Ski clothing repair shop. Sportswear repair

AlpIndustry on Pervomaiskaya is increasingly ceasing to be like just an equipment store: interesting examples of Soviet equipment are presented here in a museum format, lectures and master classes are regularly held, and useful services for climbers, tourists and skiers are constantly being added. Now on Pervomaiskaya you can repair travel equipment, replace the strap on your Suunto watch, and repair an inflatable or self-inflating mat.

Repair of travel equipment

  1. The foreman works on Pervomaiskaya on Tuesdays from 16:00 to 21:00. Damaged equipment may be brought in at this time. Please note: from September 11 to September 30, 2019, the master will be on vacation.
  2. The technician will inspect the equipment, assess the feasibility of repairs and its estimated cost.
  3. You leave the equipment, and when the repair is completed, the master will contact you. Payment upon receipt.
  4. All items left for the master in the store or sent by mail to the master must have a note with his full name and phone number. and a list of works.

Services and estimated cost

The master takes on minor and medium repairs. For all items, the master determines the final cost of repairs after inspection and assessment of the complexity of the work.

If you do not have your own parts, the master will select suitable ones from his stocks or can select specific components, then the completion time will increase. If the clothes cannot be repaired, you can do so in our store.

Please note that you can now repair the membrane in the workshop!

Service Estimated cost Notes
Replacing the zipper slider From 300 rub. Performed when the required part is available
Sewing a new zipper into clothes From 500 rub.
Sewing a zipper into a sleeping bag From 1000 rub. Color and tone may differ from the original
Sewing a zipper into a tent From 400 rub. Depending on the size and material of the tent
Tent repair From 500 rub. -
Backpack repair From 300 rub. -
Clothes repair* From 500 rub. -
Tent frame repair From 200 rub. -
Case repair -
Sleeping bag repair From 300 rub. -
Repair of down products By agreement after inspection -

There may be several reasons for contacting a sewing studio. Someone purchased a tracksuit several sizes too large and now needs to carefully adjust the purchase to their figure. Some sports fans do not want to part with their favorite winter sports jacket for several seasons and strive to keep it “life” longer by turning to specialists for help. In any case, all of the listed consumer groups will need the highest quality and preferably quick repair of sportswear.

Features of sportswear and its repair

In addition to traditional tracksuits, this concept also includes many other clothes:

  • winter clothes (insulated vests, jackets, warm pants with lining, etc.);
  • tourist clothing (for hiking, mountaineering, winter hobbies such as fishing and hunting);
  • protective clothing that protects against sudden temperature changes.

All these types of clothing are considered a specific direction. This is due to the fact that special durable fabrics and reliable materials are used to create them (in some cases we are even talking about windproof fabric, which is difficult to process in a traditional sewing salon).

In order to repair sportswear in Moscow, you need to use only certified sewing equipment. In addition to traditional sewing machines, the work also uses other related equipment and special equipment for it. Experienced professionals know their business and can cope even with tasks of increased complexity (non-standard order or a large batch of suits for stitching).

Before starting work, the client will always be asked about his wishes for the work. But you should be prepared for the fact that the customer’s requirements for the product are not always met. This is caused by work technology and sewing standards. If the consumer’s wish falls precisely in this area, then the specialist will definitely voice it. In this case, it will be necessary to come to a common denominator. Moreover, only in particularly difficult situations, when it is no longer possible to save your favorite outfit for some reason, will the master inform the visitor about this. This happens extremely rarely, because the studio employs real wizards of thread and needle, but the staff adheres to the rule that it is better to warn the waiting client about such situations in advance.

Range of sportswear repair services

To better understand the capabilities of a professional studio, and also to know on what principles prices for sportswear repairs are based, you should familiarize yourself with the list of services provided:

  • minor repairs (carefully sew up the resulting hole, deal with the tightening, eliminate the cuts, etc.);
  • replacement of accessories (zippers, buttons, buttons, fasteners and other decorative or practical elements);
  • restoration of seam stitching (including restoration of tightness for seams, which is typical for the inside of any item - the lining);
  • replacing the filling fabric (a popular service among owners of synthetic padding pants or any other insulated travel clothing);
  • original trim (for example, trim along the edge of the hood with new fur);
  • altering the cuff (suitable for cases when the old one has become frayed due to frequent wear or it was not there);
  • pockets (you can also ask to sew missing chest or patch pockets if desired).

Specialists perform the entire range of services presented, either individually for each item or several from the list at once. When a client has individual requirements, the sewing shop is always ready to fulfill the client’s whim, if it fits into the concept of sewing standards.

Do you want to give a second life to things? Contact our clothing repair shop. You can safely entrust even the most expensive things to us. Moreover, clothing repairs will be done quickly and cheaply. Experienced craftsmen will eliminate the most complex defects in the shortest possible time. You won't have to wait long or overpay! Bring jackets and sheepskin coats, fur coats, suits and any other things!

Repair of leather and fur clothing

Do you want to restore the appearance and functionality of a sheepskin coat or fur coat, vest or coat? Contact us now. An experienced clothing repair specialist will eliminate all shortcomings of any models. Tears, cuts, torn buttons, broken locks will no longer cause you trouble.

Sportswear repair

Running uniforms, ski suits and other sportswear are regularly subjected to stress. It is not surprising that it loses its appearance and may tear. Not everyone can restore the attractiveness and durability of models on their own. This is why we recommend turning to professionals. In our workshop, clothing repairs in Moscow will be carried out competently and promptly. We use quality materials and suitable tools.

Urgent clothing repair in Moscow

We not only repair any clothing, but we also don’t keep you waiting! Bring your item to the workshop and pick it up the same day! Forget about overpayments. You don't have to pay the full cost of the item to repair it! Save with us. Are you sure that only a personal clothing repair specialist in Moscow can quickly cope with the tasks? So you've never handed things over to us before. Try it and appreciate all the advantages of contacting our workshop.

  • With us you save time and do not overpay for urgency!
  • By contacting our workshop, you receive truly high-quality repair services for any, even elite (including outerwear) clothing.
  • We guarantee you attentive attention! Please let us know about any requests.

Call and come. Use services from professionals!

Clothes repair prices

Trousers, jeans Price in rubles (from) Price in rubles (up to)
1 Make an extra loop on the machine 150
2 Shorten (lengthen) women's trousers 300 400
3 Shorten men's trousers 450 600
4 Shorten jeans 300 400
5 Shorten (lengthen) products (with cuffs and other complex elements) 450
6 Shorten sports trousers 300 900
7 Replacement zipper 1-pcs (in the pocket, in the side seam) 350 600
8 Replacing burlap in pockets - 1 piece 300 500
9 Replacing a zipper on trousers 350 500
10 Replacing a zipper on jeans 350 700
11 Replacing the lining 700 1000
12 adjusting trousers to fit (central seams) 300 500
13 customization of trousers to fit (two seams without ripped waistband) + hem 400+300
14 adjusting trousers to fit (all seams with ripped waistband) 1000 1500
15 Minor repairs 200 500
16 Make stairs
17 Make a patch on your trousers 300 500
18 Darning items in the groin (jeans, trousers, shorts) 400 600
19 JACKET, JACKET, COAK Price in rubles (from) Price in rubles (Up to)
20 Shorten a jacket 800 1200
21 Shorten jacket sleeve (without vent) 450
22 Shorten the sleeve of a jacket with a vent and other complex elements 600 800
23 Replacing the jacket lining 2000
24 Replacing the lining of a jacket with a slot 2500
25 Sew shoulder straps onto a jacket (2 pieces) 500
26 Replacing a zipper 900 2000
27 Sew chevrons, stripes 350 400
28 Making a new pocket 1 piece 300 500
29 Fit to fit 2500 6000
30 SKIRTS, DRESSES, BLOUSES, SHIRTS Price in rubles (from) Price in rubles (up to)
31 Adjusting the skirt to fit (waist) 500 1500
32 Adjustment of the skirt according to the figure (side seams, zippers, belts) 500 700
33 Replacing a zipper 350 600
34 Replacement zipper (hidden) – 20cm (over 20cm – double price) 400
35 Replacing the skirt lining 700 1000
36 Weave and sew accessories on a wedding dress 450 1200
37 Remove scuff marks on shirt collar 450
38 Remove scuff marks on shirt cuffs 450
39 Shorten the skirt from the waist (without zipper) 600 1000
40 Shorten skirt, dress (straight) 600 1000
41 Shorten the skirt, dress (flared) 700 1500
42 Shorten the Polo 400 500
43 Hem the Polo 400 500
44 Hem a knitted T-shirt 400
45 Shorten (lengthen) sleeves with cuffs 700 1500
46 COAT, PID COAT, FABRIC DRAINS Price in rubles (from) Price in rubles (up to)
47 Shorten the product 700 2000
48 Shorten a product with a slot 1000 2000
49 Shorten the sleeve of the product 700 900
50 Lengthen the sleeve with trim 800 1500
51 Replacing the lining 2000 2500
52 Replacing a lining with a complicating element 2500 3000
53 Fit to fit (two seams) 1200
54 Minor product repairs 250 600
55 Pocket repair (replacement of burlap 1 piece) 400 700
56 Shorten the sleeves of a jersey dress or blouse 300 450
57 Shorten the sleeves of a shirt 450
58 Shorten the shirt 350
59 Shorten the blouse at the side seams 300 400
60 Replacing zippers in pockets - 1 piece 500 900
61 LEATHER GOODS Price in rubles (from) Price in rubles (up to)
62 Shorten the coat 1500
63 Shorten the coat with complicating elements (slits) 2000
64 Replacing the coat lining 3000 3500
65 Replacing the jacket lining 2500 3500
66 Replacing the lining of a skirt (pants) 800 1000
67 Shorten sleeves without cuffs 800 1500
68 Shorten sleeves with cuffs 1000 2000
69 Replacing a zipper on a jacket 1300 1800
70 Patches 1 piece 600 1300
71 Shorten the skirt (pants) 1000 2000
72 Seal the hole (up to 3cm) 300
73 Fit to fit (two side seams and a sleeve) 1700 3500
74 Reliefs 2000
75 Replacing a zipper – skirt, trousers (godpiece) 700 1300
76 Make a new collar (replace) without cutting 1400 2000
77 Sew buttons (1 piece) 100
78 Replacing the zipper slider 250
79 Shorten sleeves with zipper 1200 1500
80 Finishing abrasions (hands) 1000 2000
81 Finishing abrasions on the bottom of the product 1500 2000
82 Making curtains 200 rub/meter
83 Curtain hemming 150 rub/meter
84 Sealing holes in jackets through the lining 300