How to cure a cold in a three month old baby. High fever in a baby and how to deal with it

Fever in a newborn cannot be considered a disease - it is a symptom of an incipient illness that the body tries to fight on its own. The 39 C regime is detrimental to bacteria and viruses, but leads to intoxication, which maximally involves the immune system in the process. Therefore, a high temperature in a baby can last a long time and requires parental intervention.


The thermometer readings go off scale when:

  1. acute viral or bacterial infections
  2. overheating
  3. dehydration
  4. stress
  5. acute reaction to the vaccine
  6. lesions of the central nervous system
  7. teething

Child's well-being

If the newborn's temperature has risen above the usual level, it is important not only to look at the thermometer, but also to observe the baby. If the baby’s behavior is adequate and the condition is normal, pediatricians do not recommend rushing and trying to confuse the thermometer readings with medications.
There is no need to worry if the temperature reaches 38 C, but newborns tolerate the temperature well. It is advisable to reduce it using non-drug methods:

  1. Organize an air bath
  2. Remove one or more layers of clothing from your baby
  3. Wipe the newborn's body with water
  4. Ventilate the room

It is necessary to reduce the temperature when:

  1. cold feet and palms of a baby (and the thermometer shows 38 C)
  2. pale skin
  3. inappropriate behavior
  4. capriciousness
  5. apathy
  6. refusal to drink and eat
  1. baby in the first 2 months after birth
  2. with a history of fever cramps
  3. children with chronic diseases

Temperature parameters

Different thermometer indicators can be interpreted in their own way, because not every temperature is considered dangerous:

Column at 37 C

During the first year of life, a baby only develops the ability to thermoregulate, so this mark does not require intervention or treatment. If the baby's stool is normal, he has a good appetite and activity - it is normal overheating or a peculiarity of the body. Either this is the usual temperature of a newborn, or the mother should stop wrapping her child.

Column at 38 C

A signal that the body’s protective function has turned on and is working. Most children tolerate the process well and do not lose their appetite or activity. Feet and palms are warm, so drink plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration. Both frequent breastfeeding and herbal infusions will help. There is no point in lowering the temperature so as not to interfere with the immune system to cope with the problem on its own.

Column at 39 C

With such indicators, the help of a doctor is required, since a fever in a newborn is accompanied by a decrease or complete absence of appetite, irritability, lethargy, difficulty breathing and increased heart rate.

First aid

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It is important to know in advance what to do at a stable high temperature and how to alleviate the baby’s condition:

  1. Drink plenty of fluids to reduce fever and prevent dehydration
  2. Frequent breastfeeding to provide the child's body with life-giving moisture
  3. Comfortable clothes, appropriate external conditions
  4. Air baths up to 10 minutes
  5. A cool damp cloth on the forehead

The actions of parents before the doctor’s arrival are described, which cannot be considered as an independent solution to the problem. High temperature may cause irreparable harm one month old baby, and the consequences may be irreversible. During the first fever, it is difficult to predict the body’s reaction and completely eliminate the occurrence of seizures, so be sure to call a local pediatrician or an ambulance if the thermometer steadily creeps up or remains in one position for a long time.

How to help

An antipyretic drug for a newborn must be both effective and safe. Those recommended by the World Health Organization include:

  1. Paracetamol (Efferalgan, Panadol)
  2. Ibuprofen (Ibufen, Nurofen)

The child is given syrup or suspension, and suppositories are also used. The mother decides which form to use. The effect of the drug is assessed 30-40 minutes after administration. A decrease in temperature is possible by a maximum of 1.5 C, which depends on the individual tolerance of the drug. Aspirin is strictly prohibited due to a number of negative effects on the baby’s body. The first time your baby develops a high temperature, you should definitely consult your pediatrician. But a reminder on the use of medications will not be superfluous:

  1. Some mothers consider ibuprofen to be a more effective remedy, so they try to bring down the temperature immediately with this drug. This is not advisable, since it is better to start with paracetamol. The break in taking it is 3 hours, and with ibuprofen the time gap reaches 6 hours. Therefore, if paracetamol does not help, and 3 hours have not yet passed, you can give the baby ibuprofen
  2. Having listened to the advice of their friends, many parents immediately resort to antibiotics. Everyone knows what “benefits” this series of drugs will bring to a child: dysbacteriosis, indigestion, weakened immunity. At the same time, antibiotics have no effect on viruses, and self-medication will lead to even greater problems.
  3. Panic makes you act incorrectly. Having read that plenty of drinking is required, mothers and grandmothers try to give their infants as much to drink as possible. Drinking a large amount of liquid in one sitting will cause vomiting. The walls of the stomach will not withstand overstretching - and the body will be freed from uncomfortable sensations in a natural way. You need to give your child tea or water in small portions - 1 teaspoon every 15-20 minutes. During this time, the liquid will be absorbed, which will prevent dehydration.

Rubbing is effective in reducing the temperature of a newborn. It is important to know how to do it correctly:

  1. The water temperature should be 36-37 C so as not to cause trembling or discomfort in the baby
  2. The newborn should be placed on a cotton diaper, under which an oilcloth should be placed. Place a bowl of water nearby
  3. Soak a napkin in water, wring it out and wipe the body as carefully as possible, moving from the periphery to the center. Start rubbing with feet and palms

Thanks to light friction, the vessels will expand reflexively, heat transfer will increase, and due to the evaporation of water, the process of temperature reduction will accelerate. The cooled water is regularly diluted with warm water to make the child comfortable. Artificial hypothermia will lead to another temperature jump.

What not to do

It is foolish to listen to the advice of the older generation about rubbing with vodka or vinegar to bring down the fever. The procedure is accompanied by the release of harmful fumes, and their inhalation is dangerous for the baby. Side effects include muscle tremors and fever.
It is forbidden to wrap up the baby so that he sweats - even for older children such methods are not used. Parents are faced with the task of reducing the fever and alleviating the child’s condition, and not aggravating it as much as possible.
Enemas with cool water are undesirable: a child has a hard time even without such barbaric methods. And disrupting the microflora inside the body is unsafe. You should immediately ignore the advice about wrapping yourself in wet sheets. This will lead to hypothermia, chills and a persistently elevated temperature. In addition, sweating and the process of heat transfer will be very difficult.

Prohibited drugs

Medicines must be prescribed by a doctor, so you should not ask your friend what medicine she gave her child, even on the recommendation of a pediatrician. The same symptoms can appear in different diseases. For those who like to do things the old fashioned way, it is useful to learn about the side effects of once popular drugs:

  1. Analgin causes anaphylactic shock, kidney damage, respiratory tract and liver
  2. Aspirin promotes severe liver and brain damage
  3. Taking phenacetin and amidopyrine is accompanied by severe toxic reactions in the body

It is a mistake to direct all efforts to reduce the temperature without understanding the reason for its appearance. Before reducing the fever, it is necessary to identify the source of the symptoms and consult a doctor.

Watch the video in which the doctor will tell you how to act if your child has a fever.

Young children tolerate high temperatures much more easily than adults. Often, even rising above 40 degrees, it does not pose any threat to them. But there are still cases when it is necessary to act: the child sleeps poorly, is capricious, does not find a place for himself, refuses to eat and drink, convulsions begin (or have already occurred). Keep in mind that we are all different, so no one can give you the only correct recommendations. See how your child reacts to an increase in temperature and when this trait occurs specifically for him.
Which antipyretic to choose?
Doctors most often recommend using suppositories. They act quickly and are irreplaceable when the baby refuses to take the medicine. Older children prefer syrup. As for the effectiveness of the drug, ibuprofen and paracetamol are approximately equally good (synonyms - dofalgan, panadol, calpol, mexalen, dolomol, efferalgan, Tylenol). Moreover, the first one also has an analgesic effect (but is contraindicated in the first half of life). And paracetamol is a unique medicine in its safety. But it is effective specifically for ARVI. And you should know that you can give it no more than 4 times a day and no more than 3 days in a row.
If you are a follower of homeopathy, then depending on the symptoms, you can lower the temperature with belladonna or aconite. Your homeopath will help you figure this out.
It is necessary to give your child as much fluid as possible to increase sweating. In addition, it is necessary to ensure a cool air temperature in the room (16-18 degrees), so that when inhaled, the “excess” body heat is used up to warm the air. By adhering to these rules, you will significantly increase your child's chances of coping with a high temperature on his own. In addition, without these manipulations (drinking and cool air), the effectiveness of any treatment decreases, and the risk of adverse reactions increases.
You should know that use is strictly contraindicated for children under 12 years of age. acetylsalicylic acid. This can lead to Reye's syndrome, which affects the liver and brain.
If the temperature was too high, do not expect it to drop completely. Simply lowering the temperature will be sufficient.
Some doctors are convinced that no procedures involving body contact with cold should be carried out at home. This causes vasospasm. And only the temperature of the skin decreases, but inside it, on the contrary, rises. This condition can be extremely dangerous.
Under no circumstances should any rubbing be carried out. The child begins to feel chills, an undesirable mechanical effect on the skin occurs, and if alcohol or vinegar is added to the rubbing (which was previously very widely used), then toxic poisoning will also be added to the child’s already serious condition (after all, the skin will absorb vapors of alcohol and acid ). It is enough just to gently moisten the surface of the body (especially the forehead and limbs) with plain water.
Antipyretics should not be abused: they are given no more than 2-3 times a day and no more than 2-3 days in a row.
If the high temperature persists for a long time, and it is not possible to bring it down at home, call a doctor immediately. Because there can be many reasons for this, which could put your baby in danger.
And of course, stay at home. Walking in this state is strictly prohibited!
But if we're talking about about children under one year old,how to bring down your temperature infant ?
It is best to give raisin decoction to infants under one year old, and after one year - dried fruit compote. Please note that raspberries provoke profuse sweating. This means that you should give your child plenty of other drinks to drink before giving him raspberries. Moreover, despite many years of practice in using viburnum-raspberries-lemons, sour foods are contraindicated at high temperatures, since the acidity of the body in this state is already increased.
Various juices at high temperatures are also very undesirable.
If a child overdrinks and refuses to drink what is allowed, it is better to let her drink what she likes than not drink at all.
And strive to keep the temperature of the drink approximately equal to body temperature.


You can start giving your child medicine only after examination by a pediatrician. Usually he prescribes some antipyretics, as well as antiviral and immunostimulating drugs. For a newborn baby, it is better to choose medications in the form of drops, solutions and suppositories. Strictly follow the order of administration medicines and their dosage. It is also best not to mix the medicine into formula or food, as a significant dose of the medicine may remain in uneaten food.

An increase in temperature in a child always worries parents. But when an infant’s temperature rises, young parents often almost panic.

To begin with, a newborn baby's body temperature may be slightly elevated during the first few days of life and range from 37.0 to 37.4°C when measured in the armpit. The final normal body temperature is established by the end of the child's first year of life.

To determine what temperature is normal for an infant, you need to measure it several days in a row at the same time, when the child is healthy and calm. In the first year of a child’s life, elevated temperature should not be considered a deviation from a temperature of 36.6°C, but a deviation from the figure you set.

By the way, the well-known figure of 36.6°C is relevant only if it is measured in the armpit or inguinal fold. If the temperature is taken through the mouth (orally), a normal reading will be around 37.1°C, and a normal rectal temperature (ie, measured in the rectum) will be around 37.4°C.

It is best to measure the temperature under the arm with a mercury thermometer rather than an electronic one - it is more accurate. The child should hold the thermometer under the armpit for 5-10 minutes; the child’s hand should be held so that the thermometer does not fall out. To measure rectal temperature, you must have a special separate thermometer, electronic (it is safer), hold it for a minute. To measure temperature orally, there are dummy thermometers; in this case, you cannot use a mercury thermometer either.

Fever in an infant is not a disease in itself. This is just a symptom of the disease. The most common causes of fever in infants are acute bacterial and viral infections. But the temperature can also jump due to overheating, emotional stress, dehydration, teething, or damage to the central nervous system. It can also be a reaction to a vaccine.

If you are feeling well, you should not lower your temperature to 38.5°C. If your baby is less than 3 months old, has respiratory or cardiovascular conditions, or has a history of febrile seizures, the temperature should be reduced to 38°C or higher. Good reasons for reducing fever with medications are a temperature of 39°C or higher, concomitant diseases of the central nervous system, or poor tolerance of high temperature.

The main recommended remedy for reducing fever in infants is paracetamol (you just need to choose special “children’s” drugs based on paracetamol). If the child is older than three months, you can use Nurofen syrup, in which the main antipyretic agent is paracetamol.

Analgin and aspirin cannot be used to reduce fever! Analgin is prohibited due to its toxic effects on the child's body, and aspirin is prohibited due to possible side effects (Raye's syndrome). But children over one year old can be given analdim, an antipyretic drug based on analgin.

It is best to give your child medications in the form of suppositories. Firstly, small child It's a hard pill to swallow. Secondly, a fever in an infant is often accompanied by vomiting, so a drug taken orally may not have time to be absorbed into the bloodstream and begin to act. Thirdly, the effect of suppositories is usually longer than that of tablets, suspensions, etc. Antipyretics in the form of suppositories begin to act after 30-40 minutes, in the form of syrup - after 20 minutes.

In addition to lowering your temperature, it is very important to prevent dehydration. To do this, you need to give the child a lot to drink - water and fruit drinks. But you shouldn’t force-feed a child. You also need to ventilate the room often. You can place a wet cloth on the forehead if the child does not have chills. Rubbing with alcohol cannot lower the temperature: alcohol in any form is contraindicated for infants!

Too high a temperature in an infant is a reason to call a doctor. You need to hurry up and call a doctor if your child is under six months old, if you cannot bring down the temperature. You also need to urgently call a doctor at the first signs of dehydration, convulsions, rash, drowsiness, apathy, diarrhea, vomiting, or any deterioration in the child’s condition or the appearance of new symptoms.

Infants get sick very often. A high temperature sometimes rises for no apparent reason at first glance. Many medications that help reduce fever in an infant have contraindications. Many medications should not be given to newborns at all. You can lower your temperature without using medications using traditional methods.

Reduce the temperature only after it reaches 38C. Up to 38C, you need to give the body the opportunity to fight the infection on its own. If the baby’s temperature rises above this division, then it is necessary to bring it down.

Mix water and alcohol in a 3:1 ratio. Strip the child naked and dry him. Pay special attention to the armpits, elbows and knees and the area under the chin. Then cover baby easy diaper. After 10 minutes, the temperature should drop by a few tenths of a degree. Do this procedure again after 30 minutes. Gradually the temperature will begin to decrease. If there is no alcohol, replace it with an aqueous solution of vinegar, just don’t get too carried away.

Give your child water, fruit drink, tea with rose hips or lemon. Drinking plenty of fluids during this period is necessary. Also, do not forget about diet. Don't feed your baby too tightly. Avoid fatty foods. If there is no appetite, then do not force your child to eat. Give him water as often as possible and this will help lower his temperature.

Apply bandages soaked in cold water, on the forehead and feet. You can wear wet, cool socks. Do not wrap your baby under any circumstances. Do not put warm clothes on him, which will increase his body temperature.

If the above methods do not help, use medications. Buy only medications that are approved for children infancy. You can reduce the temperature of an infant with the Nurofen suspension for children. It can be given to the baby from birth. Follow the dosage indicated in the instructions for the drug. You can also use the antipyretic suppository "Cefekon". Under no circumstances, do not let infant medications for adults containing aspirin. In this case, you can seriously harm the baby.

Traditional medicine

You can use these methods before the doctor arrives to alleviate your baby’s condition. Ventilate the room, because it’s already hard and hot for a newborn, so fresh air will help create a comfortable atmosphere for him. Fans and air conditioners can only be used if the air stream does not hit the child directly. If your baby sweats frequently, change his clothes. It is better to use cotton underwear. Also change the diaper your baby is lying on more often. Wipe the child's body with napkins soaked in warm water. You can also make a compress on your baby’s forehead using a napkin moistened with water at room temperature.

Be sure to give your child something to drink

First, sweating profusely will naturally help lower your temperature. Secondly, you will prevent dehydration of the child's body. As a rule, it is recommended to give newborns a teaspoon of boiled water every half hour. If your baby sweats a lot, you can give water after twenty minutes. Do not try to give your child more to drink than necessary, as due to stretching of the stomach walls, the baby may develop a gag reflex.

Changes in the temperature regime in young children occur when the body’s protective functions are activated, which react in this way to infection. When the baby's temperature rises above 37 degrees, most of the viruses and bacteria die, their reproduction in the body of the newborn baby is interrupted, as a result of which the gradual extinction of pathogenic microorganisms occurs.

What is a baby's temperature?

Physiologically, it is designed in such a way that body temperature changes under the influence of the environment. This process is called “thermoregulation of the body,” and its main center is one of the parts of the brain. In infants, this mechanism does not yet function quite correctly, so babies often overheat or cool down. A baby's body temperature is regulated through two processes - heat transfer and heat production.

Heat production in newborn babies works very actively: a child produces much more heat than an adult, but children are unable to release it well due to the underdevelopment of the sweat glands. The source of heat for babies in the first months of life is brown fat, which accumulates in a small body from the end of intrauterine life. The subcutaneous layer of fat in babies is very thin, so the heat generated is not stored inside the body. Since newborns cannot tremble, when they freeze, they actively twitch their legs and arms.

Normal temperature in a baby

In newborns, before they reach one year of age, the temperature indicator can reach 37.4 degrees (if the measurement occurs in armpits). This conditional temperature norm for an infant is due to imperfect thermoregulation of the child’s body. Sweating in babies is poorly developed, so they cannot give off excess moisture. This necessitates the need to carefully monitor the baby’s temperature changes.

Since each child is individual, the thermometer reading may vary. If fixed elevated temperature in a baby, and the baby is calm, eats and looks well, then there is no reason to worry. Also, parents should not worry if the baby’s temperature drops slightly (up to 35.7 degrees) - this may be due to individual characteristics child development.

Body temperature in newborns up to a month

Young parents are interested in what temperature a newborn should have in the first month of life. Despite the fact that thermoregulation in infants has not yet been adjusted, a normal temperature is considered to be between 36.3 and 37.5 degrees. Parents, in addition, need to know that in the evening the thermometer reading of children may rise by several tenths. At the same time, the newborn's temperature drops slightly when he falls asleep. If the baby is hot during the day, his body heats up and, as a result, the temperature rises: in this case, the baby needs to be undressed for a while.

How does a baby's temperature manifest?

Until approximately one year of age, the average body temperature of a baby remains within the range of 36.6-37.4 degrees, while there is no harm to its health. Later, the thermoregulation function improves and the thermometer readings become more stable. If the temperature rises after eating, strong screaming, active movements or crying, this is considered normal. Signs by which an increase in temperature can be determined:

  • rare urination;
  • sweating of the body and head;
  • hot, reddened forehead skin;
  • hot extremities (the child did not eat or cry);
  • baby anxiety.

Temperature 37

Pediatricians consider this indicator acceptable for babies under one year old. There is no need to worry if the baby eats well, behaves actively, and has normal and regular bowel movements. A mark of 37 degrees on the thermometer is considered normal, since due to poor thermoregulation, children quickly overheat and become hypothermic. The baby's body is just developing the ability to control physiological processes, so such a temperature in the baby does not require treatment. Mom and dad should be alerted to a situation in which the symptom is accompanied by others:

  • poor appetite, lack of it;
  • loose stools;
  • passivity;
  • anxiety.

The baby's temperature is 38

This indicator indicates a protective reaction of the baby’s body to any irritant. As a rule, babies easily tolerate this temperature, continuing to be active and having a good appetite. In this case, parents should often give the baby warm water or herbal infusion. It is not necessary to resort to methods of reducing temperature, since in the range between 38 and 39 degrees the body’s immune functions are activated. At the same time, it is important to continue to monitor the baby in order to promptly consult a doctor if other symptoms appear.

Temperature 39

When the thermometer reading is 39 degrees, the baby experiences lethargy, he may refuse to eat, becomes irritable, his eyes become clouded, his legs and arms become cool, and breathing with palpitations becomes difficult. Such symptoms require urgent medical care, so there is no need to try to help the baby on your own, otherwise the baby may experience serious complications.

Reduced temperature

If the newborn has a relatively low reading (35 degrees or so), and the baby behaves as usual, remaining active and calm, then there is no reason to panic. Perhaps this is the child’s individual norm or is associated with changes in thermoregulation processes. The baby is just beginning to adapt to external conditions, and temperature changes are evidence of such adaptation to environment. If the child's condition does not worsen, there is no reason to see a doctor.

What temperature should be brought down in an infant?

It is important for parents to know not only what temperature is considered normal in an infant, but also at what thermometer reading it is worth starting to lower it. Most doctors do not recommend reducing the indicator below 38.5, unless the baby is at least 2 months old. In this case, it is better to use available means rather than medications (taking the latter is justified at 39 degrees and above). If the thermometer shows above 37.5 for a long time, this may indicate the presence of childhood infections, so it is worth showing the child to a doctor.

Reasons for rising temperature

One of the brain centers is responsible for thermoregulation, and an elevated thermometer reading is a symptom and not an independent disease. The causes of fever can be different:

  • infectious diseases that are provoked by viruses and bacteria that enter the baby’s body;
  • non-infectious (endocrine pathologies, neuroses, high emotional or physical activity, etc.).

In addition, the thermometer readings can go off scale when:

  • stress;
  • overheating;
  • dehydration;
  • lesions of the central nervous system;
  • acute reaction to vaccination;
  • teething.

How to shoot down

Almost any disease causes a fever in the baby, which, in addition, may indicate overheating, a reaction to a vaccine, the onset of teething, or dehydration. If the thermometer shows a not very high value (up to 38.5), nothing bothers the baby: he eats well and behaves actively, his condition can be alleviated by wrapping him in a wet diaper. You can also establish thermoregulation using the following methods:

  • cooling the room to 20 degrees or lower;
  • providing the child with plenty of drink in large quantities (water, compote, breast milk, decoction of herbs, any other warm drink);
  • wiping with a damp sponge (suitable for very small babies);
  • temporary release of the baby from clothes.

Antipyretics for babies

With viral infections and other diseases, there is an increase in temperature and a general deterioration in the health of the newborn. In this case, you need to call a doctor, who will probably prescribe medicines with antipyretic effect. What will bring down the baby's fever:

  1. Children's paracetamol. Analogues are Calpol, Panadol, Efferalgan. Children's medications belong to the category of antipyretics and can eliminate pain. For children under 6 years of age, it is recommended to limit treatment to 3 days. In this case, it is recommended to give syrup to children 6-12 months old at 5-8.5 ml at intervals of at least 4 hours. Rectal suppositories are used for children 3-9 months, 1 suppository no more than 4 hours a day with the same interval before the next dose.
  2. Ibuprofen. An antipyretic drug relieves inflammation and pain. It is prohibited to use the product before reaching six months of age. The drug has no strict contraindications for the duration of use, however, you can give suppositories or syrup to a child no more than 3 times a day. Ibuprofen is used exclusively at high temperatures. The suspension is given at the age of 6-12 months, 2.5 ml (maximum daily dose - 7.5 ml). Suppositories are given to children 3-9 months old every 6-8 hours, for older children - 1 suppository every 6 hours.

What not to do

It is forbidden to wipe the baby with vinegar, vodka or alcohol, as these liquids are quickly absorbed into the skin, causing serious intoxication. In addition, children who are too young should not be wrapped in a wet, cold cloth - this can cause vasospasm, as a result of which such treatment will cause convulsions. Do not wrap children in warm blankets or wear too much warm clothing. Any medications and measures to reduce temperature may only be used after consultation with a doctor.

It is not recommended to treat babies with Analgin, since the medicine can provoke dangerous side effects: In many countries this drug is prohibited or strictly limited (used exclusively in hospital settings). List of other medications that are strictly prohibited for newborns, after taking which serious negative effects may occur:

  • Phenacetin;
  • Amidopyrine;
  • Antipyrine.


Hello, dear moms and dads. Parents should be prepared for the fact that their child may have a fever. Therefore, it is extremely important to know what to do in such a situation. The main condition is not to panic, to sensibly assess everything that is happening, to call a doctor at home or call an ambulance if necessary. In this article you will learn about the reasons that cause increased readings, characteristic symptoms and ways to reduce fever.

Normal indicators

Temperatures in the range from 36.3 to 37.3 degrees are considered normal for infants. And in the first days after birth, the temperature can be around 37.5 degrees. These are physiological norms.

In addition, some children, even older than one year, may have a normal and constant temperature above 37 degrees. Therefore, it is advisable for mom to establish this experimentally. Measure the baby’s temperature using one method and a thermometer for several days, taking into account the following recommendations:

  1. At rest.
  2. At least 15 minutes have passed after feeding, sleeping, bathing or massage.

Reasons for rising temperature

The main factors that can affect an increase in body temperature in an infant include:

  1. Overheat.
  2. ARVI, influenza.
  3. Infection caused by bacterial pathogens.
  4. Damage to the central nervous system.
  5. Response to the administered vaccine.
  6. Eruption of baby teeth.
  7. Serious stress.
  8. Severe dehydration.
  9. Autoimmune process in the body of a baby.
  10. Oncology.

All of these reasons, except for the third point, are non-infectious reasons.


Babies do not yet know how to talk and are not able to complain to their mother about being unwell. Therefore, it is important to know what signs indicate a possible increase in the toddler’s body temperature:

  1. Hyperemia of the skin of the baby's face.
  2. The toddler's skin became noticeably hotter.
  3. Appetite worsens.
  4. Sleep patterns are disrupted.
  5. The baby becomes lethargic and inactive.
  6. The child is capricious and cries for no apparent reason.
  7. The eyes begin to “shine.”

If these symptoms are present, it is necessary to measure the baby's body temperature. If changes are not immediately detected, try again after 5 minutes.

What temperature should I lower for an infant?

Doctors do not in all cases prescribe medications to reduce fever. The indicators may not increase much due to the body’s fight against the virus, as a consequence of severe overexcitation, for example, and such a temperature should not be brought down. In what cases do doctors recommend giving your baby antipyretics:

  1. Temperatures exceed 38 degrees.
  2. If there is a history of febrile seizures.
  3. For pathologies of the heart, central nervous system, kidneys or lungs.
  4. With severe weakness, refusal to eat.

When you need to urgently call a doctor

Every mother should know that if her baby’s temperature rises, she needs to see a doctor or call a specialist to her home. In what cases is it necessary to call urgently? ambulance:

  1. The baby's temperature is above 38, which is not brought down by the usual medications. Starts to increase.

My friend's son had a similar situation. In addition to the high temperature, which did not go down, but slowly but surely increased, Igor had sniffles and severe cough, thought ARVI. They were taken by ambulance to the hospital. The little one was 9 months old at the time. Igor was diagnosed with acute bronchitis with concomitant acetonic syndrome. Due to high fever, the baby's metabolic processes in the body and the level of ketone bodies in the urine began to increase. The ambulance also gave Igor an antipyretic injection, which had virtually no effect on his temperature. At the hospital, the baby was put on an IV and started on antibiotics. It was possible to completely reduce the temperature only on the third day; on the second, it no longer exceeded 38 degrees.

  1. The temperature does not decrease, and the little one has cold extremities.
  2. The child experiences difficulty breathing, attacks of suffocation appear, and the skin becomes bluish.
  3. The baby begins to have convulsive seizures and loss of consciousness.
  4. Very high temperature in the presence of concomitant illness.

Temperature after vaccination

There are cases when, after vaccination, the baby’s body temperature increased. In the manipulation room or pediatrician, you should be warned about this phenomenon and how to act. It is believed that it is necessary to bring down a baby’s temperature after vaccination even if it exceeds 37.4 degrees. You can give your baby paracetamol or ibuprofen in the form of syrup or rectal suppositories.

Previously, doctors could recommend drugs like Nimesulide, in particular Nise. However, this drug was later discontinued in pediatric use. We are on personal experience experienced the consequences of this drug. The doctor prescribed Nise. In the morning, my son’s whole body was covered in red and thoroughly covered. I immediately decided that it was an allergy to the drug, I took the baby to the hospital, but the doctor got scared and decided that it was infectious disease. I was not at a loss and went to the deputy head physician. She confirmed my suspicions and prescribed antihistamines.

How can you lower your temperature?

To reduce the temperature, the following medications may be prescribed to infants:

  1. Syrups based on ibuprofen (Nurofen), which can be given no more than once every 4 hours, or paracetamol (Panadol), no more than once every 6 hours. Mom must remember that the dosage is determined taking into account the weight of the baby. In addition, some children may not benefit from paracetamol, for example, then they need to be re-given a drug based on a different active ingredient.

Nurofen helped my son effectively.

  1. Rectal suppositories. They are prescribed as a secondary drug or when it is not possible to take the medicine orally:
  • the effect of taking the syrup does not last longer than two hours;
  • temperature rise above 39 degrees.

It must be remembered that the child cannot be hovered, rubbed, given hot drinks, or dressed in several clothes.

Do not forget that by taking medicine we are easing the plight of the little one, and not completely eliminating the disease. After all, temperature itself is a consequence of any pathological processes in the baby’s body.


You need to know which methods of reducing temperature are not suitable for infants:

  1. Taking the following medications:
  • aspirin - causes liver failure in infants, and in principle is not allowed until the age of 15;
  • analgin - often causes anaphylactic shock, fainting or prolonged hypothermia, reduces the body's protective functions;
  • nimesulide – promotes the formation of toxic jaundice, in some countries it is prohibited in principle, in our country it is allowed after 12 years.
  1. Rubbing the baby with vinegar or vodka. By absorption through the skin pores into the baby’s circulatory system, they can cause serious intoxication of the body.

Traditional methods

Remember that self-medication is sometimes very dangerous and can lead to serious consequences, especially when it comes to infants. Therefore, you should not hesitate and consult a doctor on time, even if you manage to bring down your temperature. A specialist must identify the cause of this condition. Sometimes, doctors themselves may offer to use prescriptions. traditional medicine so as not to stuff the little one with chemicals once again.

Folk methods for reducing body temperature include:

  1. Drink plenty of fluids. Herbal decoctions (cranberries, red currants, elderberry infusions, burdock roots), tea with raspberries or honey will be especially effective.
  2. Compresses with water at room temperature. Apply to the forehead or calf of the baby. You can also wipe the baby's body.
  3. Enema. Boiled water is used, with a temperature of approximately 20 degrees.
  4. Cabbage leaves. Apply to the toddler's body, with the exception of the heart area. Cabbage leaves must first be doused with boiling water and beaten to release the juice.

Now you know what ways you can influence the decrease in a baby’s body temperature, when you should not delay calling an ambulance and what not to do. Remember that in infants, an increase in temperature above 39 degrees can lead to irreparable consequences, and in rare cases, death. No need to treat the baby folk ways without consulting a doctor. It is important that a specialist is able to diagnose the disease in time and begin therapy to eliminate this disease, and not to reduce the temperature with antipyretics (a consequence of some kind of disease). I wish you and your children to be healthy!

High is a reason to immediately consult a doctor or call an ambulance. This especially applies to those cases when the readings exceed 39 degrees. But even a slightly higher than normal temperature is a cause for serious concern if it is accompanied by signs such as sudden seizures in the baby, rolling eyes, difficulty breathing, an unknown rash or spots on the skin. In addition, a temperature that has risen as a result of heatstroke is a reason to urgently call the doctor.

Of course, you should not self-medicate, especially if you do not know what is causing the warning signs. But if the baby has a high fever, you need to try to bring down the temperature before the ambulance arrives. For parents prone to panic, we note: high fever starts at 38 degrees, and a temperature of 37-37.5 degrees indicates that the body is successfully fighting the infection.

How to bring down the temperature?

A baby with a high temperature should not be wrapped in blankets! This will only make the situation worse. Open him up, undress him - of course, making sure that there are no drafts in the room.

Vinegar lotions are an effective way to relieve heat. To make them, you need to soak clean rags in vinegar diluted with a small amount of water and wrap them around the child’s wrists and ankles. There are children for whom such lotions do not work at all; they need to rub diluted vinegar all over their body (in this case, more water is required). This effective method can be used without fear - it is safe for the child’s body, but it takes some time for the temperature to drop.

Water for wiping or lotions should not be cold; room temperature is ideal.

You can use an air conditioner or fan to create the coolness in the room that your child needs. It is important that it does not blow on him.

If all else fails, you can use antipyretics. Under no circumstances should you give aspirin to a five-month-old baby, it is dangerous for him! It is also undesirable to use analgin or paracetamol without a doctor’s instructions, as they have serious side effects. To choose an antipyretic drug, call your doctor or ask this question when you call an ambulance. Remember, with pills in childhood jokes are bad.

What's important to remember?

The heat causes in children's body severe dehydration. For babies under six months old, this is especially dangerous, because they still feed only on mother’s milk. If the baby does not want to take the breast, there is no need to force him, but offer it again from time to time.

Small 5 month old baby has fever could be because he's starting to teethe, so check his gums. If they are red and swollen, it means the problem is in the teeth, and there is no need to call a doctor, everything will go away on its own. To make your child feel better, you can lubricate his gums with a special product.