Congratulations on the Eid al-Adha holiday to Russian Muslims and to the Central Duma of Russia. How to congratulate and what to wish on Kurban Bayram

Your friends and family will be pleased to receive congratulations on the holiday of Kurban Bayram. In 2019, its start date is August 11, the celebration lasts for 3-4 days. We have selected the best poems and wishes for Eid al-Adha, which you can send by email, write on a postcard or express in person.

Poems and wishes for Kurban Bayram

What words should you use to congratulate you on Eid al-Adha? Muslims traditionally congratulate each other on holidays with the following words:

Eid Mubarak (Arabic: عيد مبارك‎) - Blessed be the holiday!

Idu-kum mubarak (Arabic: عيدكم مبارك‎) - May your holiday be blessed!

On the days of the main Muslim holiday, wishes for Kurban Bayram are heard in Tatar: Sezne siekle kholkym, Kurban bayramegez belan kytlyym! Isannek, saulyk, zur bakhetlar telim!

Send congratulations on Eid al-Adha to your family and friends on this day.

Dressed in our best clothes, with a pure soul today we celebrate Kurban Bayram! Let our joy illuminate the whole world, let there be no shortage of treats for those who were invited and those who came themselves! Let Eid al-Fitr be the first of the days of your renewed better future!

Today is a great holiday,
Today is Kurban Bayram!
Greet him with prayer
And give a sacrifice to Allah!
We wish you peace in your home,
Peace and love in the soul,
Let your prayers be heard
And let the doors be open to goodness
Today they will be on earth!

Poems and wishes for Kurban Bayram

Kurban Bayram has come to our house!
Praise be to Allah! Peace be with you, brothers!
Today to all of us the Almighty
Open with his grace.
Don't chase wealth -
Live in prayer and humility.
Share what you can with your neighbor,
And a blessing awaits you!

Let it be on the day of Kurban Bayram
Peace and tranquility come to you!
May Allah protect everyone
May he forgive everyone today!

Happy Eid al-Adha
Let me congratulate you.
It was given to us by Allah,
To glorify him for centuries.
To give goodness to all people
And help the unfortunate.
May there be in your life
Peace, quiet and grace!

What words can you use to congratulate you on Kurban Bayram?

Taqabbala-Allahu minna wa-min-kum (Arabic: تقبل الله منا ومنكم‎) - May Allah accept from us and from you!

Tak'abbala-Allahu minna wa-min-kum s'alihyu l-a'mal (Arabic: تقبل الله منا ومنكم صالح الاعمال‎) - May Allah accept righteous deeds from us and from you!

Wishes for Kurban Bayram in Tatar may sound like this.

Sezne Korban Bairame belan ikhlas kүyңeldәn tәbrik itәm, barcha din kardeshlәremgә isәnlek, imenlek, behet ham bәrәkәt telәp kalam. Bәyrәmnәregez mөbәrәk bulsyn

Sezne chyn kүңelәn Korban bәyrәm belen tәbriklim! Barygyzga and saulyk, bәkhet-shatlyklar һәm ozyn gomerlәr Khoday birsen, kylgan dogalarygyzny һәm birgan һәerleregezne kabul itsen! Beyram belen, kaderle duslar!

Muslims will begin celebrating Eid al-Fitr from tomorrow evening, August 21. Even when not in their native country, they honor long-standing traditions, perform rituals and pray intensely.

Eid al-Adha occurs after 70 days from Eid al-Adha. This year the date falls on August 21, and the holiday will last until August 25. You can congratulate Muslims on this occasion with poems, beautiful postcards, and your own words.

How to congratulate Muslims on Eid al-Adha

Congratulations in verse

Congratulations in prose

On the great holiday of Kurban Bayram, may the morning prayer fill your soul with sunny kindness and bright light. Always keep peace and love in your heart, and may your generosity be rewarded with health, success and prosperity!
The great holiday of Islam has arrived, Kurban Bayram has arrived. At this blessed time, followers of Islam, gathering in Mecca, ask the Almighty for forgiveness. So let your heart be filled with joy, love for your neighbors, and mercy! Health to you, all the best!
Dear Muslim brothers and sisters, we congratulate you on the holiday of Kurban Bayram. Goodness, prosperity, peace to you and your families! Be healthy and rich, and don't forget to share your happiness with your loved ones.
Congratulations on the holy holiday of Kurban Bayram! I wish that all the best thoughts and good intentions accompany your path all year. Let not only this occasion, but many others, unite and unite your large family. I wish you peace, prosperity and bright hopes!
On the glorious and bright holiday - Kurban Bayram, I wish you strong faith, lasting health, pure thoughts, generosity of soul, respect of others, love and prosperity. May this holiday shed light on the path of life and help you choose the right path, may Allah always help, may your heart and soul always thirst for good deeds.
On the glorious and bright holiday of Kurban Bayram, I wish you strong faith, lasting health, pure thoughts, generosity of soul, respect of others, love and prosperity. May this holiday shed light on the path of life and help you choose the right path, may Allah always help, may your heart and soul always thirst for good deeds.
Congratulations on the holiday of Kurban Bayram and from the bottom of my heart I want to wish you a happy and prosperous life, in which your heart will always be ready to sacrifice anything in the name of light and love, goodness and honor. May your path be illuminated by the bright sun of hope, may your sincere prayers certainly be heard, may the reward for your mercy and dedication be the good health of your entire family and prosperity in your home.
On the holiday of Kurban Bayram, I ask you to accept the purest and kindest wishes for health, peace, prosperity, joy, harmony and happiness. Let the thoughts in your head, hopes in your heart and days in your life become clear, bright, and kind.
I wish you a good, happy, joyful and bright holiday of Eid al-Adha. May there be prosperity in your home, may joy live in your soul, may the pure prayer of your heart certainly be heard, may Allah take all sorrows away from you and your family, may the star of hope and love shine brightly for you.
Congratulations on the holiday of Kurban Bayram! I wish that in your life there will be the strongest thing - family, the brightest thoughts - thoughts, and the most real thing - love. Be sincere, take care of your loved ones and always have faith and hope!
Congratulations on the holy holiday of Kurban Bayram! I wish that all the best thoughts and good intentions accompany your path all year. Let not only this occasion, but many others, contribute to the unification and cohesion of your large family. I wish you peace, prosperity and bright hopes!
Let there be joy, light and purity in your souls on this sacred holiday. Happy Kurban Bayram! I wish that Allah will never leave you, help you to follow the right paths in life, point out the right decisions and give wisdom to your actions. Take care in your heart of the strength of faith, respect for elders and love for loved ones. May your days be prosperous.

How Eid al-Adha is celebrated

Before telling how Kurban Bayram is celebrated, it is worth remembering the history of the holiday. The Koran describes the legend of Ibrahim, who almost sacrificed his own heir to Allah. Every night he saw the same dream: the Archangel Gabriel comes to him, demands to kill his son Ismail, proving how devoted he is to Allah.

Ibrahim did not focus on the dream at first, but continued to see it. Ibrahim began to grieve, because he could not violate the archangel’s demand. He then took Ismail and went to the mountain to sacrifice him to Allah. As soon as Ibrahim raised the knife over Ismail, the archangel appeared, took pity on them and told them to replace Ismail with a ram. Ibrahim, by his decision to sacrifice his son, proved his devotion to Allah. Since then, Muslims have performed sacrifices every year.

Muslims should celebrate Eid al-Fitr in Mina near Mecca. Each believer makes a pilgrimage to the valley, climbs Mount Arafat, and throws seven pebbles at three pillars of the jamaat to drive out the devil. Then the sacrifice is made.

Because not every Muslim believer can make the pilgrimage, Kurban Bayram is allowed to be celebrated where he is. A prayer is read over the animal that will be sacrificed by a respected Muslim. Then he cuts the animal’s throat and distributes pieces of meat to everyone in need.

On the morning of Eid al-Fitr, Muslims wash their bodies, anoint themselves with aromatic oils, put on new clean clothes and go to the mosque for prayer. They are met at the temple by a priest and a Mullah, who says a prayer. After prayer, sacrifices begin. A cow, a camel, a ram, but always a healthy one, is chosen as a sacrificial animal. However, it is prohibited to kill an animal that is sick or younger than six months. Before making the sacrifice, a prayer is read.

Festive tables for Eid al-Fitr are traditionally full of various dishes. The meat of sacrificed animals is prepared in several ways with spices and herbs. On the table there must be soup “Shulyum”, “Jiz byz” with almond cookies “Shaker-puri”.


President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin

Muslims of Russia

I cordially congratulate Russian Muslims on the holiday of Kurban Bayram (Eid al-Adha), which marks the end of the pilgrimage to holy places.

For centuries, this bright holiday has played a huge role in the life of the Muslim Ummah, serves to bring people closer together, introduces them to the enduring values ​​of Islam, and fosters a careful, respectful attitude towards ancient history, customs and covenants of their ancestors. I note with satisfaction that Russian Muslims honor these spiritual traditions and widely celebrate Kurban Bayram. The Muslim community actively participates in the life of the country, making a significant contribution to the education of youth and the development of interreligious and interethnic dialogue. And of course, its activities are very important for maintaining peace and civil harmony in society.

I wish Russian followers of Islam health, prosperity and all the best.

Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev

Dear Supreme Mufti!

Please accept my heartfelt congratulations on Eid al-Adha.

Today is a special day for all Muslims - the day of the completion of the Holy Hajj, which marks the onset of one of the main Islamic holidays, “Eid al-Adha”. It has a centuries-old history and is based on Muslim traditions, is a symbol of unity, wealth and solidarity, serves spiritual improvement, and draws believers to the eternal values ​​of goodness, mercy and care for others.

Uniting millions of people, the Ummah of Russia does a lot to maintain interfaith and interethnic peace and harmony, and makes a significant contribution to strengthening moral foundations and the moral education of young people. Her great educational and charitable activities deserve sincere respect and gratitude.

I wish you and all Muslims of Russia peace and prosperity, health and prosperity!

Head of the Republic of Bashkortostan R.Z. Khamitova

Dear Muslims of the Republic of Bashkortostan!

I cordially congratulate you on the holy holiday of Kurban Bayram!

On this joyful day, believers gather in mosques and, turning their prayers to the Almighty, together ask for blessings. Deep unity around the values ​​of goodness, love and compassion, sacred to all world religions, strengthens us spiritually and makes us morally purer.

In Bashkortostan, where representatives of many nationalities and religions have lived in peace and harmony for centuries, Kurban Bayram is celebrated with special respect. This event, which marks the end of the Hajj, brings people even closer together and strengthens the spiritual continuity of generations. In our republic we do not and never have had any contradictions on religious grounds.

The Muslim Ummah, together with representatives of other faiths, actively enhances the rich cultural and spiritual heritage through the construction of religious buildings, charity, education, and education of the younger generation.

The Muslims of our region have always been characterized by hospitality and cordiality. The doors of our homes and hearts are open to loved ones, true friends who are ready to share their warmth and joy with us.

Health and prosperity to you! May this holiday bring goodness, mutual understanding, peace and prosperity to every family!

Chairman of the State Assembly - Kurultai of the Republic of Belarus K.B. Tolkachev

Dear Hazrat Mufti!

I cordially congratulate you on the holy holiday of Kurban Bayram!

This holiday marks the end of the Hajj, symbolizes spiritual purification, and strengthens hope for justice. I sincerely wish all Muslims of the republic happiness, prosperity, and success in the implementation of noble endeavors. Let the worthy deeds of these days become an example of spiritual generosity and selflessness, fill you with strength to work hard for the sake of the prosperity of our society!

Chairman of the Caucasus Muslims Office, Sheikh-ul-Islam Allahshukur Pasha-Zade

In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful!

Dear brother!

With a feeling of sincere spiritual joy, I congratulate you and all Muslims of Russia on the holy holiday of Eidul-Azha, I wish you mercy and all the best from Allah. This holiday personifies the high moral qualities of Islam - mercy, kindness and love for people, testifies to Islam’s commitment to high universal values, the adherence to which ennobles people and helps strengthen unity in society.

“Kurban Bayram” is a blessed time of joyful affirmation in faith, a happy time of gaining sincerity, righteousness and grace, allowing a person to strengthen in his faith, developing a person’s spirituality. On this bright holiday, I wish you and, through you, all Muslims of Russia good health, happiness and prosperity in their families, prosperity and success.

May Allah Almighty and All-Merciful bless you and send His generous help in all good deeds and undertakings, strengthen you with His greatness and reward you with high aspirations of spirit!

On this holiday, I offer a prayer that Allah will illuminate every family and every person with blessed joy. May our peoples' dreams of prosperity and happiness come true. Amen!

Chairman of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Kazakhstan, Supreme Mufti E.M. Mayamerov

Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu!

Dear Supreme Mufti!

Congratulations on the great and joyful holiday of Kurban Ait!

May the Almighty bless this bright holiday, which is one of the most significant for millions of followers of Islam.

Every year, Muslims around the world eagerly await the onset of this sacred holiday, which unites believers, encourages us to mutual assistance, which fills our hearts with mercy. We endlessly thank and praise Allah Almighty for witnessing this day.

May Allah give you and your family prosperity, health, harmony and success in good deeds. May the spirit of hospitality and generosity reign in the home of every Muslim on this day!

Chairman of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the Republic of Tatarstan, Mufti K.I. Samigullin

Mөkhtәrәm Tәlgat hәzrәt!

Әssәlәәmүgәlәaykүm үә rahmәtүllaһi үә bәrakәәtүһ!

Tatarstan moselmannarynyn Dinia nazarәte һәm shәkhsan үз isememnәn Sezne Korban gaete belen kotlyim! Kurkәm bәyrәmebez mөbarәk һәm hәerle bulsyn! Barchalarybyzga iminlek, igelek, bәrәkәt alyp kilsen!

Korban chalu gyybadate Allahka yakyn bulu һәm anyn niңmәtlәrenә shөker itү өchen bashkaryla. Korban chalu st. Rabbybyznyn ber әmere. “Kәүsәr” surәsendә Allahy Tәgalә: “Rabbyn rizalygyna prayer uky. Korban chal” (Kәүsәr surәse, 2 nche ayat), – deep boyera. “Haҗ” surәsendә әityә: “Without һәr өmmәtkә korban chaluny tәrtip ittek. Uzlәrenә rizyk bulyrga tieshle, durt yakly mallarny korban itep chalganda Allah isemen telgә alsynnar, deep. Sezne Rabbygyz – Berdanber Street – Allah. Shulay bulgach, Ana taslim itegez. (Iy, Mөkhәmmәd) sin ikhlas kүңelleleәrne һәm tynak itәgatcheәrne soender” (“Khaҗ” surәse, 34 nche ayat), – di.

Allahy Tәgalә kүңelleәrebezә bulgan barlyk izge niyatlәrebezgә, maksatlarybyzga iresherә, chalgan korbannarybyznyn bәrәkәten ​​kurergә, bu donyada һәm akhirәt tormysynda da bәhetle bulyrga nasy p itsә ide. Korban beyreme mobarak bulsyn!

Chairman of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the Republic of Crimea, Mufti E.S. Ablaev

Dear Talgat-Hazrat!

Bismillahi rahmanir rahim!

Muslims all over the world celebrate one of the most important religious holidays - Kurban Bayram!

A holiday that marks the end of the Hajj, the annual pilgrimage to Mecca. Muslims await this wonderful and generous holiday with God-fearing trepidation, in constant prayers addressed to the Almighty. On this day, believers visit mosques and perform holiday prayers, help those in need, give attention and affection to orphans, and perform various good deeds.

Kurban Bayram is a time when sorrows and long-standing grievances are forgotten. This is a time of peace, harmony and unity. This holiday awakens the souls of people, filling their hearts with mercy, kindness, forgiveness, and gratitude.

A sacrifice made for the pleasure of Allah strengthens faith, strengthens fear of God, cleansing the heart from the taint of the frailty of existence.

We ask the Almighty to grant Muslims patience in the impossible, strength in the surmountable, wisdom and faith in their hearts. May peace and prosperity reign in the home of every believer.

President of the Republic of Tatarstan R.N. Minnikhanov

Hөrmәtle Tәlgat hәzrәt!

Sezne hәm Islam dinendәge Rossiyalelәrne Korban gaete belen kainar kotlyim. Ikhlas kүңeldәn sәlamәtlek, bәkhet, iminlek, barlyk igelekle hәm faidaly eshlәregezә zurdan – zur uңyshlar telim.

Bu olug bәairәm konnәrendә yakynnar turanda kaygyrtuchy, yatimnәrgә hәm mohtaҗlarga yardәm itүche, әylәnә – tiәdәgelәrgә yakty rukh өlәshүche mөselman karәshl әrebez җәmgyyatebezә tөrle halyklar arasyndagy duslykny hәm tatulykny nygytuga zur өlesh kertalәr, Islam dinenen humanly din buluyn raslyylar. Ilebezdә iҗtimagoy berdәmlekne, tynychlykny nygytuga yardәm itүche barlyk hәerle gamәllәregezneң әҗer – savaplary zurlardan bulsyn.

Governor of the Perm Territory V.F. Basargin

Dear Talgat Safich!

I cordially congratulate you on the holiday of Kurban Bayram!

The Kurban Bayram holiday has long become an integral part of the religious and cultural life of our region and all of Russia. People of all religions are close and understand the moral values ​​of the holiday - loyalty to traditions, kindness, mercy, charity, continuity of generations.

Thank you for your significant contribution to preserving and strengthening peace and harmony in the Muslim community of the region.

I wish you, dear Mufti, all Muslims and the Central Muslim Spiritual Directorate of Russia success in creative endeavors, good health, goodness and prosperity!

Governor of the Kemerovo Region A.G. Tuleev

Dear Talgat-Hazrat!

I congratulate you, your family and friends, all Muslim believers on the holy holiday of Kurban Bayram (Eid al-Adha)!

I sincerely wish you good health, peace and prosperity in life, prosperity in the home, generous help from the Almighty in all good deeds and endeavors for the glory of our great Motherland - Russia.

May this sacred holiday fill the hearts of people with warmth and joy, instill hope and confidence in the future, strengthen public harmony and civil peace in our multinational and multi-religious country.

May Allah, the Almighty and the All-Merciful, protect you and bestow upon all people generous spiritual gifts in personal, family and social life!

Head of the Administration of the Ufa city of the Republic of Belarus I.I. Yalalova

Dear Talgat Safich!

I sincerely congratulate you on the holy holiday of Kurban Bayram!

Being one of the main holidays of Islam, this day symbolizes the strength of spirit and will of believers turned to such values ​​as mercy and justice, responsibility and patience.

I wish you a festive mood, good health and prosperity!

Eid al-Fitr 2018 is celebrated from August 21 to 25. At this time, all Muslims congratulate each other during personal meetings and by sending pictures and postcards with inscriptions over the Internet. Ready-made congratulations can be supplemented with beautiful wishes for goodness, happiness and health.

Congratulations in verse on the Muslim holiday of Kurban Bayram

Kurban Bayram (or Eid ul-Adha) is an Islamic holiday marking the end of the Hajj, the pilgrimage to Mecca and its environs. Hajj is the fifth pillar of Islam. The holiday is celebrated 70 days after the celebration of Eid al-Adha, that is, on the 10th day of the twelfth month of the Muslim lunar calendar. It lasts for 3–4 days. This means there is more than enough time to congratulate everyone.

They give gifts on Eid al-Adha,

They often go to visit relatives.

Everyone is full of attention to each other,

Everyone is filled with warmth and participation.

Having fattened a good lamb,

And offering it to Allah,

Feed the poor and deprived

They also don’t forget on this day.

And everyone wishes each other happiness,

Peace and warmth and prosperity,

This day is celebrated by all Muslims in the world.

Received universal recognition.

Kurban Bayram is a sacred holiday!

Congratulations to all Muslims,

And may Allah give happiness,

Having accepted the sacred gift of sacrifice.

Let misfortunes leave home,

Let your soul be light.

May good luck accompany you,

And may everything be fine.

Let him bring Kurban Baram

Great happiness and good luck,

Good health to all of you

And a lot of money to boot!

May Allah bless you

Will give you a lot of joy,

May peace always reign in your soul,

I wish you all the best!

Kurban Bayram has arrived,

I send you congratulations!

Let the bright holiday gather

All Muslim people!

Congratulations to all Muslims

I wish you peace and goodness,

Happiness, joy of luck,

Which means a lot in life!

May Allah help you

Protects from troubles and evil!

Today Muslim brothers

I want to congratulate you with all my heart

Happy great day of Eid al-Adha,

Glorify His greatness!

May Allah hear us!

From the great Mount Arafat,

We ask in our prayers

Healthy mind, good character

And mercy in the hearts,

God-fearing, tolerance.

May Allah protect us all!

He will show us his mercy.

For all earthly sins

He will send down his forgiveness!

Beautiful congratulations on the Muslim holiday Eid al-Adha in prose

According to tradition, during the days of Kurban Bayram, a believer must show love and mercy to his neighbors and help those in need. One third of the meat of the sacrificial animal is given to the poor as alms. These days, everyone congratulates each other on one of the main Muslim holidays and wishes them all the best.

I congratulate you on the Great Islamic holiday Eid al-Adha. May there always be many guests in your house, and may you have something to put on their table. I wish your heart to be filled with love for all your brothers! Good health and good luck to you.

On the blessed holiday of Kurban Bayran, I want to wish my family mercy and joy that will fill your hearts to the brim. May there always be peace and tranquility in your soul. Strong faith in you, brothers!

Congratulations on the holiday of Kurban Bayram and from the bottom of my heart I want to wish you a happy and prosperous life, in which your heart will always be ready to sacrifice anything in the name of light and love, goodness and honor. May your path be illuminated by the bright sun of hope, may your sincere prayers certainly be heard, may the reward for your mercy and dedication be the good health of your entire family and prosperity in your home.

On the great holiday of Kurban Bayram, may the morning prayer fill your soul with sunny kindness and bright light. Always keep peace and love in your heart, and may your generosity be rewarded with health, success and prosperity!

Dear Muslim brothers and sisters, we congratulate you on the holiday of Kurban Bayram. Goodness, prosperity, peace to you and your families! Be healthy and rich, and don't forget to share your happiness with your loved ones.

On the glorious and bright holiday - Kurban Bayram, I wish you strong faith, lasting health, pure thoughts, generosity of soul, respect of others, love and prosperity. May this holiday shed light on the path of life and help you choose the right path, may Allah always help, may your heart and soul always thirst for good deeds.

Congratulate family and friends on the Kuyran Bayram holiday in Turkish

You can congratulate your family and friends on the Kuyran Bayram holiday not only in Russian, but also in Turkish.

Bugun sevinc gunu, kederleri bir yana b?rak?p mutlu olal?m. Kurban Bayram?n? doya doya yasayal?m. Her seye kadir olan Yuce Allah, bizleri, dogru yoldan ve sevdiklerimizden ay?rmas?n!

Translation: Today is a day of joy. Leaving sorrow behind, let us rejoice and celebrate Eid al-Adha. May Almighty Allah not separate us from our loved ones and lead us astray from the right path!

Bayramlar berekettir, umuttur, ozlemdir. Kestiginiz kurban ve dualar?n?z kabul olsun, sevdikleriniz hep sizinle olsun… Kurban Bayram?n?z mubarek olsun.

Translation: May the holiday be generous, long-awaited and happy. May your sacrifice be accepted and your prayers heard. May your loved ones always be with you. The path of Eid al-Adha will be blessed.

Kalpler vard?r sevgiyi paylasmak icin, insanlar vard?r yaln?z kalmamak icin, bayramlar vard?r dostlugu paylasmak icin... Kurban Bayram?n?z kutlu olsun.

Translation: Hearts exist to share love. People exist in order not to be alone. Holidays exist to share friendship. Happy Eid al-Adha.

This is one of the most significant holidays in the Islamic religion.

Earlier we talked about the history and traditions of this holiday. And now we publish the most interesting options for congratulating him.

Kurban Bayram: congratulations in verse

Muslims, congratulations!
May Allah protect you all!
The sacred day is coming
Joy shines in the hearts.

May it give you happiness
Your glorious Eid al-Adha,
And prosperity and health,
And a good feast.

Eid al-Adha, Eid al-Fitr,
Favorite holiday of Muslims.
I cordially congratulate you,
I wish you all good luck in your business!
And so that on the path of life
You took care of your faith in God!

Congratulations Muslims
Happy Eid al-Adha!
May Allah protect you from troubles
And he will forgive all of your sins.

Let happiness and peace come to your home,
Gather at the table
All relatives and friends,
The whole family will be there!

Eid al-Fitr has arrived,
I send you congratulations!
Let the bright holiday gather
All Muslim people!
Congratulations to all Muslims
I wish you peace and goodness,
Happiness, joy of luck,
Which means a lot in life!
May Allah help you
Protects from troubles and evil!

Eid al-Fitr is coming,
He promises joy to everyone,
May Allah help you
Islam will strengthen your spirit.

Words of holy prayer
Should warm your heart
End the battles in peace,
Wrap everyone in love.

Celebrate Eid al-Adha,
Good to your homes,
Cleanse your soul from grievances,
Much happiness to you.

Eid al-Adha: congratulations in prose

On the glorious and bright holiday of Eid al-Fitr, I wish you strong faith, lasting health, pure thoughts, generosity of soul, respect from others, love and prosperity. May this holiday shed light on the path of life and help you choose the right path, may Allah always help, may your heart and soul always thirst for good deeds.

On the holiday of Eid al-Adha, I ask you to accept the purest and kindest wishes for health, peace, prosperity, joy, harmony and happiness. Let the thoughts in your head, hopes in your heart and days in your life become clear, bright, and kind.

Happy Eid al-Adha! I wish that in your life there will be the strongest thing - family, the brightest thoughts - thoughts, and the most real thing - love. Be sincere, take care of your loved ones and always have faith and hope!

On this special holiday, I would like to wish you peace, good and bright hopes, and prosperity in life! May your loved ones be happy and healthy, and may love always reign in the family! We wish you pure thoughts and good deeds!

Congratulations on the holy holiday of Eid al-Adha! I wish that all the best thoughts and good intentions accompany your path all year. Let not only this occasion, but many others, contribute to the unification and cohesion of your large family. I wish you peace, prosperity and bright hopes!

Let us recall that earlier