Scenario “Russian Holiday” for Independence Day for senior, middle and preparatory school groups. Holidays in kindergarten: calendar for the year Decoration in kindergarten for Independence Day

Scenario for Russian Independence Day for preschoolers in preschool educational institutions
Description: This material is intended for a festive event dedicated to Russia Day in preschool institution. Designed for outdoor use.
Target: Create festive mood, bring joy to children.
Tasks: To instill in children a sense of patriotism and pride in their native country. Expand and consolidate knowledge about the symbols of Russia, its greatness and traditions, and the meaning of the national holiday. Develop children's creative and communication abilities.
Progress of the event: Festive music plays. Children and teachers gather on the kindergarten playground.
Presenter: Hello, our Russian holiday!
A great, glorious day.
You are an adult, you are a child,
The most important holiday!
Hello guys!
How joyful it is to see all of you at this celebration of friendship!
We all live in one big country - Russia!
We are Russians! Our homeland Russia is the largest state in the world!
Many people live in our country, many nations and they all live in one friendly family, help each other.
Readers come out
Presenter: Guys, in Russia, like in every country, there is a main city. What is the name of the capital of Russia?(Moscow) Like all countries in the world, Russia has its own coat of arms, flag and anthem - these are state symbols. And when we respect the symbols of our country, we thereby show love for Russia and pride in the fact that we are citizens of Russia! Like all countries in the world, Russia has state symbols - its own flag, coat of arms and anthem.
Children come out with the flag and coat of arms of Russia.

Presenter: The three stripes of the flag are not without reason:
White stripe - peace and purity,
The blue stripe is the color of heaven,
Decorated domes, joy, miracles.
Red stripe - the exploits of soldiers,
That they keep their Fatherland from enemies.
He is a great country's most important sign -
Our valiant tricolor Russian flag!
Russia has a majestic
The coat of arms has a double-headed eagle,
So that to the west, to the east
He could have looked right away.
He is strong, wise and proud,
He is Russia's free spirit.
Guys, what song is the most important for our country?(Hymn)
That's right, the anthem is a solemn song glorifying our Motherland.
Today, friends, we must hear
The main music of our country.
It is called briefly - “Anthem”,
We meet him every morning!
Let's listen to the main song of our Motherland.
The “National Anthem of the Russian Federation” is played
Music A. V. Alexandrova, lyrics. S. V. Mikhalkova (one verse)

Presenter: Motherland! Russia! Rus! I'm so proud of you!
You strive forward like a bird!
Everyone will be proud of you!
For us, Russia is everything around us:
Houses, trees, forest and meadow
Its expanses are vast.
What is Russia? - the guys will tell us.
Readers come out Presenter: What is the Motherland? Guys, does anyone know what the Motherland is? Great! Now let's play like this, I will say the beginning, and you will continue...
What is the name of our country - (Russia)
If we live in Russia, then who are we - (Russians)
What is the name of the capital of Russia - (Moscow)
And now we’ll all tell her together – Hurray!
What is the name of our village - (Kalininets)
And we’ll also tell him in a friendly way - Hurray!
Presenter: Russia is rich in songs,
Russia is full of songs,
If the guys start singing -
The whole country will hear them!
The song “My Russia” is performed. G. Struve, lyrics. N. Solovyova.
Presenter: Homeland means dear, like mother and father. Homeland is the place where we were born, the country in which we live, of which we are citizens. For each of us, love for Russia begins with love for the places where you were born and live. The Russian people have composed many proverbs and sayings about their Motherland: (the presenter begins, the teacher with the children continues)

    There is no land more beautiful than our Motherland!

    Do not spare your strength or your life for your Motherland.

    A person has one mother and one Motherland!

    To live - to serve the Motherland!

    The Motherland is your mother, know how to stand up for her.

    Take care of your native land like your beloved mother.

    The native land is sweet even in a handful.

    A man without a homeland is like a land without a seed.

Presenter: They all teach us kindness, love for the Motherland, and the ability to defend it from enemies. At all times, in all nations, children love to play, solve riddles, and read fairy tales. Do you guys know a lot of fairy tales? But I'll check you now.
Near the forest on the edge
Three of them live in a hut.
There are three chairs and three mugs.
Three beds, three pillows.
Guess without a hint
Who are the heroes of this fairy tale?
(fairy tale "Three Bears")
The mouse found a home for itself,
The mouse was kind:
In that house after all
There were a lot of residents.
(fairy tale "Teremok")
And the road is far,
And the basket is not easy,
I would like to sit on a tree stump,
I would like to eat a pie.
(fairy tale "Masha and the Bear")
I didn’t tremble before the wolf,
Ran away from the bear
And the fox's teeth
Still got it...
There is no river, no pond -
Where can I get some water?
Very tasty water -
In the hole from the hoof.
("Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka")
Music is heard. Alyonushka appears and walks around the children.

It seems that someone has come to visit us. Who is this guys? Isn't it Alyonushka herself?
Alyonushka: Hello, good people.
Presenter: Hello, Alyonushka. Why are you sad, has something happened?
Alyonushka: Brother Ivanushka and I got together to pick mushrooms and berries, but Ivanushka ran off somewhere and didn’t respond. Maybe you met him?
Guys: No, he wasn't here.
Alyonushka: Where is he, such a naughty guy? Maybe he'll come running himself? I remembered that Ivanushka kept asking for water, he probably ran off to look for a stream. Oh, I'm afraid if he drinks from the hoof, he'll turn into a little goat. What to do?
Presenter: Don’t be sad, Alyonushka, our guys will start the “Stream” now - Ivanushka will come running to the sound of the stream. Let's, guys, help Alyonushka find his brother.
Children start "Rucheek". This is a very simple game. More likely, not even a game, but entertainment. It teaches children to overcome embarrassment and helps to identify their sympathies. It can be played by both small children and teenagers. It is advisable to gather more participants (odd number). The players break into pairs and, holding hands, form a “living corridor - a trickle.” The player left without a pair walks inside the corridor, choosing a pair for himself. Usually, according to the rules, a boy chooses a girl, and a girl chooses a boy. The new pair, having passed through the corridor, stands in front, and the player left without a pair again looks for a pair.

Ivanushka appears.
Alyonushka: Here comes my brother, Ivanushka! Thank you guys. Oh, you little naughty girl, why did you run so far away from me? Let's go home quickly.
Ivanushka: Sister Alyonushka, let me play and dance with the guys.
Alyonushka: Oh, and you, Ivanushka, like to frolic and have fun, and you guys like it?
Children: Yes.
Alyonushka: What are we going to play?
Ivanushka: But listen to the riddle:
Friends of different heights
And they live in each other.
And they look alike
And just one toy.

Game “Pass the Matryoshka” (any cheerful dance tune)

While the music is playing, the children pass the doll in a circle, the music stops, the one who has the doll in his hands goes out into the circle and performs improvised dance movements, the rest repeat after him. The game is repeated several times. Ivanushka: And now it's time to dance a funny dance.
Game "Figure dance" Everyone stands up like a train, holding their hands on their waists. The dance begins!
Let's take each other by the shoulders!
- What we hold on to, we shake!
- by the ears!
- For the hips!
- On your knees!
- by the elbows!
- Well done! And now they turned and went the other way!
Now let's give each other a round of applause! Alyonushka: Did you dance? Now let's play! "Game with a handkerchief" (any cheerful dance tune). Any five willing participants are called, cheerful dance music is played, the children dance under the scarf, as soon as the music stops, the teachers lower the scarf, and the children must have time to escape from under the scarf. The game is played several times with different children. Presenter: Rus' is rich in talents. Rus' is strong in talents. If the guys sing, it means she will live. I start the song, you continue.A medley of children's songs from cartoons is performed. Presenter: Take apart the toys, whistles, and firecrackers. There are wooden, carved and painted spoons here.Orchestra. Children play musical instruments to a cheerful folk melody. Leading: Guys, it’s our country’s birthday, on this holiday it’s customary to say kind words and wishes. I suggest playinggame “Pass a heart and say a word.” Please stand in a circle. (Children stand in a circle). Now, while the music is playing, we will pass the heart around in a circle, when the music ends, the one who has the heart in his hands will answer the question: What is our Motherland? (sweet, beloved, beautiful, wonderful, dear, only, strong, powerful).Alyonushka: Well, Ivanushka, did you play with the guys? It's time to know the honor.
Ivanushka: Sister Alyonushka, let me and the guys dance a little more.
Alyonushka: Do the guys want to dance?
Children: Yes. A common dance is performed - Dance of FRIENDSHIP Alyonushka: Well done, guys!
Well, it's time for us to say goodbye
Return to your fairy tale.
Ivanushka: We wish you well,
Peace, light and warmth. It's good and friendly to live,
Love your homeland.
They say goodbye and leave to the music. The song “The world is like a colorful meadow” is performed, music. V. Shainsky.
Children go to their stations to the accompaniment of festive music.

Milena Kozhukhareva
Scenario “Russian Holiday” for Independence Day for senior, middle and preparatory school groups

Scenario« Russian holiday»

Target: Fostering a sense of pride, love and admiration for our Motherland - Russia.


Educational: 1. Continue to introduce children to government holidays of our country.

2. Clarify concepts with children "Motherland", "Fatherland", « Russia» , "citizen".

3. Help you understand what state symbols mean Russia.


1. Develop children's social and communication skills and creative abilities.

2. Continue to develop children’s interest in Russian folklore: fairy tales, riddles, games, fun games.


1. Foster patriotic feelings and respect for state symbols Russia.

Material: music records, music center, flags of 3 colors, Russian flag, image of the coat of arms Russia, coats of arms of other countries, sports. equipment for outdoor games, costumes for heroes and dance numbers.

Methods and techniques: poetry, song, dance, folk game, competition, outdoor game.

Leading: Hot summer has come to us, with it holiday led!

Holiday very kind and handsome!

This is the Day independence of Russia!

The clown Sportivkin enters to the sound of cheerful music.


And today you can’t be bored...

Or you can have fun and play!

Well, then, all turn to each other,

And shake your friend's hand.

Raise your hands up everyone

And move the top.

Let's shout merrily "Hooray"

Our it's time to start the holiday.


You know, I just returned today from an extraordinary journey. And I traveled around different countries, Where have I been... But what can I say, I brought a whole suitcase of surprises for you... But still, I’ll tell you what’s more beautiful and beloved Russia is not in the whole world. Russia is the only extraordinary country, because it is our Motherland.


What is the Motherland? Guys, does anyone know what the Motherland is?

Great! Now let's play like this, I will say the beginning, and you will continue...

Our country is called - Russia.

Citizens Russia, i.e. you and I - Russians

Capital Russian city – Moscow

Let's all tell her together "Hooray".

And our village is called Green!

Let us also say in a friendly manner Hurray Green!

Leading: Sportivkin, I really want to know what’s in your suitcase? What do you guys want? Let's ask him, show him, please...

Sportivkin: Well, okay, okay, I'll show you everything.

Takes out a flag Russia.

Sportivkin: The color of the flag has a special meaning.

White color means peace and purity of conscience;

Blue – sky, loyalty and truth;

Red – fire and courage.

The national flag is raised during special occasions, holidays, and at this time the anthem always sounds Russian Federation.

Today holiday of our state, let us also listen to the solemn anthem of our Russia standing!

Sounds "Hymn Russian Federation»

Leading: Great.

And now I want to check your attentiveness using flags. When I raise the white flag, you scream in unison "I", to blue "LIVING", to red "IN RUSSIA» .

Shout with flags "I live in Russia»

Leading: Sportivkin, what else do you have in your bag?

Game 1. Collect the flag.

Game 2. Passing balls in columns.

Game 3. Penguins.

Guys, let us show how strong, strong, dexterous and daring children live in Russia!

Game 4. Tug of war.

Leading: Well, to make our friendship even stronger, let’s seal it with a cheerful dance.

Musical game - dance "If life is fun"

Sportivkin: Here is our wonderful Russia Day holiday is coming to an end.


Publications on the topic:

“March 8 is a holiday for mothers and grandmothers.” Celebration scenario for senior and preparatory school groups March 8 is a holiday for mothers and grandmothers. Scenario of the holiday in the senior and preparatory school groups N. M. Tserenova, teacher.

“Earth Day” Celebration progress: Presenter: Good morning, inhabitants of the beautiful blue planet! Today in our kindergarten wonderful event.

Holiday for children of senior and preparatory groups “Have fun, kids, on the holiday of laughter and goodness!” Holiday for children of senior and preparatory groups “Have fun, kids, on the holiday of laughter and goodness!” Godovany O.Yu., music director.

Independence Day in the senior group“Nauryz meiramy – Kktem meiramy!” Masaty: Balalardy Nauryz turaly tsinikterin arttyru, oy-risin,.

I love you, my Russia
For the clear light of your eyes,
For the mind, for the holy deeds,
For a voice as clear as a stream.

I love you, I understand you deeply
Steppes of pensive sadness
I love everything that I call
In one broad word - Rus'!

Today, Russia Day is acquiring more and more patriotic features and becoming a symbol of national unity and shared responsibility for the present and future of our Motherland.

Patriotic education of a child is the basis for the formation of a future citizen. Patriotic feeling does not arise on its own. This is the result of long-term, targeted educational influence on a person, starting from a very early age.

Patriotism is devotion and love for the Motherland, its nature, culture, and people.

Kindergarten is a place where a child gains experience of broad emotional and practical interaction with adults and peers in the most significant areas of life for his development.

The teaching staff of the kindergarten develops in pupils such important traits for a Russian person as love for native land, Motherland, Russian Army, history, respect for people of other nationalities. They introduce children to the symbols of the state, historical figures, and develop an interest in Russian traditions and crafts.

But love for the Motherland begins with the relationship with those closest to you - father, mother, grandmother, grandfather, with love for your home, the street on which the child lives, kindergarten, school, city. We must teach all this to the child from the very beginning. younger age.

Our kindergarten traditionally hosts events on the eve of Russian Independence Day. Yes, yOn June 11, the students greeted us with morning exercises to the music and words of V. Ososhnik “We are your children, Russia!” finger gymnastics"We are residents of Russia."

Teachers and children decorated group room, organized exhibitions of folk arts and crafts, watched presentations, made constructions, played various games, and guessed riddles about the nature of our region.

For young children, teachers showed puppet theater"Masha and the Bear". Masha invited the kids to play with her.

For middle, high and high school students preparatory groups V music hall a viewing of the cartoon “History of Russia for Children” (author M. Knyazev) was organized. After watching, the guys gladly took part in the quiz "Heraldry. Symbols of Russia."

On this day, already familiar guests came to congratulate the children on the holiday - police officers, with whom the kindergarten has been cooperating for several years. Traffic Safety Inspector Khairullina O.E. reminded the children how to behave with a stranger on the street and the rules of behavior on the water in the summer.

Traffic inspector Tyamanova N.V. reminded me of the rules safe behavior on the road and held fun competitions to test children’s knowledge of the rules traffic.

At the end of the event, the happy and slightly tired children were given stickers “I always follow the rules of the road!”, coloring books “Road and Children” and reflective stickers “Russian Flag”.

At the end of the day, teachers and children organized exhibitions creative works“Russia is my Motherland!”

Today's children are the future of the country.

Happy children are the happy future of our country!

Appreciate and respect the independence of the country, be patriots, remember the exploits of our ancestors. To this end, a festive event was held in the Adiya kindergarten in the city of Shymkent. dedicated to the Day Independence of Kazakhstan. Parents of kindergarten students and our film crew were invited to the festive concert.

In kindergarten "Adiya" great attention is devoted to issues patriotic education the younger generation. A festive concert was held here for Independence Day. At the concert, children sang patriotic songs, danced, played the dombra and read poems. The audience was pleased with the festive concert.


I have two grandchildren who go here. They are even on Saturdays, On Sundays they dress early and come here. This shows that they like it here. ... I wish the teachers health, our children need this and patience...

Teachers, together with children, prepared with great responsibility for the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Feelings of pride for the Motherland, native country were conveyed in poetry and artistic words. Today, about a hundred children study here in 4 groups. The institution operates within the framework of a public-private partnership, according to an updated trilingualism program.


We try to instill in children feelings of love and respect for the culture and art of the Kazakh people, because this is the cornerstone of patriotic education. We are working on an updated preschool education program. At the Adiya kindergarten, children of different nationalities receive preschool education. Therefore, much attention is paid to the implementation of the trilingual policy. Kids confidently recite poetry in Kazakh, Russian and English languages. For creative development There are developmental clubs and sections here. Children enjoy combining gymnastics, karate, music, and fine arts classes. It’s safe to say that in the Adiya kindergarten, teachers are 100% coping with their important mission - to raise a worthy, competent generation of patriots of their country.

DINAR Musaeva

“A person cannot live without his homeland, just as he cannot live without a heart.”
K. Paustovsky

The first feelings of citizenship and patriotism. Are they accessible to children? Based on experience in this area, we can give an affirmative answer: preschoolers, especially older ones, have access to a feeling of love for their native land, native nature, and their Motherland. Motherland, Fatherland... In the roots of these words there are images close to everyone: mother and father, parents, those who give life to a new being. Cultivating a sense of patriotism in preschoolers is a complex and lengthy process. Love for loved ones, for kindergarten, for one’s native village and native country play a huge role in the development of a child’s personality.

Dear colleagues! Tell us about interesting events in your kindergartens. How to become an author

Your material will participate in the regional competition “Kindergarten: day after day” for the best coverage of preschool activities educational organization in the Internet space in 2019/2020 academic year. Awards on Teacher and Worker Day preschool education at the regional holiday Pedagogical Forum in the Department of Education and Science.