Benefits of breastfeeding for maternal health. Benefits of breastfeeding for a baby

From the very first days, a mother wants only the best for her child. And it’s no secret that breast milk is an almost indispensable nutrition for newborns and infants. It has extraordinary properties that affect the development of the child and his health. Everything from the balanced composition of milk to the feeding process has its own unique meaning. Breastfeeding is also beneficial for the mother's body.


Breast milk is the closest thing to mother's blood plasma. Considering that for nine months the fetus is nourished precisely with the help of the mother's blood circulation and given the ideal ratio of albumin and casein in breast milk, natural nutrition reduces the risk of allergic reactions. For the same reason, breastfed children are less likely to develop asthma.

Breast milk contains immunoglobulins and immunocompetent cells. They create passive immunity for the baby. It should be noted that the mother has close contact with the child and with his microorganisms, so her body produces specific antibodies and transmits them through breast milk.

In human milk large number oligosaccharides. This promotes the proliferation of bifidobacteria and beneficial microflora.
Breast milk contains enzymes that aid in digestion; hormones and growth factors that promote mental and physical development child. For example, taurine is necessary for the development of nerve tissue.

Breast milk contains all vitamins, including vitamin D (however in smaller quantities, so it is necessary to supplement only this vitamin artificially).

Mother and child bond

Breastfeeding promotes close contact between mother and baby. The mother's body produces exactly as much milk as the baby needs. Fat content also changes depending on the baby's needs.

Breastfeeding also has a positive effect on the mother herself. Lactation is a natural method of contraception (i.e. lactational amenorrhea). It has been found that breastfeeding mothers normalize their weight faster after pregnancy. In addition, during breastfeeding, a woman's body produces oxytocin, which reduces the risk of postpartum hemorrhage. Oxytocin constricts the vessels of the uterus and promotes the work of the muscles of the uterine muscles.

Economic factor

Artificial nutrition is not a cheap pleasure. Breastfeeding has virtually no economic costs.


Advantages breast milk obvious to both the child and the mother. Breastfeeding provides adequate nutrition (except for the need for an artificial vitamin D supplement) and protects the mother from complications after pregnancy. But also breastfeeding there are contraindications on the part of the mother (HIV infection, open form tuberculosis), and on the part of the child (phenylketonuria, anatomical defects of the oral cavity). It is necessary to strictly follow the doctor's recommendations.

Your baby has been born. Every mother tries to give her child only the best. Let us examine in detail the benefits of breastfeeding for the child and mother.

The World Health Organization and pediatricians around the world are on the side of natural feeding and actively recommend it. The right to choose the feeding method remains, of course, with the mother. To accept the right decision We will try to explain in detail all aspects of breastfeeding.

Benefits of breastfeeding babies

Mother's milk is by nature a perfect, valuable product. Nature has invested in it all the most valuable qualities that ensure life, health, and proper development of the baby.

The optimal required quantity, a balanced ratio of nutrients, an easily digestible form, all these qualities are adapted to the physiological and biochemical processes of the child’s body. Such properties are very important, since the organs and systems of a newborn are not yet fully developed.

Until now, scientists are discovering more and more valuable components in human milk. It’s amazing how nature has thought through everything: composition and properties.

So, let's look at the contents of breast milk to understand why it is so invaluable to babies.


Human milk is rich in vitamins (especially A, E, D), minerals (iron, zinc, calcium, phosphorus). All these components are in an easily digestible form, thanks to which the body does not need to expend effort on digesting them.


We all know from biology courses that protein is necessary as a building material for cells, and it is vital for a rapidly growing organism. Amino acids are ideally adapted to metabolic processes that have not yet been perfected. They are easily digestible.


In breast milk they are absorbed by the child by 90-95%. Fats contain fat-soluble vitamins A and E, which are very important for a newborn baby.


They are represented by lactose, which has a bifidogenic property, promotes the development of beneficial intestinal microflora of the baby, while preventing the growth of pathogenic bacteria.


Human milk is rich in many minerals: calcium, phosphorus, iron, etc. Their properties prevent the development of rickets, malnutrition and other diseases.



Breastfed babies are less likely to get sick and have a lower percentage of chronic diseases. This is due to the content of immunoglobulins, antibodies that help the child’s immature immunity to reach perfection.

Remember.The first drops of milk - colostrum - contain a particularly high concentration of immunoglobulins. Helps protect the baby's body from pathogenic microbes that he encounters in the first moments of his life. No formula can replace this property of breast milk.


Human milk is rich in special enzymes necessary for the process of breaking down proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.

  • The value of human milk is limitless:
  • has a protective function, strengthens the immune system, which is a barrier to many diseases;
  • milk is sterile, so there is no need for additional processing;
  • the baby receives milk at a comfortable temperature;
  • balanced content of nutrients in an easily digestible form;
  • ease of feeding, no need for additional attributes;
  • improves the baby's brain function, which promotes better psychomotor development.

According to research by the international organization UNICEF, it has been proven that during six months of breastfeeding, a child’s IQ increases by 6-8 points.

The healing properties of mother's milk

Human milk research has proven it medicinal properties. Helps with various problems.

Milk is sterile and contains antibodies, which helps fight conjunctivitis, which is often found in babies. A few drops of expressed milk will help get rid of this trouble.

Ear diseases can be easily cured with 2-3 drops of expressed milk, instilled every 3-4 hours, you can do without the help of antibiotics.

For minor burns, including sunburn, smearing the burn area with a swab moistened with breast milk will relieve pain and help healing.

Light scratches, insect bites, and diaper rash can also be treated with human milk.

Cracked nipples that occur in the first months of feeding can be easily cured with breast milk. After feeding and expressing the remaining milk, you need to rinse your breasts with warm water, then express a couple of drops and lubricate the affected areas. This will help relieve pain and heal cracks.

Benefits of breastfeeding for women

There is no more beautiful picture than a mother feeding her child. A woman during motherhood becomes even more beautiful and sensual. At all times, artists have admired and painted pictures of mothers breastfeeding their babies. An important fact is that a lot depends on the correct attachment of the baby to the breast; you can see in detail how to do this in this article.

Feeding brings a lot of positive aspects:

  • During breastfeeding, the hormone oxytocin is produced. It enhances uterine contractions, which prevents postpartum hemorrhage.
  • Immediately after birth, the baby is put to the breast, at this moment not only oxytocin is produced, but also another hormone - prolactin. It is responsible for the production of breast milk.
  • Scientists have proven that in nursing mothers, cancer of the breast, uterus, and ovaries is less common.
  • When breastfeeding, the bond between woman and child becomes stronger, and the maternal instinct flares up with greater force.
  • When a surrogate mother is carrying a child, psychologists do not recommend putting the child to the breast. This may cause doubt in the decision to give the child to the parents and further complex psycho-emotional problems.

  • Natural feeding is convenient and economical. A woman does not need to take a lot of bottles, formula, etc. with her when going for a walk or get up at night to sterilize a bottle and prepare an artificial formula.

Psychological benefits of breastfeeding

Science has proven that children fed with breast milk are different from children who are breastfed. artificial feeding. Such children are better developed physically and emotionally.

In the process of breastfeeding, mother and baby are united. In addition, breastfeeding is a further foundation for development in older age.

They are more active, balanced, psychologically. Such children are more resistant in various stressful situations. For example, first visit kindergarten, schools. Therefore, it is important to know how to properly organize the nutrition of a newborn.

As a rule, such kids grow up to be friendly, sociable and friendly people. The emotional attachment of a child to his mother does not pass without a trace; in the future, they grow into attentive, caring parents.

All the warmth, love and tenderness of a mother is transmitted with mother's milk. A bottle of the mixture will never be able to convey energy, emotional warmth, or security. There are many known cases when mothers immediately after the birth of their baby wanted to give up their baby for various reasons. As soon as they fed the child at least once, the decision changed in favor of the baby.

A woman who is aware of the benefits of breast milk for her baby will never be faced with a choice: to breastfeed or not. In this case, there can be only one justifiable reason for refusing breastfeeding - medical contraindications to this.

Meanwhile, some new mothers are ready to deny their baby the essentials in the first months of his life. They find various excuses and arguments for themselves, including, perhaps, a change in the shape and former youth of the breast.

Whatever concerns a woman may have about breastfeeding, her doubts are likely to be completely erased if she is well informed about the benefits breastfeeding has for herself.

What are the benefits of breastfeeding for a woman?

All neonatologists and pediatricians unanimously declare that early breastfeeding (that is, in the first minutes after birth, while still in the delivery room) is extremely important and useful. Therefore, it would be good to study this issue before birth, in order to start feeding the baby from the first minutes of his life.

Perhaps not in very detail and not comprehensively, but every woman knows about the benefits of mother’s milk for a newborn. But we, as a rule, think least of ourselves. But it turns out that the process of lactation has many benefits for the mother.

Fast recovery after childbirth

The baby's sucking of the breast has a beneficial effect on the condition of the mother's body already from the first attachment. It stimulates the production of hormones - prolactin and oxytocin, which accelerate postpartum recovery and help you quickly return to your previous shape. In particular, while the baby is sucking the breast, the uterus of the nursing mother begins to contract intensively. Thus, it is better cleared of bloody discharge, quickly decreases in size and returns to its prenatal state. At the same time, not only does the stomach “go away” after childbirth, but also internal organs take their proper places, returning to their previous mode of operation.

Thanks to more effective uterine contractions during breastfeeding, postpartum bleeding lasts less, and this prevents the development of anemia in a woman due to large blood losses.

In addition to this, it is breastfeeding mothers who return to their previous prenatal forms easier, more relaxed and more effectively. At first, mom will have to forget about losing weight for a while, because the body needs resources to produce milk. But what she eats will be intensively spent on lactation (about 500 kcal per day is spent on breastfeeding alone), and gradually, without special effort Mom will return to her previous shape if she adheres to proper nutrition (without special diets or workouts). This is also facilitated by accelerated metabolism during lactation.

As for women who are not breastfeeding after childbirth, they will have to make a lot of effort to lose weight, and it is possible that they will harm their health.

Disease Prevention

The health benefits of breastfeeding are not limited to this. Numerous studies indicate that breastfeeding is an effective prevention of female cancers, in particular breast and ovarian cancer. And what? longer woman breastfeeding, the more pronounced this effect is. If she was diagnosed with a tumor in the breast (fibroadenoma), then lactation with a very high probability can contribute to its disappearance. This is especially true for women at risk (suffering from mastopathy): they need to breastfeed for at least a year. Doctors also came to the conclusion that during lactation, diabetic women’s dependence on insulin decreases.

Doctors say that the immunity of a nursing mother remains protected by nature, and therefore the mother is less susceptible to viral infections. If she interrupts the chain of natural changes, that is, refuses to breastfeed, then a gross invasion and a sharp disruption of hormonal levels occurs, which negatively affects her health.

In addition, thanks to a whole complex of natural mechanisms in the nurse’s body, calcium and other nutrients during this period they are absorbed better! For this, the main thing is to eat right and lead a healthy lifestyle, which breastfeeding contributes to in the best possible way: only in exceptional cases do nursing mothers allow themselves to drink and smoke. As a rule, women approach this period with full responsibility, understanding that the health and strength of the child is now being formed for the rest of his life, and the quality of this very life largely depends on the mother.

Resistance to stress and depression

Nature also took care of mental comfort, peace of mind nursing mother. Scientists have come to the conclusion that thanks to the same hormones, a woman’s nervous system seems to be abstracted from the factors that provoke her instability. Mom doesn’t seem to react to “unimportant” episodes now. Her entire consciousness and subconscious is aimed at the well-being of the baby and obtaining satisfaction from the feeding process, from physical and spiritual intimacy with the baby.

It has been noted that women in labor who refuse breastfeeding are more susceptible to stress and more often find themselves in depression, from which it is not only difficult to get out of it, but often impossible without the help of specialists. This is explained by a sharp decrease in the level of hormones in a woman’s body when she refuses to breastfeed, for which the mother’s body has already prepared. These hormones cause feelings of euphoria and happiness in a new mother, very similar to the sensations in a state of love.

Natural way of contraception

It’s not at all the most important argument in favor of feeding a baby with breast milk, but if you think carefully... For complete recovery and strengthening after childbirth female body it takes about 3 years, doctors say. Only after this period has passed will a newly pregnant woman be able to provide the growing fetus with everything it needs without harming it and herself. Therefore, the issue of contraception after childbirth is very relevant.

Today it is absolutely known that it is possible to get pregnant while breastfeeding. And yet, properly organized natural feeding enhances and prolongs the contraceptive effect. You just need to know that you can rely on this method of contraception only if you follow all the rules and recommendations (feeding on demand, co-sleeping, at least three times a day of feeding at night, feeding the baby only (!) with breast milk, giving up pacifiers, introducing complementary foods no earlier than 4-6 months, etc.). The onset of pregnancy during breastfeeding is prevented by the currently produced large quantities hormone prolactin. It suppresses the production of female sex hormones (progesterone and estrogen), necessary for ovulation, conception and implantation of the fertilized egg.

Saving money and time

This benefit of breastfeeding is initially underestimated by many. But to return to this convenient way Caring for a child after switching to formula milk is extremely difficult. Therefore, do not rush to deny a newborn a breast, but just think carefully...

Infant formulas today are quite expensive. The better the mixture, the more expensive it is, and the jar doesn’t last long. It is not at all a fact that you will find an infant formula that suits your child the first time. You will probably have to try many brands before you find a food that will not harm your baby’s gastrointestinal tract and his body as a whole.

Each package of “inappropriate” formula will remain unused (unless you deliberately torture your child with such food). Since children's appetite is not always the same, often the remains of the uneaten amount will have to be thrown out (because the baby must receive freshly prepared formula every time).

In general, regarding the financial side of the issue, all the advantages of breast milk are obvious: it is completely free.

But, in addition, mother’s milk is always fresh, warm (exactly the temperature required, which is extremely difficult to achieve when preparing formula, and a temperature discrepancy of even a few degrees negatively affects the absorption and digestion of food by the baby’s stomach).

Such food is always available, nearby. There is no need to suddenly quickly run to the store or home; this is extremely beneficial and convenient when mother and baby go on long walks or long trips.

Mother's milk is always sterile and ready for use: there is no need to bother with washing and sterilizing pacifiers, nipples, bottles, with preparation and doubts about how many grams the baby should eat. All you have to do is offer your baby the breast - and you can rest. The child will eat exactly as much as he needs at a given period. It's completely free and hassle-free! It also saves your physical strength.

A convenient way to calm your child

What can we say about the fact that nothing calms a child better and faster than the mother’s breast. If you don’t want to be tormented by a child’s crying, trying in every possible and impossible way to calm an upset baby, then lactation should definitely be adjusted.

Of course, such a “sedative” does not always work. But if the breast does not help, then the pacifier and motion sickness will be even more powerless.

Strong connection with your child

Every mother would like to build a strong, warm relationship with her child and raise a responsive, kind, attentive, loving child. The foundations for this are laid precisely during lactation. Together with mother's milk, the mother gives the baby not only a feeling of security, safety and comfort, but also conveys to him her mood, attitude, and vision of this world. That is why you need to breastfeed with great desire, pleasure, love and confidence that this is the best decision and that you will certainly succeed.

It's actually quite simple and easy. But if you have any difficulties during breastfeeding, invite a specialist to your home who will not only teach you comfortable, effective positions for feeding, correct application baby to the breast, but will also answer all your questions. Believe me, it is worth the money spent on such services.

Healthy and smart child

And most importantly! If you want to raise a healthy, smart and confident child, then breastfeeding will contribute to this better than anything else. It has been proven that children who are breastfed for a long time grow up many times healthier and stronger, as well as more intelligent and capable of learning than bottle-fed children.

Together with mother's milk, the child receives strong immune protection. Rickets, anemia, hypovitaminosis, allergic, gastrointestinal, endocrine, viral and many other diseases develop much less frequently in infants! Moreover, scientists have come to the conclusion that in adulthood such children suffer less often from diabetes, obesity, atherosclerosis, and cancer.

Is it better to constantly sit on sick leave and be exhausted from childhood illnesses than to enjoy the time spent together, which flies very quickly and never returns!

If you are still in doubt about whether to breastfeed your newborn baby, then ask nursing mothers what they experience in moments of such intimacy with their little one. Believe me, this cannot be expressed in words, but even what you hear in response should convince you: you definitely need to feed, even if you see certain difficulties in this for yourself.

Treat the process of breastfeeding with warmth and love, perceive it simply and naturally - and then everything will be exactly as it should be: easy, pleasant and useful in every sense!

Especially for - Margarita SOLOVIOVA

While a mother is carrying a child, she has time to decide whether she will adhere to natural, breastfeeding of the child, or artificial feeding with special milk formulas. If there are no contraindications (for example, the mother has an infection that can be transmitted through milk to the baby), then doctors unanimously recommend breastfeeding, noting its benefits for both the child and his mother. Breastfeeding is not called natural for nothing, since it is the ideal nutrition for a baby, which is provided by nature itself, and no analogues can even come close to replacing it.

Benefits of breastfeeding for a baby:

  • Proteins, fats and carbohydrates in breast milk are in the correct ratio of 1:3:6.
  • Cows' milk contains more protein, but it is less digestible due to the fact that it is difficult to break down, while the proteins in breast milk are broken down and digested more easily. Therefore, breastfed children are less likely to have allergic reactions.
  • Breast milk proteins contain all the necessary amino acids, and in addition, human milk contains a much higher amount of unsaturated fatty acids, which increases the body's resistance to intestinal infections.
  • Also, mother’s milk contains antibodies to various infections, creating protection for the child.
  • It also contains more lactose (milk sugar), which is beneficial for brain development and normalizes intestinal microflora.
  • The amount of enzymes, vitamins and microelements in breast milk is optimal.
  • IN cow's milk contains more mineral salts, which overload the kidneys and contribute to the future development of hypertension.
  • Breast milk is sterile, which reduces the risk of developing intestinal infections
  • Breast milk contains lecithin, which promotes the proliferation of brain cells. In addition, components of breast milk accumulate in subcutaneous fat, which are used by the body for several years for brain function.
  • When a child is bottle-fed, he or she develops an increased need for food, which can lead to obesity in the future.
  • With natural feeding, mental development (talents, intelligence) occurs faster, and with artificial feeding, physical and sexual development (maturation, aging).
  • Breast sucking helps correct formation jaw apparatus, correct articulation and serve as the prevention of speech disorders.
  • Attachment to the mother's breast facilitates the baby's adaptation to new conditions, the transition from the intrauterine to the post-uterine period, since close contact with the mother is maintained, which is why the transition is not so abrupt.

Benefits of breastfeeding for mother:

  • A breastfeeding woman recovers faster after childbirth, since breastfeeding produces a special hormone - oxytocin, which stimulates uterine contractions, which reduces the risk of bleeding after childbirth and, accordingly, the risk of developing anemia.
  • Women usually get in shape faster when breastfeeding, as it improves metabolism. In addition, a nursing mother should abstain from junk food and bad habits, which also contributes to the rapid restoration of shape and develops the habit of proper nutrition And healthy image life, adhering to which, she will look good in the future.
  • During breastfeeding, a woman can take a break from menstruation, as this will delay the resumption of the cycle after childbirth.
  • It is believed that breastfeeding reduces the risk of developing cancer in the female part.
  • Breastfeeding strengthens the emotional bonds between mother and child, so breastfeeding women are less likely to experience postpartum depression and recover from it more easily.
  • When breastfeeding, the mother saves time and effort on feeding, since it does not require special preparations - you can breastfeed at any time of the day or night, without even getting out of bed.
  • There is no need to stock up for travel: breast milk is always at hand and you can feed your baby at any time.
  • There is no need to spend money on formula either, because there will already be a lot of expenses in connection with the birth of a child.

The baby's first attachment to the baby is considered very important.
maternal breast, which must be carried out immediately after birth, literally in the first half hour (if the health of the child and mother allows). The baby is placed naked on the mother's stomach so that there is skin contact, and covered with a sterile diaper on top. Unfortunately, in many maternity hospitals this rule is not observed, and the baby is brought to the first feeding already swaddled and after 2-3 hours, when this does not bring the desired effect. Therefore, it is better to discuss this point with your doctor in advance or choose a clinic where early attachment is practiced.

Benefits of early breastfeeding for a baby:

  • Creating a strong immune defense, since the mother has the most antibodies in her milk immediately after birth, and already on the second day their number is halved
  • The sucking reflex will develop earlier.
  • Useful for the formation of normal intestinal microflora.
  • Creates physical and emotional contact with the mother, which alleviates the stress experienced by the child - birth.

Benefits of early breastfeeding for the mother:

  • Physical and emotional contact with the child evokes maternal feelings.
  • Promotes faster contraction of the uterus (reduces the risk of bleeding).
  • Stimulation of long-term lactation.
  • Less likely to develop mastitis.

It happens that there is not enough mother's milk - then supplementary feeding with formula is used. This type of feeding is still preferable to completely artificial feeding. If there is not enough milk, you can try, then supplementary feeding will not be needed.

How often should you feed a newborn baby and a child up to one year old:

  • In the first days of the baby’s life, breastfeeding on demand up to 12-16 times a day. Frequent feeding is beneficial for both mother and baby: it satisfies the baby’s hunger and stimulates lactation in the mother.
  • By 1-2 months, you can gradually switch to a certain feeding regimen: 7 times a day every 3 hours, with a night break of 6 hours for sleep.
  • At 3-4 months, the number of feedings can be reduced to six times, and the break between them increased to 3.5 hours.
  • At the age of 5-12 months, the number of feedings is reduced to 5 times every 4 hours, the night break for sleep is 8 hours.

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