Teenage manicure. The most beautiful manicure for teenagers with photos and videos

Neat hands should be at any age. From childhood, little girls learn to take care of themselves. Their mothers teach them to take care of the health of hair, skin and, of course, nails are not left without attention.

Therefore, already in adolescence, girls try to make their pens not only as neat as possible, but also beautiful with the help of interesting nail art.

Features of teenage manicure

The main feature of a manicure for a teenage girl is that the nails should be short, because the nail plate is still quite thin and brittle. When choosing nail art for young fashionistas, you need to proceed from whether they will go to school with it or not.

School manicure for teenagers should be done in soft pastel colors without too much decor. If the girl is preparing for some kind of event or for the summer season, then here you can add bright rich colors. We bring to your attention a manicure for teenagers 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17 years old.

Fashion Ideas for Teens

Design for 12 years old

  • Very young girls should try to choose delicate light shades of varnishes for nails, best of all even transparent ones.

  • If preparations are underway for some kind of holiday, you can add colorful, but discreet patterns on the ring finger or funny cartoon drawings.
  • Cute bows will also be very appropriate. Pink color with white art suits young girls very well.

Design for 13 years old

  • As you can see in the photo, a manicure for teenagers of 13 years old is not very different from the previous one. Choose nude shades, light blue, neutral white.
  • In their free time from lessons for teenagers, you can choose a more original version of manicure design. A delicate shade combined with a face and sparkles will be a great addition to some kind of children's event.

  • At 13, it will also be very appropriate to wear clear-coated nails to school.

Design for 14 years old

  • At the age of 14, the girl is already becoming more feminine, she falls in love for the first time, goes on dates. Therefore, interesting drawings of flowers and patterns will look very good here.
  • The combination of light shades looks great, and the pattern perfectly complements the composition.

  • Very good for teenagers. Delicate color transitions emphasize the graceful hands of the girl.

  • But do not forget about bright saturated shades. Cool manicure option for teenagers: perfect for the summer season.

Design for 15 years old

  • From the age of 15, young beauties can already give preference to a jacket. To choose, of course, for this you need a camouflage of light shades.

  • The photo shows how for teenagers you can combine everyday manicure with a French jacket with a delicate decor, which will also come in handy for an important event.

  • By the summer, you can make a brighter design. Cool manicure for teenagers in this version. Matte white finish makes the pattern of lines even more saturated and bright.

Design for 16 years old

  • By the age of 16, you can already add a little length to your nails. Base colors are better to choose more restrained, but try to use brighter decor.
  • A great option for spring or summer design. The young fashionista has already moved away from children's drawings, but at the same time she makes no less rich and interesting nail art.

  • And this is a cool example of a teenager's manicure for the last disco at summer camp. And the girl will look bright, and the design will not look intrusive due to the pastel color.
  • will also look great on young hands.

Design for 17 years old

  • On the threshold of adulthood, the girl passes into a more adult life. Someone finishes school, someone entered a university or even moved to another city. More complex geometric patterns can already be used.
  • Fresh mint color looks very nice in combination with white on the fingers of a young owner.

  • You can try to use black, but preferably combined with light shades.

  • Also for the autumn-winter season, you can use the decor in the form of knitting using powder. Nails will look very impressive.

Video on how to make manicure designs for teenagers

In a variety of designs and art, a young girl can get confused. After all, you really want to make your hands perfect, but the taste is still being formed and the choice does not always fall on the appropriate option. We advise you to look at a manicure for teenagers for the summer with everyone's favorite animal - a panda. Best of all, this art is suitable for girls 12-14 years old, but for shorter nails.


Combination with other types of design solutions

It is best to choose a nail design depending on the overall look and the season of the year. During school time, you need to give preference to restrained nude tones without frills, artsy decor.

By summer, you can choose bolder bright colors, make fruity or floral saturated patterns, add sparkles for a summer disco. In this hot season, more than ever, you can let your imagination run wild. But the rest of the time you should not completely abandon the experiments. A little beauty can make brighter art in connection with some holiday.

Most importantly, remember that there is a time and a place for everything. Girls should not rush to grow up and make vulgar girls out of themselves. You can and should take care of your nails at any age. But everything should be in moderation and on occasion. After seeing the photos, tell me, what do you think, should girls in adolescence do manicures or not?

Adolescence is a great time when a girl begins to take care of herself, striving to be perfect. It was at this time that there was a desire to look not only beautiful, but also well-groomed. Girls are interested in cosmetics, they strive to achieve the beauty of nails. Now this is not mom's varnish: manicure for teenagers is a special style, a means of self-expression, taking into account the peculiarities of age.

Features of manicure for teenagers

Indeed, in adolescence it is time to monitor not only hygiene. It is important to keep your nails healthy and pay attention to their appearance. Not only nail files are used, but also orange sticks, stamps, sliders, oils and caring creams.

Teenage manicure is significantly different from an adult:

  • The nail plates of adolescents are much thinner, softer and more elastic, so they are subject to mechanical stress and delamination. Manicure for teenagers does not primarily mean beauty, but care, protection and strengthening of the nail structure.
  • It depends on the age of the girl, so in some cases it is not recommended to paint the nails once again so as not to harm their health (it is enough to draw up the free edge and remove the cuticle), in others (13, 14 years old) the varnish coating can already be used.
  • In adolescence, you can not do a manicure all the time, otherwise the water balance will be disturbed, the nails will lose moisture, become brittle and begin to exfoliate. A prerequisite for the beauty and health of nails is the use of firming baths and special compresses.
  • Beautiful manicure of teenage girls does not accept flashy tones: they must be age-appropriate and get out of the middle, muted range.
  • You can’t make long and sharp nails: girls 12-16 years old should adhere to the rule of naturalness, when the shape is close to natural. It's great if the nails are the same in length and shape.
  • Manicure for teenagers is tailored to the specific occasion. It is better to choose a universal option. Relevance, which is not devoid of childlike charm, is the main principle.

Manicure for teenagers can be different, it all depends on age and the specific case:

  • minimal (without the use of varnish);
  • everyday (school);
  • creative (as a way of self-expression);
  • festive (for birthday, New Year holidays, disco);
  • professional (for a photo shoot).

With a skillful approach to creating your own style, you can make a very beautiful manicure that will allow you to demonstrate your individuality without stepping over the limits of relevance.

How to care for a child's nails?

The main rule of care is cleanliness. You need to remember about the hygiene of the nails, make sure that they are dry. This will prevent any infection. It is worth not only washing your hands with soap, but also periodically use a moisturizer or protective cream.

If a child is used to biting his nails due to emotional experiences, it is worth identifying the cause of this behavior, visiting a neurologist and eliminating it. Gnawing nails to wounds provokes diseases of the nail plates and a change in their structure. Having eliminated the cause of the experience, you can fix the result with a special varnish with a bitter taste, which is designed to combat this problem. It can not be seen on the nails, it brings tangible benefits.

When choosing nail cosmetics, you should give preference to products with a minimum content of harmful substances. It is not recommended to use nail polish remover with acetone: it destroys the structure of the nail plates, making them weak, brittle and dry.

It is also necessary to monitor proper nutrition so that the nails do not become too thin, do not lose moisture and elasticity.

Proper shaping

Since teenagers have fewer opportunities to visit the salon, experts answer positively to the question of whether it is possible to do a manicure at home. The main thing is to approach the process responsibly: the direction and pressure of tool movements are very important.

First you need to consider: at this age, a straight nail shape is good. It is more difficult to damage it mechanically, so the nails will break less often.

Doing a manicure at home is not as difficult as it might seem. The instruction will help you:

  • wash your hands thoroughly and dry them;
  • using a nail file, form the free edge of the nail, filing it only in one direction;
  • to soften the cuticle, briefly dip your hands in a pre-prepared soapy solution at room temperature;
  • since it is harmful to remove the cuticle in adolescence (the periungual area is too vulnerable to infections), it is gently pushed back with a wooden stick;
  • varnish will help to give the nails a well-groomed look: in younger adolescence it is a transparent coating, for girls 15-17 years old gel polish is allowed with the standard salon procedure.

Having done a manicure, you should try to avoid contact of nails with very hot water. It can cause loss of coating integrity. In addition, you should never remove the old coating mechanically: you need a special nail polish remover. If you try to break off the chips, this will disrupt the structure of the nails.

Design Ideas

Modern teenagers are well versed in fashion, often have a delicate taste, and demonstrate a special style. The choice of manicure is not accidental: having put in order the shape of the nail plates, it is rare for a girl to ignore nail polish. Young ladies are interested in various designs in the form of decorative elements. There are many possibilities for teen nail designs.

Universal Styles

The following are the most common options:

  • Minimalism. An excellent and easy option for school, which is a clear nail polish. Such a manicure does not irritate teachers and gives nails a fresh and healthy look.
  • French. Classic French manicure with a transparent background and a slight white "smile" on the tip of the nail. Equally good for girls of any age, be it 12 or 17 years old. This is a classic, appropriate always and everywhere.
  • Lunar manicure. Inverted jacket, made with pastel color varnish. This design is suitable for almost any school clothes, for different styles. Even if the “smile” at the base is made with gold or silver lacquer, it will not be catchy or pretentious.
  • Classical. Laconic design without decor, nail polish with a light pastel group varnish. This style is relevant at all times and emphasizes the tenderness of nature. Made in restrained and natural colors, it is appropriate at school, when visiting a circle or section.

If the additional decor on the nails of girls of 12 years old often looks strange, older girls can add a not very catchy accent to their image. One or two nails can be decorated with a small sticker - in the same color scheme with a common background.

Solemn option

If the everyday style is quite strict, then the bright manicure is incredibly beautiful and elegant. Different decor is welcome here, but you should not sculpt all the decorations, as the nails are small. Enough light and small accents. In addition, the abundance of design will deprive the manicure of beauty. The options may be:

  • Stamping. A very gentle and elegant style that fills the manicure with lightness. Peculiar lace motifs, made using the stamp method, give solemnity to even the simplest cover.
  • Festive. This style is created with the help of jewelry. Usually these are different pictures of children's and teenage subjects. Drawings on the nails are excluded: in adolescence, this activity is tedious and time consuming, and the result is rarely good.
  • Geometry with a narrow tape for nails. A simple method that allows you to quickly transform even the most boring manicure. Special tape can be a design tool that helps to distinguish between colored areas, or be an independent decor.


Cool teenage manicure is somewhat playful, but does not lose its charm. Even an ordinary jacket will look more elegant if the smile zone and the background are connected, for example, with sliders. Some high school girls indulge their nails with drawings in the form of mathematical formulas, attracting the attention of not only classmates, but also teachers.

A really cool manicure can be called a manicure for girls aged 15-16, created with the help of thermal varnish, which, with skillful selection of colors, is also suitable for school. Taking as a basis a light tone that will darken in the cold, you can make up the surface of the plates, and make a stamping with a contrasting color chameleon on top. This style will be able to please the girl throughout the day: not only the background, but also the pattern will change color.

The rebellious Halloween drawings that are fashionable among young people also look creative. When going to a disco or meeting with friends, teenagers often choose this topic. In the course are coatings of white, orange and black colors (shades of the holiday). Sometimes the background is the basis. To add the right mood, just draw a cobweb or "face" of a pumpkin.

Fashion trends

To diversify the style and give the nails a beautiful look today is quite easy. It is much more difficult to choose the right option from a huge range of nail products. This industry offers not only the usual types of coatings in a wide color palette. Today, there are gel-based coatings that stay on the surface of the nail plates for two to four weeks - without chipping or adjusting.

In addition, in order for the manicure to be fashionable and not boring, in special cases it is allowed to paint the nails with two shades of varnish that are different in tone, connecting them with patterns with similar tones. In this design, the placement of accents makes the style harmonious, special.

Interesting modern types of coatings include products with an unusual effect:

  • "cat's eye"(coating with a glare resembling a cat's eye);
  • "magnetic"(varnish, when presented with a special magnet, it forms different patterns in the form of stripes, spirals and stars);
  • "chameleon"(temperature varnish that changes color depending on the change in temperature).

Of course, no girl will refuse nail design. Today, stickers are in the spotlight, with which you can express your individuality and stand out from the crowd. Sliders can be water-based or adhesive-based, flat or bulky. Equally popular among girls aged 15-17 are rhinestones and stamping (drawing a picture using a special stamp).

The most popular teen slider design topics include:

  • plant and flower motifs;
  • "plush" toys (bears, bunnies, cats);
  • glamor (hearts, stars, bows);
  • creative elements - Halloween;
  • butterfly wings;
  • fruits, sweets;
  • "newspaper" inscriptions;
  • favorite cartoon characters.

Modern mothers agree that a manicure for girls at the age of 12 is still necessary. Of course, this does not mean that a young beauty should have sharp bright claws that will go against the cute image! How to do a manicure for a girl? Read everything in order!

Watching her mother make herself a manicure, the girl dreams of building such beauty on her nails as soon as possible. A girl at the age of 12 can already be taught to do a manicure with her own hands. First she does it under the supervision of her mother, and then on her own. It is necessary to offer the girl a simple design that she can handle without outside help.

A 12-year-old girl is given a children's manicure. How is he different from an adult? What you need to know about children's manicure?

Three important aspects of manicure


  • Children's manicure experts strictly do not recommend touching the cuticles during manicure for children under 14 years old. No need to move it, let alone cut it! Even for adult women, unedged manicure technology is more attractive and safer! The cuticle in children is still very thin. In addition, there is a risk of damage to the plate formation zone, and this will lead to nail deformation in the future.

  • If the skin is a little rough, burrs appear, then you can’t do without processing the periungual space! But it will be enough to trim the burrs with sharp scissors or tweezers. And to soften the skin, you can make a warm bath of medicinal herbs: chamomile or calendula. The miraculous properties of these herbs have been known for a long time.
  • For girls 12 years old, it is recommended to cut the nails, leaving 2-3 mm of the free edge. If you cut the nails down to the base, then this can adversely affect the processes of the correct formation of the plate. Long nails will look too provocative, and on short nails you can also make a beautiful design. In addition, vigorous physical activity and insufficiently developed nail care skills can lead to the accumulation of dirt and dust under the nails. It is this length - 2 mm - that is optimal in order to make it easy to keep the nails clean, to be able to clean the dirt during the usual hand washing procedure.

Read also: Silver manicure: more shine, more solemnity

  • Manicure for children requires the use of special tools. They must be safe. It is necessary to minimize the possibility of unpleasant sensations during manicure. It is better to use a nail file with an abrasiveness of 240, try to minimize its contact with the nails. You also need to carefully take care of the safety of all funds.


  • Many girls have a habit of biting their nails. There is even a medical term - onychophagy. And the reason for the development of harmful occupations is psychological. In most cases, by the age of 12, fortunately, girls get rid of this bad habit. But there are times when a similar problem exists even at that age. Doctors explain that loud screams and "slaps" on the fingers will not help the child get rid of the habit of biting nails! You will definitely need the help of a qualified psychologist. But a beautiful manicure, funny figures on the nails, painted flowers and hearts can keep the girl from this harmful activity.

  • A beautiful manicure for a girl of this age is a matter of incredible pride, an opportunity to show off and stand out among her friends. Self-confidence appears, just like an adult lady, confident in her impeccable appearance!


  • No matter how much the girl would like to make an adult design, you need to explain to her that there are certain rules that are followed in society. A bright red manicure, decorated with an abundance of shiny stones, looks just ridiculous on the nails of a twelve-year-old girl! It is necessary to choose a beautiful, discreet design that matches her age.

Read also: How to quickly dry nails at home: folk and professional remedies

  • On vacation days, you can allow a brighter design. It is permissible to test colored varnish on nails that are not very flashy shades. But at school time, manicure should be done in soothing colors, without flashy drawings and catchy elements.

The most popular and easy manicure girls 12 years old

Mom can let the girl play a little naughty during the holidays. Why not give your daughter a cheerful bright manicure. The girl can try to make light drawings on her own. It’s easier to design with your right hand, but it’s more difficult to draw with your left hand ... I’ll have to ask my mother for help. But after training, the girl will also skillfully perform drawings with her left hand.

With what simple designs is it necessary to start comprehending the art of nail art?

  • funny polka dots the easiest way to draw dots. It's both simple and beautiful. You can place the dots in a checkerboard pattern or diagonally.

  • pink hearts can be built from two drops, carefully connecting them with a toothpick in the right direction.

  • cute bows- an attribute of childhood - it is very easy to draw. You can decorate them with all the records or just the ring finger.

  • small flowers- more complex option. You need to start with daisies or stylized flowers with five petals.

  • funny faces will cheer up both the girl herself and her friends. Only real artists can display cartoon characters on their nails.

There are many more interesting options: butterflies, animal prints, cats, cakes and sweets. Only to create such a design you need an authoritative and skillful older assistant.

Manicure to school at age 12

School manicure should be calm and restrained. No matter how much you want to put bright varnish on your nails, you don’t need to do this. We will have to listen to a lot of comments from teachers. And as a result, you will still erase the beautiful coating by the next day!

Adolescence is one of the most exciting periods in most people's lives. At this time, a person especially strives for self-expression, tries to show his personality as much as possible, to stand out among his peers. Stylish, original, unusual manicure is one of the many ways to express yourself, to demonstrate your uniqueness. Too much to get involved in experiments is also not worth it. Each manicure will be appropriate only in a certain case: the design for a Saturday party is categorically not suitable for study. There are also universal options that will successfully fit into any image and will look stylish under any conditions.

Features of nail care

The transitional age is characterized by a number of physiological features, which, among other things, relate to the rules of nail care. This is explained by the fact that the nail plate has not yet fully formed, so the nails are highly sensitive and brittle. In this way, the manicure of a teenage girl must meet the following requirements:

  1. The recommended type of manicure is unedged. The reason is obvious - the cut type can damage a weak nail and injure the thin skin around it.
  2. All instruments intended for the procedure must be sterile. Of course, this rule applies to any such procedures, regardless of the age of the client, but the skin of a teenager is thinner and more delicate, so the likelihood of infection in this case is somewhat higher.
  3. It is advisable to choose a rounded shape of nails, no more than 2 mm in length.
  4. As for decorative varnishes, it is best to use a children's series of cosmetics. Due to this, the toxic effect of varnish on the body of a teenager will decrease. It is also recommended to use a children's manicure kit (if we are talking about teenagers 12-13 years old).
  5. You need to remove the varnish with special liquids for removing varnish (without acetone).
  6. Nail extension is highly undesirable at this age. It is also not recommended to cover children's manicure with gel polish.
  7. It is not recommended to repaint nails too often. They need to periodically give time for "rest", as well as alternate the use of conventional varnish with therapeutic (taking breaks between them).
  8. Compared to adults, in girls under the age of 14-15 years, the nail plate contains much more moisture. For this reason, experts do not recommend steaming hands, trimming the cuticle (you can remove it with an exfoliating gel remover), and polishing the surface of the nails with a buff. The best option for a teenager is an unedged European manicure.

Nail design by teenagers is not limited to the simple use of decorative varnish. The design may include various additions in the form of stickers, sparkles, patterns. Such a manicure is characterized by playfulness, lightness, carelessness, which together is an integral feature of the life of any teenager.

Manicure for summer is distinguished by bright, saturated color, complex paintings, a combination of contrasting tones. The opposite option is a simple coating of nails with transparent varnish (manicure in the “genre” of minimalism). In order not to “strain” your eyes with catchy colors, you can alternate them with pale tones, for example, pastels.

Other features of summer nail design include:

  • compliance with the environment (the design should not diverge from the external image of the girl, stand out from the overall picture, contradict the unspoken conditions of an event, be it an excursion, a holiday, a beach party, etc.);
  • taking into account fashion trends (it's no secret that fashion changes every year, so it can be quite difficult to keep up with it; being in a trend means constantly following new trends in the nail industry and trying to make a stylish manicure that matches them);
  • the choice of the shape of the nails (for a teenager, especially in the summer, when a manicure can interfere with playing volleyball, swimming, etc., the shortest nails of a rounded shape are ideal).

Important! The creation of a drawing (nail art) should be preceded by competent care, because no (even the most beautiful design) is able to provide an attractive appearance to sloppy and untreated nails.

At what age do manicures

There is no age limit for manicure. This procedure is one of the elements of general nail care hygiene. Children should be taught this from an early age. At a very young age, the procedure includes only a very careful trimming of the nails, starting from 5-6 years old, you can move on to a more serious manicure, including the first nail art.

Interesting. Manicure is an effective method of combating the bad habit of biting your nails. Also, preliminary care actions in the form of deburring will prevent infection from entering the body. If a mother doubts that she can give her child a quality manicure, she can turn to professionals for help.

Manicure for girls from 12 to 15 years old

At this age, teenagers spend quite a lot of time at school, so the design of nails must comply with the etiquette of the educational institution. Bold decisions and unusual experiments regarding color, color combinations, brightness of varnish, pretentiousness of the pattern and length of nails in this case will be inappropriate.

The following recommendations will help you create the right and at the same time stylish manicure for study:

  1. The simplest and most reliable solution is to use a clear varnish. At the same time, the importance of preliminary care (hygienic manicure) is of particular importance here. Its absence will create a very noticeable effect of untidiness, slovenliness.
  2. Another, no less successful option is a French manicure. It is combined with any image, looks neat, restrained, stylish. A characteristic feature of the jacket are the stripes on the tips of the nails. The complexity of such a manicure is that it is not so easy to make the strips even. To apply varnish, it is better to use a special thin brush, as well as stencil strips.
  3. Lunar manicure. On the one hand, in its classic status, it is similar to a jacket, on the other hand, it looks much more original. When creating a manicure, it is desirable to emphasize the hole with a bright color.
  4. A brilliant manicure will look appropriate not only in school walls, it can be considered as an everyday option for different occasions. Sequins cover either the entire surface of the nails, or draw patterns with their help. The color palette includes several colors, such as silver, gold, beige, etc.
  5. The best option is a pastel manicure. In any image, such a design will not catch your eye, stand out from the overall picture.
  6. Create minimalistic nail art with stickers and other decorative elements.

The school dress code suggests a discreet manicure without unnecessary details, frilly patterns and bright colors.

On a note. Milky white polish will stand out especially beautifully in autumn against the background of tanned skin after the summer season. Also, a light brown lacquer will be a great addition to the classic school uniform.

An ideal option for study is a manicure with a pearly sheen, which looks especially good on square-shaped nails, while it does not distract attention at all and does not interfere with the learning process.

Minimalistic patterns in the form of drops, dots, stripes or buds are especially welcome.

For the period from August to September, you can make a bright manicure, complementing it with a pattern with a summer theme, for example, small flowers. This design will soften the abrupt transition from one season to another.

If we move away from school topics, then a manicure for girls of 12 years old should look something like this.

Meet the following criteria:

  • Decoration with drawings, stickers that depict cartoon characters, plants, animals, fruits, berries, etc.;
  • The color of the varnish should not be too bright and at the same time not too dark; delicate shades are considered ideal in combination with some decorative elements, for example, rhinestones, but not on every nail.

For girls aged 13, the following type of manicure is perfect.

The design should contain playful notes with a touch of childish frivolity and spontaneity. As in the previous case, overly saturated and dark tones are highly undesirable here.

At the age of 14, teenagers begin to show interest in the opposite sex, it is at this time that the first love most often occurs. This is truly the most romantic and bright time. Manicure, as part of the image and a means of self-expression, should reflect the light and relaxed mood of a teenage girl, include characteristic notes of romanticism and innocent frivolity. The theme of nail art is based on the corresponding images of bears, flowers, hearts, etc. In addition to drawings, there are much more stylish and unusual solutions, for example, decorating nails with rhinestones and foil. Minimalistic options are also suitable in the form of a simple varnish coating without a design using 1-2 tones.

At the age of 15, teenagers strive to look older, trying to demonstrate their character and their own style that reflects it as brightly as possible. Obviously, an older manicure is distinguished by thoughtfulness and restraint. The cartoon theme is leaving the design, randomness and frivolity disappear. The shape of the nail also changes: it turns from round to pointed or square, while the length increases. Currently relevant:

  • monophonic coating (it is desirable that the shade goes well with the color of the clothes);
  • soft neutral colors (beige, pink, etc.);
  • decoration, painting, patterns (holiday manicure).

A manicure for school with a pattern, color patterns or graphics is sure to bring variety to the classic look of a teenager. A great idea is to combine bright colors (as an addition) with a transparent base.

Manicure set

The list of tools and materials can be conditionally divided into two groups:

  • standard set required for all types of manicure;
  • special, which depends on several factors: trimmed or unedged manicure, complex or simple, etc.

The general set of tools looks like this:

  • decorative varnishes;
  • colorless base;
  • transparent varnish for manicure;
  • nail polish remover;
  • bath for steaming hands;
  • sea ​​salt for the bath;
  • bath oils (optional)
  • nail scissors;
  • cotton pads;
  • cuticle oil;
  • forceps to eliminate the cuticle;
  • orange stick;
  • nail file;
  • nail polishing tool (special nail file);
  • moisturizing hand cream.

How to make a light manicure

It will not be difficult to carry out this procedure at home. It assumes the following actions:

  1. Removal of old varnish.
  2. Prepare a steaming bath with sea salt and various oils or herbs (for example, chamomile or mint) and hold your hands in it for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Dry your hands.
  4. Remove the cuticle (bring it to the base of the nail);
  5. Remove burrs with nail scissors or tweezers.
  6. Trim long nails.
  7. With the help of a nail file, give the nails the desired shape.
  8. Apply moisturizer to your hands.
  9. Apply a base coat of decorative varnish;
  10. After the base coat has dried, start creating your own design.

Manicure for short nails

There are just so many design options. It is this length that is now most popular. Here are some stylish solutions:

  • simple coating of nails with varnish of the same color;
  • plain coating with the addition of a nail design on several nails of both hands;
  • complex coating combined with a geometric pattern;
  • french, moon manicure (classic);
  • unique pattern on each nail;
  • manicure using painting, stickers.

Decorative elements on a white or transparent background can be varied. They are applied with a brush or a needle. Thanks to this, the nails will become unique and will stand out brightly among the everyday sameness and dullness.

It is better to choose shades for such a manicure in one gamut: it is advisable to use pastel colors with a beige base. The fact is that the white color visually increases the length of the plate, which, of course, will only benefit short nails.

Important! Nail design should not be abused, since a small “area” of the nail “will not withstand” the abundance of the pattern, such a manicure will look ugly, tasteless.

Top manicure

Cool manicure with bears

It is best to remove the old varnish with a lint-free cloth, as cotton pads leave behind small villi. As a result, the new layer is unevenly distributed.

Nail polish remover should be used even if there was no manicure on the nails before. This is necessary in order to degrease the nail plate.

Advice. An ideal nail file should have an abrasive value of 180 to 200 grit. The movements of the nail file must be carried out in one direction (and not left and right), otherwise the plate may delaminate.

You should not round the nails too much on the sides, so as not to provoke their ingrowth.

Do not use the nail file immediately after steaming the hands - the nails must be completely dry.

After removing the cuticle, you need to apply the nail polish remover again to get rid of the remnants of the remover and degrease the plate.

The base coat is necessary in order to prevent yellowing of the nail and to ensure perfect adhesion to the varnish. The base is applied in a thin layer, slightly stepping back from the cuticle line.

No matter how old a teenager is, he always strives to stand out among his peers. An original manicure is a great way to do this. To date, there is a huge variety of types of manicure, varnish application techniques, all kinds of design options that are suitable for teenagers of any age to wear in any conditions. Making a quality manicure at home is not a problem. The main thing is to follow the rules and recommendations for nail care and creating a nail design.


Little girls always try to be like their mothers. You can often notice that they gravitate towards cosmetics and bright outfits. In adolescence, this phenomenon is observed even more often - only at the age of 13 girls can already afford a manicure, like their mother. Usually by this age they are already the owners of a large collection of various coatings. However, you should know that children's manicure is not only applying a color coating, but also a special procedure that everyone should be able to carry out. This article discusses the rules for manicure for teenagers and some design ideas that girls of 14 years old may like.

First of all, it should be explained to the little lady that the main task of a manicure is to ensure a beautiful shape of nails and their cleanliness, and only then comes the creation of a design. The girl must understand that not a single decor can cover the sloppiness of her hands. For the procedure it is necessary to use high quality manicure tools without sharp edges. The main ones are scissors, a file and tongs if necessary.

You should not immediately hit the experiments, because thirteen-year-old girls are still small for serious changes in appearance. You do not need to grow the plate much - its length should not exceed three millimeters. It is also not necessary to shorten the nails under the root, as this prevents proper formation.

Some mothers really want to build up nails for their daughters already at this age, but this is strictly prohibited until the age of eighteen, because soft platinum can suffer from such a procedure. The same applies to shellac, which is allowed for use only after sixteen. In adolescence, it is quite possible to limit yourself to standard varnish.

Remember that the cosmetics used must belong to the children's line. Liquid soaps, creams, and massage oils should be pediatrician-approved as they won't dry out delicate skin. In no case do not press on your hands during a manicure. Wrong movement can deform the nail and severely damage it. Lucky, too, must be selected with particular care. It is advisable to choose proven companies that include calcium and other useful components that help strengthen the plate.

The procedure itself is carried out similarly to an adult. To begin with, hands are soaked in warm soapy water, then wiped dry. Next, the nails are carefully cut with scissors with rounded edges and a stick give them a shape. The cuticle is pushed back with orange sticks. In no case should you cut it off, as the delicate skin will be replaced by hard and rough. Once the procedure is completed, you can apply varnish.

A beautiful design helps little ladies to take care of themselves more responsibly and be satisfied with their appearance. Unfortunately, our children often face stressful situations, whether at school or on the street. Stress results in bad habits that can become permanent. Most often they bite their nails. A manicure on the nails will become a kind of obstacle to this kind of action, because it will be a pity for everyone to spoil the beauty and aesthetics of their hands.

Another advantage of this procedure is the joint pastime of mother and daughter. Every daughter secretly wishes that her beloved Mother would drop all her affairs and devote time to her. Creating a beauty salon at home can become a small tradition that will unite you and bring you closer.

You will be able to keep secrets with your daughter and gradually watch how a little girl turns into a girl.

Color solutions

When choosing nail polish colors for a fourteen-year-old girl, remember that she is still small for a too catchy design. Teenagers are not suitable for dark or acidic shades. Girls at this age are better to give preference to pastel colors. An excellent choice would be: pink, blue, mint, pale yellow, lilac, white and other summer colors that will emphasize the tenderness of your beauty.

You can safely combine shades. An excellent option would be to apply pink and blue or lilac and pink. Perfectly complement each other beige and mint, as well as canary and white. In principle, all of the above tones are well combined, so no matter what shades the girl chooses, everything will look relevant.

You should also beware of the red color, because it is too old. It is better for a little lady not to be smart with design and voluminous decor. There is no need to weight the image, because the beauty of adolescence is in its lightness and ease.

beautiful ideas

There are a lot of interesting manicure ideas for thirteen-year-old ladies, each of them is good in its own way.


Beige manicure is considered the most optimal for schoolchildren, since students are not allowed to come with bright nails. It does not look catchy and is very gentle. Perfect for girls of 14 years old who, already in their teens, try to stick to the classics.

"Nail art"

In this case, you can give free rein to your imagination. Manicure is done with a variety of patterns, depending on the wishes of the daughter. The picture is applied either with a needle or a thin brush. On the nails, you can depict hearts, flowers, berries and even cartoon characters.

Dip the brush in yellow varnish and put a small dot just above the middle of the plate, then draw circles in pink in a circle and color them. It remains only to draw a thin strip down from the bud, depicting a stem, and add a leaf to it. The flower is ready. The heart is drawn in red, crimson or pink. First you need to apply one side, then the second and paint the core. When the drawing dries, white paint needs to depict a small glare.

To get cherries, just draw two red circles, two branches connecting them, and a leaf on each side. Strawberries are depicted using a triangle with a rounded bottom corner, it should be painted over in red, then depict a hat in green and add black dots.


Patterns on the nails look very gentle and beautiful. Neat curls, monograms, letters, snowflakes, drops and much more will be a great choice for a thirteen-year-old girl. Patterns can be drawn both on a colored background and on a transparent base, having received a “naked manicure” fashionable this season.

Color jacket

French manicure is a real classic of nail design that will always be in trend. However, it is too early for young ladies to wear such an adult version, and, most likely, it will seem too boring for them. You can get out of the situation with the help of a colored jacket. First, a transparent or nude varnish is applied to the nail, and then a colored strip is drawn on the tip. In this case, it will be interesting to look at a combination of several shades on different nails. For a colored jacket, both pastel and bright palettes are used.


Ombre is considered one of the most popular nail design options among young people. Interesting combinations and the transition from one color to another look very stylish and versatile, as they fit most of the teenager's wardrobe. Design can be done in two ways.

The first involves an ombre on each finger. The desired shades are applied to a piece of sponge, after which the pattern is transferred to the nail plate. The transition can be either from dark to light or random. The transition from crimson to pale pink or from purple to lilac will look very beautiful on children's hands. Some people prefer to combine three colors at once, for example, pink, blue and canary or lilac, mint and white. It all depends on the imagination of a teenager.

The second option suggests making a transition from one color to another, gradually changing the tone on the fingers. For example, the thumb nail can be painted purple, the index finger lilac, the middle nail lilac, the ring nail pastel pink, and the little finger a more saturated color. Another option involves a gradual lightening of the tone. That is, the darkest shade of color is applied to the thumb, and a shade that is slightly lighter than the previous one is applied to each subsequent one. It turns out very original.