I'm shaking at this handout to pensioners. Novikov: One-time compensation to pensioners smacks of voter bribery

Deputy Chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Dmitry Novikov believes that the one-time compensation is similar to a bribe to pensioners before the elections. At the same time, he warns that after the elections one might not hear: “there is no money, but you are holding on.”

Deputy Chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Dmitry Novikov commented on the government’s proposal to replace the indexation of pensions mandatory under federal law in 2016 with a one-time compensation of 5,000 rubles.

“As soon as it became known that the government plans to replace the indexation of pensions in 2016 with a one-time payment, I personally remembered the reforms of Yegor Gaidar. Just like a quarter of a century ago, the authorities claim that this is how they fulfill their social obligations. Allegedly, pensioners will be able to receive compensation for inflation.

In fact, inflation will eat up the purchasing power of these several thousand rubles in the fall if the economic course supported by United Russia continues. This is exactly what happened when Gaidar’s government replaced subsidies for children’s goods with monetary compensation. What child benefit represents today is well known. So a lump sum payment in the current conditions cannot replace indexation. The officials are simply lying,” recalled Dmitry Novikov.

Also, the Deputy Chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation drew attention to the time of payment of compensation - in January 2017.

“But there is another remarkable point. Compensation is planned to be made after the elections, in January 2017. It will have to be approved by the new composition of the State Duma. Moreover, this decision will be considered in conjunction with the draft federal budget. This, I note, is a very interesting situation. It is as if they are hinting to pensioners: “We will give you your 5 thousand after the new year, but you must “make the right choice” and vote for those who promise to make this payment. We need a majority to pass the budget,” said Dmitry Novikov.

Dmitry Georgievich believes that such compensation is very similar to bribery.

“It seems that a kind of new “form of work” with pensioner voters is emerging, when they are simultaneously deceived and tried to bribe. Of course, no one openly admits this. But whatever one may say, the proposed scheme looks a lot like a bribe, and a “delayed” one at that. But someone may succumb to temptation and vote. But where is the guarantee that in January 2017 he will not hear the unforgettable: “There is no money, but you hold on!”

The Deputy Chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation warned the party in power: “In my opinion, officials from the party in power have seriously played too hard. In such a situation, retired voters simply need to show by voting that the people’s patience is not unlimited.”

“Everything looks more like an election step, before which the ruling party is correcting its previous mistakes. Of course, it’s better to correct mistakes late than never. But Livanov was given too much time. He received such carte blanche that he made a lot of mistakes,” explained Novikov, Deputy Chairman of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Central Committee.

On August 23, Dmitry Novikov held a meeting with the delegation of the Communist Party of Vietnam, during which they discussed.

When will the lump sum payment of 5,000 rubles be paid to pensioners in 2017?

    A one-time payment of 5,000 rubles will be paid to pensioners in January 2017. Every pensioner of the Russian Federation will receive compensation for a non-indexed pension in 2016 at the time of receiving their pension at post offices, Sberbank branches or from a person delivering pensions to their homes. This payment will be one-time and in 2017 the pension will be indexed in accordance with the law and in full.

    According to published information, pensioners will receive compensation for the failure to carry out the second indexation of their accruals in the form of a one-time payment, the amount of which will be five thousand rubles. Since there is not yet enough money (two hundred billion rubles) in the budget, pensioners will only be able to receive what they were promised in January next year ().

    The government made, as they say in chess, a knight's move. It seems that all pensioners, except those living abroad, will receive a one-time payment of 5,000 rubles, instead of the additional indexation of pensions provided for. What is the Government’s trick here, the fact is that this amount as a one-time payment will not affect the pension base and, accordingly, the next compensation of pensions will be from the pension level without taking into account 5,000 rubles, and this is, if not a step back, then not forward.

    The payment of 5,000 rubles will be in January 2017, which will be received by all categories of pensioners.

    Now there is information that, according to the government’s plan, this amount will be paid at the beginning of the year, that is, in January 2017. It will be received by both groups of pensioners, those who work, as well as those who do not work. A specific ten-day period is not specified, which means everything will stretch over a whole month.

    People will receive such compensation instead of the usual indexation that they have always received.

    For a pensioner, such a move is not profitable in monetary terms; if indexation were recalculated, the total would be higher. This means the state wins.

    And there they say that this amount of 5,000 is supposedly covered by indexation, in return for which it was accrued.

    It doesn’t matter to me (the bailiffs take 50% from me, I tried to work as an individual entrepreneur, it didn’t work out, I was too lazy to close it and they counted so much that: Mom, don’t worry), but in general, will someone tell me the country with pension indexation? If there is no indexation, then the government, having increased it once in 2 years, receives the gratitude of the population, but for us, only indignation...

    • I think this provision is unnecessary, really requires cancellation and only one cancellation of this compensation - inflation will decrease by at least 2%
  • A one-time payment of 5,000 rubles is scheduled for January 2017.

    As always, the government led by Dmitry Medvedev calculated everything very correctly.

    This payment will be a one-time payment, and pensioners’ pensions will ultimately remain at the same level. That is, if, for example, a pensioner’s pension was 10,000 rubles, in January he will receive 5,000 rubles. And indexation of pensions is again scheduled for January 2017. So, it will be indexed based on 10,000 rubles.

    But if there had been indexation in September-October 2016, and not a one-time payment, then the size of the pension would have increased by 1 thousand rubles and the pension would have been 11 thousand rubles. And then, in January 2017, the new indexation would be calculated not from 10, but from 11 thousand rubles.

    Our government is smart... everything is for the people...

    In 2017, a one-time payment of 5,000 rubles must be paid to absolutely all pensioners, regardless of whether the pensioner is currently working or not. As Dmitry Medvedev said, the payment should take place at the beginning of 2017, or more precisely in the month of January. By this time, the Ministry of Finance must find the money to pay, the amount is simply huge.

    This measure was adopted by the Government, since there are no plans to index pensions in the 2nd half of 2016, and a lump sum payment should compensate for the damage to pensioners.

    Our state has again decided to save on the elderly.

    Instead of raising pensions by 7% from October (the increase would have amounted to an average of 1,000 rubles monthly, we get 12,000 rubles per year), they decided to pay pensioners a one-time handout of 5,000 rubles.

    Pensioners will receive this one-time payment only after the New Year. (January 2017).

    For some, the postman will bring this money to their home, for others at the post office, for others on cards - along with their basic pension).

    This is how it is before the elections.

    Our authorities are not afraid of anything; they think about the people.

    And if you are not at home, when will this payment be brought, can you receive it later?

    Since there was no 2nd re-indexation of pensions for 2016, and our government saved a lot of money on this, we decided to re-index them in 2017 by paying pensioners 5,000 rubles. one-time These payments will be made in January 2017. But this payment will not increase the pensions themselves. Now this one-time payment needs to be legalized, so everything takes time. Pension income has fallen, the price of oil is not holding up, but the government will keep its promises.

    Payments to pensioners in the amount of 5,000 rubles are planned to be paid only in January 2017.

    The money will be paid one-time and you should not count on an increase in pension in the near future.

    This is just a small compensation, thanks to which the Russian government decided to calm people down at least a little.

    No comments….

    Due to the fact that at one time there was confusion with the indexation of pensions (some were indexed, but others were not) and we decided to give our pensioners a New Year's gift and pay compensation in the amount of 5,000 rubles.

    This payment is expected immediately after the new year, in January 2017. All pensioners will receive this money, regardless of employment. I don’t know why such attacks on the Government are connected, but it’s better to have 5 mowers once than nothing at all. My parents were delighted with this bill; I wish there were more such projects more often.

    The one-time payment is planned to be issued in January 2017. The lump sum payment is 5,000 rubles. Payments will be made along with the basic pension. You don't have to go anywhere to receive your pension. You will receive your pension in January and a payment along with it.

    Dmitry Medvedev, our far-sighted prime minister), said: A one-time payment of 5,000 rubles will be made in January 2017. Most likely, the federal law will indicate that the payment will be issued to each pensioner along with their pension. And since pensioners (in big cities) receive their pensions at different times, according to the schedule, this lump sum payment will be issued and transferred for almost the entire month of January 2017.

    By the way, this payment is a replacement for the second indexation of pensions required by law in 2016.

    This is how the government decided to save on indexation...

Yesterday, at a meeting with members of the government, Dmitry Medvedev said the following: " Based on the results of today’s discussion, I believe it is correct to carry out indexation in the form of a one-time cash payment, it is determined in the amount of 5 thousand rubles and will be paid in January 2017". At the same time, he said that in 2017indexation of pensions will be carried out according toequal to actual inflation. So far this level is predicted by the government at 6 - 6.5%.

Let's figure out what this means and how the decision made will turn out for pensioners.

Firstly, a lot of questions immediately arise. Will there be an additional payment for all pensioners? Is it only for non-working people or for working people too? What about those who receive social pensions? As of today, there are no exact answers, as well as legislative documents, government decrees or statements from officials explaining the procedure for making a one-time payment. So far there is only an oral statement from the head of government, which alarmed the media and citizens. Nevertheless, we will proceed from what has been said.

As for working pensioners and recipients of social pensions, for example, TASS cites the words of an unnamed federal official “familiar with the situation” who, in response to a question- whether a one-time payment is provided for working pensioners and recipients of social pensions - said: “It is planned that all pensioners without exception will receive a one-time payment.”

Now on to the merits of the decision. Pensions of non-working pensioners were indexed by 4% in February, despite the fact that official inflation for 2015 was 12.9% (and, according to surveys, 20 - 25%). In this regard, the government promised to return to the issue of additional indexation in the second half of 2016 in order, if the situation allows, to re-index pensions to the level of 12.9%. And yesterday the decision was made - additional indexation was replaced by a one-time payment of 5,000 rubles to everyone without exception.

Note that this “to everyone without exception,” regardless of the size of the pension received, does not mean indexation proportional to the size of the pension received, but an obscure, albeit pleasant, lump sum payment.

Secondly, although the payment is “pleasant”, since on an annual basis it isa monthly increase in pensions for each pensioner in the amount of 417 rubles, however, the delayed result of replacing indexation with a one-time payment will not be in favor of pensioners.

Let’s take as an example a pension in the amount of 10,000 rubles, which a citizen received at the beginning of January 2016, and consider two options.Option one is a one-time additional payment, while maintaining the size of the pension indexed by 4% for the entire year. Option two is the additional indexation of pensions from the second half of the year to the level of actual inflation (12.9%).

  • Option 1. After indexation on February 1 by 4% (instead of 12.9%), its size increased by 400 rubles and amounted to 10,400 rubles. According to the decision made today, additional indexation is not carried out and is replaced by a one-time payment of 5,000 rubles. Then, by the end of 2016 (beginning of 2017), he arrives with a pension of 10,400 rubles.
  • Option 2. If additional indexation was carried out (as planned) from the second half of 2016, the pension amount should have increased to 11,290 rubles. Therefore the size of his pensionby the end of 2016 (beginning of 2017) it will be higher - 11,290 rubles.

In February 2017, as the prime minister promised, pensions will be indexed to inflation by 6%. Then the pension in the first government version, indexed by 6%, from February 1, 2017 will be 11,024 rubles (RUB 10,400 x 6% = RUB 11,024). In the second option, with pre-indexation, the pension would increase to 11,967 rubles (RUB 11,290 x 6% = 11,967 rubles).

Thus, the loss in the amount of the pension will be 8.6%, and in annual terms in rubles the “loss” will reach 11,321 rubles(for a 10 thousand pension).

Pension amount at the end of 2016

in the indexation option at 4%

+ one-time additional payment

Pension amount

at the end of 2016

in the version with additional indexing

Pension amount

in 2017 after indexation by 6% (option with one-time additional payment)

Pension amount

in 2017 after indexation by 6% (option with additional indexation)

10 400 ₽

11,290 RUR

11,024 RUR

11,967 RUR

Annual pension payments for 2016

Annual pension payments for 2017

RUB 129,800

(12 months*10,400 +

5 000)

130 140 ₽

(6 months*10,400 +

6 months*11,290)

RUB 132,288

RUB 143,609


1. Calculations were made for situations that the government “could have taken” and did. In fact, judging by media information, neither additional indexation nor a one-time additional payment were planned, and the most likely and realistic outcome was “refusal of additional indexation” since the budget situation simply did not allow it. In comparison with the last option, the decision to make a one-time additional payment is beneficial - “unexpected joy”, which gives a “gain” compared to “doing nothing” (refusing pre-indexation).

2. Add a video of the speech of the head of government.

“The authorities receive political dividends”

The Prime Minister has deceived us all again. Dmitry Medvedev warned that the government had decided to replace the second indexation of pensions in 2016 with a one-time payment of 5,000 rubles. Labor veterans should receive this handout in January 2017, and it will amount to five thousand rubles. In total, this will require more than 200 billion rubles, according to the calculations of the head of government.

Whether the Ministry of Finance will find this money is a second matter. Federal budget revenues this year, even under the most unfavorable circumstances, will reach at least 12 trillion rubles. Therefore, 200 billion can be found.

Something else is more important. Namely, to answer the question: what is better for a particular pensioner: maybe even on New Year’s Eve (January pensions are sometimes given ahead of schedule) an additional 5 thousand rubles from the government or “as expected”, as an indexed pension, starting in August?

We have to count. Every year, funds are allocated to the country's budget for the indexation of pensions in order to somehow compensate for the rate of inflation. This was always done twice a year: on February 1 and August 1 (however, social pensions were increased on April 1).

But the crisis, which is not going away, has made its own adjustments. This is not the first time Medvedev has made excuses: “There is no money, but you are holding on.” Let us recall that on February 1, pensions were increased by 4%, despite the fact that the inflation accumulated in 2015 reached, according to Rosstat calculations, 12.9%. This means that on August 1, the government should have indexed labor pensions by another 8.9%.

And that's the bare minimum. Everyone understands that price growth in our country is in fact sharply ahead of official data. For example, even according to Rosstat’s calculations, prices for food alone rose by more than 31% from August 2014 to August 2016. And this despite the fact that the average Russian family spends up to 50% of their monthly expenses on food.

In other words, pensioners were not paid extra anyway. And then they decided to keep them on a starvation diet.

Of course, specific calculations are needed here. Let's do it. Now the average pension in Russia has reached 12,495 rubles per month. If the government, as required by the 2016 budget law, indexed pensions by almost 9% from August 1, then the average labor veteran would receive more than 1.1 thousand rubles more per month from August 1. That is, by January 1 of next year he would have received 500 rubles more than Medvedev promised him.

And these are not exactly average figures. In Moscow there are city supplements to pensions. And therefore they are among the highest in the country. And this is where the pensioner definitely loses when the government, instead of indexation, gets off with a lump sum payment in January next year. At least for the same 500 rubles.

At the same time, in many regions, which is no secret, people receive very meager pensions: 6-7 thousand. How one can avoid starving to death is not clear to me. Apparently, vegetable gardens help out many of them. 5 thousand rubles of January compensation for this kind of pensioners is a lot. This is more than twice the monthly compensation this year.

But the problem is different. If pensions are not indexed, their purchasing power will only fall. And no one-time handouts will help here.

And the gain for “poor” pensioners will be minimal, and most importantly, short-term.

"MK" experts

Pavel Sigal, first vice-president of Opora Russia: “A one-time payment to pensioners, which will be used instead of planned indexation, is not beneficial to those pensioners who have a high pension, and is beneficial to the least protected strata, whose payments are minimal.

From a political point of view, the authorities receive certain dividends, since they present this information as an alternative to the abolition of indexation at the end of the year, which will have a positive effect on the mood of the electorate in the election cycle. Pensioners from the regions, whose pensions are much more modest, will be in a winning situation.”

Alexander Razuvaev, director of the analytical department of Alpari: “In the current situation, the Russian authorities’ ability to index pensions is limited. Privatization of leading companies is in doubt, oil remains cheap, and capital markets are largely closed due to sanctions.

However, from our point of view, a more correct step would be accelerated indexation of pensions. Both remaining financial reserves and, within reasonable limits, loans from the Central Bank could be used for this purpose. And the point here is not only that Russia, according to the constitution, is a social state. Indexation of pensions is an increase in domestic demand and a return of the Russian economy to growth. Apart from domestic demand, there are no other sources to boost the economy. However, the government's economic policy may be revised after the elections. This means that the government’s plans for pension payments may be changed.”