How to organize a child's summer vacation. How to organize a summer vacation for a child How to organize a summer vacation for children

Summer is a special period in a child’s life, opening wide the door to the natural world, giving the child, with the support of nurturing adults, a unique opportunity to learn, make new discoveries, create, and communicate.
Summer is known to us as a time of vacation, both children and adults are waiting for it.
Adults have great experience summer holidays in the city and in the country, on the banks of the river or sea. Young children, on the contrary, do not have such experience and expect a repetition of the past or new ideas from adults: a teacher in kindergarten, parents in the family. Preschoolers are happy to relax both in the south, where there is a sea and you can sunbathe, swim, play with water, and at the dacha or in the village with their parents or grandparents.
No matter how a child spends his holidays, he perceives it as -best way rest. Children have enough imagination to find something to do and not get bored.
When choosing a place for a summer vacation for a child, you should take into account the characteristics of his health and nervous system.

When going to the South Sea, especially for a short period, parents need to remember that such a trip requires a big restructuring of the child’s body.
Children with poor health in the south are better off resting and being treated in specialized sanatoriums, where they undergo acclimatization and treatment under the supervision of doctors. Staying in the mountains, especially in places where pine trees grow, has a beneficial effect on the vascular and nervous system.
But it is not recommended for active, emotional children to rest and undergo treatment in pine forests and mountainous areas, since these natural conditions lead to excessive stimulation of their nervous system. Anapa or the Kaliningrad region is more suitable for them.
Unorganized holidays (i.e. not in sanatoriums and health resorts) in the south, by the sea, as a rule, require great efforts from parents to comply with the diet and rules of nutrition. Otherwise, there may be unpleasant consequences - sunburn, deterioration of sleep, appetite and, finally, sun and heat stroke. It should also be remembered that after returning home, acclimatization is again required, which does not go easily for all children.
To a child of early and preschool age It’s better to relax in a familiar climate - in nature in the countryside, i.e. at the dacha. And there the sun is brighter, the grass is greener, the air is cleaner than in the city. The baby will be able to frolic in the garden, eat fresh vegetables, berries, and fruits. Summer in central Russia is wonderful, although it is shorter than we would like. So it must be used with maximum benefit for the child’s health, so that he returns to the city stronger, tempered, tanned and cheerful.
Well, if it is not possible to take your child out of the city, you can usefully spend your summer weekends. You can go to the river, go to the meadow to pick berries, or take a family hike in the forest. It is very useful for a child to take short walks to a park or square. At the same time, do not forget that the clothes of children and adults should be light, ventilated, a headscarf (Panama hat) comfortable, and shoes that fit properly. As you walk, observe your surroundings. When examining trees and bushes, pay attention to the trunks, branches, and leaves. A thin tree trunk (birch, maple, rowan) can be clasped by one person, a thick oak trunk can be clasped if the whole family joins hands. You will get a pleasant experience by organizing a joint outdoor game “One, two, three - run to the tree” (each time the host names a tree, which you should quickly identify and run to it).
Pay attention to the bark of the trees. Examine the bark on a birch tree. On the southern side its bark is smooth, on the northern side it is rough, with cracks and growths.
Knowledge of these features helps a person navigate the forest.
Under the trees you can find acorns and cones, which are useful for creating interesting crafts. Together with your child, admire the flowers, listen to the sounds that insects make, and enjoy the singing of birds. When you come across a stream while walking, stop, listen to the water gurgling, and sing the water song with your child. Throw a leaf of wood into the water and watch it move with the flow. Explain to your child that plants purify the air.
At home, invite your child to sketch his impressions of the walk. From the collected natural materials make crafts that you can use to decorate your home or bring them to kindergarten.
When walking with your child, remind them of the rules of behavior in nature and strictly follow them yourself.
And these rules are very simple:
- do not throw candy wrappers, bottles and other garbage;
- do not tear or allow children to aimlessly tear flowers, medicinal and other plants, or break tree branches;
- do not catch or allow children to catch and kill butterflies, grasshoppers, dragonflies, bumblebees, bees and other insects;
- collect berries and nuts so as not to damage the branches;
-Do not let children destroy anthills and bird nests.
Summer is not only a time for travel, but also the most favorable
It's time to rest, harden and improve the health of children. Therefore, it is very important that parents the greatest benefit took advantage of this precious time.
Summer children maximum time must be carried out in air. And parents must remember that the sun is good, but in moderation! The biggest danger is overheating of the body, sunburn, sunstroke, since a small child has less perfect thermoregulation and his skin is very delicate. The younger the child, the more sensitive he is to the effects of heat and sunlight. A child should sunbathe not in direct sunlight, but in the shade, preferably while playing and on the move.
An excellent hardening agent is bathing. The swimming area should be shallow, level, and with a slow current. Before giving the child the opportunity to independently enter the water, you need to make sure that there are no holes, deep mud, snags, or sharp stones in this place. Do not allow your child to become hypothermic when bathing.
An adult must be in the water with the child!!!

The current teaching load of our schoolchildren is quite large. Their school day often exceeds the working day of adults. What do children dream about when they think about vacation? Sitting in front of the TV or computer for the entire three months?

How to make your vacation not only enjoyable, but also useful? How can we help him not to lose, but to increase the knowledge he has gained over the year? How a child rests during the holidays largely determines his or her performance and academic success. What your vacation will be like depends on you, caring parents.

Until about 12 years of age, a child shares the emotions of an adult close to him. Simply put, if parents are happy and happy, then their child will be happy too.

We have high hopes for summer, because these are the days when nature itself pleases. Take advantage of this! The main thing is that everything is organized and not left to chance. Every family needs a summer holiday with children. You have so many opportunities to find common interests and just enjoy everyone together.

Often you have to be convinced that the healthy is the enemy of the calm and tasty. Therefore, do not sit in a chair on the lawn, but play, especially with children of primary school age and teenagers. Stock up on energy from summer nature. And don’t experiment with breakfast, lunch and dinner: stick to the established rules. family traditions regarding food culture.

If your child is a schoolchild, erase the line between weekdays and holidays for one and a half to two months. To do this, postpone summer school assignments until mid-July or August. Make an exception for fiction. To give your child a rest, offer audiobooks. Expressive reading work of art famous actors will help the child imagine pictures of events and heroes more clearly.

It is much more difficult to organize a joint holiday with a teenager than with a baby. The fact is that at the age of 13-14 he prefers to have fun in his own company, and this makes his parents anxious and sad. If you really want to spend time together, you can divide it into three parts. Let the teenager spend some hours the way he wants. Communication with friends and little secrets are simply necessary at this age. The second third of the weekend can be taken up with proven pleasures that bring joy to all family members. Absolutely everything is suitable here: shopping together, horse riding, a boat trip. And finally, the remaining time can be spent on new entertainment. Let all your dreams come together in one picture, and then the plan that is most interesting to everyone will emerge.

Sometimes circumstances develop in such a way that parents are unable to forget about work and free their heads from official worries on the very first day of summer. Try searching for information about children's holidays on sites. For example, about summer camps. You should take the choice of camp seriously. Familiarize yourself with the program that is offered to you. If there is a request for a vacation that promotes health and development, then regime moments must be clearly defined.

In a good camp, everything is of high quality: food, classes, and the organization of every day. Find out in advance what they offer for development and training, what they feed you and how many times a day, how does each day of the shift go?

The advantages of such a holiday are obvious. The child will have a good rest in the fresh air. Summer will give him the opportunity to overcome another stage of personal development without much stress. The first experience of responsibility and independence will come. It is in the summer “smart” camp that acquaintances will be made with peers not from “having nothing to do,” but through communication in foreign language classes and during educational games. And after your return, your child will appreciate the time he can spend with you differently. In addition, he will accumulate impressions, skills and knowledge that he will happily share with you and which will brighten up his first days at school. And during your son or daughter’s stay at the summer camp, you will have time to do a lot of things and will be ready to pay more attention to relaxing with your child.

Don't forget to give your child a simple mobile phone on the road.

Happy holiday to you!!!

Instructions. How to organize summer holiday children: advice to parents.

  • Children's holidays are a task that requires full dedication and responsibility on the part of parents, because they need to provide their child with comfortable conditions for spending the holidays. Adequate rest is needed so that children can improve their immunity and relax after a hard, intense period of study. Today there are many recommendations that will help parents understand how to organize their children’s summer holidays not only quickly, but also with the highest quality possible.
  • One of the most popular options for organizing holidays for children remains summer camps. This type of vacation is suitable for those children who are quite independent and sociable. Today, camps differ not only in location, but also in their specialization - there you can spend time in the fresh air and at the same time do interesting things.
  • It is worth remembering about the choice of rest for a child and how a person’s rest characterizes him. If a child has a hobby, he will be happy to study in camp clubs (you need to take care of the vacation spot in advance so that there are additional activities that will meet the interests of the child). The right choice An institution in which the child will be interested is the key to a healthy rest. In many of them you can learn dancing, vocals or English language. Education becomes part of life in the camp.
  • Probably, when organizing children's holidays, you should not think about how to save money on vacation. Today the most popular type of family summer vacation is a trip to the sea. Just think about how children get not only a beautiful tan, but also opportunities to develop physical skills (hotels should have courts and volleyball courts) and knowledge about new culture. Therefore, you need to find out in advance about excursions and activities that you can involve children of different ages in.
  • Even before the vacation, parents should explain to their children how to behave on vacation. It is worth planning a vacation for children after the onset of the new year, gradually telling the child about how he will spend his time in the summer. To adapt to the daily routine in the camp, it is necessary to prepare at home by living for several days under the new regime. In this case, the child will not receive stress when moving to new conditions.
  • Parents often have a question: how to plan a child’s vacation if they don’t have the means to travel out of town or to the seaside. Then you have to spend the summer months in the city. There is an option to relax in a summer school camp, which organizes interesting activities: hikes, excursions. You can also visit exhibitions, theatrical performances and master classes with your children. It is recommended to keep the child busy reading books and then discussing their contents (in this case, parents will have to read with their children). Guardians need to choose one of the options for spending the holidays in advance and prepare for them properly, then the child’s summer holiday will be organized in an interesting, useful and high-quality manner.

Summer is the longest vacation time for schoolchildren. And many parents are wondering what to do with their child during this time, where to place him. So that the child can be busy and not wander around the street, left to his own devices. There are a lot of options for organizing a summer holiday for children, it all depends on the capabilities of the parents themselves and the desires of the children. Even if you leave your child at home for the summer, you can come up with a recreation and leisure program. For example, take your child to clubs or friends. You can hire a nanny, ask a neighbor's grandmother to look after you for a fee. You can even agree with mothers you know to take turns somehow entertaining the children.

Excursion tour for children and adults

A good option for organizing a children's summer holiday would be for parents to travel together with their child. An excellent opportunity for this is excursion tours for schoolchildren and adults, which allow you to visit interesting places and attractions for children and adults both in Russia and in neighboring countries. You can go on a tour along the Golden Ring, to beautiful St. Petersburg, to the resorts of the Krasnodar Territory or the Crimean Peninsula - there are many options, you just have to choose the most attractive one based on your own capabilities and preferences.

To grandma's village

The most common and economical option is to visit grandparents in the village. However, not everyone has this opportunity. The village has fresh air, a river, green grass, fresh milk and vegetables from the garden. All this is undoubtedly useful for the child. There are few, if any, cars in the village, with plenty of room for cycling. Yes and to work physical child will get used to it. But this option is good for children of preschool and primary school age. After all, what older child, the more boring he gets with his grandparents.

School camp

Or the school playground as it is called in some schools. The children are there from morning until evening. Parents can pick up the child themselves, but it is possible that the child will be able to leave on his own. Then you will have to write a statement that you take full responsibility for safety. In such camps, children are provided with interesting activities, recreation, walks, excursions, food and even daytime sleep (for the youngest). This option is very convenient for parents, and they can work calmly with their child nearby. But such school camps are organized for one month, usually in June, because then teachers have their own worries, repairs, and preparation for the new school year.

Regular camp

For children over 10 years old, it will be interesting to visit a regular camp. The length of stay there varies, from two weeks to a month. But parents will no longer be able to see their child every day. Although for children of this age this is not so scary, and at some point you need to take a break from each other and give the child independence. In addition to how children’s leisure time is organized at a school camp, in a regular camp everything is much more varied and fun. These are discos, carnivals, competitions, concerts, performances that children themselves stage and act out. In general, your child will not be bored at the camp. However, the cost of the trip is not cheap, starting from about 20,000 rubles.

However, if your child is often sick, the children's clinic may give him a certificate that the child needs a vacation outside the city. Then the state pays a little more than half the cost of the trip.

You can take your child to the sea. There is an option - a camp at sea. It is no different from a regular camp, except that children visit the beach twice a day.

Country holiday

You can only lure someone to the dacha small child. Older children will not be interested there. Although here you can come up with your own recreation program so that a child of any age will find it interesting. If there is a river nearby, visit it regularly. Let your child ride a bike or roller skate. Even growing vegetables can be interesting by giving your child his own garden bed. Let him plant what he wants and take care of it. If there is some kind of living creature in your dacha, you can get your child to take care of it. It is very interesting for children to watch piglets, chickens, and goslings. But very young children can be scared, so you need to be more careful when introducing them to animals. If you don’t have your own dacha, then you can rent it for the summer. The child will be in the fresh air, under your supervision.

Nanny for the summer

If both parents work all summer, then you can hire a nanny for your child. Of course, this is not a budget option, but it is quite feasible. The nanny can take the child to her home, especially if she has a house outside the city. May come to your home. She will have to not only look after the child, but also study with him, take walks, go to the movies or concerts, perhaps. All this is discussed when applying for a job. The advantage of this option is that the nanny works individually with your child. True, for adult children, a nanny - a girlfriend or friend - is more likely to be suitable.

Child at home

Well, if there are absolutely no options for placing your child somewhere for the summer, then create conditions for relaxation at home. Working parents can take their children to clubs, sections, and various activities. Then ask a neighbor or friend to pick up the child from classes and take him for a walk, feed him, and put him to bed. Negotiate with her for an affordable payment. You can ask other mothers who stay at home with their children to also babysit yours. Also, of course, for a fee. If the child is older than 10-12 years, then it is quite possible to get by with interesting clubs or theater classes, for example. The rest of the time he will wait for his parents at home or take a walk on the playground on his own.

In general, there are enough options and where to place the child in the summer is up to the parents to decide. It all depends on the imagination, financial capabilities of the parents and, of course, the desires of the child himself.


This can be done while lying on the couch, watching all the series and programs, like “Come on!” and devouring an incredible amount of popcorn and chips, and then be surprised by the circles under and blurry waist. The result of such a “rest” will most likely be depression. In such a situation, it is best to take care of yourself, your appearance, your wardrobe and your environment.

After downloading video lessons from the Internet, do gymnastics in the morning.

Take care of your appearance. Cucumber, egg-honey and any other daily cosmetic masks will rejuvenate your face.

After a relaxing aromatic bath with almond, rose, fennel or any other essential oil give yourself a manicure and pedicure.

It’s better to visit the city beach three times a week in the morning - you will get a wonderful, even tan.

Pamper yourself, your beloved, with a hot bath with a mineral bomb or aromatic salts - this will give you the opportunity to completely relax.

It is better to eat light, healthy food, eating a lot of vegetables and fruits. For example, vegetables with meat, cooked in the oven. Such food does not require much expense or time, and the taste, appetizing appearance, lack of calories and the presence of vitamins will create a good mood, improve your complexion and noticeably narrow your waist.

Do something useful and enjoyable for yourself, such as sewing a dress or updating your English skills.

When your friend calls from Spain and tells you that the hotel room she got is small, the neighbor behind the wall is keeping her from sleeping with his snoring, the man she liked turned out to be a gigolo, after sea swimming her body is covered with a salt crust that corrodes her skin - you'll just sympathize with her. And for some reason you won’t feel any more envy.

Returning to work cheerful, tanned, rejuvenated, in a new dress, catching the admiring glances of your colleagues, you will understand that your vacation was a success!


  • where to relax if you have no money

You had a rare happy day when you were finally left at home alone. Having seen off your large family and closed the door behind them, you realized that you can devote the whole day to yourself and you can relax at home alone. It is necessary to spend this time with maximum benefit for yourself.


Go to the store and buy yourself something tasty. You can take a little bit of everything so that you can slowly enjoy and pamper yourself at home. The set may also include a bottle of good light wine, with which you can buy gourmet cheese with blue or white mold and fruit.

You won't be able to have a full rest until you clean up the house a little, but don't overdo it - you're here to relax, not do some general cleaning. Turn on upbeat music, wipe the dust and floors in the house, ventilate the rooms. Well, now you can relax and start relaxing.

Take care of your beauty - take a shower with aromatic salts, lie in warm water, make an exfoliating mask or use a scrub to cleanse your skin. Don't forget to pamper your body with cosmetic milk.

Do nourishing mask on your face, lie with it for about 20 minutes so that it nourishes your skin and smoothes out wrinkles. After you wash it off, massage your face and apply a nourishing or moisturizing cream to feel like you're at a spa. Try, we think it will be easy.

If you can’t fall asleep, don’t leave the sofa in any case - just lie down with a book. It’s better not to turn on the TV - it’s an irritating factor and you probably won’t get around without bad news, disconnect from world problems. And don’t sit at the computer, let your eyes and brains rest. As a last resort, you can watch your favorite movies on DVD or a new comedy that friends recommended.

By the time your family members return, you will have a great rest and will be able to meet them refreshed and prettier. Take care of yourself!

Video on the topic

In the summer, when children are on vacation, and many adults go on vacation during this period, you want to have an unforgettable vacation. To do this, you need to decide what you would like to get from your summer vacation: new experiences, the opportunity to communicate with loved ones, swimming or kayaking down the river. And based on the wishes of your family members, plan your vacation.


If you plan to hold yours together with, discuss in advance at general council how you would like to relax. Next, you should consider the brochures of travel companies and weigh your wishes and financial capabilities. Although you can create an interesting travel route yourself.

It is worth planning the entire holiday period for children. Perhaps one month it’s worth sending him to a children’s health camp. There, children are under the supervision of counselors, they work with them, and they find new friends. Such camps provide entertainment, health improvement, and development for children. Therefore, the guys usually have a lot of emotions and impressions from such a summer vacation.

Be concerned about obtaining a visa if you are going to another country. You can find out about the conditions for obtaining a document on the website of the representative office of your chosen state. Make an appointment in advance to avoid wasting time in lines. Of course, figuring out this issue on your own is a little more difficult than if you entrusted your vacation to a tour operator. But this experience is absolutely necessary if you are going to plan your own vacation in the future. In addition, obtaining a visa without the help of a tour operator will be significantly lower in price.

Buy tickets in advance. You should not buy them from little-known companies. To avoid unnecessary difficulties, buy air tickets on airline websites - this will also help save money. By worrying about tickets in advance, you won’t have to frantically search for available flights when there are only a few days left before your trip.

Book your accommodation. This is easy to do via the Internet. You can book a room in a luxury hotel or just rent a room from residents who earn their living from this. You will also need to decide in advance about your food system at the hotel. Consider how much time you will spend in your temporary housing. If you will be leaving early in the morning and returning only late in the evening, then it may be worth skipping lunch.

Think about how you will spend your time on vacation. Determine what you expect from your vacation: lie on the beach around the clock, master new look sports or see famous sights. Depending on your interests, start making a travel plan. Ideal option– combine beach and active recreation. Try to distribute your time so that you have enough time and energy for everything.

Pack your things. This is an important point. Since you have already inquired about the climate of the place where you will spend your vacation, try not to take unnecessary things with you. Remember that on vacation you will probably want to buy new things. Properly distribute your finances so that they last for the entire time. Leave a small amount to buy souvenirs for friends and family. The main thing is, don’t forget to take a good mood with you, and then the memories of your vacation will warm you until your next trip.

The long-awaited time free from work has arrived. Colleagues look with some envy, because you have two weeks of real rest ahead. To treat yourself, celebrate the holiday with your employees, friends, or go straight away on a trip.


Invite the colleagues with whom you communicate most to a cafe after work or the next day. Your holiday is a great opportunity to get together and discuss various topics: from fashion news to the best travel destinations this year. If you are a little tired of the presence of your colleagues, just gather your best friends in a cafe or at home and have a real festive party with champagne, fruit, and ice cream.

When your vacation falls at the right time of year, invite your friends to go on a short trip, barbecue, or just ride their bikes. You can also take a short voyage around the city on roller skates. Such a sporting event will give a boost of energy and good mood, you will feel like a truly free person from all matters.

Do it for yourself: buy a tour right on the day your vacation begins! True, you need to try to plan for the plane to fly in the evening or at night. Pack your bag and take it with you to work. For the required time, call a taxi that will take you to the airport. In just a few hours you will be on the seashore enjoying your freedom.

Plan your trip correctly. Try to return home a few days before going to work. This way the body will be able to adapt and adjust to the working mode.

If your idea of ​​a good vacation is inextricably linked with the sea, you can take care of it yourself. To avoid unexpected troubles and to be sure that your vacation will not be overshadowed by anything, you need to organize a vacation at sea in advance and begin preparing for the trip in the spring.


Calculate and determine your financial capabilities. Your main expenses will be travel to the chosen resort location, the cost of accommodation, food and leisure. If necessary, you can include such items as treatment in these expenses. Many Black Sea health resorts offer this service - you can take care of your health while on vacation.

Based on the cost structure, calculate the cost of travel and accommodation per person. Please note that both train and plane tickets will be 1.5-2 times more expensive in the summer. Based on your capabilities, determine where you will live - in a hotel, boarding house or private sector.

If you want to save money, then choose the private sector. On the Internet you can find many advertisements where the owners of inexpensive rooms located in the courtyard of individual residential buildings offer vacations. Write or call them and find out the price. Check to see if catering can be arranged. Some of the private owners already offer their guests breakfast and dinner, which will be included in the price of their stay. Others can provide you with a stove, cooking utensils, and a room where you can cook your own meals using ingredients purchased from stores and markets.

Some private hotels also offer kitchens for guests. By taking advantage of this opportunity, you will minimize your food costs, and, at the same time, the risk of being poisoned by poor-quality food in some canteen. The quality of the food itself will be the same as what you are used to at home. If you eat in coastal cafes and restaurants, then spending on this item will be about 1-1.5 thousand rubles per day per person.

Make reservations with a private owner or hotel in advance. The hosts, however, may request an advance payment, but this is also in your interests - you will be absolutely sure that when you arrive at the place on the appointed day, you will find your room empty and prepared for your arrival. And don’t forget to purchase travel tickets in advance; don’t put off purchasing them until the last minute.

Such a serious approach to organizing a holiday at sea will allow you to calmly plan your vacation and cash. You will be sure that you will not have to run around looking for an apartment, and then looking for a place to eat. In addition, by booking your stay in advance, you can choose suitable rooms with all amenities closer to the sea.

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Tip 7: How to properly plan your pre-graduation vacation

Very soon you will become a certified specialist. A diploma will give you the opportunity to move up the career ladder. Moreover, as a working specialist, you are in good standing with your superiors. But before you receive this coveted document of education, you will have to prepare and defend your graduation project, for which you are given pre-graduation leave in the service.

Most working people perceive vacation as an additional opportunity to relax. Only later, having come to their senses, do they realize that the vacation was not given in vain. During these few months, it was necessary to prepare my diploma project and an explanatory note for it. To prevent this from happening, you need to plan your pre-graduation vacation wisely, in accordance with your capabilities.


For students studying in the correspondence department, the director of the thesis project usually gives, if not a finished thesis project, then at least a list of references in which you can find everything necessary materials. But no matter how literate a student is, there should still be consultations with his supervisor. Thus, planning your pre-graduation vacation must be adjusted to the schedule of these consultations.

Often now, a student studying in another city does not even need to go to a meeting - consultations are becoming increasingly common. It is much easier to arrange the time for such consultations over the phone. If the teacher does not make such concessions, then you will have to agree on consultation days in advance so as not to come to the educational institution in vain.

Planning your graduation project

The topic of the thesis project is specified, if not at the end of the penultimate academic year, then at the beginning of the last one. And in the middle of the school year, you should definitely decide on what topic you will write your graduation project.

If you know the topic in advance, and you have time and opportunity, then you can sketch out a preliminary version of your graduation project before the last session and submit it to your supervisor. This way you can free up 2-4 months (depending on the university), which you will spend with much greater benefit and pleasure.

But many do not think about this, so they have to write an explanatory note when it is provided for in the educational process. Plan your explanatory note for your thesis. This will make your work easier - it’s always easier to write according to a plan. Highlight the main sections of your explanatory note. Draw/print/draw posters as needed. This is all you need to do before your first consultation. Of course, you can write a preliminary version of the explanatory note, but this may turn out to be completely inappropriate. the right job, if the manager does not accept your plan. After the consultation, you can begin directly writing an explanatory note. To save time, use email. The manager will be able to check it and make corrections if necessary.


Many working students enter into an additional agreement with their employer to their employment contract, according to which you can work during your pre-graduation leave. Depending on the text of the agreement, you will either receive a salary or have the opportunity to take additional time off at any time convenient for you.

If you have a dog, you can ask your mother or mother-in-law to take him away for a few days. If you have nowhere to put your parrot, then your friend will be able to come to your home and feed the bird.

Be sure to think about organizing a joint vacation. If, say, you are an accountant and your husband is a karate coach, then the best thing for him to do would be to watch football on TV at the hotel, and for you to walk around the neighborhood and improve your health on the beach. You should start packing your suitcase a week before you go on a trip.

We do not recommend that you take a large amount of things with you. It is advisable for you to bring a swimsuit, a couple of dresses, a T-shirt and jeans. Depending on your health condition, bring the necessary medications.

It happens that lovers cannot come to their senses emotionally after stress at work. This often causes quarrels. What to do in this situation? Get your nerves in order and your chosen one calm down. Sometimes you can spend the evening apart. You can sit in a cafe, and your spouse can go to the gym.

At work, agree in advance with your boss about a vacation, settle all the formalities and, closer to the start of your vacation, complete all important projects and transactions so that nothing and no one distracts you. If you book a trip through a travel agency, take care of your voucher several months before the start of your trip. Then you will not only be able to save on early booking of your trip, but also choose the most best place and the most attractive hotel of all presented. Don't do this at the last minute: last-minute tours are cheap, but you have to choose from the remaining options, and this can spoil the impression of your vacation.