How to properly do manicure and pedicure at home. How to do a beautiful pedicure yourself How to do a professional pedicure at home for yourself

Some women do pedicures only in the warm season, when they need to wear open shoes, and some even neglect it altogether. This is understandable, because in a salon such a procedure is quite expensive, and women do not have the time, skills, or special tools to do a pedicure at home with their own hands. Step-by-step instructions will tell you about all the nuances of the procedure and its basic rules.

The most necessary tools for pedicure include:

  • nail clippers;
  • cutters for removing burrs;
  • scissors;
  • cuticle pusher;
  • scraper for cutting dead skin;
  • nail file.

All tools should be small in size and fit comfortably in your hand. They must also be well sharpened. The best material for manicure and pedicure instruments is stainless steel.

In addition to the main tools listed, there are also auxiliary ones. These include a bath, pumice stone for treating heels, cotton pads, napkins, and moisturizing cream.

Types of pedicure

Many people do not know that there are several types of pedicure:

  1. Classic is the most popular procedure. It includes treatment of nails, coating them with varnish, as well as massage and moisturizing of the feet.
  2. Hardware pedicure is now becoming very popular in salons. Most often used for problem skin legs
  3. European. Many experts believe that this particular pedicure is most suitable for beginners, since it is almost impossible to hurt yourself.
  4. Spa pedicure is an elite treatment for the skin of the feet, with which you can achieve good results even with the most problematic feet.
  5. Combined pedicure combines classic and hardware.

All treatments include nail treatment, dead skin removal and foot moisturizing. The main difference between the methods lies in the tools and cosmetics ah, which are used. All these procedures can be done either independently at home, if you have all the necessary tools, or in the salon. To avoid unpleasant consequences, before starting work, you need to familiarize yourself with each type of procedure, its advantages and disadvantages.

Tools for classic pedicure

Girls who prefer salon services should not bother with this topic. And if the procedure is done at home yourself, then first you need to prepare the tools for the pedicure. The description and purpose of each is given below. So, to make a beautiful pedicure yourself, you will need:

  • if there is polish on the nails, then use nail polish remover;
  • bath with warm water;
  • pusher to push back the cuticle;
  • cuticle tweezers;
  • scissors and a nail file to give them the desired shape.

If you need to cover your nails, you will also need to prepare a nail buffer, colored varnishes and a degreaser (if you don’t have it, you can use alcohol).

When everything necessary tools will be prepared, you can get down to business. Classic pedicure step by step:

  1. First, you need to remove old nail polish, if any, from your nails. If not, then you need to immerse your feet in a bath of water and wait a few minutes for the skin on the feet to soften.
  2. When the skin on your legs is soft, you need to move the cuticle away from nail plate. To do this, you will need a spatula-shaped side of the pusher. The pusher gently lifts the cuticle in the area of ​​the nail hole. After this, the cuticle needs to be trimmed using tweezers.
  3. Next, you need to use a nail file to give your nails the desired shape. If necessary, you can use scissors.
  4. After the cuticles have been removed and the nails have been treated, you can begin to treat the feet. The keratinized areas should be treated with pumice. Then the treated feet should be lubricated with moisturizer.
  5. Thus, a simple pedicure at home is ready, and you can start applying varnish.

For beginners, the process may seem quite complicated, but in fact there is nothing to worry about. On average, a classic pedicure takes about 40 minutes, and to permanently maintain the result, this procedure should be done once a month.

Pros and cons of classic pedicure

The advantages of a trim pedicure include:

  • affordable price;
  • long lasting effect;
  • does not require any special devices;
  • the opportunity to do the procedure yourself.

Despite positive aspects, edged pedicure has its disadvantages:

  • you can easily cut yourself;
  • there is a high probability of infection through a cut;
  • to get a long lasting effect and avoid negative consequences, you need a good specialist.

Perhaps the biggest drawback here is that not all salons sterilize instruments according to all the rules, so you can easily get infected.

Do-it-yourself hardware pedicure at home: step-by-step instructions. Advantages and disadvantages of the method

This variety appeared in Russia recently. For such a procedure, you need a special machine for hardware pedicure, which has grinding attachments and various cutters. The feet are softened with the help of a special preparation, and not soaked in a bath, as is done with a classic pedicure.

Several steps of a hardware pedicure:

  1. The first step is to disinfect the feet.
  2. Next, a special preparation is applied to them for a few minutes, softening the keratinized skin.
  3. The next step is to proceed directly to the procedure. The device has various attachments that can be used to perform pedicures of any complexity: the device can remove calluses, warts, cracks on the feet, and ingrown toenails.
  4. After completing the procedure, you need to apply a moisturizer or paraffin mask to your feet.

Usually, after such treatment, the result is noticeable immediately, but in advanced cases, several sessions may be required. The procedure takes approximately an hour.

The advantages of hardware pedicure include:

  • you can treat hard-to-reach places;
  • saving time by quickly cleaning the foot;
  • minimal risk of injury;
  • painless.

The disadvantages include:

  • high cost of equipment;
  • a small number of truly experienced and qualified craftsmen. For home use experience required.

How to choose a machine for hardware pedicure

As already mentioned, a pedicure machine is quite expensive. Now there are many models, different in price, configuration and quality. For beginners who want to purchase a device, experts advise buying an inexpensive model first to try their hand at it. Before getting a pedicure, it is advisable for beginners to take several lessons from specialists or at least familiarize themselves with the technique of performing the procedure on their own.

When choosing a device, you need to pay attention to the material of the nozzles and the quality of the device itself. For professional pedicure the most the best option are devices with a vacuum cleaner. For home use, you can choose a simpler option. In a high-quality device there should be no vibration of the handle, it should be forcedly cooled and be durable in general.

European pedicure: pros and cons

Advantages of the method:

  • saves time compared to other procedures;
  • there is no risk of injury or infection;
  • the end result is long lasting.

The disadvantages of this procedure include:

  • the procedure is not suitable for unkempt feet;
  • To get a good result, you need many sessions of the procedure.

European pedicure is performed without the use of tweezers or scissors. Cuticle removal occurs by applying special cream, which dissolves it. Then the skin is peeled off with a special wooden stick. With each such procedure, the cuticle becomes thinner and thinner. The skin of the feet is polished with pumice. A noticeable result from this procedure will appear after about seven procedures.

Combined and spa pedicure

Combined pedicure is a combination of hardware and classic. With this procedure, some areas are treated with a tool, and others with a device. For a comfortable feeling, the feet are first lowered into the bath, and then wiped dry, and the next stage of the procedure begins - hardware treatment of the feet and cuticles.

Experts believe that spa pedicure is the simplest method. Every girl can do it at home. Many preparations have been created specifically for spa pedicures containing natural ingredients to moisturize the skin of the feet. Such products allow you to remove dry skin without any discomfort. They usually contain essential oils and medicinal plants.

The main disadvantage of a spa pedicure is its high cost. Also, now there are very few salons and masters involved in this procedure.

In conclusion, it must be said that pedicure is of interest not only to women; men should also take care of the skin of their feet. People who for some reason do not want to visit a salon can do a pedicure at home with their own hands. The step-by-step instructions will be an excellent assistant and will familiarize you with all the nuances of the procedure.

How often do you get a pedicure? Experts advise doing a pedicure once every 8-10 days. With regular care of your feet, the skin on your feet will become like that of a baby, and your nails will look neat.

Before a pedicure, you need to wash your feet well and remove old polish. Take a pedicure kit and disinfect all tools.

Now we proceed to the main stage of the procedure.

Steaming your feet

First, the skin of your feet needs to be softened. Prepare a pedicure bath with warm water, add soap foam to it (this can be shower gel or shampoo). To enhance the effect, it is also useful to add a little sea salt to the bath. Soak your feet in water for 5-15 minutes to soften dead, dry skin cells. Now we dry our feet with a towel and move on to the next, most important stage of the pedicure.

Treating nails and cuticles

To do proper pedicure, take nail scissors or clippers, cut off the protruding part of the nail in a straight line. The shape of your toenails should be square to prevent the nail from growing into the skin. Using a nail file, trim the cut and rough ends of the nail from the edges to the center.

Using a manicure spatula or an orange stick, gently push back the cuticles. To make pedicure easier, you can apply a special preparation to the cuticle, which softens and removes excess skin, then remove the residue after 5 minutes. Using a spatula, try to clear the nail plate of any stuck cuticle particles. Run the stick under your nail to remove any dirt and dry skin cells that may have accumulated there.

Now you can use a nail file to remove rough, dry skin from your fingertips and also remove cracked skin on calluses.

To make the nail plate look smooth and shiny, it needs to be polished using a double-sided pedicure file. Use the dark blue side of the nail file to gently sweep over your nails on all sides, especially in the cuticle area. On perfectly smooth nails, the polish will last much longer.

Pedicure at home. Foot skin care

To make your home pedicure perfect, you need to pay proper attention to your feet. Our goal is to remove excess rough skin. Your first assistant in this matter is pumice. If the skin is not soft enough, soak your feet in a warm bath for another 10 minutes, then treat your feet and heels with pumice. Peelings and foot scrubs are also great for getting rid of rough skin particles.

After such a procedure, cleansed skin needs hydration and nutrition, so lubricate your heels with a nourishing cream and give a light massage.

A little advice: if you suffer from increased sweating feet, lubricate your feet with a special deodorant cream.

Cracked heels and calluses

If the skin on your heels is too shabby, you have dense calluses or cracked heels, the situation cannot be corrected using a regular pedicure procedure. There are proven traditional methods, which will help make the skin on your heels soft and silky in a couple of weeks.

To remove hardness and cracks, apply a nourishing mask to your heels, wrap them in cellophane and put on socks. It is recommended to keep the treatment mask on all night, and the next morning, rinse and lubricate your feet with moisturizer. After a few procedures, the result will surprise you.

If you have enough time, you can pamper your feet with a SPA pedicure at home. The treatment includes a pleasant, relaxing foot bath with essential oils and a moisturizing nourishing mask.

Prepare a bowl of warm water, add your favorite aromatic oil, dip your feet in the water and enjoy for 10-30 minutes. When the skin on your feet softens, massage your feet using a scrub. This way you will cleanse your feet of rough skin, they will become soft and smooth.

The next stage of a home SPA pedicure is moisturizing nourishing mask for legs. To do this, you can take your favorite nourishing cream and apply a thick layer to your feet. Then wrap your feet in cellophane and put on socks. This mask should be kept on for at least 2 hours, or better yet, all night. After a few procedures, your heels will become as soft as a baby's.

As a mask, you can use special SPA pedicure kits, which contain various caring preparations.

They have an excellent caring effect, which can be prepared at home. With regular use, they will give your feet a perfect look.

The final stage of the pedicure is applying varnish.

The last stage of a pedicure at home is applying varnish. It all depends on your taste. You can simply apply colorless polish to shine and strengthen your nails. Sophisticated fashionistas can afford a real masterpiece of bright painting on their nails.

First of all, you need to degrease the nail plate from any remaining cream and cosmetics. If this is not done, the varnish will not adhere well and will not stick.

Now let's prepare to apply the varnish - place cotton swabs or special separators between your fingers so that the varnish is applied carefully and does not smear.

It is recommended to apply a colorless base as the first layer. Thanks to this, the nail will be protected from toxins contained in colored varnish, in addition, the surface of the nail will become smooth and the varnish will adhere much more firmly. Your beautiful pedicure will keep its fresh look for a long time.

Wait until the colorless base has completely dried, then you can begin applying the colored coat of varnish. To always look fashionable and stylish, choose the current pedicure color for each season. Fashionable colors Pedicure polishes in winter are usually calmer - white, beige, transparent. Summer pedicure can be done in bolder, original shades that will harmonize with the color of your clothes or suit you.

It is advisable to apply colored varnish at least two layers to obtain a rich, long-lasting color.

At the end of a professional pedicure, it is advisable to apply a layer of fixative varnish. It will help keep the polish on your nails for a long time.

Every girl always strives to stand out from the crowd. Not only the arms, but also the legs should look bright and well-groomed. And you don't have to go to a salon to get a pedicure. You can carry out a similar procedure yourself. How to do a pedicure at home with your own hands? Step-by-step instructions will be described in detail in our article.

Usually the question of a beautiful pedicure design is asked in the summer, when beautiful toes are visible from under open shoes. Every girl will feel confident with beautiful nails. To create a pedicure at home with your own hands, step-by-step instructions with photos of which we will consider, you do not need a special device.

Preparatory stage

There are many options for creating mesmerizing nail designs. To work you will need:

  • scissors and cosmetic tweezers;
  • cuticle spatula;
  • wire cutters;
  • brush;
  • file;
  • cotton wool;
  • nail polish remover.

To pre-treat your nails you will need a bath, scrubs and moisturizer.

  1. Use nail polish remover to remove any remaining old paint. Before applying beautiful design on your nails, you need to keep your feet in the bath. As a cleansing composition, you can take sea salt, sodium bicarbonate or chamomile decoction. You can purchase a special antibacterial composition at the pharmacy to soften feet and corns. As the water in the bath cools, you need to add boiling water. This procedure takes about half an hour.
  2. Now you should thoroughly treat your feet, removing the calluses. To do this you need to use pumice. Make circular movements, preferably affecting all areas. After treatment, your feet should be massaged with a scrub. Finally, dry your feet and use moisturizer.
  3. Never cut the cuticle, otherwise you will get painful wounds and bruises, which will ruin appearance pedicure. It is enough to push away the overgrown skin with a stick, after treating the cuticle with oil. File your nails and give them shape. Clean out all the dirt under your nails.
  4. Now you can move on to creating a beautiful pedicure. The first layer is a transparent nail base. This coating is absolutely harmless and will help protect your nails from harmful effects. Be sure to apply a topcoat at the end.

How to treat nails using the device?

This procedure does not involve softening the legs. It will be enough to treat your fingers with an antiseptic.

  1. You need to handle the cuticle very carefully. Push excess skin from the center to the edges. After which the cuticle should be sanded.
  2. Sinuses of side nozzles. This procedure involves moving in the direction of nail growth.
  3. Nail rollers are also used for treatment. The movements occur without stopping with the help of soft grinding.
  4. After which the cuticle is processed using a special attachment.
  5. Using grinding and polishing attachments, the nails are polished. This procedure is very important, since with its help all roughness is removed from the surface.

How to do a pedicure with gel polish?

A pedicure with gel polish is very easy to do and lasts a long time. To work you will need:

  • gel polish;
  • base coat;
  • degreaser;
  • cotton pads;
  • UV lamp.

The first step is to remove the remnants of the old coating using nail polish remover. Before you start applying the design, be sure to shape your nail. Next, degrease the nail plate and apply a base coat. Dry your nails in the lamp for about 2 minutes. Shellac is applied several times, each layer is dried in the oven. At the end, the sticky layer is removed and oil is applied.

You can choose absolutely any pedicure technique. After carefully processing the nails, you can begin to design them.

When creating a pedicure, special attention should be paid to rough areas. After all, it is not always possible to get rid of calluses and corns - to remove them, you can use special products that are sold in any pharmacy. As an addition, you can use special tools.

Softening the skin using a machine

Treating your feet is very easy. To begin with, to soften the heels, you need to apply a special product, which after a certain period of time is removed from the surface with a napkin.

If the skin on your heels is too rough, you can remove the hard layer using a coarse nozzle. Then change the nozzle to a more gentle one and go around the entire perimeter. Be very careful! If you stop in one place, you will seriously damage your skin. At the end, you should go through the machine with a grinding attachment.

  1. If you decide to do a pedicure yourself at home, you need to disinfect the tools before each treatment. All saw blades must be disinfected. If this is not done, there is a risk of developing fungus.
  2. Never take other people's nail tools. If you come to the salon, make sure that the technician cleans the instruments in front of you.
  3. First of all, perform filing procedures, and then move on to softening sessions.
  4. There is no need to round the nails by removing the corners, otherwise, when they grow back, they may grow into the skin, which will cause great discomfort.
  5. Before applying the coating, be sure to degrease the nail plate, otherwise the varnish will not adhere. And when applying a gel base, the surface of the nail should be sanded.
  6. Moisturize your feet with cream every day. This will help prevent skin dryness and cracking.

Regarding fashion trends, then prints are relevant: butterflies, flowers, swallows.

The latest technique remains at the peak of popularity - ombre (colors change from base to tip, from darker to darker). light tone). Moreover, ombre can be performed both horizontally and vertically of the nail plate. Never stops being fashionable French manicure. It is performed as in classic version with a white “smile”, and in a multi-colored version.

Looks beautiful in summer bright design, saturated with rich shades. You can do the simplest pedicure that will lift your spirits on rainy gray days. You can cover each finger with different colors. This will be enough to stand out from the crowd.

Used as decoration various materials: lace, stencils, stickers, bulbs, rhinestones and beads. Rhinestones have become an integral part of any pedicure. It is not necessary to put sparkling stones on all nails; you can decorate only your thumb with them.

Anyone can make an individual design, it’s not difficult. The most important thing is to properly prepare the nail plate. Don't be afraid to experiment, create new designs and conquer others with your well-groomed fingers!

You can put your feet in order yourself, without turning to the experts for help. A home pedicure will not take much effort and time if you follow the sequence and important recommendations. The technique includes several stages, do not neglect them in order to achieve the desired result.

Required tools:

  • towel;
  • foot cream;
  • medicinal varnish;
  • colorless finishing varnish;
  • colored varnish;
  • manicure set;
  • cuticle softener;
  • nail polish remover without acetone;
  • separating pads for pedicure;
  • components for preparing a bath;
  • ingredients for preparing peeling.

Preparing for a pedicure

Before starting the procedure, you need to carry out a number of preparatory measures that work together.

Stage No. 1. Foot baths
Below are recipes for baths. Choose the appropriate option and start cooking. The baths will soften the skin and relieve the legs from unpleasant odor, heal cracks, steam calluses and corns. Hot water is not able to fully steam the skin so that dead skin particles can be easily removed. The components included in the home remedies are designed for 5 liters of warm water. Choose a temperature that is comfortable for you to avoid getting burned. The duration of the procedure varies from 25 to 40 minutes.

  1. Mix 80 gr. crushed sea salt with 60 ml. ammonia. Wait for it to dissolve and dip the legs into the mixture. You can also use only sea salt, but double the amount per 5 liters of water.
  2. Brew 150 gr. strings, 100 gr. plantain, 60 gr. parsley and 40 gr. mint leaves. Leave for half an hour.
  3. Cut 2 lemons into thin slices, brew it in 5 liters of boiling water. Add 100 ml here. corn oil, 50 gr. ground cinnamon. Cool the mixture to a comfortable temperature, pour in 150 ml. warm fat milk.
  4. Pour boiling water over 120 g. oregano, 50 gr. burdock, 40 gr. plantain and 80 gr. horsetail. Wait 1 hour, heat the mixture, add sandalwood ether, lavender ether and geranium ether.
  5. Take 60 gr. yarrow, 50 gr. lemon balm, 50 gr. calendula. Brew the plants, leave for 50 minutes, then heat the mixture, add 30 ml. chamomile infusion, 10 ml. rosemary ether and 15 ml. lavender ether. Leave for another 20 minutes, after which the bath can be used.
  6. Steam 100 g in hot water. sage, 100 gr. oak bark, 40 ml. birch sap and 10 gr. baking soda. Cool to an acceptable temperature, then add 50 ml. vegetable oil.
  7. Dilute 200 ml. boric acid in 4 liters of water. Brew 100 g in another container. chamomile in 1 liter of boiling water, leave for 40 minutes. Mix both compositions and keep the feet in the bath for about a quarter of an hour.
  8. Brew 50 g. bedstraw herb, 60 gr. parsley seeds, 60 gr. flax seeds and 100 gr. basilica Leave for 20 minutes, then add 50 ml. lemon juice and place the legs in a bowl.
  9. Pour 100 g of hot water. St. John's wort, 50 gr. nettle, 50 ml. aloe vera juice and add 100 g. sea ​​or table salt. Steam your skin for no longer than 25 minutes.
  10. Drop 30 ml into warm water. potassium permanganate, the solution should turn out pale pink. Do the procedure for no longer than 20 minutes to avoid burns.

Stage No. 2. Treatment of rough skin areas
Use a pumice stone or pedicure float to remove dead skin in a circular motion. Always start with the heels, treat a small area at a time, and then lower your feet back into the bath. Repeat the steps until you are satisfied with the result.

Do not use pedicure blades to remove dead skin particles. This method is not approved by masters, since it removes not only the top layer of the epidermis, but also living areas of the skin. If you do the treatment incorrectly, you risk treating your foot until it bleeds, after which it will be painful to step on it.

Stage No. 3. Foot peeling
After you have treated your feet with hard pumice, all that remains is to remove minor particles to smooth and soften the skin. The peeling procedure does not have a specific duration; look at the condition of the skin. Intermediate excess can be removed with warm water or a dry cloth. It is allowed to combine several formulations in one application.

  1. Mix 100 gr. sea ​​salt, 50 gr. oat bran and 120 gr. coffee grounds. Pour in 70 ml. vegetable or corn oil, then proceed to treat the feet.
  2. Grind 1 lemon, 100 g in a food processor or meat grinder. apricot kernels and 1 tomato with peel. Add 130 gr. table or sea salt and 10 gr. soda
  3. To prepare this peeling you will need 70 grams. coarsely ground oat bran, 1 radish, 50 gr. fatty foot cream (suitable for children) and 50 gr. salt. Peel the radish, grate it on a coarse grater and squeeze out the liquid using gauze. Combine the slurry with the rest of the ingredients and begin the procedure.
  4. Mix 150 g into a homogeneous composition. cane sugar, 50 gr. cocoa powder, 100 gr. chopped dried orange zest and 70 ml. olive oil.
  5. Grind 100 gr. walnut in a convenient way along with the shell. Add 80 gr. fat sour cream and 100 gr. thick honey. Stir thoroughly and treat feet.
  6. Dry in the oven 70 gr. orange or tangerine zest, 100 gr. lemon zest. Cut 1 banana into thin slices and also send to dry. Grind all ingredients and add 70 ml of milk.

Pedicure technology at home

After you've gone through everything preparatory stages, softened the skin and removed dead particles, you can begin to directly treat your fingers.

  1. Squeeze a small amount of cuticle cleaner onto a cotton swab and gently apply to the skin along the nail. Do not touch too large a surface, you only need to soften the cuticle. Wait a quarter of an hour, then use a dry cotton swab to remove the softened areas, pressing slightly. After you have treated all 10 fingers, wipe them with a dry cloth.
  2. Using a manicure spatula, carefully push back any cuticles that could not be softened with the product. Move from the edge of the nail, moving deeper and upward. Now you need to carefully cut it off with nail clippers, starting from the sides, moving towards the middle. For girls whose cuticle is barely noticeable, it is better not to touch it. This won't make your pedicure look any worse.
  3. Move on to working on your nails. Using a glass file, carefully file away the glossy layer and possible irregularities. Don't get carried away, otherwise your nails will peel as they grow. Trim the free edge with nail scissors, maintaining the optimal length of 1.5-2 mm. Otherwise, the edges will grow into the skin, which will lead to pain. If your nails are extremely hard, soak them in hot water for 5 minutes, then dry thoroughly. Now take your regular hard file and file the edges, moving from the center to the edges. Thumb give a straight shape, the rest - a rounded shape.
  4. Apply the cream to your feet and massage. Stretch your toes, heels and flexion area well. Remove excess with a tissue, wipe your nails with nail polish remover without acetone, or use disinfectant. It is necessary to degrease the surface before applying varnish.
  5. Cover the plate with medicinal varnish in 2 layers. The restorer from the “Smart Enamel” series, which is sold in every pharmacy (price about 140 rubles), has proven itself to be excellent. The product will not allow the color coating to be absorbed into the nail, thereby eliminating brittleness and delamination. Also included in the " Smart enamel» contains calcium and iodine, which strengthen nails.
  6. Place release pads between your fingers. If you have artistic talent, do interesting design. Otherwise, cover your nails with a plain colored polish in 2 layers. Dry and apply another coat of clear coat to seal the result. Wait for it to dry and voila, you are the happy owner of well-groomed fingers!

How to do a spa pedicure

The technique is widely used in Thailand, but no one forbids adopting the technique to carry out the procedure at home. The technique is similar to a regular pedicure. First, pamper your feet with a bath without harsh ingredients such as lemon juice and boric acid. Then exfoliate your feet to remove rough particles from the skin.

Apply a rich cream and massage for 20 minutes. After this, remove the product with a dry cloth and make another layer, but much thicker. Put it on your feet plastic bags or special molds for pedicure. Wrap them in woolen socks on top and lie down to rest for 3 hours. You can easily do housework, and after removing the “outfit,” your feet will be as soft as a baby’s.

Now you know how to perform a pedicure at home. Prepare the necessary ingredients for baths and peelings in advance, make sure you have the necessary tools in your manicure set. Do not neglect the preparation stages, pedicure is not only beautiful nails, but also soft and well-groomed skin of the feet. Perform simple steps every 10 days to make your legs happy around the clock. Look after yourself and be irresistible!

Video: classic pedicure

Girls always want their legs to look beautiful and well-groomed - both in summer and winter. But few people know that you don’t have to go to a salon for a beautiful pedicure; you can do it yourself at home. This is especially true for those who like to wear sandals in the summer - beautiful and well-groomed toenails are especially important for them.

If a girl has beautiful, well-groomed nails, then she feels confident. Our article will tell you how to properly do a pedicure step by step. We will not use special equipment to perform it at home, which will allow you to enjoy this activity at any time.

Pedicure at home: instructions

This is a completely simple procedure, it won’t take you much time, and the result will make others admire you! There are many ways to do a DIY pedicure at home. We will consider step by step instructions how to do it right!

Required Tools

For this you will need:

  • high quality scissors and tweezers,
  • orange stick,
  • wire cutters,
  • brush,
  • file,
  • cotton pads,
  • and nail polish remover.

In addition to the above tools for pedicure at home, you must have bath, remover calluses And corns and, of course, cream For legs. You can take any cream that you use daily, be it moisturizing or deodorizing.

Step 2: removing corns. Next, you need to take care of your feet, removing all corns and calluses. They can be removed using a pumice stone or a razor specifically designed for this purpose. Walk the pumice stone in a circular motion over the entire foot - this will help get rid of dry skin. To give your legs a more well-groomed appearance, use a scrub. Distribute and massage it onto your feet, toes and between your toes. After this procedure, rub the cream into your feet.

If there is calluses And cracks, you can remove them using tweezers.

Step 3: prepare the nail and cuticle. Under no circumstances should you cut the cuticle, just push it back with a stick. You can apply an emollient cream or oil for this. Next, the nails should be trimmed and filed, but do not round their edges. This can lead to ingrown nails and you can’t do it without the help of a specialist.

Don't forget about dirt under your nails! Clean it thoroughly!

Step 4: Applying varnish. The first layer is a transparent nail base. It will protect the surface. Apply colored varnish in one or two layers, allowing each of them to dry thoroughly. Apply a fixing varnish on top to prevent the color from chipping.

This completes your DIY pedicure at home! There is nothing complicated, the main thing is to learn how to do it correctly!

Features of pedicure for older people

Medical pedicure for the elderly, at home it is performed in exactly the same way as a regular do-it-yourself pedicure at home. The most important thing here is compliance with the rules of antiseptics top level. Because for them it’s not just about getting their nails in order. This is an opportunity to move painlessly.

The duration of such a procedure will be from forty to eighty minutes.

A hardware pedicure is best for older people because it does not require steaming the feet. Many older people suffer from varicose veins and other diseases for which steaming is not recommended. This method can be done for you any day; the best specialists work in Moscow And St. Petersburg.

How to do a hardware pedicure correctly?

Care should be taken to properly perform a hardware pedicure with your own hands at home. But this activity is quite easy to learn. The main thing is to choose the right device for this.

The main advantage of this type of pedicure is that your feet do not need to be steamed in advance; it is enough to treat them well with an antiseptic.

Hardware pedicure step by step:

  1. Cuticle. Here the operation of the apparatus must be very careful. With light movements, you need to lift the cuticle from the center to the edges. And then sand thoroughly;
  2. Sinuses of the lateral ridges. Move in the direction of nail growth, away from the cuticle. It is better to use a cutter edge;
  3. Nail folds. Light non-stop movements with soft grinding;
  4. Treating the skin around the nail. Similar movements, but using an attachment specifically for this operation;
  5. Polishing the nail plate. This is where grinding and polishing attachments come to the rescue. This will help remove all irregularities and polish the plate to a shine.

As you can see, do-it-yourself hardware pedicure is quite simple to perform. Hardware manicure is performed according to the same scheme.

Performing a hardware medical pedicure is prescribed in cases where an ingrown toenail, foot fungus, calluses, corns have appeared, or to improve the blood supply to the foot or to treat and prevent cracks.

This procedure should be carried out by a person with medical education, because it requires special knowledge. Wound healing creams and gels and disposable attachments are used, which eliminate the risk of infection.

The most popular devices for hardware pedicure and manicure:

  • Saturn 3565 from Planet Nails;
  • RM-25000 from Runail;
  • Combi from Planet Nails.

Professional equipment will allow you to reduce the procedure time and improve its quality.

Pedicure with gel polish at home

Pedicure with gel polish at home is very easy to do with your own hands. It lasts for more than 3 weeks, and its color does not lose its saturation over time.

For this you will need:

  • Gel-varnish,
  • Base and coating
  • Nail degreaser,
  • Cotton pads,
  • Ultraviolet lamp.

Application stages:

  1. First, let's remove the old polish, trim the cuticles and take care of the heels. After this, the nail is shaped, if it has not already been shaped.
  2. The base coat is applied immediately after degreasing the nail. This coating is kept under the lamp for about 2 minutes.
  3. The product is applied in 2 layers, each of which is also dried under a lamp.
  4. Top coat and its subsequent polymerization in a lamp.
  5. The sticky layer is removed and the oil is rubbed into the cuticle.

  • Do not use too hot water to steam your feet.
  • Do not cut the corners of the nails, the nails themselves are at the root.
  • Do not cut the cuticle, but only carefully push it back with a stick.
  • A bath with sea salt will relieve fatigue from your legs.
  • For yellow nails, peeling can help. Peeling from coffee grounds will help.
  • To straighten nails and grooves on them, use a special product or base.

Products for high-quality pedicure at home

A good pedicure involves not only processing the cuticle and carefully applying gel polish. It is also important to clean your heels, get rid of foot fungus and take steps to get rid of bunions. Here are a few good funds for use at home.