Musical and didactic games “Fun cubes. Musical and didactic games “Fun cubes” What skills does a child develop?

Presented musically didactic games"Musical Cube" and "Ornamental Round Dance" » combine all types of musical activities of children: singing, listening, musical-rhythmic movements, exercises in the form of games.





Explanatory note.

Musical education in kindergarten is carried out mainly in music classes, where, under the guidance of a teacher, the child tries to express himself in performing a song, dancing, conveying the image of the game, composing an improvisation dance, composing and selecting melodies when playing musical instruments.

The ability to act independently when performing musical tasks allows children to perform musical material better, with higher quality, and contributes to the development of control over their own performance, musical-aesthetic concepts and musical-sensory abilities.

Pedagogical research conducted in this area proves that effective musical-sensory education is facilitated by the clarity of learning and the emergence in the minds of children of natural associations of musical sounds with the sounds of the surrounding life. Operating with sounds. Children begin to pay attention to their properties and combinations, which develops their understanding of musical phenomena. Sensory development children is carried out in the process of a wide variety of musical activities in the classroom and in the daily life of the kindergarten.

Musical and didactic games always contain the development of action, which combines elements of entertainment, competition with sensory tasks. The purpose of the play activities is to help the child hear, distinguish, and compare some properties of musical sounds, namely: their height, strength, duration, timbre. Game rules and actions of musical-didactic games regularly carried out with children help the planned and systematic development of musical hearing, develop the ability not just to hear musical works, but to listen to them, to distinguish between changes in register, dynamics, and rhythm in the same work.

Musical and didactic games always require significant auditory concentration, which leads to an improvement in the development of auditory perception. Consequently, during the game, the child must always listen to the change in sounds and respond to this with movement or action, and not automatically complete the task. That is, a musical-didactic game should not include a stage of developing a skill, otherwise it will not achieve its goal.

Scope of application.

Presented musical and didactic games “Musical Cube” and “Ornamental Round Dance”» brings everything together types of musical activities for children: singing, listening, musical-rhythmic movements, exercises in the form of games.

The main purpose of thesemusical and didactic games – to develop children’s musical abilities in an accessible playful form.


  • develop a sense of rhythm in children;
  • encourage independent action using the knowledge gained in music classes.
  • enrich children with new impressions, develop their initiative, independence, ability to perceive, and distinguish the basic properties of musical hearing.

Pedagogical valueThe presented musical and didactic games are that they open up the way for the child to apply the acquired knowledge in life practice.

Musical and didactic games can be usedfor middle and older children preschool age , they are simple and accessible, interesting and attractive, making children want to sing, listen, play and dance.

Expected result:

  • development of musical, sensory and creative abilities.
  • formation in children of ideas about the properties of musical sound, about the expressive capabilities of music, distinguishing the nature of music and mood.
  • development of activity and independence of children in musical activities


Game for middle preschool age.

TARGET: To consolidate children's knowledge of Russian folk musical instruments.


Russian folk musical instruments are depicted on the faces of the cube. The teacher names the instrument, the child shows which instrument is called that.


OPTION 1. Game for middle group children

TARGET. To develop children's interest in playing musical instruments, to develop communication skills in the game, and a friendly attitude towards each other. Give children the joy of playing together.


On the table there are children's musical instruments: wooden spoons, drum, tambourine, maracas, pipe, bell. (The same children's musical instruments with their images are placed on the sides of the cube). Children, standing in a circle, pass the cube to cheerful, familiar music with familiar words:

The cube moves in a circle

Give the cube to a friend.

Tell us quickly

Who will start the game faster?

The child throwing the cube names the picture on the top edge of the cube (instrument), takes it and plays a pre-learned simple Russian folk melody or another of the child’s choice.

At the end of the game, the children applaud him. The child returns the instrument to the table. The game continues several times at the request of the children.


OPTION 2. Game for children of senior preschool age.

TARGET. Develop communication skills, auditory attention, sense of rhythm, basic music playing skills in an orchestra; develop an interest in playing musical instruments.


Children in a circle, accompanied by cheerful rhythmic music, pass the cube around the circle, saying the words:

The cube moves in a circle

Give the cube to a friend.

The cube can show

What should you play on now?

Each child takes turns throwing the dice, taking the dropped instrument from the table and placing it on his or her high chair. The game is repeated until all the children have taken their instruments. Then everyone plays “NOISE ORCHESTRA” together.

It is advisable to divide children into subgroups.

If the children wish, the game can be repeated several times so that the children can play different instruments and enjoyed playing music together.

Game for older preschool age

TARGET. Learn to coordinate the movements of an ornamental round dance with a schematic image.


The musical director shows the elements of Gzhel patterns on paper plates and offers to dance the “ORNAMENTAL ROUND DANCE”, which is drawn on paper circle plates.

Children join hands and dance, performing movements in accordance with the drawings on the plates, which the teacher shows one by one. Musical accompaniment - any calm folk melody.

The product is made from safe, non-toxic, environmentally friendly materials that do not cause allergies, which is confirmed by a quality certificate.

* The ordered product may differ slightly from the description and image posted on the site (for example, shades of colors, minor changes in design or packaging, etc. that do not affect the main consumer properties of the product), while the main consumer properties and other essential elements The product and order remain unchanged.

Musical cube from TM K"S Kids

In the online toy store Gulliver-toys you can buy music cube, with which your baby will begin to develop his artistic abilities during an exciting game.

The K"S Kids musical cube is an original educational toy for newborns. It can be a wonderful and useful surprise for any child over the age of six months. Created together with specialists in child development K"S Kids toys are designed specifically so that kids can get to know the world around them in the most interesting, safe and fast way.

Characteristics of the music cube

The interactive musical cube KS Kids has bright educational pictures on each side.

At the same time, the cube will entertain the baby with funny musical melodies. You can manually select the appropriate mode, of which there are three in total. So you can turn on upbeat music, rhythmic melodies or a funny song. On each side of the toy there are also characters drawn with various musical instruments.

If you throw a cube and wait to see which side it lands on, the instrument whose image is in contact with the floor will play. Together with your child, you can dance, do gymnastics to rhythmic sounds, clap your hands or hum.

The set comes with two AA batteries along with the music cube. The package size is 19x23x17 cm. The toy is made of soft fabric, containing 35% cotton and 65% PE.

What skills does a child develop?

While playing with a cube, the child will train his attention, sense of rhythm and hearing. The interactive toy also promotes the development of artistic abilities.

The toy is safe for the baby's health

The product is made from safe, non-toxic, environmentally friendly materials that do not cause allergies, which is confirmed by a quality certificate.

Svetlana Khairetdinova

"Guess - ka"

"Rhythmic music cube» (for middle and older children).

The problem of increasing children's interest in musical creativity of me, How music director, has been interested in for a long time, so based on musical - didactic game« Fun cubes » , proposed by E. Yu. Matvienko in the magazine « Musical director» (No. 5. 2008) I developed a series of my own musical and educational games. These are like this games like:

"Guess - ka" (game for children of junior and senior preschool age)

"Rhythmic music cube» (game for children of middle and senior preschool age).

When preparing the games, I took into account the main goals and objectives musical and didactic games:


Help preschool children in musically– a didactic game to enter the world music, find your own forms of communication with her, feel and experience her emotionally as joy and pleasure; promote the acquisition of musical knowledge in gaming practice.


Increase interest in music, develop natural musicality children and initial music-playing skills, individuality, ability to spontaneous creative behavior, to create prerequisites for the formation creative thinking, strengthen imaginative thinking, develop a sense of rhythm, musical hearing and general motor skills of the child. Cubes for musical- educational games are made of foam rubber and covered with fabric, on the edges of one cube- appliqués made of fabric with images of animals, on the other - musical instruments. Light cubes, hygienic and non-traumatic. This game material is mastered by children, as in music lessons, and in freely independent activities.

Cube"Guess - ka"

1 option: Game for preschool children

Program content. Develop creativity

in a feasible emotional and expressive transmission of images.

Game material

Demo: cube, on the edges of which there are pictures

with the image of animals: fox, cat, dog, hare,

bear, horse (other animals may be depicted).

Dispensing: hats or masks with animal images (these same animals are depicted on the edges cube.)

Progress of the game:

The teacher and children stand or sit in a circle. Anything sounds simple, cheerful melody, and the children pass cube to each other. The teacher and children pronounce text:

Need to take funny cube,

And pass it around.

What will this show cube,

We need to show it to the kids!

The child who had cube, throws

him on the floor in a circle. The teacher asks who

depicted on the top edge cube. The children answer.

The teacher invites the child to put on the hat of this animal and show it under music as he moves, children repeat characteristic movements. Then the game continues.

Option 2: Game for older preschool children

Program content. To develop activity and creativity in children capabilities, memory, auditory attention, communication skills, self-confidence. Repeat and consolidate the material covered.

Progress of the game:

The teacher and children stand or sit in a circle. Sounds easy cheerful melody, children pass cube to a friend. The teacher and children pronounce text:

We send the cube to a friend,

To whom the cube hits,

Think about it, don't rush

Sing, play or dance!

The child who had cube, throws it on the floor, says who is depicted on the top edge cube, then, if desired, plays a familiar game with children, reads

poem or sings a song, etc.. p. If a child has difficulties, the teacher invites the children to fulfill the condition if they wish games.

Rhythmic music cube

1 option: Game for middle group children

Program content. Learn to distinguish timbre and name

musical instruments. Develop children's hearing

attention, basic music-playing skills, sense of rhythm,

interest in playing musical instruments, bring up

communication skills in the game, friendly

attitude towards each other. Give children the joy of being together games.

Game material

Demo: cube musical instruments(tambourine, drum, spoons, pipes, rattles and maracas).

Dispensing: musical instruments: tambourine, drum, spoons, pipe, rattles and maracas.

Progress of the game:

They are on the table musical instruments: tambourine, drum, spoons, pipe, rattles and maracas, (these same tools are shown on the edges cube.)

Children stand in a circle and pass cube to music each other with words:

Everything plays and sings.

Cube, will say who will start!

The child who threw cube, calls

the tool shown on the top edge,

takes it from the table and plays a simple rhythmic

drawing, if he finds it difficult to name the instrument,

The teacher invites the children to help him. Children

repeat the rhythmic pattern with clapping and kicking.

The game is repeated until all children have taken

tools. Then everyone plays together "orchestra".

Option 2: Game for children of senior and preparatory groups

Program content. Teach children to distinguish between timbre and name musical instruments, determine the duration of sounds, schematically mark the rhythmic pattern on the flannelgraph. Feel and reproduce metric speech pulse (poems) And music, develop communication skills, auditory attention skills of elementary music playing in an orchestra.

Game material:

Demo: cube, on the edges of which there are pictures with the image musical instruments(tambourine, drum, spoons, pipe, rattles and maracas, flannelgraph.

Dispensing: musical instruments: tambourine, drum, spoons, pipe, rattles and maracas (these same instruments are depicted on the sides cube., cards with ribbon (25x9cm) on which, when applied, strips of cardboard: wide (3x5cm)– long sound, narrow (2x5cm)- short sound. One set is prepared for each child.

Progress of the game:

Children stand or sit on chairs in a circle. Under cheerful rhythmic music is passed around the cube, reciting words:

Everything plays and sings.

Cube, will say who will start!

The child who threw cube,

names the one depicted on the top edge

instrument, takes it from the table, plays

simple rhythmic pattern. All of it

repeat with clapping. The teacher pays attention

on the accuracy of rhythm transmission, offers one

of the children mark the rhythm on the flannelgraph, the rest

mark it on cards. The game continues

several times at the request of the children.

Use musically- didactic games in working with children will allow you to get the following results:

Develop in children musical and creativity ;

Consolidate knowledge about musical tools and skills games on them;

To develop a metrorhythmic sense in children (rhythm, tempo, rhythmic pattern, form);

Build qualities promoting self-affirmation(independence and freedom of thinking, individuality of perception).


1. Zatsepina M. B. Musical education: Education and training program in kindergarten / Ed. M. A. Vasilyeva et al. M., 2005.

2. Zimina A. N. Musical and didactic games and exercises in preschool educational institutions. Manual for teachers. – M.: Association of Authors and Publishers "TANDEM", 1998.

3. Kaplunova I. M., Novoskoltseva I. A. Ladushki. St. Petersburg, 2000.

4. Merkulova L. R. Orchestra in kindergarten // Children - music – fantasy / Ed.. S. I. Merzlyakova. M., 1998.

5. Root Z. Ya. Musical and educational games for preschool children age: manual for music directors - Ed.. 2nd. M.: Iris - press, 2005.

6. Tyutyunnikova T. E. Program "Elementary music playing with preschoolers", M. 2010

7. Magazines « Musical director» , « Musical palette» .

Music occupies a special place in the education of preschool children. This is explained both by the specifics of this type of art and psychological characteristics preschoolers. Practice shows that the full development of children’s musicality depends on psychological and pedagogical conditions and, of course, on a well-organized, rich subject-spatial developmental environment. No type of musical activity can be carried out on a purely verbal level. It is the subject-spatial developmental environment that allows children, acting with familiar and unfamiliar objects, to explore, reflect, compare, model and create.

One of the most accessible means of learning music is a musical didactic game. Musical and didactic games are multifunctional in nature, they can be considered:

As a gaming method of teaching, aimed at mastering, consolidating and systematizing certain knowledge about music;

As one of the game forms of learning;

As an independent gaming activity;

As a means of communication and child development.

Musical and didactic games contribute to a more meaningful, effective, varied and interesting presentation of the material. And bright and aesthetic aids for games allow you to interest, activate children and create a desire to learn while playing.

Unfortunately, everyone music director educational institution, including me, is faced with the problem of acquiring visual materials, manuals and games. Therefore, many of them have to be created with their own hands.

I offer musical and didactic games “Funny Cubes”.

The idea of ​​games is not new, but I interpret them in my own way.

These games promote creativity, concentration and hearing, develop memory, sense of rhythm, ear for music and general motor skills of the child. Large cubes are needed to organize games.

The cube can be made from a square cardboard box, or use a soft building module. Images on the faces of the cube can be made from colored self-adhesive paper, pasted on ready-made cut-out pictures, or drawn. Most importantly, the cube should be bright, aesthetic, light and non-traumatic.

I use cardboard cubes covered with self-adhesive colored paper with appliqués.


Maintain children's interest in playing musical instruments;

Develop musical and rhythmic ear, auditory attention and creativity;

To develop communication skills in the game, a friendly attitude towards each other.

The manual is a cube with children's musical instruments depicted on its faces.

Progress of the game.

On the table are children's musical instruments: drum, bell, spoons, maracas, pipe, accordion. These same tools are depicted on the faces of the cube. Children stand in a circle, passing the cube to each other, chanting:

You run, funny cube

Quickly - quickly hand over hand,

Who has the cube left?

He'll play for us now.

The child who has the cube stops names the instrument shown on the top edge, takes it from the table and plays any melody or rhythmic pattern

Second option.

The child repeats the given melody or rhythm after the leader (teacher or child).

Third option.

Using an instrument, the child conveys the rhythmic pattern of a piece of music performed by the music director.

Game "Orchestra"

As in the previous game, the instruments are on the table, their number corresponds to the number of players. Children, standing in a circle, pass the cube and sing:

The cube moves in a circle

Give it to a friend.

The cube can show

What to play in an orchestra!

Or the cube can be passed along to cheerful music; when the music stops, the movement of the cube stops. The child who has the cube left leaves the circle and takes the “dropped” tool for himself. The cube moves in a circle until all the children take a tool. Then everyone plays together in an “orchestra”, using musical instruments to convey the rhythmic pattern or pulse of the musical work performed by the music director.


Improve singing skills, ability to sing solo, artistic abilities.

Develop memory, expand ideas about the world around you;

Cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other, endurance, and the ability to listen.

The manual is a cube, each face of which is designed in accordance with a certain season: spring, summer, autumn, winter.

The fifth facet is the New Year theme and the sixth is the harvest theme.

Progress of the game.

Children, standing or sitting in a circle, pass the cube to each other, accompanying the action with singing:

We'll look through the calendar,

We send the cube to a friend.

Who will get the cube?

He will sing us a song!

He will read that poem to all of us.

The child whose cube is stuck performs a song (reads a poem) on the theme depicted on the face of the cube, or chooses the theme of the song arbitrarily.

Second option. The host (child) hands the cube to any player, and they compete in singing on a given topic, or sing together. The performance is assessed by other participants in the game, the winner gives the die to the next player.


Improve children's ability to use “sounding” gestures: clapping, slapping, clicking, jumping, stomping, etc.

Develop auditory attention and memory, rhythm, coordination of movement.

The manual is a cube, on the sides of which a different number of objects is depicted:

There is one bird on the first edge. On the second there are two butterflies.

On the third there is a mushroom and two leaves. On the fourth there are four snowflakes.

On the fifth there are three drops and three umbrellas. On the sixth - a large Christmas tree and a small one.

Progress of the game.

Children in a circle pass the cube to each other to the music, singing:

Take this funny cube

Pass it on to your friends

What will this cube show?

Repeat it to us soon.

The child whose cube stops shows the top face to everyone playing. Then he conveys the depicted rhythm with any “sounding” gesture, and all the players repeat.

Another option. The child who has the cube left throws it into the center of the circle. All players convey the rhythm of the dropped edge with a gesture or movement, each in their own way. The presenter chooses the best option.

Games "Funny Cubes" are mastered by children gradually in class. Initially, an adult (musical director or teacher) is the organizer of the game, implementing a certain didactic task. Then tested with children different options. These games and tutorials can be used to various types activities: both in music classes, and in rhythmics, and when conducting diagnostics, and when organizing entertainment. Children play these games with pleasure, come up with their own variations, and at the same time acquire certain musical knowledge, skills, and abilities.