Official return to work after the New Year holidays. How to get back into work mode after the New Year holidays

Dates winter holidays, established by the Ministry of Education, are advisory. The school leadership of each educational institution draws up its own schedule, but as close as possible to the one provided by the department. The duration of the winter holidays will be almost 2 weeks.

Despite a lot of talk about the advisability of the New Year holidays for the people, there will be long weekends in the 2018-2019 season, which means that today you can already plan vacations and travel, meetings with friends, as well as trips to relatives living in other regions of the Russian Federation or even other countries.

When do winter holidays begin and end in the 2018-2019 school year, and when will first-graders rest?

The beginning and end of school holidays depend on several factors - the educational system (quarters, trimesters, modules), weather conditions, and climatic features of the area. If children study in quarters, then the duration of winter holidays for them is 2 weeks, spring and autumn - 1 week. For them, the New Year holidays will begin on December 26 and end on January 8, 2019.

If schoolchildren study on a semester or modular system, then their holidays this winter begin on December 29 and also end on January 8, 2019. But the guys will study until February 18, and will go on vacation again until February 24 inclusive.

Additional winter holidays will be introduced for first-graders: they begin in 2019 on February 25 and end on March 3. The corresponding decision was made in order to reduce the burden on young children, so that they would subsequently better assimilate new material.

Officials decided to give Russians the opportunity to spend more time with their children during the winter holidays. Adults will also have a long vacation - from December 30 to January 8. During these holidays, parents can keep their children busy with something useful.

When we go back to work after the New Year holidays in 2019

Alternative work schedule options

A long 10-day period of official holidays is mandatory for government agencies operating on a 5-day schedule. For private companies, this rule is also mandatory, which means that the employer does not have the right to set his own schedule and unilaterally notify employees that their New Year holidays in the new year 2019 begin or end differently from the production calendar.

Employees who will work on holidays are:

  • work on daily or shift schedules;
  • will give their consent to work on holidays for an additional fee;
  • will be called to work due to production needs (the employee’s consent is not required).
After more than a year break, without waiting for a return meeting with Khabib Nurmagomedov, on Saturday January 18, 2020 (in Russia it will be already the morning of January 19, 2020) the Irish fighter Conor Anthony McGregor will appear in the octagon again, to the delight of his many fans.

Former UFC champion Conor McGregor will fight his next fight with an American mixed martial arts fighter Donald Anthony Cerrone, also known as " Cowboy".

36-year-old Donald Cerrone ranks 5th in the UFC rankings, weighs 77 kg with a height of 183 cm (according to other sources - 185 cm) and has won 36 out of 50 fights. It should be noted that the last 2 years in Cerrone's career is going through a "dark streak" - in 6 out of 10 fights he was defeated (including by Tony Ferguson, who, we recall, in 2020 is due to meet with McGregor's "offender" - Khabib).

That is, who will McGregor fight on January 18, 2020:
* with Donald Cerrone ("Cowboy").

Where will Conor McGregor fight on January 18 (19), 2020:

Venue of the fight Conor McGregor vs "Cowboy" Cerrone - T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas (USA, Nevada).

The fight will be the headliner (main event) of the tournament" UFC 246".

The T-Mobile arena hosts UFC events infrequently, about 3 times a year. And it was here on October 6 last year that McGregor suffered his “extreme” defeat. Therefore, the choice of this particular venue for his next fight looks like an attempt to frame the upcoming fight as a kind of “revenge”, an opportunity to rehabilitate himself in front of the fans.

What time does the Conor McGregor fight start on January 18 (19), 2020, where to watch:

The start time for UFC 246 is 3:00 pm local time on January 18, 2020 (2:00 am Moscow time on January 19, 2020, due to the 11-hour time difference between Las Vegas and Moscow).

The fight card of the tournament includes 12 fights, of which the fight between Conor McGregor and Donald Cerrone will be the final one. The fighters will enter the ring closer to 8 a.m. "Moscow time" 01/19/2020

IN live McGregor-Cerrone meeting will be shown TV channel "REN TV". The start of the television broadcast dedicated to this event is scheduled for 06:30 Moscow time.

That is, the Conor McGregor fight on January 18 (19), 2020:
* what time will it start - after 6:30 am Moscow time.
* where to watch - on the REN TV channel.

When to swim for Epiphany 2020:

You should swim in an ice hole at Epiphany in 2020 on the night of January 18-19, 2020(from Saturday to Sunday), or during the day 01/19/2020.

Approximate operation mode of the baths (check for your bathing place):
* from 23:00 January 18, 2020 to 04:00 January 19, 2020
* from 12:00 to 18:00 during the day on January 19, 2020

Many people believe that the procedure of washing in ice water allows you to completely wash away your sins, but this is not so. The ritual of swimming in an ice hole has a different meaning: it gives people the opportunity to strengthen their will by performing a courageous act, give a positive impetus to health, get a charge of vigor and improve their mood.

When and how to tell fortunes for Epiphany 2020:

It is believed that the best time for fortune telling is this winter holiday - night from 18 to 19 January 2020 There is a great variety of fortune telling that allows you to lift the veil of the future, and if you are ready for this, we will tell you about some of them.

One of the oldest fortune-telling, popular to this day, is called " Calling a passerby" and allows you to find out the name of the future groom, as well as some of his "special features", such as height, eye and hair color, nose shape, etc. To do this, you should go out at midnight and ask the name of the first man you meet, and also take a closer look at those details of his appearance that interest you.

You can get a hint regarding the future using the second method, which is called " Fortune telling by book". To do this, we find a serious book, preferably a classic work of Russian literature, ask a question, name the page and line numbers that come to mind, open and read the first full sentence.

Address of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly on January 15, 2020 - where the announcement will take place:

On Wednesday January 15, 2020 President of Russia Vladimir Putin will speak with the next message to the Federal Assembly. This is one of Vladimir Putin's three most anticipated annual speeches, which are broadcast live, along with a press conference and a live line.

Venue the event will be Moscow Manege(Central Exhibition Hall, located at Manezhnaya Square, 1).

What will the President's Address to the Federal Assembly look like in 2020:

The President's Address to the Federal Assembly on January 15, 2020 will be 26th in a row in Russian history, and 16th performance personally by V.V. Putin(Boris Yeltsin also delivered the Message 6 times, and Dmitry Medvedev 4 times).

What time will Putin’s Address to the Federal Assembly begin on January 15, 2020, where to watch:

The beginning of Putin's address to parliament Russian Federation scheduled January 15, 2020 at 12:00 Moscow time.

Below we tell you where to watch the 2020 Presidential Address online and live.

On the Internet, an online broadcast, as well as viewing a recorded message, will be available:
* on the website of the organizer of the address of the Head of State - the television company VGTRK.

Putin's Address to the Federal Assembly will be shown live on the following channels:
* "First", "Russia 1", "OTR", "Mir" .

The Message to the Federal Assembly 2020 can not only be watched, but also listened to on radio stations:
* "Mayak" and "Radio Russia".

The number of days of rest in January 2019 is prescribed in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, in article No. 112. This is the norm for January holidays in 2019, the duration and validity of legal days off. Holidays at the transition of the coming year, they gave the country's workers a long January rest: January 1-6, January 8, plus January 7 - the holiday of the Nativity of Christ. When to go to work in January 2019 is already known in advance both from the Government Decree and from the production calendar.

First working day in January 2019 after the holidays

Thus, according to the law, 8 January holidays are approved - from the 1st to the 8th. The first working day is 09.01. So we go to work in January 2019 with a five-day work week, and with other schedules. The 9th falls on Wednesday, so the first working week will be short, only 3 days, followed by the usual Saturday and Sunday.

The weekend starts at last days this December. The 31st day in 2018 falls on a Monday, so by Government Decree this day is moved to Saturday, the 29th. Holiday holidays begin on December 30 and last until January 8.

Therefore, the question of when to go to work in January has been resolved. The Government decision provided for another transition of the weekend - January 5-6, which falls on Saturday and Sunday, was moved to May 2-3 in order to extend the May holidays. This is also pleasant for working citizens, because it will give them the opportunity to work hard in their dachas and gardens.

Such transfers have already become traditional in the country. Citizens are waiting for them, calculating time or labor at their dachas. New Year holidays Many families travel, but they need to plan their vacation taking into account when we go to work, and return home in a timely manner after the holidays.

    What are you waiting for? New Year?

If at state enterprises production is continuous and requires the work of all employees, payment on such days is double, which is stipulated in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Art. No. 153. Double pay on weekends, in addition, is prescribed by the collective agreement and local regulations.

It is possible to transfer a day off, when an employee needs to work at his place, to other days, at the employee’s choice. This issue is agreed upon individually between the employee and management, and is fixed by the Order for the enterprise. Then payment for the work is made as usual. This is also enshrined in Article No. 153 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Production calendar

Work and rest standards are reflected in the production calendar, which the Ministry of Labor draws up in advance, even in the current year. Now it is already known what the production calendar will be for the coming January, and it is known in advance what date to go to work after.

The January production calendar indicates the number of working days and the duration of the New Year holidays. It specifies working time standards for different working weeks - 40-, 36- and 24-hour.

The production calendar helps accountants and personnel department employees. It normalizes the number of working days, days off, and working hours in a month. This data helps to correctly calculate salaries and payments. sick leave, draw up vacation calculations, work schedules.

January is a difficult and difficult month in every sense - you had to go back to work or study after long holidays, get into a working mood, start getting your body in shape after cakes and salads, do post-New Year's cleaning, throw out the Christmas tree... As usual, you gave yourself a lot of promises - to go on a diet, learn new language, sign up for oriental dancing...We will tell you how to force yourself to start a new life.

First and most importantly, don’t be lazy and put things in order after the New Year’s celebration. Wash the dishes, take out the trash, and then start getting rid of the “garbage in your head.” Realize that everything that happened in the past is an experience that happened, but there is no need to dwell on it. Set yourself and your thoughts up to the fact that the coming year will definitely be better than the previous one.

February is coming very soon, the last month of winter and the second month of the new year. It's time to part with the past, let go of everything that pulls you back and tune in to the positive, prepare for spring and start enjoying the present!

1. Write a letter to your past

Yes, exactly. write on a piece of paper everything that you would like to part with - thoughts, memories, habits, grievances, a person who hurt you, an unloved job... Write, re-read, and then crumple up this piece of paper and burn it. This way you visualize getting rid of the past.

2. Draw your new future

In contrast to what you got rid of, you need to create your dreams. Visualize your desires - let it be a piece of paper on which you write or draw/paste cuttings from the journal of your desires. Everything - from the Cartier ring to a nice neighbor (instead of that grumpy one who lives next to you). Start implementing it right now - take up yoga (or strip plastic), start looking for a new job, and the Universe will help you with the rest.

3. Imagine your happy life more often

Don't dwell on what didn't work out today. Keep your image before your eyes ideal life and boldly go to him!

4. Develop habits

Psychologists say that a new habit is developed on average in 21 days. You have no problem washing your face at night and brushing your teeth, right? Develop a new habit. which will help you achieve your goals - go to the gym, go to interviews, don’t sit at home on weekends, get a dog.

5. Train your willpower

Getting rid of the old and getting used to the new is very difficult. A couple of failures can completely discourage you from going further, but what if you create a training schedule in which you need to mark something every day or tell your loved ones about your goals? In this situation, you do not want to be known as a person who is not responsible for his words, and therefore you will strive to prove that you are capable of realizing your intentions.

Finally, with all these important things to do, don’t forget about the holidays - Valentine’s Day and Defender of the Fatherland Day. You have enough time to pick original gift and present it with taste to your soulmate.

Well, that's it, the ten-day New Year holidays are over, whether you like it or not, you need to get to work!

But how can you force yourself to perform your duties with the same diligence from the first day of work as before? Very difficult. The whole New Year passed under the motto: if you eat, you can sleep, if you sleep, you can eat. Coming out of a ten-day hibernation is now oh so difficult! And getting on the scale after days of overeating is generally scary. Some managed to escape the captivity of the salads and go on a visit, but most of the townspeople remained within their city, received guests, or were themselves visiting friends and relatives.

To be honest, after the third day of eating Olivier and herring under a fur coat, the understanding came: “Is it necessary, so many days of idleness?” If we talk about this topic from an economic point of view, then employers benefit from a multi-day vacation - saving on wages.

No employee - no salary for these days. Payback for a long vacation will come in February, along with your January salary (isn’t that a reason to lose those extra pounds you’ve accumulated?).

Then you will have to tighten your belts. For those who accepted these changes and established New Year holidays for their holidays in warm countries, a long weekend is at hand. It's summer in the southern hemisphere and you can bask in Thailand or Bali. True, ordinary Novoshakhty residents cannot afford this type of vacation, so we are content and enjoy our native spaces.

On the eve of the long New Year's weekend, Soviet times are always remembered: December 31 was a working day, and people went to work on the second of January. I remember how, in my second year at the university, on December 31, I took a test in ancient Russian literature, and on January 2, the winter session schedule included an exam on the history of the CPSU. And everyone worked in such a tight, intense mode. New Year's Eve was a short respite until the next three-day May holidays.

And nothing, no one suffered or cried about the lack of rest. Maybe you had time to gain strength in the summer? After all, the working class had real opportunity relax on a trade union voucher to a sanatorium or to the sea. The salary allowed. And the working day was strictly rationed; no one was forced to stay after the shift in order to complete the plan. People had time to rest. What's happening now? We have been waiting for the New Year holidays almost since the summer. And by the end of the year, fatigue accumulates to such an extent that the first decade of January becomes a potion from the annual bustle.

On January 9, everyone came out - no, rather, they crawled out to work. Judging by the videos sent via instant messengers, the whole country reluctantly began to fulfill its professional duties. Either they didn’t have time to rest, or they were too relaxed! There is only one good thing: the work week is short, the weekend is in three days, and you can again forget about everyday work for a couple of days. What's happening to us? Or have we been spoiled by triple-four weekends, or has the rhythm of life become so tough that by the end of the year our body is screaming sos? Or maybe it’s just age taking its toll?

What does this long rest give us? The first and probably most important thing is communication with family and friends, which we sorely lack. Agree that when we come home from work and barely have dinner, we switch off. Where can you have a heart-to-heart talk with your children, help them with their homework, or chat with your spouse? The New Year holidays give us the opportunity to catch up, visit relatives and friends, and be ourselves. Exhale before a new long distance.