Dry callus ICD 10. Distinctive signs of dry callus and methods of its treatment

Dry callus does not affect human health in any way, but can cause quite painful sensations and discomfort. In addition to such troubles, it provokes the appearance of complexes.

You should not tolerate this flaw on the skin, because you can get rid of it in several ways. And many people have already taken advantage of them.

So how can you remove dry calluses and prevent their occurrence? If you look into this issue, then everything can turn out to be quite simple.

What is dry callus?

A dry callus is an area of ​​tight, dry skin that develops when the skin is subjected to excessive pressure or friction. Basically, it looks like a growth on the soles of the feet or on the toes and hands. Causes pain.

In appearance, a dry callus looks normal, has clear boundaries with a pronounced compaction (core). Dry calluses can appear for a variety of reasons - improper and untimely foot care, uncomfortable shoes, overweight, vitamin A and E deficiency.

Such a callus can form under conditions with insufficient air humidity (for example, this is observed in Egypt). To protect yourself from this problem, it is recommended to apply a moisturizer daily at night.

At its core, a dry callus is a small roughening of the skin, a bump that looks completely unattractive. In addition, the seal can hurt and cause discomfort when walking. But this distracts from everyday affairs.

Most often, such calluses appear on the feet, but they can also appear on the hands, between the fingers.

In addition, the appearance of such a nuisance may indicate the presence of serious health problems. For example, people suffering diabetes mellitus, very often face a similar problem, and it is very difficult for them to get rid of such calluses.

Also, a similar defect on the skin surface can appear when:

  • bursitis;
  • flat feet;
  • lack of vitamin A or E in the body;
  • osteoarthritis;
  • heel spur.

The appearance of dry callus is a consequence of the above diseases. Therefore, it is important to determine the exact cause of this problem, because first of all it is necessary to treat the disease that led to the formation of the defect.

Dry calluses take a long time to form; at first a small compaction appears, which over time can increase in size.

Also, such calluses most often have a kind of core, which must be gotten rid of first of all. Otherwise, you may face repeated education.

If a dry callus appears on a toe with a shaft, treatment will depend on the severity of the problem, sometimes even surgical intervention is required.

In any case, to prevent complications, it is best to immediately contact an orthopedist, who will perform an examination and prescribe adequate treatment.

Calluses can easily be confused with warts, which can make treatment difficult. Warts are larger in size and protrude above the surface of the skin. Treatment for warts and calluses varies. This must be taken into account.


In order not to confuse dry calluses with warts, it is worth knowing the main symptoms of their appearance.

The skin will feel dry to the touch. Yellowish in color and may feel painful when pressed. If there is a rod, it will be easily visible approximately in the middle of the coarsening.

It is necessary to treat such a nuisance, since if a person feels discomfort when walking, he will place his foot incorrectly and this can lead to more serious problems, for example, arthrosis and curvature.

When visiting a doctor, it is advisable to get tested for the presence of papillomavirus in the body. Since it can become one of the causes of the disease.

What are the 2 main types of calluses?

There are two types of such calluses - hard and soft. The first ones appear in places without hair – most often on the soles of the feet and heels.

Soft calluses occur between the toes and can cause unbearable pain.

A dry callus on the toe most often appears as a result of improperly selected shoes or lasts. It is highly not recommended to treat them at home, much less try to cut them out yourself.

It is imperative to consult a doctor!

It is worth mentioning separately about the rod. If it reaches the upper layers of the epidermis, then in this case the person may feel severe pain, it becomes difficult to walk. In this case, immediate removal in a medical facility is recommended.

TOP 3 treatment methods

To understand what a dry callus on a foot with a shaft looks like, you can look at photos on websites and videos. The sizes can be different - it all depends on the severity of the disease.

In severe cases, you should immediately consult an orthopedist. If you cut it yourself, it can lead to serious consequences and growth.

How to get rid of a dry callus, for example, on the little toe, what should be the treatment? There are several ways to fix the problem:

  1. Medicines. Special ointments or gels are prescribed.
  2. Laser removal. Ideal option for advanced cases.
  3. Cryotherapy. Relatively new and very effective method.

If we talk about the medicinal method, then most often drugs with salicylic acid are prescribed, which slowly corrodes the seal and it gradually disappears.

Dry callus is classified as a pathological condition, and according to ICD 10 it has code L84.

For treatment, medications are often prescribed. It acts on the stratum corneum and gradually softens it. Afterwards, the softened layer is simply scraped off.

Almost all medications for the most part act the same way - they soften, so they are not suitable in all cases.

If there is a rod, then get rid of it using medicines, most likely, it will not succeed.

When a dry callus appears on the sole of the foot, it is better not to think about how to cure it and what to do. It is recommended that you entrust this decision to your doctor.

Some methods have their contraindications and side effects, despite their safety, and all this must be taken into account. Take this problem seriously, and you will be able to get rid of it once and for all.


The most popular and effective method of removal is cryodestruction. He doesn't have side effects and contraindications, exceptions are possible in isolated cases.

The essence of the technique is quite simple: the doctor, using a special applicator, applies liquid to the callus and presses it for a few seconds.

A bubble of liquid forms at the site of the callus, which should burst within a few days. Several sessions may be required, one lasting only a few minutes.

Laser removal

This is a painless and bloodless method, very popular nowadays. In any case, this is an operation, so you need to trust laser removal to a professional with experience.

Please also take into account that there are contraindications.


  1. pregnancy;
  2. breastfeeding;
  3. diabetes mellitus;
  4. heart pathologies;
  5. age up to 14 years.

The essence of the method is simple: the laser heats up and “burns” the top layer of skin, the callus disappears, but it is quite possible that after a while it will return again.

If you have dry calluses of small size, you can use the service of a medical (hardware) pedicure. The procedure is painless and safe, carried out using special equipment by a cosmetologist (podiatrist).

Hardware pedicure has many advantages over regular foot steaming. The process uses special preparations, gels, oils, and grinding attachments. All this reduces the risk of injury.

The attachments should be disposable, this completely eliminates infection during manicure. If desired, anesthesia can be performed, although the procedure is considered safe, it all depends on the requirements and desires of the client.

When is surgery indicated?

If a dry callus appears on your toe, an experienced specialist can tell you how to treat it. If the situation is not advanced, then you can get rid of the problem with medications or improvised means.

In most cases, a person comes in with a serious problem, and the doctor may prescribe laser removal or cryotherapy.

At the clinic, you can get rid of the problem in just 15-30 minutes, absolutely painlessly. This is done with or using cryotherapy.

In the first case, the defect is simply burned out, the inflammatory process is completely absent. If we talk about cryodestruction, then in this case the keratinized layer is exposed to nitrogen; it will take several days for the keratinized skin to completely disappear. These procedures have already been described above.

Surgical removal of calluses is necessary for certain indications.


  • when severe pain, itching and constant discomfort occur;
  • if the skin around the problem area begins to become inflamed, swelling appears, and there are difficulties in wearing shoes;
  • the site of keratinization of the skin has changed its color, becoming red or purple.

It is quite possible that the doctor will recommend simple excision of the callus - surgical removal, but this is possible if the problem area is small. In this case, the callus is removed, and the remaining wound gradually heals.

It is worth noting that these methods do not guarantee relapse and the disease may return again after some time. If this happens, then only an instrumental technique can help, which provides guarantees, but is a painful procedure. It is prescribed by the doctor after examination.

Question - answer

When calluses appear, many doctors prescribe Antimozolin. This is an ointment that needs to be applied to the affected area after steaming. The skin will soften, after which it must be removed. Bensalitin and Namozol 911 have also proven themselves to be effective. Read the instructions for use carefully, as the future effect depends on this.

The callus does not always need to be eliminated. The fact is that in the initial stages, hygiene will be enough lower limbs, wearing suitable shoes, using ointments. Time will pass and the defect will disappear on its own. But there are times when dry callus needs to be removed without fail. Removal is indicated if there is severe pain, infection has appeared, or there is a rod.

Initially, it is worth treating the crack to protect against infection. Any antiseptics will help for this. For example, hydrogen peroxide and iodine are suitable. It is worth applying a bandage for a while. After purchasing a special product, the wound is treated with it. Doctors respond positively to Lekkos cream, “ Ambulance", ointment "Radevit".

Treatment at home (#verified)

If the callus is small in size and has just appeared, treatment can be carried out at home, but it is recommended to consult a doctor first.

Here are some effective methods:

  1. Steaming the problem area with a bath helps. You can add oils and herbs to it, which will speed up the process. 15 minutes a day is enough, after the bath you need to rub the area with a pumice stone. Do not press too hard and do not make sudden movements, do it gradually until the stratum corneum completely disappears.
  2. Use aloe leaves. This is a useful houseplant. Before using, refrigerate the leaves for a couple of hours as this will enhance the effectiveness. The leaves should be applied to the leg at night and tied tightly.
  3. Potatoes can help get rid of the problem. To do this, grate it and apply it to the problem area. Do this daily and the stratum corneum will soften.
  4. Option mask with aspirin. Grind several tablets to a powder. Add aloe or lemon juice. The mask is ready. Do not use the mixture too often, as the acid, with prolonged exposure, has a negative effect on the skin. Carry out the procedure every two to three days and the results will be noticeable.

First, it is worth remembering about preventive measures, because the appearance of dry calluses between the toes is easier to prevent than to treat later.

  1. Remember the rules of hygiene, do not forget to clean off rough skin and do foot baths.
  2. Choose the right shoes, even if you like a pair, but it doesn’t fit, don’t take risks and discard it. Properly chosen shoes, boots, boots are the key to health.
  3. If it appears, treat it immediately, do not expect the problem to disappear on its own, because this happens, but it is extremely rare.
  4. To remove, use a pumice stone; under no circumstances use a razor or knife. You should also not use a nail file, as it may cause warts.

Don't forget that hygiene products must be individual!

Calluses are not transmitted from person to person, which cannot be said about warts. It’s better to play it safe and wear rubber slippers in public places, such as a swimming pool or sauna.

Do not use celandine juice, it is aggressive and can cause skin burns and microtrauma.

Irina Dorofeeva

practicing cosmetologist

The most popular way to remove a callus is laser procedure. The fact is that this technique is not traumatic; during the doctor’s work, healthy tissues are not touched. In one session you can get rid of annoying calluses. In more difficult situations a repeat procedure will be required. And recovery is quick and easy.

Michelle Place

plastic surgeon

I would recommend the laser technique, since it is carried out in a couple of minutes, there is no blood, and the patient does not feel pain. As for the method using nitrogen, it is quite traumatic, but also copes well with calluses. The problem is that the patient will have to endure pain and undergo a long rehabilitation.

Take care of your body, do not allow such problems to arise, because it is much easier to prevent than to deal with complex treatment later! If, nevertheless, a callus appears on the body, then it is worth starting to look for the reason for its appearance.

Sometimes it would be more advisable to consult a doctor, since this defect could be caused by serious illnesses. As a result, a callus is a small signal of a problem.

Definitely needed for your feet special care, since in the presence of various factors, plantar callus may occur. It is imperative to periodically arrange caring cosmetic procedures for your feet.

Calluses and corns often form on the toes and heels. This mainly happens due to wearing poor quality and tight shoes. You definitely need to pay attention to this problem and try to get rid of the existing problem as quickly as possible.

Types of calluses

Plantar callus (ICD-10 code L84) refers to neoplasms on the skin. Despite its unpleasant appearance, the callus does quite a lot important function- protects the skin from friction. They are often formed due to wearing tight shoes. Calluses are:

  • dry;
  • wet;
  • blood;
  • rod;
  • corns.

Dry calluses form in areas of high pressure, often on the feet. This is a layer of cells that protects the skin from constant injury. are formed when the skin is rubbed. Fluid begins to accumulate under the skin.

Blood calluses are somewhat similar to wet calluses, but instead of fluid, blood forms inside them. This occurs due to the close proximity of the vessels.

The callus gets its name due to its specific structure. It is a rough area of ​​skin protruding above its surface with a depression in the center. Inside the recess there is a rod or root that penetrates very deeply into the tissue. The size of the callus can be very different, it all depends on the degree of neglect of the disease. Their appearance on the feet is mainly due to the pressure of shoes.

Corns are similar in appearance to dry calluses, but they are more superficial. They appear with constant pressure on the skin and are mainly observed in runners and athletes. They can also be found in women who prefer to wear shoes on high heels.

Dry calluses

Externally, a dry plantar callus on the feet is very easy to diagnose, since it has a roughened structure. It protrudes above the surface of the skin and usually looks like a round yellowish spot. There is often some pain when pressed, but sometimes they are painless.

Due to constant pressure, the skin begins to thicken and increase in thickness, but it grows not outward, but inward. Dry calluses can appear on the heels, soles, and toes. Most often they form on the protruding parts of the foot.

Wet calluses

As a result of prolonged pressure on a certain area of ​​the skin, redness initially occurs, and then a bubble forms, inside which fluid accumulates. It is this that protects damaged skin and promotes its improvement. fast healing. If the vessels in the affected area are located close to the surface, and the pressure is strong, then the fluid inside the callus may contain blood impurities.

A similar problem occurs as a result of wearing shoes that are too tight and do not fit properly. Blisters are caused by shoes that have too rough seams or are made of poor quality material. Wet plantar callus is characterized not only by pain. After the skin surface membrane ruptures, fluid leaks out and infection can enter the wound.

At the first sign of redness, be sure to change your shoes, then apply to the affected area. If appropriate measures are not taken in a timely manner, then in order to avoid complications, it is necessary to treat with surgery.


Many people believe that the callus is not dangerous at all and does not require any additional treatment. However, this is absolutely not true, since a core callus can form in place of a simple callus. It grows very deeply into the skin and causes pain and discomfort when moving, especially if it forms on the sole. In addition, a callus may form in the area of ​​the thumb.

The core plantar callus consists of two parts, namely the shaft and the cap. The root or rod penetrates very deeply into the tissue and holds onto it, making it impossible to remove the growth in the usual way. The cap is a bulge, in the center of which there is a small depression that has a rounded shape. Its size largely depends on the condition of the callus.


Quite often, hard plantar calluses or corns form, which mainly appear due to wearing tight or comfortable shoes. They are painful areas of keratinized, thickened skin. Corns can occur on the balls of your feet or your heels.

This type of plantar callus is a fairly common occurrence and can cause severe pain and burning while walking. However, pain and discomfort do not always occur, since corns generally do not cause pain or discomfort. In this case, they can only be detected by touch or visually. Many people are interested in how to distinguish a callus from a plantar wart. It is worth noting that corns do not have a core; they are more dense in structure.


One of the most common foot problems is plantar callus. It mainly occurs when wearing shoes that are too tight or poorly fitted. Among the main reasons for this problem are the following:

  • improper distribution of load when walking;
  • heel spur;
  • shoes that are not the right size;
  • bursitis;
  • flat feet;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • joint arthritis;
  • osteoarthritis.

The main cause of plantar callus is increased stress on the foot, which is accompanied by constant pressure on the sole and rubbing. Among the main provoking factors it is necessary to highlight the following:

  • flat feet;
  • excess weight;
  • narrow or uncomfortable shoes.

However, enhanced physical activity on the foot only provokes and accelerates the process of skin roughening. In addition, among the reasons for the formation of calluses on the sole of the foot, it is necessary to highlight various diseases internal organs.

What calluses can tell you

Plantar callus in a child and an adult can signal the presence of various diseases and disorders in the body. Based on their location, existing diseases can be diagnosed. If calluses have formed due to wearing uncomfortable shoes or having flat feet, they disappear immediately after changing them or choosing an arch support.

If calluses appear as a result of diseases in the body, then they can be eliminated only after treating disorders of this organ. Hard calluses along the edges of the heel may indicate the presence of pathological changes in the joints. Calluses that form on the outer area of ​​the foot indicate the presence of spinal diseases.

If a callus forms on the inside of the sole, this serves as a signal for an intestinal examination. Corns under the little finger indicate a malfunction of the liver or heart. The main sign of nervous overstrain in the body is a large callus on the sole opposite the toes. If you additionally experience a cough, this may be a sign of respiratory disease.

Thyroid dysfunction is indicated by rough skin around the edges. thumbs legs If you are overweight, this sign may indicate a slow metabolism. In addition, corns can occur due to poor circulation in the legs, joint diseases and curvature of the spine.


Treatment of corns on the feet is carried out using various pharmaceuticals, which are presented in the widest variety. There are several options for such funds, namely:

  • plasters;
  • creams;
  • ointments;
  • liquids.

Each of these types of funds has its own specific pros and cons. Ointments for removing calluses and corns mainly contain salicylic acid. In addition, they often contain benzoic acid. Thanks to this, dry skin softens and is easily removed.

The ointment should be applied to dry, pre-steamed skin directly onto the callus. The patch is then attached. The ointment should be washed off after about 1-2 hours. When using such a product, you must remember that the substances contained in such a product may cause irritation to the healthy skin. That is why they must be used very carefully and only on affected areas of the skin. Among the ointments, “Super Antimozolin” and “Nemosol” should be highlighted.

Plasters are much more convenient than ointments, but their effectiveness is somewhat worse. The patch is applied to the affected area and lasts approximately 8 hours. After this, the callus becomes soft and can be removed very easily with a pumice stone or brush. If the required effect is not achieved, then the treatment must be repeated every other day. You can use such patches as “Luxplast”, “Entsy”, “Salipod”.

Treatment of corns on the feet can be done using liquid products. They need to be applied using a cloth. In particular, they use such products as “Lekker Stopmosol”, “Balsam Karavaeva Vitaon”.

Treatment with medications can be carried out only if the callus on the foot is not in advanced form. And in the presence of old growths, removal of plantar calluses is required, and for this purpose surgical methods are used, in particular, such as:

  • laser removal;
  • cryodestruction;
  • electrocoagulation;
  • radio wave surgery.

Cryodestruction means that with this method, dry callus is removed using liquid nitrogen. This substance has a very low temperature, due to which the tissue of the resulting growth is rejected. It is worth noting that the foot becomes clean and smooth.

Laser treatment is characterized by the fact that dead tissue is burned using a laser device. In addition, pathogenic microorganisms are destroyed in the area of ​​laser exposure. This method is considered the best and most effective. Moreover, it is non-traumatic.

Electrocoagulation means that dry calluses are exposed to electric current. This method is quite common. Radio wave surgery is used to remove warts, papillomas and many other skin growths. All these techniques are used when the legs are in poor condition.

You can also contact a cosmetologist who will help you quickly and effectively solve your problem. Almost all salons offer pedicure procedures. If the callus is not too old, then cosmetologists will help you quickly remove it.

If you have a callus with a core, your doctor may prescribe drilling to remove the callus with a core completely from the skin. At the same time, healthy areas are not affected, which contributes to their faster recovery. This is followed by long-term treatment aimed at eliminating inflammation and fungi. After the procedure, the doctor must make sure that the rod is completely removed.

Application of traditional methods

Many people are interested in how to get rid of plantar calluses using folk remedies and techniques. The treatment process will not be too fast, but this does not mean that the result will be worse or not at all. There are several in various ways, with which you can remove dry callus.

The most common treatment method is baths. To prepare them, you need to add soda and a little soap to the water. Stir everything well. Keep your feet in this product for 15 minutes. Then treat your feet with pumice.

A good remedy considered aloe. The plant contains many useful substances. The aloe leaf should be kept in a cold place for 3-4 days, then rubbed into the callus every day before bed.

You can mix aloe juice with fish oil and apply this mixture to the callus every day. This is best done before bed. In the morning, your feet should be washed and rinsed with chamomile decoction. This remedy must be used until the callus is completely removed.

To get rid of calluses, you can use propolis. The product is applied to the damaged area and fixed with adhesive tape. Relief will come after several procedures.

You can apply finely grated raw potatoes to the callus, then secure it well. Wrap your foot in compress paper and put on a sock. In the morning, rinse everything well. You can also use potato gruel along with onion gruel.

Carrying out prevention

To avoid the formation of calluses on your feet, you need to:

  • observe the rules of hygiene;
  • periodically remove the stratum corneum;
  • lubricate your feet with softening cream;
  • if you are prone to the formation of corns, consult an orthopedist;
  • wear if necessary orthopedic insoles or shoes;
  • wear comfortable shoes.

In case of callus formation, it is important not to start this process, but to start treatment in a timely manner, as this will allow you to get rid of the problem much faster.

Dry callus (code in the ICD 10 list - L84) is an area on the skin with a compacted layer of horny epidermis. Most often it forms on the feet, as well as fingers and toes. Depending on the stage and type, it can cause pain, which in many cases is the main reason why they want to remove it.

The appearance of dry calluses is influenced by 2 factors.

  1. External is what causes them to appear.
  2. Internal - additional circumstances contributing to the emergence of these formations.

External ones include friction and pressure on a certain area of ​​the skin. The appearance of dry calluses on the hands is the result of their friction against the handles of working tools, sports equipment, musical instruments etc. That is, they appear from almost all types of long physical manual work.

Dry calluses on the feet in most cases are provoked by: tight, narrow, uncomfortable shoes, poor materials of the shoes and socks themselves, incorrect gait, flat feet. Internal causes of dry callus are the presence of health problems presented in the table below.

Disease Influence and manifestations
Diabetes mellitus With this disease, blood circulation in the tissues is impaired, which reduces their ability to protect themselves. Dry calluses in such cases often crack and allow various infections into the body. Neoplasms take a long time to heal
Hypo- or vitamin deficiency With insufficient amounts of vitamins A and E, the skin becomes fragile, and even a small scratch or friction can cause lumps to appear.
Fungal infections The presence of fungus on the feet makes the skin dry, irritated and inflamed. Then it thickens, especially on the heels, and cracks, which also contributes to the appearance of dry calluses.

To understand how dry callus formation occurs, you need to know the process of keratinization of the skin. Briefly and in general terms it looks like this.

  1. During the synthesis of the horny substance, cells from the lower layers of the epidermis move to the upper ones.
  2. They lose their internal structure and ability to divide.
  3. Their shape also changes from round to scaly.

This process is continuous; while replacing the old stratum corneum with a new one, the first one is peeled off. Since dry callus is formed mainly due to pressure on the skin or friction, in this case the cells of the stratum corneum simply die. However, the scales do not have time to peel off. They layer on top of each other and become denser. This is how the process of callus formation occurs. But how to get rid of dry calluses will be discussed below. But first you need to figure out what they look like and what their types are.

What are dry calluses and how are they treated?

Depending on the cause, location and conditions, dry calluses can be divided into several types:

  • ordinary;
  • corns;
  • with a rod.

An ordinary dry callus looks like a small, round, compacted formation of red color, rising above the surface of the skin, with clearly defined boundaries. It is almost insensitive and does not hurt if you do not touch it. However, when pressing or squeezing, pain may occur.

Many people know what a corn looks like. These are thickened areas of skin on the feet that occur as a result of constant pressure on them while walking. They differ from ordinary calluses in their large size and lack of clear boundaries.

Calluses most often occur between the toes and on the heels. A feature of this type of callus is the presence of a rod in the center that grows deep into the skin.

Such calluses are the most painful: the core can affect the deep layers of the epidermis and nerve endings. It is difficult to treat dry calluses with a core, and doing it at home is generally not recommended. Basically, dry calluses are not harmful to health and are often even beneficial: once the skin becomes thickened, it means that it is under stress, so protection is required.

If a person does not do this himself, then the body will take care of it. But when these formations interfere with comfortable movement or work, a person often wonders how to get rid of dry calluses. Removal of dry calluses can be done at home or in beauty salons, and this is often what happens.

However, in severe cases best choice you will go to the clinic: doctors know well how to remove such tumors. It is customary to treat dry callus by removing the stratum corneum of the skin. But under no circumstances should you cut it off, as this will only complicate the situation. There are several ways to get rid of dry calluses.

  1. Using medications.
  2. Using laser surgery methods.
  3. By using cryotherapy.

Drug treatment

It is understood that you can get rid of dead skin using various drugs (for example, cream, ointment, balm) sold in pharmacies. These funds can be divided into 3 groups:

  • ointments and creams;
  • anti-callus plasters;
  • anti-callus oils.

Cream and ointment may differ in composition and principle of action. A remedy for dry calluses can be based on salicylic acid. This cream will gradually burn out the callus, which will lead to its complete disappearance. The product is carefully applied only to the callus area, on clean, dry skin, and secured with a band-aid on top.

There are various salicylic ointments on sale, in the nosological classification (ICD 10) of which the code for calluses is indicated. Dry calluses can be treated with a drug based on lactic acid. The cream will soften the horny tissue, after which it can be scraped off.

Anti-callus patches, like ointments, can be on different bases. For example, there are patches impregnated with keratolytic substances or castor oil. But the result of their action is the same: the skin softens, which allows the removal of dry calluses.

Dry calluses can be softened and subsequently removed using anti-callus oils. These are oils such as linseed, olive, corn, castor. They are great for both prevention and treatment. They can be purchased at any pharmacy.

Anti-callus patch for feet

Surgical treatment and prevention methods

Since it is not always possible to get rid of dry calluses at home, they can be treated in a hospital or beauty salon, where they know how to remove the annoying growth. This option, however, may not appeal to everyone. For example, children may be afraid of the procedure. Therefore, the child must be prepared in advance: explain to him that this is necessary, since it will not be possible to cure the callus at home, but the doctor will do everything carefully and without pain.

What do they offer? modern surgery and cosmetology? Laser treatment of dry calluses is a fairly popular method. There are 2 methods of removing formations in this way: using an erbium laser and a carbon dioxide laser. In the first case, the skin of the callus evaporates, in the second, coagulation occurs.

The procedure lasts a couple of minutes under local anesthesia, so the person will not feel any pain. But at the site of the former callus there are wounds that will need to be taken care of. One session is enough to completely remove the formation. The advantages of laser callus removal are as follows.

  1. Impact only on the problem area.
  2. Laser disinfection of the treated area.
  3. The procedure is painless.

In addition to laser, there is a method called cryodestruction - the destruction and removal of thickened skin formations using liquid nitrogen. Before the procedure, you must undergo an examination by a dermatologist. If he confirms the advisability of using cryodestruction, then treatment can begin.

During the session, liquid nitrogen is applied to the callus, after which it dies and a wound remains in its place. Time, as in laser removal, the whole process takes a little - the same couple of minutes. After this, all that remains is to take care of the wound for 2 weeks until it heals. The advantages of cryodestruction are given below.

  1. Doesn't take much time.
  2. Removal occurs without blood.
  3. There is no need for stitches.
  4. Impact only on problem areas.

What to do to prevent the appearance of dry calluses? For your feet, you need to follow some rules: wear comfortable shoes that are comfortable to walk in, good socks made of suitable material. To prevent the appearance of dry calluses on your hands, you should wear gloves when physical work. Whether it's working in the garden or playing sports on exercise machines.

If there are signs of calluses, you can use a cream or ointment for dry calluses to soften the skin or, as mentioned above, various oils. To ensure the advisability of using the drug, you can check whether there is an ICD 10 code in its nosological classification.

Dry calluses can sometimes be a nuisance, but these days there are many options for quick removal.

In most cases, water callus treatment can be done independently. Small calluses are usually not painful and do not break open on their own. Therefore, they are simply covered with a plaster that protects them from injury. If water callus large size, then it causes significant discomfort and is fraught with rupture. It is better to pierce such a “dropsy”. The most favorable time for puncture is considered to be the first day after the bubble appears on the skin.
  Piercing a water callus must be carried out with the obligatory observance of certain rules to avoid infection in the callus. First, it is necessary to disinfect the puncture site. To do this, lubricate the water callus with iodine or brilliant green. Secondly, the puncture can only be made with a sterile needle. You can take a regular pin or sewing needle. To sterilize it, you need to hold it in alcohol or heat it over a fire.
  The puncture should be made on the side of the water callus, inserting the needle almost parallel to the surface of the skin. Under no circumstances should you pierce the callus perpendicular to its surface, as this will cause the needle to injure the bottom of the callus. To ensure that the fluid outflow from the water callus occurs continuously, it is better to make several punctures. The main thing is not to overdo it and preserve the walls of the bubble. Like a natural bandage, they cover the delicate skin located inside the water callus and protect it from damage and infection.
  After the punctures are made, the water callus is gently pressed with a gauze cloth so that all the existing liquid comes out of it. If over time the callus becomes filled with contents again, it will be necessary to repeat the puncture. To prevent the development of infection after a puncture, an ointment containing an antibiotic is applied to the water callus. Then cover the callus with a protective plaster, which should be changed at least 2 times a day and removed at night.
  If the opening of the water callus occurs spontaneously and with a tearing of its wall, the resulting wound must be cleaned and disinfected, apply antibacterial ointment and cover the callus with a gauze pad and adhesive tape. The latter will protect the water callus from contamination and injury, creating favorable conditions for its healing.
  If an infection gets into a water callus, it is necessary to open it and remove the walls, since in a closed callus favorable conditions are created for the development of the infectious process and suppuration. Therefore, if infected, you should seek help from a surgeon. In compliance with all the rules of asepsis, he will perform an autopsy and primary processing infected water callus, apply a bandage to ensure wound drainage and prescribe local antibacterial treatment.