Chaliapin posted a photo with a new pensioner. Chaliapin posted a photo with a new pensioner. Sincere feelings or a PR move

They say consistency is a sign of mastery. Prokhor remains true to his favorite female type - successful, pretty, a little older than Balzac's age, with short hair and a piercing gaze. This is exactly what his ex-wife Larisa Kopenkina looked like. Chaliapin's current girlfriend also fits this description.


It’s interesting that when Prokhor showed his new lady of his heart to almost 100 thousand subscribers, naming her name, he misspoke and instead of “Lyudmila” said “Larissa”. Apparently, not everything is forgotten and the loving performer still has feelings for the businesswoman in his heart.

“I present to you my new girlfriend, whose name is Larisa...” said Prokhor and faltered. His temperamental companion immediately swore at the artist. “Remember my name once and for all!” she shouted right into Chaliapin’s ear. “I’m Lyudmila! Why did I fall in love with you?!”

The singer responded to the lady’s righteous anger with uncontrollable laughter. His subscribers also laughed heartily at the couple. “You have a beautiful friend 😂”, “Wonderful new love 😂”, “Very funny)))))))))))”, “You are super!!!”, “I’m starting to like her”, “Thank you lifted my spirits!", "Prokhor! Back to old times"?!))", "What a lively auntie!) Well done!)", "Mom will be nervous again. Have pity on her, Prokhor! 😂", "Has a passion for grown girls))", "Oh, Prokhor, I made you laugh!!! 😂😂😂👍 How deliciously Lyudmila expresses herself!!! 👍👍👍", "This is already kitsch)))) (hereinafter, the spelling, punctuation and style of the authors are preserved. - Ed.)" - the commentators had fun.

Some either didn’t appreciate the performer’s humor, or they didn’t like his new (or old?) girlfriend. “Prokhor is in his repertoire☹😡”, “The boy needs his head checked!”, “A young man with brains?”, “I hope this is a joke😨”, “From which boarding house named after Chapaev do you find such “charms”. At least don’t go with go to Malakhov, it’s a show for him, and they’ll eat you and Mr..,” the skeptics got excited.

Well, someone still misses Kopenkina. “Where is Larisa? 🤕🤕🤕”, “Larissa was more beautiful”, “LARISA WAS NOT SO ARRESSIVE...”, “Prokhor, come back to Larisa, because you love her, and she loves you and is waiting for you,” they began to beg Chaliapin his fans.

By the way, about Kopenkina. Recently, the media was stirred up by news about the reunion of the former spouses. Close friends of Prokhor and Larisa told reporters that the folk song performer, after all the excitement of love, had regained calm under the wing of an experienced businesswoman.

Like, very soon the favorites of gossip columns and self-PR aces will host a new show on the federal channel. History knows many cases when joint projects fanned the seemingly extinguished flame between separated partners. It was rumored that Larisa had forgiven Prokhor for his betrayal with Anna Kalashnikova and the ugly divorce.

According to informed sources, Prokhor and his ex-wife are going to outshine the hosts of the “Male / Female” talk show, Alexander Gordon and Yulia Baranovskaya. Chaliapin and Kopenkina will invite heroes to the studio, including stars who have serious problems in their personal lives. The broadcast date has not yet been announced. The fate of the project is decided by the management of the TV channel.

However, 61-year-old Larisa quickly made it clear that there would be no resumption of her romance with Prokhor: she asked not to mix personal and professional. According to Kopenkina, they and Chaliapin will be connected exclusively by work. The businesswoman noted that she had long since stopped loving the singer and opened her heart to new adventures.

Kopenkina disowned an office romance with a 32-year-old ex-husband. “My past was an adventure and it was sent to the basket and erased from memory a long time ago. I am stepping INTO MYSELF with confident steps with fresh thoughts, new life. IN MY PERSONAL LIFE – THERE IS NO PLACE for the past.... And TV is just part of the job, a new experience and NOTHING PERSONAL,” Larisa wrote on Instagram.

In the middle of the summer of 2013, the rising Russian pop star Prokhor Chaliapin, unexpectedly for many, proposed to 59-year-old woman Larisa Kopenkina. For the public, this event was simply shocking, because the age difference is 28 years! Prokhor and Larisa decided to get married at a time when they were both relaxing on a boat. But not everyone liked this love union: Chaliapin’s mother and Kopenkina’s son are categorically against them romantic connection. Watch the episode “Prokhor Chaliapin marries a pensioner” dated 07/20/2015 (repeat of the broadcast from 08/19/2013)

The happy singer and businesswoman greatly upset their family and friends. Prokhor’s mother said that she would never bless this union and she was very worried about all this: “I’m sure that she bewitched him. This really bothers me and I need to do something about it. I already go to church, pray, light candles - I really hope that they will disperse, because this is not love.”

Prokhor Chaliapin's mother

Larisa’s son is also against his mother’s marriage to a young lover: “This Prokhor is a gigolo, and it infuriates me that my mother got involved with him. This must end as soon as possible."

Prokhor Chaliapin in Let Them Talk

The singer arrived at the studio in a white jacket and shirt pink color. He radiates joy and is clearly very happy. "I want serious relationship. I had a lot of women, but the girls pulled me down. I'm creative person, and I need a muse. That’s what Larisa became,” says Chaliapin.

Andrey Malakhov:

— How and where did you meet?

Prokhor Chaliapin:

— It was in Jamaica. When I saw her, I realized that she was “the one”! It was hard not to notice her. This is how we began a friendship that grew into something more.

Sincere feelings or a PR stunt?

Now everything is known about this union, but at that moment (two years ago) it was exclusively about true love!

Prokhor Chaliapin and Larisa Kopenkina

Larisa Kopenkina entered the Let Them Talk hall. Lovers hug each other and let everyone know that everything is fine with them. But what happens next? Will pass more than a year and shocking details will be revealed, which you can find out about in the next episodes of Let Them Talk.


Prokhor Chaliapin and Larisa Kopenkina got married in 2013. The couple’s wedding was called the scandal of the year, because Larisa is almost 30 years older than Prokhor. The artist’s mother and businesswoman’s son were categorically against this union. The public also condemned the newlyweds. As expected, the marriage of Kopenkina and Chaliapin did not last long; exactly a year later the couple divorced.

Larisa and Prokhor failed to separate peacefully. Kopenkina filed for divorce after she learned that actress Anna Kalashnikova was expecting a child from Chaliapin. After a loud scandal, the singer and businesswoman finally divorced. Soon Anna gave birth to a son, Daniel, and Prokhor proposed to his beloved.


The couple began to prepare for the wedding, but it turned out that all this time Prokhor was raising someone else's child. Kalashnikova admitted that she gave birth to a son from another man. The singer accused Anna of betrayal and broke off the engagement.

After breaking up with Kalashnikova, Chaliapin was more than once accused of having affairs with strangers, photographs with whom he published on Instagram. However, the rumors were never confirmed.

Now the 33-year-old artist is vacationing in Sochi and sharing photos with subscribers. It turned out that the singer’s ex-wife, 62-year-old Larisa, is also now spending her vacation in Sochi.

A Komsomolskaya Pravda correspondent photographed the former spouses together while walking along the coast. Are Prokhor and Larisa really getting back together?

“Larisa flew to Sochi to visit a man she had recently met. After a quarrel with him, she called me in despair, and I let her in to live in my apartment,” the artist explained in an interview with KP.

It seems that the relationship between the former spouses has improved, because until recently they did not want to hear anything about each other.