Symptoms of early ectopic pregnancy. Signs of an ectopic pregnancy

Every woman sooner or later matures morally to become a mother. For some, this realization comes long before pregnancy, while others decide to become a good mother after seeing two lines on the test. If pregnancy is desired, any woman tries with all her might to ensure that the baby develops well and without pathologies. But the outcome of events is not always rosy. Sometimes a pregnancy is terminated before it has fully developed. And the reason for this is the ectopic location and attachment of the fertilized egg. This is a fairly dangerous condition that requires immediate hospitalization. If the necessary measures are not taken in time, everything can end tragically. In this article you will learn what an ectopic pregnancy is, read about the causes and symptoms of this pathology, and also get acquainted with the main ways to solve this problem.

What is an ectopic pregnancy

In order to understand the principle of ectopic pregnancy, you need to know how the body works normally. After sexual intercourse, a huge amount of sperm enters the woman’s body through the vagina. Sperm travel a long way to reach the egg, and only one (the strongest and most resilient) is able to fertilize it. The fertilized egg is called a zygote - it makes its way through the fallopian tubes to the uterus for 7 days in order to finally latch onto there and begin its development. Until the embryo attaches to the wall of the uterus, the mother’s lifestyle does not affect its development in any way. And only after implantation the fetus begins to receive blood, nutrition, and oxygen from the mother. This is how development begins healthy pregnancy.

Ectopic pregnancy develops somewhat differently. If a woman's reproductive system malfunctions, the fertilized egg simply cannot move through the fallopian tubes and gets stuck in other organs. Depending on the location of the fertilized egg, ectopic pregnancy is divided into cervical, ovarian, and abdominal. But most often, the zygote gets stuck on the way to the uterus and attaches to the wall of the fallopian tube - this is the most common type of ectopic pregnancy.

This condition can be extremely dangerous, since the fertilized egg grows and rapidly increases in size. This can lead to rupture of surrounding tissues and causes internal bleeding. An ectopic pregnancy is considered a serious indication for immediate medical attention, otherwise the woman may die from blood loss. But how to prevent this situation? How to recognize an ectopic pregnancy before the fallopian tubes rupture?

Causes of ectopic pregnancy

Until now, doctors cannot identify the cause of ectopic pregnancy in all cases. But there are several factors that increase the risk of developing pathology.

  1. Various inflammatory processes in the area reproductive system women may cause the fallopian tubes to narrow. Because of this, the passage of the fertilized egg through them is difficult; it gets stuck without reaching the uterine cavity.
  2. The patency of the tubes may be impaired after various surgical interventions.
  3. Sometimes the fertilized egg cannot enter the uterine cavity because the fallopian tubes are too long, tortuous, or narrow. Unfortunately, such anatomical features can cause the development of an ectopic pregnancy.
  4. Ectopic pregnancy often occurs after artificial insemination.
  5. The patency of the tubes can be impaired due to various tumors and neoplasms in the tube area.
  6. Normally, the fertilized egg moves through the fallopian tubes due to small villi, which move it in the desired direction. The movement of these villi is ensured by hormones. If there is a hormonal imbalance in the body, then the advancement of the fertilized egg stops and it becomes fixed outside the uterine cavity.
  7. Some women try to take contraceptives with a reduced amount of estrogen, based on progestogen or progestin. In some cases, if a woman takes such contraceptives other than as prescribed by a doctor, they can lead to an ectopic pregnancy.
  8. The contraceptive device can also cause an ectopic pregnancy. Normally, it mechanically closes the path from the fallopian tubes to the uterus, preventing the fertilized egg from settling in the uterine cavity. But no one is immune from the fact that the zygote will settle down where it is allowed - right in the pipes. Malfunction of contraceptive IUDs may occur due to their long period of use - this item must be changed in a timely manner.

If an ectopic pregnancy is suspected, an ultrasound of the pelvic organs, a dynamic hCG test (taken for several days in a row), and a progesterone test are performed. During an ectopic pregnancy, the amount of progesterone is lower than during a healthy one, and the hCG level rises very slowly or even stays the same.

An ectopic pregnancy occurs with many obvious symptoms, but they are often mistaken for ordinary toxicosis. On early stages You need to carefully monitor your feelings and, if necessary, contact an antenatal clinic as soon as possible.

  1. Normally, during pregnancy, the lower abdomen should not pull or hurt. Painful sensations in the early stages may indicate a threat of miscarriage or ectopic attachment of the fertilized egg.
  2. If the pain is felt on one side, then most likely the fallopian tube is making itself felt - the one in which the fertilized egg is attached. That is why the pain is localized on the right or left. But if the embryo has implanted in the abdominal part, the pain may be in the middle. Often pain during an ectopic pregnancy radiates to the lower back and rectum.
  3. Often, pain during an ectopic pregnancy intensifies during movement, walking, getting out of bed, etc.
  4. The pain usually increases over time, that is, as the embryo grows and increases in size. If the fetus is implanted in the widest part of the fallopian tube, the pain begins to bother 7 obstetric week, if in the narrow part - already at 4-5 weeks. As a rule, it is at this time that pregnancy is detected. If the fertilized egg is fixed in the ovary, pain develops even earlier - around the fourth week.
  5. Bloody discharge is another important symptom. Often it is he who forces women to go for examination. If there is a lot of blood, most likely the fertilized egg is attached to the cervix. The fact is that in this area there are a lot blood vessels and bleeding can be extremely dangerous - a woman can die from blood loss. Sometimes, to save the patient’s life, she has to remove the uterus completely. Of course, this is an undesirable measure, however, when choosing between a woman’s life and her ability to have children in the future, doctors are forced to choose the former.
  6. HCG test readings can also be used to detect ectopic pregnancy. If a woman's pregnancy is progressing normally, hCG level is increasing rapidly. That is, today the test showed a weak second line, and tomorrow the line is already significant. With an ectopic pregnancy, the hCG level rises uncertainly and slowly. It happens that the test does not respond because the hCG is too low. Then you need to donate blood for analysis, several times, to check the readings over time.
  7. During an ectopic pregnancy, nausea and vomiting are especially pronounced. You should not rely on toxicosis - you need to get checked as soon as possible.
  8. If the fertilized egg is located in abdominal cavity, a woman may experience pain when urinating and defecating. This suggests that the zygote has attached itself near the bladder and intestines.
  9. The woman’s general condition also changes – she feels apathy, drowsiness, discomfort, and malaise. The same feelings can arise during a normal pregnancy, but during a uterine pregnancy they are unusually pronounced.
  10. Scanty menstrual flow can also be a symptom of an ectopic pregnancy. This is actually internal bleeding and is often mistaken for menstruation.
  11. Along with the specific symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy, a woman experiences the usual signs that are also characteristic of a healthy pregnancy - breast enlargement, soreness and fullness, mood swings, and a feeling of general malaise.
In medical practice, there are cases when a woman does not even suspect a pregnancy, especially an ectopic one. The fact is that the test shows one line, because with an ectopic pregnancy there is no proper level of hCG. And internal bleeding is mistaken for menstrual bleeding. The woman does not have any prerequisites for pregnancy - after all, there is no delay and the test is negative. In such cases, the risk can be very high, since the patient believes until the very end that nothing serious is happening to her health.

If an ectopic pregnancy is brought to such a state that the fertilized egg ruptures neighboring organs, the woman may feel acute, unbearable pain in the lower abdomen. After prolonged blood loss, fainting is possible. If you experience such symptoms, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. An ectopic pregnancy can be diagnosed using ultrasound. It can be either traditional or vaginal. It is difficult to detect a fertilized egg in the ovaries and abdominal cavity, so if the doctor does not find a zygote in the uterine area on an ultrasound, an ectopic pregnancy is diagnosed. But what can cause such a pathology?

Ectopic pregnancy - what to do?

The sooner a woman applies for medical care, the more favorable the prognosis for her treatment will be. If treated in a timely manner, laparoscopic surgery is performed. Through a tiny hole, the doctor inserts a small camera into the cavity of the tubes and finds the fertilized egg, which is immediately removed. In case of serious symptoms, when the fertilized egg ruptures the fallopian tube, everything is removed along with the tube. Despite such an operation, a woman may well have children, because she still has a second healthy tube.

After the operation, you must undergo an examination and understand what could have contributed to the development of an ectopic pregnancy. If it is caused by tumors and neoplasms, then the issue of surgical intervention is decided, and in case of hormonal imbalance, appropriate treatment is carried out. After an ectopic pregnancy, you need to use contraception for about six months. It is difficult to answer the question about the possibility of a repeat ectopic pregnancy - it all depends on the anatomical features of each individual female body. However, in order to reduce the risk of developing an ectopic pregnancy in the future, you need to be thoroughly examined at the stage of planning a child. This will allow you to be treated in advance and eliminate the risk of developing many pathologies in the body of the mother and unborn baby.

Ectopic pregnancy is a serious diagnosis. Even 3-4 decades ago, women were admitted to the hospital with this diagnosis only at a late stage of the disease, when the pipes ruptured and severe bleeding occurred. Then, in order to save the woman, all her reproductive organs were completely removed; she could never become a mother again. Fortunately, modern conditions diagnostics and surgical intervention allow you to correct the situation quickly, and most importantly, without consequences. Contact your doctor in a timely manner to maintain your women's health. It has been proven that more than half of women who have had an ectopic pregnancy subsequently become mothers again. This is a great result!

Video: how to identify an ectopic pregnancy

Ectopic pregnancy- one of the most dangerous conditions for a woman in the early stages. It is the main cause of death in pregnant women. Unfortunately, no one is immune from the development of this pathology, and the deviation affects approximately 2% of all pregnancy cases.

However, today, with modern medical capabilities and taking into account timely medical care ectopic pregnancy is successfully prevented, and the woman continues to have every chance of pregnancy and birth healthy child in the future. How to determine an ectopic pregnancy?

An important condition for the proper development of a child after conception is that the fertilized egg must pass through the fallopian tubes and, upon reaching the uterine cavity, attach to its mucous membrane.

However, sometimes the body goes wrong. For some reason the embryo cannot get to the right place, but remains and begins its development in the ovary, fallopian tube, cervix or, extremely rarely, in the abdominal cavity. This pathological condition is called ectopic pregnancy.

Such a pregnancy is doomed, and doctors strongly recommend an abortion, since as the embryo grows, the woman’s organ on which the attachment occurred may begin to suffer. Untimely surgical intervention can lead to serious illness and even death of the pregnant woman.

Depending on the implantation site fertilized egg, ectopic pregnancy is divided into several types.

  • Pipe. The most common type of ectopic pregnancy. Occurs in 98% of cases. Most often, the fertilized egg is attached to the right fallopian tube.
  • Ovarian. Covers approximately 0.5% of cases. A fertilized egg can be localized both in the follicle and on the surface of the ovary.
  • Abdominal. It is extremely rare. Implantation of the embryo occurs on the surface of the abdominal organs. Such pregnancy can be primary or secondary. In the first case, the egg initially enters the abdominal cavity, and in the secondary case, the fertilized egg is detached from the tube, after which it continues to develop in the abdominal cavity.
  • Cervical. Accounts for 0.01% of cases of pathology. The fertilized egg is attached to the cervical canal. This pregnancy is diagnosed more often in the second trimester.
  • In the rudimentary horn of the uterus. Theoretically, such a pregnancy can be called uterine. However, due to the lack of communication between the rudimentary horn and the genital tract, it is still considered ectopic.

Scientists around the world have not yet fully worked out this issue, but nevertheless there is already a specific list possible reasons of this pathology.

  • Obstruction or poor patency of the fallopian tubes– one of the main reasons for the development of ectopic pregnancy. This is due to the presence of adhesions, scars and excessive narrowing. In this case, it is extremely difficult for the sperm to pass through the fallopian tube, and it is forced to attach to the wall.
  • Pelvic diseases, which are inflammatory in nature. The processes accompanying the disease cause neuroendocrine disorders, dysfunction of the ovaries, and also lead to the formation of adhesions and scars of the fallopian tubes.
  • Presence of an intrauterine device. This is due to the appearance of inflammatory changes due to the presence of a foreign body in the woman’s uterine cavity. The chance of an ectopic pregnancy especially increases when using this type of contraception for more than 5 years.
  • Abortion. Numerous artificial abortions provoke the growth and exacerbation of existing inflammatory and infectious diseases female organs, as well as impaired peristalsis of the fallopian tubes. Almost half of women who have an abortion are at high risk of developing an ectopic pregnancy.
  • Genetic abnormalities of the fallopian tubes. This implies underdevelopment of the genital organs, the tubes are too thin and tortuous.

TO risk factors for developing pathology can be attributed:

  • hormonal disorders;
  • previously diagnosed ectopic pregnancies;
  • genital surgery;
  • stress;
  • nicotine addiction;
  • woman's age over 30 years;
  • abnormal development of the egg.

Signs and symptoms of early ectopic pregnancy

How to detect an ectopic pregnancy in the early stages? What are the symptoms and first signs of an ectopic pregnancy? Does ectopic pregnancy indicate pregnancy? In many cases, the symptoms of such a pregnancy are practically no different from a normal one. Nevertheless here's what you need to pay attention to when the next menstruation is delayed.

  1. Pregnancy test can show negative result or a very pale second stripe. This is due to the fact that (human chorionic gonadotropin - a hormone indicating the onset of pregnancy) is significantly lower during an ectopic pregnancy than during a normal pregnancy.
  2. A few days after the date of the expected menstruation during an ectopic pregnancy, menstruation appears, as a rule, of a scanty nature. Such discharge differs from menstruation in that it can either stop or begin again.
  3. Appearance during ectopic pregnancy mainly on one side. This is due, first of all, to the growth of the fertilized egg. The pain is constant and intensifies every day.
  4. Unpleasant sensations in the abdominal area, extending to the lower back.
  5. Disorders of the general condition of the body, such as low blood pressure, vomiting.

All of the above signs do not yet mean 100% the presence of an ectopic pregnancy, but only give a reason to see your doctor. In addition, the condition with this pathology is also characterized by symptoms of normal pregnancy in the first trimester. Namely: toxicosis, swelling of the mammary glands,...

How long does it take for a tube to burst during an ectopic pregnancy? Around the period when active growth of the embryo begins, the signs of an ectopic pregnancy become more pronounced. This occurs due to tubal abortion or rupture of the fallopian tube.

In the first case, the fertilized egg is pushed out of the fallopian tube, resulting in hemorrhage and severe pain. The pain is acute and can radiate to the collarbone, arm or leg. Painkillers do not help.

Fallopian tube rupture may occur 4-10 weeks from the date of the next expected menstruation. It occurs abruptly without previous symptoms. The pregnant woman then experiences sudden severe pain, a sharp drop in blood pressure, increased heart rate, and loss of consciousness.

What to do if you suspect an ectopic pregnancy. Diagnostic methods

At the slightest suspicion of the development of an ectopic pregnancy, you should urgently contact a gynecologist. During the examination, the doctor reveals a slight cyanosis of the cervix and its softened state. In this case, the uterus is determined, as in normal pregnancy - slightly enlarged and soft on palpation. In addition, the gynecologist may detect enlargement and tenderness of one of the tubes or ovaries, and it becomes impossible to determine the clear contours of these appendages.

As a rule, in such situations, additional examinations are prescribed:

  • blood test to determine the level of hCG and.

In case of ectopic pregnancy the fertilized egg cannot be visualized in the uterine cavity through ultrasound examination. The size of the uterus itself less than normal, and in the area of ​​the appendages a compaction is detected. As for hormones, their levels will be significantly lower than they should be at this stage of pregnancy.

In cases where it was not possible to accurately diagnose an ectopic pregnancy using ultrasound, a diagnostic test is performed. laparoscopy. Once the diagnosis is confirmed, the procedure turns into a therapeutic one.

Today this is the most gentle surgical intervention for ectopic pregnancy, which allows you to save the fallopian tube. The essence of the operation for ectopic pregnancy is to insert instruments through small incisions in the abdominal wall. This happens under anesthesia.

Laparoscopy is performed in one of the following ways:

  • extrusion (the fertilized egg is squeezed out while preserving the tube);
  • tubotomy (used for minor changes in the fallopian tube, in which part of it can be removed);
  • Tuectomy (fallopian tube is completely removed).

After the operation, rehabilitation is carried out through physiotherapeutic measures and medications.

If the diagnosis is made late and the fertilized egg is tightly attached to the wall of the tube, then treatment consists of laparotomy. These are operations involving a large incision in the abdominal cavity and removal of the fallopian tube. As a result of such an ectopic pregnancy, there may be problems with the next pregnancy.

There is a place to be drug treatment . Its essence is to prescribe hormonal drugs that stop the development of the embryo. However, their use is not yet justified, since there are a number of serious side effects: negative impact on the kidneys, liver, baldness, etc. Therefore, surgical intervention remains the most optimal solution today.

So far, the only way to prevent this pathology is for a woman to carefully monitor her health. This is especially true for those who are at risk. This is as follows:

  • undergoing preventive examinations;
  • protection to prevent sexually transmitted infections;
  • avoidance of abortion;
  • maintaining a healthy lifestyle;
  • carrying out maximum examination before planned conception.

According to medical practice, many women, after being diagnosed with an ectopic pregnancy, have every chance of giving birth to a healthy child in the future. However, such a successful turnaround is possible if the correct diagnosis is made early and surgical intervention is performed immediately.

Therefore it is necessary pay special attention to your body in the first days after the delay and at the first questionable symptoms, immediately consult a specialist.

Video about ectopic pregnancy

We invite you to watch a short video on the topic of ectopic pregnancy. This will help you visualize the problem a little better. You will receive useful information about the first signs and treatment methods.

What is an ectopic (ectopic) pregnancy? This is the name of a pathological condition in which a fertilized egg is implanted not in the uterus (the only possible place for the successful development of the fetus), but outside its cavity. This condition is dangerous for a woman. If the diagnosis is incorrect or the doctor is not consulted in a timely manner, you can die. It is important to know the signs of an ectopic pregnancy.

According to statistics, the incidence of pathology is about 1.5%. The mortality rate caused by its complications is about 1-5%. The most common cause is a ruptured tube and life-threatening levels of blood loss.

Meanwhile, ectopic pregnancy is successfully treated thanks to early diagnosis and minimally invasive therapy. The earlier the problem is identified, the better the prognosis.

Conditions of origin of ectopic pregnancy

This is a dangerous case

To better understand the mechanism of ectopic fetal development, you need to understand how conception occurs.

In simple words, fertilization is the process of fusion of female and male reproductive cells. It is possible after ovulation, i.e. the moment when a mature egg leaves the follicle. If sexual intercourse is performed with a man, she meets the sperm, they unite.

The cell, thanks to the ciliated epithelium lining the inner surface of the fallopian tubes, moves deeper into the organ. It travels through the fallopian tube to the uterus, where it implants. This is how intrauterine pregnancy occurs. See photos of the conception process.

During the period of advancement, the cell goes through several stages of division. It is prepared for penetration into the epithelium. This occurs 5 to 7 days after fertilization, the cell is implanted in the uterine cavity. Once attached, it multiplies to form the placenta and embryo.

An ectopic pregnancy occurs due to a failure in the process of advancement of a fertilized egg or the impossibility of its penetration into the endometrium. This happens due to a violation.

  1. The ability to contract the fallopian tubes, which makes it difficult for sperm to move through. This leads to the female cell meeting the male cell too early or too late. This means that all subsequent implantation mechanisms may be disrupted.
  2. Movements of the ciliated epithelium due to hormonal imbalance (activation begins under the influence of estrogen produced by the ovaries). The zygote is located in the tube or moves back.
  3. Spasmodic contractions of the tube due to impaired progesterone production. The cell cannot move into the uterus, and is looking for somewhere to gain a foothold.
  4. Secretion of the epithelium in the tubes, which slows down the process of advancement of the egg.

Since the fertilized egg is attached ectopically, the normal course of pregnancy and the formation of an embryo is impossible. The placenta, which develops in the lumen of the fallopian tubes or on other organs, destroys blood vessels. This is a condition that leads to the development of hematosalpinx - the accumulation of fluid (blood) in the tube and intra-abdominal bleeding.

In many cases, this leads to termination of the ectopic pregnancy, meaning the cell can come out on its own. But there is a high probability that the growing fetus will cause pipe rupture or damage internal organs.

Who's at risk

An ectopic pregnancy can be caused by a number of reasons. A study by specialists made it possible to identify risk factors:

  • previous ectopic pregnancies;
  • IVF (in vitro fertilization);
  • age over 35 years;
  • infertility or its previous treatment;
  • many sexual partners;
  • smoking;
  • hormonal contraceptives;
  • stimulation of ovulation;
  • stress, neuroses;
  • congenital pathologies of the genital organs that are inherited;
  • previous pelvic surgeries;
  • infections and inflammations;
  • sedentary lifestyle.

Types of ectopic pregnancy

Why is an ectopic pregnancy dangerous?

One of the main dangers is damage to the internal genital organs and the development of bleeding, which can lead to death. That is why it is important not to confuse and recognize the symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy in time and go to the hospital.

Other complications:

  • inflammation of the pelvic organs, abdominal cavity;
  • the development of adhesions, leading to infertility, as the tubes become impassable;
  • increasing the risk of conception outside the uterus later.

According to medical statistics, removing one fallopian tube increases the likelihood of developing an ectopic pregnancy by 5 percent. If doctors managed to save it, the risk increases to 20%.

Nausea is one of the signs

Signs of an ectopic pregnancy

At 2 weeks the condition may be asymptomatic. You can suspect something is wrong based on the following complaints:

  • cessation of menstruation;
  • swelling, tenderness of the breast;
  • toxicosis (nausea, vomiting);
  • increased sense of smell, change in taste.

A number of symptoms that appear during an ectopic pregnancy are similar to those in the early stages of a healthy conception, but only at first.

The woman may experience pain. This pathology is characterized by a small amount of bleeding, this is the difference between a spontaneous abortion.

Symptoms of an ectopic or ectopic pregnancy at 5 to 6 weeks depend on how quickly events develop. With tubal abortion they occur.

  1. Periodic, cramping, brief pain in the lower abdomen. Acute pain that lasts a long time means hemorrhage into the abdominal cavity.
  2. Blood discharge. They occur when the endometrium is rejected and blood vessels are damaged.
  3. Signs of internal bleeding: dizziness, weakness, fainting, nausea, drop in blood pressure, enlargement or bloating.
  4. An ectopic pregnancy can lead to a rupture of the tube under the influence of the growing fetus. This condition is accompanied by a clear clinical picture that occurs suddenly:

  5. Pain. How does it hurt? It starts on the side of the damaged tube and spreads to the groin and rectum.
  6. Loss of consciousness, weakness, fever. They occur due to cerebral hypoxia due to a sharp drop in blood pressure.
  7. Frequent urge to defecate, diarrhea. Due to irritation of the peritoneum.
  8. Nausea, vomiting.
  9. Symptoms of hemorrhagic shock. Occurs with heavy blood loss. Manifested by pale skin, apathy, lethargy, shortness of breath, cold sweat, increased heart rate.

Ectopic pregnancy is divided into whole groups based on signs and symptoms.

Frequency of occurrence

Types of ectopic pregnancy

Divided into two types:

  • ectopic progressive;
  • disturbed.

The first is very scary, as it is difficult to detect in the early stages, because it occurs without symptoms. The size of the uterus is normal for this stage of pregnancy, there is no bleeding.

A disrupted or interrupted ectopic pregnancy is accompanied by obvious signs:

  • paroxysmal abdominal pain;
  • the uterus enlarges;
  • bleeding;
  • painful and soft formation to the touch (located on the left or right side).

If you have had such manifestations, you feel unwell, you start to smear, consult a doctor. Most likely, there was a failure or it was an old or non-developing ectopic pregnancy. This condition must be treated.

There are the following options for attaching the fertilized egg, pregnancy classification:

  • pipe – 98-99%;
  • abdominal – 0.3% of cases;
  • ovarian – 0.2%;
  • cervical – 0.01%.

Tubal pregnancy

The most common type is the attachment of the egg in the fallopian tube, most often the right one. The cell is located in the ampulla region. In this case, an ectopic pregnancy may remain undetected for up to 8-12 weeks and result in a tubal abortion.

If the egg is attached in narrower parts, after 6 weeks there is a disruption of nearby vessels and tissues, a pipe rupture and intra-abdominal bleeding are possible.

Ovarian pregnancy

It can be primary, when the egg is retained in the ovary and is fertilized there. Or secondary – re-implantation of the egg after a tubal abortion.

The ovarian tissue is covered with vessels that quickly collapse, causing internal bleeding.

In the abdominal cavity

Abdominal pregnancy

Occurs as a result of implantation of the fertilized egg after a tubal abortion; there may be a third pregnancy. So there are three ectopic ones. Implantation occurs in the peritoneum or intestines. This rare pathology is fraught with infection and bleeding.

Theoretically, it is possible to give birth with an abdominal ectopic pregnancy. In medical practice, cases are described when a woman who was given such a diagnosis carried and gave birth to a child. But most of the fruits die.

Cervical pregnancy

A rare case, but the most life-threatening for a woman due to the large number of blood vessels in this area.

The limited space of the cervical canal prevents the development of ectopic pregnancy. If the fertilized egg does not move into the cavity of the reproductive organ, destruction of blood vessels and massive bleeding from the birth canal quickly occur.

Pathology is promoted by uterine malformations, surgeries, benign tumors and numerous miscarriages.

Causes of ectopic pregnancy

Hormonal imbalance is one of the reasons

There is no one, strictly defined reason for which pathology occurs. It usually manifests itself under the influence of a number of factors, many of which are still unclear.

The most common reason is a failure in the process of transporting a fertilized cell due to the strong activity of the blastocyst or disruption of movement through the fallopian tubes. As a result, the implantation process begins when the fertilized egg has not yet reached the uterus.

What causes the movement of the cell through the pipe to be disrupted?

  1. Inflammatory processes in the appendages: acute and chronic salpingitis, infectious agents that cause functional changes in the tubes, chlamydia and other STDs.
  2. Operations. Even minimally invasive interventions carry the risk of changing the structure and functioning of organs. Connective tissue forms at the site of the incision and suture. This affects the ability of the tube to contract, its mobility is impaired, and adhesions prevent the cell from passing to the uterus. An ectopic pregnancy occurs.
  3. Hormonal imbalance. In the presence of any endocrine diseases, ovulation, the processes of fertilization and the movement of cells through the tubes are disrupted.
  4. Endometriosis. A pathology in which the mucous layer of the endometrium spreads outside the uterine cavity. This leads to structural changes in the reproductive organs, increasing the risk of developing an ectopic or post-uterine pregnancy.
  5. Congenital and acquired anomalies of the genital organs: genital infantilism (fallopian tubes are longer than usual), stenosis, diverticulitis.
  6. Neoplasms in the pelvis. They affect the functioning of internal organs, change the size and diameter of pipes, and disrupt the function of the epithelium. Promotes ectopic attachment of the embryo.
  7. The effect of toxic substances contained in salts of heavy metals, tobacco smoke, industrial dust, toxic fumes.
  8. ECO. One of the ways to combat infertility is when conception occurs outside the woman’s body, and then the embryos are placed in the uterus. The risk is associated with the fact that when IVF is indicated, there are pathologies of the fallopian tubes and other parts of the reproductive system.

Diagnosis and determination of ectopic pregnancy

Need diagnostics from specialists

Pathology can be recognized in the early stages by conducting a clinical and instrumental examination. The most difficult to detect is a progressive ectopic pregnancy outside the reproductive organ, since there are no signs of it.

Modern research methods make it possible to detect conception as early as 3 weeks and prevent complications such as rupture of the fallopian tube and abortion.

  1. Ultrasound - reliably diagnoses ectopic pregnancy and determines the site of attachment of the egg.
  2. Checking hCG levels. Its concentration increases with the onset of pregnancy. If it is ectopic, the growth occurs much more slowly.
  3. Study of progesterone levels. A concentration below 25 ng/ml is a sign of ectopic pregnancy, and a decrease to 5 ng/ml indicates fetal nonviability.
  4. Culdocentesis (puncture of the posterior vaginal vault). It is carried out at the acute abdomen clinic if a retrouterine pregnancy is suspected.
  5. Cleaning the uterus (diagnostic curettage). Prescribed for established ectopic pregnancy.
  6. Laparoscopy. Allows you to carefully examine internal organs. If an ectopic pregnancy is detected, it is immediately terminated.

Manifestation of ectopic pregnancy

Tell us about your feelings

How does an ectopic tubal pregnancy begin to manifest? What are its initial signs, can it be confused with full-term? The first symptoms of ectopic development, which should alert a woman, are felt 2-3 weeks after a missed period. This:

  • cramping pain in the corner of the abdomen, radiating to the rectum;
  • scanty, dark discharge from the genitals.

If these symptoms appear, you should call ambulance, since internal bleeding may begin this way. Trying to treat an ectopic pregnancy at home is a mistake. A fatal outcome cannot be ruled out.

You can easily understand whether a woman has conceived or not, even if an ectopic pregnancy does not make itself felt. It is enough to do a test on the days of the delay. If it is positive, the maximum time it takes to see a doctor is 1-2 weeks. When the test is negative, you should wait a couple of days and take another one.

Nature of pain

The first way the pathology manifests itself is pain. But how can you distinguish pain during an ectopic pregnancy from other diseases, such as peritonitis?

Pain is often a symptom

A woman is worried about pain in the lower abdomen on the right or left, in the area of ​​the uterus. With massive bleeding, pain radiates to the rectum and lower back. Unpleasant sensations during ectopic development of the fetus are expressed in paroxysms, each time the state of health worsens.

How long does it take for the pain to appear? It depends on the site of implantation of the fertilized egg. Since ectopic tubal pregnancy is the most common, it has been extensively studied. When the fertilized egg is located in a narrow part of the tube, pain occurs almost immediately after conception.

How long does it take for the fallopian tube to burst?

Ectopic pregnancy requires the earliest possible medical resolution. The tubes in which implantation most often occurs are not designed by nature to carry a child. They are not made of elastic tissue like the uterus. When the fruit grows, they cannot withstand the load and rupture.

How soon can this happen? Most women think that this cannot happen in the first days, weeks, even months after conception, so they are in no hurry to consult a doctor. But the risk of an ectopic embryo exists in the very early stages.

What week does a pipe burst? On average, an ectopic or ectopic pregnancy lasts 4 to 12 weeks. The period of development of pathology depends on the place of attachment of the fertilized egg.

Fallopian tube rupture

Early rupture is possible if the diameter of the pipe at the implantation site is small. So, in its isthmic part, stretching is possible by a maximum of 2 mm. Then the pipe ruptures at 4-6 weeks. And a tubal abortion can happen even earlier. This interrupts the ectopic conception itself.

The lowest risk for a woman is in a situation where the embryo is implanted in the lower (interstitial) part of the fallopian tubes. This area directly borders the uterus, so it is the most elastic.

How long will it take for the break to occur in this case? Sometimes the pipe does not burst even when stretched up to 5 mm. On average, the time when it ceases to withstand the growth of the embryo is 8 - 12 weeks.

Timely treatment of ectopic pregnancy

Today there is no way to preserve a fetus that develops outside the uterus. There is evidence when, with an ectopic pathology, it was possible to bear and give birth to a child. But this is only possible under extreme circumstances and involves a very great risk to the mother’s life. With ectopic development, there is a high probability of pathologies in the fetus.

Rare cases have been recorded when a woman had a double pregnancy at the same time: intrauterine and extrauterine. What do they do with a pregnancy that is pathological? The ectopic embryo is disposed of as soon as it is detected.

Previously, the treatment was surgical. Modern medicine offers non-surgical techniques. Drug therapy is based on the use of Methotrexate, a drug that can delay cell division. The drug is widely used in oncology practice and in organ transplantation to suppress the immune system.

Methotrexate promotes rejection of the anomaly

In case of ectopic pregnancy, Methotrexate acts on fetal tissue and embryonic organs, stopping their development. The result is subsequent rejection.

Drug treatment reduces the risk of bleeding, minimizes organ trauma, and shortens the rehabilitation period. But there are also disadvantages: dizziness, nausea, vomiting, stomach diseases, rupture of the fallopian tube due to a progressive ectopic pregnancy.

The use of Methotrexate is possible if the size of the ovum is no more than 4 cm, good tests, and no bleeding. Be sure to exclude the presence of other pathologies. In other cases, surgical treatment is indicated.

The choice of surgical method depends on the patient’s age, location and size of the embryo, and state of health. In case of massive blood loss that becomes dangerous, the doctor will perform an emergency laparotomy - an intervention with a wide incision. It allows the surgeon to quickly eliminate blood loss and stabilize the condition.

In all other cases, preference is given to laparoscopic methods.

  1. Salpingotomy. Preserves the fallopian tube and its reproductive ability. The operation is only feasible for small egg sizes. Associated with an increased risk of recurrent ectopic pregnancy in the future.
  2. Salpingectomy. Removal of the organ along with the implant. It is carried out in case of repeated ectopic conception, the egg size is over 5 cm. In some cases, the tube is not completely removed, partially preserving its function.

IN postoperative period It is important to ensure that there is no bleeding in the uterus. The use of antibiotics and painkillers, NSAIDs is indicated. The woman is discharged 1-2 days after laparoscopic intervention, 10-14 days after laparotomy.

Normal hCG level

To make sure that the ectopic ovum has been completely removed, the woman monitors the level of hCG in the blood for some time. A tumor, chorionepithelioma, can develop from chorion cells.

How long should you use protection after surgery? For 6 months in order to stabilize reproductive function.

What does an ectopic pregnancy look like on an ultrasound?

Ultrasound examination diagnoses pathology in the early stages. Its signs:

  • enlarged uterus;
  • thickening of the mucous layer of the uterus with an undetected fertilized egg;
  • heterogeneous formation in the area of ​​the uterine appendages;
  • an egg with an embryo outside the uterus.

See the signs of pathology on the ultrasound video, example diagnosis.

Transvaginal ultrasound has diagnostic value, which detects ectopic pathology as early as 3 weeks after a missed period. With the help of an examination, you can determine a rupture of the fallopian tube, bleeding in the abdominal cavity.

Consequences of late removal

If a woman decides to have a child again after an ectopic tubal pregnancy, this should be approached thoughtfully and carefully. It is important to see a gynecologist both during the planning period and from the first days of pregnancy to make sure that everything is in order.

According to statistics, the chance of getting a normal uterine conception after an ectopic one is 50%, tubal pregnancy twice – 20%, infertility – 30%. The numbers are serious, so you shouldn’t let your health condition take its course, but plan everything.

Obstetric pathology, which is ectopic pregnancy, is one of the most difficult diagnoses during pregnancy. This difficulty arises because the woman experiences a colossal nervous shock, and also because the diagnosis is complicated, and the consequences for the mother depend on the duration of the diagnosed pathology: the earlier the anomaly was identified, the greater the chances of giving birth to a healthy baby in the future.

If there are pathologies in the parent body (mother or father) or in the gene pool of the baby, then an anomaly in development occurs. The fertilized egg is not implanted in the uterine cavity, but in a place unsuitable for fetal growth: the ovaries, tubes.

It rarely regenerates at a later stage, and therefore the mother should come to terms with the fact that a baby that is attached in the wrong place threatens her life.

An ectopic pregnancy detected in the early stages is considered the least dangerous. A woman who has identified the anomaly before this period has a chance of leaving her reproductive internal organs intact; removal of the tube or ovary will not be necessary.

2 week

There is no standard and uniform clinical picture that would suit all pregnant women. The pathology is further complicated by the fact that in a very short period of time, for example, in the first month, the ectopic localization of the zygote is in no way felt by the mother herself. Signs characteristic of pregnancy and toxicity are not yet available.

4 week

4th week ectopic developing pregnancy accompanied by characteristic features for girls in an interesting position. Of course, it is impossible to visually determine the position, but a delay in menstruation is already present.

5 week

The first month of development (already an embryo) is accompanied by:

  • characteristic absent menstruation;
  • the delay is usually 10-16 days;
  • the woman herself does not yet experience nausea;
  • frequent urination is recorded;
  • Abdominal pain is not localized.

Occasionally there is a nagging pain in the peripubic area (bikini area), there are no sharp pains.

7 and 8 weeks

7 and 8 weeks for an ectopic pregnancy are considered late, or the “milestone” after which it is recommended. Signs:

  • delay 14-20 days;
  • nausea;
  • pregnancy test - two stripes;
  • reaction to odors;
  • dull but tolerable pain in the abdomen;
  • frequent urination.

If the response to a pregnancy test is negative, but there is a delay and symptoms of the pregnant woman, it is necessary to conduct an additional ultrasound examination.

Symptoms of ectopic pregnancy

The symptomatic picture and diagnosis also differ, depending on the duration of the ectopic pregnancy. There is no specific system for the first weeks; each doctor takes into account his individual diagnostic methods.

3 week

The uterus does not enlarge, but the body is already producing an increased amount of prolactin and progesterone, irritability of the nipples is observed, and the breasts are not yet increasing in size.

4 week

The second stripe will be visible. The following clinical picture is also observed:

  • swelling of the cervical canal and change in color of the labia to a darker color;
  • delay approximately 7-10 days;
  • the breast is swollen, but not enlarged;
  • increased nipple sensitivity.

>Swelling and change in color of the outer labia are the result of the hormonal effects of progesterone. Symptoms are determined on the gynecological chair during examination by a doctor.

5 -7 weeks

The above symptoms are accompanied by a painful sensation in the right or left side, depending on the type of attachment of the child.

If the fetus is attached to the thin part of the fallopian tube, spotting is detected at intervals after physical activity. Additional symptoms:

  • positive test;
  • nausea in the morning;
  • vomiting or gag reflex to food;
  • swelling of the limbs;
  • pressing sensation on the rectum;
  • irritability;
  • pain during sexual intercourse.

The amount of discharge and their color are unimportant. The main thing is to go to the hospital in a timely manner. Even weak spotting indicates the presence of injuries to internal organs.

10-11 weeks

For a period longer than the second month, this is already a risk. At this age, the baby is already quite large, so his growth provokes deformation of the internal organs. If the fetus is attached to the walls of the tube near the exit to the uterus, then the maximum age of development without organ rupture is 10-11 weeks. After this period, a woman risks her life, since a rupture of a tube or any other part of the reproductive organ provokes internal bleeding.

On later the woman feels sharp spasmodic pain, spotting increase in quantity, red and dark blood appears. This is a fatal condition that requires immediate hospitalization.

How many weeks can an ectopic pregnancy develop?

The ectopic location of the fetus is a threat to the life of the mother. It is impossible to save the fetus or move it into the uterine cavity. This pathology also cannot go away on its own, and therefore the risk of developing internal bleeding is high.