Change profession in adulthood. How? Professions for women after 40

Downsizing, loss of relevance of the existing specialty, relocation and inability to find a job due to education - these are not even all the reasons when a woman has to look for a job.

Today, learning a new profession after 40 years is more than important - other technologies and additional opportunities appear that it is simply a shame not to take advantage of. Where and how to get additional skills and, most importantly, what you can learn in mature age to successfully pass an interview and get a job?

What profession can you really find and what is better to choose?

When choosing a new profession after 40 years, you should not dream of drastic changes and make grandiose plans if you need money today, but do not have the time or funds for training. There are a lot of vacancies where you can get a job without a specialty and even without experience.

Retail networks - relevant and promising

The shortage of personnel in trade has led to the fact that retail chains are ready to train on site and absolutely free of charge. Most often supermarkets require:

  • cashiers;
  • sellers;
  • merchandise display employees;
  • packers and packers;
  • receivers of goods.

At serious attitude there is a prospect for career growth, because retirement is still far away! You can learn a little on the job and take the position of merchandiser, senior salesperson, section manager, or senior cashier.

The advantage is that you do not have to pay for training, and also study without knowing whether you will be able to get a job in the profession you have received.

Another option for working in trade is to master the profession of a merchandiser. There are two ways here - work in one retail chain or for a manufacturer (wholesale supplier), visiting various retail chains. In the second case, you will need a car or at least a license if the company provides transportation. Responsibilities: monitor turnover, ensure display of goods, maintain assortment.

Social services – flexible schedule

If you need a flexible schedule, then look for vacancies in social services. The essence of the work is to help elderly and sedentary people with household chores. It is not necessary to do cleaning and cooking; you can simply deliver food and medicine ordered by your clients.

This kind of work is attractive due to its free schedule; at the same time, you will be able to solve your problems - take your child to school, go to the market, take care of the house and yourself. Working in a social service, you, of course, will not earn a lot of money, but you will feel needed and useful, you will become kinder and more soulful.

Real estate industry – realtor’s feet feed

If you want to learn a promising profession after 40 years, pay attention to the work of a realtor. The real estate sector is expanding; you can engage in rentals, exchanges, sales of secondary and new housing, concluding direct agreements with developers.

It’s great if you have a legal education, because today a successful and well-earning realtor does not just bring the buyer and seller together, but checks the purity of the transaction and accompanies it from start to finish.

It is difficult to master the profession of a realtor on your own. The courses, of course, will help, but it is not a fact that immediately after them you will be able to work for yourself. Ideal option- get a job at some agency that accepts employees without experience, start working from the very bottom, study, if necessary, take courses at the same time or find online training.

Beauty industry is a dream job

You should only consider learning a new profession in the beauty industry after 40 years of age if you have always enjoyed doing similar things. There are many possibilities here:

  • hair extensions - requires virtually no talent, easy and quick to learn, good income if you have regular customers;
  • pedicure, manicure and nail business - can be mastered, but you need to have the ability to draw;
  • make-up artist – suitable for women with good taste and artistic abilities;
  • cosmetologist – perfect choice For medical workers, tired of patients$
  • hair removal master.

It is not difficult to learn all these professions - in every city there are courses that last only a few days. Finding a job in a regular hairdresser is also not difficult. The hardest thing is to get clients. Most women immediately start working for themselves; it is much more profitable and realistic.

Read more about this in our other publications.

Tourism business for sociable and erudite people

There are travel companies in every city - domestic tourism continues to develop and is even crowding out holidays abroad. If you are good with geography, love communicating with people and are able to quickly learn information, try becoming a tourism manager. Go through the agencies, find out what their requirements are for employees, whether you need to take courses or you can study right on the spot.

If you live in a city where tourists come, are familiar with the history of your area, do not mince words, have clear speech and remember numbers and facts well, it makes sense to think about becoming a tour guide.

Such employees are also required for weekend field trips. You can learn through courses, but you will also have to study a lot on your own. Knowledge of foreign languages ​​and related education will be a huge advantage.

Vocational training for unemployed citizens at state expense

The state also supports people left without work. By contacting the employment service, you can receive a referral to free training new profession. Most often, this requires registering for unemployment, but sometimes you can do without unnecessary formalities.

It turned out that the level of competence of people is unevenly distributed by age. It would seem that the older a person is, and the longer he has been engaged in his profession, the higher the competence should be, the better the results and the louder the success?

However, this is not observed in all professions. Perhaps only in some areas of art - painting, music, sculpture, literature, partly directing, crafts, martial arts, and then, subject to continuous practice and close involvement in the real industry.

In all other professions, there is a completely different distribution of competencies by age, with the peak occurring between 30 and 40 years. During this period, people are actively immersed in real projects and are less involved in management.

After 40 years, many people move from direct professional activities to managerial ones, which inevitably reduces their competencies. Some at the age of 30–35 create their own business and go freelance, as a result of which they have to upgrade their marketing, sales, accounting, and business organization. There is less time for professional growth.

Individually, this age range of competency distribution varies greatly by industry. There are industries, for example, software development, where the rate of change is so high that the peak of competencies falls in the range from 25 to 35, and does not grow much because technologies, tools and frameworks are actively changing. There are industries where the rate of change is lower, so the peak of competencies moves closer to 40–45, sometimes to 50, which is already rare.

But one way or another, there is a significant number of people over 45, 50, 55 who have a serious problem: they changed many professions, but all these professions are outdated to one degree or another. As a result, such people are in a kind of illusion.

They continue to think that they are STILL professionals in these industries. Compared to beginner amateurs — yes, but for the requirements of the modern market, no longer!

That means back to school! 45–50–55–65 is the range when you can and should acquire a new profession, open up new horizons and opportunities. Why and why is this necessary?

Bad news first

If you are professionally illiquid, then an unpleasant prospect awaits you. You can continue to serve more and more simple processes and, most likely, within 10–15 years you will be laid off. It is difficult and almost impossible for you to compete with the next generation in the age range of 35–45. Especially ….

Good news — we have a lot of it!

  • Oddly enough, people don’t get dumber with age, but get smarter! This is a proven fact, which means that You can learn 10–20 times faster, especially in complex subjects and skills. Yes, teenagers and schoolchildren will beat you in computer shooting games, but they will not even come close to understanding the complex concepts that you intuitively understand instantly. Why? Because your erudition, contextual spaces, ability to operate with categories and connect concepts are several times higher at this age. And they will continue to increase if you take care of this in advance.
  • You read faster, but most importantly, you understand faster. If young man it takes several years to enter the profession — you need just a few months, if you do it with the same intensity. Many who are over 45 they are afraid to study because they are used to thinking that it will take a very long time.

Children take a long time to learn, but adults learn 100 and 200 times faster. Now you don't have to be afraid.

  • You see new opportunities faster when connecting with new knowledge. Why? Because opportunity — is reverse side problems, and you see them and are able to recognize them more and better precisely because you are more experienced and sophisticated in life. The problem with new startups is that they quickly gain expertise in technology, but they do not have knowledge of life and understanding of problems. Therefore, you will have new knowledge provide 10–20 times more opportunities than young people.

  • You renew your brain and it starts working 3-5 times more efficiently, because the brain, like any organ, works better the more often it is used. And learning and solving new problems —    most best way updates.
  • Intensive learning dramatically reduces risk of age-related dementia, which is too early to think about before 40, and after 55 it's not too late.
  • New learning means new contacts, new horizons, new meanings, new countries. Children and household problems in the past.

The second youth has arrived — it’s time to discover the world, get new sensations, new experiences — everything is just beginning.

  • Feel yourself young again, a student again, leave the constraining role of an experienced person. Experience is needed to help you, not limit your growth opportunities.

What to study?

The general approach is based on two simple criteria:

Criterion No. 1: What do you like, what do you have a passion for?

People often do this here mistake #1  - You are excited about many things that you know or have somehow encountered. But there is a lot of everything much moreover what you don't know, and that, perhaps, would have stuck you much stronger. In order not to fall into this mistake, read more in various industry press, go to events in different areas that are far from your everyday life.

Mistake #2  - when people choose a profession. This is incorrect and I will explain why. A profession is just a tool for achieving and realizing your desires and ideas of success. Therefore, first you should understand what the picture of success, the experience that you want to achieve, looks like. What does the role you want to play look like? Once you understand this, everything becomes much easier with the choice of profession.

Criterion No. 2: What will develop promisingly and intensively within 5–8 years?

The calculation is simple - 5-7 months will be spent on training, approximately 7-9 months on entering a new field and getting to the forefront (remember that you are doing this 20 times faster than young people), and approximately 5 years of unlimited professional, social and financial growth . Then, most likely, either a transition to more high level  - management and business, or again a change of direction.

It turned out that the level of competence of people is unevenly distributed by age. It would seem that the older a person is and the longer he has been engaged in his profession, the higher the competence should be, the better the results and the louder the success?

However, this is not observed in all professions. Perhaps only in some areas of art: in painting, music, sculpture, literature, partly in directing, in crafts, martial arts, and even then under the condition of continuous practice and close involvement in the real industry.

In all other professions, there is a completely different distribution of competencies by age, with the peak occurring between 30 and 40 years. At this time, people are actively immersed in real projects and are less involved in management.

After 40 years, many people move from direct professional activities to managerial ones, which inevitably reduces their competencies.

Some at the age of 30–35 create their own business, as a result of which they have to improve marketing, sales, accounting, and business organization. There is less time left for professional growth.

Individually, this age range of competency distribution varies greatly by industry. There are industries, such as software development, where the rate of change is so high that the peak of competencies falls in the range from 25 to 35 and does not grow much because technologies, tools and frameworks are actively changing. There are industries where the rate of change is lower, so the peak of competencies moves closer to 40–45, sometimes to 50, which is already rare.

But one way or another, there is a significant number of people over 45, 50, 55 years old who have a serious problem: they have changed many professions, but all these professions are outdated to one degree or another. As a result, such people are in a kind of illusion.

They continue to think that they are still professionals in these industries. Compared to novice amateurs - yes, but for the requirements of the modern market - no longer!

That means back to school! 45, 50, 55, 65 - this is the range when you can and should acquire, open up new horizons and opportunities. Why and why is this necessary?

Why study

Bad news first

If you are professionally illiquid, then an unpleasant prospect awaits you. You can continue to service increasingly simpler processes, and most likely within 10-15 years you will be laid off. It is difficult and almost impossible for you to compete with the next generation in the 35-45 age range. Moreover, the robots are advancing. Therefore, we will not discuss further why this is necessary: ​​it is already clear. Let's talk about the benefits of getting a new profession.

Good news: we have a lot of them!

1. Oddly enough, people do not get dumber with age, but get smarter. This is a proven fact. You can learn 10-20 times faster, especially in complex subjects and skills. Yes, teenagers will beat you at computer shooting games, but they won't even come close to understanding the complex concepts that you will intuitively understand instantly. Why? Because your erudition, contextual spaces, ability to operate with categories and connect concepts are several times higher at this age. And they will continue to increase if you take care of this in advance.

2. You read faster and, most importantly, understand faster. If it takes a young person several years to enter the profession, it will only take you a few months if you do it with the same intensity. Many people over 45 are afraid to study because they are used to thinking that it will take a very long time.

Children take a long time to learn, but adults learn 100 and 200 times faster. Now you don't have to be afraid.

3. You see new opportunities faster when you connect with new knowledge. Why? Because opportunities are the other side of problems, and you see them and are able to recognize them more and better precisely because you are more experienced and sophisticated in life. The problem for new startups is that they quickly gain expertise in technology, but they do not have knowledge of life and understanding of problems. Therefore, new knowledge will give you 10–20 times more opportunities than young people.

5. Intensive education dramatically reduces the likelihood of age-related dementia, which is too early to think about before 40, and after 55 it’s not too late. More details about this can be found in the presentation of my TED talk “Non-drug approaches to active aging.”

6. New learning means new contacts, new horizons, new meanings, new countries. Children and household problems in the past.

The second youth has arrived - the time to discover the world, gain new sensations, new experiences. Everything is just beginning.

Feel yourself young again, a student again, leave the constraining role of an experienced person. Experience is there to help you, not limit your ability to grow.

What to study

The general approach relies on two simple criteria.

1. What do you like, what do you have a passion for?

People often make mistake No. 1: you get excited about many things that you know and have experienced. But there is a lot of everything. There is much more that you don’t know and that could possibly embarrass you much more. To avoid making this mistake, you need to read more different industry press, go to events in different areas that are far from your everyday life.

Mistake #2: Choosing a profession. A profession is just a tool for achieving and realizing your desires and ideas of success. Therefore, first you should understand what the picture of success looks like, the experience you want to gain. What does the role you want to play look like? Once you understand this, everything becomes much easier with the choice of profession.

2. What will develop promisingly and intensively within 5–8 years?

The calculation is simple: it will take 5–7 months to study, about 7–9 months to enter a new field and get to the forefront (remember that you do this faster than young people) and about 5 years of unlimited professional, social and financial growth. Then, most likely, either a transition to a higher level - management and business - or another change of direction.

“I worked for 20 years in one profession right after graduating from college. She made a good career. I even get a good salary. But every day when I come to work, I start to feel “sick” from everything.

And the question is not even about the company where I work. Because Over the course of 20 years I have changed them several times. The problem is that I no longer want to work within this profession. I want self-realization in a completely different direction. But I'm 40 years old. And give employers 30-year-olds, without children, and with at least 2 years of work experience in a similar position. Don't know, what to do».

Or this option:

“After college I got a job. She worked for three years. I didn’t really like the job, but then I didn’t have much choice. Then she went on her first maternity leave. Before it was over, she gave birth to a child again. I was on maternity leave for a long time, now the children are already going to school, I’m about forty years old.

There is practically no work experience, but I already want self-realization. Who will hire me like this? After all, even candidates with extensive professional experience at this age are reluctant to be accepted into companies.”

Here are just a couple of examples of letters and requests from my clients during consultations.

Today I will try to answer the question: what to do? Today I will not talk about finding a calling and choosing what you love. By default, we will assume that you have already decided on the chosen direction. If not, then first read the articles in my, or sign up with me, and we will not only determine your vocation, but also write a plan of action.

If you are planning to start your own business or information business, everything is simpler here - no employer will interfere with you, and your age will most likely play a plus to your authority.

But not everyone is comfortable doing business. Many find it much calmer to work for hire. Therefore, today’s recommendations will be just for you – those who are afraid to change their career and field of activity because of their age.

I would like to consider common stereotypes among employers and candidates today. And I will try to encourage you with specific recommendations and examples.

First, about stereotypes.

In fact, you are right when you say that employers want young, unencumbered employees with incredible education, professional skills and experience in a similar role.

Let's start with the fact that this is not the case in all companies. There are companies that do not hire employees under 35 years of age. There are employers who are willing to interview you if you sell yourself well in your resume and cover letter.

1. He who seeks will always find! Search! Don't limit yourself to job exchanges or job sites. Find at least 20 companies in your city that you would like to work for. Write them letters. Even if they don’t have a vacancy right now, or they are basically not interested in you, you have nothing to lose!

In my practice, there were at least 7 cases when a person sent out his resume in this way. As a result, I either received the answer that at the moment there are no suitable vacancies, or received an alternative offer for another position, or did not receive a response at all. But after 3-6 months (!) his efforts were more than rewarded: he received a letter offering him an interview for the desired position!

The main thing is to understand that all the efforts you make will not be in vain.

2. Sell yourself! What benefits will a potential employer receive if they hire you? First, just write it all down on a piece of paper. Include in this list all your strengths, your skills, knowledge, achievements. Read and decide whether you would “buy” yourself by looking at your resume?

If not, what is missing? What knowledge do you lack? What needs to be developed in the near future? Make another list based on the answers to these questions. Before you begin answering these questions, review job postings for similar positions. Look carefully, what does the employer want to see in a potential candidate for this position? Pay attention first of all to the tasks that the employee must perform and what skills he must have. Don't look at age wishes (see point #1).

Your task is to collect the necessary information and draw up a plan for your development.

3. Improve the necessary professional skills. You have compiled a list of required skills for your desired position. Now determine how and where you can purchase them. No need to get a second one higher education. You can always find retraining courses or advanced training courses, or short-term training courses.

If there are none in your city, pay attention to online distance learning. Many training centers in large cities have long created distance learning programs, upon completion of which they will send you a supporting document (certificate, certificate or even diploma). Read specialized literature, educate yourself.

4. Try on a new profession. After all, in fact, everything may not turn out to be as “romantic” as you pictured it in your imagination. Consider remote work options so you can stay in your current job and still try yourself in a new profession.

Also consider freelancing or volunteering. In your free time, you can work for free or take on small one-time jobs.

5. In addition, many companies are interested in employees without work experience and train them themselves. If there are no such companies in your city, again, consider working online. Many companies in large cities or large private entrepreneurs and information businessmen recruit employees and conduct interviews via the Internet. There is no need to go to the office every day, you can work from home. Search!

If you are afraid that you will not be officially employed, what about interrupted service and pension... What can I say! Or look official work and hold on to apparent stability, or take risks. I will disappoint you - there is no stability. The Lord did not promise tomorrow to anyone. The economic and political situation in the country and in the world can change at any moment, and your work experience and all yours pension savings may depreciate at any time.

Determine for yourself what is more important to you now: self-realization in your favorite business or an entry in your work book, which may guarantee you a pension in old age? But I’ll make a reservation right away: nothing prevents you from finding a job where you can have both. Search!

6. Prepare for the interview. Before you go for an interview, think about your answers to this question: “Why should we hire you instead of someone who is more experienced in this field?” This is where listing your skills and talents (see point 2) that are suitable for this job will come in handy, and if you were actively involved in improving them (seminars, courses, special literature, volunteering, etc.), the effect will be even better.

Think about examples from your past professional activities. Surely you have had to perform similar tasks and cope with them successfully. If you remember at least 3-5 such examples, you will feel more confident and will be able to mention this at the interview.

And finally, examples that will give you self-confidence.

The famous Russian artist Yuri Larin, whose works are exhibited in museums in Paris, Moscow and New York, worked as a hydraulic engineer until the age of 40, when he entered the Stroganov School.

A resident of an island state in Oceania, Francois Latil worked as a lawyer and designed bows in his spare time. At the age of 62, he made his Olympic debut in Sydney, taking part in archery competitions.

JK Rowling, author of the Harry Potter books, published her first book at the age of 33. Before that, she worked as a researcher and secretary-translator for Amnesty International. And since writing her first book, in five years, Rowling has gone from living on welfare to becoming a multimillionaire.

The famous Louise Hay, who wrote the first book, Heal Your Body, when she was 50 years old. Moreover, behind the author’s shoulders is only high school, religious courses and life experiences.

There are such examples all over the world and beyond. Many women aged 40-50-60 come to me for consultations. And even if at the age of 60 you get a job in any company for permanent job It’s really difficult, they don’t get lost and start their own business! Some are offline, some are online.

The main thing is self-belief, confidence in the chosen direction and motivation, supported by practical actions.

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Reassessment of values

“The revaluation of values ​​begins already around the age of 30,” says psychologist Anna Mukhina. “On one side of the scale is what a person has actually achieved, and on the other are the goals and objectives that he set for himself. And this happens to almost everyone, regardless of whether a person is successful or not... By re-examining what he wanted and what was achieved, a person adjusts his goals..."
However, only a few decide to take drastic steps. It is curious that doctors not only do not object to such drastic changes in life, but even welcome them. Change opens up the prospect of new victories, rejuvenates the soul and ultimately improves health.

Today the Internet is filled to capacity with various career guidance tests. And in special career guidance centers they admit that they used to help schoolchildren and students find their way, but in lately the influx of adults began.

“About four years ago, we organized a special program for adults,” the Center for Testing and Development “Humanitarian Technologies” told Nedelya. “Before, we worked more with children, but then their parents began to come. To be honest, it’s more difficult with them. One thing It’s a completely different matter to help a teenager choose a profession; it’s quite another thing to help a person with an education and current life situation.

Test the dream

“We conduct testing for adults on weekends, and each time about 20-25 people gather,” they say at the Center. “At first it was more women, now about half. Everyone's situation is different. Let's say we had a successful businessman who seemed to have achieved everything, but... it did not bring him joy in life. We tested him and it turned out that he needs to be... a dog handler. And just imagine, he decided to make drastic changes in his life.

Often among those who want to change jobs are top managers and businessmen of large companies. Prestigious work helped to amass decent capital. The fear of losing their usual standard of living allows businessmen, at best, to realize their unfulfilled dreams as a hobby.

“We had one wealthy man who was very tormented by the fact that he had made a mistake in his profession. According to the test, it turned out that he had to work with children... As a result, he became involved in charity work, created some kind of children’s fund and thanked us very much, that we suggested something for his soul."

The Center's employees also suggested that the 52-year-old chief accountant retrain as a designer. The woman was on the verge of a nervous breakdown...

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According to psychologists, the increasing pace of life dictates new rules. In the next ten years, the number of people wishing to change their profession will only grow. Moreover, not only people 30 and 40 years old, but also those who are much older will be drawn to change. And who knows, maybe among the new talents there will be people whom others have long written off?!

Is it easy to find a job after 40?

If you surf the Internet looking for a job, the picture is sour. Wherever you look, workers from 25 to 35 are required. So what should an optimist do, who happily decided to start life with clean slate and mastered a new profession?

“Nobody says that finding a new profession in adulthood will be easy,” admits psychologist Anna Mukhina. “Especially since a person has no work experience. It will be somewhat easier if it is a specialty related to his previous profession. There will be no special problems and for those who have capital or their own business. For the rest... everything depends on character and inner determination.

If you are sure that you need it, then even a dozen refusals at an interview will not lead you astray. And there are such examples, believe me. I had a woman who got a new profession and went to get a job with a ten-year gap in her work record. And she succeeded, because she was left alone and had to somehow feed the children. All problems, of course, depend on the technology of our labor exchange. Someone in the West should try asking a candidate for a position about his age and nationality! The company would have been sued immediately.

True, lately, age requirements have begun to disappear in our vacancies. By the way, Russian labor legislation stipulates that a person cannot be refused employment because of his age. So you just need to be able to fight for yourself - and everything will work out."

Who managed to start everything from scratch

The writer Edgard Burroughs, the author of the sensational adventures of Tarzan, was a military man, a policeman, a store owner, and even a gold miner. He began writing after 35 and this is what brought him worldwide recognition.

The famous Russian artist Yuri Larin, whose works are exhibited in museums in Paris, Moscow and New York, worked as a hydraulic engineer until the age of 40, when he entered the Stroganov School.

A resident of an island state in Oceania, Francois Latil worked as a lawyer and designed bows in his spare time. At the age of 62, he made his Olympic debut in Sydney, taking part in archery competitions.

70-year-old resident of Volgodonsk Nikolai Ershov, having worked as a policeman and engineer at the airport, retired and entered the South Russian State Technical University. There he is now studying to become a welding engineer.