Strong conspiracies, prayers and love spells for all occasions for free online for money love luck weight loss. White magic: the most powerful conspiracies and rituals for all occasions. Are conspiracies safe?

Protection spells are an absolutely necessary thing if you are going to practice magic. It is unfortunate that some people have to discover the truth of this statement from their own experience. In this article you will find a variety of protection methods: from the simplest to the quite complex.

In the article:

Fire and water spells on a pin


First of all, you need to take a candle. It is important that it is wax, not paraffin. After that, take the pin. Place some wax into the eye of the pin, which is on the opposite side of the point. Tell:

“The pin is sharp, pierce the evil with a needle, send it away from me. I conjure the word with fire, I secure the word with iron.”

Now attach it, point down, to the inside of your garment.
First you need to collect a small amount of water from a well or stream into a glass cup. Place the pin in a bowl for a day. Having taken it out, read the plot:

“Protect me with a pin from the evil eye, demonic spawn and other infections. Take away all evil, turn away unkind people, turn away the evil eye, protect me.”

Remember that from time to time the pins need to be changed, since they have already fulfilled their purpose and absorbed negative energy.

It should be noted that the mirror shield is one of the most powerful protection spells, but it can also be very dangerous if the ritual is not handled correctly. So, be careful when choosing this ritual.

It can be carried out on all days of the week, except Tuesday. The phase of the moon also does not matter. First you need to purchase two mirrors in different places. In the first place you cannot take change, in the second you must take it. On the same day, as soon as midnight strikes, place two mirrors opposite and light a candle in front of each mirror. Then you need to read the plot seven times:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
I speak to the white body.
I secure it stronger than steel and damask steel.
Stronger than any hardened structure.
I knit that invisible strand,
So that no one can take God’s servant (name):
Neither a nimble deed, nor a conspiracy word,
Neither through the stove, nor through a candle,
Not through holy water.
The holy apostles read the amulet with me,
They shield my child from enemies:
Nikita the Stylite, Gabriel the Archangel,
Michael the Archangel, George the Brave,
John the Baptist and the Merciful Savior.
And whoever approaches my child will approach.
He won’t escape my spell word.
Heaven is my words, Earth is my deeds.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Then place a white natural fabric on the mirror to your left. Cut your right palm and drop it on the mirror to your right. The blood needs to be rubbed clockwise, while whispering the plot:

“Hide the soul, keep the body, ordered by blood, by seven men, by their verbs. What has been thrown so far away, (name) is not connected to me. The shield is reliable. Amen".

Remove the cloth from the mirror that is on your left and put it on the right. Say the following:

“I shift, I unlock myself with our prayer from words, eyes, and deeds of serious, disastrous, I defend. Seven words are like one. I, (name), have a cross, oblique, mirror-like, with a menacing rejoicing. The rag is white, the darling is fleshy, not for my body, but for the rag business, not for me, but for the rag. This is the legend. Amen".

You need to put two of your photos on the fabric, with the front sides together. After that, lower the left mirror onto the material so that the photos lie in the middle between the mirrors. After this, they should be fastened in such a way that they cannot move. Wrap the mirrors in some kind of cloth and hide them where no one can see them.

Pastime: night, until dawn.

Moon phase: decreasing.

Items: piece of paper, purple candle.

Purple candle Piece of paper

First of all, light the purple candle. You can also use white and blue candles. When it burns down to half, write on paper:

“Envious eyes, raking hands, not me, the servant of God (name), you see, do not covet my goods, but are drawn into the rotten swamp. Twelve apostles, protect me, remove all envy from me. My gates are iron, my fence is stone. Key. Lock. The answer is fiery. Amen".

The edges of this leaf must be charred, but not completely burned. Do not blow out the candle, but extinguish it with your fingers. Hide the rest of it where no one will find it. The next time you find out that you were envied, take out a piece of paper and burn it on the flame of the same candle, reading the same plot. Scatter the ashes outside. Let the candle burn out completely. You need to repeat it in about a month, at the same time.

"Forty Candles"

Time: a couple of hours before dawn.

Items: a piece of coal or chalk, a knife, a silver cross, forty wax candles.

Silver cross
piece of chalk
Wax candle

You need to get up early in the morning, before the sun has risen, wash and comb your hair. It is highly recommended not to eat or drink before the ritual begins. You must have a prepared place for the ceremony, free from foreign objects. After all the preparations, sit in the prepared place. Draw a circle with charcoal or chalk, trying not to lift your hand from the floor. Now you need to arrange the candles in a circle and light them. Say a protective spell:

“As the Red Sun rises, I, slave (name), will be lucky in my business.
I put up white protection, God’s protection, from any evil enemy.
Key. Lock. Language.

Draw another circle with a silver cross while reading:

“White protection, God’s help, to help me, to the enemy’s return. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After that, take the knife by the blade and cross yourself 12 times, saying:

“As the Red Sun rises, it will dash around me. Amen".

Do not leave the circle until dawn comes. Do not extinguish the candles; they should go out on their own.

"Fire Shield"

This spell will give you protection from damage and the evil eye, as well as curses.

Pastime: in the evening, until 00.00.

Items: 3 candles of different shades: white, yellow, blue; light fabric.

yellow candle
Light fabric Blue candle White candle

First you need to arrange the candles in the form of an equilateral triangle, one of the corners of which is directed towards the west. Lay a cloth in the middle of the figure and step on it with your bare feet facing west. Don't dress in dark clothes. Now close your eyes and read the plot 5 times:

“Red fire, clear fire, protect me from evil attacks, from devilish suggestions. Put your shield in front, put your shield behind, put your shield on the sides, put your shield on the bottom and on the top. The evil from the shield will be repelled to me and will never return. So be it!”

Any person may need a spell against damage, regardless of his age, gender, social status and level of income. Everyone has encountered strange situations in themselves or their loved ones, when everything falls out of hand, and luck constantly eludes. Problems pile up one after another, and my health begins to suffer. It’s as if the whole world is turning its back at the wave of someone’s evil magic wand. It begins to seem that everything is actually caused by some kind of magical effect. And most often, unfortunately, this is the case.

Damage or the evil eye does not always imply the presence of curses or terrible rituals of black magic. Damage can be caused not only by a professional magician. Any person is able to become an accumulation of negative energy, and then, having quarreled with you or envied you, throw out this energy in the form of the evil eye.

Therefore, it is so important to know how to get rid of a conspiracy, and especially to protect children who are susceptible to any energy from witchcraft. A spell against the evil eye is a simple and easy to implement method of protection. It does not require complex rituals and special paraphernalia; it is usually presented in the form of a prayer to the Almighty or the Saints. Its effectiveness will depend on the strength of your desire to get rid of the influence of dark forces.

In order for a prayer or conspiracy to remove damage to work, you must adhere to several simple conditions:

  • The spell against the evil eye is always read three times;
  • the best time to perform a protection ritual is on the waning moon;
  • It is best to read a spell against damage using water, which the “damaged” person will then consume;
  • a person who may have come under the influence of witchcraft must fast - exclude meat and dairy products, alcohol;
  • Orthodox people can say a prayer before reading the conspiracy:

Nicholas, saint of God, helper of God. You in the field, you in the house, on the road and on the road, in heaven and on earth, intercede and save from all evil.

  • Only church wax candles are always used for rituals.

For a child

Children are creatures with a weak biofield, incredibly susceptible to any energy. They are susceptible to the influence of witchcraft. It can be recommended to choose a water spell for protection, since since ancient times it has been considered a strong cleansing agent and is widely used specifically to remove curses, damage and the evil eye. If you use blessed water from the church, the protective effect will increase.

Quietly say the following prayer over the container of water in which you will bathe the child:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. I say a strong conspiracy, I turn to God, I ask him to protect God’s servant (name). Do not, God, let the unclean come near the baby (name), drive away his enemies from him, protect him from illnesses, take away his fears and grievances. May he be healthy and strong. Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

For drinking, you can use water on which a spell against damage has been cast:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen. Heavenly water, clean water! Save and protect my baby (name the child) from every evil eye, from men and women, from children, from adults, from the black gypsy, from the hated, from the envious, from slander, from any evil hour. Amen, amen, amen!

Before putting your child to bed, stand near his bed with a candle in your hands, facing east and whisper:

Merciful Lord, Jesus Christ, I entrust to You our children, whom You gave to us by fulfilling our prayers. I ask You, Lord, save them in the ways that You Yourself know. Save them from vices, evil, pride, and let nothing contrary to You touch their souls. But grant them faith, love and hope for salvation, and may they be Your chosen vessels of the Holy Spirit, and may their life path be holy and blameless before God. Bless them, Lord, may they strive every minute of their lives to fulfill Your holy will, so that You, Lord, may always be with them by Your Holy Spirit. Lord, teach them to pray to You, so that prayer may be their support and joy in grief and the consolation of their lives, and may we, their parents, be saved by their prayer. May Your angels always protect them. May our children be sensitive to the grief of their neighbors and may they fulfill Your commandment of love. And if they sin, then grant them, Lord, to bring repentance to You, and You, in Your ineffable mercy, forgive them. When their earthly life ends, then take them to Your Heavenly Abodes, where let them lead with them other Your chosen servants. Through the prayer of Your Most Pure Mother Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary and Your saints (all holy families are listed), Lord, have mercy and protect us, as You are glorified with Your Beginning Father and Your Most Holy Good Life-Giving Spirit. And now, and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

This is a very strong conspiracy to remove damage. If you read it daily, even the strongest black magic will never work on your child.

An effective remedy will be if you wash your child with holy water every morning. You can sprinkle water on it after a hard day or a visit from guests who admired it excessively.

Our Father

Strong protection against witchcraft is provided by the ordinary prayer “Our Father,” which many know.

Our Father who art in heaven! Hallowed be Thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven; Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.

To perform an effective ritual, you need to go to church, buy a candle and light it. Read the Lord's Prayer nine times with a candle in your right hand. After each reading you need to cross yourself three times. After the ninth time say:

Health, happiness, purity, prosperity, love, luck. Amen.

Read this prayer twelve times.

The ritual of protection must be performed on Sunday.

Prayer to Saint Cyprian

A powerful remedy against damage and the evil eye is considered to be a prayer to Cyprian, a Saint who converted to Christianity, renouncing witchcraft.

Lord God Mighty, King of Kings, hear the prayer of the servant Cyprian. You have a thousand days of struggle against the dark forces ahead of you. Carry the heart of God’s servant (name), help him pass all the tests. Protect, preserve and intercede for the one reading this prayer. Bless, Lord, my house and those living in it, Protect from all intrigue and sorcery. May the devil's intention and what he has done be resolved. Lord, You are One and Almighty, save Your Holy Martyr Cyprian, Have mercy on the servant (name). I say this three times, I bow three times. Amen!

With the help of this prayer, you can speak water and give it to a “corrupted” person. Or whisper words over the patient’s bedside before going to bed. If you just suspect that someone might harm you or your loved ones with their envy, start reading the prayer to Cyprian every day. She is able to cope with the strongest conspiracies and witchcraft of black magic.

On the Orthodox cross

The Orthodox cross is not just a symbol of faith, but a powerful means of protection against any energetic influence. It is not without reason that it is believed that wearing a pectoral cross is an excellent way to protect against the influence of damage, conspiracies, curses and other actions from black magic. When removing damage and the evil eye, it is also a powerful attribute, even if an experienced black magician cast the spells.

It will take at least forty days to carry out the ritual with the cross. During this period, it is advisable to observe strict fasting. Every morning and evening, stand facing east and read a prayer with a lit candle in your hands.

May God rise again, and may His enemies be scattered, and may those who hate Him flee from His presence. As smoke disappears, let them disappear; As wax melts in the presence of fire, so let demons perish in the presence of those who love God and sign themselves with the sign of the cross, and say in joy: Rejoice, Most Honorable and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord. Drive away the demons with the power of our drunken Lord Jesus Christ, who descended into hell and trampled upon the power of the devil, and who gave us His Honest Cross to drive away every adversary. O Most Honest and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord! Help me with the Holy Virgin Mary and with all the saints forever. Amen.

You need to read it seven times, after each time marking yourself with the sign of the cross. If at least one reading is missed, the ritual must be started over, otherwise it will not work.

The Power of Faith

The ability to protect yourself and your family from witchcraft is a necessary necessity, dictated by the age of technology and abundance of information. Use the prayers and spells of white magic, and the forces of good will preserve warmth and calm, health and prosperity in your happy family.

Treat every prayer you say with responsibility and faith in a positive result. Don't be distracted by a phone call, conversations with loved ones, or just empty thoughts. How sincere and heartfelt the words you pronounce are, the protective power of the prayer word will be so effective.

A conspiracy to get a loan approved will help you immediately get a consumer loan and take cash from the bank under the most favorable conditions - low interest (favorable interest rate on the loan). The conspiracy to give a loan or borrow money is so strong that even a bad credit history of “CI” will not prevent you from receiving credit money from any bank that gives consumer loans to the population and approval without checking the CI will be accepted immediately after you read this strong conspiracy. You urgently need money and don’t know which banks give urgent loans, start reading the plot to approve a loan

The money magic of money contains very powerful conspiracies for attracting money into your life, which until recently were available only to the very elite, but with the advent of the Internet, now everyone can independently perform a ritual to attract money at home and do it completely free of charge. If need has come and your financial capabilities are very poor, read one of the presented conspiracies to attract money to your home and your life, having received a lot of money, will quickly change for the better. The oldest and most powerful conspiracy to attract money. To conduct a ritual at home to attract money, you will need two glasses of wheat, a glass of holy water and a yellow wax church candle. On the waxing moon, as soon as Vespers in church ends, go to the window holding a glass of holy water in your left hand and a lit candle in your right and say words of conspiracy to attract money:

How to forget a loved one plot

A conspiracy to forget the person you still love is safe and quite suitable for independent reading. Previously, when people broke up on the initiative of one person, it was not easy for the other person; sadness and melancholy tormented the wounded heart, and in order to somehow alleviate this suffering, people turned to the help of magic and read powerful conspiracies to forget and stop loving a loved one with whom they needed to quickly part. Those who have ever disagreed with loved ones know that the hardest thing after parting is to forget someone with whom you no longer have anything in common and to erase from your memory those wonderful moments that you were together, the best way to cope with this task is the following conspiracy - a cold spell that has been stored for many centuries and read for just such an occasion. This spell is recited before washing and after washing for three days in a row, words of a conspiracy to forget a loved one and not miss him or miss him anymore

Conspiracy to obtain a profitable loan

The conspiracy to get a profitable loan based on people’s stories has helped many, and perhaps it will help you too. Magical help in obtaining a loan with a bad credit history is becoming a very popular ritual among those who cannot get a loan. Since ancient times, humanity has communicated with moneylenders (people who gave loans against receipts from private individuals), and it was then that conspiracies to obtain a loan appeared. Our time has come, and the magic of money is also in demand and helps to get money in debt. Magicians are increasingly offering help: I ​​will help you get a loan using a magical ritual, but before spending money for this service, look at this plot to get a loan:

Garlic spell

Try to perform an ancient ritual by reading the strongest garlic spell. Many books have been written and quite a few films have been made about the magical properties of garlic; garlic is actively used in traditional medicine for a variety of purposes; it is also included in the list of fat burner products. Next you will learn a conspiracy on garlic for weight loss. Go to the market and buy one of the largest heads of garlic. When you get home, you need to peel each slice and take an odd number of slices (if there is an odd number of slices in the head, take them all; if there is an even number, don’t use one, throw it out the window). Peeled garlic cloves must be finely chopped with a knife (do not crush them in a garlic press).
While chopping the cloves, read the garlic spell to lose weight:

Trade conspiracies: for good luck in business, which you need to read yourself.

All the most powerful and proven conspiracies for trade and good luck in business will help you successfully establish trade relations. Ordinary people passed on words of conspiracies and prayers for trade from mouth to mouth, which miraculously helped merchants in their business. Now almost a quarter of the population is engaged in the trading business, which means successful trading and the ability to profitably sell any product will bring maximum income. Magic has helped many people in any life situations with the help of spells. Businessmen have long been turning to magicians and psychics for help, it was like that before and even under rulers there were court magicians, but why the extra expenses? Read the most ancient trading conspiracies yourself and see how your business will go uphill.

Conspiracy for reconciliation

A quarrel with a person always causes regret and a desire to return the relationship to its former course, but a feeling of pride... Magicians have been valued at all times, even in the modern world people turn to magical help: spells, love spells... We have already told how with the help of magic and reconciliation plot would not be complete if I did not teach you how to stop a quarrel and force any person to take the first step towards restoring the relationship, even if you were wrong.

The most powerful prayer for trading

Traders and merchants at all times appealed to the help of the spirit world and the gods, wanting to improve trade relations and money circulation. In our world of machines and technology, people are increasingly returning to the ancient origins of magic. Today, for good luck in business, you should start your day by reading the most powerful prayer for trade to the Guardian Angel, which was read by successful merchants in ancient Rus' and the text of which has survived to this day from one remote Siberian village called Kolyvan.

Spells to attract money

Previously, only a select few could read conspiracies to attract money on their own; time is money, and now you can become richer and attract big money into your life if you independently read the conspiracy to attract money into your life. The magic of money reveals the secrets of getting rich quick only to a select few, but you can try your hand too. We will tell you ancient spells to attract money; after performing a magical ritual, the flow of money will flow to you like an endless river. We have already published for you magical ways to become rich quickly. get a lot of money. Today you will learn one of the most ancient magical rituals for attracting financial wealth and are sure that if you do everything correctly, the money-attracting spell will make you rich.

Slavic magic

The secret magic of the Slavic peoples brought to us the most powerful magical rituals. Slavic magic and ancient spells that help against troubles and illnesses helped our ancestors and now you have the opportunity to comprehend this secret of the Slavic family. Below We will introduce you to the conspiracies of the ancient rebellious peoples who proudly called themselves Slavs and who worshiped Gods and Spirits, bringing them gifts and receiving in return help and protection from the Higher Powers of the Earth.

Slavic magic conspiracies for all occasions

Simoron wish fulfillment

Today you will learn to fulfill your various desires using the Simoron method based on psychotraining. Each of you knows that the power of words and the power of thought have enormous power and carry information through space and time. Simoron is a separate branch of magic of ancient Europe, but it received this name in our time. Since its creation, the “simoron” technique has been used as psychological training, one might even say a pendulum, after which, after launching, it attracts the energy of other people

Practical magic of love

Girls went to all sorts of tricks to get married and bewitch their betrothed. Since ancient times, practical magic has contained the largest section after healing spells - the magic of love. The secret ancient love spells of a loved one have survived to this day, and today the love magic of ancient magicians will be revealed to you and you will comprehend the ancient power of a love spell that can bewitch any young man you like and marry him to you. If you need to tie a guy to you forever, it is best to use a love spell for menstruation, blood magic is the most powerful and this is no coincidence.

Gypsy money magic

Gypsies strongly worship magical talismans and amulets and firmly believe in their power. Their goals are very different: some attract money, others attract the strongest , still others protect from troubles, etc.
Ancient gypsy money magic uses the following magical rituals and rituals to attract money.If you have a financial need, use the ancient magical method of attracting money and wealth:

The magic of attracting money and good luck, money will always be found

With the help of magic, you can become much richer and there are a great many ways to get rich. You can win the lottery, find a large sum of money, or receive an inheritance from a distant relative unknown to you... The magic of attracting money will make it so that you will always have money! All the nations of the World have secret magical rites and traditions that attract money: gypsy money magic and the magic of other cultures used secret ancient rites and rituals on amulets that made their owners fabulously rich and influential people.

Black magic conspiracies

People come to black magic when all possibilities have been tried and there is no other solution to the situation that has arisen. We have collected secret black magic conspiracies of ancient sorcerers and witches that will help resolve any matter in your favor. The ancients used black magic conspiracies extremely rarely, so before you start this or that practical black ritual, think about whether you can solve the problem in another way. The first magical ritual of the ancient magicians that we will tell you is black magic spells:

Vanga spell for good luck

Vanga revealed to people good conspiracies for good luck in all matters; they really work and have been tested by many people who independently had the chance to read this powerful conspiracy for good luck in life told by Vanga. A spell for good luck, according to Vanga, makes a person who has performed a magical ritual a real lucky person and a very lucky person. Immediately after performing a magical ritual, luck goes hand in hand with the person under the spell, and former failures will become a thing of the past. Today you will learn how to do a magic ritual and find out how you performed Vanga spell for good luck.

A conspiracy to awaken fortune - good luck is read early in the morning, before the morning service in church, after washing with running water. It’s not for nothing that they say: Whoever gets up early, God gives to him. To read Vanga’s strong spell for good luck yourself, which is done at home, take a wide ceramic vessel and pour water at room temperature into it, then say the words of the spell for good luck over the vessel.:

Conspiracy to win the lottery

If you read a plot to win the lottery, you can very quickly win the biggest prize. It is not for nothing that in money magic, until recently, this fastest way to become richer and get a lot of money was kept a big secret. Luck will help us win the lottery, which we will magically summon by making the following plot to win the lottery, but you need to spend a little money and buy a winning lottery ticket, which will make you richer. A plot to win the lottery will help you win money or another prize. The spell to win given in this article does not help everyone, but if you try to fulfill all the conditions of the magic ritual, you may be lucky because such strong spells to win big in the lottery or lotto can bring you quick money and good luck in the game.

Conspiracy to remove belly fat

Many people don’t know how to quickly remove fat from the abdomen and problem areas using magic, but this is not difficult to do if you read a plot to lose weight and get rid of fat and don’t need to go anywhere, you need to read the plot at home! Fat on the sides and belly are the most problematic areas, and if you don’t know how to restore them, a conspiracy that can remove belly fat and excess fat will help you. Our ancestors used the magic of beauty and these secrets have reached us. If you need to quickly remove your stomach, magic will help. This is the simplest ritual for those who do not know how to lose weight and how to get rid of their belly fat. To do this, every time you wash your hands, say a strong conspiracy on how to remove belly fat

Vanga's magical recipes

Vanga's spell for health

Let's consider a powerful health spell known to us that can relieve fever from a patient, for this take a clean towel in one hand, a glass of water in the other and read healing

Conspiracy to win a case in court

In modern society, litigation has become commonplace. Regular readers have asked us to give a strong conspiracy to win cases in court. Many people know the situation when neighbors go to court for any reason - a flooded ceiling or a rudely spoken phrase. Litigation may end a marital or business relationship, i.e. everyone can become both defendants and accused. We have selected the most powerful and at the same time simplest conspiracies and rituals for winning a case in court.

If you have been summoned to court and charged. In order to ruin the enemy’s business, perform the following magical ritual, after which any business will be winning

Spells for children

We have selected a collection of magical spells for children. In it you will find spells for sleep, for fear, for children’s illnesses. I am sure that you will use these spells for children more than once. Children are very active and it is not uncommon for their nose to bleed from overwork. These magical rituals will help not only a child, but also an adult. You can stop nosebleeds with a simple magical action that does not require any spells. To do this, take the most ordinary scissors in the hand from the nostril through which blood flows, and raise your hand above your head (behind your head), throwing your head back or lying down. From an insect bite Children most often scratch themselves until they bleed. This is a conspiracy for children and adults to bite

Conspiracies for the birth of a child

My husband and I decided to have a child, but we can’t get pregnant. Before running to doctors, perform a magic ritual and read the ancient birth spell. After performing this ritual, even those for whom modern medicine predicted hopelessness could become pregnant.

If you want to get pregnant safely and give birth to a child, take a long rope made of natural material (cotton, hemp, etc.) and tie a knot in it at midnight for forty days, reading from memory each time birth spell:

Conspiracies for youth

I think every person wants to regain their youth, but not everyone knows that the magic of beauty knows strong spells for youth which we will share with you today. This beauty spell can be used without fear of consequences - this is white beauty magic and it does not bring any harm. The ritual for beauty must be done in the forest, and before the ritual you need to not eat slaughter food for three days (meat, poultry, fish, eggs, caviar - only vegetable).. Find a feminine deciduous tree (birch, linden, alder...) on which has dry leaves (the best time is autumn, but such trees exist both in winter and summer). Stand under the selected tree and read the plot for youth from memory:


The magic of money gives us knowledge on how to attract money into life. Today we will teach you how to make a love spell on money yourself, after the ritual money will begin to come to you from different sources, maybe winning money in the lottery, finding a large sum and so on - the magic of money knows a lot of ways to get rich. In the modern world, money gives a person everything one can dream of. And most importantly, remember that any love spell on money must be performed on the waxing moon, and the best day is Wednesday. For a magical love spell on money you will need: any coin with the number 5 on which read the words of the money plot:

The magic of beauty

If you have doubts about your beauty, you can use an ancient magic ritual from the section white magic of beauty and after reading the beauty spell, men will fall in love with you at the first meeting. Before starting a magical ritual to increase beauty, you need to wait for the full moon and prepare.

And now about the beauty ritual itself.

To perform a ritual ritual for external beauty, you will need a large mirror in which you can see the whole of yourself while you read a conspiracy inducing beauty and attractiveness.
Also, before the start of the ritual for beauty, prepare: two green candles, a saucer (candle stand) and matches or a lighter.
How to perform a beauty ceremony:

Draw a regular circle on the floor with chalk; this can be done using a rope, securing one end of it in the center. Enter this circle clean after a bath and completely naked, having removed all jewelry. Light the candles in front of you, placing them on a saucer and while they burn you need to read a magic spell for beauty:

Spell for big breasts

All girls used to read the spell for large breasts, because a long braid and beautiful and large breasts were an important attribute of female beauty. If you have small breasts and there is a need to increase your breast size without surgery by a couple of sizes, we will tell you how to do a breast enlargement ceremony yourself and what plot for large breasts is tedious to read. To perform a magical ritual, choose a bra that you will no longer wear. Wait until the day there is a full moon. Before reading the plot for breast enlargement, stand with your heels in the cups of your bra, which after the magical ritual you will never wear, but put away away from prying eyes.

Read the plot for large breasts:

Prayer for trade

This the strongest prayer for trade which was passed on by word of mouth and can very quickly sell any product with the greatest profit for you. Do not be afraid to resort to reading this conspiracy - prayer, and if you are a salesman by profession, you can read the conspiracy - prayer for trading as many times as needed (at least every day).

If you need to sell something quickly, and even profitably, go to church, light a candle to any Saint who is closer to your heart and pray.After reading the following prayer for trading:

The works of the Lord, His most pure lips will pray for me. My Lord, Lord, with the faith of my soul, help me, multiply all my business for trade: in money change and buying, and in all that

Conspiracy to win in court

A conspiracy to win a case in court must be read in order to emerge victorious in a legal battle. This one is good, but not exactly fast conspiracy to win in court you should only read it yourself and never tell anyone that you performed this ritual which helped you win the most difficult case in court. This magical ritual is performed using holy water and a church candle; if there is no water at home, you can pour a bottle of tap water and, after serving in the church with the bottle, the water in it will be sanctified and is suitable for reading the spell. Three days before the trial, in the morning, light a candle on the table, place a bottle of holy water next to it and read the plot to win in court:

The royal doors open, the royal judge bows to the servant of God (name). Mother

How to remove belly fat and lose weight with magic

Every second girl on Earth is looking for a way how to lose weight And how to remove belly fat without surgery or diets. There is one little-known but very good ancient magical method, after performing the ritual, the correction of the figure will go much faster. In the old days, witch girls who knew magical rituals and controlled the physical body were beautiful and slender, and these are facts. If you are tired of effective diets, and physical exercise takes a lot of effort and time, try to lose your tummy in this proven way, especially since it will take much less time than visiting a fitness club.

Breast enlargement without surgery using a conspiracy

What to do if you have small breasts from birth. With the help of a spell, without surgery, it is possible to enlarge the mammary glands by stimulating the growth of new cells with a magic spell. This is the safest way to enlarge the mammary glands without surgery using a magical spell.

How to remove the evil eye

How to do it yourself remove the evil eye Every person should know this at home. The induced evil eye is a kind of damage to fate, after which the smoothed person begins to be haunted by failures or, even worse, illness. Our ancestors knew this magical protective rite - removing the evil eye on their own - from time immemorial and constantly passed this rite down from generation to generation. Previously, every mother and grandmother knew how to remove the evil eye at home, and performed a protective ritual when the need came.

An ancient method passed down by inheritance that can quickly remove the evil eye.

White magic conspiracies are incredibly diverse. They can be used for all occasions, to solve a variety of problems that arise in our lives. Moreover, unlike black magic, which uses the power of the forces of evil, and is therefore extremely dangerous both for those to whom it is directed and for the magician himself, white magic is quite safe for both the magician and those around him.

White magic helps people cope with troubles and achieve success. It is no coincidence that for thousands of years, the secrets of conspiracies were passed down from generation to generation, and healers and sorcerers, masters of white magic, enjoyed great respect and veneration. Below we will look at some types of white magic.

Protective rites

As mentioned above, white magic conspiracies are very diverse and are aimed at solving different problems. One of the important areas is conspiracies against damage and the evil eye. Such conspiracies, as a rule, are simple, but at the same time they reliably help protect a person from the harmful magical effects of an ill-wisher.

From damage and the evil eye

If this ill-wisher is known to you, you need to look him straight in the eyes and say a conspiracy to yourself.

It sounds like this:

“I find the evil that is planned, but I take it away from myself.
I don’t take it to a good friend, but to someone whose eyes I look into.
What the villain is plotting against me, let him now experience for himself!”

If you pronounce this conspiracy clearly and with the proper feeling, it will become a reliable defense against the misfortune that your enemy is trying to bring upon you, and return this evil to himself.

From problems outside the home

Every person outside of their own home becomes susceptible to negative influences to a certain extent. Of course, the natural protective field partially repels negativity and does not allow much harm to a person. But you can strengthen your own protective properties with the help of a magical spell.

To do this, before leaving the house, say the following words on a napkin or towel:

“I leave the house under a reliable protective shield, the name of Jesus Christ is my protection.
I will follow any path and everywhere the road is bright. Amen".

You need to wipe your face with this towel and only then leave the house.

With my native land before leaving

From ancient times, the tradition of taking a little of your native land with you on a long journey has come to the modern world. This is a very powerful amulet that can protect against troubles far from home, and even save lives. To strengthen the magical power of your native land, you should cast a spell while dialing it.

His words are:

“Father’s house, and dear mother earth, save me, the Servant of God, in a distant land, be your protection along my entire path. Amen".

It is important to always carry such soil with you in a thick fabric bag. A plastic bag cannot be used for these purposes.

No less useful and popular are white conspiracies for peace and well-being in the family. After all, when peace and harmony reign between family members, any difficulties are not so terrible. Family discord, on the contrary, not only causes constant grief, but also attracts more and more troubles into the family.

White magic conspiracies aimed at bringing peace and prosperity to the family always work flawlessly. Their results appear almost immediately. To enhance their effectiveness, you should tune in to the ritual positively and abandon all existing problems.

From strife

To avoid discord, resentment and mistrust between loved ones, use the following plot:

“Holy guardian angel, my faithful helper.
Save our family from harm, protect us from insults and strife.
So that there is no discord between us,
So that harmony and happiness come.
I beg you for this, I conjure you with all my soul.”

For peace in the home

A conspiracy to maintain peace in the house is in great demand. It allows you to preserve family relationships and protect your own home from negativity. It is necessary to visit the temple on the day of the ceremony and purchase three candles there, two of them should be placed near the icon of Jesus Christ, and two should be brought home. After returning from church, you cannot wash your face, and you are also forbidden to eat or drink for the rest of the day. The ceremony is held in a separate room at midnight. You need to place a candle on the table and put a loaf of bread next to it and put holy water.

“As this church candle melts and melts, all evil disappears from my life, and peace increases in my family. As soon as we eat this enchanted bread, peace and harmony will come forever. Amen".

After this, you need to eat a piece of bread and wash it down with holy water. The remaining bread should be covered with a towel and left until the morning. The next day it should be used to prepare breakfast for the whole family. The enchanted bread cannot be thrown away; it must be finished.

Another type of conspiracies, especially popular among young people, is white magic love conspiracies. These conspiracies can have different goals (to tie a specific person, to find your betrothed, marriage, sex, and so on), means and strength. White love spells are recommended to be carried out on Fridays during the waxing moon.

To find your soul mate

If a girl wants to find love, she must hammer a nail into the threshold of her own home.

While saying the words:

“I drive a nail into the threshold, I invite my betrothed.
Let him find me soon, let him take me soon.
Let’s live life together, find happiness and joy.”

Soon a person will appear in your environment with whom you will want to build a serious relationship.

"5 candles"

There is another stronger conspiracy to attract love. The ritual is quite complex to perform, but is always effective if you sincerely believe in magic.

For the ritual in this case you will need to use:

  • Five candles: red, white, green, pink and astrological;
  • Various incense and it is necessary that among them there are: rose, clove, ylang-ylang, orange, patchouli;
  • Crystals: amethyst, lapis lazuli, quartz;
  • Rose petals and basil;
  • Amber and clove oil.

All of the listed attributes can be purchased at an exoteric store. Having secluded yourself in a separate room, you must first light an astrological candle and burn incense. The prepared herbs should be scattered in a row, and the crystals should be placed next to them. You also need to place colored candles in candlesticks in a row and set them on fire.

After the candles burn, you should read the following plot:

“I, the Servant of God (proper name), am ready to accept long-awaited love with all my heart!
I loudly declare that I am waiting for love! Let my beloved come to me quickly, and our hearts beat in unison. My love, know that I am waiting for you. Amen!"

After the conspiracy, you need to sit in complete silence and wait until the candles burn out. All this time you need to imagine your loved one and how you will meet him, as well as play out scenes of the development of future successful relationships. All remaining attributes, including candle stubs, after the ceremony must be collected and hidden in a place inaccessible to others.

White magic spells do not have any negative consequences. But at the same time, they will be effective only if you sincerely believe in the power of magic. These directed influences harmonize the world around us and do not suppress the will of other people. That is why they can be carried out completely independently at home. But if you want to get a guaranteed result, it’s better to turn to a professional magician.

Luck in general is such a thing that you can’t touch or measure it. Even winning the lottery raises questions. What if it was possible to win more? How much have you already spent on tickets? But when this very luck is not there, everything is immediately clear: the black streak is hard not to notice.

A simple conspiracy cannot keep your luck: it is too fickle. Therefore, we have to use rituals and symbolic objects.

The ritual should be carried out on a waxing moon (luck should arrive like the moon) in loose clothes without buttons, belts or locks, or better yet, without clothes at all.

Zoya Arkadyevna, magician and parapsychologist

Take a saucer or plate, pour three tablespoons of salt on it to make a slide. Sprinkle three tablespoons of sugar on top of the salt, making the mound higher. Carefully, so as not to spill the salt and sugar, add three tablespoons of rice. Take a pin, open it and stick the tip into the middle of the slide.

Read the plot: “My great desire will be fulfilled by the spirit of helping the Universe, for the Universe helps those who ask for help. Help will come in unknown ways, and my dream will come true, events will find its way to peace, and the Universe will give me what I ask for. Luck will be hooked.”

Leave the pin on the slide overnight, then pin it to the inside of your clothing.

Money plot

Sometimes it happens that you urgently need money, but there is absolutely no one to borrow it from. Don’t despair, this conspiracy will help improve your financial situation in just a few days. Results appear faster if you read the waxing moon spell.

Seclude yourself in a room, place five church candles in a row on the table and light them.

Looking at the flame, think about how much money you want to receive and what you are going to spend it on.

Mother Ruzanna, fate modeling specialist

Then say a spell: “I speak magic words, I charm the flames of candles, and with this I attract the required amount of money to myself. Just as water pours from the heavens and collects in the seas, so let money flow into my wallet. Just as grains of sand in the desert cannot be counted, so may my wealth cannot be counted. I can have money and forget about poverty. Swim in gold and silver, don’t face poverty. Amen".

Convincing an alcoholic that he is sick and needs treatment is a hopeless task.

If the husband abuses alcohol and brushes aside any offers of help, this ritual will help correct the situation in just 13 days.

Galina Fedorovna, practitioner of church magic

Go to an Orthodox church and buy 12 candles there. When leaving the temple, say the following words: “Just as a living person is cold in the cold, so will my husband feel sick from drinking! Amen".

Then purchase a bottle of the alcoholic beverage your spouse prefers. At home, close yourself in a room, light all 12 candles and place a bottle in front of you. Imagine as clearly as possible how your life will change without alcohol: your husband will stop drinking away all his money, peace and harmony will reign in the house.

Read the spell on the bottle many times until the candles burn out: “As a candle burns and melts, so the drinker begins to cry. I won’t tell my husband to go to hell, I’ll turn him down. Let him feel sick with a sip, everything inside is spinning mercilessly. There will be vomiting, hostility and fear of the potion. I send the lapel to a drinking session and a noisy party. He will gradually stop drinking and will not ask for more potion. That bottle that's standing there won't let you drink any more! So be it! Amen. Amen. Amen".

The candle stubs should be thrown away, and the bottle should be given to your husband so he can drink it. If no positive result appears within the next 13 days, the ritual should be repeated.

Weight loss conspiracy

The fight against excess weight requires a fair amount of willpower, patience and...

Anyone who wants to lose weight in the shortest possible time without denying themselves the joys of life will benefit from an effective conspiracy with quick results. Read it before going to bed with a glass of water during the period when the moon is waning.

Raisa Vasilievna, bioenergy specialist

“Help, Lord, bless, God, in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. On the sea-ocean, on the island of Buyan, there is a bed, on that bed there is a feather bed, and on it lies a pig, guarding my fat. The pig has three heads, five heads, seven heads, nine heads with ten mouths.

Eat my fat with one head, eat my fat with the second head, eat my fat with the third head, eat my fat with the fourth head, eat my fat with the fifth head, eat my fat with the sixth head, eat my fat with the seventh head, eat my fat with the eighth head. The ninth head will eat up all my fat and take all my fat for itself. Key, lock, tongue. As it is said, it will come true. Amen".

After reading, you need to drink water.

Conspiracy to work

When you are going to an important interview, you need to charm your luck and overtake your competitors. Both are done with the help of simple spells and rituals.

Soothsayer Zinaida, expert in Slavic magic

Boil the fish in holy water at midnight (at exactly 12:00 the fish must be put into the water). When the water boils, whisper into the steam: “My fish is untouchable, my fish is silent, you don’t open your mouth, you don’t speak in words, so don’t open your mouth to my enemies, and don’t rush into words. There was no refusal for me, God’s servant (name), neither on Monday, nor on Tuesday, nor on Wednesday, nor on Thursday, nor on Friday, nor on Saturday. Damn, take my care for yourself. May you be a black night, may you be a white day, may you be a red dawn. The enemies are behind, I am in front. Amen".

This fish needs to be taken to the crossroads and left there, and the tree should be watered with water.

The next day, in front of the front door, you need to read three times: “I’m going to the boyars, so as not to work for nothing, I’m going to get a contract, to make the owner fall in love. All so that they would be touched by me, the owners would smile affectionately, pay me well, feed me well, and not scold me in vain or beat me. The Lord God is my King, my highest Sovereign.”

The work is in your hands.

Water spell for beauty

To keep your skin clean and young, you need to practice washing with enchanted water. It is best to cast spells on Epiphany water, but if it is not available, then on melted water (as a last resort, make it yourself from ice in the freezer).

Take a basin of water and place it in front of any icon of the Mother of God. Light three red candles and an incense burner or aroma lamp with oak bark and eucalyptus leaves. These herbs can be purchased at the pharmacy.

Mrs. Natalya, exorcist

Say the spell: “The Arrow of Heaven will perform an amazing miracle, and regulation will return to the sources of my vitality, and the light of bodily joy will come with the Arrow so strong that skin and earthly corruption will no longer plague my body. When I call upon the heavenly Arrow, and the pure body will forget the alarm. Only the Lord’s power can direct this arrow, and I ask Him not to bypass me in the great help and am grateful (grateful) to His power, which brings me good. Amen".

Love spell

Fate is sometimes offensively unfair: some have no end to their gentlemen, and many beautiful and smart girls wait in vain for years for their happiness. Stop waiting, it's time to take matters into your own hands.

On Wednesday or Friday, buy a broom and a yellow dustpan (this is important!) at the market, do not take change from the seller. On the next new moon, sweep the entire entrance with this broom, collecting debris in a dustpan.

Soothsayer of Bazarkhand

Read the conspiracy in the process: “I drive young people into my house, not lazy people, not misers, not thieves. Come to me, grooms, from your own and other people's yards. My word is strong, my deed is sculpted! Amen. Amen. Amen".

Place the collected garbage in a fabric bag and hide it securely in your room. On the next new moon, bury it in the ground in a vacant lot or other place where people rarely walk.

Pregnancy plot

For such an intimate process to succeed, you need to create suitable conditions. Bring as many living plants as possible into the conspiracy room: they will imbue the words with life energy. The text must be learned in advance so as not to read from sight: the words should come from the heart, as if you were already talking to a child.

The month is clear! Help me quench the pain,
Fill my belly!
The month will grow with the night,
The child will grow inside me.
It will be a month to gain weight, I will get rounder.
Like the full moon, I will be full of a child.
My child will be like a month - clear, like the moon - beautiful.
As the new month is born, so will my baby be born.

Conspiracy to sell an apartment

To quickly and profitably sell an apartment or other real estate, you need to carry out a ritual of saying goodbye to your home.

Do a general cleaning, wash the corners with salt. Then walk around the entire apartment from the entrance clockwise with a lit candle in your hands, crossing each corner three times with this candle. This way you will destroy negativity and your energetic attachment to home.

Anfisa Stepanovna, tarot reader, master of high magic

Pick up spruce needles according to the number of angles (spruce needles are a must; pine or fir are not suitable). Then sit on the threshold, read the spell: “Thank you to this house. Just as a blacksmith needs to forge, a plowman needs to plow, a merchant needs to trade, a priest needs to pray for honest people, and I need to go to church and be baptized, so a kind, rich and generous buyer should come to my house, pay for it and settle in it.” .

Place a needle in each corner and wait for buyers.

Conspiracy against cockroaches

Tired of placing bait around the house and chasing every member of the mustachioed tribe with dichlorvos? Try this spell. He will help once and for all.

Make a small (about 5 cm long) stuffed cockroach out of paper and thread. Place it on the table and hit it with a newspaper, repeating nine times: “I’m hitting and killing a bunch of cockroaches, I’m driving them out of my house!” Their paws will dry out, and their mustache will dry out completely. They will all die as one, my words will overcome them. Let it be so in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen".

Repeat the ritual for nine days, then bury the effigy in the ground, saying: “Here is your coffin, cockroach race.”

Grandma Olympias, battle mage

Do you use spells or magic rituals? Share in the comments those that really work.