Why money spoils people - psychology. Big money

We all know very well the expression that money spoils a person. Is this really true? What happens to a person when he gets really rich? Are there any changes in character or attitude towards other people? Is there a way back and can one finally maintain normal human qualities after a person has become truly rich? All these questions are quite important and interesting, they deserve extremely careful consideration and analysis.

It seems that the first thing that happens to a person after receiving wealth is the realization that all problems have already been solved. A man no longer has to think about where to look for money for food, clothing, utility bills and entertainment - there is plenty of money for this. And the problem disappears.

The only subtlety here is that a person cannot live without problems. Life is a constant search for and solutions to various problems, usually they are some kind of everyday or consumer problems, which, after acquiring wealth, simply evaporate. And what problems come to the fore in this case?

When a person is deprived of all everyday and consumer problems, he begins to look for problems in those around him. A person’s character deteriorates, he begins to think that all those who are close to him are close to him only because he is rich. A person stops appreciating normal human relationships, because he simply stops believing that someone can be with him not for money. All this leads to the fact that the character of the rich man deteriorates very much, accordingly, he loses large number important human qualities.

However, it is quite possible to avoid such a situation. Although this will depend solely on who gets rich. He must exercise a greater degree of self-control. And look for problems not in the people who surround him. There are a huge number of different problems in the world. Those who have achieved success and really become rich can use their talents in some other areas, from social life to other aspects. This is exactly what a person must do if he wants to maintain his high human qualities.

The role of those around him is also important. They should remind a person that wealth does not relieve him of the need to remain adequate, tolerant and someone who respects others. Only in this case do high human qualities have a chance to be preserved.

Another mistake is thinking that the money will not run out. Unfortunately, money goes away very quickly if you just spend it and not multiply it. And it is likely that one day you will have to exchange your almost brand new car for money under a standard partner title. Perhaps this will serve as a lesson for the future or as a last chance.

There is a saying that money spoils people, which means that people who become rich begin to behave inappropriately. Is this true or a myth? All people are different. Why does money spoil people? Now we'll figure it out. Probably everyone knows someone who is rich and nice, and someone who is not poor and terrible. Why does this happen? More on this later in the article.

Method of receiving money

What can determine the behavior of these people? First of all, how they got their money. Some are rich because they won the lottery, others because they are geniuses who gave the world new inventions. There are also those who are rich because they received the inheritance of their relatives.

People who work hard are more stable and realistic than those who did nothing. Because they got everything for free (without dedication or hard work). They probably won't understand normal people(that is, not so rich), which makes them often vain. Many multimillionaires say they won't give their offspring too much money. One of them is Bill Gates (the second richest man in the world), he said in an interview: “I definitely think that leaving money to children in huge quantities is clearly not worth it.”


An important question is also - money is the only goal or not. There are people who want to be rich and that is their life goal. They live to earn money, they dream about it. These people don't care about their employees. environment. They have their own goal and will do everything to achieve it. There's nothing wrong with having money. But the desire to have more and more can be fatal to human relationships.

Do they change? Does money actually change, or maybe it’s the people around us that change? When someone becomes rich, there are always those who start saying that he is a different person now. That is, it was the money that made him “blind”. I guess sometimes that's true. But at other times these are people who are jealous. It's not scary to become rich, it's scary not to know who is around you. You need to be more careful. Because you can never say with certainty whether the people around you are good because they have a lot of money, or they are sincere.

People are already corrupted. Why does money spoil people? Can this statement be considered true? Money spoils, but only those who are already spoiled. People who profess strong values ​​in life will not change just because of green “pieces of paper”. Others may turn into “monsters” when they feel financial strength.

Money and inflation

Most people would agree that lack of financial resources can make life difficult. Money spoils a person, and inflation spoils money. There are always bills to pay. And you can easily become a debtor if you don't have enough money. However, the real problems often arise when people fail to save. However, prioritizing making money can also negatively impact your life. Beyond loans and your financial future, relationships can be damaged by focusing too much on money.

Does money spoil people? Admittedly, creating enough money without making potentially disastrous decisions can be a difficult balance to strike, especially in a culture where success is so highly valued. It's important to be careful with money. Otherwise, you could end up with any of these five potentially life-changing situations we're about to look at.

Too much debt

Money spoils a person, but the absence of it is even worse. No matter how much a person earns, it is easy to build up debt through poor financial management. If you use too many credit cards or buy things you don't need, you can easily drown in debt. Even an emergency that is completely out of control can burn through your money, leaving you with debt. According to lending rules, debt usually includes interest. This means you pay more than you should. Over time, you lose money that you could save and increase.

Broken relationship

Arguments regarding finances are one of the main reasons why people separate or get divorced. According to a study that was completed in 2013 by a Kansas State University researcher, it takes a long time to recover from a money dispute. This means that green “papers” can ruin a relationship if you argue too much.

Money can also affect if with a partner different schemes spending money, or if you spend too much time working and neglecting your relationships. It's great to be ahead. But it's bad if you have to neglect your relationships to do this.

Problems with gambling

Gambling can be another way money can ruin your life. Some people like to gamble for fun, but if it means you're throwing away your life savings or getting into trouble by racking up debts you can't pay, then financial problems can arise that can lead to even more serious harm.

Of course, such fun can also harm relationships. According to the research institute, gambling, in addition to problems with family members, can also cause depression, anxiety and even increase the chances of suicide.


Everyone needs to save. Allocating money for emergencies helps. That is, for example, when unexpected medical expenses arise, a car breaks down, or an apartment renovation needs to be completed, etc. When people do not know how to save or the money they have saved is not enough, financial problems can destroy life in an emergency.

Think about a potential emergency medical care. If you can't afford emergency surgery, you risk serious health problems or piles of debt you can't pay. If your car breaks down and you can't work and can't afford to fix it or take a taxi regularly, you could lose your job. Emergencies can quickly spiral out of control.

Obviously, a person needs money to pay bills. But when he stops and thinks about some of the more serious ways money can ruin a life, it becomes apparent that financial problems are deeper than they seem. After all, they can affect not only the loan. These problems can negatively affect relationships and health.

Spirituality and money

Is it true that money spoils people? There is a lot of controversy about this. People also have differing opinions about whether wealth hinders spiritual growth. It is believed that it is better to remain “pure poverty”, and the “Kingdom of Heaven” is closed to the rich. It is possible that these are just words and another reason not to strive anywhere.

Does money spoil a person? Other opinions

There are other opinions:

  1. The greed for money is insatiable. The more desires, the more needs they generate. It is not money that makes people happy, but multilateral development.
  2. Money spoils people and character. But at the same time it is freedom. And freedom is life. Money is very important.
  3. Gold has killed more souls than iron has killed bodies. Walter Scott.

Ever notice how often money is used in society and the impact it has? Does big money spoil a person? People with big finances have their own set of rules. Isn't this a problem considering that "all men are created equal?"

Status, money spoils a person

They often become a problem because people can easily be persuaded to do what they want for a certain amount of money. It is money that has control over life and it determines whether we survive or not. There is no need to force ourselves to do anything simply because someone wants to make money from us.

Why do money and power spoil people? There is a huge social gap that divides people. It's not because everyone is different. But because we are all caught in this game of money and power. So much time is spent focusing on work, getting promoted, becoming rich. When was the last time we made a difference, spent time with our families, or focused on the well-being of others? There are homeless people all over the country and millions of people suffering in other cities, while there are billionaires making money and using it for their own benefit. Is it time to change our values?

We need to stop letting the world be run by people who only care about making money and making sure that the human race can continue to survive and grow to better understand ourselves. Isn't it time to stop fighting over who can have more money or power and try to help each other live a better life?

Money spoils people... How many times have you heard this? Many? The culture sends two very contradictory messages about money. Money does not spoil a person, it shows:

  • on the one hand, money has everything that the average person needs;
  • on the other hand, greed, rage, jealousy, which we feel when we see a house larger than ours, a car newer than ours.

Can we agree that money is important? Of course. After all, there are a lot of arguments. We will look at them below.

“Wealth does not consist in having more things, but in having few desires.”

It's a simple psychological process. That is, at first a person has a base (housing, food, clothing), and he is quite happy. Then he achieves more, receives a higher salary, which helps him cope with emergencies. After which, if a person becomes richer, he purchases additional ones over the course of several months. After which all these things and statuses become the new “normal”. Now the man, surrounded by richer people, looks around and feels unhappy. They have more than him. And I want more. But when he gets more, he is unhappy again.

Money is an important tool

Money in itself is neither good nor bad. It is a means to an end. Again, this doesn't mean money isn't important. This means that the money is not “dirty”, but not all of it either. This is a tool that allows you to protect yourself, provide for yourself and your family better life and place in society.

Money is important. Therefore, their presence means that you will not need anything, depend on your salary, boss, because you really need work.

Money is important because it gives you more control over your life and it gives you more options in choosing your path. How many of us are stuck in a career or job that we hate but can't afford to lose. Because losing it means losing your financial stability.

Money is important. Because it means being able to give your children the best - education, health care, a start in life. Of course, when it comes to offspring, money can ruin them just as much. So wealthy parents need to find a way to give their children the best while still teaching them the value of money and without giving them so much excess that their outlook on life becomes forever skewed.

Having money means fewer financial worries. Of course, the rich also have fears. They worry about losing their fortune. But this is not the same as worrying about food and shelter. Money is important because it allows a person to live the way he wants, drive the car he chooses and cannot afford, visit any place and not deny himself anything. With money, you can live life to the fullest and enjoy adventure.

Maxim Vlasov

Dear friends, dear readers! I invite you to discuss in this article what, in my opinion, is very important and extremely interesting topic. This is a big money issue. Big money, as some people think, or even, probably, most people think so, is the kind of money that changes people mainly for the worse. And if something changes people, then it definitely has something to do with psychology. So I can't help but be interested in this question. Moreover, in my life, as probably in the lives of most of you, there were quite a few examples of how money spoiled people. However, observing these changes, I drew slightly different conclusions. I do not agree with the statement that money spoils people! I believe that on the contrary, people waste money! Therefore, I even signed the aphorism corresponding to my opinion to this article with my name, because I came up with it myself. And in this article I will show you, dear readers, and what will be necessary - I will prove exactly how, from my point of view, big money influences a person, and how a person influences money. I think this will help us understand ourselves and other people well, without testing ourselves and others with a lot of money. After all, it will be better if you understand what kind of person you are before you have money than after. Because in the latter case, your changes, often for the worse, including for yourself, can become irreversible.

So what does money do to people when there is a lot of it? To do this, let's think about how a large amount of money differs from a small amount. It’s simple: a person with more money gets more opportunities, he can do more. But how he takes advantage of these opportunities depends on his personal qualities, which in turn were formed thanks to the culture in which a person grew up and lived. After all, you must admit that money, both large and small, can be managed in different ways. With their help, you can benefit yourself and others, or you can cause harm. Accordingly, with the help of small money you can cause minor harm to yourself and others, which is not as noticeable as larger harm that requires more resources. Well, let’s say a person enjoys smoking and drinking alcohol, thereby harming his body. Of course, this dubious pleasure can cost differently, but in any case it will bring harm to a person. And if a person has a lot of money, wouldn’t he want to try to give himself pleasure using other means, the same drugs, for example? And this is even more harm to his body. Or, if a person has a lot of money and has nothing to do, he can have fun in ways that are extremely dangerous for him and other people, for example, racing cars, risking an accident. Now, if he had no money, or rather, if he had little of it, he would be preoccupied with the issue of earning it, and so, having a lot of money, he is engaged in activities that are dangerous to his life, thereby showing his low level of cultural development and your misunderstanding of life.

On the other hand, if we talk about the benefits of money, both large and small, then the difference here will also be significant. Someone can help another person with a small amount of money to survive difficult times for him, and someone, having a lot of money, can build libraries, schools, hospitals, theaters and so on - thereby benefiting many people. Thus, the level of a person’s cultural development is visible by what he spends his money on - on cheap pleasure that is harmful to the body, or on means for self-development, on large yachts or on socially significant objects. In short, money, both big and small, is an opportunity for a person to show himself and others who he is.

Money does not spoil people, even if it is a lot of money - it only allows them to be themselves, they expose the insides of every person by allowing him to do much of what he could not or was afraid to do before. Of course, we can say that this is their role - to allow a person to reveal his worst qualities. But even if a person has a lot of money, his best qualities can be revealed, although only in a few. However, for some reason we do not say that big money and money in general make people better. Probably because this doesn't happen very often. It is worth noting that both bad and good qualities in a person can be revealed without money - for this you just need to create the appropriate conditions. For example, a person can be given power, which he can use, both for the benefit of others and for the detriment of them. Or a person may find himself in difficult situation and show a very bad side of yourself, simply not wanting to sacrifice anything or bear responsibility for something. It’s not for nothing that they say that a friend is known in trouble, because trouble also exposes a person, just like a lot of money. Many people, faced with difficulties, problems, and responsibility, give in and behave extremely indecently. A very striking example is when a man leaves a woman with a small child, running away from difficulties, from responsibility, from hard work. So, as you can see, many things can change a person, both for the worse and for the worse. better side. Money is just one of the conditions under which a person can show himself from one side or another. And if we talk about money, then the lack of money, poverty, also has a very bad effect on people’s behavior, as well as on their lives. Poverty is a real punishment for the vast majority of people.

Let's now think about how people waste money. And they spoil them just like everything else on which they shift responsibility for their bad deeds and their bad behavior. People give money a very bad image by using it to cause more harm to each other than good. Although this statement can be argued, in order to understand what harm people cause to each other with the help of money, you need to compare this with the harm they cause to each other without money, that is, with the help of other means. However, many people manage a lot of money in such a way that it seems that there is more evil than good in money. But given the fact that money is just a tool that cannot do anything without human participation, it turns out that there is more evil in man than good. This is unpleasant to realize, you will agree. And maybe this is the wrong logic. I don’t want to think bad about people, or rather, I don’t want to see more bad than good in them. But given the way many people handle a lot of money, or a lot of power, for example, I can't help but think that many of them would benefit from being limited in what they can do to prevent them from harming themselves and others. Maybe this is why we live on a planet with limited, rather than infinite, resources, and are forced, although not always effectively, to limit ourselves in order to survive. After all, give a person everything he wants, and who knows what he will do. Therefore, I believe that big money is contraindicated for those who are not ripe for it. This is how some people should not be trusted with responsible work or should not be allowed to manage vehicle up to a certain age and without certain knowledge, this is how too much money should not be given to those people who are not able to manage it wisely. Likewise, people who are not wise enough should not be allowed to have too much power. Otherwise, we will get a “monkey with a grenade,” which will certainly cause a lot of harm to ourselves and others.

Meanwhile, the amount of money a person has can say a lot about him. But not all! For example, you don't have to be very smart to make a lot of money. To do this, it is enough to be very flexible in order to be able to adapt to the requirements that the system makes of a person and thus be beneficial to it. Then you can take a good, or as they say, “warm” place in the system and, thanks to it, live well. Well, someone even became rich thanks to other people, for example, his parents, who gave him everything. So if a person has a lot of money, then it is not at all necessary that he has any outstanding abilities. But this does not mean that he does not possess them. It happens differently in different cases. You need to look at the person himself - at his actions, judgments, actions in various situations in order to understand what he is like, and only then at the amount of money he has. Many people somehow forget about this, preferring to judge a person by superficial signs. That is why they are often mistaken in their conclusions. We can also say that a person who has little money is not necessarily stupid or lazy - it’s just that his value system may contradict the requirements that apply to a person who is successful in terms of making money. For example, if for a woman her children are more important than her career, then it is quite obvious that she will devote most of her time to them, which means that she will have much fewer opportunities to earn a lot of money than those women who completely devote themselves to work. At the same time, what is more important - children or money, every woman, as well as every man, decides for herself.

Thus, I believe that in order to prevent people from spoiling money, or, if you want, to prevent money from spoiling people, we should make people themselves better. Then no amount of money, even very large amounts of money, will become a means for a person to express the negative traits of his character. After all, a person can assert himself with the help of money in a completely socially acceptable way, in which the desire for more money forces a person to reveal his talents and do something useful for other people. In this state of affairs, big money will improve a person, not worsen him. And according to my theory, a person will create a good image for big money by his behavior. So I believe that it is necessary to improve the culture of people, and not only and not so much to fill their stomachs, in the broad sense of the word. After all, a person’s material well-being, without proper cultural education, will not make him better. Money in this sense plays an insignificant role. But cultural education is quite capable of improving every person, regardless of the quality of his life. Although, of course, you need to take care of both.

The main thing that we must understand is that we make ourselves and others the way we all are. If you turn a person into an overly practical materialist, forming in him an appropriate worldview and thus instilling in him a purely materialistic system of values, then the only good for him will be money, for which he will be ready to do anything. He will not care about his own children, his parents, his wife or husband, in general, about everyone - he will only be interested in money. And thus, with the help of appropriate education, or better yet, training, you will make a person into a biological automaton for making money, but you will kill in him a person who is capable of enjoying life itself, and not just money, including big ones. money. Such a person, of course, will behave with other people as if they were not people, but a source of material gain. This will not mean that he was born such a person, it means that he became such a person thanks to the corresponding culture. That is, there is no point in blaming money or anything else for the behavior of a person who, by nature, is not very correct with other people, and with a bad upbringing is even capable of very immoral acts. If we do not work properly with human material or work with it incorrectly, we get the corresponding “product”. I understand that the idea of ​​making the world and people better is not new. And in general, it has been realized throughout the history of mankind. People, although not all of them, have worked and are working to improve themselves and others. This is done mainly by those who understand how important this work is. Without this work, we would have remained aggressive savages with a barbaric culture and a corresponding low quality of life.

But we must understand that human nature does not change, only the environment in which a person lives changes. Therefore, it is precisely this that we should take care of first of all, creating a culture that will contribute to the cultivation of worthy people who know how, in our case, to handle big money. So we should all remember this when we begin to shift responsibility from ourselves to money, talking about its negative impact on a person. After all, we cannot give up money, at least for now, and we don’t need to do this, because there will be no money, there will be something else that a person can use to splash out his negative personal qualities. But we are not only capable of changing ourselves and others, but I think it is necessary. While not all of us can make a significant contribution to global culture, we can all take proper care of the microculture in our own family.

When a person becomes better and learns to handle big money with dignity, and earn it in ways that are useful to society, then he will stop spoiling money with his bad behavior. He, on the contrary, will begin to glorify and exalt them as a very useful means of mutual exchange. And money itself, I repeat once again, does not change people, it only tears off their masks and exposes their nature. Therefore, when money is in bad hands it does bad things, and when it is in good hands it does good things.

These are not just bills, they are a tool for achieving some life goals. These are love, happiness, power, security, dependence, independence, control, freedom and much more. Money is such a comprehensive symbol, requiring a rational and balanced attitude, that it penetrates deep into the human psyche.

Majority men They treat money the way they would treat a person, showing deep emotions. Many men have a difficult relationship with money, and when they enter into a marital relationship, money issues become explosive. Other men do not have individual problems with money; Trouble starts after people enter into interpersonal relationships.

Men's attitude towards money

Attitude men for money really differs from the attitude towards money among women. One American company surveyed 400 men and 400 women different ages and from different walks of life on their attitudes towards money, planning and financial advice. Research in this area has revealed a striking financial disparity between the two sexes.

1. Men are more confident, women are more cautious. 45% of men said they felt confident enough in their own judgment and did not need expert advice. Only 36% of women said the same. Maybe this means that men are simply better at financial management than women? Perhaps, if not for point two...

2. Men are more likely to make financial decisions they later regret. It seems that the stereotype of a risky man is not so far from the truth. The study found that across a range of financial products, from paychecks to quitting a job to pensions, men were at least twice as likely to make decisions they now regret, sometimes even greatly.

3. Women have best performance about how much things cost. One reason for this more realistic view is that it is often the woman who manages family budget. Men have a skewed perception of the real cost of living.

4. Women are more conscientious about taxes. Women are more likely to file more accurate tax returns than men. Perhaps women are more organized and forward-thinking, or they have a greater fear of being fined.

When people get rich, all their shortcomings come out. They get used to impunity. When there is no money, a person is dependent on his superiors, on the help of friends and relatives, and therefore behaves more or less decently towards others. And as soon as he has cash, there is no need to worry about what his loved ones think of him. This is where all the “dark sides” of character come out. After all, the nouveau riche have no upbringing. It’s one thing if wealth was accumulated over many years, if money was accumulated through the efforts of many generations. Then they try to give children a good upbringing, to instill the concepts of honor and dignity. If a person, as they say, goes from rags to riches, he becomes unbearable. He immediately remembers the hardships and humiliations that he suffered while living in poverty, and begins to take revenge on humanity for them. It is not for nothing that the most cruel overseers emerge from former slaves. Every rich person, remembering how he was denied money or something else, at the first opportunity tries to take it out on those who depend on him.

Nina, 50 years old, accountant

Unfortunately, money really does spoil people. The fact is that with the help of banknotes you can solve many problems. And when people understand this, they begin to believe that they can buy anything. They stop thinking in terms other than financial ones. At the same time, they are sure that everyone else is exactly the same. It costs them nothing to offend a person, to be rude, to insult, and then, instead of an apology, push a banknote into their hands. My boss is like this. He treats his employees like trash. And I am absolutely sure that we should happily endure his antics just because our salary is good. Look what our oligarchs are doing. They have lost all sense of decency. Why limit yourself if, if something happens, you can shut anyone’s mouth with money.

Svetlana, 45 years old, housewife

Anton, 44 years old, driver

When people have money, they very quickly forget about how poor they were. They immediately begin to despise those who have less wealth. The rich constantly group themselves into some kind of castes, believing that everyone who cannot boast of the same condition is not people at all. At the same time, for some reason they forget that their fortunes were acquired either by pure chance or by not entirely honest means. After all, everyone who got rich in our country lately, or stole something, or just ended up in in the right place V right time. You can't make big money quickly and honestly. However, this makes the rich no less pathos. As soon as you have cash in your wallet, people begin to consider themselves better than those around them and boast about it. Even if they do charity work, they do it with contempt. They throw a handout, but at the same time they believe that the people they help are not worthy of it. Not so long ago I was carrying these rich Pinocchios. They decided orphanage help. You should have heard how they spoke about the children. Ragamuffins and backbiters are the mildest of definitions. And you probably spent your entire childhood in rags. They just forgot about it and now they themselves believe that they were born with a golden spoon in their mouth.

Alexey, 40 years old, entrepreneur

Diana, 31 years old, secretary

Money doesn't spoil people. It's just that when someone suddenly becomes rich and successful, others begin to envy him and look for flaws in him. All these “bad” qualities existed in a person before, but before material wealth fell upon him, those around him were more tolerant of them. Most people simply do not know how to rejoice in the successes of others, but at the same time they never want to admit that they envy, even themselves. So they find excuses for themselves. Like, I stopped communicating with best friend after he got rich, because he changed for the worse. In fact, your friend has remained the same, it just became unpleasant for you to be in his company. I have long noticed that for most people it is much easier to be sad with someone for company than to be happy. For example, almost all of my friends are like this. If something bad happened in my life, they will be next to me, they will groan, delve into this situation, give some advice, and secretly rejoice that I am unhappy, and everything is fine with them. For example, when I broke up with my boyfriend, all my friends came running to support me. But I clearly saw such a smug sparkle in their eyes: someone was abandoned, but everything was fine in their family. Other people's misfortune helps them feel successful. But if something good happens to me, no one is able to rejoice with me. They offered me good job, I shared this news with my friends. So they pouted and began vying to find shortcomings in this work.