Speed ​​up metabolic processes. Speed ​​up your metabolism and lose weight

Metabolism affects the base level of energy the body needs to maintain vital functions. Although excess calorie intake and lack of physical activity determine excess body weight, you can boost your metabolic rate to burn more calories and lose weight.

What is metabolism

Metabolism is the biochemical process during which the body converts food into energy.

Nutrients from food and drinks are oxidized and provide energy to the body to carry out its activities.

Even during rest, when you do nothing, your body continues to work - breathe, circulate blood through the vessels, maintain hormonal levels and renew cells.

The number of calories required to complete these basic functions, is called the basal metabolic rate.

This value depends on several factors:

  • Current weight and body shape. People who are heavier and have more muscle mass burn more calories, even while at rest.
  • Floor. Men burn calories more efficiently because they have less fat mass and more muscle compared to women of the same age and weight.
  • Age. As you age, the amount of muscle decreases, resulting in a slower ability to burn calories. After 40 years, metabolism slows down by 5% every decade.

Since metabolism is a natural process, the body has several mechanisms that regulate it according to individual needs.

Only in rare cases is excess weight associated with a medical problem, such as thyroid disease, which causes the metabolism to slow down.

Methods to speed up metabolism

If the metabolic rate is low, it takes a long time for the absorbed carbohydrates, proteins and fats to be processed into the energy necessary for the functioning of the body. As you lose weight, your metabolic rate will decrease because your body will need fewer calories.

Research shows that you can increase your calorie burn to lose weight by using some techniques to speed up your metabolism.

Fractional meals

Eat small meals often throughout the day, and don't skip breakfast.

Increasing the time between meals causes the body to enter fasting mode. In this case, the body tends to conserve energy to prevent exhaustion and lowers the metabolic rate.

Small portions of food every 3 hours stimulate the body, causing a short-term increase in metabolic rate.

Protein products

Add lean proteins to your diet.

Eating a diet rich in lean proteins, found in eggs, chicken breast and fish, will increase your metabolic rate because protein is difficult to digest and requires more energy to break it down in the digestive tract.

A good source of slow protein is cottage cheese - eat it before bed to get your metabolism working throughout the night.


Add spices to the dishes you eat. Spices contain natural substances that boost metabolism. Chili pepper, curry, ginger, mustard and garlic will help speed up your metabolism for a while. Add them to every meal.

Cardio load

Do at least 30 minutes of aerobic exercise per day.

Cardio exercise increases your heart rate, causing increased blood circulation and increased metabolism during the workout. Use interval training for maximum effect.

Strength training

Building muscle helps raise your basal metabolic rate. Every half kilo muscle mass burn 6 calories per day versus 2 calories burned by the same amount of fat. The more muscle tissue you have, the more calories your body burns, even while at rest.

Strength training to build mass is the only way to increase your metabolic rate over the long term.


Use temperature readings to speed up your metabolism. When consumed cold water the body is forced to heat it, which causes a temporary acceleration of metabolism. Likewise, people living in tropical climates have a faster metabolic rate because the body is forced to expend effort to cool the body.

Physical exercises performed in hot weather, also carry an additional metabolic load. The amount of energy metabolism in cold climates can be controlled by suitable clothing that does not cause the body to overheat.


Coffee speeds up metabolism due to the caffeine it contains. Drink a cup of coffee before exercise, although the metabolic effect of caffeine is small compared to exercise.

In addition, caffeine is not safe—excessive coffee consumption can lead to nervousness, insomnia, and other unpleasant side effects.

Green tea

Drink green tea throughout the day.

Research shows that drinking a few cups of green tea along with physical activity has a greater metabolic benefit than exercise alone.

Green tea contains a complex of catechins, which exhibit antioxidant activity and help the liver convert fat into energy.

Adequate nutrition

Avoid crash diets. Severely reduced calorie diets negatively affect metabolism by slowing down the metabolic rate.

After returning to a normal diet, the body perceives the previous amount of calories as excess and stimulates weight gain.

In addition, strict diets are not balanced in composition nutrients and vitamins, which leads to health problems.


Add fiber-rich foods to your diet: fresh vegetables, fruits and whole grains.

The body spends extra energy processing fiber foods, and some types of fiber are not digested at all, forcing the digestive tract to work and increasing the metabolic rate.

Fiber can be additionally consumed in the form of bran or dietary supplements.

Fat Burning Supplements

The use of sports fat-burning supplements is justified only when combined with regular training. They increase the efficiency of fat burning during strength training and add endurance to cardio training.

Without physical activity, fat burning supplements will not have an effect on your metabolic rate, but they can cause problems with the functioning of the nervous system and heart.

If you really want to lose fat, you need to speed up your metabolism. The 11 methods described in the article will speed up your metabolism and allow you to burn more calories and lose weight without much effort.

If you are interested in fitness, proper nutrition and are looking for effective way lose weight, then you probably know that all these concepts are closely related to metabolism. Metabolism represents all metabolic processes in the body, and not only your well-being, but also the state of your body directly depends on the speed at which these processes occur.

11 tips on how to simply speed up your body's metabolism and lose weight

I talked in detail about what metabolism is and how it happens in the article “Metabolism: its role in losing weight and gaining weight.” There I also described the factors influencing the speed of metabolic processes. But if these factors exist, then there must be a way to influence them and speed up metabolism. Of course, there are some things we cannot change. Gender, age and body type do not depend on us. But there are many more ways to increase your metabolic rate. This article will discuss how to activate metabolism.

1. Eat regularly

Eating regularly at the same time each day and keeping your portion sizes roughly the same will speed up your digestion and metabolism. Regular meals deprive your body of the need to store all the energy received in the form of fat.

2. Don't skip breakfast

Lack of appetite in the morning is the most important indicator that the diet is not structured correctly. If you are not hungry, it means you had too much dinner. And don’t blame the lack of time for breakfast - oatmeal can be prepared in 5 minutes by simply pouring boiling water over them. Meanwhile, breakfast is exactly the “trigger” that allows you to start your metabolism and speed it up for the whole day.

3. Don't give up eating after 6 pm

The last meal should be no later than 1.5-2 hours before bedtime, which means that you can afford not only dinner, but also an additional meal after it. Any prolonged absence of food is perceived by the body as starvation and in response to this, fat accumulation processes are activated, which prevent you from starting your metabolism for weight loss.

4. Don't cut out healthy fats from your diet.

No matter how strange it may sound, scientists have long proven that increased consumption of Omega 3 acids promotes a faster process of fat burning, allowing you to speed up metabolism.

5. Drink enough water

1.5-2 l clean drinking water per day - this is something without which your body cannot function normally. It is water that speeds up metabolism, so do not try to replace it with other liquids. Tea, coffee, juice - all this has nothing to do with the rate of water consumption.

6. Increase the amount of protein in your diet

Foods high in protein are difficult for the body to digest, which allows you not only to spend more energy on digesting such food, but also to greatly speed up your metabolism.

7. Increase the duration of your cardio workouts

To speed up your metabolism quickly and effectively, you must include in your training plan cardio exercises, because it is during prolonged cardio training that fat can be used as an energy source. Run outside, jump rope and it will have a positive effect on acceleration of metabolism and will help you lose excess weight.

8. Don't ignore strength training

Many people mistakenly believe that weight training is only for those who want to build muscle. However, after strength training, the metabolic rate remains elevated for up to a day and a half. Those. Even if you stop exercising, you continue to burn more calories, which will help improve your low metabolic rate.

9. Get enough sleep

Among the many tips on how to speed up your metabolism, the issue of proper rest is often ignored. For the normal course of all processes in the body, the average person needs 7-8 hours of good sleep. In case of constant lack of sleep, hormonal levels change. For example, the production of the hormone cortisol increases, which leads to fat accumulation.

10. Make sure you have enough vitamins

If you are really interested in how to speed up the metabolism in the body, then you should understand that even with a balanced diet, it is very difficult to obtain the required amount of all vitamins and nutrients from food in the proper quantities. In turn, a deficiency of at least one of them can negatively affect the metabolic rate. Therefore, it is worth buying vitamin complexes from time to time.

11. Add metabolism-boosting foods to your diet

These include cereals, vegetables, fruits, and spices. This also includes green tea. Coffee also speeds up metabolism, but it removes water from the body. Therefore, coffee should be drunk in moderation, while increasing the amount of water you drink.


In conclusion, I want to say that the listed methods will really allow you speed up your metabolism to the limit, but only in combination with each other. Separately, each of these tips will not give you stunning results. And a huge role in this list belongs to a balanced diet aimed at increasing metabolic rate. And, of course, don’t forget about physical activity.

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Metabolic processes in the body perform the main work, since human health and activity depend on them internal organs. Girls and women who want to get rid of hated pounds want to speed up their metabolism, and this is not surprising. Due to natural processes, foods are absorbed faster, which leads to weight loss. This feature is achieved through assimilation (absorption of useful elements) and dissimilation (decomposition of substances). Let's look at the important aspects in order and provide practical recommendations.

Causes of metabolic disorders

Depending on individual indicators, the quality of metabolism changes. Let us highlight the main causes of metabolic disorders.

Reason #1. Lack of calories
The main factor influencing the slowdown of metabolism is the frequent consumption of low-fat and low-calorie foods. As a result of poor nutrition similar products the body does not receive enough macro- and microelements necessary for the full functioning of internal organs.

This is where colossal stress begins for the body; it sends a signal to the brain about the lack of those very elements. The first negative factor is the deposition of fat “in reserve”; the second important aspect is the slowdown of metabolic processes. This feature is achieved so that the body has enough vitamins and energy value for normal activities.

Reason #2. Low physical activity
A sedentary, particularly sedentary, lifestyle leads to a slowdown in metabolism; this fact has been proven repeatedly. A person who eats right, does not have bad habits and plays sports does not experience difficulties with losing body weight. This is achieved through a balanced approach, the main feature of which is full-fledged physical activity.

During sports, the heartbeat increases significantly, as a result of which blood circulation significantly accelerates. The body is also saturated a large number oxygen, which leads to the breakdown of adipose tissue. Besides this sports man has developed muscles, which in mass exceed the fat layer. Since it is the muscles that burn fat, weight loss occurs.

Reason #3. Incorrect food intake

Many believe that you can get rid of the hated kilograms if you eat 2-3 times a day in standard portions, but this statement is erroneous. The human body is comparable to a Russian stove, which needs firewood for proper combustion. Likewise, internal organs require nutrients that come from food.

Moreover, vitamins and minerals are absorbed only in small portions, as a result of which the optimal solution for accelerating metabolism would be split meals. Give your body energy to maintain vital functions. Digestion speeds up metabolism, causing fats to be broken down faster. Otherwise, the metabolism will enter a “resting” mode and will store reserves with those rare meals with which you saturate it.

Reason #4. Dehydration
It is known that a person contains more than 80% water, so dehydration can cause serious problems. Not many people know that metabolism is the transformation of vitamins and minerals from one phase to another. Similar processes occur in the intercellular fluid. With a lack of water, metabolism slows down, which leads to weight gain and a large accumulation of fat around the internal organs.

For full life, a person needs at least 2.4 liters. water per day, and it must be filtered and potable. The body does not perceive juices, fruit drinks, teas and other drinks as water, keep this in mind.

Reason #5. Lack of minerals and vitamins
Lack of vitamins provokes a slowdown in metabolism. Fresh fruits and vegetables contain a lot of water, which a person needs for full life. Every athlete knows that building muscle mass and getting enough energy comes with taking vitamin complexes. This is especially true for the transition from summer period to autumn and from winter to spring. At this time, it is very important to provide the body with complexes, supplements, proteins, fats and carbohydrates (in limited quantities).

The speed of metabolic processes in the body depends on many factors. These include total body weight, gender, age, size of adipose tissue, and the presence of chronic or acquired diseases.

Method No. 1. Drink enough fluids
As mentioned earlier, a slowdown in metabolic processes provokes a lack of water in the body. It makes sense to start the acceleration procedure from this moment.

Drink at least 2.6-3 liters of filtered water per day. In addition, lean on kefir or yogurt (fat content from 1 to 3%), milk (fat content from 1.5 to 5%), freshly squeezed juices (citrus, carrot, tomato, cabbage and berry, etc.). Also, don’t forget about green tea in moderation (it leaches calcium from bones), herbal infusions, unsweetened compote and fruit juice.

IN summer time Stay hydrated by drinking enough water for your body weight. Give preference to cold or melt water. As a result, the body spends more energy to warm it up, so the metabolism automatically speeds up. Drink 1 glass immediately after waking up in the morning so that the signal “it’s time to wake up” is sent to your brain.

Method number 2. Play sports
Active physical training accelerates blood circulation and, as a result, all metabolic processes in the body. It is not necessary to exhaust yourself to the point of exhaustion; it is enough to do exercises in the morning and visit one of your favorite sections. Sign up for a trial Pilates lesson ( breathing exercises), stretching (stretching), water aerobics, ballroom or sports dancing, etc.

Start working out your abs at home, do squats, push-ups, jump rope, exercise on an exercise bike. Consider going to the pool; swimming is great for your muscles. Lovers of strength training are advised to enroll in gym. For those who prefer cardio, jumping in place or exercise machines such as “step”, “skis”, “steps”, etc. are suitable.

Method No. 3. Organize proper nutrition
Organizing a proper meal consists of several stages. The first thing to do is balance your breakfast. It must be balanced and nutritious. Such a move will trigger metabolism, as a result of which the body will “wake up” and begin to digest food.

The second thing you need to do is eat in small portions. The number of meals should not be less than 5 times a day, and you need to eat every 2-3 hours.

Learn to eat only healthy food, give up fast food, snacks, sausages, and canned food. Lean on legumes and cereals, vegetables, meat, fruits, fish. All listed products They speed up metabolism, making them great for weight loss. Completely avoid fatty and fried foods, steam or cook in a slow cooker.

  1. Green tea. Drink about 3-4 cups of green or herbal tea daily, it speeds up your metabolism by 4-6% per day. In this case, the first use may occur in the morning, since green tea promotes awakening much better than black coffee.
  2. Sea cocktail. Plan your weekly diet so that you consume seafood every other day. It could be fish, a cocktail of mussels, shrimp, octopus, or squid. Add the listed components to salads, first and second courses. Combine them with nuts, fresh vegetables, and flaxseeds.
  3. Pepper. Foods that speed up metabolism include ground red pepper and chili pepper. Add the following spices to your main and first courses to start the fat burning process.
  4. Coffee. Natural ground coffee beans have long been famous for their beneficial properties. Thanks to the caffeine contained in the composition, fat deposits are broken down and metabolism is accelerated. Drink no more than 2 cups of coffee per day, preferably in the morning.
  5. Grapefruit. Make it a habit to eat half a grapefruit every day or replace it with two slices of lemon in tea without sugar. It’s not for nothing that there are a lot of weight loss methods based on these citrus fruits.
  6. Mustard powder. It is the bulk mixture that is considered a natural fat burner; do not confuse it with a purchased paste-like composition. The process of losing weight will go faster if you use mustard seeds. Soak them in filtered water, leave for about 3-4 hours, then consume in small portions throughout the day. The method is suitable only for those who do not have diseases or disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.
  7. Protein. A good fat burner is pure protein or protein found in white meat, fish, eggs, cottage cheese, cheese products, etc. If desired, purchase a jar sports nutrition(the number of active components is more than 80%).
  8. Apple cider vinegar. Buy in store healthy eating apple cider vinegar concentration of 6-9%, season salads with it or use it yourself, diluted with water (at the rate of 30 ml of product per 300 ml of liquid).
  9. Cinnamon. The use of cinnamon is especially important for people suffering from diabetes. The ground or pod composition reduces the level of sucrose, normalizes glucose, and fights the disease. In addition, the mixture burns fat. Add cinnamon to coffee, tea, main dishes and salads.
  10. Beans and grains. Start your day with oatmeal or flaxseed porridge. Make soup for lunch using beans, legumes, and other similar crops. Add the product to salads, eat as a snack with whole grain bread, red fish or meat.

In addition to playing sports and normalizing proper nutrition, it is important to adjust your lifestyle.

  1. First of all, alternate the calorie content of your food. Since the human body quickly adapts to even drastic changes, you will not achieve results by eating the same foods. Make a menu in such a way that every 3 days the diet changes from low-calorie to high-calorie. This move will help avoid stressful situations that arise after eating too fatty or energy-rich foods.
  2. Important attention, especially to athletes, should be paid to the work and rest regime. If possible, go to bed no later than 22.00, but do not need to rest until lunch, wake up at 8-9 am. The total number of hours of sleep should not be less than eight. Maintain good food hygiene; your last meal should be at least 4 hours before going to bed. If you are hungry, drink a glass of milk or kefir with cinnamon.
  3. To speed up metabolic processes, it is very important to give up bad habits. Due to the tar formations that form in the lung cavity, blood vessels narrow and blood circulation slows down. For this reason, quit smoking or reduce the number of cigarettes to 3. knocking, gradually abandoning bad habit fully. The same applies to alcohol: ethyl alcohol and its vapors have a detrimental effect on the activity of all internal organs, skin, and hair.

It is not difficult to speed up your metabolism in order to lose weight if you have sufficient knowledge regarding the vital functions of the body. First of all, balance your diet and increase the amount of water you drink per day. Start playing sports, pay due attention to sleep, alternate caloric intake of food.

Video: how to speed up metabolism/metabolism

The most effective way to lose weight is to speed up your metabolism. It is proper metabolism that underlies a healthy, slim, athletic body.

Let's look at how to speed up metabolic processes and effectively lose weight without harm to your health.

How to speed up your metabolism at home?

You can speed up your metabolism without leaving home. If you can't go to the gym, you can easily workout at home. It is enough to have a light one in your arsenal sportswear, a mat and a pair of small dumbbells.

There are a huge number of different exercises that will help speed up your metabolism and burn calories.


  • How to lose weight with sports nutrition?
  • Natural fat burners for men and women
  • What fruits can you eat while losing weight?
  • How to lose weight after 45 years for a woman - advice from a nutritionist
  • Proper nutrition after exercise for weight loss

Besides sports It is necessary to normalize nutrition by introducing healthy foods into the diet. Junk foods (fatty, floury, smoked, preservatives, fast food) should be excluded.

Important minimize the consumption of “simple” carbohydrates- flour and sweet. And the share of “complex” carbohydrates (cereals, whole grain bread, durum wheat pasta, etc.) should be increased.

It is also necessary to increase the number foods containing protein: meat, lean fish, cottage cheese, cheese, legumes, nuts, etc.

Fats: vegetable oils, fish, nuts, cheese, etc. - consume moderately.

How to start metabolism and speed up metabolism in the body?

We suggest you consider some simple tips to speed up metabolism:

  • Consume a lot clean water . Drink a glass of water before each meal and always 1 on an empty stomach. When dehydrated, all metabolic processes and fat burning are inhibited.
  • Eat in portions. Eat in small portions and often - at least 5 meals a day, along with snacks. During prolonged hunger, calories are burned less actively.
  • Eat healthy food. Consume healthy foods rich in essential macro- and microelements.
  • Follow daily norm proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Adhere to the principle: 40-50% complex carbohydrates, 30-40% proteins, 20-25% fats from the total diet.
  • Monitor the caloric content of foods. Know how many kcal are contained in foods and monitor your daily intake. When losing weight, you need to plan a small daily calorie deficit.
  • Train. Regular short-term training: at least once every 2 days, from 30 minutes to 1 hour. If you exercise for too long, muscle tissue is destroyed instead of being gained. And muscle mass not only determines a beautiful relief, but also serves as a source of accelerating metabolism.

Method for improving metabolism in women

The most pressing problem is accelerating metabolism and losing weight among women. The female body is highly susceptible to various types of changes and hormonal imbalances.

Complete healthy diet allows you to avoid breakdowns during PMS, pregnancy and lactation. During these periods, an increase in progesterone and prolactin in the blood dictates changes in food preferences and cravings for “fast” carbohydrates.

The following products will help you lose weight and speed up your metabolism:

  • Water. (You need to drink plenty of clean water. It participates in all metabolic processes in our body and accelerates them);
  • Whole grain products. (They are rich in fiber, so the body spends more calories processing them);
  • Lean meats. (They contain large number squirrel. It is what promotes accelerated metabolism);
  • Red beans. (Rich in vitamins, cleanses the intestines, gives a feeling of satiety. Contains a hormone responsible for the growth of muscle tissue);
  • Fish. (contains a high content of leptin. It speeds up metabolism and promotes weight loss).
  • Cabbage. (Contains a special acid that increases metabolic processes);
  • Citrus fruits, especially grapefruit. (Contain substances that greatly accelerate metabolism. Effectively fight fat deposits).
  • Apples.
  • Dairy products.
  • Herbs/spices (ginger, pepper, cinnamon).
  • Spinach.
  • Coffee. (a hot drink speeds up the metabolic process by 4-5%);
  • Coconut oil.

Healthy diet, proper nutrition, physical activity(sports, dancing, etc.) will help speed up your metabolism and get rid of extra pounds.

It is important to maintain a moderate level of training for all muscle groups, since the amount of total muscle mass is directly proportional to the metabolic rate.

What to do after 50 years?

After 40 years, a woman’s body undergoes restructuring. Hormonal changes occur. Metabolism slows down. The woman begins to rapidly gain weight.

The following will help speed up metabolism and lose weight at home after 40-50 years:

  • foods that speed up metabolism (described above);
  • fractional meals;
  • drink plenty of fluids - 2 or 2.5 liters per day;
  • vitamins/nutritional supplements;
  • regular physical activity (running, swimming, etc.).

It is necessary to include vitamins, minerals and foods rich in Omega-3 in your diet.

What medications can I take?

Metabolic processes in the body occur with the help of coordinated work of hormones.

L-thyroxine- thyroid hormone. Preparations based on this hormone are most often used for weight loss and drying the body.

The use of these drugs is unacceptable without the prescription of an endocrinologist, since a substance that is a medicine and not a dietary supplement can only cause harm without an established disease.

  • Among the anabolic steroids taken to speed up metabolism are: Danabol, Anavar.
  • Tablets are perfect for normalizing metabolic processes - Glucophage.

Also, to speed up your metabolism, you need take medications based on:

  • ginseng;
  • Eleutherococcus;
  • caffeine;
  • green tea.

Jillian Michaels Method

Notorious fitness trainer Jillian Michaels(another translation option - Jillian Michaels) advises speeding up metabolism using sports and exercise.

Her motto:“Burn fat, speed up metabolism, lose excess weight” has helped a huge number of women at home lose weight and speed up metabolic processes.

Metabolic processes are called metabolism. When food is broken down, it releases energy. The body uses one part and stores the other as fat. Accelerating metabolism reduces weight and improves well-being.

What affects metabolism

Hypermetabolics slim, active, love to gesticulate. Accelerated metabolic reactions allow them to eat whatever they want. The food reacts quickly, provides energy, and does not cause fat accumulation.

People of average build are representatives normal type of metabolism. If you don't overeat, they won't be overweight.

U hypometabolics metabolism is slow. Part of the excess nutrition is necessarily stored in fat. Losing weight with this type of metabolism is especially difficult.

Metabolism slows down with age. A decrease in the level of the hormone estrogen affects female body, physique, heredity.

The rate of metabolic reactions is determined by thyroid hormones.

Their sufficient level accelerates the metabolism of proteins and fats. Tissues absorb oxygen better.

Low levels of hormones are the cause of lethargy, rapid fatigue, slow reactions, and deterioration of intellectual results. Metabolic processes are reduced, the body accumulates fat.

How to speed up your metabolism with exercise

The metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, and fat is accelerated by moderate physical activity.

Regular physical exercise helps you lose weight and burn fat reserves. Their place is taken by muscle tissue.

Exercise normalizes adrenaline levels, which is the cause of high blood pressure. Stimulate function blood vessels, which returns the level of red blood cells to normal, .

Physical exercises – prevention of atherosclerosis. They reduce the level, the risk of myocardial infarction, and cerebral circulatory disorders.

Walking- simple affordable way speed up metabolism. Physical activity is especially useful with a sedentary lifestyle. The journey to work or home does not require significant changes in the daily routine.

  • Start with a leisurely walk of up to 2 km.
  • Tempo – 70-90 steps per minute, with increasing fitness increase to 90-120 steps.
  • Periodically increase the length of the path by half a kilometer, bringing it to 5-8 km.

In old age, in case of heart or vascular diseases, monitor heart rate. It should not exceed 200 minus age.

Gymnastic exercises accelerate metabolic reactions, give motor activity to the neck, shoulder girdle, arms, torso, abdomen, legs, develop flexibility.

Aerobic trainer(rowing, cycling, treadmill) speeds up metabolism and helps you lose weight. For half a day after training, the body continues to burn calories.

Hardening. The alternating action of cold and heat trains the thermoregulatory apparatus. Hardening involves cardiovascular, respiratory system, accelerates metabolic processes, strengthens.

An artificial increase in body temperature by just 1C accelerates the intensity of metabolic reactions by 7 percent.

Hardening requires gradualness, regular alternation of heat, cold, water, and sun. In case of chronic diseases, local hardening procedures are used.

Nutrition to speed up metabolism

The speed of metabolic processes is affected by the composition of food:

  • Proteins speed up metabolism (boiled beef, low-fat fish).
  • Fatty foods, on the contrary, reduce metabolic processes.

Metabolic reactions are accelerated by vitamins. Their deficiency impairs the growth and development of organs, especially during the formation of the body.

Vitamin A participates in the regulation of metabolic processes of the skin, mucous membranes, tissue respiration, and the functioning of the endocrine glands.

Vitamin C accelerates metabolism during enzymatic reactions. Wounds heal faster and the immune system is strengthened. The body does not produce the vitamin; it must be obtained from food.

Vitamin B1(thiamine) participates in the metabolic reactions of amino acids and the oxidative reactions of carbohydrates. It is contained in cereals, wholemeal bread, legumes, and pork.

Vitamin B2(riboflavin) is involved in protein, carbohydrate and fat (including cholesterol) metabolism and growth processes. There is a lot of it in yeast, dairy products, eggs, liver, meat, bread.

Vitamin B6(pyridoxine) regulates fat metabolism in the liver, the formation of hemoglobin, and is useful in the treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis. Contains nuts, liver, chicken.

Vitamin B12 important for the function of hematopoiesis, the formation of nucleic acids in the body, and the acceleration of metabolism (fat) in the liver. Contains beef liver and meat, fish, dairy products.

Vitamin E accelerates metabolic processes (proteins, carbohydrates), promotes the absorption of fats, vitamins A and D. Much is found in cottonseed, corn, and sunflower oils.

  1. Mix equal parts of perforatum herb and common yarrow.
  2. Brew 2 tbsp. mixture with two glasses of boiling water, simmer in a water bath for 15 minutes, strain.

Take half a glass 3-4 times a day to lose weight and speed up fat metabolism.

  • Brew 2 tablespoons of crushed burdock roots with a glass of boiling water, leave for 2 hours in a thermos, strain.

Take 0.5 cups 3 times a day as an anti-inflammatory agent, improve metabolic processes, and combat salt deposits.

Other ways to speed up your metabolism

Carrot simple effective remedy acceleration of metabolism in the brain:

  • Every day there is a grated salad with vegetable oil.

Fresh beet juice improves metabolic processes. Before drinking, keep the juice at room temperature for a couple of hours.

  • Take 2 tbsp. 5-6 times a day to improve metabolism and strengthen the body.

Sprouted wheat sprouts accelerate metabolism, increase immunity and energy of body cells.

Celery used to increase the speed of metabolic processes; roots and leaves are used as food.

Cedar oil It is distinguished by a high content of (tocopherol), which accelerates metabolism and prevents the development of atherosclerosis. Use oil for dressing salads and porridge.

Rosehip infusion effective for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the endocrine system (thyrotoxicosis), increasing vitamin and mineral metabolism, regulates motor-secretory function, and promotes the separation of bile.

Gooseberry helps to lose weight, cope with obesity, speed up metabolic reactions:

  • Brew a glass of boiling water 1 tbsp. dry fruits, simmer for 10 minutes in a water bath, strain.

Take a quarter glass before meals.

Spicy food speeds up metabolism. Capsaicin, which is part of pepper, determines the burning taste. Nutrition increases heart rate and body temperature. Spicy food stimulates and increases the risk of overeating.

Modified: 06/27/2019