Flat epithelium in urine tests in pregnant women. Causes of increased epithelium in pregnant women: what to do, how to treat Increased epithelium in the urine of a pregnant woman


Flat epithelium enters the urine of women during pregnancy from the vagina or urinary canal.

When the level of epithelial cells is elevated, this may indicate infectious pathologies in the urinary canal.

But first, we need to find out how to determine the presence of epithelium in the urine, what is considered normal and why does it increase during pregnancy?

When a woman finds out about her interesting situation, she must register with the antenatal clinic. Before each appointment with a gynecologist, a woman undergoes general analysis urine, which helps prevent various infectious processes in the genitourinary system expectant mother.

An ideal analysis is considered to be within normal limits. If there are even the slightest deviations from the permissible values, this means that various pathological processes are developing in the body of a pregnant woman that need to be treated immediately. Otherwise, the pathological process will progress and can quickly become chronic. The main thing to remember is that during this period a woman is responsible not only for her health, but also for the health of her unborn baby.

One of the important indicators is squamous epithelium in urine during pregnancy. Normal during pregnancy squamous epithelium equals one.

If a woman has more than that, she is sent for a repeat test. If, upon repeated analysis, the indicators exceed the normal value, then appropriate treatment begins.

Why don't doctors prescribe treatment after the first test?

Very often, women do not properly prepare for the analysis. For the result to be reliable, then:

  1. Before collecting material, you need to wash yourself well.
  2. Purchase a special sterile container from the pharmacy. If you do not have this opportunity, then use a regular glass jar. Just sterilize it first.
  3. For analysis, average urine is needed. That is, flush the first one down the toilet, and then into the container.

For the result to be 100% reliable, the material must be brought to the laboratory no later than one hour after collection.

Let us recall that the norm of squamous epithelium in urine is equal to one. But, during pregnancy, the uterus increases significantly in size and puts pressure on the bladder, so it is not uncommon for the permissible values ​​to be slightly increased.

Doctors allow this point, but only if the values ​​​​do not significantly exceed normal values.

Why is the squamous epithelium enlarged in pregnant women?

Epithelium is the cells that form the surface of the skin and the internal membranes of organs. Also, there are epithelial cells that form the lining of the pelvic organs and the urinary canal. In every person it is present in the urine and this is not an indicator of the development of a pathological process in the body, of course, if the indicators have acceptable values. In men, squamous epithelium has minimal indicators or is completely absent.

If, after a repeated urine test, a high concentration of this element is detected in a woman, this may indicate the development of cystitis or some subtypes of nephropathy.

To make an accurate diagnosis, doctors do not need just one result of a general urine test. There are certain symptoms for each pathological process.

Most often, doctors diagnose an increased concentration of squamous epithelium, which is located in the lining of the bladder. This indicates inflammation of the urinary tract or bladder. More often, these pathologies are diagnosed in females during pregnancy.

The development of cystitis or inflammation of the bladder is often accompanied by unpleasant symptoms. Typically this is:

  • burning during urination;
  • unpleasant discomfort during intimacy;
  • regular unjustified urge to urinate;
  • incontinence.

When a woman's urinary tract becomes inflamed, the urine becomes cloudier and has bad smell. At the last stage of development, cystitis can secrete itself through bloody discharge in the urine. Often this is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen.

Also, there is such a thing as renal squamous epithelium. Its increased concentration is diagnosed in Berger's disease, which is accompanied by the fact that certain antibodies (Immunoglobulins) begin to be deposited in the kidneys.

Delayed treatment can lead to serious kidney damage, which will result in impaired filtration of fluids and electrolytes. This pathological process cannot be treated.

The only thing is that you can take medications that slow down the pathological process.

What does squamous epithelium mean in urine?

In pregnant women, squamous epithelial cells come from the urinary canal or vagina. As a rule, the presence of squamous epithelium is diagnosed in women, since in men, cells can enter the urine only from the bottom of the urinary canal. Therefore, squamous epithelium may be completely absent in male urine. Elevated values ​​of this element indicate infectious processes in the urinary canal.

If doctors find renal epithelium in urine, this may indicate damage to the renal parenchyma. More often, doctors diagnose impaired blood circulation, inflammation of the kidneys, poisoning with toxic substances, replacement of parenchyma with connective tissues, necrosis of a tuberculous nature, and rejection of a kidney transplant. In healthy people, in analyzes the renal epithelium is completely absent.

The third type of epithelium is called transitional. They contribute to the formation of the superficial layer of the ureter, urinary canal, renal pelvis and bladder.

If, when reading the tests, the doctor determines an increased concentration of epithelium in the urine, then the patient may develop kidney inflammation, inflammation of the urinary tract, or kidney stones.

Decoding the results

The acceptable value of squamous epithelium in the urine of a pregnant woman should be no more than five units in the field of view. The renal epithelium in the urine of a pregnant woman should be completely absent. If the doctor finds at least one unit of renal epithelial tissue in the urine, this indicates a renal inflammatory process. If the transitional epithelium is slightly increased, then this is acceptable for a pregnant woman, but it should not exceed one unit in the field of view. If the squamous epithelium in the urine of pregnant women is increased, this indicates possible inflammatory processes that begin in the urinary canal.

To make a final diagnosis, the doctor prescribes a repeat general urine test. If the indicators remain unchanged, then the woman is sent for diagnostic measures to determine the pathological process.

Once the diagnosis is confirmed, the pregnant woman undergoes appropriate treatment. As a rule, herbal medicines are prescribed for treatment so as not to harm the health of the unborn baby.

It is within normal limits and appears as separate cells. It can only increase during inflammation of the urethra or organs of the reproductive system.

But even during pregnancy, conditions can be created for its increased secretion. The level of its content can only be determined by a general analysis of biological fluid.

What is epithelium?

Epithelium is the covering tissue of the skin, mucous membrane, and organs of the reproductive and urinary systems.

Moving through the channel, urine is constantly in contact with cells on the surface of the tissue. Almost always they flake off and are excreted along with urine, later being detected using a microscope.

Urine tests confirmed that this element is always present. The only difference can be different types of cells and their numbers.

The epithelium does not represent anything serious; it can only be used to determine pathological abnormalities that occur in the body.

Implications for clinical diagnosis

When carrying a baby, a woman’s body experiences increasing stress, hormonal changes, and certain conditions under which water and salt exchanges take place. The functional capabilities of the paired organ and the ureteral system are maximally activated.

The uterus begins to increase in size, and pressure on the internal organs increases. As a result of this, flat cells exfoliate much more intensively, metabolism takes place more intensely in order to maintain the vital capacity of tissues.

During gestation, the norm of the epithelium at all stages continues to remain unchanged. The presence of three to five cells in the field of view is considered acceptable.

Types of epithelium that can be found in urine during pregnancy

It is customary to distinguish three groups of tissues identified in urine sediment using a microscope - flat, renal, transitional. Having determined the type of cell in the urine, we can make an assumption about the most likely inflammatory diseases in a particular area. Such diseases most often include.


Pregnant women contain the largest number of cells in the field of view. They are more quickly detached from the cover of the ureteral canals, since the release of urine in the first and last stages becomes more frequent. Due to this process, the cells are intensively peeled, and the content of squamous epithelium in the biological fluid increases.

The reason for the deviation from the normal indicator is considered to be an enlargement of the uterus, which puts pressure on the ureteric canals and changes the location of the paired organ. But it should be remembered that there should be no significant changes during pregnancy.

Significant deviations can be detected during inflammatory processes, which should be eliminated immediately, since the infectious process can spread quite quickly and affect all other organs of the system. Having discovered abnormalities in the urine analysis of a pregnant woman and beginning to suspect inflammation, the specialist is obliged to prescribe an in-depth examination in order to then create a therapeutic course.


Its second name is tubular, as it is the covering of the canals of a paired organ. In a healthy organism, such epithelium is not detected in the urine. In infants, the norm is one to ten cells in the field of view.

The presence of renal epithelium in people of any age category and during pregnancy confirms the fact of infection of the ureteral system. This norm in pregnant women must be monitored, which is why women have to be constantly examined, checking for the presence of epithelium once every two weeks.



If in urine analysis the epithelial cells exceeded the normal level, the treatment course should be aimed at eliminating the causes that caused a reaction of this nature. An experienced doctor should carry out the diagnosis and formulate a course of therapy.

Self-treatment is prohibited because it can have a negative effect on the body of the expectant mother and the developing fetus.

If nephropathy is detected, the woman is recommended to be hospitalized in order to organize constant medical monitoring of her kidneys. In this case, an appointment is scheduled medicines that cannot harm the child. Should be taken at the same time.

Treatment is carried out until it becomes clear that future births will take place without complications. If there are no changes towards improvement, it is necessary to resolve the issue of the method of delivery.

If cystitis or inflammation of the urethra is diagnosed, antibiotics must be taken during treatment for the best effect. In this case, medications are selected that can have a direct effect on the urea. Often, when a woman has cystitis, she undergoes a procedure that involves administering antibiotics by catheter, which will go directly into the inflamed area.

When candidiasis develops, local medications are first prescribed - suppositories, creams, vaginal tablets. The therapeutic course may include restorative and immunomodulatory agents. In this case, it is recommended that therapy be prescribed to a man to eliminate the possibility of recurrent lesions.

During pregnancy important point is monitoring the health of women and children. The tests that the expectant mother undergoes help with this. One of them is an analysis for the content of squamous epithelium in the urine.

Squamous epithelium in urine during pregnancy, what is it?

Epithelium is a layer of cells on the skin, mucous membranes and internal organs that are in close contact with each other.

During division, cells regenerate. They perform a protective function, preventing various foreign bodies from entering the body. The epithelium also forms endocrine glands.

In urine, squamous epithelium comes from the urethra and the vagina.

Norms for pregnant women

The amount of squamous epithelium in urine is determined when a pregnant woman undergoes a urine test. Normal in women, also in pregnant women it should not be higher than one. Its presence in urine in women is associated with the physiological structure of the urinary tract. If found more, the patient will be sent for a repeat analysis to clarify the indicators.

After confirming the increased amount of squamous epithelium in urine, the doctor says that the patient has infectious disease. Which needs to begin to be treated. Because that is what caused the disease.

Reasons for deviations

  • Ongoing inflammation of the urethra and bladder (urethritis and cystitis). Which can be caused by a bacterial, fungal or viral infection.
  • Nephropathy This is severe toxicosis in pregnant women in the last trimester. In this case, a sufficiently large number of red blood cells and epithelium are released.
  • Autoimmune disease Berger. With it, immunoglobulin is deposited in the kidneys.
  • Use of analgesics. In the first trimester of pregnancy, the use of analgin is strictly contraindicated. There is a high probability of a bad effect on the development of the child’s cardiovascular system. In the second trimester, if there is a great need, analgesics are prescribed under the strict supervision of the attending physician.
  • The reason for the increased content of squamous epithelium in urine may be a woman’s failure to comply with basic rules of personal hygiene.

After detecting epithelium in the urine that exceeds the norm, the patient is prescribed additional diagnostics. But before that, you need to take another urine test. At the same time, follow all the rules for collecting urine and properly prepare for this.

  • A sterile container must be used to collect the material. Which can be purchased in advance at the pharmacy. If you can’t buy it, you can use a glass jar, only pre-sterilized.
  • A couple of days before donating urine, you need to stop eating vegetables and fruits of rich colors (carrots, beets and others). Because of them, the color of urine may change.
  • Only overnight urine is needed for analysis; anything else will not work.
  • Before collection, a woman needs to thoroughly wash her external genitalia.
  • It is recommended to collect a medium portion of urine. First you need to flush a little urine into the toilet. Then continue into the container (required amount) and completely empty the bladder.
  • 100 ml of urine is enough for analysis.
  • After the urine has been collected, screw the lid of the container tightly and sign your data. The material must be taken to the laboratory within one hour for the result to be most accurate. Be sure to include directions with it.

Nuances of treatment during pregnancy

Symptoms for which a woman needs to see a doctor:

  • Body temperature is increased.
  • There is a feeling of discomfort when urinating.
  • Pain in the lumbar back and abdominal area.
  • The face and legs began to swell.
  • Instability of blood pressure (jumps from low to high).
  • Weakness in the body.
  • The general condition worsens.

A woman needs to consult with her gynecologist who is managing her pregnancy. If necessary, a consultation with a nephrologist, rheumatologist and therapist is scheduled.

After undergoing additional examination and diagnosis, the woman is prescribed adequate treatment. Which will not threaten or affect the health of the fetus.

If a patient is diagnosed with nephropathy, she is admitted to a hospital for treatment so that she is under constant medical supervision.

An important point is to monitor changes occurring in the patient’s kidney function during treatment.

Usually prescribed:

  • Antihypertensive drugs: Hypothiazide, Methyldop.
  • Anticonvulsants are the main therapy in this case.
  • Diuretics: Lasix. Euffelin and magnesium sulfate are administered intravenously and intramuscularly.
  • Neuroleptics: Droperidol, Aminazine, Seduxen.
  • Antispasmodics: No-shpa, Papaverine.

The doctor prescribes all these drugs to the patient, taking into account her situation. They should not harm the child and must be prescribed strictly by a doctor.

Therapy is carried out until it is 100% determined that childbirth, in this case, will take place without complications for the woman and child. If the doctor does not observe improvement, then the question of the method of delivery is raised.

If cystitis or urethritis is detected, antibiotics are prescribed. Without them, with these diseases, it is impossible to achieve an effect. Choose drugs that act in the urinary tract. Pregnant women are administered medications using a catheter, into the very center of inflammation. When administered this way, antibiotics do not harm the child.

With these diseases, pregnant women are allowed to:

  • Tablets: Cyston, Furagin, Canephron.
  • Antibiotics: Monural, Amoxiclav, Nolitsin.
  • Candles: Hexicon, Betadine, Polygynax.

For candidiasis, local agents are prescribed:

  • Vaginal suppositories: Livarol, Hexicon.
  • Preparations in the form of vaginal tablets: Clotrimazole, Terzhinan.
  • Creams: Betadine, Clotrimazole
  • Tablets: Fluconazole, Nystatin.

Auxiliary means are:

  • General strengthening drugs: Linex, Bifidumbacterin.
  • Immunomodulatory drugs.

Self-medication during pregnancy is excluded, it can only be done with a doctor!

Thrush is transmitted sexually. Therefore, together with the woman, her partner is also obliged to undergo treatment in order to avoid infection again.

One of the common manifestations of inflammatory processes or the presence of infection in the genitourinary system is epithelium in the urine. During pregnancy, this symptom requires special attention from both the gynecologist and the patient herself. If the epithelium is increased, then dysfunction of the ureters, bladder or kidneys can be assumed. This can result in serious consequences for the pregnant woman and the growing embryo.

While pregnant, a woman is more vulnerable to various infections. You need to monitor your health as carefully as possible during this period. Hence the frequent need for tests and, in particular, urine tests. Thanks to microscopic examination of urine, it is possible to diagnose many diseases in the early stages, the timely treatment of which contributes to the normal course of pregnancy and is the key to the birth of a healthy baby.

Pregnancy is a special condition of a woman’s body, in which all organs and systems are forced to work in an intensive mode in order to provide both mother and child with everything necessary. Naturally, with such tension, various failures and force majeure situations often arise. Therefore, a pregnant woman must undergo a general urine test before going to the gynecologist (about once every 2 weeks).

Urine is a physiological fluid secreted by the kidneys. Based on the quantity and composition of the components it contains, the doctor can monitor the patient’s condition and promptly detect critical changes indicating an exacerbation of an attack of a chronic disease or the development of a dangerous pathology.

A general (clinical) urine test is the most informative laboratory test that allows us to ascertain a wide range of abnormalities in the functioning of the genitourinary tract. And specifically, to determine the number of epithelial cells in the urine. The epithelium in urine during pregnancy is higher than normal - a cause for concern. Especially if the indicators remain unchanged based on the results of a number of sequential surveys. What does this mean for the expectant mother and what could it mean for her?

Reasons for appearance

The maturation of the fetus in the mother's womb affects almost all systems female body. A rapidly growing uterus affects the location of nearby organs - kidneys, bladder, liver. The pressure exerted on them often becomes a factor provoking exacerbations of chronic diseases. The baby's waste products enter the mother's blood through the umbilical cord, from where they must be systematically removed. This doubles the load on her urinary system. In addition, bearing a child seriously weakens a woman’s immunity and opens up access for bacteria, viruses and other harmful microorganisms to enter.

Epithelial inclusions in the samples clearly demonstrate that there are problematic aspects in the functioning of the excretory system. In total, there may be 3 types of epithelial detachments in the urine:

  • Squamous epithelium in urine during pregnancy is a fairly common occurrence. It looks like unstained, round-shaped cells with a flat structure. Sometimes it appears in the form of single cells or entire layers. Its release into the urine occurs from the internal genital organs and ureters.
  • Transitional epithelium in urine during pregnancy is relatively rare and in relatively small volumes. It consists of cells that have a pronounced yellow tint. May possess different options sizes and configurations. Penetrates into urine from the renal pelvis, urinary canal and urethra. Excess transitional epithelium may indicate cystitis, pyelonephritis or urolithiasis.
  • Renal epithelium in the urine is an alarming symptom. In healthy people, it simply does not occur in analysis. The detection of renal epithelium indicates serious kidney problems, because its main location is the renal tubules. As a rule, renal epithelium in the urine is a sign of infectious diseases and hemodynamic disorders.

The rate of excreted epithelial layer in the urine of a pregnant woman is slightly higher than that of a healthy woman who does not plan to have offspring in the near foreseeable future. Squamous epithelium in urine during pregnancy normally does not exceed 5-6 elements per field of view under study. It is also acceptable for transitional epithelium to appear in analyzes in a size no larger than one. The renal epithelium must be absent in the urine.

Among the reasons for increased epithelium in the urine of a pregnant woman, the following deserve special mention:

  • Inflammation of the ureters, urethra, kidneys and bladder, which are viral or bacterial in nature;
  • Treatment with certain drugs (antibiotics, diuretics), development of nephropathy due to frequent use of analgesics;
  • IgA (Berger's disease) is an incurable autoimmune disease characterized by the deposition of immunoglobulin in the kidneys;
  • Neglect of personal hygiene, lack of proper care of the external genitalia.

The last item on the list echoes another reason why squamous epithelium in the urine may increase during pregnancy. It's about about violation of the technology for collecting material for analysis. It is important for pregnant women to remember a few simple rules preparation for collecting urine samples:

  • Only morning urine up to 100 ml in volume is suitable for research;
  • It is necessary to collect only the middle portion of feces, which is the most informative;
  • First you need to take an intimate shower and dry yourself thoroughly;
  • To collect urine, you need a sterile container (preferably a pharmaceutical container);
  • The sample should be stored in a dark, cool place for no longer than 2 hours.

What does the presence of squamous epithelium indicate?

Squamous epithelium in urine during pregnancy appears mainly in the early and later. This is primarily due to the increased frequency of the urination reflex during these periods. The main cause of its appearance is considered to be cystitis, inflammation of the bladder and some types of nephropathy.

Cystitis is diagnosed by characteristic symptoms, accompanied by increased epithelium in the tests:

  • The urine becomes cloudy and acquires an unpleasant, pungent odor;
  • When urinating, a woman experiences sharp pain in the lower abdomen;
  • The frequency and number of urges to visit the restroom increases many times;
  • Blood impurities appear in urine;
  • The temperature is rising.

In men, this disease occurs 8-10 times less often. A woman needs to immediately begin treatment, since due to the anatomical structure of the genital organs, the infection can quickly spread to other organs and systems, which can have a detrimental effect on the course of pregnancy and the condition of the fetus.

What does the renal epithelium indicate?

Renal epithelium in the urine of a pregnant woman is a sign that there are renal parenchyma in the affected area. The consequence of this may be the development of diseases dangerous for the expectant mother and her child:

  • Nephrosclerosis, pyelonephritis, tubular necrosis;
  • Intoxication of the body;
  • Problems with blood circulation.

Renal epithelium in the urine during pregnancy is a strong pretext for hospitalization.


The epithelial layer covers the mucous membranes of the respiratory and genitourinary systems, as well as the digestive tract. The cells that make it up perform a protective function, delaying the spread of infection that enters the body through inhaled air, ingested food or excreted liquid.

Normally, a woman’s urine contains a small amount of epithelium (up to 3 units). During pregnancy, the indicators increase, but not significantly (up to 4-6 units). Their number and belonging to one of 3 types (flat, transitional, renal) is established during a microscopic examination of urine. In this case, the laboratory technician determines not only the content of epithelium in the sample, but also compares a number of other important indicators with the accepted norm for them:

  • Color. In a healthy woman, the urine is light yellow or straw-colored and does not have an unpleasant odor;
  • Transparency. In its normal state, it is transparent, without sediment, impurities of pus, clots, crystals and flakes;
  • Acid. Too high or low acidity requires correction through diet or appropriate pharmacological agents;
  • The content of erythrocytes and leukocytes (red and white cells) - an increase in their number indicates the presence of inflammatory processes or exacerbation of chronic diseases. If the epithelium is elevated, you should contact a specialized specialist and select the optimal treatment regimen that will eliminate the cause of intense detachment of epithelial cells. Self-medication is strictly prohibited! The careless actions of the patient can harm not only her health, but also the health of the unborn baby.

The expectant mother will most likely need to go to the hospital or be observed in a day hospital in order to be constantly under the supervision of doctors. Inflammation of the genitourinary tract and elimination of epithelium in the urine during pregnancy will have to be treated with the use of anticonvulsants, antihypertensives and diuretics, antibacterial therapy. For cystitis, it is possible to insert a catheter for local irrigation of the bladder with antibiotic solutions.

It is worth knowing that in the first and second trimesters of pregnancy, treatment of diseases that cause increased epithelium in the urine will most likely not be carried out, so as not to harm the formation and growth of the fetus. In the later stages, therapy will be carried out until the woman’s condition is satisfactory. If there is no improvement, the doctor will suggest thinking about a way to deliver the baby as quickly as possible.

In any case, if the analysis shows that the epithelium is elevated, there is no need to panic right away. There is always the possibility of an error due to the unstable operation of the systems generated by the rapid growth of the uterus and displacement of the pelvic organs. Retake the tests and analyze their results together with a gynecologist and nephrologist. Only after this can any conclusions be drawn about the presence of pathology. Be attentive to your health and may the period of bearing a child bring you nothing but joy and pleasant impressions!

During pregnancy (gestation), hormonal changes and metabolism occur in a woman’s body. If there is a slight appearance of infection within the urinary system, it will spread at a faster rate.

During pregnancy, squamous epithelium in the urineshould be detected at low levels during laboratory tests. If this happens, inflammatory kidney disease has begun in the body. Given its infectious nature, there is a risk of the pathogen penetrating the placental barrier.

Therefore, during gestation, laboratory tests of biological fluids are carried out every month. Timely treatment of the disease will reduce the risk of complications that lead to impaired fetal development or worseningwomen's health.

What is epithelium, how does it get into the urine during pregnancy?

Epithelium is the surface of tissue. In the urinary system it is represented by three types: transitional, flat, renal. Each of them has its own epithelial norms , the excess of which means a certain disease.

As a result of urine passing through tract cells are always exfoliated into it. Their insignificantdetection by doctorsdoesn't mean appearance pathology.

Flat epithelium is located in the urethra, urinary bubble , prostate gland. Transitional - lines the bladder, ureters, prostate ducts, renal pelvis. Renal - concentrated only inside the organ.

During inflammation, a large number of epithelial cells begin to be shed into the urine, which is detected during testing.

To identify the disease and check the progress of treatment, every pregnant woman undergoes urine tests. The epithelium is revealed by a general clinical urine test (CUR), the Nechiporenko test, and a three-glass study.

Indications for analysis

OAM is always performed during gestation. But for other studies it is necessary to have indications:

  • elevated values ​​for OAM;
  • appearance pain during pregnancyin the lower back, back, stomach;
  • signs of an infectious process inside the urinary tract (itching, burning, pain during urination);
  • the appearance of blood with excretory fluid;
  • visible changes in urine (foam, mucus, turbidity, change urine color).

Important! Ignoring signs of inflammation of the urinary system is a threat to the development and life of the child.

Collection rules for analysis

There are rules according to which a woman must collect urine. If they are violated, this will lead to changes in the parameters of the biological fluid. The attending physician will prescribe therapy that the woman does not need.

  1. A week before testing, a diet is used that will reduce the load on the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys. You should not eat fatty, fried, spicy, salty foods.
  2. To urine test during pregnancystop all medications. If they are necessary to maintain gestation, the doctor gives permission to continue using the drug.
  3. Active for pregnant women physical activity contraindicated. If they are used in a mild form, they are temporarily stopped a few days before the study and continued after it with the doctor's permission.
  4. Testing is done in the morning. You should not eat or drink before this. As soon as the woman wakes up, she needs to urinate inside a sterile container. If you take the test in a regular jar, the result will show the presence of bacteria and foreign substances.
  5. A woman's vagina contains many microorganisms, so they can be passed into urine during urination. To prevent this from happening, the vaginal opening is covered with a sterile tampon. Only after this the bladder is emptied.
  6. After collecting the sample, it is tightly closed with a lid so that the liquid does not leak out and foreign substances do not get inside.
  7. Storage of biomaterial is possible only inside the refrigerator for no more than 2 hours. After this time, the sample must be delivered to the laboratory technician. This is necessary to study the material before enzymatic reactions occur in it and falls out. urinary sediment.

Interpretation of epithelium test results

On the analysis form, the laboratory assistant signs the determined amount of epithelium different types. The patient must take it to the attending physician for decoding. In healthy people, a small number of elements of squamous and transitional epithelium are present. The kidney should not be detected; it is concentrated inside the organ tissue.

Norm of epithelium content in urine during pregnancy

For each type epithelial element has its own norms. The doctor needs them to understand in which area of ​​the urinary tract the disorder is occurring.


Squamous epithelium forms in most of the urinary tract. Therefore, it is always released into biological fluid and is detected during testing. In pregnant women women in urine up to ten cells in the field vision microscope is normal.


The transition layer is adjacent to the area where the kidneys are located. Therefore it increased definition signals possible kidney damage. Maximum quantity elements of this layer are no more than one cell.


The layer of cells that linesrenal tubules. It should not appear inside the excretory fluid. When it is identified, secondary testing is prescribed so that the doctor is sure that the woman has inflammation of the kidney parenchyma. Only in newborns in the first month of life the indicator reaches up to 10 units; with the development of the renal system, it decreases, reducing to zero.

Increased levels of epithelium in urine

An increase in a woman’s indicator during gestation may be due to the onset of pregnancy and fetal growth. Another option is the beginning diseases before conception, the development of clinical symptoms after it.


Since squamous epithelium lines the initial path of the urinary tract with the bladder, its increase indicates the presence of the following conditions and diseases:

  • urethritis ( inflammatory processes of the urethra– urethra);
  • cystitis (inflammation of the bladder walls).

These conditions are caused by foreign microorganisms that have penetrated the vagina: bacteria, fungi. Inflammation occurs due to injuries and allergic reactions. If there are changes in the Nechiporenko sampleindicators of squamous epithelium contentoccur only infirst urineThis means that the infection is descending, that is, it penetrated through the vagina and did not spread to the overlying organs. Diseases require prompt treatment to prevent these processes.


Transitional renal epitheliumappears both in kidney disease and as a result of diseasesurinary canal. There are the following reasons for the increase in the indicator:

  • cystitis;
  • pyelonephritis (purulent inflammation of the kidney tissue due to compression of the organ by the uterus, which leads to stagnation of urine and infection);
  • kidney stones(when salts accumulate, crystalline conglomerates are formed, which scratch and damage the mucous membrane with their edges, this leads to inflammation, bacterial infection and bleeding);
  • in men - inflammation of the prostate, which is accompanied by a violation potency.


If this indicator appears in women during gestation, the doctor will prescribe additional tests. Thisindicates damage to the parenchyma and filtration system of the kidneys. The condition cannot be neglected; it requires immediate treatment. There are the following reasons for increased renal elements:

  • glomerulonephritis (inflammation of the glomeruli of the kidneys, which leads to an increase in the penetration of substances into urine, the concentration of protein, glucose, salts, and minerals increases);
  • violation circulatory systemin an organ, a decrease in its nutrition through the circulatory system due to compression;
  • gestational pyelonephritis, which occurs only during pregnancy and stops after it;
  • organ cysts;
  • autoimmune diseases (the appearance of antibodies directed against the body’s own cells) with the deposition of immunoglobulins in the kidney tissue;
  • the use of drugs that cause damage to kidney tissue (antibiotics, glucocorticoids).

There are reasons for increased rates that are not related to diseases. These include violations of the rules for collecting biomaterial, storing the sample in the light, long transportation, errors by laboratory doctors, and incorrect decoding of the received data.

Therefore, it is necessary to take surrender seriouslyurine research. Otherwise it will have to be redone.

Most often, the cause of an increase in the indicator is cystitis, since during gestation it becomes more frequent. urination and the passage of urine through the organ. In addition, the fetus puts pressure on them, which causes temporary inflammation.

What to do if epithelium was found in the urine of a pregnant woman?

If there is an increase in epithelium in the urine during gestation, a repeat test is taken in case the initial study was erroneous. If the second test shows the same results, the woman is sent for instrumental examination internal organs. The safest method diagnostics For the fetus, ultrasound is considered. It will show where the woman has inflammation.Treatment ends when negative tests are received.

The following methods of therapy are used:

  • knee-elbow position every hour (will reduce the load on internal organs);
  • antibiotics for infection (use drugs that do not cross the placenta);
  • drinking plenty of fluids will help remove toxins and salts from the urinary tract;
  • stopping medications that damage kidney tissue;
  • kidney cleansers, reducing their inflammation ("Canephron"), which are drunk throughout the entire gestation period.

In gestation timeMany diseases arise during the birth of a child and resolve after delivery. But it is necessary to control the degree of inflammation and damage, and apply preventive measures aimed at eliminating the risk of deterioration in the woman’s well-being and impaired fetal development.