Tie a pareo for a plump woman. Nine creative ways to tie a pareo

A large scarf with a bright pattern has become a universal item in the wardrobe of any fashionista. Of course, there is an alternative option - a beach suit, but you can’t make a dress, top or skirt out of it, which is quite boring. Translucent (and sometimes even completely transparent) airy fabric of various shades has long been national clothes Tahitians The fabric from which this fashion accessory is made is usually silk, thin cotton or chiffon.
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Over the years, many ways to wear a beach pareo have been invented. It is like a transformer - it turns into a skirt, top, long sundress or short dress. There are many options.

If the scarf is quite long, then you can easily create any element of your summer wardrobe. Pareo sizes range from 90 x 90 cm to 160 x 160 or even 240 cm.

How to tie a pareo for the beach - an overview of the most interesting options

When choosing, you should consider individual characteristics of your body. Someone wants to visually reduce their waist, hide wide hips, add height or focus on your strengths.

1. Cape in the form of a sundress (shoulders open)

You need to wrap the scarf around yourself and tie several knots above your chest.

More: sundress with closed neck

Pull the scarf behind your back, cross the upper ends in front of you (above the chest) and tie the wide edges at the back of your neck (or twist the flagella and tie them too).

And one more thing: a light sundress

How to tie a pareo measuring 110 x 240 cm? Wrap the chest, crossing the edges on the left under the armpit. Stretch one end forward, the other to the right shoulder along the back. Tie the edges on the right shoulder with one or more knots.

2. How to wear a pareo as a skirt correctly

Wrap the scarf above the waist, and tuck the free upper end under the already formed skirt.

More: elementary skirt

Fold the scarf to the desired length and wrap it over your hips, tying a knot at the side/center.

And one more thing: a contrasting skirt

Here you need a couple of small scarves of different colors. Wrap one around your waist and tie at the side. The second one is exactly the same, just tie a knot on the other side.

3. How to tie a pareo on the chest (topic)

Fold a scarf 90 x 220 cm, place it symmetrically on your shoulders, cross the ends over your chest (covering it) and tie it behind your back.


Fold the scarf in the same way as in the previous version. Placed on the collarbones, you need to bring the ends together behind your back, and then transfer them to your chest and tie them.

Elegant top

The size of the scarf is approximately 140 x 140 cm. Fold the fabric into a triangle and wrap it around your chest (the fold is located at the top). Place the side ends back under the armpits, crossing them on the back and pointing them forward again, passing under the armpits. Twist the ends with a rope and tie it around your neck.

4. How to tie a pareo with bloomers

Yes, this is possible!

Method 1.

To tie real oriental bloomers, take two identical pareos - their length should be slightly longer than the length of your legs. Wrap the fabric around your hips and tie a knot at the side. Also tie the ends around your ankle. Repeat the same with the second pareo on the other side.

Method 2.

There is another way to tie a pareo like loose shorts. Take a rectangular pareo and tie its narrow end around your waist so that the knot is in front. Pass the end of the fabric between your legs, tuck it under the knot and pull it up. Pass the pareo between your legs again and tuck it into the waistband on your back. The design can be secured with a bandage made from a small scarf.


Take 2 scarves, approximately 140 x 140. Throw the first scarf on the right under the armpit, and tie it on the left shoulder. The second one is on the left under the armpit and tied on the right shoulder.


2 pareos, maximum 140 x 140, throw the first one over the chest and tie the upper ends at the back (to keep it on the neck). Tie the second one on top of the first one, the knots should be directly above the chest.

"Evening Breeze"

You need a pareo approximately 115 x 300, wrap the long side around the chest so that the short edge is in the middle of the right chest. Pick up the right side by twisting the fabric into a rope (twist the rope on the left side too). Tie the ropes - the fabric should fit tightly to the body. Now twist a small rope from the longest edge in front and pull it under the armpit back, throw it from back to front and pin some beautiful brooch or just a pin.


When wrapping the body in a pareo, it is necessary to leave the upper tip of the fabric in front above the chest so that it protrudes slightly above the main layer (which goes above the chest). Turning around, tie the top free edges at the shoulder.


Take a pareo (the same size as in the previous method), fold it in half so that the back is about 15 cm longer than the front. Fold these centimeters over the front. Now place the scarf on your back, tuck it under your arms and tie it above your chest (in the middle) with a main knot.

10 ways to tie a pareo


Beach fashion includes various swimwear and accessories. The most popular addition to an open or closed swimsuit is a pareo. You can make it yourself from the fabric you like or buy it ready-made. How to tie a pareo beautifully to stand out on the beach?

Despite the simplicity of the product, it performs many functions:

  • Protects some areas of the body from direct sunlight;
  • Covers problem areas and defects on the body;
  • Complements the image and creates a unique style;
  • Makes the appearance less provocative.

The main advantage of a pareo is that it can be tied in different ways. There are many simple models and techniques. For each option, medium-sized or long products are suitable.


Main types:

Pareo on the hips

It's simple classic version suitable for women with beautiful breasts and narrow hips. The fabric will favorably emphasize the curve of the body, giving it a fuller shape. To do this you will need a small width of fabric. The length should be such that it is enough to wrap around your hips twice. On one of the upper sides of the thigh, the edges of the fabric are tied into a tight knot. If it is necessary to hide the knees, then a wider fabric is purchased.

Knot on the neck

A pareo with a knot at the neck is suitable for thin girls with a perfect back, flat stomach and small breasts. It is better to choose very light material. As you move, the fabric will flutter and reveal seductive areas of the body.

To do this, the pareo is straightened from the back, and loose ends cross in the area above the breasts. The ends rise to the neck and are tied at the back. It is not recommended to make a large knot, as this will visually make the back uneven. Ideal option- a small tight knot with ends falling down the back. A more airy look is created with long fabric. It can reach to the toes.

Knot on the chest

This is the easiest way to tie a pareo. It can be used to quickly cover the body. The shoulders and top of the bodice will remain open. The fabric is straightened on the back with your hands. And the ends are tied above chest level in a knot or bow. The long ends will fall in front. The voluminous part of the fabric creates the effect of enlarging the bodice.


A very trendy model that hides curvy figures. The fabric fits a significant part of the body, but hides unattractive areas. A woman of any size will feel very comfortable in it. You can wear a pareo in this form all the time, taking it off only for swimming. The model requires a large piece of fabric. You need to purchase a product that is twice as wide as your hips. After tying, the pareo will look like interesting dress, which you can wear to a beach party.

The pareo is taken from the back with both hands and crossed under the left armpit. One part is stretched along the back to the top of the right shoulder, and the front free edge is tied to it in a knot or in the form of a bow. This design will not come undone even with active movement.


Another interesting closed model. Suitable for a cool evening on the beach. To make it, you will need two fabrics of the same size. They should be light but dense. One scarf is thrown on the side under the armpit and stretched over the left shoulder, and the other is tied on the right side. This model is ideal for protection from the wind. If you want to create a mysterious and light image, it is recommended to use completely transparent fabrics.

Color options

How to elegantly tie a pareo so that it looks harmonious with a swimsuit? Here you will need to experiment with colors and fabric thickness.

Pareo in the form of shorts

This model is suitable if you want to sit on clean sand or pebbles near the water. For the model, a dense but lightweight fabric of small size is selected. The middle of the scarf is pushed between the thighs. The front edges are tied at the back of the waist, and the back edges are tied in front. The fabric will cover the bottom of the swimsuit and protect it from sand. The product must be selected according to color. If you wish, you can create a contrast. For example, black top, white pareo.

Free pareo

To create the look you will need regular fabric of any size. If the scarf is short, it will seductively reveal the bottom of the swimsuit. This option is ideal for girls with beautiful buttocks and slender legs. The pareo is straightened on one side, and the ends are crossed under the opposite armpit, wrapped around the shoulder and tied in the form of a bow. The fabric can be made looser by revealing part of the swimsuit top or wrapped tightly around the body.


If the pareo is long, you can wrap yourself in it like a sari. On the hips, the fabric is wrapped several times, and the free end is thrown back to the back and fixed into the resulting skirt. If you have a lighter piece of fabric, you can throw it over your shoulders on a hot day to avoid getting burned by the sun's rays.

Body shaping with a pareo

  1. Girls with voluminous and dense hips are recommended to wear pareos made of light and opaque fabrics.
  2. The best way to tie it to hide your belly is diagonally. Small breasts are visually enlarged with the help of tight pareos tied in the chest area.
  3. For short girls, fabrics with vertical stripes that visually increase height are ideal. The more contrast there is in the vertical design, the more advantageous the product will look on a girl with short stature.
  4. Overweight ladies should take a closer look at plain dark pareos. Scarves with patterns and variegation visually increase volume.
  5. The quality of the material gives a great visual effect. There should be no puffs, holes or faded areas on the scarf. A straight edge of the scarf in the form of a rectangle is required. This will allow you to make not only a dress out of it, but also various capes.

The color of the product and the patterns on it should be clear and bright, and the ends should be well processed. This will prevent loss appearance pareo after the first exposure to moisture.

5 ways to make a beach outfit from a pareo

A beach cape is a universal item. It replaces the main clothing on the coast, can act as a hat and even as a real dress for a summer party. To implement all these methods, you need to know how to tie a pareo.

Pareo as a dress

The easiest way to tie a pareo is to throw it over your shoulders, cross the ends behind your neck and tie it on your chest. This method will help protect sensitive skin from exposure to sunlight and give the appearance of “closedness” for a walk along the embankment for ice cream.

If the sarong is from 1 meter to two meters long, then it will turn out beautiful summer sundress strapless. To do this, you need to wrap a cape around your body under your arms and tie its corners together. The knot can be placed both in front and on the side, creating fashionable asymmetry.

You can make a lovely beach dress by draping the pareo over yourself from behind and twisting the ends together on your chest. Then tie them in a knot behind the neck. To create a more original look, the ends can be twisted into strands or intertwined like a simple braid.

But all these methods are only suitable for walking near the coastal zone; you are unlikely to walk around the city with your body only partially covered. For those who want to make a pareo stylish dress The buckle method is suitable.

Step by step instructions:

  1. Throw the pareo over yourself from behind and highlight two opposite corners;
  2. These corners need to be passed through a ring or buckle on the chest. A special clip for scarves or stoles (triple, Susan, infinity and others) is also suitable;
  3. Bring the loose ends through the ring and wrap around your neck. After tying the knot, hide it under your hair or tuck it under the loop formed at your neck.

If you don't want to show off your shoulders, tie a sarong as a Bahamas dress. This is an asymmetrical one-shoulder outfit that requires nothing more than a pareo and a manual to create. Wrap the cape around your body just above your chest. At the same time, the tip at the shoulder, which will be closed, must be left on top. Wrap the pareo around your chest again and tie both ends at your shoulder. To prevent the knot from being visible, hide it under the fabric.

The Assol sarong is tied in a very similar way. Only here it is important to use a cape at least 2.5 meters in length, otherwise it will look ugly. To begin, you need to wrap yourself in a scarf and cross the edges on the side on the left side. Now one end stretches forward, and throw the other over your back to the side towards your right shoulder. Tie a knot on the right shoulder and straighten its edges.

The balbao tie style is a great alternative to a cocktail dress. It uses two scarves in a contrasting color. You can also experiment with printed and monochrome accessories. The first scarf is tied at the back of the head - do not twist it in any way, but simply drape it over the front and tie it with a simple knot around the neck. The second is tied just above the chest, covering the knot of the first.

If your swimsuit is too revealing and you urgently need to walk along the beach, then best way avoid sideways glances - do on a quick fix sarong dress. Depending on the size of the scarf and its fabric, completely different options. One of the easiest ways to beautifully tie a pareo for the beach is double weaving. You need to take two scarves and fold them into triangles. Of these, two central corners stand out, which are tied together - this will be the front knot. The upper corners will become a neck loop - naturally, for this they are also tied, but at the back of the head. The remaining loose ends are tied at the back. The resulting design will protect the body from the sun, but thanks to its open type it will prevent heat stroke.

Pareo skirt

A sarong skirt is one of the most popular options for using this accessory. Firstly, it suits absolutely all girls: plump ones can hide certain areas of the body, and thin ones beautifully highlight the curves. Secondly, this method is incredibly simple.

To tie a pareo with a skirt, you just need to throw a wide scarf over your hips and tie it with a double knot on the side or front - depending on your personal preferences and body shape. On wide hips, an asymmetrical knot will look more advantageous, while on narrow hips, a straight cut in the center will look more advantageous. This kilt is even suitable for going to the bathhouse or sauna.

If this option seems boring to you, then twist the loose ends of the scarf. Then the ovary will form a beautiful strand that will highlight the waist and make the hip line more prominent. This method is not suitable for overweight ladies, as it will make the lower body too “heavy” and voluminous.

Every woman will suit a cute chiffon pareo skirt. At the same time, it is made even easier than a regular loincloth. First, the scarf is draped over the legs in front and tied at the lower back. Afterwards, the free part of the sarong under the legs is thrown over the back, and its ends are tied on the stomach. It is important to hide the knots under the fabric, otherwise others will guess the nature of the origin of your outfit.

For risky young ladies with a chiseled figure, a short pareo skirt with a train is ideal. To make it, you need to fold the sarong in half and pull it over your hips. The free ends are brought back or to the side - then the cable will be on a certain side. They are connected with a simple knot. In this method, the pareo will fit the lower part of the body very tightly, but will add romance to the image due to the developing “tail”.

Do you think that you can only wear a pareo skirt on the beach? Not at all! Patterns with two scarves are suitable even for walking around the city. You just need to tie two scarves on your hips in the opposite direction (one knot will be on the right and the other on the left).

The look looks especially cool with sarongs in contrasting shades and gladiator sandals.

Below are different ways tie this wonderful accessory.

Pareo shorts and overalls

From a sarong you can make not only a skirt or dress, but also a jumpsuit with ties. Good option for summer walks - Tuamotu. This is a kind of variation on the theme of retro swimsuits. To “build” such an outfit, you need to wrap the pareo with the long side around your waist. After this, tie the upper ends of the scarf in the abdominal area. The remaining lower ends are passed between the legs and tied on the back above the chest with a double knot.

A similar jumpsuit can also be made using a ring with a hole. To properly tidy up the fabric, it is important to tie the scarf behind the neck in front, then pass the loose ends through the fasteners. After this, the fabric is scrolled along its axis and tied between the legs behind the back.

Instructions and pictures on how to tie a pareo with shorts:

If you wear a light top or a comfortable T-shirt, you will get a very romantic and comfortable everyday look. You can complement it with a beautiful hat with wide brims.

Pareo headdress

You can escape the heat and scorching sun by tying a pareo on your head. Both a large scarf and a narrow ball are suitable for this. Step by step, a sarong bandana looks like this: you need to wrap the pareo around your head, and then twist the ends on your forehead. If the scarf is very wide, then you first need to fold it in two or three times. The knot can be tied either in front or at the back of the head.

It’s even easier to tie the sarong with a peasant scarf, as in the photo. To do this, the pareo is folded into a triangle. The head is covered with the cloth, after which the ends are tied into a knot at the back of the head. You can tie it above your forehead, then it is better to tuck the loose ends under the fabric, otherwise they will fall on your eyes and cause discomfort.

A wide bandage made from a small scarf will help cover the parietal lobe. A square-shaped hip pareo is perfect for this.

It needs to be folded into a rectangle and placed on the back of the head. The fabric is wrapped around the head in front, after which the free ends are tied into a strong knot (best of all - a single one).

Place the pareo behind your back. Pull the upper ends under the armpits and weave them together in front. Then twist both ends of the fabric and tie behind your neck.

2. Asymmetrical one-shoulder dress

Place the pareo behind your back and tie it at the front side. Wrap the ends around your shoulder and make a knot at the top. Connect the lower ends to the sides at hip level.

3. Short dress with an open back

Place the pareo behind your back. Pull the upper ends under the armpits and tie behind the neck. Take the pareo by the bottom ends and fold the fabric in half at the back. From the front, pull one side under the other and tie them at the small of your back.

4. Long dress with an open back

Place the pareo behind your back at the lower back, twist the ends in front and tie them behind your neck. Straighten the fabric over your chest.

5. Off-shoulder dress

Wrap the pareo around your chest and tie at the top. In the same way, connect the edges just below the waist. Turn the pareo so that the knots are on the side. Then straighten the fabric slightly at the back and front over the bottom knot.

6. Off-the-shoulder dress with a slit

Place the pareo behind your back. Twist the upper ends over your chest and tie at the back. Straighten your bodice.

7. Dress with a strap and a slit

Place the pareo behind your back, pull the ends forward through your armpits and tie behind your neck. Tie the sides of the fabric together at the front of the waist.

You can make a short dress this way:

8. Dress with a strap and a belt

Tie the pareo in front and throw it behind your neck. Place a belt over your waist.

9. Dress with closed shoulders and a belt

Drape the pareo over your shoulders. Tie knots on both sides to create holes for the arms. Details are in the video. Put on the resulting cape, straighten the sides of the pareo and tie a belt at the waist.

10. Simple one shoulder dress

Place the pareo behind your back and drape one corner over your shoulder. Wrap the other part of the fabric tightly around the body. Tie the top ends of the pareo.

11. One-shoulder dress with belt

Wrap the pareo around your waist and tie at the back of your lower back. Adjust the skirt so that the knot is on the side.

Tie the bottom ends together and throw them over your head and over one shoulder. Put on a belt.

12. Dress with an open side

Tie the top ends of the pareo at the back of your neck. Spread it out in front and wrap it around your waist. Grab the fabric at the side and tie it with a knot to the tip of the pareo.

13. Dress with a strap and an open back

Tie the top ends of the pareo together and place it around your neck. Connect the fabric at the lower back to create a drapery at the front.

14. Skirt with a slit

Wrap the pareo around your waist or slightly below and tie at the side with a double knot.

15. Short skirt

Fold the pareo in half. Wrap one side around your waist and twist as shown in the video. Holding the tip, wrap the rest of the pareo. Twist the other end of the fabric and tie the ends together.

16. Short asymmetrical skirt

Fold the pareo in half and tie it with one knot at the side of the waist or just below. Hide the ends of the fabric behind your back.

17. Closed skirt with belt

Wrap the pareo around your waist, bring the ends behind your back and tie at the lower back. Hide your ponytails behind your skirt and wear a belt.

19. Off-shoulder jumpsuit

Fold the pareo in half and tie the ends on one side. Straighten the fabric so that there are two holes next to the knot. Pull the pareo over your legs.

Tie the upper ends above the chest and hide the ends under the pareo. Tie a small knot in the middle on your stomach. If necessary, adjust the fabric on the “pants legs”.

20. Jumpsuit with a skirt

Tie the pareo across your chest and turn it so that the knot is at the back. Bring the fabric between your legs behind your back, straighten it and join it at the front at the waist.

It came to us from tropical regions, but is already associated as an integral accessory for a beach holiday. Its popularity is due not only to the beauty of the canvas, but also to the fact that in many countries it is prohibited to visit shops and cafes even in coastal areas in swimsuits. In the atmosphere of bright sun, warm pond near the cafe, you want to look impressive. A simple and inexpensive accessory turns into real masterpieces in skillful hands and can give its owner unrealistic images.

This huge lightweight scarf can replace a beach dress, skirt, or headdress. A huge number of ways to tie such a cape allows you to significantly unload your suitcases when traveling to the coast. To do this, just familiarize yourself with the skill of drapery.


There is no need to explain for a long time how to wear a cape. It can be draped over your shoulders or just on one side. You can cover your head with top part bodies.

Dress or sundress

The easiest way is to wrap yourself in a pareo like a bath towel, but the ends of the product must be tied at the chest or side. Such a board with bare shoulders perfect for a walk along the coast.

Sarongs over a meter long are perfect for creating a dress with various options cutout and gate. Any drapery begins with draping it over the shoulders or neck, and then it crosses in front, back, side or on one shoulder. In such cases, it would not hurt to tie the waist with a belt. You can get a straight neckline, a deep neckline with draping, a wraparound or an elegant loop collar.

For more original models, you can use rings, brooches, clips and other accessories. Accessories will be needed to create a bodice. It is necessary to throw the pareo at the back and select two corners opposite each other and pass them through the ring or buckle on the chest. Next, the ends need to be rolled into strands and wrapped around the neck, tying a knot and hiding it in a loop.

For lovers of mini length, we can recommend the Bahamas dress. It's pretty open outfit, asymmetrical architecture. It is done very simply. The scarf is placed at the waist with the center on one hip, where it is tied with a knot. The loose ends are also tied into a miniature knot, forming a loop that is draped over the corresponding shoulder.

If your wardrobe has sarongs of at least two and a half meters, then feel free to use the “Assol” style. It is simple to make, but looks very cute. The crossed ends are tied in the form of a loop behind the neck or over one shoulder.

A long stole can easily be transformed into an elegant evening dress with open shoulders, for which you need to pinch exactly one edge of the scarf under your armpit and pick it up at the knee point. When pulled together, the fabric will beautifully frame the chest, after which the two ends should be tied at the back so as to create a beautiful bust.

Having two scarves in contrasting shades or well-combined colors and prints in your arsenal, you can create more than one interesting evening look. This method of tying is called balboa. Most often, to get a complete outfit you need to use two simple ones tying. However, there are also those that are particularly original. For example, one scarf can be thrown over the chest and all the upper ends tied at the back of the head. Tie the second scarf in front above the chest. It will work out beautiful dress evening


A very popular option for using a pareo is to create a skirt from it. In fact, a shawl skirt helps hide figure imperfections or highlight beautiful shapes. The most common way is to tie the ends of the pareo on one hip or in front, and the length can be shortened by folding the fabric in half.

An asymmetrical kilt is especially suitable for those with wide hips. The scarf must be tied on one side, forming ends at the edge of the pareo around the waist. We separate the loose ends in opposite directions from each other and tie them on the opposite thigh. This way we get a rather interesting model, emphasizing the beautiful line of the hips and hiding their inner side.

Slender young ladies can feel free to focus attention on their slender legs using a miniskirt with a train. The sarong is folded in half and pulled over the hips. The edges are tied at the side with a simple knot. The train adds romance to the extreme length of such a skirt.

The short Bora Bora dress is made in two simple steps. First you need to tie the pareo around your neck, with a classic crossing in the chest area. The loose ends must be tucked under and tied at the side of the waist. The dress covers the stomach and reveals the legs.

Products made from two scarves always look more beautiful and can be used not only for walks along the beach area. Skirts made from a pair of pareos are made similarly to the methods listed above, combining several methods of tying at the same time.

Jumpsuit and shorts

Many tourists who have visited the Polynesian islands know what the Tuamotu are. This is a kind of jumpsuit that can replace even a forgotten swimsuit. To create this outfit, you need to cover yourself with a pareo up to the collarbone level and tie the upper ends at the back. The lower corners must be passed between the legs and raised to the level of the waist, wrapping it on both sides and tying them in front.

Shorts are made similarly to overalls, only the design starts from the waist level right away. The length can be adjusted by the number of folded layers. Paired with a T-shirt, tank top or top, these shorts will create a great everyday look.


Probably the most versatile way to tie a scarf is as a top. The fact is that the rectangular shape of the fabric drapes perfectly on the upper body. Combinations can start from different positions. For example, if you start tying from the position of a scarf hanging on the neck, the fastening options most often occur on the back or in front of the waist. At the same time, tops can be created both long and exposing the stomach or back, tight and loose silhouettes.

To prevent the scarf from twisting around your neck, you can use rings and buckles, leaving a nicely gathered loop around your neck to hold your top in place. Next, the stole is folded corner to corner and tied at the back above the level of the tailbone. Such a loose top implies open back, therefore it is recommended as a cover-up for a swimsuit.

From the position of the scarf you can easily make a more model top. You need to cross the scarf on your chest and wrap both halves around your back, holding the inner corners of the scarf, which should then be tied under your chest. This top will be an elegant addition to denim shorts, a summer skirt or light trousers.

If you fold the pareo with a scarf, you can easily build a beautiful top. You should cover your chest with a scarf and wrap its ends around your torso below the level of your shoulder blades and tie it under your chest. This is one of simple options sleeveless top, which implies the presence of a bikini top. Similar to a miniskirt, a top with a train will look romantic and sexy.

Tops that begin their construction at the waist level are most often tied at the back, under the chest or at the neck. One of the most successful and simplest options is an analogue of a kilt skirt, only the knots must be made in the front or back.


In the hot summer heat, your head must be covered from direct exposure to the sun. The pareo has been used as a headdress for a long time. Depending on the density and length, the options differ in complexity and presentation.

A small square hip scarf makes an excellent scarf in the style of a peasant woman or, in our opinion, Alyonushka. This shape of scarf is good for tying a bandana. To do this, the parietal part of the head is covered with a braid, and the free ends are twisted and tied at the back of the head. If the scarf is long, then the ends can be tied in the front. This creates a miniature fashionable hat.

Wearing a scarf tied with a turban always looked elegant. The legendary Nina Simone often performed in such a headdress, which emphasized her stage image.

Various types of scarf headbands in Arabic most often also cover the shoulders, so they will serve as a universal option for those with sensitive skin.

You can endlessly study ways to tie a pareo, but first you should understand your body type in order to avoid the ridiculousness of the outfit. There is a suitable accessory for every woman.

Women with pronounced hips or extra centimeters in the tummy area should prefer opaque fabrics. For such ladies, diagonal tying is more suitable, as it visually slims and elongates the silhouette. For girls with small breasts, tight and fluffy pairs are suitable, which add volume when tied at the chest. Those with short stature should focus on zebra prints, as vertical stripes are able to stretch the figure visually. Plus size girls are recommended to purchase plain scarves dark shades. Patterns can be insidious and can make the body look even larger than it is. A double chin can be easily hidden by tying an elegant pareo at the back of the head. One rule worth knowing is that the places where the scarf is tied are emphasized. For a complete and perfect beach ensemble, a pareo should be matched to a swimsuit. Plain scarves go well with printed swimsuits and vice versa. You can play with contrast and match a muted pastel bikini with a bright fuchsia or lilac color. A fruit-and-berry swimsuit will be perfectly subdued by delicate shades of pink or milky scarf.

The sarongo range is available in various sizes and color ranges. The smallest scarves are 90x90 cm, and the largest are 110x300 cm. The edge finishing can be different: overlock, hem or decoration with braid and fringe. Next, pay attention to the shape: square, triangular, rectangular. The number of options and ease of tying depend on the shape. We pay attention to the material. Most often, crepe de Chine, silk, chiffon, and synthetic fabrics are used for pareos. Pareos made from natural, thin cotton are usually short-lived and impractical. Knitted pareos are worn exclusively on a dry swimsuit, since fiber made from cotton, microfiber, and viscose can stretch.

It is not difficult to choose a quality accessory. It is enough to pay attention to the following points:

  • The density should be uniform (without holes or puffs);
  • Ideally even cut (square or rectangle shape);
  • High-quality coloring (no unprinted areas of fabric);
  • Processing (edges must be well processed and not fray).

Now you are aware how to tie a pareo beautifully and you can put it into practice!

Pareos are worn mainly with swimsuits, but, as noted above, they can complement any summer bottom or top. The image of a beach lady is perfectly complemented by hats, belts, bags, and sunglasses. Massive wood bracelets and rings will prove how beautifully you can experiment with textures. You can choose a pareo not only when planning to wander along the sea coast, but also when choosing an exclusive outfit for a fun beach party or a themed event. Hawaiian party at your friends' place.