A 9-year-old child sweats a lot. The child sweats a lot Why? What to do? Excess body weight

Excessive sweating can cause discomfort for an active student. In addition, at this age, children's sweat acquires a specific smell, which is likely to cause children's shame. What are the causes of unpleasant odor and how to eliminate it?

Causes of child sweating at 9 years old

Children are more susceptible to changes in temperature, so they sweat more due to overheating. Overheating can be caused by the immune system fighting the disease or simply excessively high temperature air.

In this case, first your palms and head get wet, then your whole body. To prevent this, regularly ventilate the room in which schoolchildren are located, and do not wear too much clothing. Excessively warm clothing can cause a cold. The child will quickly sweat and any breeze or small draft can cause ARVI.

Another cause of hyperhidrosis is increased physical activity. Schoolchildren love to run, jump, and play outdoor games. Their metabolism works well, so they actively produce sweat. Children who tend to be overweight sweat more often.

A student may sweat due to excitement, overwork or lack of sleep. You can identify these causes and prevent them yourself. Instill in the student confidence in his abilities, always support and praise him, regardless of the result, encourage him before important speeches or other matters. Monitor your daughter or son's daily routine and don't let them go to bed late.

Hyperhidrosis can also be inherited. If dad, mom or one of the immediate family suffers from excessive sweating, then a 9-year-old schoolchild may also be at risk.

Unfortunately, increased sweating may be a sign of an endocrine disease. For severe sweating without visible reasons consult a pediatrician and endocrinologist.

Many young parents are scared when their daughter develops a strong sweat odor at the age of 9. In fact, this is the first sign of puberty. In that case bad smell sweat will come from your armpits. For the same reason, boys' armpits may smell. Although puberty occurs later in them.

To solve the odor problem in this case, tell us about additional rules of personal hygiene: you need to shower twice a day and use deodorants and antiperspirants. Although you should still consult a doctor before doing this. After all, increased sweating is a sign of hormonal changes, which can occur not only due to the onset of adolescence. Only after receiving the test results and ultrasound will the endocrinologist be able to name the cause of hyperhidrosis with odor and suggest treatment methods or preventive procedures.

Often the smell of sweat in a child can be felt at a very young age. This phenomenon worries parents, although physiologically it is quite normal to sweat - everyone knows that these are the body’s protective functions from overheating.

The baby begins to sweat when he is not even a month old. While he is growing, his glands are forming; only by the age of five or six do they begin to function sufficiently.

Types of hyperhidrosis

Sweating is a natural physiological phenomenon. However, when there is no physical or mental stress, the room temperature is normal, profuse sweating in children is considered hyperhidrosis.

Increased sweating may be primary. In this case, its release is associated with hereditary factors, and the child is considered healthy. Sweat is most often localized in certain areas: on the head, palms and heels, and sometimes in the armpits.

The secondary type of hyperhidrosis is when increased secretion and strong odor of sweat are symptoms of some pathology or the cause of taking a drug.

Symptoms of hyperhidrosis in children

Determining hyperhidrosis is not difficult. In such children, after sleep, the bed becomes wet, especially the pillow; the underwear in which he slept may be wet. With hyperhidrosis, you can observe droplets formed on the forehead and an unpleasant odor of sweat. The child becomes restless, tearful, eats poorly and has difficulty falling asleep.

These children have redness on the skin in the form of rashes. It may become stained due to nervous disorder or irritation. Children become touchy and quickly react to stimuli.

Causes of hyperhidrosis in preschool children

There are many reasons that influence increased sweating in children. preschool age(5 years-7 years). Usually a child sweats when he is sick with various colds.

His temperature rises, and when they give antipyretic drugs, he begins to sweat as it decreases. Therefore, it is recommended to change the linen and pillowcase on the pillow.

Changes in hormonal levels

After 6 years of age, preschool children experience hormonal changes. This leads to excessive sweating: children begin to sweat like adults. The odor is caused by bacteria that accumulate near the sweat glands.

When they combine with sweat, it begins to emit an unpleasant odor after a while.

Enlarged lymph nodes

This violation leads to increased sweat production, the child becomes capricious and irritable.

Excessive emotionality

It can also cause your baby to sweat. These can be both positive and negative emotions.

Endocrine system disorders

If the endocrine system has failed, the baby may have an unpleasant odor. This can be clarified by taking a blood test to check your blood sugar levels.

Autonomic dystonia

With vegetative dystonia caused by psycho-emotional stress, the child sweats. This disease causes his hands and feet to become wet.

Household aspects of the reasons

Almost all children are constantly moving actively, so they often sweat.

Sometimes observed genetic predisposition to hyperhidrosis. This condition is inherited.

Most often, the palms, head and armpits sweat, but there may be reasons for increased sweating that are not related to the health of children.

For example:

  1. Often a child sweats if the room is not ventilated and it is stuffy. It is necessary to purchase a thermometer and ensure that the temperature does not exceed 22 °C. It is advisable to ventilate it frequently, but to prevent the baby from catching a cold, he must be transferred to another room during this time.
  2. Hyperhidrosis can manifest itself when children are bundled up. Especially when sleeping, you should not wear warm clothes. When children are taken out for a walk, they must be dressed appropriately for the weather. It is also advisable to ensure that the child is dressed in clothes made from natural fabrics. Synthetics are not allowed!
  3. Failure to comply with hygiene standards leads to the child smelling of sweat. To allow the skin pores to breathe, you need to wash frequently, and if you have hyperhidrosis, it is advisable to take water treatments every day before bed.
  4. A common cause of sweaty feet is wearing non-breathable shoes or synthetic socks. Therefore, if you experience increased sweating, it is better to change your shoes to better ones and your socks to natural ones.

Causes of hyperhidrosis in girls

At the age of 7-8 years, a girl begins puberty and hormonal changes occur. All changes that occur in the body are accompanied by increased sweat production. At this time, the sweat glands, which are located in the armpits, groin area, and perineum, begin their active activity. Therefore, if hygiene is not regularly observed, the girl’s sweating will be accompanied by an unpleasant odor.

To find out the exact cause, it is best to seek help from a pediatrician and endocrinologist.. Only qualified specialists will take care of children and can recommend the correct treatment for this problem.

What to do if hyperhidrosis occurs in a preschooler and older children

There are general rules that must be followed for all causes of increased sweating in children 5-6 years of age and older, only then will it be possible to reduce sweat production and, most importantly, avoid unpleasant odors.

  1. You need to pay attention to the bed. It is advisable that the mattress be hard. Bed set must be made from natural fibers. If the baby is less than a year old, it is recommended to place a flannel diaper under the head instead of a pillow. The blanket must be selected from natural fibers.
  2. If odors occur with hyperhidrosis, special attention must be paid to hygiene. It is especially important for hyperhidrosis to wash twice a day: morning and evening.
  3. Requirements for children's clothing, especially summer and underwear, should be focused on natural ingredients. It absorbs all excess moisture well.
  4. It is important to pay attention to the quality of shoes when purchasing them made of leather or suede. It must also correspond to weather conditions. It is especially not recommended to wear rubber boots for a long time.

Basics of therapy and traditional recipes

In addition to the rules, it is necessary to treat hyperhidrosis. For these purposes, baths made from oak bark and adding sea salt to warm water are suitable.

If a stinky odor appears in the armpit area, the easiest way is to wipe it with a cotton swab dipped in hydrogen peroxide or a solution of potassium permanganate.

If children have armpits that smell, sometimes they need to be treated with antiperspirant or deodorant.

Attention! Only the attending physician can choose the right one.

Herbal decoctions

The most appropriate thing for a child is to prepare various herbal decoctions. They can be used externally, lubricating problem areas, and drunk as teas.

Consultation with a doctor is required, as some herbs can cause allergies.

It is useful to drink a decoction of peppermint. For 1 glass of boiling water, take 1 tablespoon of mint. In order for it to brew better and produce a high-quality decoction, the container with herbs and water is immersed in a saucepan, and to obtain the decoction itself, it is boiled for about 10 minutes.

Drink the decoction before starting to feed the baby.

Vegetable decoction

Foot baths

If children sweat, there is nothing to worry about, the main thing is not to miss the occurrence of any disease.

Prevention of hyperhidrosis in children

In order to avoid manifestations of hyperhidrosis, it is necessary to follow a number of rules and, in order to prevent the child’s armpits from smelling, you need to wash more often.

It is important to expose the areas where sweat occurs. Walk at home in slippers without socks, wear T-shirts, clothes should be made of: cotton, linen, viscose.

Must be observed proper nutrition, for this purpose you should not give your child: spicy food, hot tea, chocolate.

If the baby is sweating, it is necessary to immediately change him into clean clothes, and treat the armpit areas with safe antiperspirants.

If you follow preventive measures and find out the causes of hyperhidrosis, you can get rid of it. You just need to have a lot of patience.

It is generally accepted that only adults suffer from severe sweating. Unfortunately, this is not the case. For example, excessive sweating in a 10-year-old child is not at all uncommon. You can read about what causes this pathology and how to deal with it in this article.

About the physiological component of childhood sweating

Unlike adults, a child’s sweating is much more often explained by physiological, that is, natural, reasons. Firstly, the number of sweat glands on children's skin is the same as those of their parents. That is, with the same amount of sweat, your offspring will always seem to sweat more. Besides, It is by the age of ten that hormonal changes begin to occur in the child’s body. So, girls produce noticeably more estrogen, boys produce testosterone. This is laid down at the biological level for the correct formation of bone and muscle tissue, in accordance with gender.

All these processes are accompanied by increased sweating, and there is nothing “criminal” about this. If your child is enrolled in any sports clubs at this age, simply teach him how to properly use dermatologist-approved deodorants and provide him with enough changes of clothes. If sweating is particularly severe, you can use talcum powder or burnt alum. They effectively adsorb both sweat directly and unpleasant odors. However, children rarely suffer from the latter, so you only need to deal with the sweat itself.

Another important circumstance should also be mentioned. The thermoregulation system of a child’s body at this age becomes much more perfect when compared with that of an infant, but it is still far from complete normalization.

Remember! The body of adolescents reacts much more sharply to temperature changes, heat and stuffiness, responding with a significant increase in sweating. It is these reasons that most often lead to hyperhidrosis at such a young age, and therefore parents, as a rule, have nothing to worry about.

Medical indicators

How to understand that something is wrong with the intensity of sweating in a child? After all, it may turn out that his health is fine, and the increased secretion of sweat glands is caused by physiological factors... Hyperhidrosis in this case can be detected on the basis of a medical examination performed by an experienced pediatrician and dermatologist.

Important! Blood, urine, sweat tests and some additional diagnostic tests are required. Their importance lies in identifying any primary diseases in which excessive sweating may develop.

I wonder what sweat must be tested for salt content. This is due to the fact that patients with cystic fibrosis not only sweat profusely and constantly, but also have very acrid, extremely salty sweat. In addition, the secretion of the sweat glands may contain some other substances (nitrogen compounds, for example), which accurately indicate a disease of a specific internal organ.

It may be very useful Minor's sample(iodine-starch test). It is done very simply. In the morning, while the degree of sweating is minimal, Lugol's aqueous solution is applied to the armpit. You must wait until it is completely dry and only then put the clothes on the child. After a few minutes (at this time the person may be allowed to move intensively), starch powder is applied to the treated area. The latter, when interacting with iodine, which is part of Lugol's solution, acquires a bright blue color.

Based on the size and outline of the colored area, you can accurately determine the degree of sweating. If the “blue” spot is more than seven or eight centimeters in diameter, we can talk about hyperhidrosis. The Minor test is most often performed many times, since it can be used to easily assess the effectiveness of the prescribed treatment.

Hygiene rules

Since excessive sweating in children is most often not associated with anything really serious (especially in a boy who is intensely involved in a sports section), with age it spontaneously decreases to normal values.

At this time, you just need to observe basic hygiene standards so that the child does not feel like a black sheep among his peers. We have already said that it is important to provide children with a sufficient amount of change of clothes. It is necessary to dwell on this issue in a little more detail.

All wearables linen should only be natural, from cotton fabrics or something similar. At this age, wearing synthetics is extremely undesirable, since it interferes with the normal gas exchange of the body with the external environment, as a result of which sweating immediately increases. Finally, all practicing pediatricians agree that wearing synthetic underwear significantly increases the risk of developing irritation and even inflammation of the skin. The same goes for bed linen.

It should be exclusively natural, dyes should only be safe for health. If a pillowcase or sheet fades when washed or, moreover, leaves pronounced traces of paint on the skin, a child (and an adult too) should under no circumstances sleep like that. Every day before bed, the children's room needs to be well ventilate. This is done approximately 30-45 minutes before going to bed. When your child goes to bed, the room should be slightly cool, not bone-chilling frost!

The child's shoes should be wiped with alcohol wipes daily and dried thoroughly. If she smells really bad, you can use more “vigorous” means. For example, a cheap formidron. Of course, after all the treatments, the shoes will need to be thoroughly washed and dried equally thoroughly.

Traditional methods for eliminating sweating

Since medications to eliminate hyperhidrosis are prescribed to children only as a last resort, it would not be amiss to remember the simple and effective methods of traditional medicine. The easiest and most enjoyable way for a child is baths with decoctions of sage, mint, oak bark and string. If your baby's feet sweat, you can limit yourself to foot baths. They are even more convenient, since they are easy to arrange several times a day. Salt baths have a similar effect, and there is no need to buy sea salt for them. A regular kitchen one will do just fine.

Has proven itself well in the fight against local sweating natural apple cider vinegar. They rub it on particularly sweaty areas, wait until the preparation dries, and then wash it off. Also sweaty areas (as well as shoes) can be treated tea tree oil. Not only does it smell nice, but it also noticeably reduces sweating after two or three weeks of regular use. If your tomboy's palms are sweaty, this helps a lot!

Finally, it has been repeatedly proven that it is excellent for combating childhood sweating. hardening and dousing. At the same time, the thermoregulation system stabilizes, the body begins to sweat less. Of course, this should be done only after consultation with a pediatrician.

Ensuring the health of your child is the primary task for any parent, therefore, with any deviation from the norm, a search begins for the causes and options for eliminating the problem. Sooner or later, the child begins to smell of sweat, and mothers become nostalgic for the times when the child smelled only of milk.

When to start worrying

The sweat itself does not smell of anything; the specific smell comes from the waste products of bacteria that live on our skin. The baby begins to sweat after three weeks of life, but at first his sweat has no odor. However, at first the sweat glands are located only on initial stage development, so the child reacts very strongly to even the slightest temperature changes and begins to sweat.

Sweat is not just an unpleasant-smelling liquid that often puts us in an awkward position. Sweating is a natural process human body, with its help we get rid of unnecessary and harmful substances, and also cool down in hot weather.

Each person sweats to varying degrees, for some this process is unnoticeable, while for others it interferes with leading a normal life (doctors call this feature hyperhidrosis). In any case, even excessive sweating can be regulated, so do not rush to be alarmed if a child sweats a lot, perhaps this is just a feature of his body.

But there’s no point in letting things go. Although sweating is normal in children, it can also be a symptom of a serious medical condition. Therefore, if you have any concerns, there is no need to put off visiting a doctor. Contact your pediatrician, he will conduct an initial examination and dispel or confirm your assumptions.

If it's real alarm bell for any disease, treatment will be prescribed by an appropriate specialist. If profuse sweating turns out to be hyperhidrosis, its timely prevention will make life easier for your child and adolescence, and even into adulthood.

Excessive sweating can occur at different ages, and the reasons for it can also vary. Knowing the root of the problem, you can decide on measures to eliminate it and further prevention.

Causes of sweating in infants

In the first year of their baby’s life, mothers worry about any changes in his condition, because visually it is impossible to determine what they are connected with, and, alas, he still does not know how to talk. It is important to immediately assess the situation soberly and under no circumstances begin self-treatment. In addition to not moving the problem from a critical point, you can also seriously harm your child.

First, you should consider the banal causes of sweating, in which there is no odor or it is not strong and natural.

The room is stuffy

The temperature in the room is high or it is not ventilated. As mentioned above, in a child under 5 years of age the autonomic nervous system is not fully formed, which means any increase in temperature environment will cause profuse sweating.

For the comfort of your baby, constantly monitor the temperature in the room in which he sleeps; if you are afraid of making a mistake in how you feel, purchase a room thermometer and use its readings as a guide.

Do not forget to ventilate the room, and to prevent the child from catching a cold, take him out of the room during this time.

Clothes or blankets that are too warm

Many parents are afraid that the child may freeze at night while sleeping or while walking. But don’t be overly concerned; dress your child outside the same way you dress yourself and don’t over-insulate him while he sleeps.

In addition, clothes and bedding must be made from natural materials, the child’s skin must always be able to breathe, no synthetics are allowed.

Illness with high fever and sweat

Any person sweats when his body temperature rises; this is an absolutely normal process. Teething, a common cold or other illnesses may be accompanied by fever, so don’t rush to sound the alarm, you will just need to endure this period.

Maybe the child has rickets

If a strong smell of sweat emanates from the child, and none of the above factors are present, then the problem still exists. Often increased sweating, accompanied by an unpleasant odor in infants, means a serious illness - rickets.

Rickets is a lack of vitamin D in the body, as a result of which the infant’s mineral balance is disturbed. This leads to improper formation of the skeleton, and this is what is so important for parents to control.

Even in the maternity hospital, young mothers are warned that they need to feed the child in a balanced manner so that he receives a sufficient amount of vitamin D, in addition, many are even prescribed it in the form of drops. But unfortunately, not everyone listens to the advice of doctors; some completely brush aside this prescription, while others are negligent and often forget about it.

Symptoms of this disease may include:

  • the child has a strong smell of sweat, especially during feeding, sleeping or using the toilet;
  • sweat smells like vinegar, after which skin irritation is observed, the child experiences itching;
  • the baby behaves excitedly when sweating: cries, cannot sleep, etc.;
  • It is not the child’s entire body that sweats, but individual parts, for example, the armpits, palms or head;
  • sweat has a thicker consistency than usual.

If you notice these symptoms, you should urgently consult a doctor who will prescribe treatment. It may include massage and therapeutic exercises, a balanced diet, an increased dose of vitamin D, and sometimes even courses of ultraviolet radiation. If you do not consult a doctor in time or ignore the symptoms altogether, the child’s skeleton may become irreversibly deformed, as a result of which he will experience discomfort and complexes throughout his life. To avoid all this, it is enough to follow preventive measures.

Nervous system dysfunction

This can also cause excessive sweating, which is accompanied by an unpleasant odor. Too much emotional child may experience strong excitement under any circumstances occurring around him. Fear, joy, excitement, anger, irritation - all this can push the sweat glands to work harder. Symptoms of such a failure include:

  • causeless sweating with odor;
  • sweat smells sharp, sour, like vinegar;
  • sweat is too thick or thin;
  • localization of the problem to one area of ​​the body.

In this case, it is also better to contact a pediatrician or neurologist, the doctor will do an examination and decide whether some kind of treatment needs to be prescribed, or whether the problem is temporary and will go away on its own.

The reason is the child's heredity

This is also a common cause of the disease; if one of the parents suffers from hyperhidrosis, there is a high probability that the child will also get it. Typically, this feature of the body manifests itself in childhood or adolescence up to 14 years. If you do not pay attention to it in time, hyperhidrosis can become chronic, and only radical measures will help get rid of it.

In this case, it is important not to engage in treatment and also consult a doctor. Some parents think that the child has rickets, and because of this he smells of sweat, after which they decide to give him more vitamin D. But its excess, like its deficiency, does not lead to anything good, so only a specialist can prescribe the correct treatment.

Preschooler has a problem

Often on forums you can find questions about why, in certain situations, children aged 3 to 7 years old suddenly begin to smell like sweat. What could this really mean, and should we be afraid of it?

First, just as in cases with infants, you need to analyze the most harmless reasons.

Viral diseases

Both at 5 years and at 50 people tolerate an increase in body temperature in the same way - they begin to sweat. This is a normal process, you should not be afraid of it.

Physical activity

As soon as children learn to crawl and then walk, they begin to actively move. All kinds of games alone and with friends, on the street and at home - this is just a certain stage in a child’s life.

This continues until adolescence, up to 12–14 years, so don’t worry if a child comes in from the street all wet. If excessive sweating does not occur in normal situations, and the smell of sweat is quite standard, there is no reason to worry.

If you still suspect that sweating is abnormal for a child, you should consult a doctor. Among the factors that cause profuse sweating with a pronounced odor are the following:

  1. Rickets. This disease can develop not only in infancy, it can manifest itself up to 3 years old, this is all due to the same lack of vitamin D. To prevent this serious disease, follow the doctor’s instructions, providing the child with the necessary amount of this substance, walk with him more often, especially in sunny weather.
  2. Lymphatic diathesis. This disease is characterized by a decrease in adrenal function as a result of pronounced insufficiency of the lymphatic system. It is often inherited.
  3. Taking medications. If a strong smell of sweat began to be observed approximately after starting to take certain medications, you should consult with your doctor about the possibility of temporarily abandoning them or replacing them with analogues. Perhaps, through sweating, the body reacts to intolerable substances in medications.
  4. Hormonal changes. The onset of puberty in all children occurs at different ages; there have been cases when, even at 4 years old, children began to experience characteristic changes in hormonal levels. If the problem is related to this, the pediatrician will easily determine the cause.
  5. Vegetative-vascular dystonia. This disease is characterized by vascular weakness, as a result of which the body reacts to any changes in the environment. The child begins to feel dizzy, develops sudden weakness and sweating. This disease manifests itself more often in adolescence, but also occurs in preschool years. Usually doctors prescribe non-drug treatment, which includes the correct regimen, avoidance of stress at home and at school, etc.

How to protect your child

Prevention of many ailments eliminates their complications and facilitates the treatment process. If you know that your child is prone to excessive sweating, you need to create an atmosphere to minimize it and create a comfortable environment for your baby. Following these rules can help you in this endeavor:

  • daily ventilate the room where the child is most often located;
  • from an early age, teach him to regularly visit the shower; if this becomes a habit, he will carry out water procedures himself both in childhood and in adulthood;
  • control his diet: exclude spicy and too fatty foods, reduce sugar and salt intake to normal;
  • Buy clothes and shoes only from natural materials, because the child moves actively and needs comfort.

The smell of sweat in adult women and men causes discomfort and problems associated with its elimination. But the unpleasant, pungent smell of sweat in young children aged 5 to 9 years, especially girls, causes concern and anxiety among parents. Is it so scary, at what age is it normal for a girl or boy to smell sweat?

Small children sweat, but they don't smell at all. Hyperhidrosis, or simply increased sweating, is quite common in children (both boys and girls). But if you have doubts and it seems to you that the child is sweating too much, and the sweat has developed a sharp unusual odor or heat rash (in the baby), it is better to consult with a pediatrician or endocrinologist.

As they say, it is better to be safe than to miss something. Health is the most important thing .

In addition to the fact that heavy sweating (hyperhidrosis) causes discomfort in the baby, there is still a chance that it will be a symptom of some disease. Therefore, it is important to find and eliminate the very cause of increased sweating in a baby (if there is a heat rash) or a child aged 5 to 9 years. However, you shouldn’t be scared right away. Let's look at everything in order, so that it becomes clear where to start looking for the cause, what caused the smell, and then decide how to deal with the smell.

The reason for the unpleasant odor of sweat in girls

The reason is usually simple and banal - the child is simply hot. The sweat glands of children begin to work already from 3-4 weeks of age (from this age prickly heat may appear if you do not monitor the condition of the skin), but the sweating system is fully established only by 5-6 years. But already at the age of one month, a child can sweat, simply reacting to changes in ambient temperature, and this is absolutely normal. All mothers of a boy or a girl know very well what a child’s heat rash looks like.

First, pay attention that you don't over-bundle your baby. Even if you think not, it’s better to ask him yourself (if the child is already talking) or try to slightly reduce the “defense” from the cold. Each person and child, including their own individual feeling of optimal temperature and what seems cool to you may well be normal for your baby.

In addition, middle-aged children from 5 to 9 years old are much more active than teenagers and adults, and therefore warm up faster (overheat if dressed too warmly) while constantly moving. Therefore, carefully monitor how the baby looks during play and when the weather changes, whether sweat has appeared, because if you wrap him up too much and he sweats, any draft or removed hat will cause a cold, sore throat, runny nose, cough, and so on. And constant colds entail a decrease in immunity, and here any infection is a piece of cake.

What could be the reason?

Against the background of a viral or cold, when the body is weakened and the immune system is in decline, increased sweating (hyperhidrosis) is also likely. And the medicines that you give your child to treat a cold may contain substances that will cause a sudden sweat in a girl or boy.

If your child's feet sweat a lot, change his shoes. It is either too tight or of poor quality, the legs cannot breathe and rot. This can also cause a strong, pungent odor, especially in boys.

Other reasons: hyperhidrosis is often observed in hyperactive and overweight children or simply large children.

A child may sweat from lack of sleep, fatigue or excitement. In addition, hyperhidrosis may also be associated with a genetic predisposition. This is especially true for increased sweating of the palms, soles of the feet, head and armpits. So pay attention and compare with family members.

Hyperhidrosis in children: causes, treatment options

But, unfortunately, hyperhidrosis can be caused not only by a genetic predisposition, or by the mother’s excessive vigilance or hyperactivity. Therefore, if you have ruled out all the possible options described above, you should consult a pediatrician, as this may be a symptom of some serious disease.

For example, if a child is under 2 years old, he often cries and eats poorly, his limbs sweat a lot, and he is diagnosed with rickets. Children under 2-4 years of age often develop heat rash, especially in summer. When an older child of 4 to 5 years old sweats, the cause may be lymphatic diathesis. Although it is not considered a disease, the decision to take medication should be made by a doctor after a thorough examination.

As children approach adolescence, they begin to sweat with a more pronounced stench. This indicates that hormonal changes have begun, that is, the body is preparing for puberty or it has already begun. However, it is worth noting that the body can begin to prepare from the age of 8 to 9 years. Hyperhidrosis is especially common in girls of this age, which is why a 9-year-old girl may develop the smell of sweat earlier than expected.

And with early maturation, there may even be a smell of sweat in a girl of 5 or 7 years old.

Hormonal changes and puberty in girls

As is known and mentioned above, the smell of sweat in an 8-year-old girl is the first sign of the onset of puberty. That is, it is not itself, but only prerequisites. In a year or two, at 9-10 years old, breasts may already begin to grow, and then at 9-11 years old, with early maturation, menstruation begins. In the case of early maturation (the diagnosis is made only by a doctor), the smell of sweat may appear as early as 5-6 or 7 years.

Before treating the smell of sweat in an 8-year-old girl, be sure to consult with a pediatrician or endocrinologist to make sure whether heavy sweating (hyperhidrosis) is normal for a girl (8-7 years old).

Only after a complete examination, passing all the necessary tests and ultrasound, will the doctor determine what is causing the smell of sweat in an 8-year-old girl and prescribe treatment or further examination.

In 46%, girls' first periods begin at the same age as their mothers; climate, nutrition also influence, and don't forget that with each generation, as statistics show, puberty occurs a little earlier. That is, the onset of sexual development at 8–9 years is already considered normal. But still, if a 9-year-old girl has severe sweating with an unpleasant odor, this is not always just the beginning of puberty. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to check your thyroid gland and take other tests prescribed by your doctor.

The earlier the age at which the smell of sweat begins, the more unpleasant the symptom of the disease can be. Therefore, if you are looking for why a 4-year-old girl’s sweat smells, only a qualified doctor, and not even the Internet, will give the answer. Get ready and go to a real doctor, don’t delay or look for answers to questions like: is it normal for a 7-year-old girl to sweat heavily, on forums and in online clinics. It is also worth noting the sharpness of a. If a girl has a bitter sweat odor, not ordinary, but specific or particularly unpleasant, she also needs to be checked.

Even if it may turn out that a strong smell of sweat in a 7-year-old girl or the smell of sweat in a 6-year-old girl is normal, then in a 4-5 year old it is very unlikely.

Excessive sweating occurs in people of any age. But in children this phenomenon occurs more often due to certain physiological characteristics. Why does a child sweat excessively? How to improve the functioning of the sweat glands?

Excessive sweating - physiological factors

Excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis) in children is not always a sign of pathology. The baby's sweat glands begin to function in the first weeks after birth. But they fully develop in children by age 5. Until this age, the child is very dependent on the ambient temperature - he freezes quickly, and as the temperature rises, sweat production increases. At 6 years of age, the process of thermoregulation should completely stabilize; if this does not happen, the child should be shown to a doctor and undergo a full examination.

Increased sweating can be local; individual areas of the body sweat - face, armpits, feet, palms. In the diffuse form, profuse sweating of the entire body is observed - this phenomenon may indicate the presence of serious pathologies.

Important! The number of sweat glands does not change with age, but in children they are more densely localized on every square centimeter, which provokes increased sweating. The main indicator of harmless heavy sweating is the absence of a sharp, unpleasant odor.

Physiological causes of childhood hyperhidrosis:

  • the air in the room is very hot and dry - at the same time, the child’s nose sweats, beads of sweat appear on the forehead, the palms become wet;
  • excessively warm, tight, synthetic clothing;
  • activity, mobility - this often happens in children under 3 years of age.

At the age of 7, profuse sweating can appear as a result of stress, increased mental stress - the child goes to school, he has to change his usual lifestyle and social circle.

Hyperhidrosis in children - causes of the disease

If, after eliminating physiological factors heavy sweating remains, then parents need to take a closer look at the child; most likely, in addition to increased sweating, there are other signs of pathology.

Important! Sweating and baldness of the back of the head in a child is observed with rickets. At the same time, the baby sleeps poorly, appetite decreases, and sweat has a sour smell. Pathology often develops in premature babies or infants who are bottle-fed.

Causes of hyperhidrosis:

  1. A child under one year of age often develops a vitamin D deficiency, which can cause rickets. In this case, perspiration appears on the face during feeding, severe sweating of the head, and constant itching.
  2. Hereditary diseases - phenylketonuria, cystic fibrosis. Sweat becomes very salty, has a specific odor due to the high sodium chloride content, and increased or decreased salivation may be observed.
  3. After 3 years, children may develop thymic-lymphatic status. The disease is accompanied by enlarged lymph nodes, irritability increases, and symptoms become more pronounced after eating sweets.
  4. Thyrotoxicosis – high levels of thyroid hormones. At the same time, the child not only sweats a lot, he does not gain weight well, becomes fearful and irritable, and there are interruptions in the heart rhythm.
  5. Malfunctions of the nervous system - sweat has an unpleasant and pungent odor, the consistency of the discharge is very liquid or sticky and thick. Moisture appears in certain areas - sweating of the hands and upper back, perspiration on the forehead.

Sometimes sweating occurs with a spermatic cord cyst - sweat accumulates in the groin area, which causes discomfort. In children under one year of age, the neoplasm can resolve on its own. Otherwise, doctors recommend surgery at 1.5–2 years of age - the tumor itself is not dangerous to health, but can cause the development of various severe pathologies.

At 8–9 years old, children begin to become enthusiastic about junk food, move less, spend a lot of time near the computer and TV. All this leads to obesity and increased sweating.

Night sweats - causes

Increased sweating during sleep often occurs in young children - this is caused by imperfect thermoregulation. Excessive sweating can be caused by a blanket or pajamas that are too warm, or incorrect temperature conditions in the bedroom.

Dangerous causes of excessive sweating during sleep:

  1. If your head sweats a lot, but the rest of your body remains dry, this may be a sign of diabetes. At the same time, the child is tormented by constant thirst, he can go to the toilet several times a night.
  2. Cardiovascular pathologies. Sweating during sleep is accompanied by heavy, rapid breathing, coughing, and the skin in the nasolabial triangle turns blue.
  3. Fever and sweating are a sign of a viral infection. Such signs occur with influenza and intestinal infections. The child becomes lethargic and eats poorly. Increased sweating is a protective reaction of the body that protects the baby’s body from overheating and persists for another 3-4 days after ARVI.

Important! Increased sweating is inherited.

Weakness and sweating are the causes of pathology

Weakness, apathy, increased fatigue - these symptoms are not typical for a healthy child. And if such signs are accompanied by increased sweating, then this may be a sign of serious illness.

Weakness and sweating after illness are normal. The body has spent a lot of effort producing antibodies, so it needs time to recover. The unpleasant consequences of the disease usually disappear within a few days.

What sweating and temperature 37 may indicate:

  • bacterial, viral infections, chronic inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, digestive and genitourinary systems;
  • tuberculosis, viral hepatitis;
  • blood diseases;
  • tumors of various origins;
  • autoimmune diseases.

In this case, the temperature may remain low-grade for several months.

Sweating and pallor can be a sign of vegetative dystonia - the child’s limbs may sweat heavily, the amount of sweat increases under stress and emotional overload. Such symptoms may indicate a heart defect or heart failure - a cardiologist can make an accurate diagnosis.

Important! If a child has a low temperature and sweats, breathing becomes heavy and intermittent, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance.

Sweaty feet in children - causes and treatment

There are many sweat glands located on the soles of the feet, which is why people of any age often get sweaty feet. In infants, hyperhidrosis of the legs can be caused by an immature thermoregulation system, increased muscle tone lower limbs. In this case, it is necessary to do a therapeutic massage, the pediatrician will prescribe the necessary physical procedures and vitamins. If itching and unpleasant odor occur, you should visit a dermatologist to rule out fungal diseases.

Causes of foot hyperhidrosis:

  • endocrine diseases;
  • obesity;
  • rickets;
  • intoxication, infection;
  • genetic pathologies;
  • diseases of the kidneys, lungs, heart, blood vessels;
  • malignant neoplasms.

Sweating feet in children over 2 years of age can be caused by shoes and socks of poor quality - all these things should be made only from natural materials and not put pressure on the foot. Hyperhidrosis can be caused by stress, nervous tension, and chronic lack of sleep.

To prescribe adequate treatment, it is necessary to take tests and undergo an examination. After identifying and eliminating the disease that provoked increased sweating, hyperhidrosis goes away.

If your feet sweat for physiological reasons, they will help medicinal baths– pour 1 liter of boiling water over 100 g of crushed oak or string bark, simmer over low heat for a quarter of an hour. After half an hour, strain and keep the feet in the broth for 20 minutes.

Hyperhidrosis - causes in teenagers

During puberty, hormonal changes occur in the body, many glands begin to work intensively, which can cause hyperhidrosis in adolescence.

At the age of 12–15 years, sweating occurs in the armpits, and the palms and feet often become damp—this is primary hyperhidrosis. The secondary type of profuse sweating can be caused by infectious diseases, tuberculosis, diabetes, and heart pathologies. Excessive sweating occurs with obesity and mental disorders.

To determine the cause of hyperhidrosis, you need to visit a teenage doctor - after an examination, he can give a referral to an endocrinologist, cardiologist, or neurologist.

The teenager should be told about the rules of hygiene - epilating the armpits, using antiperspirants correctly, taking a shower several times a day.

Important! Taking some medicines may cause profuse sweating.

Treatment of sweating in children

Since the causes of excessive sweating are very different, treatment of hyperhidrosis in children should begin with a visit to the doctor. What to do if your child sweats profusely? It is necessary to do a clinical blood and urine test, check your sugar levels, and do hormonal tests. If you suspect the presence of pathologies internal organs Ultrasound and fluorography will be required. If there is a risk of developing cystic fibrosis, chloride levels should be checked.

Treatment methods for excessive sweating:

  • if you sweat excessively during sleep, you should take calcium;
  • to prevent rickets, children are prescribed vitamin D;
  • with lymphatic diathesis, you should limit sweets, exercise physical therapy, take immunomodulators;
  • electrophoresis helps cope with hyperhidrosis of the palms and soles;
  • anticholinergic drugs prevent stimulation of the sweat glands in severe hyperhidrosis - Pentamin, Ditropan.

Before visiting a doctor, Dr. Komarovsky recommends paying attention to the baby’s clothing, the microclimate in the room, the quality of bed linen, the presence of complaints or deterioration in health. If there are no irritating facts, the child is active, sleeps and eats well, then increased sweating is the result of the individual characteristics of the body.

It is necessary to bathe, condition, control weight, and create a balanced diet every day. Tea with lemon balm helps normalize sweating and has a mild sedative effect.

The best remedy for sweating in a child is following the rules of hygiene and hardening. It is necessary to dress according to the weather, avoid overheating, frequently ventilate the room, and humidify the air. If a sweating child complains of pain, becomes lethargic, develops weakness, or has a fever, it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor, such signs may indicate the presence of serious pathologies in the body.

Why does a child sweat excessively? How to improve the functioning of the sweat glands?

Excessive sweating - physiological factors

Excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis) in children is not always a sign of pathology. The baby's sweat glands begin to function in the first weeks after birth. But they fully develop in children by age 5. Until this age, the child is very dependent on the ambient temperature - he freezes quickly, and as the temperature rises, sweat production increases. At 6 years of age, the process of thermoregulation should completely stabilize; if this does not happen, the child should be shown to a doctor and undergo a full examination.

Increased sweating can be local; individual areas of the body sweat - face, armpits, feet, palms. In the diffuse form, profuse sweating of the entire body is observed - this phenomenon may indicate the presence of serious pathologies.

Important! The number of sweat glands does not change with age, but in children they are more densely localized on every square centimeter, which provokes increased sweating. The main indicator of harmless heavy sweating is the absence of a sharp, unpleasant odor.

Physiological causes of childhood hyperhidrosis:

  • the air in the room is very hot and dry - at the same time, the child’s nose sweats, beads of sweat appear on the forehead, the palms become wet;
  • excessively warm, tight, synthetic clothing;
  • activity, mobility - this often happens in children under 3 years of age.

At the age of 7, profuse sweating can appear as a result of stress, increased mental stress - the child goes to school, he has to change his usual lifestyle and social circle.

Hyperhidrosis in children - causes of the disease

If, after eliminating physiological factors, severe sweating remains, then parents need to take a closer look at the child; most likely, in addition to increased sweating, there are other signs of pathology.

Important! Sweating and baldness of the back of the head in a child is observed with rickets. At the same time, the baby sleeps poorly, appetite decreases, and sweat has a sour smell. Pathology often develops in premature babies or infants who are bottle-fed.

  1. A child under one year of age often develops a vitamin D deficiency, which can cause rickets. In this case, perspiration appears on the face during feeding, severe sweating of the head, and constant itching.
  2. Hereditary diseases - phenylketonuria, cystic fibrosis. Sweat becomes very salty, has a specific odor due to the high sodium chloride content, and increased or decreased salivation may be observed.
  3. After 3 years, children may develop thymic-lymphatic status. The disease is accompanied by enlarged lymph nodes, irritability increases, and symptoms become more pronounced after eating sweets.
  4. Thyrotoxicosis – high levels of thyroid hormones. At the same time, the child not only sweats a lot, he does not gain weight well, becomes fearful and irritable, and there are interruptions in the heart rhythm.
  5. Malfunctions of the nervous system - sweat has an unpleasant and pungent odor, the consistency of the discharge is very liquid or sticky and thick. Moisture appears in certain areas - sweating of the hands and upper back, perspiration on the forehead.

Sometimes sweating occurs with a spermatic cord cyst - sweat accumulates in the groin area, which causes discomfort. In children under one year of age, the neoplasm can resolve on its own. Otherwise, doctors recommend surgery at 1.5–2 years of age - the tumor itself is not dangerous to health, but can cause the development of various severe pathologies.

At 8–9 years old, children begin to become increasingly addicted to junk food, move less, and spend a lot of time near the computer and TV. All this leads to obesity and increased sweating.

Night sweats - causes

Increased sweating during sleep often occurs in young children - this is caused by imperfect thermoregulation. Excessive sweating can be caused by a blanket or pajamas that are too warm, or incorrect temperature conditions in the bedroom.

Dangerous causes of excessive sweating during sleep:

  1. If your head sweats a lot, but the rest of your body remains dry, this may be a sign of diabetes. At the same time, the child is tormented by constant thirst, he can go to the toilet several times a night.
  2. Cardiovascular pathologies. Sweating during sleep is accompanied by heavy, rapid breathing, coughing, and the skin in the nasolabial triangle turns blue.
  3. Fever and sweating are a sign of a viral infection. Such signs occur with influenza and intestinal infections. The child becomes lethargic and eats poorly. Increased sweating is a protective reaction of the body that protects the baby’s body from overheating and persists for another 3-4 days after ARVI.

Important! Increased sweating is inherited.

Weakness and sweating are the causes of pathology

Weakness, apathy, increased fatigue - these symptoms are not typical for a healthy child. And if such signs are accompanied by increased sweating, then this may be a sign of serious illness.

Weakness and sweating after illness are normal. The body has spent a lot of effort producing antibodies, so it needs time to recover. The unpleasant consequences of the disease usually disappear within a few days.

What sweating and temperature 37 may indicate:

  • bacterial, viral infections, chronic inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, digestive and genitourinary systems;
  • tuberculosis, viral hepatitis;
  • blood diseases;
  • tumors of various origins;
  • autoimmune diseases.

In this case, the temperature may remain low-grade for several months.

Sweating and pallor can be a sign of vegetative dystonia - the child’s limbs may sweat heavily, the amount of sweat increases under stress and emotional overload. Such symptoms may indicate a heart defect or heart failure - a cardiologist can make an accurate diagnosis.

Important! If a child has a low temperature and sweats, breathing becomes heavy and intermittent, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance.

Sweaty feet in children - causes and treatment

There are many sweat glands located on the soles of the feet, which is why people of any age often get sweaty feet. In infants, hyperhidrosis of the legs can be caused by an immature thermoregulation system and increased muscle tone of the lower extremities. In this case, it is necessary to do a therapeutic massage, the pediatrician will prescribe the necessary physical procedures and vitamins. If itching and unpleasant odor occur, you should visit a dermatologist to rule out fungal diseases.

Causes of foot hyperhidrosis:

  • endocrine diseases;
  • obesity;
  • rickets;
  • intoxication, infection;
  • genetic pathologies;
  • diseases of the kidneys, lungs, heart, blood vessels;
  • malignant neoplasms.

Sweating feet in children over 2 years of age can be caused by shoes and socks of poor quality - all these things should be made only from natural materials and not put pressure on the foot. Hyperhidrosis can be caused by stress, nervous tension, and chronic lack of sleep.

To prescribe adequate treatment, it is necessary to take tests and undergo an examination. After identifying and eliminating the disease that provoked increased sweating, hyperhidrosis goes away.

If your feet sweat for physiological reasons, medicinal baths will help - pour 1 liter of boiling water over 100 g of crushed oak or string bark, simmer over low heat for a quarter of an hour. After half an hour, strain and keep the feet in the broth for 20 minutes.

Hyperhidrosis - causes in teenagers

During puberty, hormonal changes occur in the body, many glands begin to work intensively, which can cause hyperhidrosis in adolescence.

At the age of 12–15 years, sweating occurs in the armpits, and the palms and feet often become damp—this is primary hyperhidrosis. The secondary type of profuse sweating can be caused by infectious diseases, tuberculosis, diabetes, and heart pathologies. Excessive sweating occurs with obesity and mental disorders.

To determine the cause of hyperhidrosis, you need to visit a teenage doctor - after an examination, he can give a referral to an endocrinologist, cardiologist, or neurologist.

The teenager should be told about the rules of hygiene - epilating the armpits, using antiperspirants correctly, taking a shower several times a day.

Important! Taking certain medications can cause excessive sweating.

Treatment of sweating in children

Since the causes of excessive sweating are very different, treatment of hyperhidrosis in children should begin with a visit to the doctor. What to do if your child sweats profusely? It is necessary to do a clinical blood and urine test, check your sugar levels, and do hormonal tests. If you suspect the presence of pathologies of internal organs, ultrasound and fluorography will be required. If there is a risk of developing cystic fibrosis, chloride levels should be checked.

Treatment methods for excessive sweating:

  • if you sweat excessively during sleep, you should take calcium;
  • to prevent rickets, children are prescribed vitamin D;
  • with lymphatic diathesis, you should limit sweets, engage in physical therapy, and take immunomodulators;
  • electrophoresis helps cope with hyperhidrosis of the palms and soles;
  • anticholinergic drugs prevent stimulation of the sweat glands in severe hyperhidrosis - Pentamin, Ditropan.

Before visiting a doctor, Dr. Komarovsky recommends paying attention to the baby’s clothing, the microclimate in the room, the quality of bed linen, the presence of complaints or deterioration in health. If there are no irritating facts, the child is active, sleeps and eats well, then increased sweating is the result of the individual characteristics of the body.

It is necessary to bathe, condition, control weight, and create a balanced diet every day. Tea with lemon balm helps normalize sweating and has a mild sedative effect.

The best remedy for sweating in a child is following the rules of hygiene and hardening. It is necessary to dress according to the weather, avoid overheating, frequently ventilate the room, and humidify the air. If a sweating child complains of pain, becomes lethargic, develops weakness, or has a fever, it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor, such signs may indicate the presence of serious pathologies in the body.

Mom is a doctor. For any child, the best doctor is the mother.

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The child is sweating a lot

Many mothers of young children notice that the child sweats a lot. Some children sweat in their sleep, some during physical activity, even minor ones. Some babies have very sweaty palms and feet. Other children sweat when excited or sick.

Mothers don’t know what to do about this problem, whether it’s dangerous for health or not, so they turn to their pediatrician with questions.

Why does my child sweat a lot?

The number of sweat glands does not change throughout life. A newborn baby has the same number of sweat glands as he will have when he grows up and becomes an adult. Babies have the number of sweat glands per 1 square meter. see skin many times higher than in adults. But their glands themselves are immature; they begin to function from the 3rd week of life, and complete maturation by 7-8 years.

In young children under 7 years of age, the thermoregulation system is less developed than younger child, the more imperfect the system of thermoregulation and sweating is. Therefore, the slightest overheating, physical exertion (and for infants such stress can be screaming or active sucking), stress, or illness can be accompanied by profuse sweating. A child sweats more than an adult and this is normal.

Therefore, when mothers of 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 year olds notice that the child is sweating a lot, this is not a cause for concern if the baby is otherwise developing normally. It is highly advisable to eliminate factors that contribute to increased sweating.

Factors that increase sweating

  • Children (and adults) with excess body weight sweat more than children with normal or insufficient body weight, because a thick subcutaneous fat layer interferes with heat transfer; in order to compensate for this process, when overheating or physical activity, the sweat glands are activated, intense sweating
  • An incorrect diet can increase sweating: spicy, salty, carbohydrate-rich foods activate the sweat glands and increase sweating.
  • Clothes that are too warm or synthetic or bed sheets interfere with heat transfer and increase sweating.
  • Heat indoors and outdoors, especially with insufficient air humidity, contributes to profuse sweating.
  • Narrow, uncomfortable or too warm shoes promotes increased sweating of the feet.

How to eliminate these factors

  • Fight excess body weight: do not overfeed the child, make sure that the baby moves enough.
  • Make sure that the diet is appropriate for the child’s age, do not give the child spicy, salty foods, limit flour and sweets.
  • Dress the child in loose, not too warm clothes made from natural materials; if the child moves actively, remove excess clothing from him to increase heat transfer.
  • Ventilate and humidify the room where the child is. Do not walk with him in the heat, in the hottest sun, walk not in the open sun, but in the shade.

If your child sweats a lot during sleep

Often, mothers notice that the baby sweats during daytime or nighttime sleep. Most often the head and back sweat. The head may leave a wet spot on the pillow. This is especially worrying for mothers. What to do in this case?

  • The recommended air temperature in the room where the child sleeps is no more than 20 degrees, humidity 40-70%. It is necessary to regularly humidify and ventilate the room, but you can only ventilate it not while the child is sleeping.
  • Bed linen, pillows and blankets should be made from natural, not synthetic materials. Often children's heads sweat heavily on a synthetic pillow. The blanket should not be too warm. In summer, you can use a sheet instead of a blanket.
  • The clothes in which the baby sleeps should be light, spacious, not too warm, and made from natural materials.

If your child's feet sweat a lot

  • You need to choose spacious (maybe 0.5 sizes larger) shoes made from natural materials.
  • Shoes should be appropriate for the season and not be too warm.
  • Make sure that the socks and tights that the child wears are made from natural materials, dry, clean, and not too warm.
  • If your feet sweat a lot, you need to dry your shoes well so that your baby always wears dry ones or have several pairs per shift.

Sweat has an unpleasant odor

It is generally accepted that children always smell pleasant, and the unpleasant smell of baby sweat always causes concern among mothers. In fact, the smell of sweat is individual and depends on the microflora that lives on the skin near the sweat glands. The unpleasant smell of sweat is not a disease, but individual feature body. Most often, sweaty feet, socks, and shoes smell unpleasant.

To combat the unpleasant odor of sweat, you need to wash your child more often, wash his feet daily with soap, and you can wipe sweaty areas with wet wipes. If the above methods do not help eliminate the unpleasant odor of sweat, you should consult a dermatologist. To treat the unpleasant odor of sweat, antibacterial ointments and sprays are used to cleanse the skin of microbes that cause the unpleasant odor.

Excessive sweating in a teenager

During adolescence (adolescence), intensive growth and restructuring of all body systems occurs, including the nervous, endocrine, and cardiovascular systems; at this age, increased sweating often occurs, but for adolescents this is considered normal and, as a rule, goes away with age.

Diseases accompanied by increased sweating in children

  • Any sharp infectious diseases(viral and bacterial) are often accompanied by increased sweating. Body temperature may remain normal, but under the influence of bacterial or viral toxins, thermoregulation is disrupted and increased sweating occurs. With infectious diseases, mothers often begin to notice sweating during daytime and night sleep. This symptom may appear shortly (1-2 days) before the onset of the disease (before the appearance of other symptoms) and persist for 5-10 days (and if the disease was severe and was accompanied by a prolonged increase in temperature for up to 1 month) after clinical recovery from the underlying diseases.
  • With rickets, a child may have increased sweating, but if your baby regularly goes outside or receives vitamin D in a prophylactic dose, he will not be at risk.
  • Diseases of the nervous system: hyperexcitability, vegetative-vascular dystonia, neuroses, astheno-neurotic syndrome may be accompanied by increased sweating.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system: congenital heart defects, myocarditis, cardiac dystrophy may be accompanied by increased sweating, because with these diseases the body has difficulty coping with minor physical activity (sucking, quiet walking, etc.) and therefore increased sweating appears .
  • Diseases of the endocrine system, for example thyrotoxicosis - excessive function of the thyroid gland is accompanied by increased sweating.
  • Malignant tumors of lymphoid tissue are accompanied by increased sweating.

It should be noted that with all these diseases there are many other symptoms that worry mother and child, and excessive sweating is only an accompanying symptom.

When excessive sweating becomes a disease

Excessive sweating is called hyperhidrosis. Sometimes sweating is so intense that it interferes with a person’s life: it limits his social circle, does not allow him to get a prestigious job, that is, it becomes a disease and requires treatment. Hyperhidrosis can be primary, i.e. a person no longer has any complaints or diseases, only excessive sweating is a concern. In this case, a feature of the body that is inherited.

Since increased sweating in children and adolescents is considered physiological, the diagnosis of primary hyperhidrosis is usually made for the first time; two specialists treat this problem: a dermatologist and a neurologist.

If your child is concerned about excessive sweating, consult your pediatrician about this issue.

Now you know what to do if your child sweats a lot! I wish you good health!

  1. The child is not eating well The child is not eating well, why and what to do? These questions are of concern.
  2. Why does a child cry? 12 possible reasons for the crying of a newborn and infant. A newborn cannot.
  3. Why does a child snore or wheeze? Why does a child snore? Usually this only happens during time.
  4. The child swallowed a coin, a battery, etc. The child swallowed foreign object. Why does this happen? More often.
  5. The child is having an affective-respiratory attack. Some parents have a situation when their small child rolls up.

Why does a child sweat a lot?

Excessive sweating in a child can occur due to any diseases, heredity, metabolic disorders, psychological disorders and other pathologies. It is important to know the causes of hyperhidrosis in order to eliminate them in time and help your child or teenager feel good.

Types of sweating in a child

Excessive sweating in a child can be primary or secondary. IN early age or in youth the primary form of sweating often appears. During puberty in adolescents, the problem worsens, and the general condition also worsens. Profuse sweating in the primary form occurs due to unknown reasons. But, there is an assumption that the nerve endings that are connected to the sweat glands are too excitable. Branches of the nervous system in some cases may respond inadequately to ordinary stimuli.

Excessive sweating in a child may be due to the development of a disease. This type of sweating is called secondary. Pathology occurs due to obesity, mental disorder, endocrine disorders, diabetes mellitus, cancer, genetic disorders, infectious diseases, acute poisoning, taking certain medications.

Hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) can be local (manifesting in different areas of the body) or diffuse (covering the baby’s entire body).

With local changes, hyperhidrosis can be facial, palmar, axillary or plantar.

Local changes can occur due to the physiology of the body of a small or large patient. Diffuse sweating is most often diagnosed against the background of pathologies of various systems.

Causes of excessive sweating in a child

Children of different ages may sweat due to various reasons. Infants suffer from hyperhidrosis due to some factors, children 3 or 6 years old due to others. Therefore, parents should know why a child sweats a lot at a given age.

Problem in children under one year old

A baby under the age of one year may sweat due to the characteristics of individual metabolism and the beginning of the functioning of the thermoregulation system, skin and sweat glands. After some time, the processes return to normal and work as they should.

Children under one year old can sweat due to somatic pathologies - colds or viral diseases, intrauterine infections, increased physical activity, or the development of any disease.

Babies aged 2 months and up to a year may sweat due to the development of rickets. The following symptoms indicate this disease:

  • sweating in large quantities during sleep. The face and head are subject to a lot of sweating;
  • profuse sweating is observed during any stress: during meals or when excreting urine with feces. Often young patients simultaneously suffer from constant constipation;
  • the sweat released has a sour odor and causes irritation on the skin;
  • the baby rubs his head on the pillow, which causes bald patches on the back of his head;
  • kids become anxious, excited, and have trouble sleeping.

When breastfeeding, you can also see that the baby sweats excessively. This is explained by the fact that the baby suckles at the breast, spending his efforts on producing milk.

Problem in children 2–3 years old

Excessive sweating in a child over 2 years of age occurs due to the following reasons:

  • too warm clothes;
  • high air temperature in the room where the baby sleeps;
  • wearing uncomfortable and poor quality shoes;
  • availability excess weight;
  • development of lymphatic diathesis, colds or other illness.

Similar reasons provoke sweating in children over 3 years of age. At this age, the baby may suffer from hyperhidrosis due to ordinary fatigue, anxiety, or lack of sleep. The worry that your baby won't be able to do something can also cause a lot of sweat to be produced. In this case, it is important to communicate with him about possible failures and ways to overcome them. You may need to consult a psychologist.

Problem in children 4 – 7 years old

Excessive sweating in a child aged 4 or 7 years can be caused by lymphatic diathesis. Children become irritable, capricious and restless in their sleep, and their lymph nodes become enlarged.

In a 5 or 6 year old child, high sweating may be due to a recent ARVI, bronchitis or other similar diseases. Since the immune system after the illness is not yet fully strengthened.

In children 4–7 years old, hyperhidrosis can occur due to various diseases and pathologies of the systems. Therefore, for successful treatment it is important to find out the real reason hyperhidrosis and undergo correct and complete therapy.

Problem in children 8–9 years old

Children aged 8 to 9 years often experience hyperhidrosis due to the development of cardiovascular diseases, vegetative-vascular dystonia, and hyperfunction of the thyroid gland.

Sometimes some component of the drug also causes profuse sweating. In this case, to normalize the situation, it is enough to stop using the medicine.

Children 7 years old sweat and smell if the body gradually begins to prepare for hormonal changes in adolescence.

In children aged 8–9 years, high sweating occurs due to disruptions in the nervous system or heredity. If the patient is sweating in only one limb or one specific area of ​​the body, take it to the doctor. Sweat is released with an unpleasant and pungent odor. The discharge becomes thick, sticky or liquid and profuse.

With hereditary sweating, all organs that secrete secretions are affected: sweat, saliva, mucus, digestive juices. With cystic fibrosis, after a kiss, the parent feels a salty taste on the baby’s forehead. With phenylketonuria, sweat is released with a musty odor.

Problem in adolescence

Adolescence and excessive sweating are almost normal. Hyperhidrosis in adolescents develops due to changes in the hormonal background of a rapidly growing body.

Parents should teach their teenager the rules of personal hygiene. He must know and be able to do armpit depilation and use deodorants.

If sweating occurs pathologically excessively, go with your child to an endocrinologist in order to detect possible pathologies in the body in time and successfully eliminate them.

What does hyperhidrosis mean?

The child sweats, since this phenomenon is inherent in nature at the physiological level. A month after the baby is born, his sweat glands begin to work. But they are still poorly developed, so temperature changes greatly affect the baby’s well-being. The blood vessels react quickly when overheated or hypothermic, causing the baby to freeze or sweat.

Closer to 6 years, children's sweat glands begin to function normally. But, if at this age sweating remains increased, especially at night, it is important to show the child to the pediatrician. Since such a symptom may indicate possible problems with health.

Treatment Options

To improve your metabolism or cure a disease that causes excessive sweating, after consulting with your doctor, undergo the necessary treatment. If a child, in addition to profuse sweating, is lethargic, pale, gets tired quickly, loses appetite or suffers from nausea and vomiting, urgently show him to a specialist so as not to waste time and prevent serious consequences from such symptoms.


To normalize the situation, as well as eliminate the pathology, give the child a full examination of the body. Based on the results obtained, the doctor will prescribe effective treatment.

Examination for hyperhidrosis in children is carried out based on the study of:

  • amount of sweat chlorides;
  • blood sugar test to rule out diabetes;
  • general blood test;
  • blood test for hormone levels;
  • Ultrasound of the thyroid gland.

If necessary, the pediatrician can prescribe other additional studies, as well as consultations with more specialized specialists.

Rules for a physiological problem

If increased sweating in children is considered a physiological feature of the body, the following rules can be followed to reduce it:

  1. Try to keep the air temperature in the child's room at 22 degrees Celsius.
  2. Buy clothes made from high-quality and natural material: linen or cotton.
  3. Change your diet. Ensure your baby eats balanced foods enriched with vitamins, proteins and carbohydrates.
  4. Bathe your baby daily. Make sure older children also bathe every day.
  5. If your child sweats excessively due to excess weight, increase his activity. Exercising and daily exercise will not only normalize sweating, but will also prevent changes in musculoskeletal system child's body.

Try to spend more time walking outdoors with your children, dressing them according to the weather.

Traditional therapy

Baths to combat excess sweating:

  • Pour 45 grams of oak bark into a liter of water and boil for a quarter of an hour. Let it brew for four hours and add the broth to the baby’s bathtub. You can take a bath with oak bark for 10 minutes;
  • Pour 30 grams of sage into a liter of water and boil for 15 minutes. When the broth has cooled, strain it into a bathtub.

To normalize sweat secretion, children need to be taken to the sea for at least three weeks. Sea air will strengthen your immune system.

Hyperhidrosis of the feet and hands in children is treated with physical therapy. Electrophoresis is performed with medications prescribed by a doctor. This method of therapy helps to obtain noticeable and lasting results.

Application of cosmetics

Cosmetics relieve the unpleasant symptoms associated with high sweat production: itching, burning, redness of the skin, which is often exposed to moisture.

It is recommended to use hypoallergenic preparations with extracts and oils medicinal herbs. Such products will provide gentle care, cleanse and nourish the skin with beneficial substances that will quickly restore the health of the skin.

By using cosmetics, you can prevent the development of the consequences of excessive sweating - roughening or thickening of the skin.

Surgical treatment

If conservative treatment does not help, and hyperhidrosis worsens the child’s condition more and more every day, the doctor may perform surgical therapy. The operation is performed only in the most severe situations.


To prevent the development of hyperhidrosis in childhood It is recommended to observe the following preventive measures:

  1. Give your child a shower every morning and evening. Water procedures will reduce the number of bacteria in the area of ​​greatest sweating on the body, thanks to which you can successfully avoid skin irritation;
  2. At every opportunity, give your baby’s skin air baths;
  3. To ensure that the sweat glands function correctly and normally, exclude hot drinks, spicy foods, and chocolate from your diet;
  4. Dress children only in clothes made from natural fabric. If you buy a synthetic item, be sure to check that it absorbs moisture.

To protect your baby from irritation due to excessive sweating, change his clothes frequently. Teens may use antiperspirants or deodorants.

If a child has excessive sweating, it is important to find out the cause of this problem. If your child sweats frequently due to physiological feature body, follow all the rules of personal hygiene. If the pathology is caused by any disease, try to cure it with the help of therapy prescribed by your doctor. It is also important to dress according to the weather and sleep in a well-ventilated room at an air temperature of no higher than 22 degrees.

Often the smell of sweat in a child can be felt at a very young age. This phenomenon worries parents, although physiologically it is quite normal to sweat - everyone knows that these are the body’s protective functions from overheating.

The baby begins to sweat when he is not even a month old. While he is growing, his glands are forming; only by the age of five or six do they begin to function sufficiently.

Types of hyperhidrosis

Sweating is a natural physiological phenomenon. However, when there is no physical or mental stress, the room temperature is normal, profuse sweating in children is considered hyperhidrosis.

Increased sweating may be primary. In this case, its release is associated with hereditary factors, and the child is considered healthy. Sweat is most often localized in certain areas: on the head, palms and heels, and sometimes in the armpits.

The secondary type of hyperhidrosis is when increased secretion and strong odor of sweat are symptoms of some pathology or the cause of taking a drug.

Symptoms of hyperhidrosis in children

Determining hyperhidrosis is not difficult. In such children, after sleep, the bed becomes wet, especially the pillow; the underwear in which he slept may be wet. With hyperhidrosis, you can observe droplets formed on the forehead and an unpleasant odor of sweat. The child becomes restless, tearful, eats poorly and has difficulty falling asleep.

These children have redness on the skin in the form of rashes. It may become stained due to nervous disorder or irritation. Children become touchy and quickly react to stimuli.

Causes of hyperhidrosis in preschool children

There are many reasons that influence increased sweating in preschool children (5 years old - 7 years old). Usually a child sweats when he is sick with various colds.

His temperature rises, and when they give antipyretic drugs, he begins to sweat as it decreases. Therefore, it is recommended to change the linen and pillowcase on the pillow.

Changes in hormonal levels

After 6 years of age, preschool children experience hormonal changes. This leads to excessive sweating: children begin to sweat like adults. The odor is caused by bacteria that accumulate near the sweat glands.

When they combine with sweat, it begins to emit an unpleasant odor after a while.

Enlarged lymph nodes

This violation leads to increased sweat production, the child becomes capricious and irritable.

Excessive emotionality

It can also cause your baby to sweat. These can be both positive and negative emotions.

Endocrine system disorders

If the endocrine system has failed, the baby may have an unpleasant odor. This can be clarified by taking a blood test to check your blood sugar levels.

Autonomic dystonia

With vegetative dystonia caused by psycho-emotional stress, the child sweats. This disease causes his hands and feet to become wet.

Household aspects of the reasons

Almost all children are constantly moving actively, so they often sweat.

Sometimes there is a genetic predisposition to hyperhidrosis. This condition is inherited.

Most often, the palms, head and armpits sweat, but there may be reasons for increased sweating that are not related to the health of children.

For example:

  1. Often a child sweats if the room is not ventilated and it is stuffy. It is necessary to purchase a thermometer and ensure that the temperature does not exceed 22 °C. It is advisable to ventilate it frequently, but to prevent the baby from catching a cold, he must be transferred to another room during this time.
  2. Hyperhidrosis can manifest itself when children are bundled up. Especially when sleeping, you should not wear warm clothes. When children are taken out for a walk, they must be dressed appropriately for the weather. It is also advisable to ensure that the child is dressed in clothes made from natural fabrics. Synthetics are not allowed!
  3. Failure to comply with hygiene standards leads to the child smelling of sweat. To allow the skin pores to breathe, you need to wash frequently, and if you have hyperhidrosis, it is advisable to take water treatments every day before bed.
  4. A common cause of sweaty feet is wearing non-breathable shoes or synthetic socks. Therefore, if you experience increased sweating, it is better to change your shoes to better ones and your socks to natural ones.

Causes of hyperhidrosis in girls

At the age of 7-8 years, a girl begins puberty and hormonal changes occur. All changes that occur in the body are accompanied by increased sweat production. At this time, the sweat glands, which are located in the armpits, groin area, and perineum, begin their active activity. Therefore, if hygiene is not regularly observed, the girl’s sweating will be accompanied by an unpleasant odor.

To find out the exact cause, it is best to seek help from a pediatrician and endocrinologist.. Only qualified specialists will take care of children and can recommend the correct treatment for this problem.

What to do if hyperhidrosis occurs in a preschooler and older children

There are general rules that must be followed for all causes of increased sweating in children 5-6 years of age and older, only then will it be possible to reduce sweat production and, most importantly, avoid unpleasant odors.

  1. You need to pay attention to the bed. It is advisable that the mattress be hard. The bedding set should be made of natural fibers. If the baby is less than a year old, it is recommended to place a flannel diaper under the head instead of a pillow. The blanket must be selected from natural fibers.
  2. If odors occur with hyperhidrosis, special attention must be paid to hygiene. It is especially important for hyperhidrosis to wash twice a day: morning and evening.
  3. Requirements for children's clothing, especially summer and underwear, should be focused on natural ingredients. It absorbs all excess moisture well.
  4. It is important to pay attention to the quality of shoes when purchasing them made of leather or suede. It must also correspond to weather conditions. It is especially not recommended to wear rubber boots for a long time.

Basics of therapy and traditional recipes

In addition to the rules, it is necessary to treat hyperhidrosis. For these purposes, baths made from oak bark and adding sea salt to warm water are suitable.

If a stinky odor appears in the armpit area, the easiest way is to wipe it with a cotton swab dipped in hydrogen peroxide or a solution of potassium permanganate.

If children have armpits that smell, sometimes they need to be treated with antiperspirant or deodorant.

Attention! Only the attending physician can choose the right one.

Herbal decoctions

The most appropriate thing for a child is to prepare various herbal decoctions. They can be used externally, lubricating problem areas, and drunk as teas.

Consultation with a doctor is required, as some herbs can cause allergies.

It is useful to drink a decoction of peppermint. For 1 glass of boiling water, take 1 tablespoon of mint. In order for it to brew better and produce a high-quality decoction, the container with herbs and water is immersed in a saucepan, and to obtain the decoction itself, it is boiled for about 10 minutes.

Drink the decoction before starting to feed the baby.

Vegetable decoction

Foot baths

If children sweat, there is nothing to worry about, the main thing is not to miss the occurrence of any disease.

Prevention of hyperhidrosis in children

In order to avoid manifestations of hyperhidrosis, it is necessary to follow a number of rules and, in order to prevent the child’s armpits from smelling, you need to wash more often.

It is important to expose the areas where sweat occurs. Walk at home in slippers without socks, wear T-shirts, clothes should be made of: cotton, linen, viscose.

It is necessary to maintain proper nutrition; for this, you should not give your child: spicy food, hot tea, chocolate.

If the baby is sweating, it is necessary to immediately change him into clean clothes, and treat the armpit areas with safe antiperspirants.

If you follow preventive measures and find out the causes of hyperhidrosis, you can get rid of it. You just need to have a lot of patience.