What to knit with acrylic threads. What can you knit with acrylic yarn? Knitting technique for a cardigan for women "Lalo"

Description and knitting pattern for a Lalo cardigan

Description and knitting pattern for a Lalo cardigan

This form of cardigan was invented by fashion designers from Georgia, sisters Nino and Lalo Dolidze. It appealed to absolutely all fashionistas. Well, of course - cozy and soft, from volumetric braids, chic and richly decorated in color.

Let's tie it up and we'll be like this cardigan for sizes 44-46, length 75 cm.

The choice of yarn is of great importance to achieve the desired effect. Practicing needlewomen suggest that excellent Lalo cardigans are made from Freestyle yarn from Yarn (100g/400m), if knitted in three threads, or add 1 Angora de Luxe thread to 2 threads of this yarn. A subtle and elegant transition from one color to another can be achieved if you knit a cardigan from very fine wool (100g/1600m), taking it in 8-10 folds. The threads must be replaced one by one, and this method provides a beautiful smoky transition of colors.

We we will knit our beautiful Lalo cardigan from Alize Lanagold 800 (100g/800m), a yarn whose thread consists of wool (49%) and acrylic (51%). It is also quite thin and suitable for the proper transition of colors from one to another.

To knit a cardigan, you will need about 1,600 g of this yarn (6+5+5 skeins). To achieve a harmonious color scheme, it is better to select shades from one color range, then they will flow beautifully into each other.

Here's how we'll do it:

- * first fold 3 threads of the main color and knit;

We cut off one thread and attach a thread of the second color in its place;

We knit a fabric of several cm;

Cut off the second thread of the main color and attach a thread of the second color in its place;

We knit a few more cm of fabric;

Cut off the last thread of the main color and attach a thread of the second color in its place *;

A gradual smooth transition to the second color thread was made.

We do the same thing, repeating *-*, when moving to the third color, and each subsequent one.


- knitting needles circular 5 mm, 2 pairs, length 60 cm and 80;

For braids you need circular knitting needles 3 mm, 2 pairs, length 40, auxiliary (sp/sp);

1 additional needle, for closing loops (pt);


PT holders and knitting needle.

Knitting density: a strip of 32 pt is about 7 cm wide when knitted in 3 ply yarns using 5 mm knitting needles.

Samples must be knitted before work, and blocking must be performed before measurement.


K16/16 to the right = shoot on sp/sn 16 pt at work; knit 16 knit stitches from the left needle; move along the fishing line to the right 16 pts on sp/sp and knit them lcpt; we get 32 ​​pt in the braid.

K16/16 left = shoot on sp/sc 16 pt before work; we knit 16 lcpt from the left knitting needle; move along the fishing line to the right 16 pts on sp/sp and knit them lcpt; we get 32 ​​pt in the braid.

Knitting technique for a cardigan for women "Lalo"

We will knit in straight rows (s/r) according to the Lalo cardigan construction pattern.

We will start from the bottom, with the general detail.

Main fabric, front and back

We fold 3 threads of the main color and cast on half pt - 240 pt on the knitting needles with the longest fishing line.

In the next p/r we knit 2 lcpt from each st, one for the front wall, and one for the back = 480 sts.

We make the installation row (IS - wrong side):

1 edge pt (krmp); the group is executed 14 times; 2 lcpt; 1 krmp.

We place the marker between the purl in the center of the p/r.

Crossing row (RS - front side): 1 krmp; group 7 times; another group 7 times; 2 fromnp; krmp = 14 braids, each with 32 pt.

The next p/r, and all IR (purl p/r) are knitted like this:

1 krmp; group 14 times; 2 lcpt; krmp.

We perform all LR (facial p/r) as follows:

1 krmp; group 14 times; 2 pc; krmp.

Further knitting follows the pattern. Crossings in braids are made in every 21st LR, and this is done up to a height of 55 cm.

We finish in IR.

Forming the armhole and dividing it into the back and front sides

Next p/r (PM):

1 krmp; group 3 times; 2 pc; 8 lcpt;

Cast off 16 center sts for the armhole (113 sts are reserved for the right side of the front);

We knit 8 lcpt; group 3 times; again 3 times;

2 pc; 8 ltspt (222 pts are allocated for the back);

Cast off 16 center sts for the second armhole;

We knit 8 lts; 2 pc; group 3 times;

1 krmp (113 loops are allocated for the left side of the front).

Turn the knitting and start working on 113 stitches on the left side of the front. Here we will use the second pair of knitting needles, 60 cm. The remaining stitches will remain in the same place.

Left side front

Next p/r (IS): 1 krmp; group 3 times; 2 lcpt; 8 p.

2 pt at the beginning of each LR;

Then decrease 4 times by 1 pt at the beginning of each LR = 105 pt.

We continue to knit according to the pattern, making in the right place crossing braids Having reached the armhole height of 20 cm, we finish in IR.

Shoulder and collar

Next p/r (RS): knit the first 68 pt; pt in braids while knitting 2 lcpt together = 36 pt.

We transfer these points intended for the shoulder to the holder.

We knit a row of 37 pt - this is for the collar.

We knit only the collar, on all its points, 9-10 cm high, and finish in IR.

The last stitch turns out to be LR, and pt in the braid we knit 2 lcpt together = 21 pt.

We remove the remaining stitches of the collar onto the holder.


We turn the work on the IP and attach the thread to the back stitch.

For the armhole we close:

2 pt 2 times on each side;

Decrease 1 pt 4 times on both sides = 206 pt.

Shoulders and back neck

Next p/r (PM):

Knit the first 68 sts; pt in braids and knit 2 lts together = 36 pts for the first shoulder;

Close 70 pt in the center; pt in braids at the same time we knit 2 ltspt together;

We knit the last 68 pts; pt in braids at the same time we knit 2 lcpt together = 36 pt for the second shoulder.

We remove the pt for the shoulders from each side onto the holder.

Right side front

On the IP we attach the thread to the front, right side.

We tie it symmetrically to how we knitted left side front


Let us immediately note that for the right sleeve we make K16/16 to the right, and for the left sleeve we do K16/16 to the left. The rest is all the same.

Take 60 cm knitting needles and cast on them with 53 pt.

In the next p/r we knit 2 lcst from each st, one for the front wall and one for the back = 106 sts.

We make the installation p/r (IS):

1 krmp; group 3 times; 2 lcpt; 1 krmp.

1st p/r (LS): 1 krmp; group 3 times; 2 pc; 1 krmp.

At the same time we add 10 times, in every 6th stitch, 1 pt = 126 pt.

We knit straight until the sleeve reaches the specified length of 45 cm, ending in IR.

We begin to close Fri:

4 pt in the next 2 p/r, at the beginning;

3 pt in the next 2 p/r, at the beginning;

2 pt in the next 2 p/r, at the beginning = 108 pt.

The following p/r (LS), with decreases:

1 krmp; 2 lcpt together; knit up to the last 3 sts; remove 1 pt; We knit 1 lcpt; we stretch it through the removed pt; 1 krmp = 106 loops (2 pt reduced).

We carry out the following IR according to the installation, according to the drawing.

In each LR we repeat the described decreases 9 more times = 88 pt.


3 pt in the next 4 p/r, at the beginning;

4 pt in the next 4 p/r, at the beginning = 60 pt.

We knit IR.

Next LR:

1 krmp; 3 times 2 stitches together; knit according to the pattern until the last 7 stitches; again 3 times 2 stitches together; 1 crmp = 38 pt.

We knit IR.

Next LR:

1 krmp; 2 pcs together; 16 times 2 LPs together; 2 pcs together; 1 crmp = 20 pt.

The second sleeve is knitted in the same way, attention to group pt K16/16.


For the sleeves and main fabric we perform blocking. Braids should not stretch while drying.

We transfer the stitches of the right shoulder to work, fold the RS to each other and close the stitches of the same name with the third knitting needle. We design the other shoulder in the same way.

We also take the frills of the collar into work and connect them with a needle using the grafting method.

We sew the collar into place, to the neck, sew the sleeves and sew them into the armholes.

Free knitting pattern for Lalo cardigan

When talking about knitting as a hobby, we first of all talk about the main component of this type of needlework - yarn. Today the market surprises us with an incredible number of types of yarn, different in composition, quality, characteristics and properties, price and manufacturers. Natural, synthetic, mixed, fancy, classic, tweed, thin, thick, fluffy, prickly, soft.... The list can be endless.

But if we are really into knitting, or just want to learn this wonderful creative process, then like it or not, we need to delve into the details. Only in this case we are guaranteed to get an excellent result from knitting and avoid mistakes and troubles. Well, let's take it in order.

Today we'll talk about acrylic.

What is acrylic? What is acrylic yarn made from?

First of all, I want to draw your attention to the fact that this is a synthetic thread. The raw materials for the production of this synthetic thread are petroleum products. Acrylic fiber is obtained through complex chemical reactions and temperature influences. There is hardly any point in delving into the production process itself; it is more important for us to understand the characteristics and properties of this product.

Obviously, this yarn has both pros and cons. Where to start? I have heard different opinions many times and read discussions on forums where there were both fans and ardent opponents of acrylic. Therefore, I will immediately make a reservation that for any yarn, regardless of composition, properties, manufacturer, different people there will be different attitudes. After all, preferences are very individual and depend on many factors. For some, naturalness and environmental friendliness are important, for others price and availability, for others tactile sensations, durability and care of finished products.

What is a plus for one person may be an unacceptable minus for another. I won’t reinvent America or impose my opinion, I’ll just share my observations and experience.

Let me start with advantages of acrylic(these advantages are my personal advantages!). Acrylic yarn is very durable, withstands exposure to sunlight and does not fade. It paints beautifully, so manufacturers have the opportunity to create huge color palette, from delicate pastel shades to bright saturated colors. As they say, for every taste and color! Products made from acrylic are soft, warm enough, and do not cause allergies. Nowadays, this is not an unimportant advantage, because there are more and more people prone to allergies. That is why today many yarn manufacturers produce a series of 100% acrylic yarn for the smallest and most “capricious”.

Another important advantage of this yarn is its price. A skein of acrylic yarn can cost in the price range from 20 rubles to 150-180 rubles. Of course, it is very important here for what purpose you will use the yarn. After all, the range of applications is very diverse. The well-known cheap Karachay yarn for needlework is certainly not suitable for knitting delicate hat for a newborn. At the same time, high-quality Turkish, German or Italian acrylic will produce a beautiful, soft and delicate product.

The affordable price of acrylic yarn makes it an excellent option for beginning needlewomen. Agree, if you have just picked up knitting needles or a crochet hook, you are just taking your first steps in this fascinating creative process, then it’s much easier to learn with inexpensive yarn. Firstly, even if you make a bunch of mistakes, you won’t get it right away desired result, then it won't hurt your pocket too much. Here I would like to note that unraveling a thing knitted from acrylic is quite simple, while unraveling some types of natural yarn that have increased fluffiness is very, very difficult. Fear, the fear of spoiling, “throwing away” expensive yarn can block the desire to learn, try, experiment, and knit in general. Therefore, acrylic is a great option for beginners.

I often talk to my customers and ask them why they prefer acrylic. So, many people say that they really want to knit for their children or grandchildren, but kids grow so quickly that there is little point in using expensive yarn for knitting, because literally in a couple of months related item becomes small. And this is another powerful argument in favor of acrylic yarn.

Once on a forum, one experienced knitter began to criticize all those who knit children's clothes from acrylic yarn. “How can you! It's naked synthetic! This is unacceptable! You need to knit for children only from natural yarn, wool, and cotton!” I don’t know about anyone, but I am against the imposition of such an opinion. In my opinion, you can knit with any yarn. And the more we try, the more experienced we become, the better we eventually understand which yarn best suits our needs, requirements, desires.

Another regular client of ours always buys only acrylic. Well, what to do if her husband has a terrible allergy to wool!? Obviously, the best option for it is knitting from acrylic threads. And the husband is happy, and the wife is always busy.

The thickness of acrylic yarn can be very diverse. From different manufacturers we can find yarn from very, very thin to fashionable thick bulky yarn. Accordingly, the choice of a product that can be knitted from acrylic is limited only by our imagination.

For the sake of honesty, one cannot remain silent about the shortcomings 100% acrylic. Of course, since this is a purely synthetic thread, it has low hygroscopicity - the ability to absorb and release moisture. In addition, other important physical properties are associated with hygroscopicity - air permeability and vapor conductivity. And if a knitted fabric does not allow air or water vapor to pass through well, then in some cases this can affect both comfort and human health. Lack of proper aeration can cause the body to overheat, which can lead to the development of colds and skin diseases. That is why, when we are going to knit a product from pure acrylic, we just need to remember these features. Things that are in direct contact with the human body must have good absorbency and evaporation, while warmer things and outerwear, on the contrary, require slight hygroscopicity, but increased heat conservation.

Thus, we draw a conclusion for ourselves. If we want, for example, to knit something for our baby that will come into direct contact with the child’s body, then it is better to use natural cotton. If our idea is, for example, a blanket, a toy, a scarf, a jacket or something outerwear, then, as they say, we don’t deny ourselves anything! And remember, hygroscopicity is an important indicator for underwear, summer and children's clothes. If you do not neglect it, but take it seriously, then your clothes will always be convenient and comfortable.

Another disadvantage of pure acrylic is its high ability to become electrified. Have you ever wondered why synthetic materials get electrocuted so easily? Again, this property is related to moisture permeability. Wearing clothing causes friction and, as a result, electrical charges accumulate on it. The higher the humidity, the less electrified the clothes. Since synthetic acrylic has poor hygroscopicity, the charges have nowhere to go. The most hygroscopic are cotton and linen fabrics. Due to this, they absorb body fumes well and almost never become electrified.

When using acrylic for knitting, you must know and about the rules of care for things like this. Try ironing something knitted from pure acrylic. They steamed and... “threw away” the time spent on knitting, and the money “down the drain.”

Acrylic does not withstand impact high temperatures, the most optimal temperature for washing 100 percent acrylic is room temperature. If the product is very dirty, soak it in warm soapy water for 15-20 minutes. Using special softening agents will help maintain the original softness of the item. It is good to add an antistatic agent to the rinsing water so that the product becomes less electrified. It is not recommended to steam, dry in a machine, squeeze or twist a product made of acrylic. Best of all - gentle hand wash in warm water. Wrap the washed item in clean terry towel, and gently squeeze out excess water.

Don't overload the drum a large number things, otherwise hard-to-remove creases will appear on the acrylic;

Before washing, place the product in a special washing bag;

Use a delicate wash cycle with a water temperature no higher than 30 degrees;

Use suitable cleaning products;

Do not use dry mode;

Do not set the spin speed too high, and it is best to abandon the mechanical spin.

So that a thing knitted from acrylic retains its original appearance and did not stretch, it is important not only to wash it correctly, but also to properly care for the product after washing.

Dry the product in horizontal position, having previously straightened and given its original shape;

Do not dry near heating devices;

Avoid exposure to direct sunlight;

Avoid ironing and do not steam acrylic items.

Here they are small tricks and the rules will help you enjoy knitting and using the item you knit.

Love your work, take care of your creative result, and then with each new connected thing you will feel more confident and satisfied!

I wish you creative success!

pattern for canvas. I really liked this pattern because it looks great on thick threads and doesn’t lose its appeal. Looks good in chunky knit.
The pattern is suitable for finishing the bottom and sleeves of a dress, pullover, skirt, and can also be the basis for a stole, jacket, or shawl.
Walnut path

Patterns by craftswoman Pani Anya from Darievna.ru
I really love this pattern. It doesn't knit very quickly, but it always looks impressive. Plastic like a mesh, you can take liberties in the calculations - it will still stretch or fit as it should. To prevent the openwork from spreading, you need to knit the double column not under the arch, but in a loop - because of this, the speed drops.
The sample shows chamomile yarn (PNK), 320m/75g (that is, about 430m/100g), hook 1.9

Another favorite pattern is technical, as I call it. If you need to get a non-transparent, but openwork crochet fabric, this is it. Not very stretchy, elongation coefficient is about 20%, moderately dense. Very convenient if you need to “cover” strategically in a summer openwork item important places from other people's views. If you knit from thin wool, the item turns out to be very warm.
Unfortunately, I didn’t find a single-color sample, only a striped one. Maxi yarn 565m/100g, hook 1.5. If you crochet 1.75-2 it will be more openwork, while maintaining opacity and density.

Another “technical” pattern, probably the one I use most often. Good for everyone - knits quickly, flexible, laconic. An important quality - it makes you look slim. It is easy to fit and expand the fabric by adding or subtracting columns. Pairs perfectly with any motif. The sample shows Semenovsky cotton Cable, 430m/100g, hook 2.1

Granny square, also known as "grandmother's square". A classic motif, usually multi-colored. It’s very simple, you can recycle leftover yarn and knit anything for your home - small (seat covers, pincushions, hot pads) and large (it looks great in blankets - just wow!). Often used in clothing decoration - scarves, stoles, shawls-ponchos, bags.
Sample: Jeans YarnArt, cotton-acrylic 50%, 176m/50g, hook 3

Fans and mesh. Plastic, easy to knit, because of the vertical stripes of the fans it will fold, because of the stripes of the mesh it stretches where it needs to be. You can knit in the round or in reverse rows - the look is the same, because the stripes of the fans always end up on the “face”. The mesh looks “clearer” if you knit a single crochet not under the arch, but in a loop, but it takes longer, so I usually don’t bother.
The sample shows yarn Garus "Turn", viscose, 500m/100g, hook size 1.9. The thread is shiny, the hook here is a little larger than needed for this thread and the sample is so small, because knitting with Garus is not an easy task.

But the motive is light and beautiful.
I often see him in different models. It is good in all incarnations - both things composed entirely of motifs, and decoration-decoration with a stripe of motifs. Pairs best with simple patterns (stripes, mesh stripes, loin mesh).
The sample shows yarn Romashka (PNK), hook 2

A simple but effective pattern - polka dots. With external “holes” it is quite dense and has little stretch; in order to maintain the delicacy, it is better to crochet a slightly larger number than is usually accepted for this yarn. Very capricious towards companions, goes well only with something geometrically simple - just columns, stripes of fillet knitting. It will be very good in a combination of fabric and crochet fabric.
The sample shows Ivushka yarn (Semyonovskaya factory), cotton/viscose, 430m/100g, hook 2.1

We modify the previous pattern and get openwork polka dots
It is knitted faster because the groups of stitches are knitted under the arch, which is why the pattern is more voluminous and flexible than on the previous sample. It stretches weakly. But it’s easy to vary the size of the holes - if you knit more than two air loops, and 3 (4, 5) holes will be larger.
When I took the photo, I forgot to attach a ruler, but take my word for it - the width of the sample is the same as the previous one, the yarn-hook is the same (Ivushka Semenovskaya, cotton/viscose, 430m/100g, hook 2.1).
Application examples are from online store catalogs.

Another frequently used pattern. It knits very quickly, is flexible, and can be easily expanded by adding air loops and/or stitches, immediately across the entire row or in groups. It stretches in all directions, so it is absolutely indispensable when knitting something fitted, such as skirts (10-12 centimeters from the waist down). It combines well with some geometric openwork and motifs, if you want to combine it with something romantic and delicate (for example , "pineapple" pattern), I would advise visually separating one pattern from another with something neutral - a strip of stitches (single crochet or double crochet) or one or two rows loin mesh
The sample shows yarn Begonia YarnArt, cotton 169m/50g, hook 2.5
On the sample, by the way, there is a piece of the skirt yoke, you can see the expansion - where the ruler is, there is a belt, where the top of the sample is, there are hips, in the groups the number of columns has been increased.

A simple, but very elegant pattern - also groups of columns under an arch, but not in a checkerboard pattern, but in a checkered pattern. The pattern stretches weakly in width, but in height it can be knitted in the round or in reverse rows - the stitches are always “on the face”.
The sample shows Begonia YarnArt yarn, cotton 169m/50g, hook 2.1

Words cannot express how much I love these cells. By varying the height of the columns and the number of air loops between the columns, you can make the cells larger or smaller, square or rectangular. It stretches very weakly, does not knit quickly (rows with single crochets slow down the growth of the fabric), but it always looks beautiful.

This pattern with vertical stripes fans are so common that I even hesitated whether to include it in the samples or not
The pattern is very simple, it is knitted quickly, all the stitches are knitted “under the arch”, because of this the speed is good, it stretches well in width, in height - a little less, it is easy to “fit” it on the figure, changing the number of loops and/or stitches, in to the whole row at once or in groups.
There is one note - when choosing a hook, take a number slightly larger than you usually knit this yarn. Because of the fans, the fabric drapes weakly, and by decreasing the number of the hook you will make it completely “standing up”
The sample shows Jasmine yarn from the Kirov plant, cotton, 220m/75g, hook 3
And examples of the pattern - photos taken from catalogs (and at the same time an illustration of how to put the pattern on a model - with adding loops or adding fans)

When you can’t come up with anything, but you need it quickly, and even so that it expands and contracts easily
Plastic, knits quickly. Disadvantages - it looks boring and while you knit it you fall asleep from the monotony.
The sample shows Summer YarnArt, 70% cotton 30% viscose, 100g/350m, hook 3.
In the sample above there is already an extension - the tracks are 4 columns, not 3, first every other time, then all together.

Again a pattern based on those already shown. And it retains all the qualities of the previous one - it knits quickly, is simple, drapes weakly (you need to use a slightly larger hook).
Sample: Begonia YarnArt, cotton 169m/50g, hook 2.1
Although the pattern is very simple, I often see it in all sorts of catalog pictures. For example, a Missoni dress, all the patterns are recognizable

Very common, beautiful pattern. Easily modified by increasing the number of air loops between groups of columns. Doesn't stretch much, doesn't drape well. But it knits up quickly
The sample shows a bobbin Liliya Semenovskaya in 4 threads, that is, about 400m/100g, cotton, hook 2.1
And an example from some online store

Another frequently encountered pattern, very beautiful and I really like it. Plastic, knits quickly, fits well, especially with various meshes and fan patterns.
The sample shows a bobbin Liliya Semenovskaya with 4 threads, that is, about 400m/100g, cotton, hook 2.1. And this sample clearly shows how important yarn is for appearance pattern. I knitted it from cotton folded into 4 threads, it turns out to be an untwisted flat thread - and in a mesh it is absolutely no good, in the sample the mesh is somehow clumsy and lumpy. Here you need twisted yarn, then the mesh will be beautiful, in this pattern all the attention is on it.
Example of using a pattern

This pattern has a very nice design, but in real life it leaves a lot to be desired. A row with stylized flowers - no matter how hard you try, you can’t make a masterpiece out of it. I stretched it very much when steaming, so the flowers became flowers, if you don’t stretch, or if the yarn is twisted mercerized cotton, then instead of flowers there will be some strange mishmash of threads.
The sample shows poppy yarn (PNK cotton), hook 2. I didn’t measure it because I stretched it just brutally

Double mesh, which does not knit like a mesh
A very interesting pattern - it stretches much less than mesh, but retains its inherent airiness. It is not knitted quickly; the rhythm of the pattern, although not difficult to remember, requires attention. Overall, I really liked it, I’ll have to put it somewhere urgently
Yarn Vita Coco, cotton 240m/50g, hook 1.5

A group of acrylic synthetic fibers was created to achieve the softness and bulk that polyamide fibers lack. Acrylic is very similar in properties to natural wool, but does not have its insulating properties. Like nylon, acrylic is often mixed with natural fibers. Acrylic products must be steamed with extreme caution.

For some, the word “acrylic” is associated with repair work, for others - with beautiful nails, but needlewomen know that this is an excellent material for creating off-season and winter clothing. For this reason, this yarn is called an analogue of wool.

The development of a new material began in 1948 at the American company DuPont. The raw materials for production were acetylene and hydrocyanic acid, produced from natural gas. The generally accepted designation for acrylic is PAN (polyacrylonitrile).

Synthetic fiber is produced chemically. A continuous thread with an original texture is cut into pieces, resulting in acrylic yarn, suitable for hand and machine knitting. The content of PAN fiber in balls can vary from 5 to 100%.

Material properties

Artificial origin does not mean that the yarn is deprived of some beneficial properties, in our case it’s the other way around. The popularity of acrylic among knitters is explained by the following characteristics:

  • the fibers are resistant to fading and fading;
  • the material is lightweight, but retains heat well;
  • the shape of the product is not lost after washing;
  • things are worn for a long time and with great comfort;
  • Clothes made from this material are not attacked by moths.

Caring for acrylic products

The main rule for washing knitted items is manual or gentle machine mode. Things made of acrylic are no exception, because this approach will prevent the appearance of pellets and avoid electrification.

The water should not be hot, it is best if its temperature is +25...+30 °C, otherwise the fibers will become soft and lose their strength. It is welcome to add a softener and antistatic agent when washing.

It is not recommended to squeeze the product by twisting it, and you should also avoid drying acrylic clothes on clothespins. The knitted item should be carefully blotted with a towel, spread on a flat surface, having first given it the desired shape.

We knit from acrylic

If you are just starting your creative journey in needlework, the presented yarn will be the best option for you. During the knitting process, the threads do not get tangled or separated; they are easily formed into both even and relief patterns. At the same time, the cost of acrylic allows you to purchase the treasured balls without significant expenses.

Using yarn containing acrylic fibers, you can knit:

Using 2-3 folds of thread you will get an original knitted rug.

As you can see, dear craftswomen, there is room for improvement with acrylic yarn. All you need is to buy good material. To help you, below are several well-known global manufacturers that produce first-class products.

High-quality acrylic in branded yarn

Lana Grossa, Rowan, Debbie Bliss produce yarns containing acrylic fibers in varying percentages. A large range of colors, in which there are natural and bright shades, will delight any needlewoman. Once you pick up this material, you will never want to release it. By using such threads in your work, you will give yourself pleasure not only during the knitting process, but also when wearing the finished product.

Acrylic was invented and began to be actively produced in the 20th century. Despite the fact that the material is quite well known and widely used in the textile industry, there are conflicting opinions about it and, perhaps, the properties of the most common acrylic yarn are not familiar to everyone. Let's take a closer look.

First you need to find out what it is. Acrylan, acrylic, dralon, cashmilon, krylor, curtel, nitron, orlon, polyacrylic, polyacrylonitrile fibers, PAN fiber, prelana, redon - this whole long list is nothing more than the names of polymers and copolymers of acrylonitrile, in simple terms - acrylic fibers . They are obtained through complex reactions in production, and, therefore, are a synthetic material.

We study the basic properties of acrylic yarn: pros and cons

Advantages of acrylic yarn.

Externally, acrylic yarn is quite similar to wool, and it is not surprising that they are sometimes confused. But, despite their visual similarity, they differ in properties. Wool is not as durable as artificial material, which means things from the latter will last longer.

Despite the fact that acrylic is synthetic, it is soft and pleasant to the body. Things made from it are warm enough, so you can wear them in cold weather, and they breathe well, which allows you to wear them even when the temperature rises.

Since acrylic is synthetic, you don’t have to worry that products made from it will be eaten by moths.

Acrylic yarn is often used for knitting, as it is very convenient to work with. High-quality acrylic threads allow products to retain their original shape for a long time. Therefore, if you take care of things correctly, you can be sure that they will not shrink or roll away.

A significant advantage of the synthetic yarn described is its low cost, which is very important, since not every craftswoman can afford to buy, for example, cashmere.

There is no need to worry about the safety of acrylic, because the material undergoes mandatory testing before production to ensure compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements.

It should also be noted that acrylic has such valuable properties as hypoallergenicity, which allows the yarn to be used in products for children. Also, wool or cashmere fibers can get into the child’s sinuses or eyes, and cause itching and irritation, but acrylic does not have this problem.

If your child is not at risk of allergies, then it is better to use a mixture of acrylic threads with wool or cotton. The recommended ratio for children of wool and acrylic is 50 to 50.

Cons of acrylic yarn.

Despite the abundance of advantages, acrylic also has disadvantages. The fiber is weakly hygroscopic, and like any synthetic material, acrylic can become highly electrified, so it may sometimes be necessary to treat it with special means. But be careful - study the composition of the solution, or even better - try the substance on wrong side or a small rough piece of fabric.

Yarn made from a mixture of acrylic and natural fibers.

A mixture of several types of yarn combines the properties of all materials; it will be fluffy and soft, at the same time durable, color- and shape-resistant. And all this for an affordable price. Most often, acrylic is used in combination with wool, mohair, and cotton. This is especially true for machine knitting, where synthetic fiber is used in an amount of about 30%.

Adding acrylic to woolen products eliminates the prickliness that is inherent in wool items. And clothes made from a mixture of acrylic and cotton are not so susceptible to deformation during wear and care.

The main thing to remember is that in a mixture of several types of yarn, the properties of the one whose quantity is greater will prevail.

How to properly care for acrylic products?

Caring for products made from acrylic wool is easy. You can wash it with other items by hand or in a machine on a delicate cycle at a temperature not exceeding 40 °C. The powder must not contain bleach. Twisting is strictly prohibited. It is better to squeeze it manually, without much effort.

Acrylic items dry quite quickly. When drying, you should handle it in the same way as wool products. The item of clothing is wrapped in fabric and carefully wrung out. Dry on a flat surface, first placing a piece of cotton fabric or a regular sheet under the item. It is forbidden to dry on a radiator and especially over a gas stove.

What are some alternative ways to use yarn?

Acrylic fiber is used not only to produce yarn, but also to create knitwear for outerwear and underwear in combination with natural fiber.

And with acrylic threads you can perfectly decorate the interior, for example, by applying embroidery to a tablecloth, curtains, pillowcase. Acrylic is often added when weaving carpets and tapestries. It is not used in paintings, as the thread gives some clumsiness.

In any case, you will understand all the pros and cons only by working directly with acrylic yarn.

Video on the topic of the article

You can see more details about how synthetic fiber is produced and several reviews of acrylic yarn in the videos below.