

A celebration for a child must be carefully planned and various lists drawn up. But it is not at all necessary to strictly adhere to a specific plan. Leave room for creativity unexpected surprises and spontaneous actions. After all, it is they that lead to the funny moments that can happen at the holiday, and it is these that you, your family members, and all the guests invited to the birthday party will later remember.

Where to celebrate a child’s 1st birthday?

Before the celebration, decorate the apartment and give the baby the opportunity to take part in this activity as much as possible: invite him and you to hang garlands, balls and other items around the house to decorate the room.

When the child falls asleep, place on one of the walls of the room where the holiday will take place a homemade poster with photographs of the birthday boy for each month: everyone will be pleased to see how the baby has changed throughout the year. In the morning, lay out several outfits in front of the hero of the occasion, let him choose the one that suits him. Don’t move the rest too far; you may have to change your child’s clothes several times during the celebration.

Alternate the feast with outdoor games and a cultural program. If, in the midst of fun, you feel that your baby is already tired, and there is still so much interesting stuff ahead, take him to separate room and stay with him in a quiet and calm atmosphere; dad can entertain the guests at this time.

How to celebrate a child’s birthday - 1 year (sample scenario)

At its core, the first birthday is special not only because it is the first significant date in a child’s life, but also because in terms of the way it is organized, it differs from the birthday of an adult and from the birthday of children of other age categories. There is no need to turn a holiday for your baby into the usual gatherings at the table. There is no need to involve your baby in competitions with excessive activity. You just need to show the birthday boy the love that you have felt for him since he was born. Surround the baby with your attention, warmth and care.

Before the guests arrive (if you expect them to be present at the party), take a photo of the child while he is in a good and cheerful mood and has not had time to stain his elegant clothes. Perhaps after and during the celebration, the little birthday boy will no longer want to take part in a family photo shoot.

Avoid buying an expensive cake with a lot of rich cream, as eating such food is contraindicated for a baby. It’s better to make your own fruit pudding or a regular pie, such as fish or charlotte. The tradition of blowing out a candle can be introduced from the first birthday; the baby himself will not be able to cope with this difficult task, but you can put it out yourself or help the child do it.

Measure the height and weight of the birthday person; this moment can be solemnly captured using a camera and video camera. Draw the baby's arms and legs on paper or make casts using special plaster kits, which are now in abundance on sale. Present the results of your labors in the form of a colorful poster with the inscription: “Our baby is one year old.” After the celebration, keep the poster for a long-lasting memory.

Competitions for guests on a child's first birthday

Due to his age, the birthday boy cannot accept active participation in competitions, but you still shouldn’t forget about the guests of the holiday, they should also get maximum pleasure and positive emotions from the holiday. You can entertain adult guests of the celebration with the help of interesting and funny competitions. But there shouldn't be too many of them. Five games would be a perfectly acceptable norm.

"Maternal Instinct"

Place in front of the guests photographs of the hero of the occasion's mother and father, his own photos, as well as photographs of other babies. Tell those invited that any mother among thousands of similar children will recognize her own. Invite the competition participants to check how developed their maternal instinct is. The task of the guests is that they must select only photographs of the birthday person.

"Culinary delights"

The essence of this have a fun competition consists in the fact that guests are invited to taste a teaspoon from different jars baby food, from which the labels were previously removed and a serial number was assigned. It’s better not to take too many jars; three will be enough. Players take turns tasting the puree from each and determining what it is made from. You must write down the answers of each contestant and at the end count the number of correct ones.

This children's fun will appeal to everyone. Give the participants a pacifier and explain the conditions of the competition: you need to take the pacifier in your mouth and spit it so that it flies as far as possible. After each attempt, you need to sterilize the pacifier in glasses of hot water, placed in advance on the table next to each competitor. The places where the nipples fall can be marked with a small strip of paper. The winners are awarded symbolic comic prizes.

"What is the baby thinking about"

Take a hat, put small pieces of paper in it, rolled into a tube, on which phrases like this will be written: “My mouth often waters, but you don’t. Why? Have you run out of saliva? “Oh my God, you are so big! How does your mother lift you up?”; "People! Help our family with money! No salt, no sugar, I eat unleavened porridge! I’m already sick.”; “Mmmm, you smell so delicious, I just want to lick you”; "My God! If I laugh at your joke, this does not mean that it needs to be repeated a hundred times in a row! “Why are you looking at my mom like that? Do you also want to take a sip of delicious milk?”; “Hey, get your hands off my rice pudding! Eat your vinaigrette!” and the like. Invite guests to find out what the birthday person is really thinking about when he looks at them. Let them take turns taking leaves from the hat and reading out their contents. Everyone will laugh.

Games in which the birthday boy can take part

"We bring toys to life"

Take your baby's favorite toy, such as a teddy bear. The bear must come to life with the help of an adult. Teddy bear will walk, fall, go to bed, eat, put on a bib, and jump around the room. Involve everyone present in this game and organize an impromptu puppet theater performance.

Give the birthday boy a balloon. Invite everyone to take part in this game. First, the hero of the occasion kicks the ball, then all the other players. The task of adult participants is quite funny and unusual - not to kick the ball further than the baby.

"Tower of cubes"

Explain the task to the adult participants in the game: they will need to quickly build towers from cubes, and at this time the child will destroy them. To play, you need two adults and the birthday boy himself. The adult who manages to build a tower from more cubes before the toddler destroys it. The winner is awarded a symbolic prize, for example, a pacifier.

"Dance with me"

Play a funny children's song and invite guests to dance with the baby, but not just dance, but compete in the art of dancing. Place the baby in the center of the room (of course, if he doesn’t mind this), invite an adult participant in the game to stand next to him and watch how they dance. There may be several who want to compete with the hero of the occasion. The winner of this competition, of course, is the birthday boy.

Menu for a child's birthday

The menu for the adult part of the family and invited guests may be no different from the traditional one. But it’s worth considering a separate “table” for the baby. Should be drawn up sample list products allowed for feeding a one-year-old baby, and already build on it when preparing holiday dishes. Such a list should contain the following food products: crackers in the shape of fish, letters, numbers and animals; bagels or dryers; berries; fruits; cheese; unsweetened muffins; vegetables; juices; fruit drinks and more. Focus on the birthday person’s taste preferences and his food tolerance for certain foods.

The main dish for the hero of the occasion could be, for example, a cat made from mashed potatoes or sweet rice porridge. In order to make such a cat, you will need rice or potatoes, carrots and olives. Then everything is simple: put potatoes or rice, as well as grated boiled carrots on a flat plate. Use olives to make eyes, nose, mouth and antennae. You can decorate the cat with your favorite brightly colored vegetables.

You shouldn’t get too carried away with cooking on your birthday. You will get tired, but the child still won’t be able to eat and try all the treats. In addition to the main hot dish, prepare any tasty salad, for example, beets with apples. To do this, boil the beets, peel them, grate them on a fine grater, add a little sugar and vegetable oil, mix with grated apple. A delicious salad for the birthday boy is ready.

What to give to a 1 year old child?

The best birthday gift one year old baby there will be a toy. wind-up animals, musical instruments, simple wooden mosaics of four parts, construction sets, nesting dolls, sorters, pyramids, labyrinths, “wheels” and “laces” are an excellent option. Any educational toys fine motor skills, attention, thinking and imagination, will not only entertain the baby in the future, but will also make a significant contribution to his development. Also, one-year-old children really like various rocking horses, balls, bicycles with a parent's handle, tent houses with dry balls, inflatable pools and tolocars. Gender also plays a role, so if you have a daughter, then buy for her rag doll(she can take the other one apart and break it), if it’s a son, then a typewriter.

Don't ignore books with cardboard pages. Why with cardboard ones? Because there are babies who, at the age of one year, still love to tear the paper pages of books. The birthday boy will undoubtedly enjoy books with nursery rhymes, children’s poems by Agnia Barto, as well as such first children’s fairy tales as “Ryaba Hen”, “Kolobok”, “Turnip” and the like. Books should contain bright illustrations. Before buying a gift for your child, do not forget to check the products not only for quality, but also for safety for the baby. The gift should be wrapped in bright colorful packaging.

Feel free to voice your wishes regarding gifts for your baby to your guests. If those invited to the holiday do not have children of their own, then they may not know what exactly should be given to a one-year-old baby for his birthday. Don't order too expensive gifts. Think in advance about what your child needs right now and what will be useful in the future. For example, clothes for growing up, certificates for shoe stores, online stores for children's goods, a certificate for a family photo shoot, and of course, toys.

Creating traditions on a child's first birthday

For your birthday, you can create crumbs family tree and the coat of arms of your family, because the tree has been replenished with one more little person. This moment definitely needs to be immortalized. On a large Whatman paper or right on the wall of your apartment, hang photographs of all your relatives, even those who have left you. Next to the photographs, place short stories with a brief biography of these people. Place the family coat of arms in the center of the “tree”.

Seize the moment and cut a small lock of hair from the birthday boy’s head, which you then put in an envelope and keep for a long memory. This tradition has come to us since ancient times. Previously, during baptism, the first cut hair of babies was rolled into wax and then thrown into the water. This modified custom has survived to this day: a lock of a child’s hair is preserved for good luck.

Place one of the small gifts that you give to your baby in a small canvas bag. Put the number “one” there or stick it on the bag. After the holiday, save it for your baby's subsequent birthdays. And every holiday you present one of the gifts in exactly this form. You can also add a number to your gift every year.

Print out a photo of each family and friend photographed with the birthday boy during his first year of life (if any). Insert photos into beautiful frames. At the end of the holiday, present these lovely surprises to your guests. They will be delighted and pleasantly surprised.

How to end a birthday

The traditional round dance and blowing out the candles on the birthday cake are always in demand. Therefore, it is worth including this moment in the course of the holiday. Turn off the lights, bring in the cake to the solemn applause of everyone present, make a wish for the baby and blow out his first candle with him. Songs in honor of a baby’s birthday should be sung only if the birthday boy himself is not against it, since children react differently to loud sounds.

Take photos of everyone present at the party. Afterwards, if desired, hand out memorable photographs to your guests. Invite those invited to leave their wishes for the baby on the pages of a specially prepared notebook. You can save it and read all these to your child in the future. kind words, written by people who care about him. Give your guests a balloon.

Depending on the time of year, you can move some events outside. This way, guests get the opportunity to unwind and change their surroundings, and the child gets a chance to breathe fresh air and frolic with more free space. If your little one was born in late autumn-winter, then take sparklers and streamers with you for a walk. It is better to refuse fireworks, as this can frighten the baby. If the celebration takes place in spring and summer, then you can launch a large number of balloons or sky lanterns into the sky. The baby will be delighted!

In parting, an example of how alone caring parents compiled your story of the baby’s first year of life.

Elena Smernykh

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A baby's first birthday is the most long-awaited holiday in the family. Many parents strive to make this celebration unforgettable, because the baby is celebrating his first anniversary in his life. In the pre-holiday bustle, you need to decide important question about the location of the party - at home or in a special children's cafe? Important questions include who to invite and what to give? Let's consider the topic: how to celebrate a child's 1 year old birthday?

So, you've decided to hold a memorable event at home. Now you need to think through everything in detail:

  • number of guests;
  • time;
  • banquet decoration;
  • holiday menu;
  • video/photo session.

Who should you invite to your baby's first birthday? There are two options here: relatives and friends. Of course, it is advisable to celebrate this significant event with loved ones. But if relatives live far away, you can invite your friends and mothers with babies. You shouldn’t invite a lot of children: they won’t be able to play with each other, they will only add confusion to the competitions.

To make your anniversary a success, carefully consider the menu for kids. You can ask mothers in advance about the preferences of their little ones so that holiday dishes do not cause allergies.

An important point in planning a holiday will be choosing the right time. If you decide to celebrate your first birthday with relatives, the time can be any - daytime or evening. If his little friends come to your baby’s birthday, you need to coordinate the time with the mothers. Of course, this should be during the daytime, and preferably after a lunchtime nap.

Birthday invitations must be sent at least a week before the celebration. It is also advisable to discuss gift ideas for your child in advance: in order to save guests from unnecessary expenses, and yourself from a lot of unnecessary things in the house. You need to give useful things.

Festive table

The menu for adult guests can be anything. How can you please the kids and the birthday boy himself, so that after the anniversary you don’t have to suffer from allergies or overeating? It’s customary to bake a cake for a birthday – but is it possible to treat a baby to such a product?

A birthday cake for a tiny person can be baked without any problems if you are familiar with sponge dough. To prevent the sponge cake from being too dry, you can soak it in baby fruit juice. You can use children's fruit curd as a cream.

Important! Don't forget to put one candle on the cake!

Setting up a children's table is easy: all dishes can be arranged in a convenient order. The menu for one-year-old children is not very diverse:

  • juices in bags;
  • baby cookies;
  • fruit pieces;
  • fruit curds with different fillings.

The kids will not come to eat at the holiday: their mothers will feed them at home. However, creating a festive atmosphere and decorating the table is necessary! The menu may be modest, but the kids will have fun this birthday. The main thing is that the food is not hypoallergenic: this is the main condition.

You can't think of a better buffet table idea for this day. Please note that guests are unlikely to sit in one place on the little one’s birthday: everyone will be on the move. Therefore, the table needs to be set so that any dish can be taken with your hands on the go.

Decorating the house

How to decorate the hall for the holiday? Of course, your baby will not remember this significant event - but there is a photo session that will preserve happy moments for a lifetime. Therefore, pay close attention to the decorations so that the photos will leave memories of a bright holiday.

Decoration ideas:

  • balloons with inscriptions of wishes;
  • garlands of paper flags (for a boy) and flowers (for a girl);
  • drawn fairy-tale characters;
  • photo session of a toddler in beautiful frames.

The first year of life is a rapid time of development for the baby. Every month of life brought its own changes. What ideas can be associated with this feature of the first year of life? You can draw (or print) 12 trains representing each month you have lived through: these will be photo frames. Select the best pictures of your baby and glue them into train frames. This decoration can be placed on the wall.

Do not use firecrackers or bursting balloons to decorate the angel's first day: children may be frightened by loud noises and may also put pieces of paper or rubber into their mouths.

Entertaining guests

What to surprise your guests with, besides the festive menu and decorations? It is necessary to think through the script, quizzes and competitions in advance. If you don’t have any ideas for celebrating the holiday, at least give each guest the opportunity to say beautiful congratulatory words to the birthday boy and his parents.

You can come up with ideas for holding festive events at home yourself: the main thing is to want to do it and have free time. You can entrust the preparation of the angel’s day to someone from your family: let them work through the script, competitions and find ideas for quizzes. Of course, it is difficult for a young mother to find free time to create a celebration scenario: outside help is needed.

Competitions and quizzes – great ideas for angel day. However, do not forget to include in the celebration script the ritual of blowing out the candle on the birthday cake.

Make sure that children do not try to grab the candle flame with their hands.

Tribute to tradition

If you baptized a boy/girl, then you need to include in the script of the day an angel and the cutting of hair by the godparents. In the beginning godmother cuts a small strand of hair on the top of the head with a cross, and then the baby’s hair is cut off. Prepare a special envelope or storage box for the first strand.

Don’t forget to make a print of the child’s foot/hand: it will be interesting to compare the prints with those made after discharge from the maternity hospital. These prints can be framed and made into a painting.

You can find out in advance about the fate of the baby on this holiday. To do this, place several objects on the table: money, a book, and others. If a child wants to touch a book, he will study well. If a child wants to touch bills and coins, he will be rich. Select the remaining items by association. This fortune telling can be included in the script for the day of the angel.

Making gifts

What should be a gift for a 1 year old child? What to give to a boy, what to give to a baby? For a boy/girl you can give:

  • cubes for learning the alphabet;
  • bright picture books;
  • interactive toys;
  • smart clothes.

You can also give gifts to the parents of the birthday boy:

  • for mom - a beautiful bouquet;
  • for dad - a family photo album with a family tree.

Of course, a one-year-old boy/girl will not be able to appreciate the significance of this day and the gifts given, so all gifts must be made and given after agreement with the parents.

In order for your baby’s birthday to start and end happily, you must adhere to these recommendations:

  1. Invite a photographer for a photo shoot or arrange filming with a relative/friend.
  2. Do not show the hero of the occasion all the gifts: he will want to play with all the toys at once, and the holiday will be ruined by the whims of the birthday boy. It is better to give a present while the baby is not looking.
  3. For the birthday boy’s little guests, prepare a special play area: it should be as large and comfortable as possible for crawling.
  4. Remove any sharp, traumatic or valuable objects from the children’s visibility in advance: the environment should be as safe as possible for one-year-old children.
  5. Remember that a one-year-old baby periodically needs peace: from time to time, take the baby to a quiet room so that he can be alone with his mother.
  6. Designate a special place for baby guests and their mothers to change diapers and breastfeed.
  7. Keep all pets indoors separate room during the celebration.

How to celebrate the first name day, what to give the child and what competitions to hold? You should prepare for this important event in advance. If the baby is sick, you can celebrate the name day later. Remember that noisy games and competitions can tire the baby, so keep a close eye on him mental state. Also remember that you cannot give gifts in advance!

Important! It is unacceptable to hold a noisy holiday if the child has recently been vaccinated!

Just yesterday you and your baby were taken from the maternity hospital, and today the baby is 1 year old. During this exciting and joyful year, so many extraordinary events happened: the first tooth and the first step, the first word and the first smile.

By his first life milestone, the child has learned a lot and pleases mom and dad with his amazing achievements. Therefore, you need to celebrate your daughter’s first birthday as the most outstanding first holiday in a child’s life.

Definitely, to a greater extent, this is a holiday for parents, but memorable gifts and photos will tell the baby, when he grows up, what a wonderful celebration was organized in his honor. To make the anniversary truly unforgettable, we offer some great ideas on how to celebrate your child’s 1st birthday.

Where to celebrate a child’s one-year anniversary: ​​choosing a site for the celebration

When choosing a place to spend your baby’s anniversary, first of all, remember that it’s all about a child’s birthday. Psychologists advise keeping your routine as close as possible holiday to the baby’s usual routine.

Therefore, the optimal solution would be to celebrate at home. And in a close family circle.

An unfamiliar stop can frighten a child, especially if this is the first time in his life. Believe me, you can organize an anniversary no less solemn at home than in a restaurant or cafe.

How to celebrate your child’s one year anniversary: ​​making a preparation plan

In order not to miss any little things, you will need a preparation plan. It will be a shame if the holiday or the parents’ mood is ruined due to the lack of some little things or running around just before the birthday celebration.

First Birthday: Design Ideas and Themes

Of course, you can simply decorate the room in a fun way with balloons, garlands and toys. But the anniversary will be much more interesting if you choose a specific theme.

And even if the baby doesn’t yet understand that football is a boy’s theme, and dolls and princesses are girlish, this approach will help make the first birthday simply chic and will greatly simplify the choice of outfits, competitions, and gifts.

And you can’t do without the number 1, which can be used in the most unpredictable ways, both in decor and on festive table.

How to celebrate a child’s 1st birthday: invite guests

Who should you invite to your baby's birthday party? How many guests should there be? Is 1st birthday a holiday for children or for adults? Invite peers of the baby or children can different ages?

These are the questions the baby’s parents will have to answer in order to decide on the number of guests.

1st birthday invitations: cards and pictures with text

Child's birthday: princess and prince one year old

An important point in preparing for your baby’s birthday is choosing an outfit for the baby. It is necessary to take into account not only the theme of the holiday, but also all the features of age.

The baby should be comfortable. And don’t forget that we will have a festive photo shoot, for which we need to prepare decorations for the child.

How to celebrate a 1 year old birthday: preparing treats

The first anniversary menu will largely depend on the time of year, the number and age of guests and the financial capabilities of the parents.

But in any case, there should be a cake on the festive table. Huge with roses or miniature with birds, unusual with little animals or classic with an inscription - choose the best 1st birthday cakes for girls and boys.

Happy 1st birthday: preparing an entertainment program

When preparing the script, be sure to keep in mind that the focus should definitely be on your baby, and not on the entertainment program for adults.

Therefore, we include in the program cool questionnaires, congratulations from guests, children's games, and filling out a book of wishes.

It would be nice to meet you too folk signs and traditions regarding the baby's anniversary.

Happy birthday greetings to a 1 year old child

And, of course, the culmination of the holiday will be gifts and congratulations. After all, what would a birthday be without cute gifts and nice words?