Can pregnant women wear makeup or not? Should you wear decorative cosmetics during pregnancy: lipstick, eye shadow, powder or mascara? Basic requirements and application rules

A few decades ago, there was a strong opinion in society that when carrying a child, one should abandon any type of cosmetics.

Not only decorative products were prohibited, but also care products - creams, lotions, tonics and masks. It was considered dangerous to cut and dye hair, as it could affect the health of the unborn child.

Today, young mothers want to look as well-groomed and good as before both during pregnancy and after childbirth. But due to hormonal changes and metabolic processes Not every cosmetic product in the body is suitable for such a woman. During this period, some experience allergic reactions and dermatitis even to the products used before.

So choose natural cosmetics, it is she who is 100% safe. For example, mineral-based products containing only natural and safe ingredients.

During the period of bearing a child, you need to be careful not only about what you apply to your face, but also make changes to your usual list of cosmetic procedures.

  • chemical peeling;
  • massage with heated stones;
  • hot wraps;
  • procedures with essential oils;
  • lifting;
  • photo- and electrolysis.

Is it possible to wear makeup during pregnancy and what cosmetics to use?

A woman’s skin during this period has some characteristics; its condition may change. For example, before pregnancy your skin tended to be oily, but now it has become dry. Such a change requires a change in the entire cosmetic line.

Not only the face, but also the body needs care. Most of all, any pregnant woman worries about the appearance of stretch marks on her stomach. They appear due to lack of hydration.

Decorative cosmetics, products for the face and body of a pregnant woman must meet the following requirements:

  • Quality brand. Do not buy products from unknown manufacturers; choose cosmetics in specialized stores and pharmacies. Creams or eye shadows purchased at the market or on the street can not only cause allergies, but lead to serious illnesses, since quite often they are fakes made from dangerous components.
  • Natural composition and hypoallergenic. Even products from proven brands contain petroleum products and chemical dyes. A woman's skin becomes much more sensitive during pregnancy, and allergies may occur even to ordinary products. Therefore, give preference to brands that produce natural cosmetics. These products use natural ingredients, minerals and are free of fillers, chemicals and synthetic ingredients. The range of products is quite wide: powders, shadows, foundations, bronzers, skin care products. Mineral-based cosmetics will not only not harm the skin, but will also take care of it and hide wrinkles.
  • No smell. During pregnancy, many women have a heightened sense of smell. Therefore, many people cannot tolerate strong odors. Choose products that have virtually no scent, such as mineral-based powders and eye shadows. Such products do not contain cosmetic fragrances that irritate women.

The main criteria for cosmetics during pregnancy should be safety, quality and natural composition. Then your skin will look fresh and beautiful.

Decorative cosmetics during pregnancy: what to use and what not to use

We have already found out whether it is possible to apply makeup and put on makeup during pregnancy. You cannot deny yourself grooming and beauty.

Let's decide on a set of necessary decorative cosmetics.

Here is a list of necessary tools:

  • Makeup base. It will help you moisturize your skin, even out its tone and prepare it for makeup application. Remember that it is better to choose natural cosmetics, for example, a universal foundation with banana powder, which improves your complexion and gives it healthy looking and at the same time moisturizes.
  • Concealer. This product will help hide imperfections - small pimples, inflammation, as well as age spots which often appear during pregnancy. Choose it according to your skin type: normal, oily or dry. The Dream Minerals line of cosmetics includes a concealer designed for the delicate skin around the eyes.
  • Corrector. It is designed to mask imperfections such as age spots, red spots, and dark circles under the eyes. It is applied pointwise to problem areas of the face. The product is available in five colors, each of which is responsible for masking a specific defect. If you have acne and red spots - take green, yellowish complexion - purple, dark circles under the eyes - red.
  • Shadows. If they are of poor quality, they can cause allergies, itching and swelling. The skin of the eyelids is very delicate, so many people have a natural question: is it possible to paint your eyes during pregnancy? You can wear makeup, but you need to choose cosmetics for your eyes just as carefully as for other parts of your face. The surrogate product will fit poorly on the eyelid, crumble, and beautiful makeup it won't work. Mineral shadows have a light texture, are safe, apply well and last a long time. They are great for sensitive skin. The shadows can also be used to color eyebrows, then you won't need a pencil.

Pregnancy is not a reason to give up cosmetics, but on the contrary, an opportunity to look stunning, despite all the changes. The main thing is to choose the right means.

Pregnant makeup: creating a sensual look

During pregnancy, a woman's skin becomes pale and often takes on a greenish tint. This is due to a decrease in hemoglobin levels due to active consumption by the fetus nutrients from the mother's body. Therefore, if you want to look fresh and beautiful, follow our tips.

  • Skin preparation. Wash your face with water using foam or gel, wipe your face with toner and apply cream. Wait until it is absorbed to start makeup.
  • Warp. Use a mineral makeup base. Apply it to your face with a special brush with dense bristles. Don't forget about your neck and décolleté.
  • Masking flaws. If there is no inflammation on the skin, then you can do without concealer and corrector. But if you have pimples, inflammation or circles under the eyes, use a concealer. Apply it to problem areas.
  • Eye makeup. Use mineral eyeshadow in two or three shades. Apply white, beige or milky colors under the eyebrows, and darker ones on the eyelid. Brown eyeshadow is suitable for blue-eyed women, blue and coffee shades are recommended for green-eyed women, and chocolate shades for brown-eyed women. To add shine to your eyes, highlight the outer corner of your eye with a darker shade.
  • Powder. Apply a light veil of powder over the makeup base and corrector. It will make your make-up lasting and give your face a natural, fresh tint.
  • Blush. Along the cheekbone line, use a thick brush with blush in the direction from the chin to the ear.

Let's summarize: is it possible to wear makeup during pregnancy, and what kind of makeup to apply?

To look attractive during pregnancy and not worry about the health of your unborn baby, choose high-quality cosmetics with natural ingredients. Mineral-based products - eye shadows, powders, correctors, concealers and others are completely composed of natural ingredients and contain vitamins and antioxidants.

Consolidate your knowledge and create a unique image by watching our video.

It's no secret that pregnancy fundamentally changes a woman's appearance. It’s a pity that expectant mothers often completely forget to put on makeup and take care of their hair and skin.

During this period, the body is shocked by hormonal changes, which, first of all, have a detrimental effect on the skin. This means that you should slightly change your already familiar makeup in accordance with each trimester of your pregnancy.

It is even useful, as it gives a woman such desirable attractiveness and lifts her spirits. The main condition is high-quality cosmetics, which should contain fewer aggressive chemicals and fragrances. Remember that light makeup It will immediately lift your spirits and give you self-confidence. Makeup does not have to be full (blush, foundation, mascara, lipstick, eye shadow). It is enough just to thoughtfully identify the main accents and hide all the shortcomings.

Pregnant women should apply makeup as simply and minimally as possible. In the first trimester, a woman feels some fatigue and irritation. It is unlikely that a working pregnant woman will be inspired by the prospect of leaving a warm bed half an hour earlier in order to have time to do the necessary makeup, especially if she is worried about toxicosis.

If you rarely used makeup before pregnancy, it may be time to start. Otherwise, you risk one day reading undisguised pity in the eyes of your colleagues. Therefore, try not to neglect cosmetics. For example, you can emphasize the beauty of your eyes with mascara, enliven your cheeks with blush, while abandoning foundation, black eyeliner and bright lip pencil.

Possible during pregnancy hyperpigmentation of facial skin . But don't be upset! You can always fix everything with decorative cosmetics. A high-quality foundation or concealer will help hide skin imperfections and even out skin tone. But don't use foundation together with concealer, it will be too obvious. People around you may, for example, suspect that you are carefully hiding even a brace. Because, as they say, everything is good in moderation!

If during pregnancy your skin begins to peel, quickly becomes oily, or acne appears, then you should change your skin care strategy. It is also possible that conventional means may not cope. This means it’s worth looking for special products adapted for pregnant women. Pay attention to those cosmetics that can regulate the level of skin oiliness.

And if the skin, on the contrary, is dry, choose high-quality moisturizers. For example, they may have sunscreen properties. You can even find lipstick that will protect your lips from sun damage.

Pregnancy - almost best time For different experiments. But try to resist the urge to completely change your image. After all, there are enough changes in your life now. Take better care of your health!

When choosing cosmetics, be sure to check whether they are suitable for your skin type. During pregnancy, the skin is more sensitive. Check cosmetics for the presence of harmful chemicals (mercury, vitamin A, its derivatives) - they enter through the skin female body and can seriously harm the child. Also, expectant mothers often cannot tolerate gasoline or para-aminobenzoic acid. Eat cosmetics, which are intended specifically for pregnant women.

Do not neglect makeup even in an interesting position, and you will always catch the admiring glances of others!

Pregnancy is the most wonderful time, but also the most dangerous. During this period, a woman needs to monitor her health most carefully, consume the right products and give up harmful ones, follow a daily routine and much, much more. But every woman, including pregnant women, wants to look beautiful and well-groomed, and the question on the agenda is: “What cosmetics should pregnant women use and is it possible?”

Fortunately, today there are many medicinal and decorative cosmetics that were created specifically for expectant mothers. Gone are the days when a pregnant woman looked like a Cinderella. IN modern world a woman expecting a child can and should look attractive.

What kind of cosmetics should there be and is it worth changing your usual products?

During pregnancy, due to hormonal changes, the skin of the face and body, hair and nails undergo a number of changes. For some pregnant women, hair and nails become better, while for other expectant mothers they worsen. Facial skin is prone to irritation, allergies, and changes its structure (becomes looser and oilier).

In addition, the skin, due to various chemical reactions occurring in the body of a pregnant woman, can react to seemingly familiar cosmetic products, and is far from in the best possible way. Therefore, expectant mothers often have to give up familiar and tried hygiene and decorative products, including perfumes, during pregnancy.

Makeup during pregnancy

Preferably decorative makeup Apply to a minimum, using hypoallergenic and low-toxic products, avoid procedures in beauty salons, and it is better to prepare masks at home from familiar products.

For example, you can replace the facial scrub with coffee grounds and coarse salt diluted with soapy water. But pregnant women should also be careful when preparing masks at home, because, for example, strawberries or honey are very allergenic foods.

During pregnancy, you should avoid perms, hair coloring (especially bleaching), and the use of cosmetics containing retinol. salicylic acid, avoid skin whitening products and nail extensions.

Decorative cosmetics during pregnancy


Pregnant women should not use waterproof mascara, as removers contain many harmful substances. You can replace regular mascara with eyelash gel, which does not leave lumps and does not stick eyelashes together.


During pregnancy, it is advisable to avoid using them, since powder and foundation clog pores, do not allow the skin to breathe and negatively affect the fetus. Pigment spots that bother women should simply be left alone. It is impossible to bleach and get rid of them (only herbal remedies are allowed, and they are ineffective), and after childbirth the spots will disappear without a trace.

Manicures, of course, need to be done regularly, but covering your nails with varnish is not recommended. Remove varnish better with liquids that do not contain acetone (but other products also contain “close relatives” of this substance, which is extremely harmful to pregnant women). Painting nails and removing polish should be done in a well-ventilated area. It is allowed to cover the nails with a special varnish that contains a lot of calcium (to strengthen the nails).

The use of hygienic lipstick, especially in winter, is mandatory. But choose decorative lipsticks with caution and indicate “especially for pregnant women.”

Remedies for cellulite

Cellulite is an inevitable accompaniment of pregnancy. It is possible to fight it by rubbing special products into problem areas, but it is not necessary, there will be no effect. Women should deal with cellulite after giving birth.

Anna Sozinova, obstetrician-gynecologist

Find out whether you can wear makeup during pregnancy and whether it is harmful


A pregnant woman always looks especially beautiful. Despite the fact that there is an increase in weight, the expectant mother gains incredible femininity. Despite such virgin beauty, many are interested in whether it is possible to apply makeup during pregnancy and are there any restrictions? Doctors do not impose serious prohibitions, but they strongly recommend using only proven cosmetics with a good shelf life.

Due to weakened immunity, a pregnant woman's body is more likely to experience allergic reactions. The body may already react completely differently to your favorite mascara or lipstick. To avoid troubles, it is better to switch to cosmetics that are at least half made of natural ingredients. It is necessary to carefully read the composition of cosmetics and store them correctly so that they do not spoil.

This is the only rule that a pregnant woman who decides to do makeup needs to follow. You also need to remember that decorative cosmetics are items for personal use. Especially pregnant women should not apply makeup with other people's cosmetics, in particular lipsticks, otherwise they can get an infection such as herpes and a number of other unwanted infections.

Is makeup harmful during pregnancy?

With the onset of pregnancy, many women begin to perceive their condition as a disease and something that is prohibited. You can’t do anything, just lie there and do nothing, otherwise you can do harm. It is precisely this behavior and psychological attitude that leads to depression with stress and unprecedented consequences. Many people even begin to think: is makeup harmful during pregnancy? Maybe she doesn’t wear makeup at all during this period, what if something happens to her face or even worse, the fetus will be harmed?

This is completely absurd. Well, why not? A pregnant woman can and should always remain beautiful. For everyday walks, you don’t need to use makeup, but if you are invited to visit, to some holiday or event. In this case there are no prohibitions. The main thing is to use natural cosmetics containing ingredients that do not cause allergic reactions. Harm can only come from using expired cosmetics or due to careless use of mascara if it gets into the eyes, which will cause irritation. If you do everything carefully, carefully read the ingredients and always wash off your makeup before going to bed, it will not cause any harm to a pregnant woman.

Women always try to look attractive, and, preparing to become a mother in a few months, do not want to change the style and image created by makeup. Mothers who care about the health of their babies are wondering whether it is possible to use the usual makeup during pregnancy; will it harm their baby? Answers to questions that concern expectant mothers will be received in this article in the form of recommendations and advice from doctors, cosmetologists and makeup artists.

Makeup and pregnancy

Health professionals believe that women who use large number cosmetic products such as lipsticks and varnishes make a big mistake. What are doctors concerned about? It turns out that makeup products contain substances such as phthalates. The result of a study of the beauty products market showed that every second cosmetic product contains so-called “fragrances”; the components of such a composition are phthalic acid salts, the phthalates mentioned above. Is this type of makeup harmful for pregnant women? Absolutely yes.

When expectant mothers use cosmetics that are unsafe for the child developing in her womb, phthalates enter the mother’s bloodstream, and from there into the child’s brain, which subsequently affects his developmental delay.

New York scientists observed the effects of four types of phthalates and found that fetal intelligence was particularly affected by two, known to chemists as DnBP (di-n-butyl phthalate) and DiBP (diisobutyl phthalate). They are found in lipstick, hairspray, nail polish and some face washes. Given this information, women should think about whether it is possible to dye their hair during pregnancy? Information about makeup is no less important for expectant mothers; is it possible to wear makeup during pregnancy?

Can pregnant women wear makeup?

Women who have always used decorative cosmetics will take care of their bodies and use facial care cosmetics throughout the entire period of bearing a child. Due to hormonal changes, some changes occur in the body. expectant mother. Her face may swell, age spots may appear, and intolerance may occur. Therefore, during the period of bearing a child, women should use only cosmetics that are based on natural ingredients and are odorless.

When buying cosmetics, you should always check their composition. If you have any doubts, contact a cosmetologist or makeup artist. They will give the necessary recommendations.

Pay attention! Too bright and flashy tones and colors of makeup will be discordant with the very nature of a woman carrying a child. Makeup should emphasize natural charm and be discreet.

Such safe cosmetics as foundation or cream-powder, which do not contain harmful substances and are selected individually on the recommendation of a cosmetologist. Creams should be applied in small quantities to avoid blockage of the sebaceous glands. IN summer period It’s better to completely give up cosmetics. If you remember the secret of makeup, that dark colors give a narrowing effect; a swollen and slightly plump face can be corrected with blush, the color of which is slightly darker than the color of the skin. They will give your face an oval shape.

Is it possible to paint a pregnant woman's eyes? This question also worries expectant mothers. Doctors and cosmetologists are clear in their answer - eye cosmetics should be hypoallergenic. This applies to eyeliner, eye shadow and mascara. You can wear false eyelashes, but the glue should not contain harmful substances.

Lipstick or lip balm should be free of aggressive allergens. Doctors recommend that it is better to use hygienic lipstick during pregnancy, which will protect your lips from chapping, cracking and peeling.

Well-groomed hands - business card women. However, doctors do not recommend applying nail polish during pregnancy. Varnishes contain dangerous substances: formaldehyde, toluene and camphor. When painting nails, they can enter the body of the expectant mother by inhaling the vapors. Many believe that this is a myth, and the doses of the listed dangerous substances in the composition of the varnish are negligible. It's not worth the risk. It's easier to find nail polish marked eco-friendly. It uses natural ingredients. If pregnant women begin to exfoliate or become thinner nails, they need to be coated with medicated gel polish in a well-ventilated area.

A woman should not be a recluse during pregnancy. She, as before, takes part in everyday life, so she is no stranger to attending any events, including evening ones. This means she should have appropriate, discreet makeup.

Advice. The main part of makeup has always been the eyes. To make them more expressive, you can use a pencil instead of the usual liquid eyeliner. It is better to replace oily shadows with dry ones. It is advisable not to use waterproof eye shadow during pregnancy; it is better to purchase hypoallergenic mascara.

Cosmetologists draw women's attention to the fact that changes in their body during pregnancy can lead to changes in skin type. This means that skin care products must be replaced. Pale skin is also a concomitant of pregnancy. Highlighter will give it freshness and radiance. During pregnancy, intense blush is possible on the cheeks due to the rush of blood. The corrector can hide the red spots that appear. In summer, decorative cosmetics must contain sun filters.

Contouring with blush helps to cope with swelling on the face. Darker ones are applied to areas that need to be narrowed, for example, puffy wings of the nose and cheekbones, lighter blush is applied to the eyes and chin.

Permanent makeup during pregnancy

Pregnant women want to look beautiful during the important period of carrying their child under their hearts. But women understand that any rash actions can harm a developing baby. Therefore, many people wonder: is it possible to do some kind of permanent makeup during pregnancy or postpone this procedure until due date? The opinions of doctors and cosmetologists on this matter are divided.

Doctors and makeup artists say that permanent makeup is contraindicated for pregnant and breastfeeding women and give an explanation for this. Since the procedure is carried out not on the skin, but under it, there is a possibility of infection, HIV and hepatitis B. A pregnant woman can be infected if the tattoo specialists do not use an autoclave to disinfect all instruments. Dyes injected under the skin can be dangerous to the fetus, even if they have been proven to be hypoallergenic for women. The tattoo procedure is performed under anesthesia. Even local anesthesia is harmful to the fetus - in any case it is stress.

Considering all these reasons, it is better not to do permanent makeup for early, in the first weeks of pregnancy. Dramatic changes in the body of the expectant mother and the laying of the foundation of the child’s body occur precisely in the first trimester. The optimal solution would be to do it 3 months before the expected pregnancy. In this case, the child’s health will not be threatened.

Is it possible to do permanent makeup for pregnant women if there are no contraindications and the pregnancy is progressing normally? The answer from doctors and specialists may be positive; if the procedure is done in the second or third trimester of pregnancy, pigment dyes should be on a natural organic basis.

When performing permanent makeup during pregnancy, a woman should be aware that this procedure is accompanied by pain, discomfort and stress. Sometimes permanent makeup done during pregnancy, when the face is swollen, after childbirth may not look the way the woman would like. Therefore, most experts suggest that expectant mothers leave this idea forever or postpone it until the birth of the child.

Examples of makeup during pregnancy

During pregnancy, women are extraordinarily beautiful. You can and should preserve this beauty: daily give yourself the attention that is so necessary for all nine months.

The most important message of this article is that makeup for expectant mothers should be natural and safe. To remain attractive during pregnancy, just add a little eyeliner, highlight your lips and give your skin an even color.
