Nastasya Samburskaya shaved off her hair for a bet. Nastasya Samburskaya is now bald

Fans of Nastasya Samburskaya have already become accustomed to her shocking antics. But fans are not yet able to follow updates in the star’s image. The actress's subscribers have already lost count, trying to figure out how many times over the past month they have... This time Nastasya's trip to the hairdresser turned into shocking changes. The star shaved her head “under 0”. The actress spoke about the reasons for this decision in her microblog.

“A couple of years ago, when I got Instagram, I bet with a friend that if I raised 8 million, I would shave my head. Strange dispute. And I shaved. Thank you my subscribers! Now wait until there are 9 million! I have a new loss planned there,” the actress captioned the photo.

After the last publication, opinions were divided. Some noted that even with the complete absence of hair on her head, Samburskaya looks excellent. Others thought that new hairstyle ruined the actress's appearance. However, Nastasya herself doesn’t care much about the opinions of others. She is not afraid to experiment and will probably find something to surprise the public more than once.

Nastasya Samburskaya published photo with a bald head on your page in social network Instagram. As it turned out, the actress made such drastic changes to her appearance not for a new role, but as a result of a lost argument.

The point of the dispute was that she had to cut off all the hair on her head if her Instagram account reached eight million followers. The dispute was concluded two years ago, and then the Univer star probably thought that it was unrealistic to achieve such a colossal number of subscribers, but the number of subscribers to her page still reached that fatal mark for hair. If you find Nastasya Samburskaya’s official page on Instagram now, you can make sure that she really has eight million subscribers.

The famous Russian actress, as a person of her word, fulfilled her promise completely. She posted the proof photograph on the same social network and accompanied it with the caption “Strange dispute. And I shaved." The photo received more than 250 thousand likes and more than 16 thousand comments. Samburskaya also intrigued her subscribers even more by talking about another dispute. Judging by her statement, she has another dispute planned for nine million subscribers, but she did not reveal the secret of what it is.

* Nastasya Anislavovna Samburskaya is a Russian theater and film actress. Born on March 1, 1987 in the city of Priozersk, Leningrad region. Real name: Anastasia Alekseevna Terekhova. She became best known after starring in the TV series “Univer. New dorm" She also starred in such TV series as “ Wedding ring”, “Detectives”, “Bachelorette Party”, “Amazons”, “Sashatanya”, films “First Autumn of the War”, “Women against Men”, “Friday”, “Take the Blow, Baby”, “Obsession”, etc.

Nastasya Samburskaya shaved her head photo

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Nastasya Samburskaya shocked her fans by shaving her head. Fans of the famous actress immediately began to suspect that she was being treated for cancer or schizophrenia.

Nastasya Samburskaya - Russian theater and film actress, singer and TV presenter

Even the most devoted fans do not have time to follow the external changes of the 29-year-old star. Either the actress unexpectedly says goodbye to long brown hair - the object of envy of many girls - and gets a boy's haircut, then one after another she changes her hair color - from bright blond to blue.

“A couple of years ago, when I got Instagram, I made a bet with a friend that if I got 8,000,000 followers, I would shave my head. Strange dispute. And I shaved. Thank you my subscribers! Now wait until there are 9 million! I have a new loss planned there,” Samburskaya wrote.

Fans of the actress suspected that the actress was seriously ill, and began to give her the most terrible diagnoses. However, Samburskaya responded to such speculation with her characteristic humor.

The evolution of Nstasya Samburskaya's hairstyle has reached its logical conclusion. The actress shaved her head.

A dispute began, with Nastasya Samburskaya’s hair at stake, a few years ago, when the star had just launched Instagram. She made a bet with a friend that if she reached eight million subscribers, she would shave her head.

“Strange dispute. And I shaved. Thank you my subscribers!” Samburskaya wrote, attaching a photo without hair to her message. “Now wait until there are nine million!” I have a new loss planned there.” she added.

Most of the actress's fans took her words at face value. Someone supported her action: “Wow, well done! She kept her word”, “The best, you know it yourself”, “It suits you very well”, fans began to write vyingly.

However, there were also those who did not like such changes in appearance. “Where did Samburskaya go”, “Well, this is completely too much”, “Why, they were beautiful long hair", fans were outraged in the comments.

There were also those who were incredulous and saw traces of retouching in the picture. They suggested that in fact Nastas Samburskaya’s hair had not gone anywhere, disappearing only in one photograph, and not in real life. “Yes, it’s photoshop,” “It’s obvious that it’s fake,” they tried to reason with their more gullible comrades.

Nastasya Samburskaya is bald. As the Univer star herself explained on Instagram, she lost the argument.

The star of the TV series “Univer”, actress Nastasya Samburskaya, shocked followers of her microblog on Instagram by publishing a photo in which she appeared completely bald in front of fans.

Nastasya Samburskaya is bald. As the 29-year-old actress herself explained, her decision to shave her head was influenced by a long-standing dispute.

“A couple of years ago, when I got Instagram, I made a bet with a friend that if I collected 8 million, I would shave my head. Strange dispute. And I shaved,” the star captioned the shocking photo, which collected over 45 thousand likes in less than an hour.

Upon reaching the 9 million mark, the girl already promises her subscribers a new surprise for the planned loss.

Nastasya Samburskaya is bald. Nastasya decided to part with the long dark hair that fans of the TV series “Univer” are accustomed to a few months ago. First she made a bob, and then shortened her hair even further, dyeing it blue. However, the experiments did not end there! Last December, she appeared as a blonde.

The new image matches my temperament. Everyone is accustomed to classic beauty, long curls and doll faces, but that's not me. A short boyish haircut is what reflects my character and my inner state,” the actress said in an interview.

This is what Nastasya looked like at the end of last year

Nastasya's experiments with hair began with bright locks

Nastasya Samburskaya with long dark hair

Samburskaya is the absolute record holder for the number of followers on Russian Instagram. Olga Buzova, who is currently followed by 7.9 million people, is breathing behind her. Whether the TV presenter will somehow celebrate the upcoming “anniversary” - we’ll see soon.

Let us remind you that Samburskaya recently received a special award from the Neforum Awards (National Award for Runet Bloggers) in the category “The Most Popular Instagram in Russia.” The candidates for the first national award for bloggers were determined by popular vote, and the winners were named by an authoritative jury.

Today, the Univer star has 8 million subscribers.

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