If your fingers are peeling. Why does the skin on the palms and fingers peel?

The most complete answers to questions on the topic: “the skin on the joints of the fingers is peeling.”

The skin on the fingers is exposed daily to water, heat, chemicals etc. However, peeling

can be caused not only by external, but also by internal reasons, including certain diseases or vitamin deficiency.

Hands are exposed to more stress than any other part of the body: water, soap, friction, household chemicals, fingers crushed by grocery bags, etc. Therefore, peeling skin on the fingers may be a signal that the hands need additional moisturizing and care.

Due to constant exposure to water, the skin of your hands becomes dehydrated. Not everyone knows that after washing your hands you should always wipe them dry with a towel, as water tends to dry out the skin. Particular attention to skin care should be paid after 25 years, when the natural aging process of the epidermis begins.

Also, peeling of the skin on the fingers can be caused by a lack of vitamins B, A and E. The deficiency of these substances can be compensated by proper nutrition or complex vitamin preparations. However, the doctor should decide on their prescription and duration of use, since an excess of vitamins is no less harmful to the body than their deficiency.

Weather conditions during the cold season have a bad effect on the condition of the skin of the hands. It becomes rough, weathered, cracks and peels. Most often, painful lesions occur on the bones at the base of the fingers or in the area of ​​the joints. Solar hot weather may also contribute to skin dehydration.

Skin on fingers - reflection general condition body. Peeling may indicate a decrease in a person’s immunity caused by past infectious disease or long-term use of antibiotics. In this case, it is necessary to adhere to a balanced diet, including foods high in vitamins, minerals, and fiber.

Peeling skin may also indicate an allergic reaction to a new soap or cream. If you suspect that you have an allergy, try not using a new product for a few days and perhaps this unpleasant skin reaction will go away on its own.

Cracking and peeling of the skin on the fingers can be caused by skin diseases such as eczema or dermatitis, as well as fungal infections. If you notice redness, tenderness or weeping areas of inflammation, you should immediately consult a dermatologist.

Cosmetology specialists recommend applying a moisturizer containing glycerin, sorbitol or lactic acid to the skin of your hands every day. And after 30 years, choose products with light protection that will simultaneously moisturize the skin and prevent the appearance of age spots.

In cold weather, do not neglect gloves to protect the skin of your hands from frost and wind. An effective cosmetic product that has a softening and moisturizing effect is an oil wrap made from a mixture of olive oil and honey in a 3:1 ratio. This composition is heated to 45°C, then bandages are soaked in it, wrapped around the fingers and left overnight.

A good moisturizing effect can be achieved using homemade masks and hand baths, for example from grated potatoes or oatmeal. And you can add olive oil, various essential oils or the contents of capsules with vitamins A and E to the hand bath.


  • Why does the skin on your hands and fingers peel?

Why does the skin on my fingers peel?

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From time to time, every person experiences certain cosmetic defects. Not all of them are very serious, but nevertheless they require some measures. Peeling of the skin on the fingers is quite common, the reasons for this phenomenon are very different. To eliminate the problem using suitable methods and means, you must clearly determine why it arose. This will be discussed in our article.

Hands – you can call them ours business card. Hands are also our main tool in everyday life. We work with them, we eat with them, we greet our friends and relatives with them. Therefore, it is the hands that are at greatest risk from the external environment.

That is why they in general and fingers in particular need to be given maximum attention. great attention and monitor their condition. Nothing in our lives happens for nothing, and if the skin on your fingers begins to peel, then you shouldn’t look at it “through your fingers.” Let's figure this out together.

Causes of peeling skin on fingers

The skin on the hands and fingers is very delicate, and at the same time, it is constantly exposed to strong external influences. In addition, each of us is individual, therefore, the reasons for the occurrence of such trouble must be understood separately in each case. Here are ten possible reasons causing peeling:

  1. Surfactants found in soaps, detergents and powders. You can’t do without detergents, and a detergent doesn’t wash without surfactants (surfactants). They degrease and dehydrate the skin of the hands and cause allergic reactions.
  2. Frequent contact with water.
  3. Rough towel.
  4. Winter, spring, summer, autumn. Oddly enough, any time of year can pose its own threat to hands. In winter, frost and heating have a detrimental effect. Spring and autumn are a time of contrasting procedures in the form of rain and wind, temperature changes. In summer, hands should be protected from ultraviolet radiation and dryness.
  5. Avitaminosis. Lack of vitamins A and D.
  6. If you drink less than two liters of water a day, your body suffers from a lack of moisture!
  7. Working with earth, cement, lime and dust.
  8. Rubber gloves.
  9. Allergic reactions to medications, creams.
  10. Skin diseases.

Treatment options

Traditionally, there are three areas of treatment for peeling skin on the fingers:

Medical treatment

After the first examination, you need to take tests.

If the cause of peeling is an allergy, this is a serious reason to seek help. It is necessary to identify what the allergen is.

An experienced dermatologist can accurately determine the cause of peeling skin. If you carefully watch your hands, follow all precautions, eat well, and the problem does not disappear, then be sure to see a doctor!

You should not delay going to the hospital if, in addition to peeling, there are other symptoms: itching, burning, ulcers, acute pain and redness.

There are many diseases that occur with similar symptoms. These could be:

  • Various dermatoses;
  • scabies (Scabies);
  • epidermophytia;
  • sexually transmitted diseases, such as syphilis;
  • psoriasis (psoriasis);
  • fungal diseases such as lichen (Lichen Simplex Chronicus), etc.

As treatment, a course of antibiotics and ointments (ichthyol, for example) may be prescribed. Naphthalene preparations, tar, hormonal ointments. In any case, what and how much to take should be decided by a specialist. Do not self-medicate if the diagnosis is so serious.

Cosmetological treatment

Most likely, it's not all that scary. And peeling can be overcome medical procedures, which are provided in salons. For example, paraffin therapy.

Paraffin therapy.
Especially in spring, after a long winter, the skin needs restoration and care. Paraffin therapy is one of the most effective procedures, besides, pleasant.

Hands are lowered into a bath of molten paraffin for a few seconds, then slowly removed. Repeat up to 5 times. A layer of paraffin remains on the hand. The hand is dressed in a cellophane glove, and then in a terry one. The procedure lasts from 20 to 30 minutes.

They may also offer you:

  • SPA manicure;
  • ultrasonic cleaning;
  • exfoliation;
  • massage;
  • nourishing masks.

Folk remedies. Treatment at home

You can do a lot of useful things for your hands yourself. For example, nourishing masks and baths. Below are a few simple recipes, which are easy to reproduce at home.

Various honey masks.
Honey improves regeneration and disinfects. Therefore, it is ideally suited for skin problems. There are a lot of recipes for masks with honey.

Here is one of them: mix 2 tbsp in a bowl. spoons of vegetable oil and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey. Add 2 yolks and 4-8 drops of lemon juice.

Mix and apply on fingers. Wear cotton gloves.

Oatmeal mask.
1 tbsp. spoon of olive oil + 1 tbsp. spoon of milk + 3 tbsp. spoons of oatmeal + 1 teaspoon of honey. Apply to hands. Hold it in your hands for at least 20 minutes, but longer is better. If you have gloves - at least for the whole night!

Oil mixture.
Heat ¾ cup olive oil. Add a few drops of any other oil you have: sesame, coconut, or orange. The mask is ready.

Herbal baths.
We purchase any of the following at the pharmacy:

  • Eucalyptus;
  • Linden;
  • Oak bark;
  • Mint.

1 tbsp. a spoonful of raw materials is poured into a glass of boiling water and infused for 20-25 minutes. A herbal bath softens and soothes the skin.

Soda bath.
One of the most affordable options. Mix 2 teaspoons of baking soda and a little sea salt in a glass of water. The procedure will take ten minutes.

Prevention is better than cure

Take another look at the causes of peeling fingers, and then read useful tips that will help you avoid all problems.

Detergents and powders can be harmful. So why not use soap? Of course, use it. Here are some tips to reduce harm:

  • Think about whether peeling appeared just when you changed soap or powder? Perhaps this particular product is not suitable for you - buy another one;
  • If you can't do without hand wash– do this with gloves;
  • Read the ingredients. For the powder to wash, 5% surfactant is sufficient;
  • Use coconut oil soap.

By the way! It is better to wash your hands with warm water, not hot or cold!

Do not wet your hands unless absolutely necessary, and after washing, wipe dry. If your skin is sensitive, then terry towel could hurt her. Replace a regular towel with a cotton one. Also, try not to rub your hands as hard as you can, but pat your hands gently.

How to reduce seasonal stress on the skin?

Don't go without gloves and mittens! The cold quickly turns your hand into a “chicken foot”! Twenty minutes before leaving the house, wash your hands, dry them and rub with cream. Take multivitamin complexes.

Use sunscreen in summer.

Make it a rule! When washing clothes, doing repairs, working in the garden, wear gloves! At the same time, those in which the skin sweats are not suitable for us.

If possible, use vinyl. And under rubber ones, wear cotton ones. And don't forget to moisturize your hands with cream before putting on gloves.

If the cause of the problem is a lack of vitamins, try to make your diet as rich as possible. Eat more vegetables and fruits, especially local ones.

Specifically in our situation, we need to include in the menu:

  • Pumpkin;
  • carrot;
  • tomatoes;
  • apricots;
  • parsley;
  • peas.

They contain vitamin A.

  • Corn;
  • eggs;
  • potato;
  • cheeses.

These products will help enrich the body with vitamin E.

Important! If there's enough on your table healthy products, but there are still not enough vitamins - this may mean that the body does not absorb vitamins. And this is serious - you should see a doctor.

Peeling fingers can be a lot of trouble discomfort. But if you spare a little time and effort, you can achieve excellent results! And if you follow prevention tips, you may never encounter such a problem.

Good health to you!

A long time ago, the English writer Jerome K. Jerome wrote the story “Kid Gloves.” The young man fell in love with a woman - with her beautiful face, with her shining eyes - who never parted with her leather gloves.

And when she took off her gloves, the love passed. The hands were worn until they bled, the skin on the pads was rough and peeling.

From this story it is clear how important the condition of the hands is for a woman.

The girl from the classic story was not to blame for the condition of her hands - she had to work as a laundress, and at that time there were no protective devices - thin latex gloves, no gentle detergents. It's a shame that modern women neglect these "achievement of civilization".

But the skin on the fingers peels off not only due to contact with water and detergents– peeling can be caused by other reasons. Why can this happen and how to deal with it?

Why does the skin on my fingers peel?

It is advisable to first find out the reason why the skin on your fingers peels off and eliminate it, and only then begin treatment. If the cause is not identified, then it will be more difficult to deal with the problem.

Internal factors that contribute to peeling of the fingertips:

  • general dehydration of the body due to metabolic disorders, drinking regimen or taking diuretics;
  • constant diets, due to which vitamin deficiency develops;
  • endocrine diseases - including diabetes mellitus;
  • dermatological diseases of various etiologies - eczema, psoriasis, fungal infections;
  • secondary infection with a bacterial infection against the background of dermatitis;
  • intoxication.

The skin on the fingertips peels under the influence of external factors:

  • due to neglect of hand care;
  • due to professional activities - the need for constant contact with chemicals, water, due to allergies to medicines from nurses;
  • due to climatic influences - if you don’t wear gloves in cold weather.

As you can see, many causes do not require treatment - just taking care of yourself, using gloves, and your hands will stop peeling. But sometimes home remedies and care measures are not enough - in this case, official medicine should be involved.

Fingertips are peeling - treatment

If the skin on your fingers peels off and no care measures help, then you should analyze whether there are enough nutrients in your diet, or have you gone overboard with the diet? Maybe it’s worth changing the daily menu - introducing more vegetables, fruits, nuts, salads with vegetable oils, and extra pounds get rid of it through training? You can switch from a regular diet to a fractional diet, add vitamin complexes.

A consultation with a physician is necessary - metabolic disorders or endocrine diseases can only be identified after special examinations. Of course, when treating illnesses, you shouldn’t give up taking care of yourself, but you may need to change cosmetics– in case of allergic reactions.

If the cause of deterioration in the quality of the skin on the hands is dermatological diseases of various etiologies, then temporarily you will have to abandon cosmetic procedures and products and focus on treatment.

The causes of psoriasis and eczema have not yet been clarified; factors influencing the development of diseases include: unhealthy heredity, internal organic pathologies, somatic diseases, unstable emotional state. Treatment is symptomatic. During exacerbations, medicinal ointments and creams are applied to the hands, and cosmetics must be put aside for a while.

During therapeutic measures aimed at eliminating the infectious nature of dermatological diseases, hand care activities should also be temporarily stopped.

This should not be scary - modern drugs help to quickly cope with the problems that arise.

To eliminate scabies mites, it is enough to treat your hands for 24 hours. If the skin on the fingertips is peeling off due to a fungus, then if the unpleasant symptoms - abscesses and hyperemia of the skin - are eliminated, there is no need to even give up a manicure in the future. Modern remedies for fungus - special varnishes - can be applied under decorative coatings. Fungal diseases take a long time to treat, but thanks to the latest generation of medications, a woman will not have to feel complex about having an unkempt brush.

  • if the condition worsens, avoid contact with water and household chemicals;
  • if it is impossible to avoid contact with detergents, then it is necessary to use personal protective equipment - wear gloves;
  • before using creams or other skin care products, first do allergy tests - apply the substance to the crook of your elbow and after 30-40 minutes analyze whether irritation has appeared;
  • at the first symptoms of deterioration - the beginning of peeling - take antihistamines.

Women whose professional activities have a deteriorating effect on their hands - hairdressers, doctors, etc. – you need to strengthen your skin care measures: purchase a cream with a thicker consistency, go to a beauty salon for medical and cosmetic treatments.

The skin on your fingers is peeling off - what to do?

Traditional medicine provides invaluable assistance in the treatment and care of hands.

The following activities will help improve your condition:

  • paraffin “gloves” - melt paraffin, dip brushes into it, put gloves on top; wash off the paraffin after an hour;
  • cut the lemon, take out half the pulp, add sour cream and yolk to the halves, mix everything and let it stand for an hour - then dip your fingers into the lemon halves for 15 minutes;
  • if the fingertips are very rough, with numerous cracks, then you can use a lotion based on folk and medical remedies - combine a tablespoon of vegetable oil with the same amount of honey and add 3 tablets of crushed aspirin; After 15 minutes, the homemade composition is washed off with lemon juice.

The best nourishing masks that improve the condition of the skin of your fingers:

  • from grated fresh cucumber;
  • mashed potatoes with sour cream;
  • whipped mixture egg white With olive oil;
  • thick milk porridge made from rolled oats.

The procedure is done before bed, after which the fingertips are lubricated with oil - preferably burdock or castor - and thread gloves are put on at night.

When the skin on your fingers peels, the reasons may be: different nature, in any case, this is an unpleasant phenomenon, and it must be dealt with effectively and constantly. The question of why the skin peels may be related to external influences, your own careless attitude towards your hands, or serious pathological disorders. Despite the apparent triviality of the phenomenon, this anomaly sometimes causes a lot of problems. Most often, peeling skin on the fingers brings only cosmetic troubles, but the medical aspect cannot be discounted. This pathology requires serious treatment, but it is better not to let it get to that point, but to provide constant preventive skin care.

Because the skin on your hands peels off, you can judge its condition and health. In general, peeling of the skin is the clearing of dead epidermal cells from the upper layer of the skin. This phenomenon can be considered as a natural physiological process if the hands peel off gradually and unnoticeably.

Even quite healthy skin on the hands, the top layer is covered with tiny dead scales, which provide protection to the deeper layers from harmful external influences. Nature dictates that skin cells are renewed on average every 28-32 days. The process is gradual, and the cells die off one by one, being replaced by young ones. The age factor, naturally, changes the situation, extending the regeneration period to 42-50 days. The most important thing is that normal skin gets rid of accumulated microparticles unnoticed by the eye.

A different picture is observed with increasing intensity of death and rejection of the epidermis. Under certain conditions, the structure of the skin on the hands is disrupted, which causes rapid death of cells that do not have time to be replaced by young ones. Particles of the epidermis begin to layer on top of each other, become larger in size and become visually noticeable - the skin on the fingers begins to peel off.

The main culprit of skin peeling can be considered a violation of the hydrolipidic protective barrier of the epidermis. A number of factors (including improper hand care) lead to a decrease in ceramide, which accelerates cell aging. In this direction, 2 main etiological mechanisms should be distinguished: skin dehydration and deficiency nutrients and fat component. As a result of such anomalies, the structure degrades and dry skin appears.


The skin on the fingers peels with varying intensity. and duration depending on the reasons that caused the anomalous phenomenon. In some cases, a one-time short-term change is noted, which disappears when the causes are eliminated. Under other circumstances, the skin on the fingers can be damaged for a long time (if no action is taken - for years), the skin cracks, causing pain and the risk of infection. The areas between the fingers are particularly affected, where aggressive substances can accumulate in the large quantities. Considering that the skin between the fingers is less likely to undergo thorough preventive treatment, peeling between the fingers sometimes becomes a real problem. When the fingers peel too intensely, the skin on the fingers simply peels off, which is classified as a dermatological disease - desquamation (especially developed in children).

Etiology of the disease

Significant peeling of the skin of the fingers (especially between the fingers) can be caused by pathogenic and non-pathological reasons. Pathogenic factors change metabolism, reduce immunity, change tissue structure and are caused by a number of pathologies, both skin and diseases internal organs. Most provoking factors can be attributed to physiological characteristics, not associated with pathologies.

Non-pathological manifestations

The skin peels and cracks on and between the fingers, most often for reasons that can be easily eliminated and prevented. The following are the most common non-pathological causes:

  1. Improper hand care and non-compliance with hygiene standards. A particular problem is caused by dry skin, which is inherent in nature. Fingers with such skin require not just the use of a moisturizer, but an integrated approach: constant cleaning, moisturizing and nourishing the skin. Without additional nutrition, the skin loses elasticity and becomes covered with microcracks.
  2. Deficiency of vitamins and microelements, unhealthy diet. The elasticity of the skin significantly depends on vitamins A and E; if they are deficient, the skin begins to crack and peel. Vitamin deficiency is especially noticeable in seasons when the consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits decreases and the influence of climatic factors increases.
  3. Insufficient drinking regime. The condition of the skin largely depends on the moisture content in the body. Insufficient fluid intake leads to dehydration and dryness of the epidermis. To eliminate this effect, it is recommended to increase the drinking regime to 2 liters per day.
  4. Household chemicals and hazardous industrial substances. For female hands Detergents and cleaning products have a particularly harmful effect. Washing dishes, cleaning, and laundry bring the skin of your hands into contact with very aggressive substances. Their constant and prolonged exposure cannot go unnoticed by the owner. A number of components of such compositions dry the skin, cause cracking, and destroy the cellular structure. In order to protect your fingers from the aggressive effects of detergents, you must use protective gloves.
  5. Allergic reactions. Peeling of the fingers can be the result of the body's reaction to contact with an allergen. Individual skin sensitivity must be taken into account when choosing cosmetics, detergents and cleaning products. Allergic reactions can occur when working in the garden or garden, caring for indoor plants, or cooking. Contact with solvents, oils, gasoline and other aggressive liquids is extremely dangerous. The allergic mechanism of skin disorders can occur even in very young children.

External provoking factors may also include sudden temperature changes, exposure to extreme temperatures (frostbite, overheating), radiation exposure and excess ultraviolet radiation, dry air in long-term premises, water quality (chlorination), climatic influences (chapping, sudden weather changes), polluted atmosphere, stress and nervous overload. Hereditary predisposition and individual intolerance to certain substances or products have a significant impact.

Pathological disorders

Peeling skin on the fingers is not always as harmless as it seems at first glance. This phenomenon can be a symptom of various diseases or be generated by their effect on metabolic and hormonal processes and blood circulation. A number of diseases can lead to accelerated aging of the skin.

The rapid death of epidermal cells, leading to peeling, can be caused by the following diseases: fungal skin infections, skin infectious diseases, dermatitis, scarlet fever, diseases with decreased immunity, diabetes mellitus, endocrine pathologies, pancreatic disease, viral, staphylococcal and streptococcal infections, neurological disorders. In children, helminthic infestations often appear in this way.

The main sign of pathological disorders is the presence of additional symptoms. Redness, itching, burning, rashes in the form of red or white watery blisters, and cracking may appear on the skin of the hands. The most common skin lesion between the fingers is caused by pathogenic fungi with characteristic features. The peeling process, starting with the fingers, can spread to the palm, the entire hand, and even to other parts of the body.

Therapeutic measures

Any peeling of the skin that persists for a long time, in addition to aesthetic perception, carries a number of problems. Firstly, it may indicate the presence of pathologies, which requires consultation with a doctor. Secondly, increased aging of the skin leads to disruption of the structure and cracking, which becomes a gateway for the penetration of various infections. If peeling of the skin on the fingers appears, it is necessary to take measures to eliminate this phenomenon.

Salon treatments can help eliminate hand problems.

Professional treatment of unpleasant manifestations is provided by beauty salons. They carry out procedures aimed at rejuvenating the skin, normalizing its blood supply, improving structure, regeneration, normalization metabolic processes. The following procedures are usually offered:

  1. SPA procedures that provide saturation with lipids - ceramides.
  2. Ultrasonic treatment – ​​cleansing the skin of dead cells.
  3. Paraffin therapy - based on the principle of a sauna, the skin is moisturized.
  4. Exfoliation is peeling to remove the stratum corneum using chemical compounds.
  5. Massage and hand masks.

At home, to combat chronic peeling of the skin of the hands, use traditional methods, including masks, bath solutions, compresses, ointments. As a moisturizer and nourishing masks The following recipes are offered for hands:

  1. Bread mask: black bread (200 g) is poured with heated milk and left for 4-8 minutes, then squeezed out, kneaded and mixed with starch (1 tbsp.), egg yolk, vegetable oil(2 tbsp). The mass is applied to the hand, covered with plastic wrap, after which the hand is immersed in heated water for 35-40 minutes.
  2. Egg mask: egg yolk is mixed with 0.5 banana and almond oil (20 g) - apply in the same way as the previous mask.

Hand baths can be made according to the following folk recipes:

  1. Add to warm whey (500 ml) essential oil from chamomile, marjoram or thyme (5-6 drops), the duration of the hand steaming procedure is 16-20 minutes.
  2. Oil composition: add olive or almond oil (1 tbsp) to warm water (500 ml) - the procedure lasts 18-25 minutes.
  1. Mixture of honey (100 g) with salicylic acid(1 teaspoon) and olive oil (100 ml) - applied to the affected hand for 18-25 minutes in a warm state.
  2. A mixture of normal fat sour cream (200 ml) with egg yolk and lemon juice (squeezed from one fruit) - the duration of the procedure is 14-17 minutes.

If the skin on your fingers peels off for a long time, then you should not let the process take its course. It is necessary to consult a dermatologist to determine the presence of pathology, and then carry out treatment.

You can often notice such an unpleasant symptom as flaky skin on your fingers. There can be many reasons, and peeling can manifest itself in different ways - from mild, almost imperceptible to serious problems, deep cracks and peeling of large pieces of skin.

In the article we will figure out why peeling of the skin on the fingers occurs, what to do about this phenomenon - how to treat it and with what, what ointment to use and that’s it possible measures prevention.

Reasons why the skin on the fingers of adults may crack and peel

The immediate reason why the skin of the fingers may crack and peel is the rapid, too rapid rejection of the upper layer of the epidermis.

The skin simply does not have time to recover.

Such manifestations are very unpleasant and require treatment.

There are three main reasons for this: improper care, lack of vitamins and some types of illness. Let's take a closer look at them.

Care problems

Avitaminosis. What vitamins should you take?

Lack of vitamins such as A and E, also causes peeling. In this case, usually an unpleasant symptom appears in late autumn or early spring. Be sure to take vitamin complexes in cold weather - this way you will be protected not only from peeling, but also from many other problems and diseases.

If the cause is vitamin deficiency, then at the same time as taking vitamin complexes, lean on fruits and vegetables.

Carrots, various fresh herbs are useful, and in the warm season - apricots, fresh tomatoes and sweet peppers. In winter you can eat seaweed, potatoes, cheese, eggs. These products contain a high content of vitamin E, which is responsible for the elasticity and health of our skin.

Video about the causes of dry and flaky hand skin


  • Reasons that originate in genes and heredity (however, sometimes they are acquired), such as parakeratosis– initial formation of low-quality skin cells and hyperkeratosis – too rapid formation of these cells.
  • Fungal diseases- common reason peeling. In this case, along with peeling skin, severe itching will also be present.
  • Such non-contagious, but no less unpleasant from this disease, as eczema and dermatitis, cause quite severe peeling. In this case, only medication treatment will be required.
  • Allergy often causes peeling, and it can be due to food, pet hair, dust and other pathogens.
  • At scarlet fever You can also see severe peeling of the skin of the fingers.
  • Syphilis.
  • Psoriasis and lichen– also causes peeling. Moreover, in these cases the skin practically peels off in rags, especially in the severe stage.

Find out how to make paraffin baths at home.

In the case of scabies, fungus, dermatitis, eczema and other diseases, treatment can only be carried out with the help of medications and after consultation with a doctor.

Home methods in this case are ineffective. In addition, if self-diagnosis is incorrect, they can also aggravate the problem. And if a child has a similar problem, then it’s definitely worth going to the doctor first.

Sometimes from birth the skin may be extremely dry.
In this case, without the constant use of nourishing and moisturizing creams, avoiding contact with aggressive chemicals and household chemicals can't get by. Such skin has increased sensitivity and begins to peel off immediately at the slightest negative impact on it.

Also among the causes are sudden changes in temperature, excess moisture, and various skin ailments. In winter, the skin suffers greatly from dry indoor air, so at this time it needs increased attention.

Find out in detail about the properties and types of paraffin for hands.

Such manifestations may be dermatitis. You need to see a doctor.

What does peeling skin between your fingers mean?

Sometimes the cause of peeling is an unpleasant skin disease such as scabies. In this case, peeling will primarily be observed between the fingers and will be accompanied by severe itching.

In some cases, the skin in the interdigital space peels and bursts not because of scabies, but due to the fact that After washing, you do not dry your hands properly. High humidity causes annoying flaking. In this case, it is very easy to get rid of it - just thoroughly dry the skin between your fingers after each wash and contact with water.

Diabetes mellitus can also cause peeling, which is localized between the fingers. In this case, only constant monitoring of sugar levels and taking appropriate medications will help.

How to treat such a disease in a child

If you notice a similar symptom in yourself, then you first need to first consult a medical institution, find out the exact cause of the peeling, and only then begin treatment.

So, home remedies

  • Nourishing hand mask. Excellent when peeling is caused by dry air, dust, contact with building materials and other external factors of a non-allergic nature.
  • A homemade ointment made from egg whites and lemon juice, taken in equal proportions, will help get rid of dryness.
  • Potato mask is an excellent remedy for treating dry skin. The potatoes should be boiled and warm, mashed into a puree. It is applied to the hands in a thin layer, the hands are placed in gloves or in a warm cloth and this is done for 10-15 minutes. Tip: You can add butter or milk to potatoes to enhance the therapeutic effect.
  • A mask of rolled oatmeal with milk can perfectly relieve the unpleasant symptoms of dryness and flaking. To do this, you need to steam some rolled oats, mix it with milk and apply the mixture to your hands, then covering them with a warm cloth. Leave for 10 minutes and wash off the mixture.
  • Masks with honey are very effective remedy combat dry skin. The only condition is that the honey be natural. If the honey is candied, then for the mask you can heat it in the microwave. Tip: After you wash off the mask, massage your hands with your fingers for a while. This will help exfoliate excess epidermis from your fingers. In addition, the procedure improves blood circulation and stimulates the activity of the sebaceous glands. All this will help to further maintain normal skin condition.
  • Masks with wheat germ and essential oils help a lot.
  • Baths with St. John's wort perfectly soothe irritated skin on the hands. They are effective in the cold season, when the fingers and their skin are especially affected by cold, dry air and lack of vitamins. Creams with calendula and St. John's wort are also excellent helpers.
  • To exfoliate your skin, use gentle scrubs that you use on your face. Recipes for facial scrubs can be found. After the top, flaky layer is removed from the surface, the skin underneath will be smooth and soft.
  • Oil baths are an excellent remedy for dry, flaky skin. If the skin is peeling only on the fingertips, you can immerse only them in the oil. The oil should be warm, preferably olive oil. Advice : do not wash your hands after an oil bath, but simply blot the excess fat with a napkin, this will enhance the therapeutic effect.

Find out what should be included.
Watch the video about folk way treatment


What can you do to prevent peeling skin on your fingers?

  • Vitamins are required, especially in the cold season. Make sure that the complexes contain a decent concentration of vitamins A, D and E.
  • Personal hygiene products - soap, shampoo, shower gel must be free of aggressive ingredients. With very gentle and sensitive skin You can even use children's cosmetics, which are guaranteed to not contain harmful substances.
  • In the summer, be sure to use creams with UV filters, especially when you go sunbathing.
  • Dry your hands and the skin between your fingers thoroughly. Excess moisture sometimes causes peeling in this area.
  • If you take a bath with sea salt, then after it you should definitely rinse off the salt in the shower and, after drying yourself with a towel, lubricate your hands with a nourishing solution. Salt can also negatively affect the skin, drying it out.
  • If you take diuretics or laxatives, then in this case you simply need to take vitamins A and E at the same time, which are washed out due to taking these drugs.