Prohibited poker software. Programs for PokerStars: what is allowed and what is prohibited? List of allowed pokerstars programs

Over the past few years, poker rooms have increasingly tried to limit in different ways work of third-party poker software in their clients. The basis for all such actions is talk about protecting the poker ecology and amateur players from the “close attention” of regulars. Stars does not take the most radical position on this issue, but they are increasingly taking measures to limit such software. Their next batch will come into force on March 1. What is their meaning and the need for these actions and how things are going with this in other rooms, we will talk today.

Room policies regarding third-party poker software

There are now almost no rooms that would not restrict the work of third-party poker software at all. Therefore, they can all be divided into two large groups:

  • rooms that completely prohibit additional software (GG network, Unibet, Pokerdom);
  • rooms that have restrictions on the operation of some programs and their individual functions(most of the top rooms).

If with the first ones everything is, in principle, clear, then the second group is very heterogeneous and sometimes these rooms do not have clear definitions of what is prohibited and what is not. Let us briefly examine the features of some rooms in this matter:

  • the Microgaming network “does not like” mining and auto-landing scripts, however, with the introduction of the new “Prima” software, all this will not work on it;
  • Party Poker - the room has not updated its requirements and list of prohibited software for a long time, and the support service is often confused about what is prohibited and what is allowed;
  • Tigergaming - its support, as in the Party, does not recommend using additional software. Among the prohibited things in this room: odds calculators, hand charts, hot keys;
  • PokerKing - here last year for a while the program, presumably because of the functions that automate the game. King is one of the few rooms that has a constantly updated list of prohibited software on its website.

In any case, it is always better to ask the support service in advance whether it is possible to use this or that program with the client enabled.

New restrictions on the operation of poker software at PokerStars

This is not the first time that Stars has introduced restrictions on the use of certain programs. In the fall of 2015, the room limited the work of too “smart” assistants during the game: complex charts and programs with them, prohibited updating program information during distribution, and adding everything except numbers to any HUD.

  • The use of software that simplifies game selection based on data about opponents is prohibited;
  • It is prohibited to set up deferred bets and automatically place bets of a random size, including autofold;
  • It is prohibited to automatically change the HUD depending on the stack size or position at the table.

Each of these points makes entire programs or their individual functions useless:

  • the first means a ban on using the functions of most table scanners and auto-landing scripts;
  • the second one cuts the functionality of StarsCaptions, Stars Helper, Time Mojo;
  • third - greatly limits the "positional HUD" in Hand2Note.

It turns out that from March 1, the Stars will be in trouble not only for those players who are accustomed to good rakeback, but also for those who bamhunted and are accustomed to the automation of some actions at the tables, which is very convenient during grinding.

In other poker rooms and networks, the following programs are now running (except for the WPN Tools mentioned above), which make the life of a regular easier by adding many additional functions to the client:

As for table scanners and auto-landing scripts, in this area players, in at the moment, not very much choice.

Thanks to special utilities for poker, players have the opportunity to increase the profitability of their game several times. Currently, programs have learned to collect all the necessary data, collect notes on opponents, and give advice when choosing a particular solution. Naturally, having such a rich set of useful functions, such software will enjoy incredible popularity. But still, not all of the existing utilities are allowed for use in poker rooms and, moreover, are even prohibited.

It is worth mentioning that the rules of different poker rooms are also different, so in one place the same software may be strictly prohibited, while in another it can be freely used. Therefore, before using this or that software, it is always better to consult the support service and find out their attitude.

The most common banned poker programs

In the presented list, most of the software is prohibited in the majority of poker rooms.

Data exchange programs. Such programs allow players to keep in touch while playing at the same table. In this way, they exchange information about each other’s cards, which creates more favorable conditions for themselves. This technique is called team play and is punishable in all poker rooms. But another thing is that scammers are not so easy to catch.

Calculators. These are utilities that calculate the probability of getting a particular combination, pot odds, equity and all other concepts that are part of poker mathematics. Using such software, the player has the opportunity to successfully analyze the hand and play his hand correctly. These types of programs are treated more liberally, but still in most rooms their use is either prohibited and the functionality is significantly limited.

Programs for calculating ISM. This software is capable of calculating the value of chips at each stage of poker competitions. Using this utility gives the player an unfair advantage, which is why it is also considered illegal in most poker rooms.

Advisor programs. Such software is capable of analyzing a huge amount of data during the game, after which, based on it, it will give advice on what decisions will be the most optimal in the next move. Naturally, no one would want to play for money against a high-tech machine. Therefore, such programs are banned. You can freely use only statistics collection.

Table scanners. This kind of software helps you not to play, but to find a game. With their help, you can find tables where weak players are sitting. This way, more experienced players can easily increase their own bankroll in a short time.

Bots. This is a comprehensive software that not only collects statistics, processes it, but can also make decisions independently. That is, in essence, the computer plays instead of a person. Using bots in several poker rooms, you can significantly replenish your bankroll, because the machine has long been surpassed by humans in solving this kind of problem. But there is always a risk of getting a permanent ban without a refund.

Collector of information about opponents. One of the list of illegal poker programs that is capable of collecting information about opponents, while identifying their strengths and weaknesses. Most poker rooms have a negative attitude towards the use of such applications. Therefore, most often they cannot be used.

Bottom line

The article described prohibited poker programs that are most common. Before using anything from this list, it is better to consult with support or read the rules of the poker room. If you all decide to use them contrary to the rules, then be prepared that your account can be blocked at any time.

There is a variety of software for PokerStars that can be used to gain a certain strategic advantage over your opponents and analyze your own game. Programs for PokerStars vary in functionality and purpose. Some of them are free to use, while others require a paid subscription.

You should be careful when choosing programs for PokerStars. A poker room can block a poker player for using third-party software. Therefore, it is recommended to use exclusively reliable and safe poker programs at PokerStars.

Prohibited PokerStars programs

In its rules, PokerStars does not list prohibited programs by name, but provides requirements for software that players should not use when using the poker client:

  • Software that allows you to read opponents' cards are programs that hack the poker client of an online room and allow the player to see other people's cards, gaining an undeniable advantage in the game;
  • Software for PokerStars that analyzes the gameplay - poker player's pocket cards, bet sizes and opponents' actions and gives recommendations to the player on how to act in a specific situation. This category includes common poker programs that collect and analyze statistics. In principle, calculating probabilities and providing statistics about the opponent can also be considered a hint to the player.
  • Bots are applications that can replace the player and play the game in his absence. At the same time, bots use an algorithm embedded in them to make optimal decisions in the game.
  • Poker programs on PokerStars that collect statistics about opponents and distribute them over the network or in other ways.

Thus, on PokerStars the prohibited programs are described rather vaguely, because, if desired, any third-party application can be interpreted as being prohibited! In addition, if a player is suspected of using third-party software, the online room may deny him access to the program and account, and will not enter into discussions with the player. PokerStars also does not list permitted programs!

List of allowed PokerStars programs

There are conditionally permitted PokerStars programs - applications that are not calculated by the online room! Users using these programs are not blocked. Here is a list of allowed PokerStars programs that are the most popular:

Hold'em Manager2– can be considered the best online poker software! This application calculates many indicators that can help an experienced player make optimal decisions in the game. In addition, he is also involved in collecting opponents’ statistics. Before successfully using this software for PokerStars, a beginner needs to know the values ​​of each of the calculated parameters and learn how to use the data in the game. The program is paid!

PokerTracker– the functionality is similar in functionality to Holdem Manager2, the application also collects statistics about opponents and even helps the poker player find tables where the weakest opponents are located – “fish”. In terms of popularity, this software is not much inferior to the program described above and is used by many Poker Stars players. To use the software, a subscription payment is required.

PokerOffice– despite the fact that this application is the most expensive of those listed, it has remained for many years the most popular among Western players. The software collects statistics about players during the game and helps the poker player make the right decisions more often. Many probability-related indicators are calculated by it during gameplay, which provides the player with additional information.

The described programs for PokerStars are paid, but even experienced players invest money to purchase a subscription or license and use the software in the game. Investments in applications quickly pay off, thanks to the fact that the player begins to win more!

Poker programs at PokerStars are designed not only to obtain probability calculations and statistical data about opponents. They collect statistics about the poker player using them and allow him to analyze his gaming sessions - to identify his own weaknesses and strengths. This way, you can improve your poker game with the help of third-party software!

These applications are not a panacea and do not allow an inexperienced player to start making a profit from poker. To effectively use the data that the applications calculate, you need to have a good understanding of poker mathematics in order to use the resulting indicators to gain an advantage in the game.

There are many types of auxiliary poker software. However, some programs cannot be used while the poker client is running. Installation of others is prohibited by poker rooms altogether. Prohibited poker programs may cause your account to be blocked! In this case, the money won may remain in the account in the poker room and cannot be withdrawn.

Online rooms do not encourage the use of programs that give the player an advantage over his opponents - they perform a number of functions that allow him to play more effectively. True, poker rooms do not completely ban poker software, but they have introduced restrictions on its use. However, each room has its own rules regarding assistive applications. When choosing a program, you should check the possibility of using it for each online room in order to avoid blocking.

Prohibited poker programs by functionality

In all poker rooms, the user agreement describes which programs can be used and which cannot. Most rooms, except PokerStars, do not provide an exact list of applications. However, the rules indicate general criteria by which the player must determine for himself whether the application can be used or not. If a poker player finds it difficult to do this or doubts his conclusions, he can clarify the opinion of the poker room on each specific application through technical support. You risk being blocked from most poker rooms if you use the following programs:

  • Poker calculators and analyzers that show your chances in a hand for specific cards, including those with manual data entry. Some applications from this category are allowed to be used - with simpler functions. For example, auxiliary software for beginners that helps determine the type of combination, but not the probability of winning it;
  • Applications, providing recommendations for making game decisions . There are two types of applications here. The first are prohibited poker programs that recommend specific game decisions to the player, for example, whether you need to fold or raise. The second ones provide the player with a number of indicators on the basis of which he can decide right decision, but he is required to analyze these indicators (some are allowed);
  • Opponent Data Analyzers – collect statistical data on opponents, analyze them, and provide the player with this information in the form of various coefficients. Ready-made databases can also be used, including data from games in which the poker player did not take part. Even if a program does not analyze data, but collects it, it is also prohibited. Applications that collect statistics on the player himself are allowed, since the poker player needs it to analyze his game;
  • Bots – replace the player at the table completely or partially, thanks to the ability to make gaming decisions for him, select tables, register, etc.;
  • Automatic table selection – prohibited for those applications that select tables based on opponents, for example, tracking “fish”. However, the player can use software that finds tables by type of discipline, limit, game format, average bank, etc. This software simply simplifies the use of the poker client, but does not provide any advantages to the player.
  • ISM analysis and calculation – determines the value of chips in a tournament in real time or when manually entered by the player;
  • Programs, allowing two players to automatically exchange information about hole cards . For example, two poker players playing at the same table from different cities automatically or using a simple tool receive information about each other’s cards. Such a program includes Skype, which allows you to see the desktops of your interlocutors, but poker rooms cannot ban this application due to its popularity and other main purpose.

These criteria are relative! Prohibited poker software in one room may be successfully used in another. Thus, Hold'em Manager and Poker Tracker 4 are theoretically prohibited in most online rooms. However, almost all popular poker rooms allow the use of this software. Poker Stars leads full list, which indicates prohibited poker programs:

Rules 888Poker simply describe the criteria for applications that cannot be used:

Also PokerMatch :

Some applications cannot be used while the poker client is running, even if you do not use them for calculations. Due to the fact that a prohibited program works in conjunction with a poker application, you may receive a warning or account blocking. For example, a poker client PokerStars instantly detects a calculator open on the computer PokerStove - a letter from the security service arrives within a few minutes to the email specified during registration - if you do not respond to it in time, you can lose your game profile and money forever:

It is recommended to use auxiliary software! It can be used for training, analyzing your own game, setting up a poker client, obtaining statistical data, or chasing down loose opponents at the tables. However, find out the position of the poker room in relation to each application. Prohibited poker programs may not help you, but may harm you, causing you to lose your gaming account and poker capital.

Nowadays a huge number of people play in the Pokerstars poker room. And most of them set themselves the goal of making a successful poker career and achieving success in this game. To do this, they get acquainted with various educational materials, study the rules, watch recordings of hands, and read books.

In addition, there are all sorts of forums where players can communicate with each other, help in solving any problems that arise related to playing poker, etc. On such forums and other sites, players can often get acquainted with various programs that are used to improve their poker play at PokerStars.

There is special software created for playing on PokerStars and other rooms. Such software includes various programs that allow you to analyze a gaming session and use “hot keys” for faster decision-making at the table.

There is special software for pokerstars that allows you to save information about opponents who played with you at the same table. There are programs for PokerStars that help in calculating pot odds, etc.

With the advent of the opportunity to make money playing poker, many programs have appeared for playing on Pokerstars and other rooms, the use of which is fraudulent. These include programs that allow you to play in a team against other opponents, make available information about your opponents’ cards, and receive tips on playing poker.

In addition, so-called bots are increasingly being created - programs that allow you to play poker without requiring human participation.

In this regard, members of the Pokerstars team examined in detail the possibility of using certain programs. As a result, this led to the creation of lists of allowed and prohibited programs for use in the Pokerstars room.

Below is a list of allowed programs for playing on Pokerstars:

Auto Hand PosterBlazingStars^Calculatem Pro
Coach RounderColoringToolDoN Indicator
DonkeyTrackerDraw Poker SourceEasySeatPro
FlopZillaFlopZoom^FPP Pro Plus
FreePokerDB (also called FPDB)Gam Poker AnalyzerGameTime+
HighStakesDBHold'em CockpitHold'em Genius
Hold'em HelpemHold'em IndicatorHoldem Manager (including Table Scanner)
Hold'em Manager 2 (including Hold'em Manager Sync)Hold'em PartnerHold'em Profiler (including Super HUD)
Holdem Ranger (including RealTime HUD)HoldemLuckHoly Grail of Poker
iToldemKayTeEmPro's Odds CalculatorLobbyHunter
NoteCaddyNotesNLOfficial Poker Rankings
Omaha BrainOmaha IndicatorOmaha Poker Coach
OpenToolPerfect ReadsPH_Stars
Poker Academy ProspectorPoker BuddyPoker Butler
Poker Calculator Pro by PokerProLabsPoker Copilot^Poker EV
Poker EvolverPoker IndicatorPoker Office
Poker PotjiePoker Pro Labs (including Super HUD)Poker Sharpener
Poker ShortcutsPoker SleuthPoker Sniffer
Poker StovePoker VitalsPoker Weapon
Poker WingmanPokerAce HUDPokerDebugger
PokerEval (registered version only)PokerfacePokerGrapher
PokerHandsPokerObserver HUDPoker-Spy
PokerStatPokerStrategy ElephantPokerStrategy Equilator
PokerStrategy SideKickPokerStrategy EquilabPokerTableStats
PokerTracker (including TableTracker)Pot Odd RechnerPPA Poker Calculator
ProPokerTool's Odds OraclePS Hand ValuePS Hand Watcher
PS Last HandPS MateRankExplorer
SharkScope (including SharkScope HUD)rSharktoolz Bankroll ManagerSharktoolz Poker-Reader
SharkystratorSitnGo Wizard (version and higher)SmartBuddy
SNG Solver (version 1.0.9 and higher)StackAndTileSlice
Star TrackerStox Poker ComboStud Indicator
Table of InterestTable SharkTableDroid
TableNinjaTableScan TurboTelescope by SpadeIt
Texas CalculateTexas Hold'em Hands v2.0ThePokerDB
TiltBreakerTournament IndicatorTournament Shark
Tournament UpdaterTourney ManagerUniversal Poker Table Organizer
UsunpokertoolsWinning Poker HUD

Here are the prohibited programs for playing on Pokerstars:

Advanced Poker CalculatorCardAnalyzerFrogbot
FullAutoHoldemGambotHand HQ
HH RepositoryHHCollectorHHdealer
hhSmitheyHold'em WatcherHold'em Hawk
Holdem Inspector is also called Online Holdem InspectorHold'em PirateHold'em Spy
ICM-BotiHH HarvesterMandraker
MyPokerIntelNoLimitFoldemOnline Omaha High Inspector
Online Poker BotOnline Tournament InspectorOpen Holdem Bot
OPI WizardParagon Poker PalPoker Android
Poker BloodhoundPoker Bot+Poker Crusher
Poker EdgePoker Inspector is also called Online Poker InspectorPoker Mate
Poker ProphecyPoker SherlockPoker Sidekick
Poker Table ManagerPoker UsherPOKERobot
Preflop AutofolderPreflop Poker BotRatingViewer
SeekerSense MindSharkMate
SharkMateSit And Go SharkSit n' Go Brain
Sixth SenseSmartCollector is also called Mixed HarvestersSpadeEye
Stars Hand History (SHH)StarSpyStatsForPoker
Stud Inspector v1Table Ratings is also called Poker Table RatingsTexas Auto Fold

If you play at Pokerstars, be sure to study the software that is prohibited and permitted for use in this room. Because Ignorance is no excuse from responsibility. And using a prohibited program to play on Pokerstars may deprive you of your account.