Why a guy doesn't want to communicate with me: the most common reasons. How to get your loved one back if he doesn't want to communicate

Anything can happen in life. It often happens that after a disagreement, a spouse or young man seems to withdraw into himself and stop communicating with his other half. And who knows what is going on in his soul at this moment. Meanwhile, his companion comes up with all sorts of options for the development of the situation. And the first thing that comes to her mind is “my man doesn’t want to be with me, he doesn’t love me anymore.” It is not difficult to imagine that this thought develops into fear and panic.

However, it is too early to panic. Perhaps everything is not so bad, and this behavior of a loved one is only a temporary phenomenon. A woman and a man are built completely differently. Therefore, they do not think and act the same. It follows from this that assessing a man’s behavior by yourself, by how you would act in a given situation in his place, is absolutely wrong.

How to understand that your man has fallen out of love

There are ten signs that indicate that a man has fallen out of love.

If you find at least a couple of signs in the behavior of your significant other, you will have to realize that you are no longer loved.

  1. Tries to avoid any manifestations of your affection, especially in public. You no longer hold hands while walking, he doesn’t want you to sit closer, etc.
  2. No longer uses affectionate, cute nicknames like “baby,” “sweetheart,” “bear cub,” etc.
  3. More and more often he says offensive things, even if they are not meaningless. An example would be a hint that it would be nice for you to lose weight. When you love, you don’t notice such little things, or you try in every possible way to avoid conversations on this topic, so as not to hurt your loved one.
  4. Openly flirts with other girls in your presence.
  5. Reduces time spent communicating together. Or the quality of this communication decreases. Your boyfriend no longer shares with you his experiences, details of the past day, conversation with his mother, etc.
  6. Spends weekends with friends. And this is becoming commonplace. However, he does not invite you with him.
  7. Called you different at least once female name. Apparently, this is the person who occupies all his thoughts in at the moment.
  8. Returns late unreasonably and does not want to explain the reason for his delay.
  9. Shows anger or an angry tone when discussing changes in his behavior. He simply does not want to explain why he does not want to communicate.
  10. He doesn’t understand why you are making complaints about his attitude. Therefore, nothing changes in your communication.

If it so happens that your man has fallen out of love, the best solution is to simply let him go. It’s not for nothing that they say: “You can’t be nice by force!” Wish him happiness and make room in your heart for a new, successful relationship.

What not to do when your man is withdrawn

Considering the differences in female and male types of perception of the world around us, you must always remember that if your man began to communicate less with you or became withdrawn, this does not mean that he has stopped loving you. This may also indicate that he has some kind of problem or new idea, which haunts him, and he hatches a plan for further action. Often this behavior has absolutely nothing to do with the other half.

  • First of all, in such a situation, you should not put pressure on a man.
    Historically, a man, when faced with a problem, simply wants to solve it immediately. In the ancient world, this type of behavior helped to survive and protect relatives. Now this is a kind of stereotypical behavior transmitted at the genetic level. Solving the problem gives a man the opportunity to assert himself in the role of breadwinner and protector.
  • The second important point is the man’s personal space, which should under no circumstances be encroached upon.
    Every person needs personal space. And, given that it is not customary for men to share their problems, compromising themselves in the eyes of their beloved woman or friends, they do not allow anyone into their personal space at a difficult moment.

If you can understand this and stop yourself from imposing yourself on him in private moments, then your man will only appreciate you more. Understanding women in modern world not very much. And he was lucky!

How to successfully communicate with a man

Effective communication is directly related to understanding. You need to be able to find him common language. Considering that women adapt more easily to a changing situation, it is women who have to look for this common language. There are several simple rules, the observance of which will help you avoid a situation where a man avoids communicating with you.

  1. Brevity and conciseness in the presentation of your thoughts. Men do not like to spend hours talking about the reasons for the current situation; they need immediate results.
  2. Never distract him if he is busy with something that is of paramount importance to him at the moment or does not want to talk to anyone. It doesn't matter whether he's watching football or reading documents. If he sees that you are ready to compromise, to wait until he is free, then a refusal to communicate becomes unlikely. Psychology says that a man is much more willing to make contact when you are doing a common task. And here again, it doesn’t matter whether you are running together in the park or re-pasting the wallpaper in the room.
  3. When your man is ready to pay attention to you and shows that he wants to communicate with you, maintain eye contact with him, speak slowly, ask clarifying questions. Show him that you are interested in communication and want to know his opinion.
  4. Never interrupt him, listen patiently and carefully. You can still understand what he wants to say, perhaps only by listening to him to the end. And with this behavior you will show respect for him and his opinion.

Sometimes, due to the difference in the psychology of a man and a woman, misunderstandings arise between lovers. It seems to him that he spends quite a lot of time with his soulmate and communicates with her, and at the same moment she sees everything completely differently. Often a woman may feel that her lover is not even listening to her. The main thing in such a situation is not to start nagging him for lack of attention to his person, but to use the following tips in practice:

  1. Always think about how and what to say before you speak. You should speak in a calm, even tone, without whining or sobbing, not loudly and without pressure. And the most important point: speak briefly and only about the main thing.
  2. Always listen to what he tells you. Even if you are not interested in the topic and it will force you to break away from your favorite activity, listen to him.
  3. Choose the time to resolve the issue. The environment should be calm. You should start with the fact that you love him very much and value your relationship. And then, gradually, bring him up to the topic of ineffective communication. Ask what options he sees for getting out of this situation. And come to a common conclusion.

And finally, I would like to say that men are not as complex creatures as we imagine them to be. When communicating with a man, just like with any person, the rule works flawlessly: make your communication interesting for him and he will want to communicate with you, and if he doesn’t want to, then no one will force him to do anything. In such a situation, leave him alone for a while in his personal space. The main thing is that this solitude does not drag on for too long. If it becomes clear to you that enough time has passed to come to your senses, directly ask him the question: “Is everything okay in our relationship?” And based on his answer, look for a solution. Just remember that even sorting things out should be done calmly, without shouting or emotions.

Unfortunately, disagreements between lovers and, as a result, separations are far from uncommon in the modern world. You won’t surprise anyone with frequent divorces. If yesterday you were a happy couple, then there is no guarantee that today your union will not cease to exist. Situations are different; it happens that one of the partners has a strong desire to be alone, rethink the relationship, and restore strength. In this case, it is important to simply wait out the crisis period and then act.

But if your loved one does not want to see you and communicate, then there is still resentment in his soul. What to do if you are unable to put up with the situation and want to know how to get your loved one back, even if he doesn’t want to communicate? The main strategy in the behavior of someone who wants to renew a relationship is not to try to restore lost harmony as soon as possible; endurance will be required. Depending on who wants to return whom, it is worth considering an important nuance: men and women, as you know, are opposite creatures, therefore, certain behavioral tactics must be applied to both.

If I could go back in time, I would try to be kinder to people.
Matthew Perry

What to do to get your beloved man back if he doesn’t want to communicate?

Men are born hunters; they strive to independently achieve their goals. If a woman is obsessive and actively seeks meetings, a man loses interest in her. He does not like the role of a weak-willed slave. Therefore, a situation should be created in which he himself will come to the conclusion that changes are necessary. What should a woman do?

What should you do to get your beloved woman back if she doesn’t want to communicate?

Women's psychology has nothing in common with men's. Behavior, emotional state The beautiful half of humanity is sometimes contradictory and defies logical explanation. However, you should not limply let the situation take its course; if your feelings have not faded away, then you should return your beloved. Even in the case of an official divorce, the attempt may be successful. What should a man do to get a woman back?

Time is the only thing that cannot be stopped, returned, repeated or changed.
Bakhtiyar Melik ogly Mamedov

Video: How to get your loved one back


It is important to consider that whatever the reason for the breakup, anyone who wants to return a loved one, even if he does not want to communicate, must assume in what direction the relationship will be built after its resumption. It’s worth getting rid of illusions already “on the shore”: there are no ideals, just like ideal relationships; in rare cases, people are able to radically change themselves. Therefore, it makes sense to give in to your soul mate, accept the person for who he is, not be selfish, draw the right conclusions about the reasons for the separation and not repeat similar mistakes in the future.

Many lonely or unsuccessful people wonder why people around them don’t want to communicate with them. There may be many reasons for this, but your isolation is not included in this list.

Everyone can be within themselves, think about their own things, but everyone must correctly show everyone around their intentions and respect. If you don't, people will simply turn away from you. In order for others to be drawn to you, you need to avoid mistakes, which will be discussed below.

Reason one: you don’t call your interlocutors by name

Psychologists say that at least sometimes you need to mention the name of your interlocutor in conversations. It's not so much whether you use this advice or not, but how often others use it. If at least one person calls your name during a dialogue when addressing you, then he or she will have more weight for you than anyone else. There is one very important trick for those who want to make a person like him more when meeting someone - you need to say his name. For example, you say my name is Elena, and they answer you: “And I’m Artem.” You say: “Very nice, Artem.” This has a very powerful effect. The person will immediately remember you and, more importantly, he or she will remember that it is pleasant to communicate with you. If you have memory problems, society will still perceive it negatively, so write down names so you don't forget them.

Reason two: you only talk about topics that are interesting only to you

Think about whether everyone around you will be interested in hearing about your problems with children, a new diet, a new fitness trainer, a broken carburetor in your car, or politics. Take a closer look at people's reactions. It can be very revealing, because most people may not be interested in your stories about your personal life. People should want to ask you something if you tell something. If this does not happen, then no one is interested in your topics. Subsequently you will not be asked anything.

Another tip: don’t talk about politics and religion unless you want literally everyone to hate you. This is bad manners. Of course, this is not bad form for any society, but for most work groups it is terrible. If they don’t communicate with you after your monologues, then you are talking about the wrong topics.

Reason three: you only talk about yourself

Perhaps you turn all conversations on yourself. This is also incredibly annoying to everyone around. The person told an interesting story, and instead of saying your opinion about it, you start: “But I have...”.

You should only talk about yourself if you are asked something directly. Perhaps you are the person who constantly turns the topic to your loved one. You cannot do this under any circumstances unless you want to become an outcast. On the contrary, take an interest in other people after their monologues, ask them questions. Show interest, then they will quickly love you.

Reason four: you gossip and discuss others behind their backs

Nobody likes hypocrites, even if there are other hypocrites in the team besides you. Even if you really want to discuss your colleague’s new provocative dress with a friend or your boss’s new car with a friend, it is better not to do this. If you cannot abstract yourself from negative statements, then it is better not to say anything. Of course, rumors and gossip may be spread about you that you are pretending to be a saint, but no one is immune from this. Just avoid it without reproaching others for their sins. good people it’s still a lot, so they definitely won’t communicate with you if you constantly discuss someone with them behind their back. People understand that you can therefore discuss them too.

Reason five: your lack of confidence in conversation

People don't want to talk to someone who tries to say one thing but uses a lot of unnecessary words. Of course, this may not be fair to you, but unfortunately no one cares. There are few people who can understand others in this regard. Of course, this is not so big reason to avoid you and not talk to you. But this irritates many people.

Reason six: you answer in monosyllables

There is no doubt, you most likely just don’t want to talk. This method of conducting a dialogue with someone who is not interesting to you can alienate other people. It is possible that you have high self-esteem, narcissism. This needs to be corrected, and as quickly as possible. People will not speak to someone who considers them to be inferior creatures. Here you will have to try to improve.

Reason seven: you constantly whine

Your life is filled with problems that you share with everyone. You can be understood because you always want to get some kind of approval, support, advice, but people get tired of your troubles, which are more familiar to them than their own.

Reason eight: you don't inspire respect

This problem can be called global, but light should be shed on the most important thing. You talk about one thing, but do something completely different. If your words contradict your actions, then you should take care of yourself. People avoid communicating with those who constantly lie or pretend.

Reason nine: you are not confident in introducing yourself to people

When you come to a place, you need to say hello and introduce yourself to everyone who doesn’t know you. This will show that you are inclined to dialogue and are ready to conduct it with everyone. Simply saying hello to everyone at once will not be a gross mistake, because this is what most people do. It is for this same reason that it is worth doing everything differently, so as not to attribute yourself to this majority.

It is very important to introduce yourself not only yourself, but also to introduce your companions to people you know. It will be easier for your companion to engage in conversation, and the people around you will automatically look more positively at you as a person who knows how to behave in society. The rules of good manners were not invented just like that.

For these nine reasons, many people may stop communicating with you or may not want to communicate with you. If you recognize yourself at several points, then this is even worse, but there is no need to hang your nose. You can become better, more popular and win people over if you try a little. Overcome the fear of communicationif you have it, because people who are too secretive also become outcasts, as well as those who are very talkative. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

Situations when she was waiting around the clock for a call from her loved one. When your heart sank with frantic anxiety in the hope of hearing your own voice. But men don’t seem to understand that women are waiting for their call and hoping for reciprocal feelings. Sometimes a young man does not call back even after the first date, although all the time he held his companion’s hand and looked at her with loving eyes. Sometimes a man stops communicating in the midst of an affair, although there were no objective prerequisites for this. And it is not known which of the situations is more difficult. The first is when it’s offensive that you are ignored. Or the second, when feelings appeared - and silence, like a knife, cuts the heart. So, why did the man suddenly stop communicating? Let's look at these two situations in more detail.

Why did the man suddenly stop communicating after the first date?

The rich female imagination can draw a thousand reasons for the disappearance young man. But usually they have nothing to do with reality. So, what's the matter?

Explaining everything, but absolutely fantastic reasons

1. Force majeure

For example, his acquaintance or loved one died, and he had to quickly leave the city, region, country. Go to a place where there are no mobile towers. Of course, he is worried and wants to call and chat, but circumstances are stronger than him. Is this possible? Quite. After all, every day someone dies. Maybe your chosen one really has just such a situation? But if he really fell in love with you, the man will always find the opportunity and time to communicate.

2. Disease

It doesn't matter how heavy it is. The main thing is that your loved one is simply not capable of even writing a simple SMS. You begin to convince yourself of the seriousness of this version. On the other hand, what prevents him from contacting you through a friend or relatives and explaining the reason for his silence? No matter how serious the illness, it is not an obstacle to a simple phone call.

3. He was killed

This explains this behavior of the man. Now high level crime, and the guy got caught. All that remains is to cry and say goodbye to failed love. But, you see, this reason is the most incredible.

Real reasons

1. Sex on the first date

After the first date, two scenarios are possible: either the man and woman will end up in the same bed, or in different ones. Why is the first option an error? Yes, because any man is a conqueror. And if he has already received everything, then what should he strive for? If there was no sex, then with each new meeting his sympathy and interest would grow in And so - the motivation disappeared, and with it the desire to communicate. In general, you only have yourself to blame for this!

2. Too much alcohol

In a drunken stupor, communication between a woman and a man can go far beyond the boundaries of decency. Everything is possible - a story about your secrets, passionate declarations of love, and proposals of the heart. You should not believe words spoken while intoxicated. And any normal girl understands that while drunk it is difficult to seriously interest a man. And it’s even more stupid to hope for a continuation of the relationship.

Most common reason

It is not necessary to know what is hidden behind the concepts of “peculiarities of intersexual communication” and other scientific terms in order to determine the most common reason for the disappearance of a partner. It is very banal - you are not his type. You may have a spectacular appearance and a rich inner world, but a man simply isn’t attracted to you, and that’s all. Don’t be upset, because even royalty, movie stars and models are rejected. This is just not your person!

Why did a man suddenly stop communicating in the midst of an affair?

What to do if the relationship has been going on for several weeks or even months? The chosen one suddenly stopped calling, answering calls, appearing in social networks and even maintain relationships with mutual friends? What if this is the end of a whirlwind romance? Or can this behavior still be explained?

Banal reasons

1. Women place too much importance on phone calls.

When a girl is waiting for a call from her chosen one, she simply doesn’t understand that it doesn’t even occur to him to call. “If I don’t call, it means I’m busy” - this is what most guys think. In addition, many people have situations in their lives when they simply don’t want to talk on the phone. And it is not necessary that the reason for such reluctance is the girl herself. Therefore, you need to calm down and stop waiting for his call. Your loved one will show up on his own.

2. You may be in too much of a hurry

Yes, you went on a few dates and had a good time. So why did the man suddenly stop communicating? The main reason is that you treat him as your property and are very jealous. And the guys are in no hurry to say goodbye to their freedom, especially at the beginning of the novel. Of course, after the first date, girls tend to fantasize about what kind of children will appear from their newly made gentleman and how long and happily they will live in marriage. Guys are not characterized by such sentimentality.

You are already seriously thinking about wedding bells, and your chosen one may not yet have decided whether to continue the relationship at all. If this is so, then there is nothing surprising in his reluctance to communicate. By leaving, he makes it clear that he is not ready for serious changes. At least for now.

Serious reasons

Here we’ll talk about the reasons why your loved one decided to withdraw from the relationship. Maybe he didn’t have the courage to say it to his face, or maybe he wanted to give him the opportunity to leave him first. Well, he stopped communicating and hasn’t called for several days, and you sent him a message saying that it’s all over. And it’s easier for him, and a load off your shoulders... This is what the man thinks, and the woman continues to hope for the resumption of communication. What makes the stronger half do this?

1. You may be too good for him.

Overly educated, beautiful, smart. If he feels like an unsightly simpleton with complexes next to you, then it will be difficult to maintain a relationship. You may have been smarting up too much on dates, and as we know, men don't approve of that. To feel like real machos, they need a laughing simpleton who looks with adoration and greedily catches every word. Moreover, she may be well-mannered and erudite, but she is smart enough to hide it. On the other hand, why do you need a chosen one who doesn’t live up to your standards? A man and a woman are happy in a relationship only when they either have the same level of development, or the representative of the stronger half is smarter.

2. Inflates his worth

This is very common among young people. If a guy feels like a “star” and is sure that the girl will be waiting for his call, then he will remain silent. A man does this to provoke a woman and later take her “lukewarm”. You just need to take into account that the girl may have new boyfriends during this period, and the unlucky “star” will be forgotten.


Of course, it is very unpleasant if a man does not want to communicate. And it doesn’t matter what stage your relationship is at. This is always a difficult situation for a woman. Try to find in this positive aspects. Firstly, he may not be your dream, and now your hands are free to search for your true happiness. Secondly, there is even nobility in his action: he did not reassure and fool his head. So blow him a kiss and... forget it. Remember, if your chosen one truly loves, he will never disappoint you with a long wait.