The guy who has not served since February 23rd. A woman's view: The Fatherland begins with the family

Unlike January, February is stingy with celebrations. However, this month there is a date that, although not highlighted in red on the calendar, has been celebrated for many decades - February 23. Previously, it was the Day of the Soviet Army and Navy, today it is the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland and the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus. Women congratulate their fathers, husbands, brothers, sons, colleagues and just acquaintances on this holiday. Moreover, the profession of the representatives of the stronger half, oddly enough, is not at all important here. Gifts and cards are received by doctors, teachers, programmers, signalmen, and taxi drivers. Why? BB correspondents looked into this.

A woman's view: The Fatherland begins with the family

Previously, during the times of the USSR, on February 23, all men - young and old - were congratulated on the Day of the Soviet Army and Navy. Representatives of the older generation recalled how they defended their native country with arms in hand. Their sons and grandsons met with army friends, and their great-grandsons dreamed of serving in one or another army of the Armed Forces. After all, those who were not soldiers were looked at with pity, saying that the guy was sick, since they didn’t take him. Or with contempt: he evades the army, which means he is not a patriot, an unreliable person. Therefore, the boys were congratulated on February 23 almost from the cradle, arguing that they were future soldiers who would defend the Motherland in the event of any external threat.

In my family, February 23 has always been and remains a special day. My father is a military man who was repeatedly transferred from one duty station to another. We lived in different military towns, and at school I studied mainly with children whose fathers were also military. By the way, teachers recognized these guys literally from the first roll call. When their last names were pronounced, instead of the traditional “here” and “here,” they always answered “is.” I still have this habit to this day.

When she was very little, on February 23 she gave her drawings to her dad. In elementary school, I tried to get “excellent” in all subjects that day. If the plan was successful, she would come home, put an open diary on the kitchen table, with a five in each line, and a homemade postcard next to it. Surely representatives of the fair sex, born in the 1970s, remember well how they cut out red stars from colored paper, pasted them on cardboard, drew the brave faces of soldiers, carefully wrote out some loud inscription with felt-tip pens...

We prepared all kinds of congratulations for our classmates. Sometimes they would bring homemade cakes and arrange a sweet table. In probably the sixth grade, they organized a concert for the boys on their own. I remember that my friend and I came up with what we thought was a very modern dance, sewed super-fashionable jumpsuits from satin (mine was a marsh color), rehearsed for a long time, and then we were terribly worried, doubted, but performed: the daughters of officers are not afraid of difficulties!

In the 7th grade, congratulations became more individual, and I handed Jaroslav Hasek’s two-volume book “The Adventures of the Good Soldier Švejk” to a classmate whom I really liked. As for my father, although my grades had not deteriorated by that time, I began to give him more substantial gifts purchased with the money I had saved.

I be sure to congratulate my brother on the holiday. He may not have followed in his father’s footsteps, but I know for sure: he will not sit behind the backs of others, he will stand up for the defense of his family and the Fatherland. My 12-year-old nephew is also never left without a present. Let him know from childhood that February 23 is a holiday of valor, courage, honor and love for the Motherland. And he has the most direct relation to it as the great-grandson of veterans of the Great Patriotic War and underground partisans, the grandson of an internationalist warrior and simply as a son of his Fatherland. Therefore, today, on the eve of February 23, I, like many other women, are running around the shops in search of something original for my dear men.

Meanwhile, there are people who congratulate on this holiday only those whose profession is directly related to service in the Armed Forces, or completely ignore the date. Thus, one young lady shared with me her attitude towards February 23: “My mother-in-law got both of her sons out of the army. I don’t congratulate my husband on this holiday; in my opinion, he is not offended. But when we came to congratulate his grandfather, a veteran of the Great Patriotic War, my husband’s younger brother, a subtle and artistic person, asked why we weren’t congratulating him?

“International Dentist Day,” I answer.

“You’re not a dentist,” he is surprised.

– Why do you consider yourself a defender of the Fatherland? - I ask.

“I am, first of all, a man,” I hear in response.

“But I can pull teeth,” I retort.

The mother-in-law stood up for her child:
– Every man is the protector of his family, mother, wife, sister, children. And the Fatherland begins with the family.”

And I completely share this woman’s opinion, although I do not approve of the fact that her sons did not serve in the army. But maybe there were good reasons for that...

Elena SYS.

Male gaze: Male version March 8, or That the name does not correspond to the essence of the holiday

I don’t see anything wrong with the very idea of ​​celebrating the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland and the Armed Forces. There are similar dates in the calendar in many countries around the world. For example, in the USA, Brazil, Australia, Great Britain, Poland and Bulgaria. But there these holidays are similar to ours on August 2 or May 18, that is, they congratulate military personnel or those discharged into the reserve, and not all males, starting from kindergarten age. I remember a joke about this. Father to son:

Happy holiday!

Dad, don’t make any guesses, maybe I’ll do it again...

Personally, I don't celebrate February 23rd. I was in the army and ready if necessary... and all that. But to celebrate what I had to wear uniform in the past and may have to in the future - this is unnecessary. I'll try to explain with an anecdote. The officer asks the soldier why he joined the army.

I want to defend my Motherland, service will make me stronger.
- To be honest?
- Nobody asked my consent.

Therefore, with a sweet smile, I ignore the words addressed to me on this day. And some of my friends are completely hostile to congratulations on the holiday. So, one of them, border guard Nikolai, tells everyone that this is not his day, but “screw” (translated from army slang - representative of the ground forces ).

Also, what does the term itself mean?"Defender of the Fatherland"? Do you mean all men or those who served? Or maybe they include women in uniform and everyone who works for the benefit of a strong and prosperous republic? You see, if you dig deeper, then February 23 generally becomes a date that unites all residents of the country.

I think military personnel should be separated from other categories of citizens so that there is no confusion. Eat an Adam's apple - celebrate World Men's Day in November. Connected your life with the army - receive congratulations on February 23rd. Or another option: leave the 23rd in its current version - as an analogue of the International women's day, because each branch of the military already has professional dates marked on the calendar.

But there is one catch in the “universal” celebration - its semantic and ideological completeness, justification. For example, March 8 is a Soviet revolutionary holiday dedicated to the struggle for women's rights, but in the end it turned out to be simply a triumph of the weaker sex. Yes, there is emancipatory pathos, Clara Zetkin and Rosa Luxemburg, but today it is customary to congratulate all women. It turns out that this is also not entirely correct... As for the representatives of the stronger half of humanity, it is better to express words of gratitude for the fact that a person became a father, received a decent education, knows how to repair electrical appliances, than to call everyone Real Men, protectors, etc.

Any date must have some basis or value with which a moral connection is felt. For me, February 23rd is associated with the two hours spent by me, a conscript soldier, attending the performance of a balalaika octet. I was released only at 13.00, although I was officially off work from 8.00 and hoped that I would spend the whole day in a completely different company. Since then, I have been cool towards all common holidays (Christmas, New Year etc.) - they are repeated like a carbon copy over and over again and will never be able to emotionally compare with family or personal celebrations. Naturally, it is not at all necessary that dates that seem empty to me cannot be important for other people. The main thing is not the numbers on the calendar, but the motivating reason. “It’s customary” and “everyone does it this way” are not suitable. For example, dialogue two friends:

I’ve been thinking for a long time about how to please my husband on February 23rd.
- And which option did you choose?
- I’ll give you money - let’s go buy me shoes on the 24th.

Therefore e If you want to do something nice for your loved one, why wait for some kind of holiday? And if there is no desire, why lie on certain dates? However, the opposite is also true. If a person really wants to give someone flowers on March 8, then who can stop him? Let him please the girl!

Eduard KAROLEVICH. Photos from open sources

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In February, the strong half of humanity celebrates the holiday - our dear men.
Of course, you need to find the most kind words and be sure to congratulate all our Defenders of the Fatherland! But don’t forget those who, for whatever reason, did not serve: real men will always stand up for their loved ones. And they will be very pleased if you once again say how much you love and appreciate them.

And, of course, this day is a holiday for all boys who dream of becoming a reliable support for their family and country.

We have prepared congratulations in poetry and prose, and we hope that among the proposed options, you will find the best words to congratulate your men. But the most precious gift for them will be attention and sincere admiration in your eyes! Take care of your defenders!

In verse

You are the most modern man,
Stylish, fashionable, simply awesome.
And you are brave and active,
You are wonderful and very promising.
I congratulate you with love.
I wish you to protect me.
Protect, I ask you, you are my peace,
My man is the most precious!

From February 23,
I hasten to congratulate you personally,
Stay strong, stay strong,
Be a little loving.
Be an enviable groom
So that the girls love everyone,
Be a healthy man
Drive a car!

Congratulations on this wonderful holiday,
From February 23,
I wish to have everything in life,
Making everyone happy.
Be a cheeky boy
And in the company of the soul,
So that all things go smoothly,
And the salaries are great.

Be a man anywhere
Take care of your Fatherland,
Always protect the people
You will be recognized as a hero!
Celebrate the holiday freely,
Let the wine flow like a river,
Walk, frolic and relax,
May happiness follow you.

February 23— main holiday in men,
Who is a Russian citizen?
The holiday is celebrated noisily!
Protects our fatherland,
From envious enemies,
He rides boldly on a tank,
Has a bunch of orders!
I wish you many friends
And it's cool to have fun with them!
And marry a beauty
Give birth to healthy children!

The twenty-third of February -,
Red calendar day,
Congratulations to all men,
Don't worry for no reason!
We definitely promise to love you,
We give our word of honor,
We will give birth to children for you,
No problem at all!

From February 23,
All defenders of the Fatherland!
You can't live without men
You can be capricious with them.
Be strong guys
Protect your ladies
So that a huge salary,
I got it for three.

I wish to conquer women
And also mountain peaks!
I want to pump up my muscles,
Watch your cholesterol.
So that your heart beats faster,
At the sight of our beauty,
So that all your wishes come true,
Although your goals are not easy.
Such is this men's day -
Twenty third of February
I want to be a wall for everyone,
Everyone loved you!

Let your loved ones be for you,
Prepare dishes to order,
And they will prepare a delicious cake,
They give you a ticket to the resort.
Let February 23,
Will be remembered for a very long time,
So that this day is not lived in vain,
And with a sense of accomplishment!

Which man is the best?
With whom - nothing is scary!
With whom everything is fine,
And he builds a multi-story house!
That's what I wish for you,
To be the best on Earth
Walking happily through life,
Always be on top!

On Defender of the Country Day,
Congratulations are coming!
We need you like air -
Like the sun to every creation!
I wish you to get stronger every day,
And surprise with your strength!
Buy a huge bright house,
And may harmony reign!

Twenty third of February
It was not invented in vain -
To congratulate loved ones,
We wish them good health!
Be happy men,
Give flowers for no reason
Let nowhere and never,
Trouble will not bother you.

As a reward, I wish you happiness,
On the twenty-third of February,
For your exploits, participation,
Because the earth turns.
Let there be a wad of money,
And to buy a coat with them,
To become a good businessman,
And only travel by car.

I wish that the whole district
Silently in love with you!
I wish you a devoted friend,
And so that the wife is faithful!
I congratulate you on the Twenty-third,
WITH men's day February,
Always be responsible for your loved ones,
And you will be happy!

For courage and true courage,
I thank you, friend,
Because you took the oath,
I adore you.
Happy Defender's Day to you!
Now it’s not scary to live in the world, -
Because I have
best friend all over the planet.

So that every day is varied,
So that every time is like the first,
So that life is always wonderful,
And my friend has always been faithful.
Congratulations on February 23,
Bathe yourself like cheese in butter,
And every moment is not lived in vain,
And be like a strong hero!

In prose

Short SMS

Congratulations on February 23! I wish you great health and success in all your endeavors!

Happy February 23rd! You are a true protector, strong and brave! I wish you only become more courageous and that all your dreams come true!

Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day! You will always be our support and protection, and we will protect and protect you as our greatest treasure!

Dear Defender! Congratulations on February 23! Let only joy and love go with you through life!


On this day I want to wish you,
Never get sick after meeting friends!
So that your car never breaks down,
And so that you always succeed in any task!
For the family you will always be a hero,
Behind which we are like behind a wall!

I wish you strength and courage,
Congratulations on February 23!
May the girls always surrender as prisoners!
And there will be more happy changes in life!

Men! On this day, women are ready to fulfill any of your desires! They will throw a feast like a mountain, and the food will all flow like a river! You are always heroes for us, and not just on February 23! Happy holiday!

Attention! Combat readiness for men is declared! Everyone line up to receive congratulations! On this day, your fighting friends congratulate you on February 23! We wish you dizzying success and mind-blowing love! Congratulations!


Our beloved and dear protector! On this day, we want to wish you to maintain your enthusiasm, your energy. You are our role model, the standard of masculinity! We love you and are proud of you! Congratulations on February 23!

Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day! On this holiday, I would like to wish that love and happiness will always be with you, that your loved ones will always support you, and that all your dreams will come true! Happy holiday!

Happy February 23rd! On this holiday, I wish that you raise a glass to your health as often as possible, that your laughter sounds louder, and that your loved ones surround you! Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day!

To a man

My Protector! I would like to wish you to only ride in a limousine, have breakfast only with pancakes with caviar, and never run out of money in your wallet! But seriously, so that you remain as courageous, strong, your health only increases, and there is always good weather! Happy February 23rd!

I would like to wish you to always remain a kind, honest and respected person. So that as many opportunities as possible open up for you and always have the strength for new achievements! Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day!

My dear mighty and glorious hero! On February 23, I hasten to congratulate you and want to wish you boundless health, good mood and swimming in the ocean of love! May happiness always be with you! Happy Holidays!

To my father

Beloved dad! For us, you are the standard of a real man. You always take care of us and protect us. We would like to wish you to remain as wonderful, that you will be lucky in all your affairs, and that love and trust will always reign in your family. Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day!

Daddy! For your family, you will always be a Man with a capital M. Let the kingdom of comfort and delicious borscht always await you at home, let your business only go uphill, and every day brings only joy! Happy February 23rd!

Dear dad! Defender of the Fatherland Day is another reason to say that you are our best, kindest and most beloved! On this day, I would like to wish that the sun always shines in your life, dear people are nearby and all your dreams come true! Happy Holidays!


Congratulations, brother, on February 23! Let your pockets be heavy only from banknotes, a dacha in the Maldives and may the waves and mountains submit to you! So that your family is next to you to take care of you! Happy Holidays!

Brother, my beloved and dear! May happiness and luck always be with you! Always be inspired, inspired by love! Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day!

The best brother in the world! I hasten to congratulate you on February 23! May there be fewer worries in your life, good health and many victories! Happy Holidays!


My precious grandfather!
Always be as cheerful as you are!
And we wish you everything
Good health!
To buy at the pharmacy
Only vitamins!
Sadness so as not to know
Always be active!
Congratulations on February 23!

Grandfather, our beloved!
I want to wish you
A baggage full of joy,
Always follow your dream!
So that there is a lot of health,
May you always be satisfied!
Never be discouraged
And don’t forget about your family!
Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day!

Grandfather, congratulations on February 23! May there always be a place for miracles in your life, may your pension not fit into your pockets, may there always be youthful enthusiasm in your eyes! My health improved every year, and the house was always full of family and friends! Congratulations!

To a friend

My friend! I want to wish you to remain reliable and strong man under any circumstances. Let any tasks be up to you, let them be nearby true friends, and your beloved surrounds you with warmth and care! Happy February 23rd!

Buddy! May you always have good cognac for your true friends, may your wife greet you with delicious borscht, and may your salary be in foreign currency! Health, happiness and success in everything! Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day!

Friend! I would like to wish you that you always achieve your goals, that you are always confident in yourself, that love and mutual understanding always reign in your family. Happy Holidays on February 23rd!


Dear men! Please accept congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day! You always stand guard over justice and maintain order in our office! We wish that everything in your life will always be in perfect order! Happy Holidays!

Men! We congratulate you on February 23! We would like to wish you to remain as courageous, purposeful and take care of your family and friends! Congratulations!

Dear men! We would like to wish that your strength is always enough to accomplish feats, that the lady of your heart always admires you, and that you are always heroes! Happy February 23rd!

Our dear and beloved defenders! We want to congratulate you on February 23! Never stop there, become better and always be a reason to be proud of your loved ones! Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day!

Dear our Defenders! Always remain as solid and unshakable as a rock, as strong as good cognac and make your loved ones dizzy like sparkling champagne! Happy holiday!

Our beloved men! You make our lives brighter, with you we are not afraid of anything! Therefore, we want to wish that your life is bright, rich, and that you remain as strong and reliable! Happy February 23rd!

Dear Defenders! Let love and success always walk in step with you, we wish you to always be in great shape and in good mood! Happy Holidays!

Our dear colleagues! You are not just men, you are our support and support! We would like to wish you to remain as kind and reliable, so that all your dreams come true. So that your loved ones always admire you! Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day!

Important facts about the holiday on February 23

1. In 1968, an obelisk was erected near Pskov. It is made in the form of a triangular bayonet pointing to the sky. Next to it is a high relief. The figures of soldiers are poured onto it. The monument stands where the very first battles of the young army of the Soviet Union took place.

2. Lieutenant General Alexander Ivanovich Cherepanov, a Soviet military leader, a participant in the battles near Pskov, noted in his memoirs that February 23 was the day of the most intense battles of the winter of the eighteenth year and the date of the unanimous enrollment of workers and peasants in the ranks of the newly created Red Army. It was during this period that the mobilization of funds, forces and resources of the young country began to decisively repel its enemies. Therefore, February 23 rightfully became known as the Birthday of the Red Army.

3. Until the forty-sixth year of the last century, this date was called the Day of the Red Army and Navy. Renamed, and until 1993 it was called the Day of the Soviet Army and Navy. Then the law “On the days of military glory (victory days) of Russia” appeared. The twenty-third of February received a new name - “Victory Day of the Red Army over the Kaiser’s troops of Germany - Day of Defenders of the Fatherland.” In 2002, the day became a non-working day. After 2006, the holiday became known as “Defender of the Fatherland Day.”

A lot changed in the twentieth century. The name of the holiday also changed. The name of our country was changed several times. Residents were called differently: comrades, Soviet citizens, compatriots, Russians. Each new government made from this date some kind of symbol it needed. However, no matter what our Motherland and us are called, no matter how the holiday is renamed, this day will always be a holy moment of honoring all defenders of the Fatherland.

Although I was not in the army,
Even though you haven't served yet,
You are a protector for the family,

Courage to you, good luck,
You will never know evil
Make your dreams come true
Be strong and don't be sad!

You didn’t trample the parade ground, handsome man,
You didn't serve. So what?
You are a real man, -
No one hesitates.

On the Day of Defender of Health,
I want, boy, to wish,
Only with the girl you love
Fight in the bedroom at night.

Even though you haven't smelled gunpowder,
We didn’t sit in a trench,
We congratulate you without further ado -
That's not the point though.

After all, they became men
Not everyone who served -
And he proved it with deeds
And he didn’t lose his honor.

Guys, happy 23rd!
Good luck in life to you.
Strive only for victory -
She's tough for you!

Even if you didn't serve in the army,
But you guys are wonderful!
You could have protected us just as well,
Than all the soldiers who served!

We wish you smiles, laughter,
And only positive days,
For you to succeed,
May all your dreams come true soon!

Let there be no troubles or sadness,
Walk forward merrily
Because we want you to know:
Only happiness awaits you ahead!

Congratulations on February 23 to the entire male half! The most important quality of men is courage, bravery and fighting spirit. So may you be able to purchase them with ease. I wish you health and good mood. I wish you beautiful deeds and prospects in the future.

Even though you didn’t serve, I still congratulate you
Happy February celebration to you!
I wish you every success on the fronts,
So that both body and soul are healthy.

Let love warm your heart
And gives strength to live.
Let happiness shine with its light
May you never be sad in life.

To become a real man,
There is a lot to be done in life:
Build a house and raise a son,
You just need to grow up first.

Well, this stage of growing up
Opens up army life.
On the Day of Defender of Strength and Patience
We wish the guys all over the country.

Congratulations on February 23 to those who did not serve! I wish you to be faithfully loyal to your homeland. To develop and raise any field of activity in our country. Live in a world full of opportunities and prospects for realization. Be healthy, strong and reliable!

From February 23
I know you didn't serve
But I haven't forgotten you
And may you be beautiful
I bought you a machine!
Let the wife give you foam,
And in honor of the date, the borscht will cook.

To serve is a calling,
Aspiration and desire,
But sometimes it happens
What, life changes everything...
It happens like this sometimes
That even though he is a hero,
I am glad to serve my fatherland,
In my soul I am a soldier,
Looking for growth in career
But it's not like that, it's not easy...

International Men's Day is celebrated on November 19 and is dedicated to the fight against information inequality against men. This is the day of men's freedom, a day when it is reported that any male self-realization is important, and men's health is a topic that needs to be discussed.

February 23 is a militarized date. Actually it's professional a holiday for military personnel, among whom there are quite a few women.

If we congratulate anyone, it would be them who gave armed forces years.

And not male pacifists, hiding behind the fact that this is supposedly a men's holiday.

The fact is that by emphasizing the gender component and calling this day a man’s day, we are expressing everyday sexism like “if you haven’t served, you’re not a man” and are clearly hinting to a person that “the conscript army will make you a man.” For some reason, a man must spend a year of his life (at considerable risk for her) for the sake of strangers, and is also voluntarily and forcibly obliged to protect others from an external enemy.

  • Why then are our taxes funding a professional army and police?

In a country with cargo from ORDLO and 200 cargoes from Syria, and before it - from Chechnya (with tear-stained mothers) and Afghanistan.

In a country where in this conscript army of yours - Institute of Real Men Suicides still happen and just:

The tragedy occurred on the night of January 21-22 near the village of Koshikha. When the tent caught fire, everyone ran out into the cold in their shorts. “During an emergency roll call, one soldier was not found, and everyone started looking for him. It turned out that he got entangled in his sleeping bag and was unable to get out of the burning tent in time,” the report says.

An 18-year-old boy with 85% burns to his body was urgently taken to a medical facility. On the morning of January 23, without regaining consciousness, he died, the group reported.

In a country where hundreds of videos of clashes and fights on the roads are uploaded to YouTube every day, and men who have no one to protect but themselves are like flies:

The male population accounts for approximately 77% of all homicide deaths, and this is more than three times higher than the homicide rate for the female population (13.6 cases for men and 4.0 for women per 100 thousand people) (Table 2). Most high level The global homicide mortality rate was registered among men aged 15 to 29 years (19.4 cases per 100 thousand people), followed by men aged 30 to 44 years (18.7 cases per 100 thousand people).

For Russian demography, the problem of murders is also very relevant; in 2010, in Russia, according to Rosstat, 14.1 thousand men and 4.7 thousand women died from murders - for men 19.7 cases per 100 thousand, and for women 5.6 per 100 thousand. During the period from 1956 to 2010, murders claimed the lives of about 820 thousand men and 290 thousand women (Rosstat data).

February 23 is coming - Defender of the Fatherland Day. In Russia, it has long been customary to congratulate every man on this day, regardless of whether he served in the army.

It doesn’t matter the age - in kindergartens and elementary grades, matinees are organized for boys. Men are congratulated at universities, and corporate parties are organized at work.

However, not everyone is happy that on the 23rd the entire strong half of humanity is congratulated. On forums, long debates flare up on the topic of the holiday and who to congratulate. And a couple of days before the 23rd, social networks are filled with memes in the spirit of “if you didn’t serve, you’re not a man, and you won’t receive congratulations.”

The editors found out from Kuzbass residents what they think about this. This is what the men who paid their debt to the Motherland told us.

Philip, 27 years old:

“It's quite funny. People confuse this holiday with men's day, like March 8 - International Women's Day. But that's not true. Even those who have not served are sometimes given such congratulations that anyone who has served will be jealous. Overall, I wouldn't say it annoys me that much, but it's unfair and pretty stupid. But there is such a date - International Men's Day. For some reason no one pays attention to her.”

Roman, 32 years old:

“In general, a holiday is a holiday, it is a reason for joy. That's how it should be. But congratulating half of the men just because they are men is not a very good holiday. March 8 is International Women's Day, an international holiday. And Defender of the Fatherland Day is celebrated only in half of the CIS countries. Considering the name of the holiday, those who defend the Fatherland or have ever defended should be congratulated.

Okay, you can congratulate the children, raise them, and then go defend the Motherland. But men who have not served and will not serve, have not smelled foot wraps and have not felt the full range of emotions while serving in the army, I believe, should not be congratulated. Yes, there are men without an army. Well, then we should make a Man’s Day, and congratulate men for being men. But don’t touch the defense of the Fatherland.”

Alexander, 26 years old:

“I have a neutral attitude towards the holiday. Considering that the boy is congratulated on this day from almost his birth, its meaning is actually neutralized into “it’s a simple day with gifts, that’s it.” Maybe if people congratulated people on this day not according to the “guy” criterion, then I personally would have a different attitude towards this holiday.”

But what do men who did not serve in the army think?

Alexey, 20 years old:

“Although I have not served, I believe that on February 23 we should congratulate all men on Defender of the Fatherland Day, because there is March 8, when we congratulate all representatives of the fair half of humanity: girls, women, and grandmothers. Therefore, it is fair that every man also deserves attention and awaits congratulations.”

Konstantin, 25 years old:

“I didn’t serve, so I can’t stand it when people congratulate me on February 23rd. In general, I have a negative attitude towards all warriors.”

Victor, 31 years old:

“Normally, February 23 is considered Defender of the Fatherland Day. In a sense, we are all protectors. And so, I don’t care. I am much more angry about May 9 in this regard, since we still need to congratulate veterans, and not each other.”

Women, as it turned out, do not attach so much importance to military service.

Elena, 29 years old:

“February 23 is a holiday for everyone worthy men regardless of whether they served in the army or not. Every man is a protector, first and foremost, of his family. Therefore, both those representatives of the strong half of humanity who served in the army and those who did not have such experience deserve congratulations. Military service is not yet an indicator of responsibility and reliability. But these are the qualities that are very important in a man.”

Anastasia, 36 years old:

“What is the Fatherland for us? What do we mean by these words? Most often this is my country! But more deeply, for me this is my family, the man who cares and protects me, my home, my children. So that means Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day, beloved! And it doesn’t matter whether you served in the army or not!”

Ksenia, 24 years old:

“Currently, February 23 as a holiday has lost its historical significance. Previously, not only military men, but also women (nurses and home front workers) were congratulated on Defender of the Fatherland Day. Now this holiday is considered simply men's day. “I, of course, follow tradition and congratulate all the men I know on this day, but I think it would be more appropriate to do this on World Men’s Day, which is celebrated on November 4.”

Where is all the confusion coming from?

Initially, in the USSR, February 23 was celebrated only by those who served in the army. This has been the case since 1922, and at first this day was called the Day of the Red Army and Navy. Since then, it has been renamed several times - to the Day of the Soviet Army and Navy, to the Day Russian army.

And in 1995, the holiday was again given a different name. Its wording became more vague - February 23 was decided to be called Defender of the Fatherland Day. Since then, in the minds of many Russians, the holiday has gradually turned into a day when all men should be congratulated. Not everyone remembers that those who served in the army were initially honored on the 23rd.

Who is forgotten?

Defender of the Fatherland Day is usually associated with men. However, both in the USSR and in Russia, many women repaid their debt to the Motherland on an equal basis with men. The fair half of humanity also protects the country by working in law enforcement agencies. And on February 23 they deservedly receive congratulations.

“Defender of the Fatherland Day at our work does not have gender (genital - editor's note) differences. All colleagues, both men and women, congratulate each other on this holiday. And at home my family, friends and relatives congratulate me,” said an employee of the Kuzbass Ministry of Internal Affairs.

We can come to the conclusion that today there is some confusion in the country with the celebration of February 23rd. Some people think that this day is only for those who served in the army, some congratulate all men, others remember women working in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and women veterans.

You have to decide for yourself whose position is correct. However, we should not forget that the readiness, if necessary, to defend the Motherland with one’s heart does not always depend on gender, age and whether a person served in the army.