How to braid two French braids: stylish hairstyle options with photos. Weaving a French braid on the contrary video and photo instructions 2 French braids how to do

By experimenting, improving and changing, we get many variations with which the girl will always remain unique. And only two French braids can be more attractive than a French braid.
To weave two French ones you will need:

How to braid two French braids

1. Comb your hair well.

2. Using a comb, make a straight parting in the middle. The parting can be done in a zigzag manner. You have divided your hair into 2 equal parts on both sides.

3. Tie one part into a bun, and comb the second again.

4. Slightly above the temporal part, separate the first, control strand. Divide it into three equal parts.

5. Start braiding like a regular braid - the right strand is intertwined with

middle, so that it becomes middle, and then do the same with the left. So weave 1-2 times.

6. Then, every next time we take the right or left strand again, we weave in the hair that is near it, but not yet in the braid.

7. This way, when we reach the end of the hair growth zone, all the hair will be woven into the braid.

8. Braid them all the way or leave perky ponytails. Secure them with a thin elastic band and a hairpin.

9. Braid the other side in the same way.

2 French braids will look neater if you weave in thin strands.

Now you know how to weave two French braids. With them you will always look neat and interesting. Beautiful French braids can decorate both an ordinary weekday day and a fun evening with friends. Suitable for both little girls and young girls. Versatile with any outfit and in any weather. And most importantly, they will always make you and those around you happy.

The result should be a tight French braid that holds well, does not unravel and looks impressive. To make the hairstyle more voluminous, at the end of the braid strand you need to pull it out a little with your fingers, slightly gutting it. Girls often braid this type of braid at night before going to bed, so that they can unravel it in the morning and get cute and romantic curls.

Reverse French braid

Another variation of the hairstyle, which is also called the “Dutch braid”. The principle of braiding is the same as in a regular French braid, only you need to braid it inside out.

  1. We comb our hair so that it is well braided and not tangled.
  2. Take one wide strand of hair near the forehead line and divide it into three parts.
  3. We place the left strand under the middle one, and do the same with the left strand.
  4. Next, using your index finger, select identical tufts of hair for each outer strand and place them UNDER the middle strand.
  5. In this way we braid the braid to the end and secure it with an elastic band.

As a result, you will get an unusual hairstyle that will give you a touch of charm and charm. You can also start braiding such a braid a little from the side and braid it across your head. Another option is to braid two braids. To do this, you just need to divide your hair into two parts. The technique is the same.

A complete collection of materials: “how to braid 2 French braids for yourself” for you and your friends.

For thousands of years, braids have been an integral part of any girl's look. There are hundreds of secrets and methods of braiding from all over the world, which differ from each other in their unique beauty, sophistication and skill. If such a hairstyle causes delight among others, then those craftsmen who are able to weave unusually beautiful braids aroused envy and popularity. However, one braid is good, but two are even better, so the question arises of how to make two braids on the sides and what types there are.

Weaving the spikelet on the sides

Simple weaving requires good effort so that the braids remain in their original form for a long time. Therefore, two “spikelet” braids on the sides should be woven with well-combed strands.

Step 1. Using a thin comb, divide the hair into two parts with an even parting. While one side is being braided, it is necessary to pin the other side with clips so that the hair does not interfere with the work.

Step 2. The left parting must be divided into two more parts.

Step 3. Weaving begins with two strands that lie on top of each other in a cross, while it is important to maintain the middle of the weaving thumb. Continuing to weave the spikelet, you need to grab small strands from each part, while weaving is carried out strictly inside the braid.

Important! During weaving, you must try to tighten each strand as much as possible in order to give the spikelet a delicacy at the very end. A well-tightened braid will last on the model from several hours to a whole day.

Step 4. Secure the braid with small hairpins or hairpins so that the hair does not fall apart near the back of the head.

Step 5. Add delicacy. Each strand, starting from the top, needs to be released forward a little, slowly moving to the very last strands, while carefully supporting the tip of the spikelet. Repeat on the other side, then secure with varnish.

Unusual hairstyle. Braids on the sides

So, how to braid two braids on the sides so that they look original and beautiful?

Step 1. Divide the hair with a vertical parting into two parts, combing each side well. One part needs to be secured with a hairpin, and the second should be made high ponytail on the side and tighten with a tight elastic band.

Step 2. The tail is also divided into two parts. We twist light strands from the parts so that the hair is tightly twisted, but does not curl into a spring. Carefully supporting the strands, they must be braided like regular braids and secured with a hair elastic.

Step 3. Repeat on the other side. Secure with varnish.

Two pigtails

When a girl asks the question: how to braid two braids on the sides on her own, the image of a beautiful French braid always comes to mind, but often not everyone can make even, neat and identical braids on her own, so you can resort to easier options that will add romance and playfulness to the image.

So, we will weave two braids on the sides according to the following algorithm:

Step 1. Make an even vertical parting, secure one part with a hairpin. For those who want variety, you can make a zigzag parting instead of a vertical one.

Step 2: Create a tight, high ponytail. It is important that the tail is tight. After this, divide it into two more parts. Start weaving the spikelet so that the strands go from bottom to top.

Step 3. Gently supporting the tip of the finished braid, begin to lightly release strands throughout the entire spikelet to create a beautiful openwork. Carefully tie the braid with a tight elastic band or bobby pin.

Step 4. Repeat on the other side. Secure with varnish.

Those who are just learning to weave two braids on the sides need to remember that they should not move on to complex techniques in the first stages of learning. In order for the braids to be uniform, dense and beautiful, it takes time, practice and the technique of refined hand movements, and all this can only be achieved through constant attempts to weave light braids, such as a spikelet, fish tail or Russian braid.

Russian braid is an easy option for everyday hairstyle, as well as for beginners

Two braids on the sides can also be braided as follows:

Step 1. Divide hair evenly into two parts with a vertical parting. Place one part to the side and pin it with a hairpin.

Step 2. Divide one side into three parts, counting the strands from left to right.

Step 3. Strand #1 goes between #2 and #3, then strand #3 goes between #2 and #1, and then strand #2 goes between #1 and #3. Continue weaving along the entire length. Repeat steps on the other side.

Step 4. Secure the tip of one braid with a hairpin or bobby pin at the base of the second braid and vice versa. Secure your hair with hairspray.

Paired fish tail

Two braids on the sides for long hair will be an excellent way out that even a beginner can braid. Although this hairstyle requires tight weaving, it looks very elegant and amazing. The image will resemble a real Mermaid from fairy tales.

So, to braid two long braids on the sides, you need to proceed according to the following plan:

Step 1. Combing thoroughly, the hair must be divided into two parts using a vertical parting. To keep the braid in place for a long time, you can secure it near the base with a thin, tight elastic band. It is important to remember that one part must be pinned with a bobby pin while one side is being braided, so that the hair does not interfere with the work.

Step 2. The braid must be based on very thin strands, so the fishtail braid is one of the hairstyles that requires a lot of work and patience. Next, you need to take a strand from the right side of the tail and throw it to the left, repeat the steps in reverse: take a strand from the left side and throw it to the right. Repeat the steps along the entire length of the hair.

Advice! To prevent the fishtail from unraveling during the day, it is necessary to tighten the strands as tightly as possible, and secure the base of the braid with a thin and tight elastic band. After which you can move to the other side and fix it with hairspray.

A few rules to follow when braiding hair

To beautifully braid two braids on the sides, you need to listen to the following tips:

  1. Before you start braiding, you need to comb your hair well. If they are not thick, then there will be no problems in creating a hairstyle for a modest length, but for long hair you need to comb each strand separately. With thick curls, for convenience, you can secure each strand with hairpins so that they do not interfere with the weaving.
  2. Don't braid your hair wet hair. Firstly, it severely injures them along their entire length. Secondly, during braiding there will be discomfort, since wet hair will constantly stick to your hand.
  3. You need to start weaving with easier patterns, and then move on to complex hairstyles. Good braids require practiced finger dexterity and a lot of patience.

Pigtail waterfall. 5 minutes and you're done

Step 1. Part your hair vertically into two sections. Comb each side well to keep hair smooth. If they are naturally wavy, then it is best to start with a straightener.

Advice! Although the waterfall braid does not require a long time to braid, however, in order for the hairstyle to last a long time, you need to be well prepared. For example, before you start braiding, you can apply a small amount of hair styling product to your hair, but not hairspray! The varnish only fixes the finished hairstyle, and the styling product (spray, mousse) will help make the hairstyle neat and durable from the first stages of braiding.

Step 2. Comb the strand near the temple well and divide it into three parts to begin weaving a classic Russian braid. The braid should reach exactly to the parting.

Step 3. Each time you braid, you need to add a thin strand from the top of your head so that it goes right through and creates the impression of a falling waterfall.

Step 4. Once the braid is ready, you need to secure it with a thin elastic band near the parting and bobby pins, and then repeat the steps on the other side.

Step 5. Secure the hairstyle with hairspray.

Simple braid or French braid? It's better all together

An excellent option for long hair for every day, where two types of braids are intertwined into a single whole.

Step 1. Divide your hair into two parts. We do not touch one side yet, but only secure it with a hairpin.

Step 2. Divide a small strand near the face into three parts and begin to weave a vertical braid, periodically adding thin strands. Once the braid is ready, you need to secure it with an elastic band.

Step 3. We divide the remaining hair into three parts and continue to weave a classic Russian braid, and then again it needs to be secured with an elastic band and fixed with varnish.

Advice! You can let out several strands from a combined braid, adding chaos and negligence to the look.

The hairstyle “Two braids on the sides” will become original version for every day. She will cause admiration and envy among others!

French braids: how to weave, what they are

A waterfall of long hair is the adornment of any woman, be it a little fashionista, a young charmer or a lady of Balzac's age. But it’s simply impossible to wear them loose all the time; in winter you have to wear hats, in spring a strong wind can scatter any curls, and in the summer heat you want coolness. In all these cases, braiding comes to the rescue. There are a great many options for braids, but now let's talk about how to braid French braids.

About the first braids and more

Hair has been braided since ancient times. The ancient Slavs believed that a long and thick braid was an indicator of good women's health. In general, in Rus', one could learn a lot from braids. A girl with one braid is unmarried. A girl with a braid with a bright ribbon woven into it is a bride. A hairstyle of two braids meant that the woman was married.

Do not think that only Slavic women wore braided hair; European women also competed in the length and beauty of their braids. At a time when the Catholic Church began to especially zealously persecute women, forcing them to constantly wear hats, very unusual hairstyles arose: braids braided at the temples, braids decorating the forehead, snail braids covering the ears. This way women could demonstrate the beauty of their hair in defiance of church canons.

But the appearance of French weaving is hidden in the darkness of centuries. Even rock paintings in caves in Algeria depict women with similar hairstyles; you can see such braids on ancient Greek statues; these braids are also described in ancient Chinese manuscripts; noble women had very complex and tall hairstyles.

What kind of “French” braid is this?

A description of a hairstyle with this name appeared in the American women's magazine at the end of the nineteenth century, with light hand publisher and this braid began to be called French.

It seems that braiding French braids is not at all difficult. Maybe so, but first you need to practice properly. It's best to ask a friend long hair so that she would allow me to learn weaving on her. After a few hair styling sessions, you can become a true braiding pro. Only after such training will you be able to braid your hair yourself, and there will be no need to think about complex installations. At any moment you can create a real masterpiece from your hair.

So what is a French braid? This is a braid of three strands of hair, the hair should be pressed tightly to the head, the braid itself is slightly pulled to the side.

Everything you need to braid hair

What you need: a great desire to learn, some time and hair care supplies. The latter are worth talking about in more detail.

Classic French braid

When starting to learn weaving techniques, the first step is to master the classic version; it is the easiest to perform. It is worth remembering that before braiding, the hair needs to be washed and combed thoroughly; a braid looks good only from clean, well-groomed hair.

  1. Classic weaving goes all over the head, all the way to the back of the head. If there is one, bangs are woven into the braid.
  2. This braid is made of three strands, which means you need to divide part of the hair into three identical bundles. You need to start braiding directly from the forehead, holding the braid with your thumbs and forefingers, gradually adding the rest of the hair, alternately grabbing it on both sides with your free fingers. At the end of the process, you should end up with a tightly braided braid that runs all over your head.
  3. The whole difficulty lies in grabbing identical strands, which is why training is needed.
  4. At the end of the braiding, you need to secure the hair with a ribbon or hairpin. The best fastening is obtained from rubber bands.

How to weave a French classic braid - video tutorial

Back braid and wreath

Having learned the classics, you can try more complex ways braiding For example, learn how to braid a braid backwards, or inverted french braid. Hair, as in the first case, must be washed and combed properly. The difference between this braid is that it is woven as if from the inside out, and this gives the hairstyle greater pomp and volume.

  1. Apply a little mousse to prepared hair to help the hairstyle retain its shape better.
  2. Divide the mass of hair into three strands, from the place where the braid should begin.
  3. The strand located on the left should be brought under the middle one, then the right strand should be woven in.
  4. Add some hair again on the left side, bringing it under the middle strand, repeat the procedure on the right.
  5. Weave all the curls in this way. At the end of the hair you can do simple braid, but with reverse weaving.
  6. To give the braid a special splendor, you need to grab the ends of the hair with your left hand, and with your right hand, evenly pull out each woven strand, creating the desired volume.

From such weaving you can create a lot of options that will give you a new look every day. new look long hair. A braid that wraps around your head like a wreath is the most suitable option for playing sports or going to the beach. Its creation is not very different from weaving the other way around, although there are some nuances.

  1. You need to start weaving such a braid not from the middle of the head, but from the temporal part. You must choose which side to start from.
  2. Take a strand of hair growing near your temple and divide by three.
  3. Weave in the same way as described earlier, alternately adding hair from the left and right sides, trying to grab the strands evenly. The braid should seem to wrap around your head.
  4. Braiding should be done until the entire mass of hair is in the braid. Secure the end of the braid with an elastic band.
  5. The hair secured with an elastic band should be removed at the beginning of the hairstyle, pinned with bobby pins.

Braiding around the head - video

The most stylish hairstyle

You can often find girls on the street with two braids braided this way. But this weaving is perfect and young girls who want to give their appearance a certain tomboy style. Two French braids will emphasize individuality, add charm, and help change the image of any owner.

How to braid 2 French braids:

  1. Divide the entire mass of hair in half, prepare one part for braiding, and secure the second with a hairpin so that it does not interfere with the process.
  2. Braid one side in the classic way or in a reverse braid, secure the ends of the hair.
  3. Proceed to weave the second braid, adhering to the same style in which the first was performed, and secure it.


  • If you part your hair on the side, you can create an even more interesting version of this hairstyle.
  • Another unusual way: dividing the hair into unequal parts, the braids will be different in volume, which will give every girl who dares to do such a hairstyle a special charm.
  • Sometimes, when starting to weave two braids, they are combined into one at the back of the head. This hairstyle not only looks stylish, but also adds some rigor to the created image.

French braid: how to weave if you have bangs

Many women with long hair often have a question: is it possible to braid such a braid if the bangs are cut? Of course you can. In the classic braided version, the bangs should be pulled back into a braid, but there are ways to make the hairstyle more unusual by leaving the hair on the forehead.

  • When starting to braid, you need to comb and pin your bangs in advance so that short strands cannot get into the braid. Braid your hair using any of the described methods and secure the ends. Now you can carefully chop off your bangs and give free rein to your imagination.

Long hair is the wealth of every woman, and the mass of hairstyles that can be created from it will always help you change your look.

How to braid two French braids

If you're following fashion trends, then you know that at any show you can see weaving. There are different variations in use, but two French braids occupy a special place. How to do a similar hairstyle?

Main rules

To easily cope with the task, remember the following principles:

When learning how to do French weave, don't work in front of a mirror. Looking at your reflection, you will be confused about which direction you should put your curls! Learn to do your hair by imagining the actions and relying on muscle memory. Once you have mastered the technique, you will be satisfied with the result.

Have you braided your hair but it seems too messy? There is no reason to be upset, since styling, as if tousled by the wind, is now in fashion. If you want the result of your efforts to look neater, separate small curls.

Girls with thick hair may feel like they can't master French weave. But in fact, such styling will allow you to cope with excessively heavy strands.

To prevent your arms from getting tired, take breaks periodically. Once you get the hang of the technique, braiding will become easier.

If your hair is frizzy, it can make working difficult. To cope with the task, apply a straightening styling product to your curls or lightly moisten them with water.

Using these tips will make your job easier.

Basic version

To master the common option, follow the sequence of actions:

Comb your hair and part it with a straight parting.

In the right section, make 3 equal parts.

Intertwine the left curl with the middle one.

You will end up with a large right side that needs to be crossed again from the central one.

Repeat the steps, adding small sections until you have picked up all the hair. Then braid the same braid on the other side and get the desired result.

Want to diversify your performance? Bring the braid to the base of your neck, and then combine the braids into one. You can leave it loose or put it in an elegant bun, which you decorate with flowers.

Russian weaving

Do you think that braids “a la Russe” are too simple? Then take a look at the works from leading fashion houses, as if they have set the task of emphasizing the beauty of simple solutions. To reproduce one of the common designs, try the following:

Separate the curls with a central parting and comb well.

Create 3-strand braids on both sides, but don't make them too tight.

Stretch the weaves with your fingers to add delicacy to the result of your labors.

Secure the ends with elastic bands, which you will hide under the strands.

Such braids can be tied with black velvet ribbons, as recommended by popular brands. This stylistic decision became a hit in spring-summer 2017, so hurry up and adopt it.


Except French version, try the following option:

Carefully go through your hair with a comb and part it into 2 parts.

Take one section in your hand and backcomb it a little to add volume.

Divide it into 2 parts.

From the outside of the left side, take a strand and move it to the right half.

Repeat on the other side.

Thanks to this sequence of actions you will pick up all the hair. It remains to repeat on the other side, and 2 fishtail braids will be ready.

2 stylish harnesses

If you don't like to spend a lot of time getting yourself in order, do a variation that will take no more than 5 minutes. Follow the procedure:

Lightly dampen your hair to make it more manageable.

Part your hair.

Take one section in your hand and comb it well so that the result of your efforts looks neater.

Divide it in half, twist each part into a rope.

Intertwine them together and secure with an elastic band.

Repeat on the other side.

Despite the simplicity of the hairstyle, the result will not cause any complaints. Do you want to add original notes? Then don’t forget that thin braids have been in fashion for a long time, and include them in your look: make a couple of braids, starting in the area near the ear, and attach them to the braid.

To keep your look on trend, hurry up and include braids. Although the braiding technique may seem difficult at first, you can master it to perfection and learn how to style it in a matter of minutes!

Weaving a French braid in reverse video and photo instructions

Braids have long been considered a symbol female beauty and charm. Hairstyles using braids are widely popular - they are convenient, simple and can be very impressive. There are many options for hairstyles with braids, from the simplest and most uncomplicated to the extravagant. The reverse French braid looks especially interesting and elegant in this variety. Such a braid will attract admiring glances and you will always be the center of attention. Despite the fact that the weaving technique seems intricate, you can easily learn how to do this weaving on your own.

How to do a French braid in reverse. Step by step instructions.

To make your hair more manageable and smooth, apply a special styling product (mousse or foam). The weaving pattern is not complicated, but you will need patience and attentiveness.

  1. Separate part of the hair on the top of the head. The thicker the selected strand, the more voluminous our braid will be.
  2. We divide this strand into three equal parts. Make sure that your hair does not get tangled, then your hairstyle will be neater. Conventionally, we denote the divided parts as: right, left and middle.
  3. The left strand is shifted under the middle one.
  4. Now the right strand moves under the middle one.
  5. Next, strands of free hair are woven into the hairstyle. To do this, take a thin strand on the left and add it to the main left strand. The resulting strand is placed again under the middle one.
  6. We perform the same maneuver on the right side.
  7. So, picking up the strands, we braid our braid to the end.
  8. Upon completion, the hairs are smoothed and fixed with varnish for reliability. To make your hair look more voluminous, you can tighten the loops of the braid before spraying with hairspray.

Photo instructions for weaving a French braid in reverse

How to braid two French braids in reverse.

Two reverse French braids at once will look even more elegant and unusual. To create this hairstyle you will need a little more time, patience and attention, but it is worth it.

  1. Hair preparation occurs in the same way as in the first option - the hair must be clean and dry, styling product must be applied.
  2. Next, divide the hair into two equal parts. Make sure that the parting is even, then the hairstyle will look much better.
  3. Take one section of hair and French braid it the other way around as shown in the instructions above. To prevent the hair of the second part from interfering, you can tie it up with an elastic band.
  4. When the first braid is finished, we proceed to the second. The second braid should be identical to the first, so more attention and accuracy will be required here.
  5. Upon completion, the hairs are smoothed and sprayed with varnish. For volume, you can tighten the loops of the braids until they are fixed with varnish.

If you follow fashion trends, you know that you can see weaves at any show. There are different variations in use, but two French braids occupy a special place. How to do a similar hairstyle?

Main rules

To easily cope with the task, remember the following principles:
When learning how to do French weave, don't work in front of a mirror. Looking at your reflection, you will be confused about which direction you should put your curls! Learn to do your hair by imagining the actions and relying on muscle memory. Once you have mastered the technique, you will be satisfied with the result.
Have you braided your hair but it seems too messy? There is no reason to be upset, since styling, as if tousled by the wind, is now in fashion. If you want the result of your efforts to look neater, separate small curls.
Girls with thick hair may feel like they can't master French braiding. But in fact, such styling will allow you to cope with excessively heavy strands.
To prevent your arms from getting tired, take breaks periodically. Once you get the hang of the technique, braiding will become easier.
If your hair is frizzy, it can make working difficult. To cope with the task, apply a straightening styling product to your curls or lightly moisten them with water.
Using these tips will make your job easier.

Basic version

To master the common option, follow the sequence of actions:
Comb your hair and part it with a straight parting.
In the right section, make 3 equal parts.
Intertwine the left curl with the middle one.
You will end up with a large right side that needs to be crossed again from the central one.
Repeat the steps, adding small sections until you have picked up all the hair. Then braid the same braid on the other side and get the desired result.

Want to diversify your performance? Bring the braid to the base of your neck, and then combine the braids into one. You can leave it loose or put it in an elegant bun, which you decorate with flowers.

Russian weaving

Do you think that braids “a la Russe” are too simple? Then take a look at the works from leading fashion houses, as if they have set the task of emphasizing the beauty of simple solutions. To reproduce one of the common designs, try the following:
Separate the curls with a central parting and comb well.
Create 3-strand braids on both sides, but don't make them too tight.
Stretch the weaves with your fingers to add delicacy to the result of your labors.
Secure the ends with elastic bands, which you will hide under the strands.
Such braids can be tied with black velvet ribbons, as recommended by popular brands. This stylistic decision became a hit in spring-summer 2017, so hurry up and adopt it.


In addition to the French version, master the following option:
Carefully go through your hair with a comb and part it into 2 parts.
Take one section in your hand and backcomb it a little to add volume.
Divide it into 2 parts.
From the outside of the left side, take a strand and move it to the right half.
Repeat on the other side.
Thanks to this sequence of actions you will pick up all the hair. It remains to repeat on the other side, and 2 fishtail braids will be ready.

2 stylish harnesses

If you don't like to spend a lot of time getting yourself in order, do a variation that will take no more than 5 minutes. Follow the procedure:
Lightly dampen your hair to make it more manageable.
Part your hair.
Take one section in your hand and comb it well so that the result of your efforts looks neater.
Divide it in half, twist each part into a rope.
Intertwine them together and secure with an elastic band.
Repeat on the other side.
Despite the simplicity of the hairstyle, the result will not cause any complaints. Do you want to add original notes? Then don’t forget that thin braids have been in fashion for a long time, and include them in your look: make a couple of braids, starting in the area near the ear, and attach them to the braid.