If the guy said I don't want to put up. How to make peace with a guy after a quarrel and breakup? How to make peace with a guy: remember the good things

Many girls are interested in how to make peace with a guy after a breakup. Women are overly emotional, so they are more anxious if we're talking about about relationships with the opposite sex. And young ladies are trying to figure out how to reconcile a guy and a girl, because they can’t bear to watch their best friend suffer.

Ladies are very sensitive to criticism from the man they love. The feeling of guilt is much more developed in girls, which leads to an unreasonable reduction in demands on their lovers. There are often cases when women commit inappropriate behavior towards them. But still, ladies are persistently looking for information on how to make peace with their ex-boyfriend. It's important to consider male psychology and conduct analysis women's mistakes which cause quarrels and disagreements.

What are psychologists talking about?

Experts offer answers to the following series of questions:

  1. How to make peace with your beloved man after separation? Psychologists recommend initially deciding whether you need this man. If a quarrel occurred, then there were good reasons for such a development of events. Therefore, it is necessary to consider whether the true needs in the relationship are being met. Competing for the love of someone who doesn't care about your feelings is a common mistake. Women often suppress their resentment and then show their lovers an outburst. negative emotions, which contributes to even greater alienation. But quarrels arise because the man simply does not meet the woman’s expectations. In most cases, ladies do not decide to end a love relationship, because they are terrified of loneliness.
  2. What to write to a guy to make peace? You need to understand why you quarreled. If this is another conflict of an everyday nature, then it is quite possible to resolve it with the help of a love letter. But if we are talking about a serious quarrel, during which the partner’s feelings were affected, then sometimes a traditional apology is not enough. A long heart-to-heart conversation is needed, which is also not always appropriate.
  3. How to reconcile a friend with a guy? Girls love to interfere in other people's affairs. Such curiosity and care do not always cause harm, because sometimes girlfriends can really contribute to reconciliation with a loved one. It is important not to overdo it so as not to regret what you have done.
  4. How to make peace with a guy if he is to blame? This question is often asked by women who have been cheated on by their loved one. A man admits that he did a bad thing. Then you can have a big fight. He may even blame his other half for everything, saying that he is tired of monotonous sex. And the woman begins to think that she is to blame for everything. How to make peace with a guy after a quarrel? Take only your share of responsibility for what happened. You should not allow a man to think that he has the right to have sexual intercourse with all the girls he likes.

If the woman is to blame

What to tell a guy to make peace? Psychologists recommend following a practice-tested algorithm:

1. Calm down. You shouldn’t think now about how to make peace with a guy via SMS, especially if you had a fight at a distance. Give yourself time to understand what happened.

2. Analyze your own feelings. What caused the outburst of anger? If a young man has a systematic stressful effect on you, then your reaction may be completely justified. If the reason lies in the characteristics of your personality, then think about self-development and the formation of vital skills. A young man may want to leave quickly because he is tired of being offended. He doesn’t want to think about reconciliation, because in a couple of days everything will happen again. If you are not ready to work on yourself, then you need to think about the feelings of the young man. Strong family is formed in conditions of mutual understanding and love.

3. “How to make peace with a man if I’m to blame?” you must be sure that you accept responsibility for what happened. Focus and think about whether you really caused the discord in the couple. If the answer is yes, then proceed to the next step.

4. How can you make peace with a guy if you broke up? If the young man still has feelings for you, then he may return. You have a chance to rebuild what has begun to crumble. Men put up with the excessive emotionality of the woman they love if she tries to work on herself and does not take his patience and kindness for granted. But you won’t be able to make peace quickly, especially if you seriously offended him. A guy can test a girl’s strength for some time, hitting her with caustic phrases.

If the young man is to blame

As mentioned above, it’s not always worth racking your brains over what to do if you quarrel with a guy, how to get him back. If a man either puts up with you or quarrels with you, it is important to think about the maturity of the relationship.

  1. Most men understand that a woman is afraid to be left alone, so they take advantage of her compliance, regardless of the girl’s self-esteem. If you suffer from love addiction, then you should not wait for your lover to begin to appreciate you, but you should immediately contact a psychotherapist.
  2. A girl often has the same questions when she has a quarrel with a guy: what to do with her love and why do we always break up after a conflict? Psychologists recommend stopping making claims, and thinking about what you yourself can give to your loved one. Having quarreled with her lover, the girl writes to him that she is dying of love and asks him to return. And then he only pretends to accept all his shortcomings. It's painful for both of them. If you are ready to forgive and not remember what happened, then feel free to look for common ground.

Everyone can quarrel, but not everyone can show kindness towards someone who has offended. You don't have to be soft and flexible. There are no bad wives and husbands, because there is always demand from both if a conflict arises.

If you made peace with a loved one, and after a while he offended you again, then, let’s be honest, he is not worthy of your love and efforts to be better.

Love implies the ability to forgive and trust, but not allowing yourself to be trampled into the dirt is also the rule of this great feeling. Fight for your loved ones, but also be prepared to let them go. Love is freedom from fears and prejudices. And remember that happiness in your personal life begins with the ability to love and forgive yourself first.

Even in the strongest relationships, people in love can quarrel for various reasons - from a banal bad mood to unforgivable betrayal or even betrayal. But if the feelings are still alive and you value them, you can’t just drop the quarrel and let it get worse; you should try to make peace and preserve the strong relationship between you. The tips below will certainly help you take the path of reconciliation and restore the warmth of your love relationship with your boyfriend.

In what cases is reconciliation possible after a quarrel?

Of course, you need to go for reconciliation when your relationship is quite strong and serious, and the quarrel is not related to something serious like betrayal or betrayal. There are unforgivable situations - and they really should not be forgiven, since in this case they are likely to be repeated in the future. But in any normal relationship people sometimes quarrel due to differences in character and outlook on life, so these kinds of minor quarrels should not ruin your relationship.

If mutual feelings, sympathy and affection remain

In cases where your situation was difficult and the quarrel was based on a serious problem, but there are still mutual feelings and love between you, you should definitely give each other a chance. It may be that you just need to have a thorough conversation and come to the best conclusion together. the right decision problems to make up for a quarrel and avoid negative consequences. Even if you need to wait and be alone for some time before reconciliation, this is normal. The main thing is that then you can tell each other everything openly and return your feelings to relevance.

The quarrel was not serious

There are also moments when a quarrel occurred on empty space. For example, a young man had a difficult day at work and, amid a bad mood, he lost his temper and yelled at the girl. You need to be able to forgive and forget such moments, because these quarrels are not too serious and are not worth it for you and your boyfriend to waste your time, energy and nerves on them.

Other situations

There are other possible situations when it is simply important to make peace and it is worth it. For example, if you quarreled because you haven’t seen each other for a long time and were bored too much. Sometimes this also leads to a quarrel. It is important to correctly assess the seriousness of the situation, weigh the pros and cons in order to make an informed decision about the need to make peace and continue the relationship.

How to make peace with your boyfriend if you broke up

Serious problems in relationships most often develop into a major quarrel and, as a result, separation. These are not uncommon situations when people, against the backdrop of a bad mood and negativity from a quarrel, say a lot of bad things to each other, think and act mainly on emotions, without addressing common sense and memories of what a long and strong relationship they had with the person with whom they now had a quarrel.

But even after a breakup amid a quarrel, there is always the opportunity to reconcile and try to restore your feelings and love by giving it another chance. Moreover, depending on the current situation, the need for behavior may be different.

What to do if he doesn't write after a breakup

If a guy no longer writes or calls after your breakup, this does not mean that he has already forgotten the girl. It is quite possible that he is very worried about the pain of the breakup, or simply does not know where to start a correspondence or conversation, although he really wants to try to start all over again. Men have a very hard time with a breakup, so it's worth giving young man a few days to emotionally move away a little from unpleasant thoughts and calm down, “cool down.” After this, you can completely write to him first: either something neutral to start a conversation little by little, or openly start right away with the words that the quarrel was not so serious for breaking up and you need to meet, talk and try to restore your relationship. As a rule, a man is willing to respond if a girl writes to him first with an offer to try another chance together.

How to get my lover back if everything is my fault

It is possible that the girl herself may be to blame for the quarrel and separation. It is common for representatives of the fairer sex to act on emotions - having gotten excited, a girl could tell a guy that they were breaking up, and the next day she would regret it. In such a situation, the main thing for a girl is to be able to admit that she is wrong and inform the young man about it. It would be best to talk about this in person, but if it’s hard to find the words, you can call or write a long message explaining. At the same time, there is no need to try to make excuses or shift the blame onto someone else - only by admitting your own wrongness, you can show the person that for his sake you know how to reveal your weaknesses.

What to do if he is to blame and does not admit his mistake?

Unfortunately, there are cases of quarrels when the fault lies in the mistake or behavior of the young man, which led to the separation. But the guy stubbornly refuses to admit his mistake, denies it, or even shifts the blame onto the girl. It’s worth thinking: what is the reason for this behavior? If a man is afraid to take responsibility even in an ordinary quarrel, is it even worth relying on him in the future and building strong relationships? If a face-to-face conversation did not help you, you can give the guy an ultimatum: either within a certain period of time he will be ready to admit his guilt and will go first for reconciliation, or after this period (if there is no reaction from him) you finally put an end to your relationship and do not agree to resume it. Otherwise, he will think that you will be ready to write off any of his mistakes in order to be with him, and a similar situation during moments of quarrels will be repeated endlessly, and he will always feel innocent.

Should a girl write or call first after a quarrel?

The main question that torments any girl after a quarrel with a young man is whether she should write or call him first? Will this be normal or is it not customary for a girl to take her first steps? Very often, the reason that even the strongest relationships cannot be restored is simple human pride. Moreover, most often it is unnecessary. If a relationship with this guy is dear to a girl, she should throw away all her prejudices and call the young man first. This will let the guy know that his girlfriend is still thinking about him, thinking about relationships and reconciliation. It is not necessary to start the conversation by immediately finding out the reasons for the quarrel - you can start with a neutral topic: find out how the guy is doing and his health, whether he has solved any of his recent problems. And gradually you can turn the conversation to the topic of the fact that you regret that quarrel, that you need to give each other a chance and try to get everything back.

To summarize, we can say: if a girl is ready to fight for the relationship and wants to continue it, she should and can call first, putting aside her fears, because sometimes a man is much more afraid than you. Prejudices and fears are not worth losing someone dear to you forever.

How and what to write to a guy if he is very offended

If a young man is very offended, it means that the girl has managed to seriously hurt his feelings or pride. To restore peaceful relationships, you can try to start the first communication after a quarrel in correspondence via SMS or in social networks. And here the girl has a question about what she can write to the guy in order to shift the conversation to the topic of reconciliation.

First of all, it is very important to admit your guilt and sincerely apologize to the young man for the rude things said or done. This first step will surely melt the ice in his heart. If you live together, you can, as a gesture of reconciliation, welcome him back from school or work with a romantic dinner, during which you can talk in a pleasant atmosphere and make peace.

You should not start your conversation with reproaches or comments about the past quarrel - otherwise there is a risk that instead of reconciliation, you will only quarrel even more. Better talk about good sides each other and your relationship, emphasize what is important for you to maintain in them and what you are ready to do together for this.

You can also write him a sweet SMS with a declaration of love and emphasize that you love him, despite all your problems and quarrels. This is also a good option.

I really want to make peace with my ex - what to do?

Sometimes, even after a long period of separation, a girl may realize that her feelings for her ex-boyfriend have not cooled down and she would like to try to restore the relationship. There are always chances, but attempts to make peace will need to be made in different ways, depending on what note you and the young man were on.

The guy doesn't want to put up and avoids me

A young man often avoids meeting a girl after a breakup. This is understandable: he does not want to experience feelings after your breakup, he does not want to refresh his memory of your pleasant moments, especially if the breakup was not on his initiative. In this case, it is very important for the girl to begin to unobtrusively remind herself of herself - for example, to randomly appear in the same places where the young man is, or to start communicating with his friends and take an interest in the affairs and health of the young man. Then ex-boyfriend will probably notice that you still show interest in him.

A rival is preventing the resumption of relations

When your ex-boyfriend has a crush - a rival (he may just be interested in her, or they are already officially dating), this complicates the situation. In conversations with your ex-boyfriend, you should unobtrusively emphasize your strengths, and if you know your rival’s weaknesses, use them to make yourself look better compared to her. For example, if your rival is not a very good cook, then you can tell your ex-boyfriend that you have mastered new interesting dishes. But you should not insult your rival - this will not show you from the best side in the eyes of a young man.

In such a situation, you have a good advantage - you know the character and habits of this guy much better than your opponent. Therefore, it is easier for you to understand which topics to avoid and what will be most profitable to talk about. In addition, you can always unobtrusively remind him of your pleasant moments together, which also subconsciously motivate a person to think about the possibility of resuming their old relationship.

If a man falls out of love, is there a chance for reconciliation?

One of the reasons for a breakup is that the man might simply stop loving you. Unfortunately, this happens and even the strongest feelings can cool down over time. But if you want to make peace, you should try to bring your man to good memories of your common moments. You should also pay attention to yourself: it is possible that the guy stopped loving you because of your unkempt appearance or bad habits. Now in his eyes you must always look irresistible in order to interest him again. A frank conversation will also be useful - you can openly ask a man why he stopped loving you and whether there is a chance that these are temporarily cooled feelings that can be restored.

After breaking up, he doesn't want to reconcile

It is possible that after breaking up, the ex-boyfriend does not want to reconcile, and the main task for the girl is to find out the reason for this reluctance. He may be very offended by your unforgivable behavior, too timid to take the first step towards reconciliation, or does not consider it necessary to renew your relationship. Having understood the reason, you need to eliminate it: apologize for your behavior, find out the shortcomings of your relationship and agree on how to overcome them. Also, a guy often doesn’t want to put up with the fact that the girl was too harsh with him and literally blew him off at the time of a quarrel. Young people perceive such refusals painfully and decide not to put up with it, so as not to receive another refusal.

If he considers me a friend, how to win him back

In rare cases, a guy and a girl remain friends after a breakup. But what if a girl wants to win over this young man again and establish a relationship with him? First of all, you need to find out from this guy’s friends and acquaintances what kind of girls he is attracted to, and start matching such a girl. It is also important to maintain your “zest” and at some points remain mysterious to the young man, this will be the main difference from friendships - in friendship people know each other very well, and the girl you love must always be studied and won. Also, you should not discuss all your problems and everyday issues with this young man in order to leave intrigue behind you. And of course, a personal conversation will be important, in which it is worth openly saying or at least hinting that you see this guy not only as a friend, but are counting on something more.

Top ways to make peace

When your own imagination fails, you can use the top most popular ways to make peace. One of them will probably give a positive result.

1. Heartfelt conversation with apologies

A method that has been proven over the years, the most faithful and reliable, is a sincere conversation, during which you can apologize to each other, find the cause of your quarrel and eliminate it. No correspondence or call can replace the warmth that you feel during a personal conversation.

2. Enlist the help of friends, acquaintances, and relatives

If you can’t make peace on your own or don’t have the courage, you can try to do it through your mutual friends or through your family. You can consult with the young man’s family about what he said about your quarrel and how he feels about what happened. You can find out his character traits that you didn’t know about before, and use this for reconciliation.

3. Send him love photos, SMS, song

Your cute photos with words of love and apology are also perfect as a sign of reconciliation, or you can send him a nice SMS or a theme song. Surely the young man will appreciate your non-standard approach and will react to your photo or message - and this is already a reason to continue the conversation, talk and eventually make peace.

4. Unobtrusively remind you of past pleasant moments

Shared memories bring people together very well - these are common walks in the park, a trip to the cinema, a cozy evening at home, anything that is pleasant to remember. Therefore, at the time of a quarrel, it is very important to remind your boyfriend about how good you are together and how much you have achieved through joint efforts. These memories should not be intrusive and sound with some kind of reproach; they should be spoken from the heart in order to touch the young man.

5. Make his dream come true

An original and proven way to make peace with a young man is to make his dream come true. This will emphasize that even in moments of quarrels, you think about his interests and his happiness. If he dreamed of flying hot air balloon- go for it, on such an unusual walk through the air you will definitely forget about all the quarrels. If his dream is some kind of thing, buy it and give it to the young man to please him. You definitely need to accompany your gift with the words that you would not want to lose it and quarrel, and this gift is the first step towards your peaceful life.

6. Become a better person and fall in love with yourself

Most best way, which will not only benefit your relationship, but also you as an individual. Your quarrel can be used as a reason to improve yourself. If you have bad habits, get rid of them, if you quarreled because of your mistakes, learn not to do this in the future. This option will definitely help you not only make peace, but also get to know each other better and increase your level of trust.

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Dear ones scold - they just amuse themselves. This is what folk wisdom says, and people will not talk in vain. However, a quarrel is not the best part in a relationship, and everyone wants to end it as soon as possible. How to make peace with a guy after a disagreement, if you offended him, he will tell you tochka.net .


How to make peace with a guy: a storm of emotions

When you are left alone after a quarrel with your loved one, first give a way out emotions. Cry, throw all the negativity out of yourself by screaming, turn on loud music, even throw a couple of plates against the wall, but be careful not to get hurt by the fragments. Just don’t leave your cell phone on the floor - when your emotions subside, you’ll still need it. Say out loud all the epithets that you are ready to reward him with for your quarrel. Don't suppress your emotions. You will see, after a while the storm in you will subside, the anger will subside, the carousel in your head will stop, and your thoughts will gradually return to normal. Have you calmed down? Now is the time to think.

How to make peace with a guy if you quarreled forever?

Think about how powerful the word is - " forever"Imagine that you really quarreled with him forever. And you will never hear from him again. He will not call you a kitten (and further on the list of favorite playful nicknames). And he will no longer give you flowers and feed you from his hand. with his favorite candies. During lunch, his napkin will not turn into an airplane, the tube of toothpaste in the bathroom will not be squeezed at the very cap, in the bedroom his pillow will not retain the warmth of its characteristic dent, and in the hallway you will no longer trip over his sneakers, always getting tangled under your feet. Are you really ready for such changes in your life?


How to make peace with a guy: remember the good things

Now dive into memories- both still very fresh, and a long time ago when you just started dating. By the way, how did you two meet? How romantic the dates were, how unexpected - gifts, words - promising, eyes - burning, lips - passionate, thoughts - exciting... Do you love him? For what? Remember his qualities that made your heart beat unevenly. Fish them out of your memory and put them in front of you, let them block the picture of a recent quarrel. And may your love for him extinguish your anger.

How to make peace with a guy: look for the right words

Everyone quarrels because we are all different, and that’s normal. It would be strange if people, having lived their entire lives together, never had a fight - imagine how boring that would be! Yes, breaking up a relationship, no matter who is to blame, is unpleasant. Sometimes it’s offensive, sometimes it’s unbearably painful. But more often than not, the resentment passes, the pain dulls, and feelings (if they are real) take over and flare up with renewed vigor. Everything for you!- what are you ready to do to hear these words from your loved one again and again? Perhaps move mountains and swim across the sea. And even more so to ask for forgiveness. Even if it’s not your fault, or not entirely your fault, or just a little bit. So, we are looking for words. But not just like that - on duty, but necessary, frank, coming from the very heart - loving and ready for forgiveness and reconciliation.


How to make peace with a guy: write an SMS

What to do if the guy is proud, and in the last disagreement you really offended him, touched him to the quick? Talking to him can be problematic - after all, he also has emotions, and it’s not a fact that they have already died down. Say something rashly - and a new quarrel is ready. You can send him an SMS with a guilty face (that’s when a mobile phone that hasn’t been smashed against the wall comes in handy :)

How to make peace with a guy: send a letter

Another option is to email him. The letter should come from the heart, and despite its virtuality, be the most real, sincere, warm. Who knows your boyfriend better than you? What words can you write to him so that they penetrate his soul and warm it? Perhaps this is a playful phrase to which he usually reacts with a smile, or general memories of some event, or even a declaration of love...

How to make peace with a guy: little tricks

Even with all your frankness and straightforwardness, take into account small tricks that will help you get reconciliation from your guy. Do not write in long and complicated sentences - a man will better perceive short, clear and succinct phrases. If you want to apologize, then don’t be shy about these simple words: “I’m sorry,” “I won’t do it again,” “let’s make peace.” End your letter with a question so that you have hope for an answer - this way you will get a dialogue with your loved one.


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Quarrel is one of the elements of communication. It's impossible to never swear. Even if you always try to smooth out the rough edges when talking with a person, this will not protect you from differences of views, which often cause conflicts in the family, between relatives, friends, and loved ones.

There are exception families where disagreements practically never happen, but this is not in the best possible way affects people's psyche. They become irritable, illnesses become more frequent, and facial wrinkles of dissatisfaction appear.

As psychologists say, the outburst of emotions is important. You don't have to do this every day. But it is necessary to sort things out periodically. This helps loved ones figure out the nuances, discuss the problem, and come up with solutions. Otherwise, the conflict will remain hanging in the air like an unpleasant heavy burden. But in the end, a person will throw out anger at once, say a bunch of nasty things, and remember things that have long been forgotten.

Girls wonder: . There are many solutions, but situations vary.


So, you had a fight with a young man. It's unpleasant. You feel anger, resentment, despair, and don’t know what to do next: talk or be silent for a while to digest what happened.

Method 1.

Tears. One of the main female manipulations is tears. Men can't stand them. Of course, there is no need to cry bitterly, howl and fight in hysterics, this will be unnecessary. Start with light sniffles through your nose. If this is not successful, shake the tears from your face, trying to calm down. At this moment, the guy will most likely pay attention to you. This method does not work with all men; there are “tough nuts” who do not respond to such feminine tricks. They know. That most often this is a game, so they remain on the sidelines. If your man falls into this category, tears are not the answer!

Method 2.

Visit. This option is suitable for couples who do not yet live together. It’s better that some time passes after the quarrel, both sides cool down a little, come to their senses, and then go on their way. Stop by the guy for tea, talk to him. Emotions will have subsided by this time, so the problem will probably be resolved in your favor.

Method 3.

Apologies. One of the easiest ways to make peace with a guy is to apologize. “Forgive me” - which is simpler? But often we do not know how to ask for forgiveness for mistakes, words, and actions from the bottom of our hearts. It would be nice to learn this. This phrase can change the situation for the better. If you say it sincerely, without sarcasm or mockery, then he will forgive you.

Method 4.

Present. Combine the second method with the 4th. Come to visit not empty-handed, but with an innocent gift. You don’t have to spend a lot of money for this; it will be even better if you make it yourself. For example, a collage of your joint photos, a video of the same photos, a jar with folded pieces of paper with words written about why you love your chosen one. For those who like to sing, a song is suitable, for artists - a drawing or painting, a friendly cartoon. Or bring it with you fun game, which will defuse the tense situation over lately.

Method 5.

Talk. Have a conversation immediately after an argument. Find out what specifically doesn’t suit your partner, the reason, try to solve the problem peacefully. There is a possibility that “the devil is not as terrible as he is painted.” The main mistake For many, conversations begin with the pronoun “I.” “I do this, I try, I carry everything on myself, I’m great”, etc. Forget this, now there are two of you, don’t put yourself in first place, say “we”, say not “I want”, but “I wanted would". It will not look like you are telling your partner what to do or how to behave. You must gently guide the man in the right direction, make him understand what is wrong, but not order him in any way.

Method 6.

Package. If the option of a gift is no longer available because the guy ignores you and doesn’t want to see you, then there is one more way left - to send the gift by mail or courier. It will take a long time to arrive by mail. It is better to choose a courier service that will complete the order in a couple of hours. But you will have to spend money for this.

Use the same method to send an invitation to a secluded place: a cafe, restaurant or cinema. Design the invitation in an interesting style, not just like a note on a piece of paper, but like a postcard, better made with your own hands. Arrange a surprise in a cafe, decorate the hall beautifully, ask the DJ to play the guy’s favorite song. And ideally, sing live and invite your loved one to a white dance. He will definitely appreciate such a gesture and melt.

If you choose the option of movie tickets, then choose a movie that is close to the guy’s spirit or has a love theme. Men don't really like such "snotty" melodramas, but it will help you get closer. Perhaps you will take some moments from the movies and apply them in life when communicating with your partner.

Method 7 .

SMS. If you have problems with personal communication, then a message in , by e-mail will be the best solution explain your feelings and experiences. It will be more romantic and interesting if you write a letter on paper. This is rare these days. Few people use postal services, but to make it pleasant and surprise the guy, do this. Express your feelings on paper. It happens that during personal contact we forget the phrases we were going to say. This happens due to excitement; you see and feel the emotions of your interlocutor, which are not always positive. This is confusing. When you transfer a thought to paper, you relax, surrender to the “pen” and write.

Method 8.

Inscription or poster. Typically, guys use this method to ask for forgiveness, wish them a happy birthday, or simply do something nice. Take advantage of it. Not only us girls will be pleased to see words written in large letters on the asphalt in the morning. Or order a poster that can be hung on the wall of the house opposite, a fence, or stretched between the trees. The guy will appreciate it and forgive you. The main thing is to choose the right words.

Method 9.

Romantic evening. An invitation via courier can be not only to a cafe or cinema, but also to your home. Prepare beautiful table, light the candles, put out a bottle of wine. Come up with an unusual but easy dish that you haven’t cooked before. Be sure to think about dessert (ice cream, fruit, cream). When the young man arrives, feed him first. And only then start a conversation. Conversation is easier on a full stomach. After clarifying the relationship, if all the i’s are dotted, go to a relaxed level and start enjoying the pleasant things.

The guy put you on his “ignore list”

What to do if, after a quarrel, your boyfriend does not want to meet and discuss the problem? It all depends. There are 2 options: either his resentment is too strong, or he is pretending to be an important peacock.

If in your case this is the first option, then by hook or by crook try to return his favor to you. To do this, use not 1 or 2 of the above methods of reconciliation, but several at once. Combine them, then the guy’s heart will definitely melt or at least tremble.

But under no circumstances should you be humiliated! This will lower you in the eyes of a man. In this case, there will be no 100% reconciliation.

If your case is option two, then think about whether you need to take action at all to make peace with this selfish person? Such people, as a rule, put themselves above everyone else.

How to make peace with a guy after a breakup

If there was a rift in your couple, you had a fight, and then broke up, then for a long time you will recover from this terrible disappointment. The heart still hopes for reconciliation, but the head understands that this is unlikely to come true. As the popular saying goes: hope dies last. So take action and don't sit idly by.

Analyze who initiated the breakup, for what reason, whether this was a long time coming or whether it all happened in an instant. If you really want to make peace with your guy after a breakup, you love him, and sincerely hope for a positive outcome, then go for it.

In this situation, the above methods are unlikely to be suitable: gifts, words, invitations, etc. Parting is a serious reason to think about your life, why everything didn’t go the way you dreamed.

Social media. In the 21st century, people are passionate about communicating on social media. This is not only SMS, but also photographs. We post on the page everything that comes to hand: from a funny cat to food on a plate. And it’s a sin not to film yourself on camera. Therefore, to make your loved one a little worried and jealous, surprise him with your appearance. Of course, he hopes that you are sitting at home, eating tons of sweet buns, mascara smeared on your face, your nose swollen from sobbing. Get yourself in order, do your hair, make-up, put on bright clothes elegant dress, and ask your friend to take a photo of you. A man will definitely be interested in who you are “dressed up” for, or perhaps you don’t care about breaking up at all. After this, he will at least write you a message or even call you to find out the real reason.
The first step has been taken, the conversation has begun. Now start discussing the problem. If the fault was yours, then convince him that you have changed and that you will no longer make past mistakes, because of which you fought so often. If he is to blame, then since you have decided, do not remember his sins, live for today. But this does not mean that you need to let everything take its course, forget and hope that he will not repeat his mistakes again. Just leave it for later. Initially, it is important for you to become a couple again, to accept each other for who you really are.
Remember why a man fell in love with you when you were just starting a relationship. Try to become for him the girl who once attracted him to you. He will claim that his feelings have faded, but most likely this is a lie. Therefore, rekindle the fire of love in him, awaken sleeping feelings. Perhaps they have not died out, but are sitting in the depths of the soul, waiting for their turn to come out and catch fire.

If you achieved your goal and made peace with the guy, then celebrate your victory.

But if you still failed to return your loved one, do not despair, life goes on. And very soon you will meet your person.

January 29, 2014, 12:46 pm

We all quarrel and make peace with someone throughout our lives, this is inevitable, these are human relationships. Some conflicts occur for certain reasons, and some just like that, almost out of nowhere. This often happens especially between lovers, and then you come up with ways and reasons to make peace with the guy.

Of course, disagreements arise. Someone does not want to give in or agree with someone else’s opinion, insisting on their own. This is all normal. “Getting in” of character is a rather difficult process that all couples have to go through. It is best, of course, to go through it before the wedding, so that there are no surprises later. No, in marriage there should be surprises, but only pleasant ones.

If a quarrel did occur between you, and you want to quickly make peace with the guy, then I suggest using some useful tips.

  • Ah-sighs.

Men cannot stand women's tears and sobs. Try to pretend upset face, shed a tear (if, of course, you are to blame for the quarrel), pretend to be repentant, in general, put on a little performance (fortunately, all women are capable of this), and then your lover will quickly thaw out.

  • A pleasant surprise.

Give your boyfriend a surprise, for example, invite his mother to visit (if you live together). No one, even the most persistent man, can resist such a “gesture” on your part. After all, mother is sacred.

Show your boyfriend that you ready for any sacrifice, even to communicate with his mother (and she, perhaps, is far from an angel), just to quickly make peace with him.

You can invite his favorite friends to visit and arrange little holiday, just like that, for no reason. Since friends are also sacred for a man, he will appreciate your efforts, and your quarrel will come to an end.

  • First step.

If you can no longer bear your separation or are tired of the fact that, living together, you have stopped communicating and noticing each other, then try to meet your loved one halfway. It is not necessary to remember who was to blame for the quarrel.

Forget for a while about my pride and just go up to him, tell him how bad you feel and how worried you are.

Perhaps he himself has long wanted to tell you these same words, but was afraid to take the initiative, because it is often punishable. And in general modern men They are not used to admitting their mistakes and being the first to make peace. They prefer to walk with their heads held high and their pride intact.

  • Evening for two.

This is the best option to make peace with a guy as quickly as possible. If you don't live together, but are just dating, invite him on a romantic date. Send an SMS with the meeting place and time. Even the most offended and insulted “instance” will definitely come, if only for the sake of simple curiosity. Yes, okay, for sure, he himself can’t wait for your reconciliation.

If you live together, then before he comes home from work or school, set the table, decorate the room, light candles, in general, create romantic atmosphere. Meet your boyfriend “in full dress” (optional). I doubt that anyone can resist such a gift (I'm not just talking about a wonderful evening and a great time).

  • A long-awaited gift.

Every person always dreams of something, and dreams, as a rule, tend to come true. Surely, you know some material dream of your young man and can make it come true. Maybe he dreamed of a new fishing rod or a season ticket for the new hockey season. Why don't you, for the sake of reconciliation, become Santa Claus for a while. I assure you that your gesture will not go unnoticed and will be taken into account in the future. So expect not only reconciliation, but something pleasant for yourself, for example, for your finger.

  • Just hug.

Lovers don't need words; hugs can say everything much more eloquently than they can. Just go up to your loved one in the evening and tell him how tired you are of your quarrel, how you miss the warmth of his hands, your conversations in the evenings, his laughter and jokes. In general, list all your traditions that have appeared during the time that you have been together. After such a confession, from past resentment, believe me, there won't be a trace left.

What if the guy doesn’t make contact?

There can be two reasons for such behavior on the part of a young man: either you offended him very much, or he thinks too much about himself.

In the first case, of course, you need to win back his affection by all means if you value your relationship and don’t want it to end. Any methods will do: calls, SMS, personal conversation.

Just make sure it's all from the outside didn't look intrusive. You may not only not regain his favor, but also lose respect.

Apologize, but don't lose face. Still, anything happens in life, and he must understand that sometimes he needs to compromise, even contrary to his principles (if, of course, he also values ​​relationships).

In the second case First of all, you should think carefully before taking the first step towards this narcissistic and complete egoist. In the end, you are not Petrushka and you are not obliged to wobble in front of him, especially if you are not to blame for the quarrel. If he doesn’t want to reconcile, please don’t insist. If you run after him and beg, he will soon start "to wipe my feet on you", so don't become a doormat.

Is it possible to make peace with a guy via SMS?

Still, a showdown is not a telephone conversation, and even more so, reconciliation.

However, if you don’t know how to make peace with a guy differently, then write him a touching SMS, in which tell about your experiences because of your quarrel.

You can send a cute poem to a topic whose meaning he should understand. A good option will send your boyfriend a picture, for example, the sad and crying face of some animal, etc., but the best thing is to send a photo of yourself, where, for example, you are sitting alone on the windowsill and sadly looking at the night sky. And what? Beautiful, romantic, reverent. He will understand and will definitely call.

What if the guy doesn't want to put up?

You can't help but want to make peace with a person who really expensive, so you should think about his attitude towards you. Perhaps the reason for the conflict was just fictitious in order to end an unnecessary and boring relationship. This is, of course, the worst option.

Perhaps your boyfriend is offended by your business and is waiting for some kind of special apology.

Come up with something original, show your imagination and surprise him.

The reason for the reluctance to reconcile may also be simple stubbornness. In this case, you should just wait a while and then try to improve the relationship again. Give your boyfriend time to miss you. Don’t show initiative and don’t take any action, let him be a little nervous - it’s useful.

How to make peace if it's my fault?

If you are the one to blame for your breakup, then making peace will be much more difficult, since guys are usually vindictive and touchy (although it should be just the opposite). For a long time he will sulk at you, avoid all meetings and reject your attempts to make contact.

Wait a while, let your offended boy calm down and let off steam.

After a certain amount of time has passed, try calling your ex and setting up a meeting. He may refuse. Then say that it is very important and you want to talk, but not on the phone. The guy will probably break down a little, and then still agree. The main thing is done - you will meet.

Now everything depends on you, on your feelings for him (and on him too), on your ability to convince and butter up. Yes, men really love to be begged and begged, and at the same time they act capricious and look offended. Hmm, this reminds me more and more of typical female behavior. Well, oh well.

If he is guilty!

In fact, he should be the one thinking about how to make peace as quickly as possible, not you. However, since modern young people are not always eager to be the first to apologize and make peace, we, women, have to do this.

Just try invite him to talk, for sure, he himself is waiting for this opportunity, but his pride does not allow him to approach you first.

Tell us about your feelings, about how hurt you were from his hurtful words, that you didn’t deserve this, well, etc. Let the wretch will feel all the guilt. Under no circumstances suggest reconciling, leave it to him. It is possible that your boyfriend will go on the offensive and want to shift all the blame onto you. Don't make excuses or argue. Answer calmly that you understand - he just doesn’t want to put up, that’s all. Next, these are his problems, and let him solve them as he wants. In the end, he made a mess - it’s up to him to sort it out. You shouldn’t have made contact at all, but monitor his behavior and wait, and not forgive him immediately, but frown for a long time, pout and look at him with offended eyes.

Nothing more is required from you. Don’t insist on reconciliation, otherwise he will decide that next time it will be you who will make concessions, and he doesn’t have to do anything. Don't get used to it, otherwise you will always remain guilty, no matter what happens. Do you need this?

What to do to make peace with a guy after a quarrel?

If you really love and respect each other, then it won't be difficult to make peace with your boyfriend. After all, quarrels and disagreements happen to everyone, and there is no need to make a whole drama out of them. Well, we had a fight, that’s okay. Relationships between close people are not without their rough edges, it just so happens.

It is necessary to treat a quarrel not only as a negative phenomenon, but also as a new experience and the turn of your relationship.

Now you have discovered some new qualities in each other, perhaps negative, or perhaps vice versa.

Next time, you'll both be a little older, a little wiser, and a little better at reading people. This will help you avoid misunderstandings and even quarrels in the future, so learn from your mistakes.

The main thing is that you must yield to your boyfriend in some way, after all, he is a man. After all, women are always much better at smoothing out rough edges in relationships. Don’t get too high up, learn to listen and understand his point of view, because you alone cannot always be right in everything. Remember that it is from mutual concessions that the ship of your relationship is built, on which you may have to sail across the long ocean called “life”.

Video: How to make peace and never quarrel.

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