Detergent made from soap. How to make soap from soap remnants with your own hands: recipes for beginners

Soap has one unpleasant feature - it becomes inconvenient to use when a small piece of soap remains. But I don’t want to throw it away either. There is a way out - you can make a new soap from unsoaped residues, which will allow you to establish waste-free production. “What can you do with soap?” – Various answers to this question can be found in this article. The main thing is to collect a sufficient number of pieces unsuitable for further use. You can make new solid or liquid soap from soap bars.

The simplest and quick way making soap from soap remnants - using a microwave. In order for the soap to be of high quality, it has a beautiful appearance and the smell - the remnants should be well chosen. It is important that the smells of different soaps are combined with each other, otherwise the new soap will have an unpleasant and repulsive smell.

When preparing soap, it is important to follow safety precautions - working with high temperatures is dangerous, and careless handling of hot composition can lead to burns.

New soap can be supplemented with oils, fragrances and fillers. The quality of the soap and its features will depend on the additional ingredients chosen. For example, coffee will give soap a pleasant aroma, oatmeal will give an exfoliating effect, aloe will moisturize and soothe the skin.

Step by step steps:

  • Grate or finely chop the remnants.
  • Place soap sawdust in a microwave-safe container and fill with hot water.
  • Place the mixture in the microwave for no more than 15 seconds. It is important to consider the power of the microwave. The soap should not boil.
  • You need to take out the soap and mix until it becomes homogeneous.
  • You can add oils, essential oils and various fillers to the soap base: flowers, coffee, oatmeal.
  • Pour the mixture into pre-greased molds and leave until completely hardened.

It is best to cool the soap at room temperature, then the solidification will be uniform, which will make the structure solid. This method is simple and fast. The finished soap can be used again until it becomes soapy.

Homemade preparation: what to do with toilet soap remnants

Making new soap from soap remnants is quite simple. It is important to collect the required amount of soap remnants, since a small amount will not allow you to create a full-fledged soap. The minimum amount of soap remnants should be 200 grams. Making soap at home is not difficult, but it requires care, precision and care.

You can make soap from soap remnants in the kitchen - it is better if there are no family members, small children or animals in the kitchen at that moment.

Making soap should be quick and smooth. It is important to understand that additives must be added quickly to a heated soap base; the soap should not begin to harden. To make your new soap special, it can be enriched with anti-aging and moisturizing oils and other ingredients. Interesting recipes for making healthy and original soap can be found on the Internet.

Step by step steps:

  • Grate or chop the remnants.
  • Add 200 ml of hot water to the soap remnants and mix.
  • Place over low heat, stirring, until smooth and liquid.
  • Add fillers, fragrances and oils to liquid soap.
  • Pour the mixture into pre-greased molds.

It is important to mix the soap thoroughly. It is worth getting rid of bubbles and heterogeneous structure. To remove bubbles, you can add a couple of drops of alcohol to the mixture.

Liquid soap: what to do with soap pieces

Today, liquid soap is widely popular. It is easy to use using a bottle with a special dispenser. This soap gently cleanses the skin, it has a pleasant aroma and consistency.

Making liquid soap may take longer than making solid soap.

When making liquid soap, it is also important to pay attention to its uniformity. Don’t be lazy about mixing the soap thoroughly, as inhomogeneities are especially noticeable when using soap with a liquid consistency. Preparing liquid soap involves adding ingredients such as glycerin and lemon juice.

Liquid soap recipe:

  • Prepare soap crumbs from 200 grams of soap. Pour 150 ml of boiling water over them.
  • Add three large spoons of glycerin and a teaspoon of lemon juice to the mixture.
  • The bottle should be shaken thoroughly.
  • The bottle with crumbs is left for 2-3 days so that all the ingredients are infused. During these days, the bottle should be shaken from time to time to ensure that the soap mixture is homogeneous.

The finished soap is poured into a special bottle. This soap can be filled with various ingredients that will give it moisturizing, nourishing and softening properties. This soap can be used to wash your hands, whole body or face, but to do this you should carefully consider the composition of the soap.

How to make soap from soap remnants: features of additives

You can make soap from soap remnants in different ways. But each of them involves first grinding the old soap and mixing it with water. Although the preparation is not difficult, the soap should be prepared carefully and carefully. It is important that the liquid composition becomes homogeneous.

Experts advise using soap remnants of one type of soap, since different odors, when mixed, can form a new, but not very pleasant one.

Soap is obtained from remnants new life, but it is very important to supplement it with new useful components. It is fashionable to make soap special by enriching it with useful ingredients. Soap can moisturize, dry, disinfect and soften the skin.

Types of additives:

  • Using coffee grounds, ground almonds, coconut flakes or ground fruit seeds will add exfoliating properties to the soap.
  • Adding cream and essential oils will give the soap softening properties.
  • In order for the soap to nourish the skin and enrich it with vitamins, it is fashionable to add vitamins A and E to the composition.
  • Tinctures of sage and chamomile will help give the soap exfoliating and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • To give soap an interesting color, you can use natural dyes. Adding crushed charcoal will give the soap gray, cocoa - brown, sea buckthorn - orange, beets - red, kaolin - white, chamomile essential oil - blue, sage and henna - green, milk - beige.

Soap making is a simple process. When preparing, it is important to follow the advice of professionals. Soap shavings will melt the better, the smaller they are. When using essential oil, it is important to check for allergic reactions. Do not add large amounts of flavorings. When cooking soap may have bad smell, but adding a couple of drops will be enough to give it a pleasant aroma.

Ideas: what you can do with soap (video)

For those who don’t like to throw away soap shavings and don’t know what to do with the leftovers, there is a wonderful solution to the problem - making soap. Then you can make soap. When there is a sufficient number of remnants. They can be finely grated, filled with hot water, melted and filled with additional components that will improve its properties. To make soap at home, you need to choose the right one and convenient way. The soap base can be prepared in the microwave or on the stove. You can also make soap solid or liquid.

Despite appearing in lately gels intended for showering, many use ordinary soap the old fashioned way. It costs less, and today you can buy a similar product with any scent and any color. That's why most people have small pieces of soap accumulated in their homes from time to time. You can, of course, simply wrap them in a cloth and use them to wash dishes, tiles or linoleum, or throw them in washing machine. But you can do it differently. In this article we will look at the remnants. There are different technologies for its production.

Making liquid soap

In order to get liquid detergent In addition to the actual remnants, you will need:

  • Bottle with dispenser.
  • Glycerin (sold at the pharmacy).
  • Lemon juice.

The bottle will need to be rinsed with hot water. The pieces are grated on a fine grater. A little lemon juice and a cap of glycerin are poured into the bottle. After this, add grated soap and pour hot water over everything. All ingredients must be mixed thoroughly. Such soap from remnants should sit for several days (2-3). Shake it well before use.

Solid soap in a water bath

As in the first case, the soap remnants are grated on a grater (this time you can use a coarse one). After that, they are placed in some metal container and a little water is added. Its quantity depends on the number of rubbed soaps. You don't need to add too much, otherwise the finished product will take a very long time to dry. The mixture should not be particularly thick either.

The cup is placed on water bath and wait for the grated pieces to melt. To make high-quality soap from soap remnants with your own hands, you need to remove the foam from the surface from time to time. Do not stir the mixture, otherwise bubbles will appear. There is also no need to bring it to a boil.

The forms must be prepared in advance. The inside should be coated with some kind of fat. You can take molds designed for making cupcakes, or toy ones for children. The melting time of grated soap depends on its type and quantity. Once everything is ready, the mixture is poured into molds and left to dry in a dry, warm room. After a few hours, the resulting pieces can be pulled out. They will dry out over the next couple of days.

Melting over gas

So, it’s clear how to make soap from soap remnants in a water bath. There is nothing complicated about this at all. However, those who find steam melting to be too long a process should use a slightly different method. You can simply hold a cup with grated soaps over the gas for several minutes (at a height of 3-4 cm from the fire). Before the mixture melts, the metal does not even have time to get particularly hot.

Another way

Next, we’ll look at how to make soap from soap in the microwave. The pieces are also grated, placed in a bowl, filled with water and placed in the oven for 15 minutes. After this, take it out and mix it. Then they are placed in the microwave again (for the same time). Then take it out again and mix it. This process is repeated until a completely homogeneous mass is obtained. Usually five heatings in the oven are enough. The resulting mixture, as in previous cases, is poured into molds.

Soap "pie"

Now let's see how to make exclusive and beautiful soap from remnants. To do this you will need source material of different colors.

Some of the remnants are cut into small pieces, and some into large ones. They will need to be mixed and sprinkled generously with alcohol until they stick together. Separately, melted (you can use one of the above methods) transparent soap is poured into the mold. The prepared sticky colored layer is placed in the container. After the base has dried, the resulting soap is pulled out of the mold and cut into pieces.

Now you know how to make soap from soap remnants. However, if you melt the simple pieces and dry them, the finished product will not have any odor. In order to correct this situation, at the last stage some aromatic essential oil should be added to the mixture (best of all, since eau de toilette or something like that will just evaporate). At the same time, you can also add a little dye. Of course, you shouldn’t use chemical ones. It's better to take some kind of food. To prepare scrub soap, you also need to add regular ground coffee to the composition at the last stage of cooking.

You can try making soap that is good for your skin. To do this, add powdered dry lavender or mint to the heated solution. In summer, you can also add finely chopped freshly picked herbs. It could be mint, lemon balm, Bogorodskaya herb, chamomile, St. John's wort, etc.

If you don't have suitable molds, you can simply glue or fold a box of plain paper. Of course, the finished soap will not turn out to be particularly beautiful. However the required form It will be possible to shape it by simply sharpening the block with an ordinary knife. Those who have already tried making soap at home also believe that it is not necessary to grease metal and plastic containers. In this case, the surface of the bars is smoother, without “sinks”.

So, now you know how to make soap from soap remnants. All of the above methods are not at all difficult to implement. You can use any of them. Of course, before making new soap, household soap remnants should be first selected and removed. Otherwise, the finished result will not smell very good even with the addition of flavorings.


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You can, of course, throw away the remaining pieces of soap, but if you are a thrifty housewife, everything in your home should go in a useful and necessary direction. As a result, you can save a lot of money over a few years. Those who are used to counting money in advance will fully appreciate this!

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You can make a washcloth for washing your hands after working on the ground or in the garage.


As you know, after fiddling around in the garden and fixing a car, it is very difficult to wash your hands. This is where our washcloth will help us. We take the remnants of soap, place them in a net in which garlic is sold in supermarkets, tie it and get a washcloth that will help you quickly wash your hands even after the dirtiest work.




And by putting the soap remnants in a linen bag, we get a washcloth for the body.

Soaps will help to wash your laundry better and make it more fragrant.


To do this, you need to put the soap remnants in an old sock, tie it well and put it in the washing machine along with your laundry.

Place fragrant soaps on the shelves with linen.


Your things will smell nice. And you can be sure that you won’t get a musty smell.

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If your desk drawer doesn't open well, soap can help.


You just have to rub the bottom of the drawer from the outside and the supports along which the drawer slides out (to reduce friction) and the movement of the drawer will become easy.

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When preparing your home for the winter cold, you can use soap remnants to seal the windows.


It is enough to lubricate paper or fabric tapes with a soap solution. After such insulation, there will be no traces left on the windows.

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Using soap remnants you can decorate windows for the New Year.


Cut out snowflakes from paper and use soap to glue the snowflakes to the glass.



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In summer, remnants will help make lace windows.


Using old tulle and soapy water, you can easily shade the windows to get rid of the heat or unwanted glances from neighbors.

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Those who sew use soap instead of tailor's chalk.


The lines left by the soap are clearly visible, and after washing there is no trace left of the line.

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You can make a convenient “cushion” for needles from the remnants.


At the same time, the soap will lubricate the needles to make work easier.

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Soaps can also serve to facilitate screwing screws into wood, just lubricate it with soap.


If you have a garden plot and a water tap on it, you can put the soap in a nylon sock and hang it near it. The soap will foam perfectly and will not slip out of your hands. By the way, a stocking with such soap is good at repelling some insects

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Remnants can be used to make wonderful new soap

And both liquid and solid.

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So, the first and simplest thing you can do with a soap remnant is to attach it to a newly purchased piece of soap.


Wet the soap and a new piece of soap, lightly press the soap and let the “sandwich” dry. That's it, you can use it! It’s easy to calculate that over several times you save an entire bar, and if you use high-quality and inexpensive soap, the savings are significant.



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Or you can simply collect the remnants in a pile, and when enough of them have accumulated, “wash them away” into a separate piece.


It may not be very aesthetically pleasing, but it is quite high quality.

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It is very easy to make liquid soap from soap remnants.


We push the soap into a bottle of old liquid soap, about half the size of a bottle, fill it with hot water and shake the bottle periodically. In a few days you will have a bottle of liquid, viscous soap. If the soap mixture seems too thick, dilute it with water. You can add food coloring- it will turn out more presentable :)


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Liquid soap can be made in another way

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Grate the soap pieces on a coarse grater or chop them with a knife, pour them into a small saucepan and add water. Leave to brew for half an hour, and then place the container in a water bath.


When the soap is well dissolved, remove the pan from the heat and wait until it cools. Add a teaspoon of glycerin or vodka to it. Using a pipette, add a few drops of essential oils and floral water and stir thoroughly. To make your soap antibacterial, you can add tea tree essential oil to it.


Pour the soap into a clean, airtight bottle with a dispenser that will prevent evaporation and drying out.

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Watch the master class "How to make soap from soap remnants WITHOUT COOKING"

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New soap made from soap


You can grate the soap into shavings or cut into pieces and pour in a soap base.

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Then you will get such beauty :)

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And if you’re not too lazy and melt these pieces, and even use soap molds self made, then it’s not a shame to show it to guests.


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How to make soap from soap in a water bath.


1. Grate the soap into a stainless steel container. The result should be about 2 cups of grated soap.

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2. Melt the soap. To do this, add half a glass of water or milk to the soap flakes (it will make the soap soft). The liquid should only dampen the soap a little, because if you overdo it, it will take longer to make.

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Place the pan inside a larger pot of water to create a water bath.


Stir gently over low heat wooden spoon the resulting mixture so that the soap does not stick to the bottom of the container. Be careful not to create foam when stirring.



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Do this until the soap melts. If you feel like it's starting to dry out, just add a little milk or water. The resulting mixture should be translucent and slightly rough.

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Add to the soap any ingredients that your darling pleases - a few drops of your favorite essential oil, perfume, herbal decoction. To do this, remove the soap from the heat and add the ingredients you need, remembering to mix the mixture thoroughly.

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Place the soap into the molds. You can use any plastic rectangular container or individual ramekins. In this case, you are limited only by your imagination.



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Refrigerate the soap. After the soap has been in the molds for a few minutes, it should be placed in the freezer for 1 hour to make the soap easier to remove from the mold.

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After this, the soap should rest for approximately three weeks in a well-ventilated area. Once completely hardened, your soap is ready to use!

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Soap from soap remnants can be simply WELDED.


Grate the soap into shavings and add water. Typically, water is taken at a 1:1 ratio. That is, if you have a liter jar of soap, then you also need a liter of water, and if it’s a half-liter jar, then half a liter of water.

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Place the resulting mixture on very low heat and cook for about two hours. Do not forget to stir this brew periodically.

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You can add a special charm to your future masterpiece by adding crushed aromatic herbs, aromatic oils, finely ground coffee, or whatever your taste and imagination dictates to the mixture towards the end of cooking. When the mixture turns into a homogeneous beautiful mass, add additives, stir, boil slightly and remove from heat.

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Pour the finished soap into pre-prepared molds.

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Where can I get them? All kinds of silicone molds for baking, for freezing ice, molds for sand. Yes, also, be sure to thoroughly grease the molds first, otherwise the beauty will be lost - everything will stick.


The soap should remain in the molds for several days until it dries completely, after which simply shake it out of there. Now you and your whole family can wash yourself with homemade soap!

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You can make sure that the soap also removes something oily that is deeply ingrained into the skin!

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To do this, you can put scraps of a washcloth, preferably a coarse one, into a solution of melted soap, so that when it hardens, you can not only wash your hands, but also remove dirt at the same time. Very convenient. If you want to add a little fruit flavor, it is better not to use juices or fruits themselves, especially if they have a lot of liquid. For this you can use, for example, skin and zest. For example, we want to add a little citrus aroma.


We take and cook the soap, as mentioned above, now grate the zest separately, add a little olive oil, and then all this into the finished liquid soap. Mix, evenly distributing the additions among the molds. The soap has hardened and is ready to use.

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You can make soap from soap remnants in the microwave!

You will need a plastic container suitable for heating in the microwave and a mold into which you will need to pour the finished soap.
1. Three remnants on a coarse grater.

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2. Place them in a prepared plastic container and add a little hot water. If you want to get multi-colored soap, place soaps of one color in one container and another color in another.
3. Close the container with a lid and put it in the microwave for 15 seconds. Then take it out and stir. Let's set it again. And so on until the soap melts. Try not to bring the soap to a boil.
4. Before final heating, you can add various oils, oatmeal, ground coffee, flower petals to the soap... This way you will get something that is not only new, but also beautiful. useful product.
5. Grease the soap molds with oil and pour the melted mixture into them. You can make colored soap. To do this, first pour a mixture of one color, let it dry a little, and then pour a mixture of a different color.

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So now feel free to put the remnants in some box and save them for later use.

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Today, stores sell a huge number of shower gels with different scents. But many, in the old fashioned way, prefer regular solid soap to them. Similar product You can also buy any color and any scent, and the soap is cheaper. Therefore, from time to time, small remnants accumulate in most houses. They can be wrapped in a cloth and then used to wash linoleum, tiles or dishes. You can put such remnants in the washing machine, or you can make liquid soap from them.

Homemade soap has some advantages over store-bought soap. So, when making soap at home, you will know that it uses a minimal amount of chemicals. When cooking, various products and substances can be added to the soap: milk, coffee, chocolate, essential oils. Therefore, the product may ultimately be beneficial for the skin. Moreover, it is also creative process, during which you can take a little break from everyday household things. Soap made from soap remnants will also save family budget. To make liquid soap from soap remnants, just lemon juice and glycerin are enough. Lemons can be bought in a regular store, the second component is sold in a pharmacy. Remember that you cannot add solid components when making liquid soap (photo 1).

Prices for liquid soap. It is inexpensive, but this soap is convenient to use. In addition, the manufacturer adds herbal extracts to this soap, vegetable oils and vitamins, so it is also healthy. You can make skin-friendly soap at home from soap remnants. To do this, the soap remnants need to be grated on a fine grater. Then you need to take a bottle with a dispenser, pour a cap of glycerin and a little lemon juice into it. Next, you need to pour out the grated soap and fill it to the top with hot water. Shake well to combine the ingredients. Let the soap sit for three days. Shake the bottle well before use (photo 2).

You can make liquid soap without glycerin. For this you will need a bottle with a dispenser and hot water. The remnants need to be grated or finely cut into pieces. Put everything in a bottle. Moreover, the remnants should occupy 2/3 of the bottle. The smaller the pieces, the faster they will dissolve. Then you need to pour hot water into the bottle and shake vigorously. The mixture should be left to dissolve and shaken periodically. After a while, you will see that a thick soap mixture has formed in the bottle. This means you can use soap (photo 3).

You can also make solid soap from soap remnants. To do this, you need to grate them on a grater (preferably on a coarse one). Place everything in a metal container (pan, cup or bowl) and add a little water. You don't need to add too much water, otherwise the finished soap will take a long time to dry. But the mixture should not be too thick. Next, the grated soap must be melted in a water bath. The foam that forms on top must be removed. Do not bring the mixture to a boil. After this, the mixture is poured into pre-prepared molds. They must be lubricated with any fat. After a few hours, the soap can be removed from the molds and left to dry (photo 4).

At home you can prepare liquid soap with chamomile and essential oil. First you need to boil eight tablespoons of dry chamomile. Strain the broth through cheesecloth or a strainer. Grate the remnants and throw them into the resulting broth. Place the pan with soap and broth on the fire. The mixture should dissolve. The foam needs to be removed. Then add one tablespoon of glycerin and three drops of essential oil to the mixture. If you wish, you can also add food coloring to make the soap look prettier. Pour the liquid into bottles (photo 5).

Making soap from soap remnants at home is a process no less exciting than making the soap itself. You have accumulated many pieces of unsuccessful or non-foaming soap, soap that has lost its former aroma, or simply soap scraps; do not rush to mercilessly part with them. Believe me, soap from remnants at home can be turned into worthy examples of the soap collection, and no one will ever guess that these are former remnants or soap made from remnants with your own hands.

How to make soap from soap remnants

Let's take a closer look at how to make soap at home from soap remnants in several ways, and what to do with soap remnants?

If you are going to melt soap from a soap base, then in this case you need to follow the “melt the old and pour in the new” principle. As always, it's easiest to work with soap made from a soap base. The time spent making soap from remnants will be from 15 to 30 minutes. At the same time, you can enrich the melted soap from the base with an impressive color, your favorite aroma and give it a new shape.

The second option is to make soap from remnants at home from industrial (children's) soap. For this process, it is necessary to soak the finely grated soap residues for several hours in water or milk, and then cook in a water bath for several hours. For better melting, you can add honey or sugar, and at the end saturate it with color, smell and scrubbing particles, for example.

If you are supposed to make soap from soap remnants with your own hands, then the same GS rules are followed here, with one not unimportant digression, the alkali is already in the soap, which means that we will only add aromas, color, superfat, glycerin and whatever your heart desires.

In view of the fact that making soap from scratch has the most problems during its production, let us dwell on this method in more detail and dispel all fears, just as it is not difficult to make soap from soap remnants with your own hands at home.

So, you have pieces of unsuccessful soap, cold or hot, and you want to make a soap reboot.

How to make soap from soap remnants

  1. First, you need to weigh the soap pieces in order to decide on further proportions of the components and directly on the mold for the new soap.
  2. Next, grate the soap into a container for a water bath; if the soap was old, stale and dry, you need to add some water or milk.
  3. We put the workpiece in a water bath or in the oven and cook soap from the remnants at home for 30 minutes to 2 hours using a hot method.
  4. Boil the mass until the soap shavings are completely dissolved; if a lot of liquid has been added, then evaporate it.
  5. You can add color, superfat, dried flowers and your favorite essential oils to the finished homogeneous mass.
  6. Place the soap mixture into the mold, tapping the sides or the mold on the table to distribute the soap evenly.
  7. Let it harden for several hours.
  8. After hardening, take out an attractive piece of soap, leave it to dry for a while and you can use it.

Now you know how to digest soap from soap remnants without special effort. All you need is desire and a few free hours of time. This time we described the simplest ways to make soap from soap remnants. There are also some interesting recipes for making soap using large quantity glycerin to obtain transparent soap, using multi-colored pouring in layers, making liquid soap from soap remnants, etc., which we will happily share in our next articles.