Social studies test "nations and interethnic relations". Preparation for the Unified State Exam in Social Studies: tests (20 pages) Are modern judgments about interethnic relations correct?

PROFILE - 11th grade

1 - option.

1. Ethnic communities include

1) communities 2) elites 3) marginalized 4) nationalities

2. Which feature primarily distinguishes ethnic groups?

1) community of professional interests

2) similar level of income and quality of life

3) commonality of historical experience, historical memory

4) belonging to a single age group

3. One of the main trends in the development of modern interethnic relations, associated with the gradual rapprochement of various peoples and nations in the economic, political, and spiritual spheres of society, is called

1) interethnic differentiation 2) international integration

3) cultural pluralism 4) interethnic conflict

4 . One of the ways to prevent the rotation of inter-national conflicts in a democratic society:

1) consistent na-ra-schi-va-nie military-en-no-go in ten-tsi-a-la state

2) a compact distribution of people of one nationality within a multi-national state

3) ensuring the rights and freedoms of all citizens not outside their national affiliation

4) creation of na-tsi-o-nal-but one-family states

5 . Are the following judgments about interethnic relations correct?

A. Interethnic relations are intertwined with other social relations (political, economic, environmental, spiritual, linguistic).

B. Interethnic relations exist in pure form, in isolation from other social relations.

6 . Are the following judgments about national identity true?

A. National identity is an obligatory feature of an ethnic community.

B. National identity is formed from unconscious or semi-conscious stereotypes of behavior that distinguish one people from another;

1) only A is true 2) only B is true

3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

7. One of the constitutional principles of national policy in Russian Federation is:

1) exaggeration of the place and role of national-cultural autonomy within a single federal state

2) creating conditions for dispersed living small peoples in the national environment

3) equality of all subjects of the Russian Federation in relations with federal government bodies

4) priority of human rights, establishment of privileges for the “indigenous” nation

8. Are the following judgments about trends in the development of nations at the present stage correct?

A . The process of rapprochement and unification of nations based on economic integration.

B . The process of differentiation of nations, expressed in their desire for self-determination.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true

3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

9. In a democratic state, national policy is implemented through:

1) guaranteeing the rights of small peoples

2) constitutional consolidation of the national electoral qualification

3) granting rights to citizens based on nationality

4) restriction of the use of the national language

10. Find the forms of interethnic integration in the list below and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.- 2 points.

1) religious fanaticism

2) interpenetration of religions and cultures

3) protectionism in the economy

4) transnational corporations

5) globalization

Evaluation criteria: 11 b. - “5” 10- 8 b. - “4” 7- 5 b.- “3” less than 5 b.- “2”

Test on the topic: “Ethnicity and nation. Interethnic relations."

PROFILE - 11th grade

2 - option.

For correctly completed tasks 1-9 - 1 point.

1. Which community is characterized by the following features: peculiarities of language, culture, common historical memory?

1) professional 2) territorial

3) demographic 4) ethnic

2. One of the characteristics of a people as an ethnocultural community is:

1) common citizenship 2) unity of beliefs

3) common social status 4) common religion

3. The historical varieties of ethnic communities include:

1) states 2) tribes 3) estates 4) confessions

4 . Are the following conclusions about national policy correct?

A. In the Russian Fe-de-ra-tion on-tsi-o-nal-naya on-li-ti-ka on-right-le-na on for-mi-ro-va-nie de-mo- Kra-ti-che-skih mechanisms for resolving na-ci-o-nal and inter-na-ci-o-nal problems.

B. Ha-rak-ter na-tsi-o-nal-noy po-li-ti-ki for-vi-sit from specific is-to-ri-che-conditions.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true

3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

5 . Toward a culture of interethnic relationsdoes not apply:

1) realization of the rights and freedoms of persons of any nationality

2) respect for national identity

3) recognition of the right of every people to access the achievements of world civilization

4) manifestation of national mistrust

6 . Are the following statements about ethnicity correct?

A. As an ethnos develops, its biological traits decrease and its socio-political ones increase.

B. Ethnic groups include tribes, nationalities and nations.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true

3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

7 . One of the ways to resolve interethnic conflicts is:

1) the presence of a democratic rule of law state

2) use in conflicts armed forces

3) national isolation

4) absolutization of national sovereignty

8 . Are the following judgments about the ethnic self-awareness of the people correct?

A . The ethnic self-awareness of a people captures inherited cultural traditions and an understanding of their place among other peoples.

B . The ethnic self-awareness of the people has not yet been formed at such a stage of development of the ethnos as a tribe.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true

3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

9. The trend towards interethnic integration in society is reflected

1) separatism 2) rapprochement of peoples

3) national isolation 4) national differentiation

10. Find the forms of interethnic differentiation in the list below and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.- 2 points.

1) protectionism in the economy

2) transnational corporations

3) nationalism in various forms in politics and culture

4) globalization

5) self-isolation

Evaluation criteria:

11 b. - "5"

10- 8 b - “4”

7- 5 points - “3”

less than 5 points - “2”


Test "Nations and national relations"

1. Sign of an ethnic social community

1) class division 2) single citizenship 3) language and culture 4) religion and morality

2. Definition:“A set of genera interconnected by a common culture, origin, dialect, religious ideas, rituals” refers to the concept

1) family 2) people 3) tribe 4) nation

3. The name of the person’s belonging to any ethnic group

1) people 2) nationality 3) nation 4) tribe

4. Are the following judgments about the ethnic self-awareness of the people true?

A. The ethnic self-awareness of a people captures inherited cultural traditions and an understanding of their place among other peoples.

B. The ethnic self-awareness of the people has not yet been formed at such a stage of development of the ethnos as a tribe.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

5. Are the following judgments about the nation true?

A. People belonging to the same nation are united by a common historical and cultural tradition.

B. People belonging to the same nation always speak the same language.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect.

6. Definition:“Ideology and policy consisting of the preaching of national exclusivity and national superiority, aimed at inciting national hatred and pitting one nation against another in the interests of one nation” refers to the concept

1) xenophobia 2) genocide 3) discrimination 4) nationalism

7. Are the following judgments about trends in the development of nations at the present stage correct?

A. The process of rapprochement, the unification of nations based on economic integration.

B. The process of differentiation of nations, expressed in their desire for self-determination.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

8. The trend towards interethnic integration in society is reflected

1) separatism 2) rapprochement of peoples 3) national isolation

4) national differentiation

9. The cause of conflicts on ethnic grounds is(are)

1) strengthening of inflationary processes in the economy

2) infringement of the rights of national minorities

3) environmental problems in the regions

4) property differentiation of the population

10. Genocide is

1) policy of forced separation of the population based on racial discrimination

2) policies aimed at the destruction of any national, ethnic or religious

3) restriction or deprivation of the rights of certain groups of people on national, political or other social grounds

4) ideology and policy of priority of the national factor in social development

11. In a democratic state, national policy is implemented through

1) guaranteeing the rights of small peoples

2) constitutional consolidation of the national electoral qualification

3) granting rights to citizens based on nationality

4) restriction of the use of the national language

12. Are the following judgments about social tension in society true?

A. Social tension in society is characterized by a loss of trust in authorities.

B. Social tension in society is characterized by spontaneous mass actions.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

B 1. Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of one, are associated with the concept of “national policy”.

Assimilation; racism; discrimination; stratification; ethnic cleansing.

B 3 . Match between development trends of nations and examples

Examples of manifestation

A) transnational corporations

B) protectionism in the economy

B) religious fanaticism

D) economic and political unions

D) nationalism in politics and culture

Main trends in the development of nations

1) interethnic differentiation

2) interethnic integration

At 4 . Find the forms of interethnic differentiation in the list below and circle the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. protectionism in the economy

2. transnational corporations

3. nationalism in various forms in politics and culture

4. globalization

5. self-isolation

B5. Read the text below, each position of which is numbered.

(1) Nationalist psychology does not arise on its own and independently of national psychology. (2) It, according to many experts, is based on national mental formations. (3) Under the influence of mass interests, they become the subject of absolutization and turn into a certain set of distorted and simplified ideas about the people of their own and other nations and nationalities. (4) These ideas are reinforced by the uncritically accepted response of a negative attitude towards representatives of other socio-ethnic communities.

Determine which provisions of the text are

A) factual nature

B) the nature of value judgments

Under the position number, write down the letter indicating its nature. Transfer the resulting sequence of letters to the answer form.

Q 6. Read the text below, in which a number of words are missing. Choose from the proposed list of words that need to be inserted in place of the gaps.

“The concepts of “______” (1) and “ethnic group” are similar, therefore their definitions are similar. IN lately The term “ethnos” (which is more precise) is increasingly used in ethnography, sociology and political science. There are three types of ethnos. For______ (2) the main basis for uniting people into one _______(3) is blood ties and common ____________(4). With the emergence of states, ________(5), consisting of people related to each other not by blood, but by economic and cultural relations of a territorial-neighborhood type. During the period of bourgeois socio-economic relations, _____(6) is formed - an ethnosocial organism united by cultural, linguistic, historical, ties. territorial and political in nature and having, in the words of the English historian D. Hosking, “a common sense of destiny.”

A) origin B) tribe C) community D) nation E) people

E) nationality G) nationality 3) race I) diaspora

C7 Sikhs in India, Tamils ​​in Sri Lanka, the Basques in Spain advocate the creation of their own states, and the interethnic conflict in these countries has resulted in many years of bloody armed confrontation. What was the cause of ethnic conflicts in these countries? Name any two other causes of interethnic conflicts.

From 8 You are instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic “Nations and national relations.” Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in sub-points.

Test "Nations and National Relations" Answers

Option 1

B 2-stratification



C7 Sikhs in India, Tamils ​​in Sri Lanka, Basques in Spain advocate the creation of their own states, and the interethnic conflict in these countries has resulted in many years of bloody armed confrontation. What was the cause of ethnic conflicts in these countries? Name any two other causes of interethnic conflicts.

The correct answer must contain the following elements:

1) an indication that the cause of interethnic conflicts in these countries was the desire of individual peoples for political independence;

2) other reasons, for example:
- demand for cultural autonomy;
- the struggle for true equality.

Other reasons may be given.

P 8 1) Ethnic groups in the structure of society./ Nations are a special type of ethnic group.

2) Signs of ethnicity:

a) presence of territory of residence;

b) common language, traditions, customs;

c) commonality of historical and sociocultural experience;

d) similar features of appearance, character and mentality.

3) Varieties of ethnic groups:

a) clan and tribe;

b) nationality;

4) Main trends in the development of interethnic relations:

a) interethnic integration;

b) interethnic differentiation.

5) Democratic principles of interethnic relations:

a) equality of rights for representatives of different nations in all spheres of society;

b) free access to the study of national languages, customs and traditions;

c) the right of citizens to determine their nationality;

d) development of tolerance and multicultural dialogue in society;

e) creating in society an intolerant attitude towards xenophobia, chauvinism, and propaganda of national exclusivity.

6) Interethnic relations and national politics in modern Russia.

6. Are the following judgments about interethnic relations true?

A. Interethnic relations include relationships between individuals in the production process and in the development of culture.

B. Interethnic relations include relations between nationalities in the production process and in the development of culture.

1) only A is true;

2) only B is true;

3) both judgments are correct;

4) both judgments are incorrect.

7. Belittlement, derogation, infringement of rights based on nationality:

1) nationalism; 3) apartheid;

2) conflict; 4) discrimination.

8. Are the judgments about interethnic relations correct?

A. Interethnic relations are relations between different nationalities within one state.

B. Interethnic relations are relations between different nation-states.

1) only A is true;

2) only B is true;

3) both judgments are correct;

4) both judgments are incorrect.

9. In Belgium the official languages ​​are French, Danish and German languages. This is an example:

1) formation of a multinational state;

2) ethnocentrism;

3) national integration;

4) cultural integration.

10. In 1991, in the German city of Hoyerswerda, neo-fascists, armed with knives and gas pistols, destroyed a hostel for Vietnamese and Mozambican refugees. This is an example:

1) national and racial intolerance;

2) ethnocentrism;

3) military conflict;

4) deviant behavior.

6.15. Social conflict and ways to resolve it

1. Are the following judgments about the conflict true?

A. Conflict is a collision of opposing goals, interests, positions, and views of the subjects of interaction.

B. A changing set of conditions for typical types of life activity and behavior of people in all spheres of public life: in work, everyday life, political and cultural life.

2. Are the following judgments about the conflict situation true?

A. The situation is a conflict when the parties resist without experiencing negative emotions.

B. The situation is a conflict when experienced negative emotions, but they do not appear externally.

1) only A is true; 3) both judgments are correct;

2) only B is true; 4) both judgments are incorrect.

3. The conflict between the Russian Federation and the Chechen Republic in terms of tension is:

1) low intensity conflict;

2) medium intensity;

3) high intensity;

4) highest intensity.

4. The conflict in Ukraine between supporters of Yushchenko and Yanukovych is:

1) economic conflict;

2) cultural conflict;

3) political conflict;

4) domestic conflict.

5. Are the following judgments about the dynamics of the conflict true?

A. The conflict between the United States and Iran, the United States and North Korea over the issue of Iran and North Korea attempting to create nuclear weapons is in an open period.

B. The conflict between the United States and the terrorist organization Al-Qaeda is in a latent period.

1) only A is true;

2) only B is true;

3) both judgments are correct;

4) both judgments are incorrect.

6. A quarrel between friends, relatives, strangers is an example:

1) social conflict;

2) interpersonal conflict;

3) psychological conflict;

4) social tension.

7. Women find it more difficult than men to manage work and family. This requires a lot of time and effort, which primarily leads to:

1) social conflict;

2) interpersonal conflict;

3) intrapersonal conflict;

6. 16. National policy

1. National policy is:

1) one of the spheres of policy, a set of measures of all branches of government in the field of national relations;

2) a set of main goals, principles and activities of state authorities and local self-government aimed at realizing the social rights of citizens provided for by the Constitution;

3) a set of measures aimed at realizing the political rights of young people;

4) a changing set of conditions and typical types of human activity and behavior.

2. Are the following judgments about the modern nationalities policy of the Russian state correct?

A. A necessary basis for the development of society is ethnopolitical integration.

B. The state-forming ethnic group is assigned the right to control territory, power and natural resources.

1) only A is true;

2) only B is true;

3) both judgments are correct;

4) both judgments are incorrect.

3. What is the name of the ideology and policy based on the idea of ​​national superiority and national exclusivity:

1) racism;

2) nationalism;

3) apartheid;

4) chauvinism.

4. The main direction of development of nations and national relations in modern world is:

1) interethnic integration;

2) interethnic differentiation;

3) self-development of nations;

4) integration (expansion of connections) and differentiation (self-development).

5. Which event reflects a national trend in the development of nations:

1) expansion of the European Community;

2) formation of the CIS;

3) the Sikh movement in India for the creation of an independent state of Khalistan;

4) creation of the Club of Rome organization.

6. The principle of humanism when solving national problems is manifested:

1) in a voluntary search for consent and renunciation of violence;

2) in recognizing the priority of human rights over the rights of the state, society, and peoples;

3) respect for the sovereignty of peoples and their right to self-determination;

4) all of the above.

7. Solving the national question:

1) impossible in modern conditions;

2) requires an integrated approach, including the activities of the state on the principles of democracy and humanism;

3) possibly by force;

4) 2 and 3 are true.

7. Politics

7.1. Power, its origin and types

1. What type of power refers to power over people with the help of scientific knowledge and information; control over the media:

1) economic power;

2) political power;

3) cultural and information power;

4) social power.

2. The ability, right and opportunity to command, dispose and manage someone or something is called:

2) the state; 4) sanction.

3. The term “politics” was first introduced into scientific circulation:

1) K. Marx;

2) Aristotle;

3) M. Weber;

4) V. Lenin.

4. Recognition by society or its majority of the existing power characterizes it:

1) legality;

2) legitimacy;

3) statism;

4) realism.

5. Are the following judgments about the nature of political power true?

A. Political power is exercised in a society divided into classes and other socio-economic groups.

B. Political power is exercised through special political institutions.

1) only A is true;

2) only B is true;

3) both judgments are correct;

4) both judgments are incorrect.

6. The action of political power is:

1) an order to expel a student for poor academic performance;

2) an order on the operating procedures of a department store on holidays;

4) adoption of the law on public organizations.

7. Political actions do not include:

1) election campaign;

2) coup d'état;

3) political organizations;

4) referendum.

8. Are the following judgments about political activity true?

A. The activities of political subjects are aimed at society, at preserving its integrity, as well as at implementing changes in it that meet the interests of the entire society.

B. Distinctive feature political activity is its focus on society as a whole.

1) only A is true;

2) only B is true;

3) both judgments are correct;

4) both judgments are incorrect.

9. Supporters who consider politics as part of the science of morality (ethics), who believe that politicians should serve society and engage in its spiritual healing are representatives of:

1) political moralism;

2) political immoralism;

3) political immorality;

4) political realism.

10. Political power is exercised by:

1) rector of the university;

2) Chairman of the Government;

3) director of a construction company;

4) chairman of a commercial bank.

Current test. Nations and interethnic relations. Option #1

1. A person’s belonging to one or another ethnic group is denoted by the concept

1) nationality 2) nation 3) nationality 4) people

2. Nation as opposed to class

1) develops with the emergence of the state 2) is an ethnic community

3) is a large social group 4) is formed in the conditions of a primitive society

3. The main causes of interethnic conflicts include(-are)

1) everyday prejudices and stereotypes of everyday consciousness

2) violation of personal dignity on a racial or national basis

3) a negative reaction to discrimination against one of the ethnic groups carried out and justified by the authorities

4) all of the above

4. Does not relate to the culture of interethnic relations

1) realization of the rights and freedoms of persons of any nationality

2) respect for national identity

3) recognition of the right of every people to access the achievements of world civilization.

4) manifestation of national mistrust

5. Are the following judgments about ethnicity true?

A. As an ethnic group develops, its biological traits decrease and its socio-political ones increase.

B. Ethnic groups include tribes, nationalities and nations.

6. Are the following judgments about national identity true?

A. National identity is a mandatory feature of an ethnic community.

B. National identity is formed from unconscious or semi-conscious stereotypes of behavior that distinguish one people from another;

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

7. Are the following judgments about interethnic relations true?

A. Interethnic relations are intertwined with other social relations (political, economic, environmental, spiritual, linguistic).

B. Interethnic relations exist in their pure form,” in isolation from other social relations.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

8. In 1991, in the German city of Hayerswerde, neo-fascists and skinheads, armed with knives and gas pistols, destroyed a hostel for Vietnamese and Mozambican refugees. This is an example

1) cultural pluralism 2) tolerance 3) racial intolerance 4) assimilation

9. In the XVII-XVIII centuries. On the basis of closely related nationalities that took shape in the early Middle Ages - Northern French and Provencal - the consolidation of the French took place. What additional information would allow us to conclude that the French nation was formed?

1) is a rather unstable ethnic entity

2) represents an ethnic entity that has common social institutions, norms and values

3) represents a community inferior in number to a nationality

4) is a community characterized by family ties

10. In Belgium the official languages ​​are French, Danish and German, in Switzerland - German, French and Italian. This is an example

1) interethnic integration 2) assimilation 3) ethnic mixing 4) cultural pluralism

11. Write down the word missing in the diagram.


Current test. Nations and interethnic relations. Option No. 2

1. One of the features characterizing an ethnic community is

1) living in the territory of a certain ethnic group 2) awareness of belonging to this ethnic group

3) participation in the economic life of a given ethnic group 4) knowledge of the language of a given ethnic group

2. The earliest type of ethnic group

1) nationality 2) nation 3) tribe 4) supra-ethnic communities

3. In the political-legal approach, a nation is understood as a community

1) people united by religion 2) citizens of a particular state

3) people speaking the same language 4) people united by common traditions and customs

4. Representatives of the same ethnic community must

1) live in the same country 2) have the same eye color

3) adhere to the same ideology 4) have a common identity

5. Interethnic relations are

1) relationships between people that develop in historically defined social forms

2) relations between states, nations, groups, individuals that develop in the process of exercising power

3) interaction of several socio-ethnic communities

4) a system of economic relations between the economies of different countries

6. Leads to national hatred, hostility and suspicions on ethnic grounds

1) cohabitation in one state

2) the emergence of a trend towards national self-determination

3) inequality in the level of economic and cultural development

4) development of folk culture

7. Ethnosocial conflicts arise as a result

1) national consolidation 2) economic crisis

3) development of democracy 4) discrimination based on nationality

8. One of the ways to resolve ethno-national conflicts is politics

1) nationalism 2) multiculturalism 3) chauvinism 4) segregation

9. One of the ways to prevent interethnic conflicts is

1) the presence of a democratic legal state 2) the use of armed forces in conflicts

3) national isolation 4) absolutization of national sovereignty

10. One of the constitutional principles of national policy in the Russian Federation is

1) exaggeration of the place and role of national-cultural autonomy within a single federal state

2) creation of conditions for the isolated residence of small peoples in a foreign environment

3) equality of all subjects of the Russian Federation in relations with federal government bodies

4) priority of human rights, establishment of privileges for the “indigenous” nation

11. Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of one, are associated with the concept of “law of peoples”.

Cultural identity, discrimination, self-identification, self-determination, cultural heritage.

Find and write down a term that is not related to the concept of “rights of peoples.”


12. Read the text below, each position of which is indicated by a specific letter.

(A) In the last quarter of the 20th century, more than 40 armed ethnic conflicts raged in various parts of the globe. (B) Emerging on the territory of one or several countries, they then turned into full-scale wars. (B) Often their reasons, in our opinion, could be territorial claims or pathological intolerance towards another nation. (D) It is believed that, surrendering to the power of national feelings, people acted contrary to common sense.

Determine which provisions of the text are

1) factual nature 2) nature of value judgments

Social studies test Nations and interethnic relations for grade 10 with answers. The test includes two parts. Multiple choice tasks (10 tasks) and short answer tasks (3 tasks).

Multiple Choice Questions

1. A person’s belonging to a particular ethnic group is indicated by the concept

1) nationality
2) nation
3) nationality
4) people

2. Nation versus class

1) develops with the emergence of the state
2) is an ethnic community
3) is a large social group
4) formed in the conditions of primitive society

3. The main causes of interethnic conflicts include(s)

1) everyday prejudices and stereotypes of everyday consciousness
2) violation of personal dignity on a racial or national basis
3) a negative reaction to discrimination against one of the ethnic groups carried out and justified by the authorities
4) all of the above

4. Does not apply to the culture of interethnic relations

1) realization of the rights and freedoms of persons of any nationality
2) respect for national identity
3) recognition of the right of every people to access the achievements of world civilization
4) manifestation of national mistrust

5. Are the following judgments about ethnicity correct?

A. As an ethnic group develops, its biological traits decrease and its socio-political ones increase.
B. Ethnic groups include tribes, nationalities and nations.

1) only A is correct
2) only B is correct
3) both judgments are correct
4) both judgments are incorrect

6. Are the following judgments about national identity true?

A. National identity is a mandatory feature of an ethnic community.
B. National identity is formed from unconscious or semi-conscious stereotypes of behavior that distinguish one people from another.

1) only A is correct
2) only B is correct
3) both judgments are correct
4) both judgments are incorrect

7. Are the following judgments about interethnic relations true?

A. Interethnic relations are intertwined with other social relations (political, economic, environmental, spiritual, linguistic).
B. Interethnic relations exist in their pure form, in isolation from other social relations.

1) only A is correct
2) only B is correct
3) both judgments are correct
4) both judgments are incorrect

8. In 1991, in the German city of Hayerswerde, neo-fascists and skinheads, armed with knives and gas pistols, destroyed a hostel for Vietnamese and Mozambican refugees. This is an example

1) cultural pluralism
2) tolerance
3) racial intolerance
4) assimilation

9. In the XVII-XVIII centuries. On the basis of closely related nationalities that took shape in the early Middle Ages - Northern French and Provencal - the consolidation of the French took place. What additional information would allow us to conclude that the French nation was formed?

1) is a rather unstable ethnic entity
2) represents an ethnic entity that has common social institutions, norms and values
3) represents a community inferior in number to a nationality
4) is a community characterized by family ties

10. In Belgium the official languages ​​are French, Danish and German, in Switzerland - German, French and Italian. This is an example

1) interethnic integration
2) assimilation
3) ethnic mixing
4) cultural pluralism

Short answer questions

1. Write down the word missing in the diagram.

2. Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of one, are associated with the concept of “law of peoples”.

Cultural identity, discrimination, self-identification, self-determination, cultural heritage.

Find and write down a term that is not related to the concept of “rights of peoples.”

3. Read the text below, each position of which is indicated by a specific letter.

(A) In the last quarter of the 20th century, more than 40 armed ethnic conflicts raged in various parts of the globe. (B) Emerging on the territory of one or several countries, they then turned into full-scale wars. (B) Often their reasons, in our opinion, could be territorial claims or pathological intolerance towards another nation. (D) It is believed that, surrendering to the power of national feelings, people acted contrary to common sense.

Determine which provisions of the text are

1) factual nature
2) the nature of value judgments

Answers to the social studies test Nations and interethnic relations for grade 10
Multiple Choice Questions
Short answer questions
1. Ethnicity (people)
2. Discrimination
3. 1122