Facelift with Elena doodle. Face fitness - the best exercises for facial rejuvenation

Facial gymnastics is recognized as a real alternative to hardware and injection techniques. They say that facial muscles can be pumped up just like the muscles of the body. Let's find out if this is true from the famous face fitness trainer Elena Karkukli. We also compare pictures of Elena herself before and after the start of classes and learn universal exercises against wrinkles.

37-year-old Elena Karkukli four years ago founded the Faceday club, where everyone learns to save face - in the literal sense of the word. Elena shows how to do exercises according to the method of Alena Rossoshinskaya, which help tighten the oval, smooth the skin, and remove muscle tension. Before/after photos taken by training participants show that all this really works. But there are still plenty of skeptics: some foam at the mouth to prove that it was not the exercises that helped the girls transform, but the ill-fated Photoshop, others “authoritatively” declare that facial massage can stretch the skin, but does not eliminate wrinkles. We asked Elena to dispel these myths, and also found out where it’s best for a beginner to start and what anti-fitness is.

website: Tell us how you came up with the idea of ​​doing face fitness? Did you immediately believe in the effectiveness of the technique, or was there some wariness at first?

At 32 years old, I saw very big changes on my face. Many people are familiar with this state when suddenly, one fine day, you stop recognizing yourself in the mirror. As a rule, changes appear abruptly: it seems that everything was fine yesterday, but today a different person is looking at you in the reflection. You don’t like yourself either in the morning or in the evening, neither with makeup nor without it. I started searching for answers to questions. First of all, I turned to my friends: I looked at their faces, asked who was doing what. I went to consultations with cosmetologists and even two plastic surgeons.
I received recommendations that didn’t inspire me much: to do injections, get threads, and even go for operations. I still have one surgeon’s report with a list of recommendations.

What prevented me from starting these procedures? Lack of prospects, fear of complications, doubts about effectiveness, high cost. I looked at those who had been doing injections for a long time, and the proportions of their faces seemed unnatural to me.

My sister told me about Alena Rossoshinskaya, my future teacher, with whom she started going to face fitness classes. My sister is four years older than me and has tried many procedures. As a skeptic by nature, I was sure that if it worked, the whole world would already know.

I doubted it until I came to visit my sister, who lives in Dubai, and met Alena personally. She explained in clear language how a double chin appears, where the nasolabial lips come from, and why the cheeks slide down. For a long time, Alena called me one of her most meticulous students. I was so inspired that, having received several exercises for the road, I returned to Moscow and began, as usual, to gather groups for trainings to learn myself and teach others.
Thanks to word of mouth, new students began to find me. Six months later, I and my friend completed training to become a trainer. Together we started a Faceday natural facial restoration club. Our life has become hectic. Today, when facial fitness is becoming more and more in demand, people from the farthest corners of Russia come to us for training.

Face fitness is a whole philosophy. With it, not only your face changes: your mood and quality of life improve, prospects and confidence in the future appear. At 32 years old, I was at a loss: what to do, where to run, what will happen at 35, 40, 50 years old? I will soon be 38 years old. I am happy with the way I look with and without makeup, both in the mirror and in photographs.

website: The most popular concern in the case of facial gymnastics is skin stretching. Are there any grounds for such fears?
E.K.: One of the main principles of our methodology is complete safety. Indeed, on the Internet you can find exercises that are fraught with stretching, so you should be careful with experiments. But people deform their skin every day by not properly caring for their face when washing and applying cream. We not only teach correct technique, but also the culture of preserving skin tone.

? Is it possible to get rid of jowls, puffiness under the eyes, or remove a double chin?
E.K.: It is quite possible to improve appearance any area of ​​the face. Key Point in this case – regularity of classes. And the best part is that the effect is always there and at any age. For example, in three minutes you can tighten your eyelids, forehead, open your eyes, in another three minutes you can strengthen your cheeks and raise your cheekbones, two minutes will be needed for posture and the same amount for the shape of your face. The express complex takes seven minutes a day. The full complex takes about 10-15 minutes.

website: Is it possible to learn how to do exercises at home on your own? For example, from videos on the Internet?
E.K.: Of course, you can start studying from books and videos, if there is no other option. Many people start this way, and then come to adjust and improve the program. Everything here is like in the gym: you can try for a long time to sculpt the body of your dreams on your own, stagnate in one place and do the exercises incorrectly. However, it is much faster and more effective to do this with a trainer.

. But what to do if a person has been holding his back incorrectly for years? Is there a chance to retrain?

E.K.: There is always a chance! Posture is the foundation. If it is incorrect, the oval of the face floats, a double chin and withers appear, the neck shortens, folds appear on it, the cheeks and corners of the lips slip, and the proportions of the face change.

Tight muscles of the cervical and shoulder regions provoke impaired microcirculation, which means poor complexion and swelling occur.

Posture experiment

Straighten up and stretch the top of your head up, feel the weight of your face - it will be insignificant. Then slouch and listen to your sensations again: the weight of your face will immediately increase, and if you look in the mirror, you will see a big difference. This gives you an understanding that the habit of maintaining correct posture solves many problems at once without any effort on your part.

One posture exercise a day plus the habit of pulling your head up by the top of your head should become a habit.

E.K.: From the moment something starts to bother you. There are girls who come to us at 23-24 years old. They need prevention and exercise only 1-2 times a week. You can start at least at 19!

One day, my brother’s wife asked me to do a closed training for her colleagues. She came to class and brought with her her nine-year-old daughter, my niece. She brought an iPad for entertainment and said that she would play in the cafe in our training center. But it turned out that the girl listened carefully to the entire training. Of course, she had no need to do the exercises, but as a result of the lesson, she began to pay attention to her posture and the habit of pursing her lips. I listened to my parents’ comments on this matter, which I had previously received with hostility.

website: Tell us more about anti-fitness: what is it, why is it bad, how to fight it?
E.K.: Anti-fitness is bad habits, with which we literally worsen the condition of our face from morning to evening. They are formed from the very early childhood. Most of them were copied from loved ones.

For example, one of the most harmful facial habits is pursed lips. It leads to their reduction, the appearance of purse-string wrinkles, a decrease in volume in the nasolabial triangle, an increase in the nasolabial fold and marionette lines (folds under the lips).

We correct the situation using a regular cap from any small pharmaceutical bottle.

Exercise to relax the nasolabial triangle

You need to take the cap into your relaxed lips - your teeth are closed, but not clenched - and hold for 30 seconds or more. After you take it out, you will feel an unusual state of relaxation in your lips and lower third of your face. Using this method, you can easily change your muscle memory and stop pursing your lips. By adding exercises to the orbicularis oris muscle, you can increase the volume in the lips and nasolabial area.

Pay attention to how you usually brush your teeth. By tucking the brush behind the cheek, we usually form a deep nasolabial fold, and when brushing the front teeth, we add wrinkles under the eyes to the nasolabial folds. In order to remove these unwanted changes, you need to constantly monitor how you hold the brush.

website: How long does the effect last if you stop exercising?
E.K.: There are several factors on which this depends. Firstly, it matters how long a person exercises. The longer, the stronger the muscle frame becomes, which means the effect will last for a long time.
Secondly, they play an important role individual characteristics specific person. Some people have to constantly work on their face or body to make them look beautiful, while for others it is enough to exercise once a week or a month to stay in great shape.

website: When is it better to do a set of exercises – in the morning or before bed? With what products – gels, oils, creams?
E.K.: You can do the exercises at any time. Work out in the morning and you'll look great all day. Work out in the evening and you will see the effect the next morning. After sleep, your face will recover faster than usual. However, you should not do invigorating exercises on posture and withers before going to bed - it is better to find time for them in the morning or afternoon.

It is not necessary to use special means. The main thing is that the skin is comfortable: it should not be too dry or oily - your regular skin care product will do. When performing lifting smoothing self-massage of the neck and décolleté, you will need a cream, serum or gel.

website: You take before/after photos of the participants and publish them on the Internet. And, most likely, you receive reviews in which they write that “it’s all photoshop.” How do you react to them? Are they hurt?
E.K.: Most of the reviews are positive, because people on social networks see that this is a whole direction, a philosophy, a large community of women. Everyone understands what is in the photo real person, with whom a real live trainer worked. There are isolated reviews from people who doubt it. They used to make me smile, but now they make me smile.

website: And finally, could you recommend to our readers an effective universal exercise that everyone should do, regardless of skin condition and age?
E.K.: My favorite exercise- “Smile to the sun.”

Exercise “Smile to the Sun” to relax muscle tension

Just touching your skin with your fingers, make slow stroking movements from the middle of your lips to your ears, as if you were drawing a smile. Do not stretch the skin; your fingers glide like feathers. Perform from 20 to 100 times. After such relaxation and lifting, you will feel your face lifting up. I call this the formation of a state of inner smile, a change in muscle memory. “Smile to the Sun” is multifunctional: it is relaxation, lifting, reduction of nasal lips and jowls. The state of an inner smile gives the face lightness and attractiveness. Try it - you will definitely like it.


Many women dream of maintaining the youth and beauty of their faces for a long time. For this purpose, face fitness was invented, which involves performing exercises to work the muscles of the face. You can master and perform them yourself at home.

What is face fitness?

This term refers to fitness for the face, thanks to which you can prolong youth. The thing is that by doing exercises you can work out the subcutaneous muscles, which become weak and smaller over time, and also improve blood circulation. Face fitness for the face helps reduce the number of wrinkles, restore a beautiful oval face and make the skin more elastic and toned. The exercises are all simple and can be done at home without any help.

Face fitness - exercises

Exists large number aerobics techniques for the face, but their essence is approximately the same. There are basic principles regarding face fitness training:

  1. During classes, it is important to relax so that you feel comfortable. It is best to practice in front of a mirror to control your movements.
  2. For facial fitness exercises to work, you should do them regularly. Exercise every day and better in the morning and in the evening, allocating 10-15 minutes for this.
  3. Do everything in front of a mirror to be able to control yourself. It is equally important to concentrate on your own sensations in order to understand which muscle is working.
  4. During exercises, it is forbidden to stretch the skin too much, otherwise you may get new wrinkles.
  5. It is recommended to practice while sitting, with a straight back. In addition, you should first cleanse your face and scrub.
  6. If you feel unwell, training should be postponed.

Face fitness for lips

Modern girls, striving to become owners plump lips, agree to “beauty injections.” In fact, this is not at all necessary, since there are simple, but effective exercises that will help you achieve the desired result. Face fitness classes for the face should include the following movements:

  1. Pull the middle part of your lips and release them sharply to hear a characteristic sound. Do everything in eight counts.
  2. Pull your lips forward, but do not curl them into a tube. The exercise can be called “duck”.
  3. Face fitness includes one more movement: bite your lower lip, and first stretch your upper lip forward, as in the previous exercise, and then lower it down.

Face fitness for the forehead

This is where expression lines are most visible, on the forehead. To keep it smooth and wrinkle-free as much as possible, it is recommended to perform the following face fitness exercises for the forehead:

  1. To relax the muscles that are used when bringing your eyebrows together, do the train exercise. To do this, expand the eyebrow area by placing your fingers in the center between the eyebrows and spreading them to the sides.
  2. Press the palm of one hand to your forehead and move it down slightly without reducing the pressure. Raise and lower your eyebrows.

Face fitness for eyes

They say that a woman’s eyes can determine her age and condition, since fatigue and other problems are always reflected in them. Swelling in the eye area, drooping eyelids, crow's feet, all this can be removed with the help of special exercises. Face fitness is great for bags under the eyes:

  1. Stretch your lips in the shape of the letter “o”, lift your eyes up and start blinking actively. Make sure that wrinkles do not form on your forehead.
  2. The next face fitness exercise is difficult to perform, since it is important to feel the muscle, which is popularly called the “elevator”. Lower and raise your eyelid, but don't help with your eyebrows.
  3. Draw circles with your eyes, without missing a single corner. Rub your palms and cover your eyes with them, which should be closed. Continue drawing circles with them without opening your eyelids. Close your eyes and seem to draw them in, and then relax.

Face fitness for eyelids

A common problem among the fair sex is drooping of the upper eyelid. This not only makes you look older, but also makes your face look tired. The problem arises because there is a small muscle under the eyelid that loses its tone. Face fitness for the impending eyelid offers a unique exercise, to perform which, open your eyes as wide as possible and hold for four counts. While maintaining tension, close your eyes for the same amount of time.

Face fitness for cheeks

To reduce the volume of your cheeks and make your cheekbones more pronounced, you need to train the zygomatic muscle. For this purpose, face fitness offers best exercises:

  1. Lower your lower jaw, creating an “o” shape for your mouth. Place your index fingers over your lower teeth inside your mouth. The task is to use the pressure of the cheeks to bring the fingers together, which should be straight. Please note that the tension should be applied to the cheeks, not the mouth. To relieve tension, puff out and relax your cheeks several times.
  2. As in the first exercise, you need to draw out your mouth in an “o” shape and place your index fingers inside, but only under the upper lip, at about 45°. Again, try to bring your fingers together with your muscles.
  3. You need to remember a little anatomy and understand where the zygomatic muscle is located, which runs diagonally across the cheeks. Lower your lower jaw again and repeat the letter “o” with your lips, and then try to tense and relax the zygomatic muscle. To help yourself in the first stages, you can repeat the short letter “o”.

Face fitness for double chin

This problem is not only for older women, but also for those who love sweets, that is, overweight people. A double chin makes you look older and deprives you of beauty, but don’t despair, because there is a simple set of face fitness exercises:

  1. To warm up, open your mouth slightly and stretch your lower jaw forward, without making strong efforts. The upper lip should be relaxed.
  2. Face fitness uses an exercise called the scoop. To perform this, open your mouth and slightly curl your lower lip inward. Perform scooping movements, straining the lower jaw and pushing it forward to the maximum. It is important not to overstrain the corners of the lips to prevent creases from forming. To relax your muscles, open and close your mouth slightly.
  3. To remove a double chin, you need to work the hyoid muscle. To do this, try to pull your tongue towards your nose, stretching it forward and upward as much as possible.
  4. Finish the complex with the exercise that was used for warming up, only in this case perform it with effort, trying to stretch the lower jaw forward to the maximum. It is important that not only the chin is tensed, but also the lateral muscles of the neck.

Face fitness exercises for nasolabial folds

Another common problem that many representatives of the fair sex face is nasolabial folds. To remove folds, many people do “beauty injections,” but the problem is not worth such sacrifices, because face fitness will remove nasolabial folds:

  1. To perform the first exercise, use your index fingers to fix the nasolabial folds, from the wings of the nose to the tips of the mouth. Tighten and relax upper lip. These movements are very similar to those that rabbits perform when they sniff something.
  2. Face fitness for beginners includes another exercise for which you first need to determine the location of muscle creases. To do this, sit in front of a mirror, open your mouth slightly and raise and lower your upper lip, observing the muscles that are located near the wings of your nose. After this, fix this area with your fingers and continue to lift your upper lip. It is important to not allow creases to form with your fingers.
  3. For the next exercise, first you just need to move your nose down, it is important not to move your lip. If that doesn't work, then open your mouth slightly. To add stress to the muscle, slightly lift the tip of your nose with your index finger and continue the movement.

Face fitness for oval face

If you think that only a plastic surgeon can correct the shape of your face, this is a mistake. Beauty face fitness solves this problem too, thanks to special exercises that should be performed regularly:

  1. For a beautiful oval face, it is important to work on the neck. Sit on the edge of a chair, straighten your back and lift your chin slightly. Tilt your body back, but do not throw your head back, keeping it in the starting position.
  2. For the next exercise, first make a grimace while saying the letter “s” to determine the location of the creases. Fix this place with your palms and continue doing the same movement.
  3. Lift your chin up a little and push your lower jaw forward for five counts, and then hold the position for the same amount of time.
  4. Open your mouth, then tilt your head back and close your jaw. Lower your head to the starting position and repeat all over again.
  5. Face fitness offers another exercise, for which you first need to press the tip of your tongue on the upper palate, and then on the area located behind the lower teeth.
  6. Press your tongue against the roof of your mouth, just do it with the entire surface, not just the tip.

Face fitness - before and after

If you carry out regular training, then after two weeks you can see good results. If newcomers to face fitness appreciate the before and after photos, a number of positive changes can be noted: the volume of the cheeks decreases, the face becomes more elongated, and the cheekbones are more expressive. In addition, you can forget about a double chin, reduce swelling and reduce the number of wrinkles. Women note that after several workouts their eyes became more expressive.

If at 18 you told your friends, to the envy of your friends, that you “do absolutely nothing with your face” and at the same time looked stunning, then at 30, and even more so at 40 and 50, such a trick is unlikely to work. Age-related changes have never bypassed anyone. What to do? There are not many options: find a good cosmetologist or surgeon. If such a solution to the problem is not for you, face fitness remains, because the face also has muscles, which means they can be trained. The main thing in this matter is regularity: even if you spend just 5 minutes a day on exercise every day, you will see results. The main thing is to start with simple tasks and gradually move on to more complex ones. Face fitness trainer Elena Karkukli shared a set of exercises that any woman can easily master.

1. Axial traction of the spine

Effect: corrects double chin, restores facial contours, neck and healthy spine, reduces gravitational ptosis, makes your neck longer and sleeker.

How to perform: Imagine being suspended from the top of your head, like “ Christmas ball", and an invisible thread pulls you up. Open your chest, point your shoulder blades toward the center, toward your spine and slightly downward. Performing the exercise daily will gradually restore the statics of your body, the position of your head and neck. The stretching should be very comfortable, without tension in the muscles, and it must be performed constantly.

2. Movable scalp, or “hair pulling”

Effect: fresh complexion and lifting of the upper third, reduction of swelling.

How to perform: Take large strands of hair closer to the roots and pull them up a little, and then move them to the sides. Work your entire head in this manner for 30-60 seconds.

To save time, this massage can be done while washing your hair, after applying a mask or balm.

3. Exercise “bucket”

Effect: restoration of the line and angle of the lower jaw, reduction of the double chin, relaxation of the muscles of the neck and chin, reduction of the habit of pulling the head into the shoulders.

How to perform: The starting position is as follows: sit or stand straight, back straight, pull your head up by the crown. Next, turn it to the side. Lift your chin slightly and move your lower jaw forward a little. Feel how pleasantly the muscles on the side of your neck and chin stretch. Tap your chin with your palm for 20 seconds. Then turn your head the other way and repeat. Make sure that the mental muscles, which pull the chin up and make it lumpy, are not tense.

Do not perform this exercise if you have a disease of the temporomandibular joint, jaw dislocations, or if your jaw joint clicks.

4. "Cap"

Effect: will relax and increase the volume of your lips, help you get rid of the habit of pinching them.

How to perform: Take a small lightweight stopper or cap. The lips are relaxed, the teeth are closed, but not clenched. Insert the cap into relaxed lips (not teeth!). Make sure there are no folds under or above the lips. You can perform this exercise for 20-30 seconds or more. If you do everything correctly, you will end up feeling an unusual lightness on your lips.

5. Lifting the temples and corners of the eyes

Effect: reduces the temporal hollows, lifts the temples, corners of the eyes and the outer part upper eyelids.

How to perform: Place your palms to your temples. Pull them slightly towards the crown, 2-3 mm. Open and close your mouth slowly and widely 20-30 times. As you perform the exercise, you should feel the muscles moving under your palms.

The main mistakes to avoid are: strong tension in the temples, pressure on the temples, tension in the arms.

Nowadays, we can safely equate beauty and success. To meet the realities of modern life, no matter what sacrifices we make! And is it any wonder: all women, without exception, are fixated on maintaining youth and attractiveness. Fortunately, the possibilities of aesthetic cosmetology are now almost limitless, and we have many ways to improve our appearance. However, as experience shows recent years, not every one of us is ready to rejuvenate only with the help of injections. With the increase in the army of healthy lifestyle fans, the demand for natural methods of rejuvenation has increased significantly. Compared to “beauty injections,” alternative techniques are safe and cannot harm health.

A new book by Elena Karkukli will be on sale soon.

We have already told you about such effective anti-aging techniques as, . Today we will talk about a technique that has reached the peak of popularity over the past few years, since it is a worthy replacement for botulinum toxin injections and fillers.

So, face fitness unique rejuvenating gymnastics for the skin and muscles of the face . She told us about this technique Elena Karkukli, Russia's main face fitness trainer using the method of Alena Rossoshinskaya, author of the book “Faceday - the perfect face in 10 minutes a day.”

For information: Elena is 38 years old; for the last four and a half years she has been practicing facial exercises and regularly conducts training sessions. At the end of the article you will find a test video lesson that Elena and I specially recorded for you.

To dispel all doubts about the effectiveness of this technique, try doing these exercises every day, at least for 2-3 weeks. We bet: the results will pleasantly surprise you, and you will definitely want to master the entire complex! While training, don’t forget to take photos of yourself on your phone more often and compare the resulting selfies.

Elena, who is this technique suitable for, and at what age can it be practiced?

Exercises for the facial muscles are good at any age, there are no restrictions. If you notice age-related changes on your face, you can start exercising. My youngest student is 19 years old, with the help of exercises she “lightened” the shape of her face and reduced her double chin. Well, my oldest student, she is now 70, looks fifteen years younger than her peers.

The photo on the left was taken in 2012, and the photo on the right was taken in 2016. The difference seems obvious to us! Photo: from the archive of Elena Karkukli

What age-related changes does face fitness combat, and how soon are the effects of training noticeable?

The positive dynamics are immediately visible to everyone. Over time, the effect intensifies. There are people who instantly respond to exercises; after the first lesson, we see how the muscles tighten, the oval improves, the puffiness goes away, the swelling in the eyelid area decreases, and the nasolabial folds soften. The face as a whole looks lighter. But some people need to study a little longer to notice the striking contrast between “was” and “has become.” Everything is very individual.

How often should you do the exercises?

The ideal rhythm is 5-6 times a week. The whole complex takes approximately 10-15 minutes. This is acceptable even for a very busy woman. If you don’t have time at all, you can study 2-3 times a week. I recommend that young girls perform the entire complex once a week for preventive purposes. And, of course, you need to learn to control your facial habits.

Regular exercise helps make your face lighter, improves posture, reduces double chin, smoothes nasolabial folds, wrinkles around the lips, lifts cheekbones, upper eyelids, relieves puffiness... Photo: from the archive of Elena Karkukli

What does it mean to control facial habits?

In my classes, I not only teach a person how to perform exercises correctly, taking into account safety precautions. I also talk about how to rebuild your muscle memory, that is, get rid of facial habits that form our wrinkles. For example, I used to have a crease between the eyebrows, I managed to remove it with the help of exercises. But I know that if I stop exercising, then over time it will appear again. Because the muscles that wrinkle the eyebrow turn on reflexively. In life, I watch my facial expressions and try not to wrinkle my forehead. This is called controlling facial habits. And this is an important component when doing face fitness.

How do injection rejuvenation methods combine with facial exercises? Will it be possible to perform them if a woman injects Botox or fillers?

During the training, I always tell the girls: I don’t use injections and I will teach you how to do without them. But if you want to improve something about yourself with injections, it’s your choice. Just keep doing the exercises, because only they will help you restore your muscular frame and facial proportions.

Many people fear that if they do face fitness for a long time and then abruptly quit, their face will instantly sag. Is this true?

This is the most common question I get asked in class. No! There will be no sudden sagging of the skin. The natural aging process will simply begin. And here a lot depends on how long a person has been doing face fitness. If it’s only a month or two, then everything will return to normal sooner. If the classes lasted for a year or longer, and the person managed to rebuild his muscle memory, learn to control facial expressions, therefore, the aging process will be significantly delayed.

The body can be brought into great shape through training and exercise. Face too! Thanks to special gymnastics, without expensive drugs and operations, it is quite possible to tighten the oval of the face, reduce wrinkles, and tone the muscles.

Age-related changes affect everyone. And if some can afford to spend huge amounts of money on plastic surgery, anti-aging procedures or creams, then most people cannot afford it.

Elena Karkukli and FaceDay magazine

But there is a great solution: face fitness versus Botox! Elena Karkukli in her Faceday natural facial restoration club offers exercises that can achieve excellent results. A lot of desire and a little time - and you can really lose a few years.

Without beauty injections and miraculous hardware interventions, the effect of which on health has not yet been studied. Without any financial costs. This is very important in this time of crisis.

But it is worth remembering that any training is effective only if you do it regularly.. A few minutes a day will be enough to see the effect.

The result of all this will be a fresher appearance, improved skin tone, and a return to youth. There are 57 muscles on the human face! And they can be trained no worse than the muscles of the body. It's all about system and consistency.

The “face fitness versus Botox” system, distributed by Elena Karkukli, has helped thousands of women regain youth.

Features of performing face fitness by Elena Karkukli

Face fitness versus Botox! Facial gymnastics coach Elena Karkukli is ready to confidently win this battle! The good thing about exercise is that it can be done at any age. For girls who have not yet felt time on their beautiful faces, this technique will serve as an excellent prevention and will increase the period of youth.

Ladies in more mature age Face fitness will help you cope with existing problems. That is, starting at 22-23 years old is quite normal: with regular training, age will not bother you longer. In addition, the principle of this technique is complete safety.

Do not be afraid that the skin on your face will stretch rather than tighten. It's all about the right exercises. Thanks to them, it is possible to really improve any area of ​​the face. For example, only 2 minutes are needed for exercises that improve facial contours and posture. A complex for lifting eyelids and smoothing wrinkles on the forehead will take a little less than five.

A few more minutes will require 2 exercises to help lift your cheekbones and strengthen your cheeks. You can perform these exercises separately or in a complex, which can be completely completed in 10-15 minutes. If you don’t have this time, then the express complex will help. It will only take 7 minutes.

A natural question may arise: how many times a week to exercise? To see results - every day. If classes are conducted 2-3 times a week, the effect will also be visible. But with everyday training desired results are achieved faster. Moreover, it does not take much time.

Contraindications to face fitness

Despite its almost complete universality, this technique has a number of contraindications:

Hypertension is a contraindication
  • Skin diseases. This includes both serious eczema, fungi, warts, and minor pustules. It is unknown what these problems may lead to.
  • Inflammation of the facial nerves, ENT diseases, neuropathy. Facial gymnastics can aggravate the disease.
  • Problems with the lymphatic system. It can transmit bacteria. And this will have a very detrimental effect on the entire body.
  • Poor blood circulation in the brain.
  • Stage 3 hypertension. However, all hypertensive patients should use Elena Karkukli’s “face fitness versus Botox” system with caution, since blood pressure is a serious thing.
  • General feeling unwell.
  • Any diseases in active form or in the acute stage.

Face fitness complex from Elena Karkukli

Face fitness versus Botox by Elena Karkukli- these are just 6 exercises that can make your face change, help women regain self-confidence, take about 15 minutes, and return it in years!

Axial traction of the spine

A natural question arises: is the spine really connected to the facial muscles? The spine is the frame to which all the muscles of the body are connected. It also adjusts the position of the head. And training its correct position will allow you to correct the jawline, restore the oval of the face, and make the neck more graceful and taller. It turns out that this connection is very important.

The exercise is not difficult to do. It is enough to imagine a magnet on the top of your head, pulling your entire body towards the ceiling. During this exercise, the back should be straight, the shoulder blades should be brought together, the shoulders should be slightly lowered down.

The top of the head stretches as high as possible. In this case, there should be no discomfort in the muscles. Ideally, you should always be in this position, since it helps to correct posture, which in turn leads to relaxation of the muscles of the cervical spine.

Movable scalp, or "hair pulling"

This exercise is aimed at reducing facial swelling, giving the face a blooming appearance and tightening its upper part.

A strange exercise at first glance. It is necessary to divide the hair into large strands. Grab a large strand of hair at the roots and gently pull it first up and then to the sides. Repeat until you run out of strands. You should pull gently and carefully, without creating painful or discomfort.

Exercise "bucket"

An excellent face fitness exercise that serves as an example against Botox in order to to reduce a double chin, restore a clear line of the lower jaw in order to completely relax the chin and neck.

Elena Karkukli clarifies that it doesn’t matter how you perform it: sitting or standing. The main thing is that the body is positioned exactly vertically, the back is straight. Stretch your neck as when performing the “axial traction of the spine” exercise.

Turn your head slightly to the side, raise your chin slightly and slightly extend your lower jaw. In this case, there should be a pleasant feeling of stretching the muscles of the chin and neck. Exactly pleasant. Otherwise, the exercise is performed incorrectly.

You need to tap your chin with light movements for 20 seconds. Then turn your head in the other direction and repeat the exercise. Don't forget to follow correct position heads. Particular attention should be paid to the muscles of the chin: they should not tense.


A wonderful exercise because it can increase the volume of the lips (and also relax them), get rid of the habit of pinching them, which helps reduce the number of wrinkles around the lips that can show the real age of their owner.

You should put a small plastic stopper (for example, a wine stopper) or cap in your mouth. The lips should be relaxed and the teeth should be closed (but not clenched).

The cap should only be placed between the lips. In this case, there should be no folds around the lips. You need to keep the cap on for about half a minute. If the exercise is performed correctly, then at the end of it there should be lightness in the lips.

Lifting the temples and corners of the eyes

An exercise aimed at lifting the temples, the outer part of the upper eyelids and reducing the temporal cavities. An excellent “anti-aging” exercise. It is precisely these problems that are most often tried to be dealt with with the help of plastic surgery.

“Fitness against Botox” Elena Karkukli shows the “temple lifting” exercise

Execution is not difficult. You need to place your palms on your temples and pull them up a few millimeters, towards the top of your head. Then, releasing her hands, you need to slowly open and then close your mouth. Repeat at least 20-30 times. If you perform the exercise correctly, you should feel muscle movement under your palms.

Spoon exercises to lift cheeks

This is also a very important “age-related” exercise, as it helps reduce nasolabial folds, enlarge lips, and also helps make cheekbones higher. In a simple way - remove the “jowls”.

The equipment you need here is a light teaspoon with a wide flat end. To perform this exercise correctly, you should try to tuck your lips so that they are behind your teeth. Then you need to insert the spoon into your lips. Next, while holding the spoon, you need to slowly smile widely.

It is important to ensure that the corners of your lips move upward when smiling, but not to the sides.

You should do this exercise at least 20 times, and then hold your lips in a smile for about half a minute.

After this, your lips should be relaxed, without letting go of the spoon from your mouth, while patting your cheeks with your fingers. Do 1-3 approaches. It is better to perform them in front of a mirror: make sure that wrinkles do not form. If they are detected, gently hold the skin with your hands.

It is important to ensure that there is no tension in the neck muscles or chin. There should also be no movement of the lower jaw.

These exercises are not difficult to perform. And the result is amazing! Face fitness against Botox by Elena Karkukli offers fit, fresh face, no signs of fatigue. The secret of youth is no longer a secret. The main thing is regularity and systematicity, and the result is minus a few years on your face.

Videos about face fitness from Elena Karkuli

How Elena Karkuklina fights against Botox with her face fitness technique:

Face fitness from Elena Karkukli: