Where to keep money at home according to Feng Shui: tips and tricks. Where is the best place to store money in the house? Where can you store money in the house?

Today there are many ways to preserve your accumulated savings. Many people are still interested in the question of where to store money at home so that they don’t have to worry about its safety. Which hiding places are practically a win-win, and which are the most dangerous, you will learn from this article.

The best places to store money at home

Those who want to save their capital in their own home should come up with reliable places. In fact, there can be a lot of options. The main thing is to hide the money in something inconspicuous and not put it in plain sight. Some citizens come up with very clever ways to store money at home, for example:

  • behind the wallpaper;
  • in the toilet cistern, wrapped in waterproof wrap;
  • in a plastic mop handle (suitable for large bills);
  • in the piano;
  • in an old shoe;
  • in a vacuum cleaner (in a garbage bag);
  • in a buried jar in the soil of the cellar;
  • on a roll toilet paper etc.

Those who want to understand how to properly store money at home should know that best way– safe with high level protection both physical and intellectual. This means that it must be very strong and have reliable code. It is desirable that the item has multi-level protection to reduce the chances of opening it to zero.

Feng Shui specialists in red envelopes or bags in the southeast part of the house. It will be great if you place a special frog nearby - a symbol of family wealth. Thus, luck will accompany the owner, preserving and increasing his wealth.

Where should you not store funds?

Unfortunately, save your savings in own home quite difficult due to the high probability of theft. Therefore, those who want to understand where it is better to keep money at home should know where thieves will look first in the event of a break-in:

  • cabinets, bedside tables and all the items located there. Criminal investigation officers consider these places to be the riskiest places to place savings;
  • books in the home library. Going through each volume is not a problem even for a novice thief;
  • containers with cereals are a common storage facility for many Russian citizens, so all jars will definitely be inspected by an outsider;
  • places under the mattress and inside it are the hiding place of 9% of conscious citizens, which is known to everyone who wants to make money at someone else’s expense;
  • household appliances (refrigerators, microwave ovens, coffee makers) are excellent storage facilities not only in the opinion of home owners, but also in the opinion of scammers;
  • interior decorations: vases, figurines, chests and other attractive objects will definitely be carefully examined;
  • mirrors, paintings are wonderful hiding places only in the world of cinema, but not in reality.

Storing savings in an apartment, office or hotel

It would seem that it is much easier to hide cash in a private house than in an apartment, hotel or office. In fact, this is not true at all. Experts from the GPU of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation recommend many reliable hiding places:

  1. Socket. Nobody wants to risk their life and a sane thief is no exception. The owner must turn off the power and remove the plastic cover from the outlet. There is a hole under it that allows you to hide any treasure. For safety reasons, you should wrap your cash in a rubber band.
  2. Those who want to understand how to properly store money at home, in an apartment or office should know that this method cannot be used by people who have no idea about electrical engineering. Otherwise, there is a risk of causing a short circuit.
  3. Flush float in the toilet. It is a plastic product the size of a fist. You can successfully place rolled banknotes in it. To do this, you must first turn off the water, then unscrew the item. Folding one banknote at a time is very troublesome, so you can cut the float, put savings in it and glue the seam (with a lighter, soldering iron or glue). The disadvantage of this method is that if the owner needs money, it will not be easy to get it. There is also a risk of disrupting the displacement and creating an obstacle to the normal operation of the toilet. In a tabletop with metal edging. You should remove the sides and make several holes in the end with a drill. Use a file or jigsaw to create a narrow, rectangular storage area.
  4. Another great way to store money in your apartment is a fake outlet. You just need to make a box out of plywood, put valuable items in it and mount it into the wall.

There are a number of other great places to save capital:

  • a pipe additionally installed in the bathroom and not violating the uniform style of the interior;
  • foam rubber of the sofa, but the owner should first remove the cover, then pull out part of the foam rubber and make a hole where the hiding place will not be noticeable during a quick inspection. You can nail the upholstery with a stapler;
  • magnetic tape holding the refrigerator door in place. The owner must peel back the rubber base, make an inconspicuous cut with a blade, and pull out a few magnets. Instead, hide rolled up bills;
  • curtain rod;
  • in a hole cut inside a cactus planted in a pot. To create a cache, soak the soil well and cut out the core at the bottom of the plant. The method is not the most noble, but reliable.

Advantages and disadvantages of storing money in your home

We looked at options where storing money in apartments is strictly prohibited. But even if you manage to come up with a reliable source, the owner will receive three advantages:

  • quick access to cash;
  • the ability to obtain funds at any time, recalculate, add new ones;
  • if necessary, you can change the storage.

However, the disadvantages are more significant:

  • constant depreciation of money due to rapid growth of inflation;
  • under the influence of an impulse, you can unjustifiably spend all your savings;
  • the risk of losing all your savings due to the intrusion of a thief.

Warnings against intrusion of unauthorized persons into housing

It should be remembered that the majority of burglaries occur due to the fault of the owners who allowed criminals into the premises, introducing themselves as employees of special services, police, etc. To avoid being scammed, you must adhere to very simple rules:

  1. Check your ID.
  2. Pay attention to branded clothing;
  3. Call the service from which the person came and find out if he works there.

If a fraudster is discovered, you should go out to your neighbors for any reason, lock the door and call the police.

Storing savings in your wallet

Our ancestors always treated banknotes with respect. In order for capital to be better preserved and accumulate faster, you need to know how to store money in your wallet.

  1. Carefully straightened banknotes should lie flat and neat. It is offensive for them to be located next to coins, so for each type of funds it is necessary to have appropriate departments.
  2. Banknotes of the same denomination should lie next to each other (possibly in different compartments) and with the front side facing the owner.
  3. You should not keep torn or dirty money in your wallet for a long time.
  4. Can't mix different types currencies
  5. An empty wallet attracts poverty, so you should always keep at least one banknote and coin in it.
  6. Your wallet should not contain unnecessary pieces of paper, notes, or even photographs of loved ones, as the money energy is disrupted.
  7. When buying clothes, you must leave money in your wallet, otherwise the person will constantly experience financial difficulties while wearing the purchased item.

Now you know a lot about savings hiding places. By following all the recommendations described above, it will be much easier for you to maintain your wealth. However, in order not to lose its real value and increase profits, it is best to turn to reliable banks with many years of experience and have gained a positive reputation among clients.

Summer is a hot time for vacations, trips, trips abroad and... burglaries. According to statistics, it is in summer period the number of hacks increases by almost 60% compared to the rest of the year. How do thieves find out about your upcoming vacation? The answer lies on the surface. If earlier attackers spent days on guard at the desired apartment: they determined the owners’ work schedules, watched the windows and the car, but in our age of information technology this is no longer required. Unreasonable citizens publicly announce social networks: “We’re going on vacation!”; “Egypt, wait for us on the 25th”; “Don’t bother us from the fifteenth!” By posting photos on social networks with wads of money, new jewelry, and against the backdrop of an expensive interior, people not only surprise their friends, but also attract raiders to their apartments.

Often, it takes an experienced burglar no more than 15-20 minutes to secure an apartment. This is usually enough to check the main “hides”. Let's look at the TOP 10 most popular places to store money, where thieves will look first when visiting someone else's apartment.

1) Shelves with clean linen. Despite the well-known statistics of thefts, almost a quarter of Russians keep money and jewelry in closet drawers, on shelves, in chests of drawers. Knowing this, burglars do not hesitate to enter the bedrooms and turn over all the shelves in search of valuables.

2) In boxes, vases. These places should not even be considered as a hiding place. Money in such a place is easily accessible not only to a robber, but also to any random person in your home. For your own peace of mind, it is better to put money away from your eyes. As in the old proverb: “If you put it further, you will take it closer.”

3) In the freezer. It’s definitely not worth hiding money here. The first thing burglars check is the owners’ standard of living. And what best reflects the income of the average family if not a jar of caviar on the top shelf of the refrigerator? The thief will take a sip of borscht from the pan, snack on sausage, and steal your entire year's stash from your frozen chicken.

4) Under the mattress. Our grandparents hid money in this “cache”. Some of their contemporaries adopted this method of storage by inheritance and still use it today.

5) In the toilet cistern. After watching enough films, many compatriots keep their savings here. But according to statistics, 99 percent of people who were robbed hid their money here.

6) In jars with spices. It is mainly Feng Shui followers who hide money in banks. According to Eastern traditions, this brings fabulous income. If an intruder visits your home, you face not only significant losses, but also grains being swept out of all corners.

7) In a photo album. For some reason, wedding photo albums are mostly used for storage. In order not to waste time searching, attackers often take the albums with them, taking away your photos along with the money. Therefore, do not hide money in photo albums, but also keep duplicate photographs on electronic media.

8) In books, disks. If you have money stored on shelves with books, consider that you have amused the thieves. Books are checked with no less care than bed sheets. Every page is turned. In general, bookshelves are not the most reliable storage for money. All heist films show home libraries ransacked and CDs scattered around the room.

9) Under the bathroom - the hiding place in itself is not bad, but it is often revealed by the carelessness of the owner - unevenly placed, protruding tiles, fingerprints, dust. Keep your money here - try not to give yourself away - check the tiles with a level, wipe off dust and fingerprints.

10) In clothes. You shouldn’t count on the squeamishness and tactfulness of attackers. When time permits, cabinets are checked very carefully. However, if there are a lot of clothes, there is still a chance to find your stash intact.

In general, it is not advisable to keep money in the house, especially if you plan to be away for a long time. Try to take them to the bank, take the valuables to your parents or good friends for safekeeping. It’s better to stop thieves even at the stage of opening the door by installing an alarm in the apartment. The cost will be no more expensive than installing a split system, but it will save your money and moral health.

There are things in the world that cannot be described by simple logic. However, all those who want to change their lives should know about them. better side. You should always remember that signs tend to come true, regardless of whether you believe in them or completely refute them.

Of course, special attention should be paid to money signs. Then you will be able to improve your financial situation.

Let's figure out together what needs to be done to make your savings increase. Be sure to take note of a few rules.

Rule one

If you repaid a debt, received a salary or an advance, took out a loan - take everything you received to your home. Don't part with your money on the first day. If you were going to buy something with them, take the required amount from your stash or pay by card, but the bills you just received should stay in the house at least overnight to charge your aura with monetary energy. You need to hide them in a secret place, preferably where you hide all your precious things.

Rule two

Banknotes must be stored in a wallet, facing you. Some practitioners recommend folding bills so that when you open your wallet, all the big money is located closer to you. They should not be folded, bent, crumpled, torn, placed upside down or moved from place to place. The choice of wallet should also be taken responsibly, because it is with the help of it that you exchange energy with your money. To attract money, the wallet must be new and expensive, not cheap and shabby. By buying a wallet, you determine your financial luck.

Rule three

Absolutely every person has their own lucky number, banknote or coin. This can work to your advantage if you use your favorite thing or number to make a real money talisman for yourself. The amulet will attract additional financial flows to you, which will increase your income. You need to store such a thing directly next to the money, periodically taking it out to update or cleanse the energy.

Rule four

There is a belief about a unique money talisman. It is a bill with a number that corresponds to two, three or, ideally, four numbers of your year of birth. Such an amulet cannot be searched for or exchanged: according to legend, it must find you on its own. Therefore, carefully monitor all bills that pass through your hands. If your talisman finds you, keep it, do not give it to anyone and do not waste it - this is your guide to the world of stability, success and prosperity.

Rule five. It is prohibited to put money in bundles, especially those with an odd number of banknotes. According to an old belief, such money will quarrel and abandon you. Each money must have its own pair. Keeping money in fifty pieces is also prohibited. “Five tens is a disadvantage,” our great-great-grandfathers knew about this.

Rule six

The element of money is earth and metal, therefore, the more your money interacts with its energy sources, the more it becomes. Some esotericists advise storing money at the bottom of a pot of earth, others - tying it with a metal thread, and still others - purchasing a special gold or silver holder for banknotes.

Rule seven

If you want to increase your income, you need to perform one simple ritual for money. We will turn to numerology, which is closely related to the energy of money and prosperity. Write the following formula on a piece of paper: “7+1=8”, where 7 is the personification of the energy of action, 8 is a symbol of infinity, and 1 is a sign of stability.

There is never too much money. We always find something to spend it on and are always looking for ways to acquire as many of these coveted tools as possible to improve our lives. Of course, money is not a panacea for many, many troubles in life. But when they are there, somehow you live easier and breathe more freely.

But, unfortunately, the reward for even the most skilled or hard work is often not enough to lead a comfortable existence. Or for some reason, the money simply does not stay in our house, but melts before our eyes, going to no one knows where and no one knows how. Some people take this fact for granted, some are trying to earn more, some are starting to save heavily, and some are looking for other explanations and ways to increase material wealth.

By the way, the Eastern teaching of Feng Shui believes that this situation can be explained by improper organization of living space. By arranging your home according to certain rules (according to the philosophy of Feng Shui), you get the opportunity to attract money into the house and ensure that it does not “leak” out of it. Let's find out how to do this.

Zones of influence

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, our entire home can be divided into zones of influence. Each of these zones is “responsible” for a certain area of ​​life. A tool that can help you determine the location of influence zones in your home is called the Bagua Grid. The grid is a regular rectangle divided into nine equal parts. By the way, all zones of influence correspond to certain cardinal directions:

  1. Health Zone – the center of the grid;
  2. Glory Zone – upper central sector (South);
  3. Career Zone – lower central sector (North);
  4. Creativity Zone – right middle sector (West);
  5. Family Zone – left middle sector (East);
  6. Love Zone – upper right corner (South-West);
  7. Assistant Zone – lower right corner (North-West);
  8. Zone of Wisdom – lower left corner (North-East);
  9. Wealth Zone – upper left corner (Southeast).

It is the last zone in the teachings of Feng Shui that is responsible for money. To determine the location of this zone in your home, you need to draw a floor plan and also draw a Bagua grid. Then you determine how your apartment (house) is located relative to the cardinal directions, and apply the Bagua grid to the house plan, aligning the cardinal directions on the plan and on the grid.

By the way, with the help of this grid you can identify the location of zones of influence according to Feng Shui not only for the entire apartment, but also for each separate room. Once you know where the wealth zone is in your home, you can begin organizing it.

Wealth Zone

Proper arrangement of this area will help attract money to your home. That is, you need to activate the Wealth zone so that it begins to “work” effectively. Each zone of influence in the house corresponds to certain colors and elements. For the Wealth zone, these are green and purple colors and wood (element). Violet and golden colors also contribute to the activation of the zone. Therefore, green, purple and gold trim and furnishings will help you activate this area. As for the elements, it will help here wooden furniture, indoor plants, as well as images (paintings, photographs, drawings, figurines) of trees.

The most effective of the elements of the element of wood in Feng Shui is considered to be the common indoor plant Crassula, which is also called money tree. So, if you decide to get rich, you should definitely get this indoor flower and place it in the Wealth zone. However, any other indoor plants will also be able to activate this zone, as well as the elements of its auxiliary element - water.

In Feng Shui, water is one of the elements that enhances the influence of the element of wood. This is understandable: if a tree is watered, it will grow better. So any watermarks in the Wealth zone will not be superfluous. And this can be anything: from an aquarium and an indoor fountain with real water, to images of water in drawings and photographs. However, not only the correct design of the Wealth zone will help to attract money to your home, but also talismans, which in the teachings of Feng Shui are given considerable attention and are attributed enormous power.

Talismans of wealth

Feng Shui masters recommend using special talismans (ritual symbols) that help attract money and increase wealth. It is best to place these talismans in the Wealth zone. However, even their presence in other areas will help solve your financial problem. The most powerful talismans according to the teachings of Feng Shui are an aquarium with fish (golden), a bowl of wealth, a three-legged toad (frog), Hottei.

Goldfish in an aquarium

An aquarium with fish will generally harmonize the entire space of your home, and if you place goldfish in it, it will begin to “work” as a talisman of wealth. However, there are some nuances here. Firstly, the water in the aquarium must always be clean, because cloudy water has the opposite effect: money will begin to leave the house. Secondly, it is advisable to choose a medium size aquarium, since a small or too large aquarium will interfere with achieving your goals. And thirdly, it is necessary to observe the numerical and color ratio of the fish in the aquarium. There should be exactly nine talismans in your aquarium: eight gold and one black. If you want to keep more fish, then their number should be a multiple of nine.

And if for some reason you are not able to start a real aquarium, then limit yourself to its image. This could be a large colorful poster, a panel (embroidered, molded, made of paper or fabric) or even a computer screensaver depicting an aquarium with goldfish. Just in this case, do not forget about the number and colors of the fish.

Frog with three legs

Another common symbol of abundance. This talisman is usually supplemented with another symbol of wealth - coins. Therefore, three-legged mascot frogs usually hold one or three coins in their mouths. Sometimes such talismans are made without coins, but with a slot in the mouth, so that any real coins can be inserted there. The more the frog resembles a real amphibian, the stronger the talisman is considered. However, the best symbol would be a golden-colored metal frog, and ideally gold or gold-plated. Important point. To attract money into the house, you need to place this talisman with your back to the front door. The most suitable place for it is the living room, but in no case - the bathroom or toilet.

Cup of Wealth

A talisman that you can make yourself. To do this, you need to take a metal vase or a real bowl (round and squat) and fill it with the necessary items:

  • Nine Chinese coins strung on a red ribbon and placed in a red bag or pouch.
  • Real money (bills or coins), the amount of which should be 988. There may be various options. For example, nine rubles (dollars) and eighty-eight kopecks (cents) or exactly 988 rubles (any other currency). This money must also be placed in a red bag.
  • A gifted sprig of indoor or garden plant from a rich house. If you have successful relatives or friends, then simply ask them to give you such a souvenir, but in no case take it without asking. The twig must be dried and also placed in a red bag. An alternative to a twig is a handful of soil (from the garden or from a flower pot).

However, these three bags will not be enough to fill the cup of wealth, and it must be filled to the brim. Therefore, fill all the remaining space in it with precious or semi-precious stones: amethysts, turquoise, amber, malachite, corals, etc. Today you can easily purchase beads made from such stones. But even if you don’t have this opportunity, just put everything in a vase jewelry that are available in your home. The main thing is to fill the cup to the brim. And to make the task completely feasible, just take a small container.

This talisman should be in a room where strangers rarely visit. So best place for him - a bedroom. And you need to place the bowl so that the owner of the room can see it all the time. And it is best to place the talisman in the Wealth zone (south-eastern part of the bedroom).


This talisman is also called the Laughing Buddha. It personifies well-being, prosperity and carefreeness. Sometimes Hottei is depicted sitting on a three-legged frog, and this, in turn, increases the power of the talisman. Such a talisman is also considered one of the most effective symbols in attracting money. It can be placed in any living room (in the Wealth zone) or placed in that part of the apartment where this zone is located according to the general plan of the house.

Storing money

Now you have used all the possibilities to attract money into your home, and now you need to take care of storing it, because according to the teachings of Feng Shui, you also need to store money according to certain rules. First, a wallet in which your money is constantly stored. You need to choose a wallet according to the color of your element. It can be determined by the last digit of the year of birth: zero and one - metal, two and three - water, four and five - wood, six and seven - fire, eight and nine - earth. Colors corresponding to these elements:

  • Fire – red, burgundy, orange;
  • Water – blue, purple, black;
  • Earth – green, brown, sand;
  • Metal – gray, white, silver.

It is necessary to store money in your wallet carefully, making sure that the bills do not bend or wrinkle. The wallet itself must be intact (without tears, torn lining or broken metal parts) and working (with working zippers, buttons and other fasteners). It would also be nice to place a Feng Shui mirror in your wallet, which will help increase the bills reflected in it.

If you have the habit of storing cash in the house, then use red boxes or boxes for this. You can also make (or purchase) a special banknote holder decorated with gold hieroglyphs for “wealth.” You can also store money in envelopes that also have hieroglyphs on them. By the way, today you can purchase ready-made envelopes with hieroglyphs for various purposes of storing money. So, if you are collecting money to pay off a debt, then store it in the “fairness” envelope, and the money for a gift in the “equity” envelope. good wishes" And never keep cash at home “for a rainy day” - according to the teachings of Feng Shui, in this case such a day will definitely come.

And most importantly, have a positive attitude towards money. Let their lack be not a problem for you, but only an incentive. And you need to collect, spend, give and give money without regret and only with a pure heart! Money comes easily only to the house where it is not the meaning of life, but only one of the possibilities for improving it.

The economic situation in the country is unstable, we do not know what awaits us tomorrow and how this may affect our savings. Most of the Russian population has already lost about half of all savings due to the fall of the ruble. How can we insure ourselves against circumstances and what strategy should we use in order to still accumulate and not lose? Here many questions immediately arise: Where to store money? Should I put the money in a deposit account or is it better to hide the money under the mattress? In which currency is it better to save? I figured out what needed to be done.

Where is it better to keep your savings: in a deposit account, under the mattress, or start investing?

According to a survey conducted by the National Agency for Financial Research (NAFI) in July 2015, the popularity of bank deposits has increased. Today, about a third of Russians (32%) prefer to keep their savings in banks and only a quarter (25%) chose cash as a form of storing savings. Let's take a closer look at each of the options:

Under-mattress storage

By old habit it seems to us that this is the most reliable way storage Our money is under the mattress, we know exactly how much is there and it is always near us. In fact, today this way of storing savings is far from the most reliable. Why?
Firstly, this money can easily be stolen from you. No one is safe from intruders who can enter your apartment and deprive you of almost everything.

Secondly, this money is slowly depreciating due to inflation. If you put 50 thousand rubles under your mattress, then in a year there will be exactly the same amount, but life will become more expensive and your savings will have less value. Thus, you not only risk not saving money, but also losing it, not to mention the fact that this money will not bring income.

Thirdly, you yourself pose a danger to your accumulated money, because the temptation to spend it on impulsive purchases and then regret it increases. Therefore, it is better to store money in a less accessible place, away from yourself.

Bank deposit

It’s no wonder that this particular method of storing money is growing in popularity. In times of crisis, it is one of the most win-win. For those who do not intend to receive huge income from their savings and are looking for reliability, this is a great option.

What are the advantages of a bank deposit?

After a certain period, you will receive a percentage of the amount entrusted to the bank. Your income will depend on which deposit you choose. The interest received will be added to the amount and next time the income will be higher.

You don't risk losing money. Even if the bank goes bankrupt, your money will be returned. Thanks to the system, the state guarantees to pay at least amounts up to 1.4 million rubles. Not to mention that if the bank is robbed, then your savings must be returned according to the agreement.

In addition, having a deposit in a bank makes it easier to get more favorable lending conditions, which will also help you spend less in the future.

Investing in stocks, bonds and mutual funds

Without a doubt, investing in stocks is a great way to make money, but it is not so easy to do, and if you are far from financial topics, then it is almost impossible. Despite the fact that you can be sure that the price of the purchased securities will rise, it is more difficult to guess when this will happen.

Bonds, unlike stocks, are attractive due to their fixed period of circulation on the market and fixed interest income, which allows you to accurately predict the amount of profit from such investments. But no one here is immune from default on the company’s debts. And in a crisis, the risk only increases.

If you decide to take a risk and invest your savings, you need to keep in mind that:

  1. you will need knowledge in the field of finance;
  2. a huge amount of time to monitor the market, analyze the situation and react quickly;
  3. In order for your deposit to be effectively operated, you will need a fairly large amount - at least 50-100 thousand rubles.

Mutual investment funds (MUIFs) can make the task easier. In fact, in this case, many small investors pool their money and entrust its placement to a management company. And here you no longer need to monitor the markets. The manager will do this for you, to whom, however, he will have to give his honestly earned commissions. And everything seems fine, except that mutual funds do not guarantee you income: the market grows - savings grow, the market falls - your savings turn into losses.

In what currency is it better to store money?

Recently, according to a survey conducted by NAFI in July 2015, all more Russians, or, more precisely, 60% choose ruble accounts. Just a few years ago their number was no more than 55%. As for cash, 59% of Russians also prefer to store it in rubles. 11% have savings in foreign currency and foreign currency accounts are of interest to only 10% of the population. What are the advantages and disadvantages of rubles and currency? And are we doing the right thing by storing money in rubles?

One of the reasons for the increased interest of Russians in the ruble can be explained by the fact that banks are currently offering fairly high rates for ruble deposits. This is very tempting, but it is worth keeping in mind that the ruble is subject to greater inflation and its value largely depends on the state of the economy in the country, which does not yet promise active prosperity.

If you decide to store money in currency, the question arises, which one?

The position of the dollar depends on the global economic situation and the state of affairs in the United States, and this currency is quite strong. The position of the euro, in turn, depends on the situation in Europe. Although nothing can be predicted 100%, according to experts, the dollar is expected to strengthen against other currencies, including the ruble. Almost all large investors prefer to keep most of their savings in dollars. The economic situation in Europe remains unstable, which also affects the euro. However, according to experts, it is possible that in 2016 the position of the euro will change for the better.

What to do? If you are going to keep your money for quite a long time, best advice financial experts are pay attention to multi-currency savings. Keep some in dollars, some in rubles, some in euros or other currencies (Swiss francs, British pounds, Japanese yen or yuan). In this case, if one currency loses value, as a rule, the other will rise and you will not lose your savings. But it’s better not to jump from one currency to another. You are unlikely to be able to predict the exchange rate and, most likely, you will simply lose on the exchange.

We can give a lot of advice, but we must also remember that economic situations Everyone is different and the best way to save is different for everyone. It is worth remembering that “investing in yourself” will never depreciate. Exchange rates and interest on deposits may change, you may lose money, but education and knowledge will always remain with you!