The girl says she doesn't want to. A girl doesn’t want a relationship: is it worth imposing? She had a bad breakup experience

What to do? What does this mean? It means that she most likely wants it, but by some indicators you still do not correspond to the image that has arisen in her little head. The image to which she will say “take me.”

What could be reasons for her “I don’t want”?

First- You didn't excite her well enough. She seems to want it, but not so much that she would attack you. You have to excite her so much that her brakes come off.

Second- she's having her period. He's embarrassed to tell you directly. What can you do? Nature is a complex thing, you can’t fight it. Although, in my opinion, no one has canceled the shower yet. ;)

Third- the girl doesn’t like the place where you want to sleep with her now. That's all I don't like. You get her in the car, but she wants on a wide bed. The third reason can be completely forgotten if you fulfill the first. Excite and the place will be suitable. Or, as a last resort, find something else, more secluded and more comfortable for her.

Fourth- you are not persistent enough in your desire. What can I say? Be more confident and persistent and everything will happen. :)

Fifth- she stupidly doesn’t want sex with you right now. Rarely, but it happens :)

Just remember one thing, you must always know specifically what you want now. Show her that you are not one of those people who, at the first “I don’t want”, stop trying to achieve their goal and give up. Be more persistent, be more purposeful and flexible. Show her who you are and enjoy the prize.

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Even for a self-confident guy, the sudden announcement by his girlfriend that she doesn’t want a relationship will be a cold shower: so is it worth imposing and making efforts for any qualitative changes? The problem voiced will be a much heavier burden for a young man with a less decisive character.

However, it is still possible to achieve something positive.

What to do if a girl doesn’t want a relationship “at the moment”?

Life is like a kaleidoscope picture - it always appears in the form of a unique pattern formed as a result of combinations of the same pieces of glass and pebbles. And in order for your individual ornament to bring joy and moral satisfaction, you need to work hard on the layout of your own character traits and specific life circumstances.

And since “nothing is impossible,” the only obstacle to achieving your goal can only be your own laziness and reluctance to change your (already boring) usual routine. The “magic” push that forces you to move from the dead point of inertia can only be. However, a young man who does not want to “give up without a fight” must first of all make sure that in front of him is exactly the girl he needs, and the relationship with her will not destroy his own life.

Several unique ways to “obsess” for the sake of a relationship with a girl

It’s hardly worth being an “annoying fly”, boring a girl with endless outpourings of feelings, engaging in self-pity and unquestioningly fulfilling any lady’s whim. By humiliating himself and allowing himself to be manipulated, a guy is more likely to achieve the opposite effect - he will make himself despise.

You can achieve success only by “learning a lesson” from any current circumstances, which will allow you to take a sober look at yourself from the outside and understand what you don’t like opposite sex and develop a strategic plan for change.

For the sake of the girl you love, you can change not only your image or clothing, but also your own body. To become attractive, you should not only change your hairstyle and learn to take care of hygiene, but also make your friend admire your athletic figure, sparkling eyes and healthy color faces. It is for these purposes that all sports grounds and “gyms” open their doors to a young man: as they say, being determines consciousness.

Often one is drawn “to one’s native swamp” by one’s old social circle, consisting of losers and primitive people. In this case, it is advisable to make new acquaintances: with those who live an interesting and meaningful life. Having surrounded himself with people worthy of sincere respect, a guy cannot help but look up to them - and over time, the girl will notice the changes that have taken place. In addition, if among friends there are interesting women- there are many ways to make a girl jealous and make her reconsider her attitude towards the rejected person young man.

The girl says she doesn’t want a relationship yet: check or not

There is no need to ask the question “the girl doesn’t want a relationship, is it worth imposing” if the decision in favor of action guarantees personal growth. Anyone who wants to change the world around him, starting with himself, will never feel like a loser, because the desire to achieve his ideal is happiness in itself. At the same time, momentary desires do not always bring good, but fate knows exactly what will happen for us the best option:, or find another love over time.

Willingness to change externally and internally also includes increasing your intellectual level: start reading smart books, studying philosophy, surprising interesting ideas. Of course, you shouldn’t stoop to primitive “show off”. Having learned to work on himself and move towards self-improvement, a guy cannot remain outside the attention of the fair sex, which is why the chances of reciprocity and harmonious relationships will multiply many times over.

If a girl denies you love, that's not so bad. But what if she doesn’t say “yes” or “no”. It often happens that a girl says that she does not want a relationship, she will forgive her to wait or be a friend. This situation is complicated because it is impossible to accurately determine her intentions. Perhaps she is not ready to be with you yet, or perhaps she is simply deceiving you. To get out of this puzzle, you need to understand the reason for this behavior.

Why doesn't a girl want a relationship?

To find out, you need to start playing by its rules. Tell her that you understand her and have a heart-to-heart talk. As a result, she may state that:

  1. I broke up with my boyfriend and can’t forget him;
  2. Doesn't want to rush things;
  3. Sees you as a friend (for now);
  4. Afraid of getting burned;
  5. Doesn't want a relationship with anyone.

Whatever the answer, it must be thought through and, if possible, verified. To do this, just watch her, talk to her friends, listen to gossip and so on. Don't attack her right away. After all, there is a chance (albeit small) that she will really be with you, but a little later.

The girl says she doesn't want a relationship with anyone

Sometimes a girl declares that she doesn’t want a relationship with anyone for no reason. There are 2 options here:

  1. She is a lesbian (which is rare);
  2. She is lying, both to herself and to you.

The second option is more preferable. If a girl says she doesn't want to be in a relationship, then she (most likely) just wants to appear strong and independent. Also, she may lie to torment you or simply out of spite.

If in such a situation the lady allows herself to be touched, and you have kisses or sex, then you have found a “free cat”. She really doesn't want to start anything, but she doesn't mind being a girl. This picture suits many people. But the difficulty lies in the fact that such a person, besides you, will have many more favorites, like the famous empress.

The girl can't have a relationship

In some cases, the word “I don’t want” turns into the word “I can’t.” Your lover may say that she can't be with you because:

  • Studies;
  • Job;
  • Health;
  • Family Affairs;
  • Financial crisis and so on.

Usually, this is an empty excuse. After all, even the most diligent students and super busy ladies give up everything they do for the sake of love. And if she blames circumstances for everything, then she simply doesn’t like you, and she doesn’t want to offend you.

This theory can only be true if there is significant evidence. For example, she is much younger than you, older, poorer, richer, etc. In this case, indeed, something may interfere with the relationship.

Personal benefit

In many situations, girls say that they do not want a relationship in order to make a slave out of the guy. She “temporarily” wants nothing to do with you. But you can talk to her, help her with her homework, fix her computer, and so on.

At the same time, she will soon want love... But not with you. And you will also help her in everything and suffer from jealousy. This effect is called. And there is no point in starting the situation here. Otherwise, your personal life will go downhill.

The problem is you

If this happened to you, then do not scold the girl. Look for the problem within yourself. Perhaps you haven't proven yourself as a guy and haven't been able to prove to her that you are capable of a relationship.

There is a possibility that you are too complex or too simple and that has turned her off. Sometimes girls are put off by excessive seriousness. After all, few people want a serious relationship right away. Everyone wants romance, flirting, etc.

Pay attention to clothing style, hobbies, temperament. Often, guys themselves do everything so that no one likes them, and then they wonder why the girl doesn’t want a relationship.

Be that as it may, it’s worth understanding everything in detail, not getting angry and not making serious decisions. Understand what's going on. And you will find out what to do with all this next in the next article.

The girl doesn't want a relationship

Dating and Pickup

The girl doesn't want a relationship

If a girl says she's not ready for serious relationship, then it’s quite difficult to convince her. The bottom line is that if a girl says: “I'm not ready for a relationship,” this means that she doesn't like you.

But we should not exclude cases when a girl really does not have the time or desire to build a serious relationship. In this article we will try to give advice specifically on the last category of girls.

What to do

Think about why you need this particular girl. Is it just because she's attractive? If this is the only reason, then you will have problems. Because beautiful girls have no problems with male attention. So think again whether such a girl is suitable for a serious relationship or not.

Reciprocate. The best way to encourage a person to do something is to prohibit him from doing it. So be joyful, be friendly. Tell him that you don’t need a serious relationship either. And it will bite the girl.

Show her that you can be a good friend. Friendship is the key to any serious relationship. If you have common interests and topics of conversation, then you can always interest her in spending time with you. And then anything can happen.

If she tells you that she is not interested in a serious relationship, then you have shown her that you have fallen in love. And this scares many girls. So don't show your feelings anymore. If she is ready, she will remember everything herself.

If you are friends, then do not forget about touching. Random touches, touches, hugs can position her towards a more serious relationship. Moreover, girls in their friendships with guys allow themselves much more than the guys themselves assume.

Don't ask a girl to be your lover. Every time we put a girl before a choice, we can lose her. Therefore, there is no need for any framework or ceremony. Walk with her and enjoy her company. Nothing more is needed.

Consider her interests. This is trivial, but almost everyone forgets about it.

  1. Most girls only say they don't want a serious relationship when they don't like the guy. Since it is impossible to make someone fall in love, it is worth spending your energy, time and money on someone who will reciprocate.
  2. Very often those who have been seriously hurt in the past do not want relationships. Therefore, you cannot put pressure and force a girl to date you. Let it happen naturally.
  3. To change the attitude of another person towards yourself, you must first change yourself. So successful job, successful hobby, successful friends. And then the girl herself will understand what a fool she was.
  4. Know how to admit defeat if a girl does not succumb to your charms. It's much better to spend your time on something else. There is no need to fight for something that cannot be won.
  5. And finally, if a girl refuses you, perhaps she already has a lover, or she secretly loves another guy.

What you need to know

  1. While you are trying to get a girl who refuses you, you are passing by those who sincerely want to become your soul mate.
  2. The more you talk about your feelings early in a relationship, the more desperate you seem. And this scares any girl. And almost everyone will run away from you. So self-confidence and self-sufficiency are always useful in relationships.
  3. There is no need to deceive yourself. If a girl walks with you, goes to cinemas and cafes, this is not a sign that she is your girlfriend. Girls love to use guys and not offer anything in return.
  4. There are a number of girls who want to be surrounded by male attention. Moreover, none of the men can become her gentleman. These girls need attention, not relationships.
  5. If she offers to remain friends, it means she is not interested in a relationship with you.
  6. There are a lot of girls around. And every guy will be able to find the one who will be waiting for him.

Sometimes guys try unsuccessfully to woo a girl: they try to be close, constantly give compliments and do not understand why their companion does not take their words seriously. Every man can get a girl, even if it’s not easy. But if this true love, the young man is able to cope with all the difficulties and obstacles on the path to his happiness. Some effective recommendations are intended to help quickly solve this problem.

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What a man should be like

In order to achieve your beloved, you must be strong and purposeful. Women like such men, so the beloved will immediately pay attention to this. You can find an interesting hobby, try to learn something new.

A man should seem reliable and safe, because only with such young men do women feel happy. It’s worth taking care of yourself, giving the girl compliments and giving flowers. This will help you get closer.

Tips you need to use to get a girl:

  • It is worth paying attention to appearance, you need to look neat and attractive all the time.
  • Girls love to talk, but guys don't always listen to them. Listening is another positive quality, which will be appreciated.
  • Girls like a sense of humor, but there is no need to go too far and use dark or vulgar jokes, which often only repel women.

You should become her protection, protect her from problems and dangers. Every girl wants to see her man as a stone wall.

How to behave with your chosen one

In order to woo a girl who does not want a relationship, you should be gentle and understanding. You should behave as friendly and attentive as possible towards her. This will interest her. You don’t need to fulfill your friend’s every whim, but kind words at the end of the evening and gratitude for having her there is truly necessary.

Banal compliments and flattery are the enemies of the birth of new relationships, as girls feel insincerity and despise it.

A man should try to look into the eyes of his chosen one more often. If she starts to feel embarrassed, the plan has worked. It is necessary to remember that you absolutely cannot treat this with fanaticism. Women love to be admired, but don'treplay. We need to show her that her hero is not afraid of change and is confident in himself and his own abilities.

In order for a woman to become more supportive, you should follow some recommendations:

  1. 1. There is no need to rush. To begin with, it is important to understand whether the chosen one experiences at least some feelings. It’s worth talking to her about this, inviting her to a cafe or cinema. If the test is successful, you can continue to pursue a relationship with her.
  2. 2. The guy should say that he doesn’t need a serious relationship either. A man should not openly demonstrate his feelings, as this scares girls. He needs to show that he wants to communicate, but will not impose. The friend must understand that she is not in danger, that she will feel comfortable.
  3. 3. Sincerity is what all women expect. They will not listen to lies and look at pretenses, so it is better not to lie to a girl by embellishing personal qualities. Confident and moderately persistent behavior will show the chosen one that her friend always achieves what he wants.
  4. 4. By showing interest in everything a girl talks about, a guy will be able to win her favor extremely easily. Attention and care will help the girl relax and allow the young man to become more than just a friend for her.
  5. 5. Friendship is the key to any relationship, so you need to find common topics and interests in order to spend more time together. Soon she will begin to like the person who has become an interesting friend.
  6. 6. Don't forget about touching. Hugs and casual touching can position a girl towards a serious relationship. If she allows you to touch her, then everything is going well and you should talk to her about your feelings.

The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

Money has always been my main problem. Because of this, I had a lot of complexes. I considered myself a failure, problems at work and in my personal life haunted me. However, I decided that I still needed personal help. Sometimes it seems that the problem is in you, all failures are just a consequence of bad energy, the evil eye or some other bad force.

But who can help in a difficult life situation, when it seems that your whole life is going downhill and passing you by? It’s hard to be happy working as a cashier for 26 thousand rubles, when you had to pay 11 thousand for renting an apartment. Imagine my surprise when my whole life suddenly changed overnight in better side. I couldn’t even imagine that it was possible to earn so much money that some trinket at first glance could have such an impact.